Global Casting Magazine April 2020

Page 1

Green Sand Emissions and the Concentration of Carbonaceous Additives

含碳添加剂浓度与粘土砂工艺排放 Also 还请关注: Industry News p. 8 行业新闻 p.8



Casting Competence Across Three Continents

“We knew we were sending money out with every load, just unsure how much. Initially we estimated a one year payback. In reality we were blown away with a payback in less than 3 months. Reliability…check. Performance…check. Payback…check. Obviously we are thrilled!” Steve Starks, Olin Brass



APRIL 2020

volume 10 number 1





31 Energy and Raw Material Savings in Foundries Through Utilization of Simulation

31 充分利用模拟仿真实现铸造厂节能降耗

36 Recommendations for Welding Aluminum Castings

41 含碳添加剂浓度与粘土砂工艺排放

41 Green Sand Emissions and the Concentration of Carbonaceous Additives

36 关于铝铸件焊接的建议

46 2020压铸件评选:创新铝合金压铸件获 奖

46 2020 Die-Casting Competition: Prizes for Innovative Aluminium Die-Castings DEPARTMENTS


5 Editorial 8 Industry News 50 Product News

5 编者的话 8 行业新闻 50 产品新闻




The State of Emergency Presents Challenges and Opportunities 紧急情况下的机遇与挑战

f COVID-19 were a new alloy, a new molding system, or an ingenious measuring technology, we would enthusiastically accept the topic and discuss the possible applications in practice. When COVID-19 started on its gruesome path, first in Wuhan and then in the rest of the world, we felt that COVID-19, also called the coronavirus, is an “enemy” that attacks our people, our societies, industry, and economy. Nobody is immune and the antidote is still a long time coming. In the meantime, politics drive public life and with it also our foundry industry, its suppliers and most of the cast buyers markets to zero. It’s a nightmare with science fiction quality that also bind us together, the consequences affect us all! Now that production is shut down and many people are now working from home and only able to accomplish the most necessary tasks, we are given time that we might otherwise not have used. It is the time to think ahead to prepare for what comes after COVID, in life and also in our industry. Politics provides enormous financial support worldwide. This capital has to be used in a targeted manner, for example in new technology, processes, and digitalization. While the first signs of a return to normal life are already visible in China, the rest of the world is still fighting bravely and decisively, because there is life after COVID and the joy that we can meet and exchange personally again. In the meantime, we provide you with the most important information from the world of metal casting in the media at all levels. ■

果Covid-19(新型冠状肺炎病毒)是一种 新合金,一套新造型系统或一项独创的测 量技术,我们将热情地接受它并讨论其在

实践中的应用。 当Covid-19首先在武汉爆发,然后在世界其他地方 开始其可怕的蔓延时,我们认识到Covid-19是攻击我们 的人民、社会、工业和经济的“敌人”。没有人对此免 疫,而疫苗的研发仍需很长一段时间。同时,公众生活 受到了巨大影响,还有我们的铸造业,供应商和大多数 铸件采购业务呈现零增长。Covid-19如科幻小说的噩梦 一样把我们绑在一起,其后果将影响所有人! 虽然目前大部分生产已经停滞,很多人只能在家工 作,完成最必要的任务,我们却得到了原本没有好好利 用的时间:现在是时候思考我们应该为疫情之后的生活 和行业做哪些准备。各国政府已提供了巨大的财政支持, 而且必须有针对性地使用这些资金,例如用于新技术、新 工艺和数字化技术的研发。 目前,中国已经出现了恢复正常生活的迹象,但世界 其他地区仍在勇敢而坚定地抗疫过程中。疫情结束后, 我们仍可以愉快地见面和交流。同时,我们将为您带来 世界各地金属铸造领域的重要信息。 ■ 祝大家身体健康并满怀希望!

Stay healthy and hopeful!

Good luck to you, Thomas Fritsch Editor-in-chief Foundry-Planet GmbH

祝好运! Thomas Fritsch 主编 Foundry-Planet GmbH




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Managing Editor SHANNON WETZEL,

Publisher/Editor THOMAS FRITSCH,


Senior Editor/ International Sales ADRIANA WEISENBACH, Advertising Sales OANH LARSEN, THERESA NEUMANN,



CASTING CHINA FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION 中国铸造协会 Publisher/Executive Vice President & Secretary General/ 出品人 ZHANG LIBO/ 张立波 Senior Editor/ 主编 WEN PING/ 温平 Deputy Editor/ 副主编 HUANG TIANYOU/ 黄天佑 FAN QI/ 范琦, Editor/编辑 GAO WEI/高巍, Li Mengmeng/李 蒙蒙, Advertising Sales Manager/ 广告销售主管 GAO WEI/ 高巍,

张立波 出品人 中国铸造协会

Shannon Wetzel Managing Editor MODERN CASTING

Thomas Fritsch Publisher/Editor-in-Chief




Industry News Contents 行业新闻目录


C.A. Lawton, Temperform merge 9 C.A. Lawton公司和Temperform公司合并

The international foundry festival at Targi Kielce 15 凯尔采国际铸造节将于今年举办

Mitsui Kinzoku Die-Casting Technology America to open Georgia plant 9 三井金属压铸技术(美国)公司在佐治亚州建厂

Tupy acquires Teksid’s cast iron business Tupy集团收购泰克西公司的铸铁业务

ZF Opens its Industrial Park in China 23 采埃孚亚太区中国产业园项目开工 A 50% Reduction of Production Cycle Using Industrial 3D Printing 23 铸造工业级3D打印生产周期缩短50% Shandong Heavy Industry Opens a Green Intelligent Manufacturing Park 24 山东重工济南莱芜绿色智造产业城开工 Chinese automaker Great Wall to buy GM's Thailand plant 24 长城汽车收购泰国罗勇府工厂 Weichai power signs strategic restructure agreements with Germany's ARADEX and Austria's VDS 25 潍柴动力战略重组德国欧德思、奥地利威迪斯 Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd delivers pipes for urgent order 27 新兴铸管投入武汉火神山医院建设 Shenyang Machine Tool Yinfeng Casting to invest RMB57 million for upgrading project 27 沈阳机床银丰铸造有限公司拟投入5700万元用于升级 改造项目 CNAS authorizes lab for accreditation by specification conditions for foundry enterprises 27 CNAS授权实验室《铸造企业规范条件》认可判定标准 Chongqing Dajiang Millison opens a new production base 28 重庆大江美利信压铸生产基地落户东莞 FAW Foundry drives full production to ensure supply 28 一汽铸造严防疫情,全线拉动生产 Lizhong Group starts Wuhan aluminum alloy new material project 29 立中集团武汉铝合金新材料项目正式开工 Zoomzu Molding Machine to export to India 30 中铸机械造型线出口印度

Brinco planning Indiana steel foundry 11 Brinco公司计划在印第安纳州建厂 Hunter donates to area college 13 亨特公司为学院捐款 Grede begins independent operations 13 格里德公司宣布独立运营 Mercury Marine wins sustainability award 14 水星海事公司获可持续发展奖 Precision Castparts announces new Ohio facility 21 Precision Castparts集团宣布在俄亥俄州建厂 Quebec foundry honored with award 21 魁北克铸造企业获奖

A €10 Mio. Investment a Positive Signal to the Foundry Industry 18 1000万欧元投向铸造业释放积极信号 The World Foundry Organization (Wfo) Elected Mr. Umur Denizci Of Turkish Foundry Denizciler Dokumculuk As The Organisation’s New President For 2020 And 2021. 18 世界铸造组织(WFO)选举土耳其铸造公司 DENIZCILER DOKUMCULUK的UMUR DENIZCI先生 担任2020-2021年主席 10th BRICS Foundry Forum Postponed 第十届金砖国家铸造业高层论坛将延期举办


New, Lithium-Free Additives For Iron And Aluminium Castings 22 用于铸铁和铝铸件的新型无锂添加剂 Cranfield Foundry Celebrates the “First Pour” And “Grand Opening” at its New Cast Iron Foundry in Probishtip, Republic Of 16 克兰菲尔德铸造公司在北马其顿普罗比什蒂普市的新铸 铁厂首次浇注成功并举行开幕庆典 Goldwind Australian project completed hoisting 29 金风科技澳洲Agnew项目风机吊装完成




C.A. Lawton, Temperform merge C.A. Lawton公司和Temperform公司合并 AFS Corporate Member The C.A. Lawton Company (De Pere, Wisconsin) has merged with Temperform (Novi, Michigan) as part of a long-term acquisition and expansion strategy. Day-to-day operations will remain the same at both Temperform and The C.A. Lawton Co. The companies said in a news release they are “creating a new specialty metals platform that will better position both companies for growth in the industry.” This merger will allow each company access to the other’s products and enhance value-added offerings across customer bases. This new platform will operate under Oakland Standard, a firm that specializes in helping organizations grow through mergers and acquisitions as well as facility investments. Alex Lawton will be the CEO and a board member of the new company. The board of directors will also include Tim Flannery and Dan Bickersteth, both of Oakland Standard. Barry Adamski will remain President of The C.A. Lawton Co. Blake Albritton will remain president of Temperform. “We are building a specialty metals platform with improved outcomes for the people who rely on it and the environment, community, and marketplaces we inhabit,” Lawton said. The C.A. Lawton Co. is a gray- and ductile-iron foundry that makes large castings (400-30,000 lbs.). Lawton serves the HVAC, mining, water, and paper industries, among others. Temperform pours steel and stainless-steel castings (10-6,000 lbs.). ■

美国铸造协会会员企业C.A. Lawton公司(威斯康辛 州德佩雷市)与Temperform公司(密歇根州诺维市) 合并,作为其长期兼并扩张战略的一部分。 日常生产运营保持不变。两家公司表示,他们正在“ 组建新的特殊金属业务平台,将使两个公司在行业中有 更好的定位。”这次合并将使每家公司为双方客户群提 供所需的产品并提供附加值更高的服务和产品。 新的平台将在奥克兰标准公司旗下运营,该公司专业 致力于通过兼并及投资帮助组织机构实现增长。 亚历克斯·劳顿将担任新公司的首席执行官及董事会成 员。董事会成员还包括奥克兰标准集团的提姆·弗莱尼和 丹·别克斯蒂。巴里·亚当斯基、布莱克·奥尔布里顿仍分 别继续担任C.A. Lawton和Temperform公司的董事长。 劳顿说:“我们正在建立新的特殊金属业务平台并 提高产品质量,改善我们所居住的环境、社区和我们 的市场。”C.A. Lawton公司为暖通、采矿、水处理、 造纸等行业生产400-30000磅的大型灰铁和球墨铸铁 件。Temperform公司主要生产10-6000磅的铸钢和不 锈钢铸件。 ■

Mitsui Kinzoku Die-Casting Technology America to open Georgia plant 三井金属压铸技术(美国)公司在佐治亚州建厂 Mitsui Kinzoku Die-Casting Technology America is building a $20 million facility in Griffin, Georgia. The project is expected to create 30 jobs, with the potential for more as the plant expands. “We are honored to locate our U.S. manufacturing site in the beautiful city of Griffin,” said Hiroyuki Nakazawa, president, Mitsui Kinzoku Die-Casting Technology Co. “MKDA will strive to be a company that is rooted in the local community.” The facility will produce automotive products, focusing on ones for electric vehicles. “We are grateful that MKDA chose to locate this new manufacturing facility in Griffin,” Georgia Department of Economic Development commissioner Pat Wilson said. “This marks the fifth location by a Japanese company in this region in the past six years. That growth is a result of the community’s foresight, commitment and partnership in attracting significant Japanese investment in Georgia. This facility will bolster Georgia’s booming automotive industry and ensure its success in the coming years, and we are proud to work with our local economic development partners to assist great international companies in locating to Georgia.” ■

三井金属压铸技术(美国)公司在佐治亚州格里芬市 投资2000万美元建厂。该项目预计将新增30个就业岗 位,工作岗位将随着工厂规模的扩大而增加。 “我们为在美丽的格里芬市设厂感到非常荣幸,”三 井金属压铸技术公司董事长Hiroyuki Nakazawa说,“ 三井金属压铸技术(美国)公司将努力成为扎根于本地服 务的公司。”建成后的工厂将主要为电动汽车生产部件。 “三井金属公司能够在格里芬市选址建厂,我们感到 非常高兴,”佐治亚州经济发展部部长帕特·威尔逊表 示,“这标志着在过去的6年里,我们迎来了由日本公 司在佐治亚州第5次建厂。这表明了当地政府吸引日本 企业做出重大投资的远见、承诺及合作。新厂将提振佐 治亚州快速发展的汽车行业,并确保今后的成功,我们 很自豪能够与当地经济发展部门合作,帮助我们落户佐 治亚州。”







Tupy acquires Teksid’s cast iron business Tupy集团收购泰克西公司的铸铁业务 Tupy S.A., a Brazilian-based supplier of cast iron components, announced it agreed to purchase Fiat Chrysler’s global cast iron automotive components business, which is operated through FCA’s subsidiary Teksid S.p.A. The transaction includes Teksid’s facilities in Brazil, Mexico, Poland and Portugal, plus Teksid’s interest in a joint venture in China, Teksid’s engineering office in Italy and the sales office in the U.S. ■

总部位于巴西的铸铁件供应商Tupy集团宣布同意收购 菲亚特克莱斯勒在全球的汽车铸铁件生产业务。该业务由 菲亚特克莱斯勒子公司泰克西运营。 本次收购包括泰克西在巴西、墨西哥、波兰、葡萄牙 的工厂,以及泰克西在中国的合资企业股权,泰克西的 意大利加工厂和美国的销售办公室。

Brinco planning Indiana steel foundry Brinco公司计划在印第安纳州建厂 According to local reports, Brinco (Wilmington, Delaware) is planning to open a steel casting plant in Bristol, Indiana. The Elkhart Truth reported Brinco will invest almost $35 million and is planning to hire 250 workers. The plant would produce rail parts. In 2019, Brinco purchased the facility for $10 million. The company intends to invest $4.5 million to improve the space, and also spend $15 million on equipment at the 430,000 sq. ft. facility. ■

据当地消息,美国Brinco公司(特拉华州威明顿市) 计划将在印第安纳州布里斯托尔建铸钢厂。 媒体Elkhart Truth报道,Brinco公司将投资3500万 美元并计划雇佣250名员工。建成后,工厂主要生产轨 道交通铸件。 2019年,Brinco公司以1000万美元购买了厂房。公 司将在占地43万平方英尺(约4万平方米)的厂房投资 450万美元进行扩建,投资1500万美元采购设备。 ■







Hunter donates to area college 亨特公司为学院捐款

AFS Corporate Member Hunter Foundry Machinery Corporation (Schaumburg, Illinois) presented a donation of $5,000 to the manufacturing technology program at Harper College (Palatine, Illinois). The program’s main objective is to decrease the shortage of skilled labor. In 2019, Hunter personnel taught a basic metalcasting foundry class to high school students in LaBelle, Florida, and assisted AFS on Manufacturing Day. At both events students were able to make their own castings, creating a hands-on experience. “We want to excite young people about jobs in the industry” said Bill Hunter, CEO, Hunter Foundry Machinery Corp. “This donation to Harper College’s Manufacturing Program is another way to help address the skilled labor shortage.” ■

美国铸造协会会员企业亨特铸造设备公司(伊利诺 伊州绍姆堡)向哈珀学院(伊利诺伊州帕拉丁)的制 造技术项目捐赠5000美元。 该项目的主要目的是改善技术工人的短缺现象。 2019年,亨特公司的人事部为佛罗里达州拉贝尔市 的高中生讲授了基础铸造课程,并协助美国铸造协会 举办“制造日”活动。学生们通过活动生产了铸件, 亲身体验了铸造。 “我们希望激励年轻人对铸造业感兴趣,”亨特铸 造设备集团首席执行官比尔·亨特说,“这次公司向哈 珀学院的制造项目捐赠也是为了解决技术工人的短期 问题。” ■

Grede begins independent operations 格里德公司宣布独立运营

AFS Corporate Member Grede (Southfield, Michigan), a developer, manufacturer, assembler, and supplier of ductile, gray, and specialty iron castings and machined components for automotive, commercial vehicle and industrial markets, announced its first day of operations as an independent company. As previously announced, funds managed by Gamut Capital Management (New York), a private investment firm, agreed to acquire Grede from American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings (Detroit). Founded in 1920, Grede has approximately 3,800 employees across 10 facilities in Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina and Wisconsin. “For nearly a century, Grede has been an industry leader in iron casting for the transportation industry,” said Jordan Zaken, founding partner, Gamut. “We are excited be part of the next chapter of Grede’s rich history and support its dedicated employees in the pursuit of operational excellence and best-in-class delivery for its customers.” The company also announced that Cary Wood has been appointed CEO. Paul Suber has been named COO, Mike Lobbia has been named CFO, and Tony Lovell has been named President-Head of Commercial. “I’m honored to be part of Grede again with its proud history and promising future,” Wood said. “Gamut is a true partner and they recognize the value we provide our customers as well as the many growth opportunities across our business. Further, Gamut has taken a disciplined approach to provide maximum capital structure flexibility for the company to navigate the marketplace, and is fully committed to supporting Grede with further investment in organic and inorganic growth opportunities. “Together we will set high standards for Grede and hold ourselves accountable to our customers, partners and employees. We must set the bar high if we’re going to compete in today’s market. We have a goal of not just being a leader but the leader in metal castings in our markets.” ■

美国铸造协会会员企业格里德公司(密歇根州南菲 尔德)是为乘用车、商用车和工业零部件市场研发、 生产、组装和供应球墨铸铁、灰铸铁和特种铸铁以及 机械零部件的企业,近期宣布了公司开始独立运营。 正如之前宣布的那样,私人投资管理公司Gamut Capital Management(纽约)同意从美国车桥和制 造控股公司(底特律)收购格里德公司。格里德公司 成立于1920年,在阿拉巴马州、印第安纳州、密歇 根州、明尼苏达州、北卡罗来纳州和威斯康星州的10 个工厂中拥有约3,800名员工。 “近一个世纪以来,格里德公司一直是交通运输行 业铸铁件生产的领导者,”Gamut创始合伙人Jordan Zaken说,“我们很高兴成为拥有悠久历史的格里德公 司发展新一页的一部分,并为其敬业的员工对于卓越 运营和为客户提供一流交付的追求提供支持。” 公司还宣布,卡里·伍德已被任命为首席执行官。保 罗·苏贝尔被任命为首席运营官、迈克·罗比亚被任命为 首席财务官、托尼·洛弗尔被任命为商业总裁。 伍德说:“我很荣幸能加入拥有辉煌历史和充满 希望的格里德公司。Gamut是真正的合作伙伴,他们 认同我们为客户提供的价值以及在整个业务中的许多 发展机会。此外,Gamut采用了严格的方案,为公司 在市场中提供最大的资本结构灵活性,并致力于通过 进一步投资有机和无机市场增长机会来支持格里德的 发展。 “我们将共同为格里德公司树立高标准,并对我 们的客户、合作伙伴和员工负责。要在当今市场上 竞争,我们必须制定较高的门槛。我们的目标不仅是 成为行业领导者,而且是成为金属铸造领域的领导 者。” ■




Mercury Marine wins sustainability award 水星海事公司获可持续发展奖 AFS Corporate Member Mercury Marine (Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin) received the Sustainable Process Award from the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council. The award recognized Mercury Marine for sustainability in the company’s manufacturing of aluminum outboard marine engine blocks. The company uses recycled sources of aluminum, which saves energy. They also use less energy when melting metal. “We’re certainly not the only manufacturer to use aluminum in building engine blocks but, as this award attests, Mercury does stand out in how we strive to be environmentally responsible and derive the maximum sustainable benefit from our use of this material,” said Scott Louks, Mercury Marine sustainability manager. ■


美国铸造协会会员企业水星海事公司(威斯康辛州丰 迪拉克市)获得由威斯康辛州可持续发展商业委员会颁 发的可持续工艺奖,用以表彰水星海事公司在铝合金舷 外发动机缸体可持续生产方面的成绩。 公司使用回收再利用的铝合金材料来节约能源,在熔 炼金属过程中也降低能源的使用。 “我们肯定不是唯一一家使用铝合金来生产发动机缸 体的企业,但是,正如这个奖所证明的,水星海事公司 在努力做到环境友好并通过使用铝合金材料实现可持续 发展的最大效益方面是非常突出的,”水星海事公司可 持续发展经理斯科特·路克斯表示。



The international foundry festival at Targi Kielce 凯尔采国际铸造节将于今年举办 The events cluster is held in the Kielce exhibition and congress centre under the banner of the 'Industrial Autumn'. For years the Industrial Autumn has brought together representatives of the foundry business sector, components and modern technologies suppliers, foundries business insiders from all around the world. The expo is much more than over 300 companies from 37 countries putting their products and services on show, there are also workshops and industry focused seminars. The upcoming Industrial Autumn trade shows are held fOctober 14-16, 2020. The event is held in alternate years, each expo brings together an extensive groups of exhibitors and business-insider visitors from all corners of the world. The next METAL and its accompanying trade shows: ALUMINUM&NONFERMET, RECYCLING, CONTROL-TECH and HEAT TREATMENT offer a unique opportunity to establish business contacts with global partners, fond new leads and strengthen companies’ position on world’s markets. The previous Kielce event hosted industry representatives from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Turkey, Georgia and Serbia. The cooperation established with China Foundry Association has advanced Poland to become an important communication node and logistics liaison point for whole Eurasia. Asian companies are more and more active participants of the "Industrial Autumn" under the China Foundry Association’s umbrella. There were also participants of the 73rd World Foundry Congress among the several thousand world experts who visited the trade fair. The expo hosted professionals, representatives of various industries and business-sectors such as foundry, machine and electromechanical, rail, shipbuilding, armaments, robotics and automation, automotive and aviation. They came to Targi Kielce from the most distant corners of the world, including Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey, India, China and Japan. The expos’ excellent standing is closely connected with positive forecasts for the whole industry. Polish foundry business facts and figures - over 460 foundries with the output of over 1.1 million tonnes of castings per year make Poland fifth place in Europe’s casting production ranking, right after Germany, France and Italy.

凯尔采铸造会展活动将作为“秋季工业展”在波兰 凯尔采会展中心举办。经过多年的发展,秋季工业展 吸引了全球的铸造行业企业、零部件和现代技术供应 商等企业参加。届时,来自37个国家和地区的300多 家企业将携带最新的产品和技术参展,期间,还将举 办多场讲座和论坛。本届秋季工业展将于2020年10 月14-16日。 展会两年一届。本届展会同期举办铝合金及有色金 属展、金属回收利用展、控制技术展及热处理展,将 为参展企业提供与全球同行建立联系、洽谈业务、提 高企业全球知名度的机会。上届展会的展商主要来自 乌克兰、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、韩国、中国、中国香港、 土耳其、格鲁吉亚和塞尔维亚等国家和地区。此外,主 办方与中国铸造协会的合作使波兰成为欧亚大陆一个重 要的交流中心。 同时,来自第73届世界铸造大会的代表参观了展 会。观众包括来自奥地利、比利时、爱沙尼亚、法国、 立陶宛、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士、乌兹别克斯坦、德国、捷 克、意大利、乌克兰、匈牙利、白俄罗斯、斯洛伐克、 西班牙、英国、美国、斯洛文尼亚、俄罗斯、土耳其、 印度、中国和 日本等国家和地区的铸造、设备、机电、 铁路、造船、军工、机器人技术和自动化、汽车和航空 等领域的专家和代表。 展会的成功举办与整个行业的积极发展预期密切相 关。波兰有超过460家铸造厂,铸件年产量超过110万 吨。波兰是欧洲第5大铸件生产国,前三名是德国、法 国和意大利。

The expo - a knowledge packed platform


For years, Targi Kielce has enjoyed the support of foundry organizations and important media. China Foundry Association (CFA), Belarusian Association of Foundrymen and Metallurgists , Italian Foundry Suppliers' Association Amafond and the Polish STOP - Technical Association of Polish Foundrymen. The Kielce casting expos have been held under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology. The patronage granted by the Ministry is a true appreciation for the organisers of this important event, a very significant point on the global foundry business map.


Workshops and seminars

媒体的支持,其中包括中国铸造协会、白俄罗斯铸造 冶金协会、意大利铸造设备供应商协会以及波兰铸造 协会。凯尔采铸造展还得到波兰企业及科技部的荣誉 赞助,这是对凯尔采展览中心举办该展会的大力支持。 讲座及论坛 行业研讨会、讲座及培训课程是本届“秋季工业 展”的组成部分。上一届展会期间,举办了“使用火花

Industry seminars, workshops and training sessions are an April 2020 FOUNDRY-PLANET.COM | MODERN CASTI NG | CHINA FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION |


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 inherent part of the 'Industrial Autumn' trade show series. The previous expo included the meeting on "Materials identification with the use of spark spectrometry/Optical Emission Spectroscopy OES," the “Foundry 4.0: the best solutions from Italy" and the seminar focused upon "Metal Printing". The CONTROL-TECH - Fair of Industrial Measuring Technology and Non-Destructive Testing includes the DMIUT Diagnostics of Materials and Industrial Components congress; the meeting is held in Gdańsk. The session brings together participants from Japan and Canada The conference’s objective is to promote and disseminate the knowledge on the latest trends and solutions in non-destructive materials and steel elements testing, with particular emphasis on techniques based on steel magnetic properties. The issues discussed within the scope of the May conference find an excellent continuation at the September trade fair. Presence of the whole array of top-class companies, businessinsider customers, well-targeted expo audience, B2B and matchmaking meetings, conferences, seminars, numerous foreign guests including top-class experts and a whole array of important accompanying and fringe events - this is what contributes to the expo success! ■

光谱仪/光学发射光谱仪OES进行材料识别”,“铸造 4.0:意大利的最佳解决方案”以及以“金属打印”为 主题的研讨会。CONTROL-TECH,工业测量技术和无 损检测展览会包括材料和工业组件诊断大会DMIUT, 会议在格但斯克举办。会议汇集了来自日本和加拿 大等国家的参与者。此次会议的目的是促进和宣传有 关无损材料和钢元素测试的最新趋势和解决方案的知 识,尤其强调基于钢磁性能的技术。这次会议使五月 举办论坛的议题得到了很好的延续。 展会期间将有众多知名企业、行业客户、专业邀请 观众的参与,将举办多场B2B和对接会、论坛、研讨 会。众多的国际顶级嘉宾的参与以及一系列配套活动 的举办,这是展会成功的关键!

Cranfield Foundry celebrates the “First Pour” and “Grand Opening” at its new cast iron foundry in Probishtip, Republic of North Macedonia 克兰菲尔德铸造公司在北马其顿普罗比什蒂普市的新铸铁厂 首次浇注成功并举行开幕庆典 With great pride Cranfield Foundry celebrated its Grand Opening on the 11th of December 2019 in its newly built facility in the city of Probishtip, in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is the largest cast iron foundry that has been built in this country. Previously, Cranfield had successfully conducted its first test casting of iron at the all-new 8,000 square metres foundry to ensure all systems function properly. During this time, the furnaces were charged, and the molten raw material was poured into a mould for the first time. All systems at Cranfield Foundry performed as expected. The facility produces grey and ductile iron castings using green sand technology and operates: • A horizontal line by DISA with mould size of


克兰菲尔德铸造公司于2019年12月11日在北马其顿共 和国普罗比什蒂普市的新工厂举行了盛大的开业典礼。该 公司是北马其顿共和国最大的铸铁企业。 此前,克兰菲尔德铸造公司已在全新的8,000平方米 铸造厂成功进行了第一批铸铁件的浇注试生产,以确保 所有系统正常运行。在此期间,进行了第一次加料、熔 炼、浇注。试生产表明,克兰菲尔德铸造公司的所有系 统均按预期运行。 铸造厂采用湿型砂工艺生产灰铁和球墨铸铁件,设备 包括: •一条迪砂水平造型线,铸型尺寸为810x810x700 mm



810x810x700 mm • Two ABP induction furnaces with melting capacity of 5 tons each. The total melting capacity of Cranfield Foundry is approximately 13,000 tons per year. Beside the foundry facility, Cranfield Foundry built a 110/20 kV substation and a transmission line of 1.7 km. "The first pour and grand opening of Cranfield Foundry are the result of a combination of efforts by our strong local team in North Macedonia, global foundry experts, our suppliers, as well as local and national government officials supporting this investment", said Mr. Dariusz Dziuba, Chief Executive Officer at Cranfield Foundry. "Getting the Probishtip facility up and running will enable us to produce the best quality grey and ductile iron castings for our customers well into the future. With this foundry located in the Central Balkans, we are now in the best position to serve our customers in fast growing European and Middle East markers in the most efficient way possible", adds Mr. Dziuba. ■

•两台ABP感应电炉,感应电炉的熔化能力为5吨 克兰菲尔德铸造公司的总熔化产能约为13,000吨/每 年。 克兰菲尔德铸造公司在铸造厂旁边,还建造了110/20 kV的变电站和一条1.7公里的输电线。 克兰菲尔德铸造公司首席执行官Dariusz Dziuba 说:“克兰菲尔德铸造公司的首炉浇注和盛大开业是我 们在北马其顿拥有强大的本地团队、全球铸造专家、供 应商以及支持这项投资的地方和国家政府官员共同努力 的结果。” Dziuba先生补充说:“普罗比什蒂普市工厂的开业 和运行将使我们能够为潜在客户生产最优质的灰铸铁和 球墨铸铁。通过这个位于巴尔干中部的铸造厂,公司现 在已做好准备,以最有效的方式为快速增长的欧洲和中 东客户提供最佳的服务。” ■




A €10 Mio. investment a positive signal to the foundry industry 1000万欧元投向铸造业释放积极信号 Together with guests from Germany, Italy, China, Russia, Poland, France, Turkey, Slovenia etc. representing foundries, consultants and suppliers Mingzhi-Tech opened the new European Headquarters. With Gianluigi Visentin, Heinrich Kairies, Gerald Richter and Sebastian Lenoir, General Manager Mr. Qiu He opened and proudly presented the new MICC 300 in the new facilities. The company's new plant in the Großlehna industrial park near Leipzig/Germany represents a significant investment of 10 Mio. €, and is a sign of confidence in the region and in the foundry industry. Mingzhi, a Suzhou based Chinese company, provides coremaking solutions as well as operating two aluminum foundries since 1999. After the acquisition of the core making division of DISA from Noricon Group in 2018, Mingzhi Technology Leipzig GmbH was established as the new European production and service facility. As part of the Mingzhi Technology family, MTL will continue to produce high quality core shop equipment and collaborate with the Suzhou technical group to develop and produce innovative core machine products and improve the service level for global customers. We wish Good Luck and “Glückauf ” for the future and will keep you informed about the further development. ■

来自德国、意大利、中国、俄罗斯、波兰、法国、土 耳其、斯洛文尼亚等国的铸造厂代表、顾问和供应商们 共同参加了明志科技欧洲总部的开业仪式。 公司总经理邱壑先生在开业仪式上隆重地介绍了明志 科技全新研发的MICC 300集成式制芯单元。此次,明 志科技公司在位于德国莱比锡附近的GROßLEHNA工业 园区投资1000万欧元建立新工厂,表明对该地区及其铸 造行业充满信心。 明志科技总部位于中国苏州,自1999年成立以来,一 直专注于铸造装备产品的研发,为客户提供专业的制芯 解决方案及服务。2018年,正式引入诺瑞肯集团迪砂公 司的射芯机业务,并注册成立明志科技莱比锡有限公司 (MTL),成为公司在欧洲的生产和服务中心。作为明志 科技的一部分,明志科技莱比锡公司(MTL)将继续生产 高质量的制芯设备,并将与苏州总部合作研发和生产创新 的制芯设备,提高对全球客户的服务水平。 祝贺明志科技欧洲总部正式投入运行,我们也将与大 家继续分享公司未来的发展。 ■

The World Foundry Organization (Wfo) elects Mr. Umur Denizci of Turkish Foundry Denizciler Dokumculuk as New President for 2020, 2021. 世界铸造组织(WFO)选举土耳其铸造公司DENIZCILER DOKUMCULUK的UMUR DENIZCI先生担任2020-2021年主席 The Honorary Role Will See Him Work With The Wfo Secretariat Team, The Executive Board And The Wfo Member Associations To Further Develop The Organisation In The Coming Years. He Takes Over The Role From Outgoing President Mark Fenyes Of Omega Sinto Foundry Machinery Ltd. Having worked in the foundry industry for 48 years, Umur Denizci has a wealth of technical, practical and business experience. He is the President of the Turkish Foundrymen’s Association, TUDOKSAD, and has served on the WFO Executive committee for more than ten years, providing him with ample 18

今后2年,UMUR DENIZCI先生将接替即将卸任的来 自欧米伽•新东铸造机械有限公司的MARK FENYES先生 担任世界铸造组织新一任主席,他将与世界铸造组织的 秘书处团队、执行委员会和会员协会一起工作,进一步 促进世界铸造组织的发展。 Umur Denizci 先生已在铸造行业工作了48年,精通 业务,拥有丰富的理论和实践经验。他是土耳其铸造协


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 understanding of the global marketplace. He has a BSc, MS degree in metallurgical engineering and established the jobbing foundry Denizciler Dokumculuk in 1978. Foundry Planet really appreciates to talk to Mr. Umur Denizci, a profound foundry professional.


Foundry-Planet: How do you assess the current situation in the foundry industry, and what are the biggest challenges?

德国Foundry Planet(铸造星球网站)对Umur Den-

Umur Denizci: The world has been facing with extraordinary political, social and economical changes in the recent time and it is becoming more and more noticeable for each branch of the industry-economic activity. In my point of view, despite of current rising trend in total production volume and total turnover, the foundry industry needs to innovate current business models in line with the latest issues such as additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping, e-mobility and digital transformation in the medium term.

FP: The transformation of the automotive industry is both an opportunity and a risk. Where do you see the best opportunities for the foundry industry? Umur Denizci: Ongoing R&D efforts and investments in electromobility and connectivity is being led by the automotive industry and the administrative authorities. Companies are looking for providing appropriate solutions which meet the emissions regulations and creating adequate value chains for the new components and systems. In line with the expected growth rate of this market and new design concepts for powertrains and structural parts, new application areas and business opportunities will originate for the metal casting industry.

FP: How will digitalization, artificial intelligence, and additive manufacturing affect the different casting processes, and where do you see different developments in the global markets? Umur Denizci: Additive manufacturing and digital transformation concepts have been gaining interest in the last few decades as an alternative to the conventional manufacturing methods. In my opinion, increased technology investments on automation, robotics and 3D/additive manufacturing equipment (particularly sand printing applications), process efficiency yield

这些经历使他对全球铸造市场有了充分的了解。他拥有 冶金工程硕士学位,并于1978年成立了DENIZCILER DOKUMCULUK铸造公司。 izci 先生进行了采访。 Foundry-Planet:您如何评价铸造行业的现状,最大 的挑战是什么? Umur Denizci: 近年来,世界政治、经济和社会形势 不断变化,在工业经济活动的每个领域都日益凸显。我 认为,尽管目前世界铸件总产量和总产值呈上升趋势, 但从中期看,铸造业需要创新当前的发展模式,尤其是 在增材制造和快速原型设计、电动汽车和数字化转型等 最新热点领域。 FP:汽车行业的转型既是机遇也存在风险。您认为铸造 行业最大的机遇是什么? Umur Denizci: 汽车行业和政府部门正在对电动汽 车进行持续的研发和投资,企业正在寻找符合排放法规 的解决方案,并为新的零部件和系统创建相适应的价值 链。根据电动汽车市场的预期增长率以及新设计的动力 总成和结构件,金属铸造行业将产生新的市场和商机。 FP:数字化、人工智能、增材制造将如何影响铸造工 艺,全球铸造市场将呈现哪些不同的发展趋势? Umur Denizci: 在过去的几十年中,作为传统制造工 艺的替代,增材制造和数字化逐渐引起了人们的兴趣。 我认为,在自动化、机器人技术和3D/增材制造设备( 尤其是砂型打印技术的应用)方面的投资将不断增加, 生产效率大幅提升,产品质量显著提高,在支持铸造业 增强竞争力的同时也提高了铸造业的附加值。铸造业采 用不同的技术可能因国家/地区的特定条件而异,但是



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 to a significant quality increase and incline in the added value by the foundry industry while supporting its competitiveness. Impacts of the subjected technologies may differ upon country specific conditions, however combining existing knowledge with modern manufacturing principles are necessary to creating new approaches and business models as mentioned above. FP: The discussion aout global climate change also challenges the foundry industry in many ways. Where do you see potential for energy saving in companies? Umur Denizci: Foundries are energy intensive manufacturing units, where adoption of the best energy solutions offers great energy saving potential. The melting operation alone consumes nearly more than half of the total energy consumed by the foundries compared with all the other operations. It is of vital importance in this energy-intensive industry to utilize the highly automated systems, digitalize the production processes and interconnect the relevant units to reduce energy use and stimulate the implementation of best practices for energy efficiency improvement. Quick and accurate control of chemical and metallurgical quality of the molten metal, monitoring the power consumption and auditing the plant operations are key factors to improve the casting yield and eliminate the losses while reducing the energy use.


FP: Which material and component developments are currently emerging, and how will the foundry landscape develop in the future?


造新的生产工艺和商业模型是必要的。 FP:全球气候变化在很多方面对铸造业提出了挑战。 铸造企业还可以在哪些地方挖掘节能的潜力呢? Umur Denizci: 铸造属于能源密集型行业,最佳的 能效解决方案可带来巨大的节能潜力。与所有其他工 艺相比,仅熔炼作业就占了铸造企业所耗总能源的近 一半以上。 对能源密集型行业,关键的措施是采用高度自动化 的系统、使生产流程数字化、连接相关作业单元以减 少能耗,并推动能够提高能效的最佳方案的实施。快 速准确地控制熔融金属的化学成份和冶金质量,根据 能耗监控调整工厂作业,提高铸件工艺出品率,降低 废品率是减少能耗的关键因素。 FP:随着新材料和零部件的应用,铸造企业未来的 发展趋势如何? Umur Denizci: 为了减少温室气体的排放,从传统 铸铁由于其功能性、满足复杂的设计要求和提供卓越

Umur Denizci: The transition from traditional cast iron and steel alloys towards light alloys has increased its pace, as a result of the pressure on reduction of greenhouse gases. However, cast irons still preserve their competitive position due to their versatility in addition with complex design requirements and newly developed material grades which provide superior properties. Moreoever, considering that the additive manufacturing technology is entering the race, it has a huge potential to alter the material landscape that is being used in various industries today.


FP: What would you like to achieve during your tenure as WFO President in economically, technologically and politically stormy times, and what can companies do to stabilize and develop?


Umur Denizci: It is a very important transition period for the World Foundry Organization. We have been in the process of critical structural changes over the past five years to further enhance our commitment to our member associations. Our aim is to enrich the services we provide them and their members. Our strong secretariat team, enriched communication channels and social media presence are the key elements of this objective and maintain their crucial functions in the following period. The WFO Technical Forum, World Foundry Congress and WFO Global Foundry Summit are our main networking tools to be able to share technological and business developments, which is essential for our community to gain insights and develop new strategies. The excellent communication with our member associations also gives us the ability to publish global production trends and news about the international foundry sector. I look forward to continuing to increase our strategic plans to meet the industry’s expectations. ■ 20

到增材制造技术已参与到竞争中,它具有改变当今各 行业材料应用格局的巨大潜力。 FP: 在当前政治、经济和技术变革的时代,您希望 在您担任世界铸造组织主席任期内实现哪些目标?铸 造企业应如何实现稳定和发展? Umur Denizci: 对于世界铸造组织来说,这是非常 要的结构性改革,以进一步增强我们对会员协会的承 诺。我们的目标是丰富我们为会员协会及其成员提供 的服务。我们拥有强大的秘书处团队、多样的沟通渠 道和社交媒体,这是实现目标的关键要素,并在接下 来的工作中继续发挥其重要作用。 世界铸造组织技术论坛、世界铸造大会和世界铸 造组织全球铸造峰会是我们能够共享技术和行业发展 的主要工具,对我们的会员获得信息和制定新发展战 略至关重要。与会员协会的良好沟通,也使我们能够 发布全球铸件生产趋势和相关国际铸造行业资讯。 我期待能够继续完善我们的发展战略,满足行业的期 望。 ■



Precision Castparts announces new Ohio facility Precision Castparts集团宣布在俄亥俄州建厂 Precision Castparts Corp. announced Mason, Ohio, will house a concept research and development integration center for its PCC Aerostructures division and a manufacturing innovation center for its SPS Technologies business. PCC will invest $128 million in two facilities on 31 acres. The new campus is expected to bring 190 new employees to the city. PCC is a build-to-print manufacturer of complex structural and mechanical assemblies in the aerospace industry. “SPS Technologies has a strong presence in Ohio, where it has an advantage of being close to its customers in the aerospace and aviation industry,” said Dana Saucier, JobsOhio vice president and head of economic development. “This new facility will allow SPS Technologies to maximize its customers’ experience and advance its innovations while bringing 190 quality jobs to Mason.” ■

Precision Castparts集团宣布将在俄亥俄州梅森市为 其航空结构件事业部建设一个概念研发集成中心,并为 其SPS技术业务建设一个制造创新中心。 Precision Castparts集团将在占地31英亩的两个厂 房投资1.28亿美元。新园区预计将为梅森市带来190个 工作岗位。 Precision Castparts集团是为航空航天生产复杂结构 件和机械组件的制造商。 JobsOhio(俄亥俄州就业咨询公司)副总裁兼经济发展 部负责人Dana Saucier说:“ SPS技术部在俄亥俄州拥有 强大的业务,其优势在于与航空航天业的客户保持紧密联 系。新工厂将使SPS技术部能够最大程度地提高客户体验并 推动创新,同时为梅森市带来190个优质工作岗位。” ■

Quebec foundry honored with award 魁北克铸造企业获奖 AFS Corporate Member Saguenay Foundry (Chicoutimi, Quebec) was presented with a regional distinction Quebec Performance Award. The Québec Performance Awards are the highest distinction awarded annually by the Québec government to private companies and public organizations that stand out for the quality of their management and overall performance. Saguenay Foundry is an iron casting facility that produces large heavy duty parts weighing from 200-16,000 lbs. The company has also made moves for its future. In 2015, Saguenay started a new in-house pattern shop to supply all of its patternmaking needs. In 2017, the company earned its ISO 9001:2015 accreditation. Then in 2018, it began Lean deployment, and began a 4.0 industry approach in 2019. ■

美国铸造协会会员企业萨格奈铸造公司(魁北克省奇 库蒂米)获得了地区奖项魁北克绩效奖。 魁北克绩效奖是魁北克政府每年颁发给在管理质量和 整体绩效方面脱颖而出的私营企业和公共组织的最高奖 项。 萨格奈铸造公司主营铸铁业务,生产重达200-16,000 磅的大型重型零部件。公司已为未来发展做了规划。 2015年,萨格奈铸造公司新建了模具车间,以满足其 所有的模具制作需求。2017年,公司获得了ISO 9001 :2015认证。在2018年,公司开始精益生产部署,并 在2019年开始采用工业4.0生产方法。

10th BRICS Foundry Forum postponed 第十届金砖国家铸造业高层论坛将延期举办 Due to the current situation and the official prohibition of the Government on holding all mass events, the Russian Association of Foundrymen (RAL) decided to postpone the 10th BRICS International Foundry Forum which was scheduled to be held between 9 and 11 June, 2020 in Moscow. As the organizer of this forum, the Russian Association of Foundrymen (RAL) suggests monitoring the situation and discussing the new dates of the forum after the countries have lifted all prohibitions on holding events, to make sure the success of the forum. On the website of BRICS Foundry Association, we will keep you informed of any updates about the postponed forum: ■

由于受到目前全球疫情形势和各国政府要求禁止举办 所有大型活动的影响,俄罗斯铸造协会近日决定将延期 承办“第十届金砖国家铸造业高层论坛”。本届论坛原 定于2020年6月9-11日在莫斯科举办。 作为本届论坛的承办方,俄罗斯铸造协会建议在目前 形势下,进一步密切关注疫情变化,并在各国取消举行 活动的禁令后,讨论并确定论坛新的举办时间,从而保 证论坛的成功举行。 我们将持续在金砖国家铸造业联合会网站及时发布关于 本届论坛的相关信息: ■




New, lithium-free additives for iron and aluminium castings 用于铸铁和铝铸件的新型无锂添加剂 Casting comparison without /with additives in aluminium casting Left: Without Additive Middle: with lithium-containing Additiv Veino Ultra 3010 Right: with lithium-free Additiv EP 4866 Ismail Yilmaz, product manager for additives at Ask Chemicals, will inform about innovative and lithium-free additives at the 3rd formstoff-forum in Munich. At the 3rd Formstoff-Forum of the Association of German Foundrymen (VDG), held from February 12 13, 2020 at the Munich University of Applied Sciences, the latest developments in the foundry industry will be presented. There will be presentations on the prevention of casting defects as well as social, economic and environmental discussions. Ismail Yilmaz from ASK Chemicals will present how new, lithium-free additives can be used in iron and aluminum casting in a resource-saving manner while maintaining the same casting quality.

Sustainability with the same quality The light metal lithium is becoming increasingly important due to global political and social developments, especially in the field of electro-mobility. The mining of lithium is costly, consumes large amounts of water and can only be achieved with severe environmental pollution. ASK Chemicals is therefore committed to significantly reducing the use of lithium in additives. In close cooperation with customers of the Hilden-based company, it has been possible to reduce the need for lithium in additive formulations by 40%. It is important to maintain and in the best case even improve the quality of the casting. The additives developed by ASK Chemicals not only improve the environment, but also reduce casting defects, increase tooling availability and in some cases can reduce the use of special sands. ■


不含添加剂与含添加剂的铝铸件比较。左:不含添加 剂;中:含锂添加剂Veino Ultra 3010;右:不含锂添 加剂EP 4866。 在慕尼黑举办的第三届成型论坛上,亚世科化学公司 添加剂产品经理Ismail Yilmaz介绍了创新的不含锂的添 加剂产品。 铸造业的最新发展情况在2020年2月12-13日于慕尼 黑应用科技大学举办的德国铸造协会(VDG)第三届成 型论坛上进行了介绍,其中包含关于预防铸件缺陷的演 讲,以及社会、经济和环境有关的讨论。亚世科化学公 司的Ismail Yilmaz介绍如何在节约资源的同时且保持铸 件质量稳定的前提下,在铸铁及铝铸件中使用新型无锂 添加剂。 确保质量的可持续性发展 由于全球政治和经济的发展,轻金属锂变得越来越重 要,特别是在电动汽车领域的发展。锂的开采成本高、 水资源消耗大,并且会造成严重的环境污染。因此,亚 世科化学致力于大幅减少锂在添加剂中的使用。通过与 总部位于希尔登的客户紧密合作,公司已经实现将添加 剂配方中锂的添加量减少40%。至关重要的是,能够保 持甚至改善铸件的质量。亚世科化学公司研发的添加剂 不仅可以改善环境,还可以减少铸件缺陷、提高模具可 用性,并且在某些情况下可以减少特种砂的使用。 ■



ZF opens its industrial park in China 采埃孚亚太区中国产业园项目开工 On March 6, ZF held a groundbreaking ceremony for its China Industrial Park project in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. The project is the second invested by ZF in Jiaxing. A new plant for transmission and axle system components manufacturing will be built in the Jiaxing Economic Development Zone, which will help increase ZF's sales performance in Chinese market. The total investment of the first phase of the project is about 1.2 billion RMB, covering an area of 600 acres, and the total construction land is about 1333 acres. After the initial project completed, it is expected to recruit 400 employees and its sales volume will reach 2.35 billion RMB in 2024. The new plant is expected to start production in April 2021. ZF is a global technology company and supplies systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology, enabling the next generation of mobility. In 2018, ZF achieved sales of €36.9 billion. The company has a global workforce of 149,000 with approximately 230 locations in 40 countries. ■

3月6日,采埃孚亚太区中国产业园项目在浙江嘉兴 举行开工典礼。 此次开工的项目为采埃孚在嘉兴投资的第二个项 目,将在嘉兴经开区建设传动与车桥系统零部件新 工厂,将有助于提升采埃孚在中国市场的销售业绩。 该项目第一期总投资约12亿元,占地90亩,项目 总用地约200亩。先期项目达产后预计将拥有400名 员工,2024年销售额将达到23.5亿元。新工厂预计于 2021年4月投产。 采埃孚集团致力于为乘用车、商用车和工业技术提 供出行系统方案。该集团目前在全球40个国家设有约 230个公司驻地,拥有149000名员工。集团2018年 的销售额达到369亿欧元。 ■

A 50% reduction of production cycle using industrial 3D printing 铸造工业级3D打印生产周期缩短50% In order to solve the major problem of manufacturing highly complex ferrous and aluminum alloy castings, supported by the Science and Technology Department of Ningxia, China Foundry Association member KOCEL Group and Northwestern Polytechnical University have jointly carried out the "R&D of industrial-grade 3D printing equipment for foundry" which was a major scientific and technological project in 2016. At present, the project has successfully completed various tasks and passed acceptance. The printing efficiency of the whole system has reached 3-5 times of imported models, shortening the casting production cycle by 50%, and achieving "zero emission" in the process. The industrial-grade 3D printing equipment developed for this project has been successfully applied to the production of ferrous and aluminum alloy castings. It has completely changed the traditional hand molding method, realized the reengineering of casting process, and significantly improved production efficiency and sand mold accuracy. Nearly 6,000t and 50 kinds of ferrous castings, 27 sets of equipment have been produced, and the sales revenue has increased by 140 million yuan. At the same time, the equipment has been used in Shenyang, Weifang, Tianjin, Taicang, Weinan and other places to promote the sand mold additive manufacturing technology, with cumulative sales of 11 million yuan. ■

为解决高复杂性黑色及铝合金铸件重大生产难 题,宁夏回族自治区科技厅支持共享智能装备有限 公司和西北工业大学联合实施了2016年重大科技项 目“铸造用工业级3DP打印设备研发”。目前,该 项目圆满完成各项任务并顺利通过验收,系统整机的 打印效率达到进口机型的3-5倍,使铸件生产周期缩 短50%,铸造生产过程实现“零排放”。 项目研发的铸造用工业级3DP打印设备已成功应 用于黑色金属、铝合金铸件的生产,彻底改变了传 统铸造手工造型方式,实现了铸造流程再造,显著 提升了生产效率与砂型精度。已累计生产黑色金属 铸件50种近6000吨,设备已批量生产27台,新增 销售收入1.4亿元。同时该设备已在沈阳、潍坊、天 津、太仓、渭南等地进行铸造砂型增材制造技术推广 示范,累计销售砂型1100万元。 ■




Shandong Heavy Industry opens a green intelligent manufacturing park 山东重工济南莱芜绿色智造产业城开工

On February 12, the launching ceremony of a green intelligent manufacturing park with a total of one million units of vehicles of Shandong Heavy Industry was held in Laiwu, Ji’nan, Shandong province. The project covers an area of 30.52million square meters, with a total investment of 153.5 billion yuan. The industrial park takes the heavy trucks connected with intelligent network, intelligent forklifts and intelligent logistics equipment as the leader, covering advanced technologies in new energy, intelligent driving, artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge fields. It represents the future development direction of green manufacturing and industry-city integration. The industry-city park project is planned to be constructed in three phases over 5-8 years. The first phase is the intelligent network connection (new energy) heavy truck project, which will be put into production by the end of this year. The first phase covers an area of 7.76million square meters, with an investment of more than 20 billion yuan, mainly including intelligent network (new energy) heavy truck project, German KION intelligent forklift project, American Dematic intelligent logistics equipment project, intelligent test yard project, international high-end cooperation project and domestic supporting projects, etc. The first phase will be completed and put into operation in 2023. The second and third phases will be completed in 2028 according to the plan. After full production of the whole project is reached, the annual output value will exceed 300 billion yuan, which will definitely bring a large number of jobs. It will become the most significant project for the conversion of old and new development momentum in Shandong Province; it will also become a new engine for Jinan's urban development and a new impetus for Shandong's economic development. ■


色智造产业城开工仪式举行。项目位于济南莱芜口镇, 占地45783亩,总投资1535亿元。产业城以智能网联重 卡、智能叉车、智能物流设备等整机整车为龙头,涵盖 新能源、智能驾驶、人工智能等前沿领域的先进技术, 代表未来绿色智能制造的发展方向,重点突出绿色智造、 产城融合等特点。 产城园项目计划分三期建设,周期5-8年,此次开工 的是一期工程的智能网联(新能源)重卡项目,将于今 年底投产。产城园一期项目占地11634亩,投资200多 亿元,主要包括智能网联(新能源)重卡项目、德国凯 傲智能叉车项目、美国德玛泰克智能物流装备项目、智 能试车场项目、国际高端合作项目、国内配套项目等。 产城园一期项目将于2023年全面建成投产,二期、三期 按照规划在2028年建成,产城园项目全面达产后,年产 值将突破3000亿元,这必将带来大批就业岗位;将成为 山东省新旧动能转换最靓丽的工程;必将成为济南城市 发展的新引擎,山东经济腾飞的新动力。 ■

Chinese automaker Great Wall to buy GM's Thailand plant 长城汽车收购泰国罗勇府工厂 China's leading sport utility vehicles (SUV) and pickup maker Great Wall Motors said it will purchase General Motors' Rayong car production facility in Thailand. According to a binding agreement inked by the two companies, the transaction and handover, which include a car plant and a power assembly plant in Rayong currently operated by the Detroit carmaker, are expected to be completed by the end of 2020. As a regional manufacturing center, the Rayong plant has produced nearly 1.4 million cars since it went operational in 2000. It will be the Great Wall's 11th full-process complete vehicle manufacturing base globally, the third outside China, following a plant in Russia's Tula region which was put into operation in June 2019 and another one in Talegaon, India, bought from General Motors earlier this year. Liu Xiangshang, the Great Wall's global strategy vice president, said the purchase will boost the company's development in 24

2月17日,长城汽车和通用汽车共同宣布,长城汽车 将收购通用汽车的泰国罗勇府制造工厂。根据双方已签 署的具有约束力的条款书,包括罗勇府汽车工厂和动力 总成工厂在内的通用汽车泰国公司将移交给长城汽车, 双方计划在2020年底完成交易和最终移交。该协议尚需 政府和监管机构的批准。 长城汽车全球战略副总裁刘向上表示:“经过十几年 的发展,长城汽车全球布局已初具规模,近两年,对出口 模式进行转型升级,加快了全球战略的推进步伐。2019 年,长城汽车在俄罗斯图拉投建的全工艺整车工厂顺利 投产,2020年初还签署了收购通用汽车印度塔里冈工厂 的协议。此次收购将助力长城汽车在泰国及东盟市场的 发展。长城汽车将以泰国为中心辐射整个东盟地区,将 产品出口到东盟其他国家及澳大利亚等国。” 自2000年投产以来,泰国罗勇府工厂作为区域制造中心, 已生产了近140万辆汽车,产品面向泰国国内和出口市场。 通用汽车国际业务高级副总裁朱利安表示,在对泰国业


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 the Thailand and ASEAN markets and help export products to other ASEAN nations and countries like Australia. "The ASEAN automotive market is developing with great prospects and potential," Liu said. "Our investment will create more jobs for the locals, improve their skills and stimulate supporting, R&D and related industries there." Headquartered in the city of Baoding, northern China's Hebei province, the company owns several SUV and car brands like Haval, Great Wall, WEY and ORA. With more than 500 overseas branches, its products have been exported to over 60 countries and regions including those along the Belt and Road. ■

务的所有可能选择进行详细分析之后,公司做出了停止在 泰国生产和销售业务的艰难决定。朱利安说:“罗勇府制造 工厂为泰国国内和出口市场生产世界级的皮卡和SUV。我 代表通用汽车感谢泰国团队为公司做出的杰出贡献,同 时,还要感谢泰国政府长期以来对我们业务的支持。” 他表示:“我们决定停止在罗勇府工厂的生产是基于 通用汽车的全球战略和优化我们在世界各地的制造工厂。 在这种情况下,将罗勇府工厂出售给 长城汽车是该基地未来发展的最佳选 择,该交易也将对供应商及相关经济 活动产生利好。” 此次收购完成后,长城汽车全球 化版图再次扩大。泰国罗勇府工厂将 成为继俄罗斯图拉工厂和印度塔里冈 工厂后,长城汽车在海外第三个、全 球第十一个全工艺整车制造基地,不 仅会助力长城汽车在泰国和东盟市场 的发展,还将成为长城汽车全球化布 局中重要的战略支撑。 ■

Weichai power signs strategic restructure agreements with Germany's ARADEX and Austria's VDS 潍柴动力战略重组德国欧德思、奥地利威迪斯 On January 15, Weichai Power Co., Ltd. signed strategic cooperation agreements with Germany's ARADEX AG and Austria's VDS Holding GmbH in Jinan, Shandong Province. According to the agreements, Weichai Power has successfully completed the acquisition of an 80% stake of ARADEX and planned to acquire a 51% stake of VDS, making Weichai Power the controlling shareholder of both companies. The fast implementation and deep integration of the two strategic restructures will effectively improve China’s key technical weaknesses in the electric motor control systems of the new energy powertrain and agricultural equipment CVT powertrain systems, and accelerate the industrialization process of Weichai Power’s new business landscape. Since founded in 1989, ARADEX has been committed to the research and development of electric motors, control systems and energy storages for the industrial and transportation industry. The company has become a pioneer in high performance variable frequency and power supply equipment technology. ARADEX offers powerful design, development and system integration capabilities in terms of various CNC servo motors and servo drivers, new energy commercial vehicle motor controllers, electric motors, fuel cell DC/DC converters and other products. Its products have a design life of over 30,000 hours and are widely recognized for their excellent performance, with hundreds of successful applications. Following the strategic restructure in Canada’s Ballard Power and UK’s Ceres Power, Weichai Power’s strategic investment in ARADEX is another international strategic attempt in the field of new energy powertrain system. Through the effective integration of resources, Weichai Power has not only mastered core technology in the field of traditional pow-

2020 年1 月15 日,潍柴动力分别与德国欧德思公 司、奥地利威迪斯公司在山东济南签署战略合作协议, 正式开启合作新征程。 根据协议,潍柴动力成功完成德国欧德思公司80% 股权的收购,并将收购奥地利威迪斯公司51%的股权, 成为两家公司的控股股东。两起战略重组的迅速落地和 深度融合,将有效填补中国在新能源动力总成电机控制 系统和农业装备CVT动力系统的关键技术短板,加速潍 柴新业态的产业化进程。 据悉,德国欧德思公司成立于1989年,一直致力于 工业及交通运输行业用电机、电控和电源的研究开发 工作,是大功率变频和电源设备的技术领导者,拥有 多种数控机床用伺服电机和驱动器、新能源商用车用 电机控制器、电机、燃料电池DC/DC变换器等产品的 设计开发和系统集成能力,产品设计寿命达3万小时以 上,性能优异,广受赞誉,已有数百种成功应用案例。 潍柴动力战略重组德国欧德思公司是继携手英国锡 里斯、加拿大巴拉德后,在新能源动力系统领域上的 又一次国际化战略布局。通过资源的有效整合,潍柴 不仅掌握了重型商用车传统动力总成领域的关键核心 技术,还一举掌控了电机控制器核心技术,成功构筑 起“电池+电机+电控”为一体的新能源动力系统集成



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 ertrains for heavy-duty commercial vehicles, but also acquired key technology in electronic control system and successfully built the synergetic advantage of an integrated “battery, electric motor and electronic control” system. With the collaborations, parties will work together to accelerate research and development and provide customers with integrated and optimal solutions for new energy powertrain systems. VDS is a technology development company specializing in the powertrain systems for vehicles. It has developed a wide range of products such as hydraulic and automatic transmissions which are widely used in tractors, loaders, municipal vehicles, new energy buses, etc. At the same time, the company has strong product design, R&D, and testing capabilities that can provide consulting services on the whole process from design scheme to prototype production. Through the strategic restructure, Weichai Power and VDS will complement each other's advantages to obtain a win-win accomplishment which could overcome China’s weakness on hydraulic transmission technology, control the key and core technology of CVT powertrain system of agricultural equipment, break the grip of foreign monopoly and achieve breakthroughs in manufacturing CVT powertrain systems in China. It is another successfully attempt after Weichai built the hydraulic system of construction machineries. The scale production and commercialization will effectively help China's agricultural equipment transform to the high-end market. Integrate global technology resources with an open posture, support high-quality and sustainable development with core technology. In recent years, Weichai Power has focused on the “Urgent Company Needs, High-end Technology and breaking the Industry’s Bottleneck". The company has successively strategic restructuring numbers of global high-tech enterprises around the world, to comprehensively improve the Group's strategic emerging businesses, overcome the technical weakness for both the enterprise and the industry to promote the industrialization and commercialization in China. According to the acquisitions of motor controlling system and agricultural CVT equipment, Weichai Power will strengthen its core competitive advantage on the new energy and CVT hydraulics powertrain system, which will vigorously promote the technological progress of China's high-end equipment manufacturing and new energy industry. ■


优势。此次深度融合,双方将加速协同研发,为客 户提供新能源动力系统整体化最优解决方案。 奥地利威迪斯公司是一家专门从事车辆驱动系统 开发的技术公司,其设计开发的液压变速箱、功率 分流器等产品系列丰富,广泛用于拖拉机、装载机、 市政车辆、新能源公交车等领域。同时,该公司具备 很强的产品设计、研发和测试能力,可提供从设计方 案到样机生产的研发全过程咨询服务。 通过此次战略重组,潍柴动力将与奥地利威迪斯 公司优势互补、强强联合,助力中国填补液压传动 变速箱技术短板,掌控农业装备CVT动力总成关键 核心技术,一举打破国外垄断,实现中国制造CVT 动力总成的零突破。同时,这也是继潍柴成功打造 工程机械液压动力总成后的又一动力总成,未来该 产品的大规模商业化落地,将有力推动中国农业装 备向高端升级。 以开放姿态整合全球技术资源,以核心技术支撑 可持续高质量发展。近年来,潍柴聚焦“企业急需、 技术高端、国家瓶颈”,先后在全球范围内战略重组 多家全球高科技企业,全面布局集团未来战略新兴业 务,填补了企业和行业的技术短板,扎实推动了产业 化和商业化落地。此次潍柴在电机电控和农业装备 CVT领域再次出击,打造新能源动力总成、CVT液 压动力总成的核心竞争优势,必将有力推动中国高 端装备制造及新能源行业的技术进步。 ■



Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd delivers pipes for urgent order 新兴铸管投入武汉火神山医院建设 On January 24, the vice-president member of China Foundry Association Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co., Ltd., actively participated in the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan which was an emergency project. The Wuhan sales branch of Xinxing Pipes was asked to provide and deliver an urgent order of 240 meters of DN200 ductile iron pipes and other pipe fittings, and must be delivered to the construction site in the morning of January 25. The company delivered 240 meters of ductile iron pipes and another 108 kinds of pipe fittings to the designated site on time, and also made seamless connection with the construction workers for them to start the pipeline installation as soon as possible. At the same time, the company has also formulated a pre-plan for the project. ■

2020年1月24日,中国铸造协会副会长单位新兴铸管 股份有限公司积极参与到了武汉蔡甸火神山医院应急工 程的建设,新兴铸管武汉销售分公司收到武汉市自来水 公司关于急救医院项目的紧急订单,要求提供DN200球 墨铸铁管240米及对应各种管件,且务必于1月25日早 上送到施工现场。新兴铸管准时将240米的球墨铸铁管 及108种管件管材运至客户指定工地。与施工人员无缝 对接,第一时间开始管道安装作业。同时,新兴铸管针 对该项目后期可能出现的状况制定了预案。 ■

Shenyang Machine Tool Yinfeng Casting to invest RMB57 million for upgrading project 沈阳机床银丰铸造有限公司拟投入5700万元用于升级改造项目 Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd announced that its wholly subsidiary Yinfeng Casting plans to technologically upgrade its cupola to medium-frequency induction furnace. The company plans to invest RMB57 million to this upgrading and transformation project. The construction period will be 10 months. When completed, the production capacity of Yinfeng Casting will reach 80,000t. At the same time, the production capacity of high-end castings, especially the capacity of high-end ductile iron castings with strict requirement will be greatly improved. The maximum unit weight of batch castings can be increased from the current 8t to about 15t, and the maximum unit weight of single casting can be increased to 25t. ■

沈阳机床全资子公司沈阳机床银丰铸造有限公司宣布 计划将冲天炉技改为中频感应电炉,此次升级改造项目 计划投资5,700万元,项目建设期为10个月。改造完成 后,银丰公司产能为8万吨。同时,高端铸件尤其是要 求严格的高端球铁铸件生产能力将得到极大的提升,批 量产品的最大单重可由目前的8吨提升至15吨左右,单 件产品最大单重可提升至25吨。 ■

CNAS authorizes lab for accreditation by specification conditions for foundry enterprises CNAS授权实验室《铸造企业规范条件》认可判定标准 Recently, after being reviewed by the China Certification and Accreditation Administration, Xi'an Electric Furnace Institute Co., Ltd., the affiliated office of China Foundry Association's melting technology and equipment branch and as a third party lab, has been authorized for the accreditation of standard T/CFA0310021-2019 "Specification Conditions for Foundry Enterprises". The lab issues the ILAC-MRA/CNAS test reports according to the "Specification Conditions for Foundry Enterprises" and the reports are recognized internationally. Under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the association standard T/CFA0310021-2019 "Specification Conditions for Foundry Enterprises" formulated by China Foundry Association was issued on September 11, 2019, and has been

近日,经国家认证认可监督管理委员会审核,中 国铸造协会熔炼技术与设备分会秘书处挂靠单位--西 安电炉研究所有限公司作为第三方检测实验室取得了 T/CFA0310021-2019《铸造企业规范条件》判定标 准认可授权,实验室面向社会依据《铸造企业规范条 件》判定标准,出具ILAC-MRA/CNAS检测报告, 国际互认。 在国家工业和信息化部指导支持下,中国铸造协 会制定的团体标准T/CFA0310021-2019《铸造企业 规范条件》于2019年9月11日发布、2020年1月1日



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 officially implemented since January 1, 2020. The China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) set by China Certification and Accreditation Administration adopts the "Specification Conditions for Foundry Enterprises" as the authorization and accreditation standard, which indicates that China Foundry Association’s association standard has made an important step in regards of national acceptance and international exchanges, and will also play a big role in promoting the implementation of the standard. ■

正式实施。 国家认可委CNAS将《铸造企业规范条件》作为授 权认可判定标准,标志着中国铸造协会团体标准在国 家采信和国际化交流方面迈出了重要一步,也将对《 铸造企业规范条件》的落地实施起到极大的推动作 用。 ■

Chongqing Dajiang Millison opens a new production base 重庆大江美利信压铸生产基地落户东莞 On March 11, the signing ceremony for a production base invested by Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die Casting Co. Ltd., a member company of China Foundry Association, was held in Liaobu town, Dongguan, Guangdong province. According to the general manager of Millison Mr. Ma Minghai, Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die Casting Co. Ltd. will invest RMB200 million yuan for this project and rent the production facility which covers 47000 square meters. The main business of this project is 5G base stations for Huawei and other customers. It’s expected to start production in this May, and the output value will reach 400 million yuan in 2021. Chongqing Dajiang Millison Die Casting Co. Ltd. was founded in May 2001. It mainly produces auto parts and structural products for communication base station, with production capacity of 60,000t of large, complex and high-precision aluminum alloy parts. It has the world leading mold design and manufacturing ability, smart die casting island, high-precision machining center and precision quality inspection system. ■

3月11月,中国铸造协会会员企业重庆大江美利信压 铸有限责任公司投资建设的东莞美利信压铸生产基地项 目,在广东省东莞市寮步镇举行签约仪式。 总经理马名海介绍,重庆大江美利信压铸有限责任 公司预计在寮步投资2亿元,以租赁形式定制东莞美利 信压铸生产基地厂房,面积达47000平方米,主营业务 是华为等客户的5G基站生产。项目预计今年5月开始投 产,2021年产值预计达4亿元。 重庆大江美利信创立于2001年5月,主要生产汽车零 部件以及通信基站结构件产品,在重庆、襄阳、东莞建 立生产基地,拥有全球领先的模具设计制造、智能化压 铸岛、高精度加工中心、精密质量检测系统,具备年产 6万吨大型、复杂、高精度铝合金产品的生产能力。 ■

FAW Foundry drives full production to ensure supply 一汽铸造严防疫情,全线拉动生产 Around February 10, FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. pulled a full production line in three locations and eight plants to resume production at full capacity to ensure the supply of components needed by FAW Group's vehicles. Before the resumption of production, the company strictly implemented the epidemic prevention and control requirements of the municipal government and the group. All departments adjusted the production plan in a timely manner in accordance with the actual situation, determined the date of resumption and made the support work for the water, electricity, gas, materials and logistics. Based on the production arrangements and demand of major customers such as FAW-Jiefang, FAW-Volkswagen, FAW Foundry Company analyzes the possible supply risks of delayed resumption in combination with the main product inventory, demand and capacity, and guides the connection and coordination for different departments. The company 28

2月10日前后,一汽铸造公司在三地八厂一所全线拉 动,开足马力抢生产,保证集团整车生产的零部件供应。 在复工复产前,铸造公司响应市政府、集团公司对复 工时间的防疫要求,各单位结合实际及时调整了生产计 划,确定复工时间,并提前做好复工生产所需的水、电、 气、物料、物流等综合保障工作。 铸造公司根据解放公司、一汽-大众公司、轿车公司 等主要客户的生产安排和要货需求,结合主要产品库存 情况、需求情况、产能情况,分析延迟复工可能存在的 供货风险,指导公司各单位做好复工后生产计划的衔接 与协调,为挑战高产、提升效率、拼抢市场做好充分准 备,开足马力保集团整车装机。


INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 made full preparations to challenge higher output, improve efficiency and obtain more markets, ensuring the full installed capacity of the Group. In terms of commercial vehicles, relevant departments mainly focus on the production of truck cylinders, cylinder heads, brake hubs, crankshafts and front axle. They adopt a centralized production and centralized shutdown model, strictly manage the production process, focusing on hourly efficiency, equipment shutdown, process and new product debugging to ensure that the completion rate of production plans reaches 100%; for passenger cars, the main customers are Volkswagen, Audi and passenger cars, focusing on cylinder heads of EA888, EA211, B9 brackets and 4GB related products. The Changchun and Chengdu plants maintain full production and guarantee the deliveries. It is expected that the total production of all products in February will reach more than 100,000 parts. ■

在商用车产品方面,相关单位以解放卡车缸体、 缸盖、刹车毂、曲轴及前轴产品为主,采取集中生产 集中停的模式,严细管理生产过程,抓小时效率、设 备停台、生产流程及新产品调试,保障生产计划完成 率达到100%;在乘用车产品方面,主要以大众、奥 迪、轿车主要服务客户,主抓EA888、EA211缸体 缸盖、B9支架及4GB相关产品生产,长春及成都两 地工厂全面把握生产节奏,保障交货,预计所有产 品2月份总产量将达到10余万件。 ■

Lizhong Group starts Wuhan aluminum alloy new material project 立中集团武汉铝合金新材料项目正式开工 On January 6, Lizhong Group held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new aluminum alloy project in Caidian District, Wuhan, Hubei province. Lizhong Wheel Group plans to invest about 600 million yuan, with a requisition of about 78667 square meters of land in Caidian Economic Development Zone, to build an intelligent manufacturing plant with an annual output of 3 million high-end cast-spin aluminum alloy wheels, develop and manufacture aluminum alloy wheels and precision molds for wheels. After the project is in full production, it can realize annual sales income of about 700 million yuan and tax revenue of 30 million yuan. Besides, Lizhong Alloy Group plans to invest about 400 million yuan, with a requisition about 46667 square meters of land in Caidian Economic Development Zone, and build a green manufacturing plant for new aluminum alloy automotive lightweight materials with an annual output of 100,000 tons. This project mainly develops and manufactures cast aluminum alloy and deformed aluminum alloys and aluminum-based functional master alloys. The project is constructed in two phases. After it is fully completed and put into operation, the annual sales income will exceed 1 billion yuan, and the tax revenue will be about 26 million yuan. ■

1 月6 日,立中集团位于湖北武汉蔡甸区的铝合 金新材料项目举行奠基仪式。立中车轮集团拟投资 约6 亿元,在蔡甸经济开发区征地约118 亩,建设 年产300 万只高端铸旋铝合金车轮智能制造工厂, 研发、制造铝合金车轮和车轮精密模具。项目全部 达产后,可实现年销售收入约7 亿元,税收可达 3000 万元。立中合金集团拟投资约4 亿元,在蔡 甸经济开发区征地约70 亩,建设年产10 万吨新型 铝合金汽车轻量化材料绿色制造工厂,本项目主要 研发、制造铸造铝合金、变形铝合金和铝基功能中 间合金。项目分两期建设,全面建成投产后,年销 售收入超过10 亿元,实现税收大约2600 万元。 ■

Goldwind Australian project completed hoisting 金风科技澳洲Agnew项目风机吊装完成 Member company of China Foundry Association Goldwind Sci & Tech Co., Ltd has completed the hoisting of five smart wind turbines in Gold Fields, north of Western Australia, which

中国铸造协会会员企业,金风科技股份有限公司在西 澳大利亚北部的Gold Fields地区,吊装完成5台智能风



INDUSTRY NEWS/行业新闻 would provide a steady stream of green wind power for the Agnew smart micro-grid project. The Agnew project uses GW140-3.57MW, a smart wind turbines 3S platform of Goldwind Sci & Tech, which is the first micro-grid project integrating wind and solar storage for the local mining industry. The innovative and integrated energy mode has been highly recognized by Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and is an important part of ARENA’s promotion of local renewable energy plans. “We are excited to make contributions to Australian’s transition to a reliable, affordable and sustainable new energy future,” said John Titchen, managing director of Goldwind Australia. The Agnew project is just an epitome. At present, the hoisting of over 300 wind turbines are in an orderly manner for the projects in construction in Australia. ■

电机组,将为澳大利亚Agnew智能微网项目提供源源不 断的绿色风电。 Agnew项目采用金风科技3S平台智能风电机组—— GW140-3.57MW,是澳大利亚首个将风力发电用于当 地采矿业的风光储一体化智能微网项目。项目的创新融 合用能模式已获得澳大利亚可再生能源署(ARENA) 的高度认可,是ARENA推进当地可再生能源计划的重 要组成部分。 “我们很高兴能为澳大利亚向可靠、可负担、可持续 的新能源未来过渡做出重要贡献。”金风澳洲董事总经 理John Titchen表示。 Agnew项目只是一个缩影。目前金风澳洲在建项目 中,超过300台风电机组的吊装工作正有序推进。 ■

Zoomzu Molding Machine to export to India 中铸机械造型线出口印度 On March 7, Zoomzu Machinery slide-out molding machine ZH6171(610×710) was ready to ship to its Indian customer after strict quality inspection and fatigue-resistant operation tests, which will be used for sewing machine head making. The slide-out molding machine is convenient for core setting, which can solve the problems such as multiple cores setting and large sand cores setting and improve production efficiency. Guangdong Zoomzu Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd., located in Guangzhou, Guangdong, is a professional manufacturer of fully automatic horizontal parting flaskless molding machine and fully automatic sand casting molding production line. The company can provide a professional casting molding solution for foundry companies. It can improve the level of molding automation, reduce the labor cost of the enterprise and improve the work efficiency. Zoomzu fully automatic molding machines are sold throughout China, as well as South Korea, Vietnam, Egypt, Algeria, Bangladesh, India and other countries. ■


3月7日,中铸机械全自动“滑出式”变频造型机经 过严格质检、耐疲劳运行试验,已达到出厂标准。该“ 滑出式ZH6171”变频造型机发往印度客户,将用于制 造缝纫机机头。中铸滑出式造型机方便下芯,能够解 决下芯多、大砂芯下芯难等造型难题,提高生产效率。 广东中铸机械设备有限公司位于广东广州,专业从 事铸造设备、全自动造型机的生产,创造性地研发出全 自动水平分型脱箱造型机。该公司可以为铸造公司提供 专业的造型解决方案。中铸造型机可提高成型自动化水 平,降低企业的人工成本,提高工作效率。 中铸机械全自动成型机销往中国各地,以及出口至 韩国、越南、埃及、阿尔及利亚、孟加拉、印度等国 家。 ■


Energy and Raw Material Savings in Foundries Through Utilization of Simulation jörg c. sturm, magma giessereitechnologie gmbh, aachen germany

充分利用模拟仿真实现铸造厂节能降耗 德国亚琛迈格码公司,Jörg C. Sturm



Over the last 30 years casting process simulation tools in foundries have evolved from defect detection and gating development tools to an accepted methodology for the thorough improvement of efficiencies and assurance of robust processes. Naturally, this role of simulation is bases on the trust foundry experts gained in the results of simulation. Therefore, the predictive description of processes is used like a virtual test foundry, where the casting technology is not only calculated once to confirm initial assumptions, but is used to perform parameter and sensitivity studies to detect the impact of important process parameters on the stability of the production process. This establishes the basis for the understanding of important parameters and its impact on energy and material efficiency in a foundry. The following examples depict these connections.

Designing cost reducing castings Weight reduction is the key technology in the automotive and equipment manufacturing industries. 100 kg of weight reduction in a vehicle equate to fuel consumption reduction of 0.2 to 0.4 l/100 km. Over the life cycle of a vehicle, with a total driven distance of 250,000 km, up to 1,000 liters of gasoline or 2.3 metric tons of CO2 can be saved. Also, the equipment manufacturers need to think in lightweight terms. I.e. the increasing weight of planned wind energy nacelles of large offshore wind energy turbines becomes the critical feasibility and success factor. Through the utilization of modern simulation tools it is possible to extract the entire potential of cast materials and their manufacturing processes. Simulation tools today are capable to exactly predict the impact of process parameters onto casting quality. They can be utilized very early in the product development process to reduce weight. The provided information from simulation programs supports not only the designer to find castable and weight optimized designs, but also the foundry engineer to establish a stable and cost effective production [1].

Energy savings through reduction or elimination of trial and error runs Without casting process simulation, many expensive trial runs of the casting process need to be performed after the

绍 在过去三十年间,铸造工艺模拟工具已

经从单纯的缺陷检测和浇流道开发工具进化为一种充分 提高效率和确保稳健工艺的公认的方法。当然,这种模 拟的作用是建立在铸造专家对模拟结果的信任的基础上 的。因此,对工艺预测性的描述就如同一个“虚拟试 验铸造厂”。铸造工艺仿真不仅计算以确认初始假设条 件,还用于进行参数和敏感性研究,以探究重要工艺参 数对生产工艺稳定性的影响。这就为了解重要参数及其 对铸造厂能源和材料效率的影响奠定了基础。下列案例 描述了这些关联。

降低铸件设计成本 减重是汽车和设备制造行业的关键技术。一台车辆减 重100公斤相当于每百公里油耗减少0.2~0.4升。在车 辆寿命期内,按总驾驶里程25万公里计算,可以最高减 少1000升汽油消耗或2.3吨的二氧化碳排放。同样的设 备制造商也需要考虑轻量化条款。例如增加大型海上风 电涡轮机的计划,风能吊舱的重量成为重要的可行性评 估因素。 通过采用现代化模拟工具,可以开发出铸造材料及 其制造工艺的全部潜力。如今模拟工具能准确预测工艺 参数对铸件的影响。可以早在产品开发过程就采用此 工具,以减轻设计产品的重量。模拟软件提供的信息不 仅支持工程师找到可铸性好和重量轻的优化设计,而且 使得铸造工程师能确立稳定和降本增效的生产(工艺) 【1】。 通过减少或消除试错运行来节省能源 如果没有铸造工艺模拟的情况下,在零件设计完结后 需要进行多次成本昂贵的铸造工艺试浇。模拟几乎消除 了通过物理试浇注直到找到最佳工艺配置的过程。铸造



图1:原冒口设计(左), 新冒口设计(右)【3】。

Fig. 1: The New riser design (right), the original design (left) [3].

design of the part is finalized. Simulation almost eliminates this process of approaching the optimum process configuration through physical test pours. The foundry expert uses simulation software to establish all process parameters for a robust production prior the production start. Just through the reduction or elimination of test runs, initial raw material and energy savings are realized right away. I.e. an American foundry has reduced the configuration and numbers of test pours so drastically that not only the costs for prototypes by themselves where reduced by US$ 580,000.00 but the elimination of test runs that led to bad castings created additional savings of US$208,000.00 [2].


Introduction of new casting technology


The introduction of new casting technology in any foundry is associated with challenges and risks. The chances of increased energy and material efficiency are recognized, but weighted against the production risk and delivery promises. This leads, over and over again, to keeping the old ways of doing things. During the production of complex ductile iron carriers a shrinkage defect was detected only late in the machining process. The first simulation showed the defect and its root cause: the feeding pass to the critical area is cut off prematurely. A change in the riser layout eliminated the defect (Figure 1). Additionally, the necessary changes to the gating system reduced the pouring weight by 13kg and shortened the pouring time by 2.5 s. The realized savings in 13 metric tons of melt per year equals energy savings in the melting process of 12,272 kWh. Another benefit was realized by reducing the riser neck cross section by 25%, leading to reduced riser removal costs. Furthermore, the modified layout leads to a reduction in the solidification time by 11 minutes and, thereby, to an increase in productivity by 15%. The original job was to eliminate the defect. The final solution, based on simulation, lead to significantly reduced production costs [3].


Energy and cost savings through riser optimization In one year, the foundry of Heidelberger Druck AG in Amstetten/Germany has evaluated and modified the gating and process technology of 38 currently produced parts with a production volume of 32,000 castings per year. Through this effort 295 metric tons of re-melt with the total weight of 1,300 metric tons were eliminated. Within 18 months Heidelberger Druck saved €100,000.00 per year on material and energy costs [4]. For example, based on simulation results, the gating system of a gearbox housing was changed from 5 to 2 risers. This reduced the pouring weight by 69kg per part or 82 metric tons per year, saving €32.00 per part or €38,000.00 per year. The use of simulation also enabled the foundry to change a 3-on mold for a bearing to a 4-on mold with a simulta32

有工艺参数。 通过减少或消除实际试浇,就能立刻实现省去初次原 材料和能源消耗的目标。例如,一家美国铸造厂大幅度 减少了配置和试浇注次数,不仅降低了样件的成本(58 万美元),而且消除了导致大量铸件质量不良的试浇, 这另外节约了20.8万美元【2】。

引入新的铸造技术 在任何铸造厂引入新铸造技术都面临挑战和风险。提

致了一般厂家在面对这一议题时因循守旧,总是保持以 往的做事方式。 在生产复杂球铁支架铸件的过程中,到了机加工过 程时才发现了缩松缺陷。随后首次模拟便发现了此缺陷 并找到了根源:通向关键区域的补缩通道被提前阻断。 对冒口设置方案进行调整后便消除了这一缺陷(图1) 。此外,对浇注系统的必要修改使得浇注重量减少了13 公斤,浇注时间缩短了2.5秒。这样一来每年实现了节 约金属液13吨,相当于在熔炼过程中减少能耗12272千 瓦时。通过缩小冒口颈横截面积25%实现另一效益(减 少冒口清理费用)。而且,修改后的工艺设置方案让凝 固时间减少了11分钟,并进而使得生产率增加了15%。 原先的目的是消除缩孔缺陷。基于模拟的最终方案使得 生产成本大幅度降低【3】。

通过优化冒口节约能源和降低成本 在一年的时间里,德国阿姆施泰滕的Heidelberger Druck AG铸造厂对目前生产的38种铸件(年产铸件量 32000件)的浇冒口系统和工艺技术进行了评估和修 改。通过这一努力,在总重量达1300吨的基础上避免 了295吨回炉料。 在前18个月内,Heidelberger Druck每年在材料和 能源费用上节约10万欧元【4】 其中的一个齿轮,基于模拟结果,浇冒系统的冒口 从5个修改为2个。每件减少浇注重量69公斤或每年减 少82公吨,相当于节省每件32欧元或每年38000欧元 的成本。 采用模拟使得铸造厂还能将一模3件改为一模4件,


neous reduction in the number of risers. The casting yield increased by 53%, reducing the cost per part by €2.18. Quality supported by simulation avoids energy intensive scrap John Deere, Moline/IL, USA, was able to reduce the scrap rate of a gray iron part from 10.3% to 1.4% by modifying its design and gating system, leading to annual savings of US$66,936.00. At the same time, the casting yield was increased from 58% to 64% through the consequent utilization of casting process simulation. This equals additional savings of $66,600.00 per year. The total amount of iron necessary was reduced by 195.6 metric tons leading to 274 molds more available on a molding line running at full capacity. This optimization also provides energy savings of 160,000 kWh per year. If simulation would have been used at an earlier stage, the foundry claimed an additional savings potential of US$140,000.00 in the first year of production and the avoidance of casting design and pattern change costs of US$120,000.00 [5].


Energy and cost savings in aluminum permanent mold casting processes


The potential for energy savings in mass produced castings is comparatively high, due to the leverage provided by the huge number of parts. Through pattern layout changes and casting process modifications, only possible by utilizing casting process simulation, the aluminum foundry EBCC, Wroclaw/Poland, achieved more than €100,000.00 in cost savings in their production of brake calipers [8]. The main factors leading to this success were the reduction of burn-off during melting (about €25,000.00 per year), melting energy savings (about €45,000.00 per year), and reduced cycle time with resulting lower wear of the permanent mold lead to a reduction in the number of needed replacement molds (€35,000.00 per year). Obviously, this reduction in cycle time also lead to an increased productivity (Figures 2) [6].

Optimization of gating systems and re-melt Using a gearbox-housing as an example, a research project evaluated the energy savings potential of switching an oil-based die cooling system to a water-based

Figure 2: Optimization of mold and riser geometries lead to robust process conditions and simultaneous reduction in energy input.


提高产品质量,避免能耗密集型废品 美国伊利诺斯州的John Deere, Moline通过修改其设 计和浇冒口系统能将灰铸铁废品率从10.3%降低到1.4% ,年节约成本66,936.00美元。与此同时,通过随后采 用铸造工艺模拟使得铸造出品率从58%增加到64%。这 相当于每年另外节约66,600.00美元。需要铁水总量降 低195,6吨,使得在满负荷生产时造型生产线上可再提 供274个铸型。此优化每年还可以节约能源160000千瓦 时。如果在早期就采用这一模拟技术,铸造厂声称在第 一年生产时有另外节约140,000.00美元的潜力,并可免 去铸件设计和模型修改费用120,000.00美元【5】。

由于大批量铸件生产提供的杠杆作用,大批量生产铸 件节能的潜力相对较高。 通过模型布置方案修改和铸造工艺改进(只有通过采 用铸造工艺模拟才有可能),波兰弗罗茨瓦夫铝铸造厂 EBCC在其制动钳生产中已经获得节约成本10万欧元以 上的效益【8】。引起这一成功的主要因素就是减少了 熔炼过程中的损耗(每年大约25000欧元),熔炼节电 (大约每年45000欧元)和降低循环时间,据此造成金 属型损耗较少,导致需要更换铸型数减少(每年35000 欧元)。很明显,减少循环时间也会提高生产率(图2 )【6】。

浇注系统和回炉料的优化 以齿轮箱体为例,研究项目评估了将油基模具冷却系 统转变为水基冷却系统的节能潜力。此条件对铸件质量 没有任何负面影响。采 用铸造工艺模拟进行了

图2:优化铸型和冒口几 何形状保证稳健的工艺条 件并同时降低能源消耗。



one. The condition was not to negatively impact the casting quality. A comprehensive virtual parameter study (DoE) was conducted using casting process simulation to evaluate the impact of several process parameters and gating designs (Figure 3). The software allows for the immediate comparison of all calculated trial runs and depicts the best solutions (Figure 4). The result was a reduction of runner volume by 25%, which lead to 12% less material used per shot. At the same time, the optimized cooling line design, in combination with the lower pouring weight, lead to a cycle time reduction of 8% [7].


Efficiency improvement and cost reduction through multi-cavity dies


The change from a single to a multi-cavity die requires the change of the runner design, which often can lead to quality differences between the castings in the die. This problem is especially present in dies using a non-symmetrical gating system, where the separate cavities are fed by individual runners. Designing a flow-dependent shape of the runners, the filling characteristics of a single-cavity die where successfully transferred to a dual-cavity die. The high quality level achieved in the single-cavity die, were successfully transferred to a dual-cavity setup by utilizing automatic optimization. The production risk was thereby significantly reduced through the use of casting process simulation and the foundry benefited immediately from the implementation of the new layout [9].

Casting Process Simulation – from competitive advantage to technology saving the environment The provided examples documenting that if casting process simulation is utilized throughout the entire casting process, a 10% efficiency improvement is easily accomplishable. In connection with the current discussion relating to energy efficiency and related protection of the environment, the displayed potential savings in energy and materials, achievable through the utilization of casting process simulation, make the use of simulation in foundries mandatory.

Literature [1] Egner-Walter, A.

Fig. 3: Optimized gating layout of a gearbox housing, upper left: Original layout and cooling line design, upper right: the optimized runner results in a homogeneous filling pattern, original (lower left) and weight optimized runner system (lower right) [7].


口设计的影响(图3)。软件可允许直接比较所有计算 的试运行并呈现最佳方案(图4)。 优化的结果是横浇道体积减少了25%,这使得每次压 铸使用的材料减少12%。同时,优化冷却管路设计与较 低的浇注重量相结合,使得循环时间降低了8%【7】。

多型腔模具提高效率和降低成本 从单腔模具到多腔模具的转变需要改变流道设计,这 往往会导致模具中铸件的质量差异。这一问题在使用非 独的流道供给。设计了一种与流动有关的流道形状,将 单腔模具的充型特性成功地复制到双腔模具上。利用自 主优化技术,成功地将单腔模具所达到的高质量水平转 换为双腔模具。因此,通过使用铸造工艺模拟,生产风 险大大降低,铸造厂立即受益于新设计方案的实施【9 】。

铸造工艺模拟 – 从竞争优势到技术环保 提供的案例证明,如果在整个铸造过程中使用铸造工 艺模拟,则很容易实现提高10%的效率。结合当前有关 能源效率和环境保护的讨论,通过使用铸造工艺模拟, 显示了节约能源和材料方面的潜能,模拟仿真是新时期 铸造厂必须要使用的有力工具。

文献 [1] Egner-Walter, A. Zenker. N. und Fritsche, E.:“ Vorhersage von Gefüge und lokalen Eigenschaften für Kurbelgehäuse aus GJV, VDI-Fachtagung: Gießtechnik im Motorenbau, Magdeburg (2011). [2] entnommen aus Vortrag Magma Nord-Amerikanisches Anwendertreffen 2009

图3:优化后的齿轮箱体浇注系 统布置方案,左上角:原来布 置方案和冷却管路设计,右上 角:优化横浇道后均衡的充型 模式;左下角:原来的横浇道 系统,右下角:优化后的横浇 道系统(右下角)【7】


Fig.4: Automatic optimization of casting process and die temperature through casting process simulation. The parameter study of different designs shows, that there are solutions (designs m, n and o) that provide reduced runner volume in combination with improved casting quality, compared to the original setup (design 0) [8].

图4:通过铸造工艺模拟自主优化铸造工艺和模具温度。不同设 计的参数研究表明,与原设置相比(设计0)存在若干可提供 减少横浇道体积并同时改进铸件质量的解决方案(设计m,n和 o)【8】。

Zenker. N. und Fritsche, E.:“ Vorhersage von Gefüge und lokalen Eigenschaften für Kurbelgehäuse aus GJV, VDIFachtagung: Gießtechnik im Motorenbau, Magdeburg (2011). [2] entnommen aus Vortrag Magma Nord-Amerikanisches Anwendertreffen 2009 [3] Jahresbericht 2008 des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie (BDG) [4] Giesen, H.: „Qualitätsguss entsteht auf dem Bildschirm”, Industrieanzeiger, Ausgabe 02/2011, 32-34 [5] Barter. D., John Deere Waterloo Foundry: “Using Magmasoft to Design Cost Effective and More Manufacturable Castings”, Vortrag auf dem Magma Nord- Amerikanischen Anwendertreffen 2009 [6] Targowski, W. (EBCC Poland) et. al: ”Implementation of Magmasoft to improve a gravity die casting process on an example of aluminum disc brake calipers manufacturing, Vortrag auf dem Internationalen Magma-Anwendertreffen (2006), Kopenhagen/Oslo. [7] Hartmann, G.: Vortrag auf Progress-Treffen, Gestaltung ressourceneffizienter Prozessketten am Beispiel Aluminium-Druckguss, BMBF- Verbundforschungsvorhaben, Karlsruhe 2009 [8] R. Seefeldt, Vortrag auf Progress-Treffen, Gestaltung ressourceneffizienter Prozessketten am Beispiel Aluminium-Druckguss, BMBF- Verbundforschungsvorhaben, Hindesheim 2011 [9] R. Seefeld, J. Sturm und A. Pawlowski: „Aus Eins mach Zwei“, GIESSEREI 94 (2007), Ausgabe 4, 34–42. Giesserei-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf ■

[3] Jahresbericht 2008 des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie (BDG) [4] Giesen, H.: „Qualitätsguss entsteht auf dem Bildschirm”, Industrieanzeiger, Ausgabe 02/2011, 32-34 [5] Barter. D., John Deere Waterloo Foundry: “Using Magmasoft to Design Cost Effective and More Manufacturable Castings”, Vortrag auf dem Magma NordAmerikanischen Anwendertreffen 2009 [6] Targowski, W. (EBCC Poland) et. al: ”Implementation of Magmasoft to improve a gravity die casting process on an example of aluminum disc brake calipers manufacturing, Vortrag auf dem Internationalen Magma-Anwendertreffen (2006), Kopenhagen/Oslo. [7] Hartmann, G.: Vortrag auf Progress-Treffen, Gestaltung ressourceneffizienter Prozessketten am Beispiel Aluminium-Druckguss, BMBF- Verbundforschungsvorhaben, Karlsruhe 2009 [8] R. Seefeldt, Vortrag auf Progress-Treffen, Gestaltung ressourceneffizienter Prozessketten am Beispiel Aluminium-Druckguss, BMBF- Verbundforschungsvorhaben, Hindesheim 2011 [9] R. Seefeld, J. Sturm und A. Pawlowski: „Aus Eins mach Zwei“, GIESSEREI 94 (2007), Ausgabe 4, 34–42. Giesserei-Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf



Recommendations For Welding Aluminum Castings david weiss, mike gwyn, keith sturgill

关于铝铸件焊接的建议 David Weiss, Mike Gwyn, Keith Sturgill


n-process weld reworked parts can meet the requirements of aerospace, military and commercial structural specifications when reworked with proper capability. But since it is expensive, foundries should try to minimize welding on castings to the extent possible. In most aluminum foundries, there is an area in the corner of the building that no one wants to talk about: the welding area. Sometimes this is used for legitimate activities, like welding a plug into a core support hole, but it is often used to repair defects in castings so they meet dimensional or other quality specifications. Neither customers nor foundry management are completely comfortable with this since the mantra is to make it right the first time. Nonetheless, complicated designs, low volume requirements or cost pressures sometimes make it necessary to use weld rework to salvage castings. Castings are susceptible to having small surface imperfec-

果焊接返修的铸件可以满足航空航天、军 工和商用结构件的要求,可以进行适当的 返修。但是由于成本高昂,铸造企业应尽

量避免对铸件的焊接。 对于大多数生产铝铸件的企业,车间内有一个区域是 人们不愿谈论的:焊接区。有时,焊接是作为合理的 作业,例如将销子焊接到型芯支撑孔中,但更多用于 修复铸件缺陷,使其符合尺寸或其他质量要求。 无论客户还是铸造企业的管理者对此都不满意,因为 他们认为从开始就要做好。但是,由于复杂的设计、 批量太少或成本压力,有时仍需通过焊接返修来补救 铸件。

Table 1. Comparison of Tensile Data From Unwelded, Half Welded and Full Welded Test Specimens Data Set


0.2% Yield Strength MPa


No Weld Std. Dev. High Low

340.2 5.0 350.3 329.6

306.9 4.0 317.2 299.9

1.94 0.62 3.62 1.16

Half Weld Std. Dev. High Low

340.3 4.3 346.1 326.1

307.1 3.7 313.0 299.2

2.00 0.52 3.47 0.98

Full Weld Std. Dev. High Low

340.2 7.1 348.2 315.1

308.4 3.3 313.7 302.0

1.92 0.55 2.94 0.69



Fig 1. Here are the locations of full- and half-weld samples from the E357 study.

tions such as inclusion pits, gas microporosity, cold laps, misrun edges, or dents from handling damage that are cosmetically unappealing or non-compliant. In-process weld rework of castings is a routine casting finishing activity that is used to mend such casting surface imperfections across almost all alloy families and mold cavity-making processes. A casting that has been welded, blended and heat treated and has passed all drawing specified inspections will be dimensionally, physically, chemically, metallurgically, and structurally compliant to drawing requirements. Therefore, specifications to limit or document in-process weld rework of surface imperfections are rarely noted in commercial castings. Even among military and aerospace castings, in-process weld rework for surface imperfections is not always limited by specifications. In all cases, minor surface imperfections can be ground away up to 1.5mm depth and blended. One of the earliest papers on the subject by Anderson and Boyd was published in the 1924 edition of the Transactions of the American Foundrymen’s Association. They report, “With simple castings, the loss due to wasters may be quite low, say 4-7 percent, but in complicated castings, like crankcase upper halves for 8-cylinder motor cars, it may be as much as 20-25 percent on the average. Of these losses, some 50 percent is reclaimed by soldering and welding.” They go on to say, “It is quite obvious that a welded joint will not possess the strength of the original casting.” Fortunately, the scrap and salvage rate are not as high as they were in 1924 and certainly the comment about the strength of the welded joint is no longer true, although believed by many.




孔、微缩孔、冷隔、浇不足或由于外观上不美观或不 合规而造成的凹痕。铸件的焊接返修是常规的铸件后 处理操作,可用于修补几乎所有合金类型和造型过程 中出现的铸件表面缺陷。 经过焊接、焊补和热处理并通过所有图纸设计的特 定检查后,铸件在尺寸、力学性能、化学成份、冶金 性能和结构上均应符合图纸设计要求。因此,在商用 铸件中很少有对表面缺陷焊接返工的限制规定或程序 文件。即使在军工和航空航天铸件中,针对表面缺陷 铸件的焊接返修也不总是采取限制规定。在所有情况 下,较小的表面缺陷都可以研磨至1.5mm的深度并得 到焊补。 针对该问题,Anderson和Boyd联合撰写的一篇文 章早在1924年出版的《美国铸造协会论文集》上发 表。文章里写到:“在简易铸件中,因废品造成的损 耗可能很小,为4-7%;但在复杂铸件中,如8缸汽 车曲轴箱上盖,平均废品率可能高达20-25%。在这 些废品中,约有50%可以通过钎焊和焊补挽救。”此 外,文章还提到“很明显,焊接接缝不具备原始铸件 的强度。” 幸运的是,目前的废品率和补救率没有1924年的 对焊接接缝强度的认识是不符合实际的。

AMS 2175 In-process weld rework is also performed on surface and near-surface discontinuities. These discontinuities are typically harmful to the structural performance of a casting. They are hot tears (pre-existing cracks from the nature of the alloy, mold cavity geometry, and/or the mold cavity material),

技术规范 AMS 2175 在铸件表面和近表面间的断点进行焊接返修。这些间



cracks from heat treating, and near-surface voids revealed by radiography or ultrasound. For commercial castings, the extent of discontinuities is typically classified by radiographic standards. For military and aerospace castings, severity of cast component service is classified (Classes 1 through 4) and surface and/or internal integrity is specified by AMS 2175, Grades A through D. Classes require different levels of nondestructive testing, and Grades directly affect allowable stress for cyclic life. AMS 2175 covers almost all casting processes and the full range of casting alloys, so it is also adopted as a commercial standard for safety-critical castings. Importantly, AMS 2175 is silent regarding in-process weld rework, only specifying the extent of imperfection in Grades A through D as “graded” in visual, radiographic, magnetic particle, or die penetrant inspection. This is inspection after all as-cast processes are complete, including final heat treatment. Logically, castings that are classified 1 or 2 should have carefully defined specifications for in-process weld rework. Such specifications and/or drawing notes define the weld processes, weld filler alloys, pre-weld surface preparations, welder qualifications, post-weld surface blending, and pre-weld and/or post-weld heat treatment. The manufacturing capability of these specifications to sustain class and grade’s strain life properties has been established by data developed by OEMs, defense primes, and metalcasters. Some data has been published but much is considered proprietary and not generally available.

断点通常对铸件的结构性能有影响。它们是热裂(由 于合金的特性、型腔几何形状和/或型腔材料已经存在 的裂纹)、热处理产生的裂纹以及射线照相或超声波 检测出的近表面空隙。对于商用铸件,间断点的严重 程度通常通过射线照相标准进行分类。 对于军工和航空航天铸件的缺陷程度进行了分类(1-4 类),并且铸件表面和/或内部完整性由AMS 2175 (A-D级)确定。这些类别要求不同等级的无损检 测,这些差别会直接影响使用周期的容许应力。AMS 2175涵盖了几乎所有铸造工艺以及合金,因此它也被 用作与铸件安全性密切相关的商用技术标准。 重要的是,AMS 2175不限制铸件的焊接返工,仅在 可视化、射线照相、磁粉检测或模具渗透检查中将 A-D级的缺陷进行分级。这是所有铸造过程(包括最 终热处理)完成后的检查。 从逻辑上讲,分类为1或2的铸件应对焊接返工有明 确规定。此类规范或图纸说明对焊接工艺、焊缝合 金、预焊接表面处理、焊工资格、焊后表面处理以及 焊前和/或焊后热处理下了定义。这些可以维持铸件类 别和等级应力特性的制造能力已经由OEM、国防部门 和金属铸造企业所开发的数据建立起来。一些数据已 经发布,但是很多数据被认为是专有的,一般无法获 得。

Fig 2. Here are S-N plots of fatigue data for three types of weld repair specimens of E357-T6 sand castings showing the effect of the type of weld repair on fatigue life.



AMS-A-21180 The most limiting specifications, typically AMS-A21180 and its ASTM counterparts, may call out “no-weld zones” or “in-process weld rework only upon written permission of the purchaser.” Maps may be required showing location, size, and depth of welds. No structural component of any kind and, therefore, no structural casting, is critically stressed all over. This scenario, best represented by specification AMS-A-21180, should be applied only to casting surfaces that really are critically stressed. Other specifications give direction on repair welding of aluminum castings that are sometimes used. AMS 2694 defines requirements for in-process corrections of discontinuities by manual welding. Several specifications deal specifically with welding of aerospace structures such as AWS 17.1 and FAA Advisory Circular No. 33-6 on weld repair of aluminum crankcases and cylinders.

Process for Weld Rework Welding is another molten metal process. The correct manufacturing steps can be defined, and the details will depend on the specific defect. T.J. Bosworth of Boeing wrote an excellent paper on weld rework of aluminum castings, defining key steps to achieve high quality welds. Those steps can be summarized as follows: • Prepare the weld area. Remove the defect and remove the oxide layer with a brush or solvent. • Preheat before welding. Preheat generally improves welding results. The usual range is 212–572F (100– 300C). Generally, aluminum alloys containing copper are welded at the higher end of that temperature. Castings will usually be welded in the as-cast condition but sometimes defects will not be uncovered until after heat treatment, so they are welded in the T6 or T7 condition. In 200 series alloys or for castings that require extensive repairs, it is recommended that T6 or T7 tempered castings be annealed before welding to avoid cracking. • Use weld rod that matches the chemistry of the casting or an approved substitute. Chemistry control in welding is as important as it is in melting for casting. Use of a general-purpose rod across all alloy systems will result in reduction of mechanical properties and color mismatches even though welding may be “easier.” • After welding, the weld needs to be dressed back to part contour. A common complaint of customers about welded castings is the weld has not been cleaned or there is a color difference. If a weld repair is noticeable with casual viewing, the repair has not been done correctly. • Heat treat after welding. Even though a good weld will have little porosity and a fine structure, mechanical properties will not be met if the repaired casting is not heat treated to the specification. Heat treatment will also eliminate the residual stress that may have been caused by the welding process.

AMS-A-21180 最具限制性的规范(通常是AMS-A-21180及其 ASTM的相应规范)可能指出“不接受焊接”或“ 只有在采购商书面许可下,才可以进行焊接返工” 。可能需要指定焊接位置、大小和深度的图纸。因 此,不存在任何类型的结构部件受到全面的严重应 力影响。AMS-A-21180作为最佳规范,这种情况 应仅应用于确实受到严重应力影响的铸件表面。 其他规范为不常使用的铝铸件的修补焊接提供了指 导。AMS 2694定义了通过手工焊接对在制铸件的 间断点进行补修。还有几个规范专门针对航空航天 结构件的焊接,例如AWS 17.1和FAA咨询通告第 33-6号文件针对有关铝曲轴箱和气缸的焊接修复。

焊接返修工艺 焊接是另一种熔融金属工艺,可以对工艺步骤做出 恰当的规定,并且工艺细节将取决于特定的缺陷。 波音公司的T.J. Bosworth写了一篇出色的论文,介 绍了铝铸件的返工焊接,确定了实现高质量焊接的 关键步骤。 这些步骤可以总结为: • 焊接区域准备工作。去除缺陷,用刷子或溶剂去除 氧化层。 • 焊接前预热。预热通常可以改善焊接效果。范围通 常是212–572F(100–300℃)。一般情况下,含 铜的铝合金要在较高温度下焊接。铸件通常在铸态 下焊接,但有时直到热处理后才发现缺陷,因此它 们在T6或T7条件下焊接。在200系列合金或需要大 范围维修的铸件中,建议在焊接前对T6或T7回火 的铸件进行退火处理,避免开裂。 • 使用与铸件化学成分相匹配的焊条或经认可的替代 品。焊接中的化学控制与铸件中的化学控制一样重 要。即使焊接“更容易”,在所有合金系统中使用 通用焊条会降低力学性能、使颜色不匹配。 • 焊接后,需要将焊缝修整至零件轮廓。客户对焊接 铸件的普遍抱怨是,焊缝尚未清洗或存在色差。如 果偶然观察到很明显的焊缝,则表示修复操作不正 确。 • 焊接后的热处理。尽管良好的焊缝也存在很少量的 气孔,但如果未对修补后的铸件进行热处理,就无 法满足良好的组织和力学性能的要求。热处理还将 消除可能在焊接中产生的残余应力。



Property Studies on Repaired Castings In an early study of the efficiency of repair welding of aluminum casting, it was reported that cast A357-T6 and A201-T7 material which had been welded to a depth of 50% of the wall thickness were re-heat treated and tested for notched fatigue, fracture toughness and tensile properties. In comparison with the properties of the parent material, the tensile properties of the welded material of both A357-T6 and A201-T7 were very similar, and the notched fatigue and fracture toughness of the welded A201-T7 were better than the parent material. The fatigue properties from welded A357-T6 material showed a slight degradation in comparison with those of the parent material after 500,000 cycles, and the fracture toughness properties of welded A357-T6 were similar to the toughness of the parent material. Recent work showed that properly accomplished in-process weld rework had essentially no effect on the static and dynamic tensile properties of E357-T6 sand castings. This work was done with sand cast plate, with a defect machined in to duplicate either a full weld or a half weld repair. Figure 1 illustrates that concept, and Table 1 shows the summary tensile data. The fatigue data for the three types of specimens (Figure 2) are very similar to each other. However, regression suggest that the cast (no weld) specimens are slightly better (longer life) at high stress levels, the full weld and no weld specimens are about the same life at low stress levels, and the half weld samples demonstrated the longest fatigue life at low stress levels. This suggests either a difference in the microstructure, the geometry of any pores present, or the number of pores present in the original cast structure of the metal in the weld zone.

Recommendations From a technical standpoint, in-process weld reworked parts can meet the requirements of aerospace, military, and commercial structural specifications when re-worked with proper capability. Foundries should try to minimize welding on castings to the extent possible, since it is expensive. End-users should not prohibit welding on castings but should ask the foundry to demonstrate capability to meet the metallurgical specifications of the drawing. Foundries should ensure all personnel who weld castings are capable of meeting part requirements and have adequate training to do so consistently. This article is an adaptation of Paper 19-014 that was presented at the 2019 Metalcasting Congress in Atlanta. ■


修复铸件的特性研究 据报道,在对铝铸件修复焊接效能的早期研究中, 对已焊接至壁厚50%的铸件A357-T6和A201-T7 进行了重新热处理并测试了缺口疲劳、断裂韧性和 拉伸性能。与初始材料的性能相比,A357-T6和 A201-T7焊接材料的拉伸性能非常相似,经焊接的 A201-T7的缺口疲劳性能和断裂韧性比初始材料更 好。与经过50万次循环后的初始材料相比,焊接 A357-T6材料的疲劳性能略有下降,其断裂韧性与 初始材料相似。 最近的研究表明,正确的返工焊接操作对E357-T6 砂铸件的静态和动态拉伸性能基本没有影响。这项 工作是用砂铸板完成的,对缺陷可重复进行全焊缝 或半焊缝修复。图1对此做了解释,表1为拉伸性能 的总结数据。 3种样品的疲劳数据(图2)彼此非常相似。但 是,回归测试表明,无焊缝铸件试样在高应力水平 下的疲劳寿命更长,全焊缝和无焊缝试样在低应力 水平下的疲劳寿命大致相同,半焊缝试样在低应力 水平下显示出最长的疲劳寿命。这表明,在焊接区 域中,任何存在的气孔的微观结构和几何形状有所 不同,或者,金属原始结构中的气孔数量有所不 同。

建议 从技术的角度来看,当进行恰当的返修加工后,焊 接返工件可以满足航空航天、军工和商业铸件的结 构要求。 但因为价格昂贵,铸造企业应尽量减少对铸件的 焊接。 最终用户不应禁止在铸件上进行焊接,而应要求 铸造企业证明其具有满足设计图纸冶金技术要求的 能力。 铸造企业应确保所有焊接人员都具备满足零件要求 的能力并接受过一致性操作培训。 文章改编自在亚特兰大举办的2019年美国铸造大会 上发表的论文(19-014)。 ■


Green Sand Emissions and the Concentration of Carbonaceous Additives A replacement of seacoal with causticized lignite has the potential to reduce foundry emissions. liam miller, ray vakili, jason st. onge, zhen wang

含碳添加剂浓度与粘土砂工艺排放 用苛化褐煤代替煤粉有可能减少铸造企业排放。 Liam Miller, Ray Vakili, Jason St. Onge, Zhen Wang


he benefits of adding finely divided bituminous coal, commonly known as seacoal, or other carbon rich additives to clay-bonded molding sands have been well established by the foundry industry to generate air emissions. Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are generated and released during the metalcasting process because of the pyrolysis of the carbonaceous additives in the molding sand. In general, organic substances produce volatile gases and deposit a solid residue enriched in carbon after pyrolysis. This pyrolysis of carbon containing materials has generally been accepted as serving several essential functions in green sand castings as summarized in publications as far back as 1980. The generation of volatile gases from the carbonaceous material promotes a reducing environment in the mold cavity helping to inhibit the oxidation of the liquid metal. The pressure generated by the volatile gases, in addition to the

造行业由于工艺的需要,粘土砂造型中添加 破碎磨细的烟煤,也就是煤粉,或其他富含 碳的添加剂,但是生产过程中会排放气体。

由于型砂中含碳添加剂的热解作用,其在铸造过程中会 生成并释放有害的大气污染物(HAPs)和挥发性有机 化合物(VOCs)。 通常情况下,有机物产生挥发性气体并在热解后沉 积出富含碳的固体残留物。如早在1980年的出版物中 所概述的那样,含碳材料的这种热解作用在粘土型砂铸 件中具有几个基本功能,已得到普遍认可。含碳材料产 生的挥发性气体使型腔保持还原性气氛,有助于抑制金 属液的氧化。除热解过程中沉积的富碳残留物外,挥 发性气体产生的压力还有助于防止金属液渗透并有助于

Fig 1. These are the predicted vs. actual comparisons of total emission for lab-prepared green sands. April 2020 FOUNDRY-PLANET.COM | MODERN CASTI NG | CHINA FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION |


Fig 2. Here are the predicted vs actual emissions from commercial green sands.

carbon rich residue deposited during pyrolysis, helps resist metal penetration and promote good casting finish while aiding in the peel of the solidified casting from the sand mold. The gases that are evolved from the carbonaceous material exposed to high temperatures in the sand mold contain VOCs and HAPs and have been shown to be major contributors to overall foundry air emissions. With the introduction of the Clean Air Act in 1990, the foundry industry has worked to reduce the emissions impact from metalcasting processes. One such approach to emissions reduction that has been adopted with some success has been replacement of seacoal with lower emitting substitutes such as causticized lignite. Studies have been conducted to show the potential reduction of emissions as a result of this replacement. One such study showed that substitution of seacoal with causticized lignite showed a substantial reduction in VOCs and HAPs while maintaining good casting finish on the test pieces. Since that particular study, many foundries have adopted this approach by including some amount of causticized lignite in their bentonite pre-mix. Foundries can monitor their VOCs and HAPs emissions through sampling and testing of their waste gases through approved sampling and testing methods typically known as stack testing. Pyrolyzer Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (pyrolyzer/GC-MS) analytical technique studied here can potentially serve as a tool to predict emissions response from the green sand component of the foundry. This could address a need in the foundry industry as it has been shown in other studies that traditional laboratory tests such as determination of volatile combustible matter (VCM) and loss on ignition (LOI) are not statistically significant factors in predicting foundry emissions from green sand. Lab pyrolysis testing may prove to be a more significant predictor of emissions generated from green sands, although further studies are required to determine any correlations. 42

形成良好的铸件表面,同时有助于从砂型中分离凝固 的铸件。在砂型中暴露于高温碳质材料中产生的气体 含有有害大气污染物(HAPs)和挥发性有机化合物 (VOCs),并且已表明它们是铸造企业有害气体总 排放物的主要组成。 随着1990年《清洁空气法》的出台,铸造业一直 致力于减小金属铸造过程中的排放影响。一种成功的 方法是,用排放量较低的替代品(如苛化褐煤)代替 煤粉。研究已表明这种替代法可能减少排放,用苛化 褐煤代替煤粉可显著降低VOCs和HAPs,同时在试件 上保持了良好的光洁度。自从进行了这项特殊研究以 来,许多铸造企业已采用这种方法,在膨润土预混合 物中加入一定量的苛化褐煤。 铸造企业可以通过经过认证的采样和测试方法, 即常用的排放口测试,对废气进行采样和测试,来监 控其VOCs和HAPs排放。本文所研究的热解气体色谱 质谱法(pyrolyzer/GC-MS)分析法可以用作预测 铸造厂粘土砂气体排放值的工具。这可能满足了铸造 行业的需求,正如其他研究所表明的,传统的实验室 测试,例如挥发性可燃物(VCM)的测定和烧损量 (LOI)并不是预测粘土砂大气排放值在统计意义上 的重要因素。尽管还需进一步研究以确定是否存在相 关性,但实验室热解测试可能被证明是粘土砂产生排 放的更重要的预测指标。

实验结果 这项研究使用的是肯塔基州的煤粉。目前,美国的


Table 1. Comparison of the Emissions Profile of Seacoal and Causticized Lignite Response (ppm)


Total Emissions Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene o-Xylene m,p-Xylene Phenol o-Cresol m-Cresol Naphthalene

14,220 432 1,217 123 1,190 3,324 2,170 1,554 4,054 155

Causticized Lignite 3,434 175 485 29 326 649 1,111 158 454 48



Seacoal of Kentucky origin was used for this study. This seacoal is currently used by many foundries throughout the U.S. Causticized lignite is a manufactured product. Commercially available causticized lignite was used for this testing. A experimental design (DOE) was conducted to estimate any main effects and/or interaction effects that exist between the amount of seacoal and the amount of causticized lignite a bentonite pre-blends used to prepare molding sands. The test matrix was replicated at least three times. The results of the experiment were entered in the commercial DOE software and two-way ANOVA was performed at a 95% confidence level. The statistical software advises that the model overall is statistically significant based on the F-values and p-values. The F-value for each term was high, indicating the variation between the groups in the design was much higher than the variation within the groups of the design. When the F value is larger than a predetermined F value based on the degrees of freedom for the terms between the groups and within the group, the term is considered significant. The interaction term AxB was removed from the model because it was not significant. The correlation coefficient for the model (R2) was 0.965, indicating the model can account for approximately 96% of the variation seen in the total emissions response as a function of the percentage of seacoal and causticized lignite added to the pre-blend. The ANOVA results for each of the nine individual compounds showed statistically significant models as well and indicated both % seacoal and % causticized lignite in the pre-blend are main factors while the interaction effect between seacoal and causticized lignite was not significant in predicting the variation in the total emissions response. The R2 values for the individual compounds ranged for 0.822 to 0.986. ANOVA analysis for the mechanical green sand test responses results did not show any statistically relevant relationships between any of the responses and factors. In each case, the F-test values were very

品。该测试使用了商业用苛化褐煤。 为了预测煤粉量与苛化褐煤之间存在的主要影响 和/或相互作用,进行了实验设计(DOE)。苛化褐煤 预混合用于膨润土中。 测试矩阵至少进行了3次重复测试。实验结果输 入到商用实验设计软件中,进行二因子方差分析, 可信度为95%。统计软件建议,基于F值和p值,该 模型总体上具有统计学意义。每个实验值的F值都 很高,这表明设计中各组之间的差异远高于设计中 各组内部的差异。 基于各组之间以及各组内部实验值的自由度, 当F值大于预定F值时,该实验值被认为是有效的。 由于交互项AxB不重要,因此将其从模型中删除。 该模型的相关系数(R2)为0.965,表明该模型可 占总排放反应中所观察到的变化的约96%,该变 化是添加到预混物中的煤粉和苛化褐煤百分比的函 数。9种单独化合物中的每一种的方差分析结果也 显示出统计学上的重要模型,并且表明预混物中的 煤粉和苛化褐煤的百分比均是主要因素,而煤粉与 苛化褐煤之间的相互影响对预测总排放反应中碳氢 化合物的变化并不明显。各个化合物的R2值范围为 0.822至0.986。 粘土砂试验的力学性能反应结果的方差分析未 显示出反应和因素之间的统计关系。在每种情况 下,F测试值都很低,表明实验设计中各组之间的 方差与各组内观察到的方差没有显著差异。p值也 都非常高,大于0.05,表明数据的变化不能由这些 因素进行充分解释。这并不出乎意料,因为研究中 使用了钠和钙膨润土比例不同的商业配方,并且已 知该研究可以更好地预测某些力学性能。



low indicating the variance between the groups in the experimental design did not differ significantly from the variance observed within the groups. The p-values were also all very high, above 0.05, indicating the variation in data was not adequately explained by the factors. This was not unexpected since commercial formulations with varying ratios of sodium and calcium bentonite was used for this study and this is known to be more predictive of certain mechanical properties The coded prediction equation generated from the statistical analysis of the variance is shown as Equation 1.

由方差统计分析生成编码预测方程如方程式1 所示。

Total Emissions coded (ppm)=37.85 x Seacoal %+10.37 x Causticized Lignite %+199.0


The coefficient for % seacoal, 37.85, is 3.6 times larger than the coefficient for % causticized lignite, 10.37, indicating that in this model seacoal will contribute 3.6 times as much to emissions as an equivalent amount of causticized lignite on the coded scale. This was in good agreement with the results obtained when comparing the total emissions generated from the seacoal or the causticized lignite in the absence of other materials. That ratio was approximately 4.1 as calculated from the data. The uncoded prediction equation shown here indicates that a substitution of 3-5% of the seacoal with causticized lignite could yield a potential reduction in emissions between 9-15%.

编码的总排放量(ppm)= 37.85x煤 粉%+10.37x苛化褐煤%+199.0 煤粉系数(37.85)是苛化褐煤系数(10.37)的 3.6倍,表明在此模型中,计算编码的数值,煤粉在 排放量中的占比是等量苛化褐煤的3.6倍。这与在没 有其它添加物的情况下,煤粉或苛化褐煤产生的总 排放量的比例结果非常吻合。根据计算,该比率约 此处显示的未经编码的预测方程式表明,用苛 化褐煤代替3-5%的煤粉可潜在减少9-15%的排放 量。 预计总排放量(ppm)=8.90x煤粉%+2.30x苛 化褐煤%-0.60 实验设计软件生成的残差分析的正态图进一步证 实了模型的重要性。方程式2用于预测其他实验室 制备粘土砂的排放量,并将其与测量值进行比较( 图1)。对于7个确认测试批次中的5个,模型预测 值在测量值的5%以内。

Table 2. Average Emission Results From Green Sand Tests

Test No.

Factor A: Seacoal (%)

Factor B: Causticized Lignite (%)

1 2 3

-1 +1 -1

-1 -1 +1

153.0 225.8 174.2

9.8 12.7 10.1

19.8 28.9 24.3

2.4 2.9 2.6

16.9 22.4 17.7

4 5

+1 0

+1 0

249.7 194.9

13.8 11.3

33.5 27.3

3.4 3.0

25.4 19.5

Total Emissions (ppm)

Benzene (ppm)

Toluene (ppm)

Ethyl Benzene (ppm)

o-Xylene (ppm)

Table 3. Average Emissions Results From Green Sand Tests (continued from Table 2)

Test No.

Factor A: Seacoal (%)

1 2 3

-1 +1 -1

-1 -1 +1

35.0 47.3 37.6

22.2 35.5 29.1

12.5 20.1 13.4

31.2 52.4 36.3

3.3 3.6 3.0

4 5

+1 0

+1 0

52.7 40.1

40.5 29.9

20.9 16.3

55.5 44.0

4.0 3.6


Factor B: Causticized Lignite (%)

m,p-Xylene (ppm)

Phenol (ppm)

o-Cresol (ppm)

m-Cresol (ppm)

Naphthalene (ppm)


Total Emissions predicted (ppm)=8.90 x Seacoal %+2.30 x Causticized Lignite %-0.60 The normal plot of the residual analysis generated by the DOE software provides further confirmation of the significance of the model. Equation 2 was used to predict the emissions for additional lab-prepared green sands which were compared to the measured values (Fig. 1). The model predictions were within 5% of the measured value for five of the seven confirmation test batches. Additionally, Equation 2 was applied to predict the emissions results of 10 commercial foundry green sands available in the laboratory (Fig. 2). The agreement between predicted and actual values for commercial green sands was lower than with the labprepared samples. This was somewhat expected. Many other variables that can contribute to green sand emissions were not addressed in the experimental design, such as core sand concentration, additional carbonaceous sources (e.g. gilsonite), parting sprays, and mold coatings and washes.

Conclusion The pyrolyzer/GC-MS analytical technique is an effective indicator in predicting the potential emissions output from the seacoal and causticized lignite component in a bentonite-based pre-blend. The DOE methodology used in this study indicated both seacoal and causticized lignite are main factors in modeling the total emissions generated from the green sand sample, but no significant interaction effect was observed. The emissions results from the experimental design support other studies that showed a replacement of seacoal with causticized lignite has the potential to reduce foundry emissions. The results of this study suggest that a replacement of 3-5% seacoal with causticized lignite in bentonite-based pre-blend could translate into a reduction in total emissions between 9-15%. The model generated from the statistical analysis of the emissions results indicates it is statistically significant and confirmation tests with lab prepared green sands showed reasonable agreement between predicted and actual values. The model developed in this experiment was less robust for the prediction of emissions of commercial green sands. This was not unexpected given that other factors contribute to green sand emissions, such as resin coated core sands. An additional DOE incorporating organically bonded resin sand additions to green sand mixtures will be considered to improve the predictive capability of the model. Another possible approach would be to evaluate commercial foundry stack testing results against emission results from foundry green sand in the laboratory to determine if any trends can be observed over time. ■

此外,方程式2用于预测实验室中可用的10种商业 用铸造湿型砂的排放结果(图2)。商业粘土砂的预 测值与实际值之间的一致性低于实验室制备的样品。 这在某种程度上是意料之中的。实验设计中还有许多 其他可能导致粘土砂排放的变量尚未涉及,例如芯砂 浓度、其他含碳源(如沥青)、分型喷砂、模具涂层 和清洗剂。

结论 热解气体色谱质谱法分析技术是预测基于膨润土 的预混料中煤粉和苛化褐煤成分的潜在排放量的有效 指标。 本研究中使用的实验设计方法表明,煤粉和苛化褐 煤都是模拟粘土砂样品产生的总排放量的主要因素, 但未观察到明显的相互作用。 实验设计的排放结果支持其他研究,这些研究表明 用苛化褐煤代替煤粉有可能减少铸造厂的排放。这项 研究的结果表明,在膨润土基预混料中用苛化褐煤代 替3-5%的煤粉可以将总排放量减少9-15%。 通过对排放结果进行统计分析生成的模型表明,该 模型具有统计学意义;使用实验室制备的粘土砂进行 的确认测试显示,预测值与实际值之间存在合理的一 致性。 该实验中开发的模型对于预测商用粘土砂的排放不 够稳健。这并不意外,因为要考虑到其他因素会产生 排放,例如树脂芯砂。在另外一项实验设计中,将有 机粘结树脂砂加入到粘土砂混合物中,用以提高模型 的预测能力。 另一种可能的方法是,根据实验室中粘土砂的排放 结果评估实际铸造测试结果,以确定随时间推移是否 可以观察到任何变化趋势。 ■ 文章改编自在亚特兰大举办的2019年美国铸造大会上发表 的论文(19-082)。

This article is adapted from paper 19-082 that was presented at the 2019 Metalcasting Congress in Atlanta.



2020 Die-Casting Competition: Prizes for Innovative Aluminium Die-Castings 2020压铸件评选:创新铝合金压铸件获奖


he winners of the International Aluminium DieCasting Award 2020 have been announced. In all, four castings were awarded prizes at EUROGUSS 2020 in Nuremberg, while two others received special commendations. The ninth International Aluminium Die-Casting Competition was organised by Düsseldorf-based Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e. V. (GDA). It was run in partnership with the German Foundrymen’s Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie, BDG), the Swiss aluminium association ( and the non-ferrous metals trade association of the Austrian Economic Chambers (Fachverband Nichteisenmetalle in der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich). Die-casting has been a successful industrial casting process for series or mass production of structural parts for decades. Die-casting foundries have become increasingly important as suppliers to automobile manufacturers, companies engaged in mechanical and plant engineering and other branches of industry, such as communications technology, the furniture industry and the electrical and electronics industries. The development of ever-newer die-cast components is advancing rapidly. Whether it be structural elements, parts for electric cars or intelligent components for conventional vehicles, attempts are being made everywhere to make use of the outstanding options that die-casting has to offer. Together with machine manufacturers, alloy suppliers and processing companies, die-casters are constantly pushing forward the limits of the process by means of innovations. It is remarkable what innovative solutions and components have been developed. The International Aluminium Die-Casting Competition has been a successful platform for demonstrating the high standard of quality of aluminium die-casting for many years. The aim of the competition is to increase interest in the versatile material aluminium and to highlight innovative areas of use. The criteria for evaluating the castings submitted to the International Aluminium Die-Casting Competition 2020 were compatibility with the die-casting process and the



020年国际铝合金压铸件评选获奖作品已公布。 共有4个铸件在纽伦堡的EUROGUSS 2020展 会上获奖,另外2件获得了特别推荐奖。第9

届国际铝压铸件评选由设在杜塞尔多夫的铝工业协会 (GDA)组织,并与德国铸造协会(BDG)、瑞士铝 业协会(和奥地利经济商会的有色金属行业协 会合作。 几十年来,压铸已成为进行系列生产或批量生产结构 件的成功的生产工艺。压铸企业已成为汽车制造商、机 械和工程公司以及其他行业(例如通信技术,家具行业 和电气电子行业)的越来越重要的供应商。新型压铸零 部件的研发正在迅速发展。无论是结构件、电动汽车的 零件还是传统车辆的智能组件的生产,都在尝试利用压 铸工艺提供的出色选择。压铸件生产企业与压铸机制造 商、合金供应商和加工公司一起通过创新不断提高工艺 水平。创新解决方案和压铸件的研发已经取得了显著的 发展。 多年来,国际铝合金压铸件评选已成为展示高质量铝 合金压铸件的平台。评选的目的是增加人们对铝合金材 料的兴趣,并突出其创新应用领域。参与2020年国际 铝合金压铸件评选的压铸件应与压铸工艺和设计的资源 效率要求相符。 来自研究和生产领域的专家评审团评选出以下6个获 奖作品。

获奖作品: 一等奖:油冷模块 德国诺德瓦尔德汉格斯特公司


resource-efficiency of the design. A jury of experts from research and practice awarded prizes to the following six entries.


The winners are:


1st Prize: Oil-coolant module Hengst SE, Nordwalde, Germany Alloy: AISi9Cu3(Fe) Weight: 8 655 g Dimensions: L 443 mm, W 340 mm, H 195 mm The first prize is being awarded for the consistent devel-

重量:8655g 尺寸:长443mm,宽340mm,高195mm 致的开发方法,并且不受限制,旨在实现最佳效果。获 奖的决定性因素有:复杂的几何形状、内部滑块的脱模 斜度和公差最小,同时满足了对气密性的最严格要求。 使用了所有可用的技术手段进行强化回火,尤其令人印 象深刻。



opment methodology used from the design of the casting via the tool design through to the casting process, and which clearly has no taboos and is aimed at achieving optimum results. Decisive aspects were the complex geometry, with inner slides and the smallest possible demoulding drafts and low tolerances, which at the same time meets the most exacting demands for pressure tightness. The intensive tempering using all technical means available is particularly impressive.


2nd Prize: Housing for HV booster


Druckguss Westfalen GmbH & Co. KG, Geseke, Germany Alloy: EN AC-AISi10MnMg Weight: 2 785 g Dimensions: L 344 mm, W 365 mm, H 176 mm The winner of the second prize is a die-casting with a large number of integrated functions that is subject to the most stringent sealing requirements because it has water-conducting cooling zones arranged next to zones with electricity at high voltage. Despite the thin wall thicknesses, high stiffness and dimensional accuracy were achieved using stiffening ribs. The low-copper aluminium alloy used ensures the part has high corrosion resistance and strength in the as-cast condition.

3rd Prize: Upper part of housing for dual-channel EBS Alupress AG, Brixen, Italy Alloy: EN AC-47100 Weight: 780 g Dimensions: L 193 mm, W 98 mm, H 98 mm The winner here is a die-casting that must comply with stringent safety requirements. The aluminium die-casting has won through against injection-moulded plastic parts thanks to dimensional accuracy, with the smallest of tolerances and minimum radii, impermeability and the good finish of the as-cast sealing surface. Remarkably, the as-cast part is ready for assembly. The innovative and efficient tempering system with additively manufactured mould segments was also rated highly.

3rd Prize: Battery housing Nemak Slovakia s.r.o., Žiar nad Hronom, Slovakia Alloy: AlSi9Mn (non-heat-treatable alloy) Weight: 15,900 g, Casting with extruded baseplate: 38 000 g Dimensions: L 1 045 mm, W 753 mm, H 218 mm Another third prize is going to a hybrid battery housing cast on a 4400 tonne machine using a complex 3-platen tool with four outer slides and a vacuum die-casting process. The casting is joined by friction stir welding to three extruded profiles that form the base of the housing. This provides the best possible guarantee


德国盖塞克德鲁格斯·韦斯特法伦公司(Druckguss Westfalen GmbH&Co.KG) 合金:EN AC-AISi10MnMg 重量:2785g 尺寸:长344mm,宽365mm,高176mm 获奖理由:该压铸件集成许多功能。由于其需要水 最为严格。由于壁很薄,使用加强筋得到较高的刚度 和保证尺寸精度。用低铜铝合金可以确保零件在铸态 下具有较高的耐腐蚀性和强度。

三等奖:双通道EBS上部壳体 意大利布里克森铝压铸公司(Alupress AG) 合金:EN AC-47100 重量:780g 尺寸:长193mm,宽98mm,高98mm 获奖理由:该压铸件必须符合严格的安全要求。 凭借良好的尺寸精度、铝压铸件已经取代了注塑成型 的塑料零件,并且公差最小,半径最小,抗渗性好, 铸态密封表面光洁度好。特别是,铸件已可以进行装 配。增材制造的模块和创新高效的回火系统也获得高 度评价。

三等奖:电池壳 斯洛伐克Žiarnad Hronom尼玛克公司 (Nemak) 合金:AlSi9Mn(无需热处理合金) 重量:15,900g,含挤压底座铸件重量:38 000g 尺寸:长1045mm,宽753mm,高218mm 获奖理由:混合动力电池壳压铸件,由4个外部滑 块,3模板,4400吨压铸机,真空压铸工艺生产。用 摩擦搅拌焊接将压铸件连接到3个挤压型材上,形成 了外壳的底座。这样可以最大程度地保证压铸件符合 严格的密封性要求(氦气密封性测试)。由于使用无 需热处理合金,因此无需对铸件进行热处理。

特别推荐奖:电动汽车控制装置壳体 意大利布里克森铝压铸公司(Alupress AG)


of adherence to the stringent tightness requirements (helium tightness test). The use of a non-heat-treatable alloy eliminates the need for thermal treat-ment.

Special Commendation: Housing components for electric-vehicle control device Alupress AG, Brixen, Italy Alloy: AISi12(Fe)a Weight: 1 450 g Dimensions: L 350 mm, W 175 mm, H 70 mm This casting is receiving a special commendation for the savings of up to 30% on installation space and weight that result from the integration of a large number of functions. The casting has an intelligent liquid cooling system with a laser-welded housing cover. From a design point of view, this meant adapting the original design and reducing the mass locally. A significant reduction in cycle time could be achieved by the use of laser welding for joining. Furthermore, the overall concept provided a cost-effective solution.

合金:AISi12(Fe)a 重量:1450g 尺寸:长350mm,宽175mm,高70mm 获奖理由:该压铸件集成多种功能,可节省高达 30%的安装空间和重量。铸件具有带激光焊接外壳盖 的智能液体冷却系统。从设计的角度来看,这意味着 铸件适合原始设计并减少局部重量。通过使用激光焊 接进行连接,可以显著减少生产周期。此外,整体生 产概念还提供了经济高效的解决方案。

特别推荐奖:串联逆变器 意大利沃巴诺FBL Pressofusioni srl 合金:EN AC-46000 内部零件尺寸(2)长533mm,宽386mm,高 266mm

Special Commendation: String inverter

重量:9700g/ 9600g

FBL Pressofusioni srl, Vobarno, Italy Alloy: EN AC-46000 Dimensions: Inner parts (2) L 533 mm, W 386 mm, H 266 mm Weight: 9 700 g / 9 600 g Dimensions: Outer parts (2) L 705 x / 704 mm, W 527 x / 527 mm, H 150 / 150 mm Weight: 12 000 g / 7 000 g

外部零件尺寸(2)长705x/704 mm,宽

A four-piece string inverter with a large number of integrated functions and mounting options for the internal electrical components is also receiving a special commendation. The castings are characterised by deep ribs to cool the housing. The consistent method of developing the casting system with the aim of reducing porosity or distributing it to a non-critical area is also highly commendable. The award-winning castings were exhibited at EUROGUSS 2020 and will also be on show this year at the ALUMINIUM trade fair in Düsseldorf (6-8 October 2020, Hall 13, Stand D49). ■

527x/527mm,高150/150mm 重量:12000g/7000g 获奖理由:该4组件串联逆变器具有大量集成功能 和内部电气组件安装选项。该压铸件的特点是延长增 强筋来冷却外壳。此外,该压铸件为减少孔隙率或将 其分布到非关键部位的一贯性方法也得到了推荐。 获奖铸件已在2020年EUROGUSS展会上展出,并 将在杜塞尔多夫举办的铝合金展览会(2020年10月 6-8日,13号展馆,展位:D49)展出。 ■



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Product News Table of Contents 产品新闻目录 MOLD, CORE & SAND PREPARATION Marking System Increases Efficiency 标记系统提高效率





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Marking System Increases Efficiency 标记系统提高效率 ITT Goulds Pumps Inc. (Seneca Falls, New York) needed to replace its aging pattern labeling equipment. This sand mold foundry manufactures industrial pumps used by customers in the oil, gas, mining, power generation, chemical, pulp/paper, and general industrial markets. Like many foundry operations, the resources and processes required for pattern labeling are being evaluated for the equipment needed and for their ease of use and manpower investment. The manufacturer depends on pattern labels to provide a mechanism for process control and quality tracking. Tracking piece quality throughout the process provides information that allows them to track operations and limit batch sizes if issues arise. In many foundries, the equipment used to apply the date codes, heat numbers and other traceable identification elements applied to patterns is aging badly. The preferred equipment, used for decades, requires operators to rotate a wheel engraved with a given character size, one character at a time. Rotating the heavy wheel to make multi-character labels is cumbersome and time-consuming. Additional character sizes meant the investment in duplicate systems to meet the various size requirements because the different-sized character sets and base equipment are not interchangeable. If multiple labels of the same legend are required, the process repeats. Manufacturers requiring high levels of traceability, such as automotive and aerospace, often have significant investments of time and equipment. These resources are needed to make all the additional labels used to identify line number, operator ID, or other factors so they can minimize batch size if a recall occurs. The manufacturers that built these systems in the past have reduced available character sizes and don’t make spare parts for some systems. In addition, some marking companies have either shifted their focus to other, newer technologies where market size justifies production/development costs, or simply shut down. Many foundries are forced to hunt for second-hand parts online or use letters and numbers that can be pinned onto patterns. Parts bought online are hard to find and may be a shortlived solution when purchased used. Pinned on characters work but are not cost-effective. Their application and removal is tedious and time consuming, and the characters cannot always be reused. A shrinking workforce, needed

ITT古尔兹泵业有限公司(纽约州塞内卡福尔 斯)需要更换其老化的铸件标识设备。这家砂型 铸造公司为石油、天然气、采矿、发电、化工、纸 浆/造纸和通用机械客户生产工业泵。像大部分铸 造厂一样,在更换铸件标识设备前,要对其所需资 源和工艺进行评估,了解其是否好用及人力方面的 投入。生产企业依靠铸件标识机制提供过程控制和 质量跟踪。在生产过程中跟踪影响铸件质量的相关 信息,跟踪生产流程并在发现问题后准确识别其批 次和数量。 许多铸造厂是将日期代码、批次编号和其他可追 溯的识别元素作为铸件标识,所使用设备已经严重 老化。有些设备已使用了数十年,需要操作员旋转 标签轮,轮上刻有给定尺寸的字符,1次旋转1个字 符。旋转轮很重,制作多字符标识既麻烦又费时。 由于不同大小的字符集和基本设备不可互换,因此 额外的字符意味着要增加多个系统,以满足各种标 识字符要求。如果需要相同规格的多个标识,则重 复该过程。如果生产企业对可追溯性的需求高,例 如汽车和航空航天企业,往往需要更多时间,投入 更多设备。需要投入这些资源来制作用于识别生产 线编号、操作员ID或其他因素的所有标识,以便在 发生产品召回时能够将批次规模最小化。 过去,生产这些系统的制造商减少了可用的字符 大小,并且不为某些系统提供备件。此外,一些标 记公司已经将发展重点转移到其他方面,比如市场 规模证明生产/开发成本的更新的技术上,或者干 脆关停。许多铸造厂被迫在网上寻找二手零件或者 把字母和数字固定在模具上。在线购买零件很难实 现,并且使用二手零件只能是短期的解决方案。使 用固定字符是可行的,但并不划算。它们的应用和 删除十分繁琐且耗时,并且字符无法重复使用。因



product news/产品新闻 for more important production tasks and not content with such menial work, merely compounds the problem. ITT Goulds Pumps had tagging equipment that embossed one letter at a time, which made producing tags a time-consuming process. Furthermore, if the letter wheel was not stopped at the correct spot, the tag would have to be scrapped. The tagging equipment operated like a labeler where the user must spin the letter wheel to the desired character, press the lever, and then repeat this process for each letter on each tag. Illegible tagging was also a problem. The manufacturer determined that new equipment was needed to continue and improve the pattern labeling process. Numerous different solutions were tried. One solution was an automated dot peen marker with tag feeding accessories, but the marks were not legible after the tag was cast in due to the dot pattern. Work continued to improve the solution but after the process was fully implemented, the labeling results were still unsatisfactory. The search for a better, more legible solution proceeded. During this period, Kevin Lucas, pattern shop supervisor at ITT Goulds Pumps, set out to provide a temporary solution by 3D printing the legend plates. He developed a custom font of characters to create more distinguishable marks. Though legibility was improved, the time to produce the 3D molded legends was not much faster than rotating wheels. Therefore, Lucas set out to find a more effective solution to support the organization. Lucas took the initiative to identify the foundry marking requirements before looking for new equipment. He determined that an effective solution must include: • The ability to mark multiple character sizes. • Fast creation of repetitive legends. • Material that was viable for the process. • Something that fit the budget. An article in Modern Casting describing the Leading Marks tagging system caught Lucas’ interest. “We had been struggling with tagging legibility issues for years,” he said. “With our 3D printer, I had been adjusting and proving out a font and tag sizes. I printed thousands of tags, over the course of a year.” He saw that the Boss Buddy embosses foil tape for use in foundry applications such as pattern labeling, and read that the Boss Buddy is compact, simple to operate, cost-effective and uses proven components customized for foundry requirements. Leading Marks had been working with many foundries around the U.S. to improve their processes. After working with Leading Marks to test date code samples in a couple of character sizes, Lucas said he obtained much more legible marks that were created in less than half the time of the older system and with far greater ease. With favorable results in hand, they began defining what the package should include: • Interchangeable type characters in the custom font that Lucas had designed.


不满足于从事这样的琐碎工作,转而从事更重要的生产 任务,使得劳动力不断减少,问题变得更加复杂。 ITT古尔兹泵业公司的标识设备每次可以压印1个字 母,标识的制作非常耗时。此外,如果字母轮没有停 在正确的位置,则标识必须废弃。操作标识设备就像贴 标签机,用户必须将字母轮旋转到所需字符,按下操纵 杆,然后对每个标识上的每个字母重复此过程。字迹模 糊的标识也是不合格的。 企业已确定需要新设备来继续和提升铸件标识的制 作,并且尝试了许多不同的解决方案。其中一种解决方 案是使用带有标识进给附件的自动点喷笔,但由于喷 点的原因,铸造后这些标记变的不清晰。解决方案在继 续改进,但是在生产完成后,标识结果仍然不能令人满 意。因此,寻找更好、更清晰的解决方案仍在继续进 行。 在此期间,ITT 古尔兹泵业公司模具车间主管凯文·卢 卡斯着手通过3D打印来提供临时解决方案。他开发了一 款自定义的字符字体,可以创建更多可区分的标识。尽 管可读性得到了改善,但制作3D模型的时间并不比旋转 轮更快。因此,卢卡斯着手寻找更有效的解决方案。 卢卡斯在寻找新设备之前,首先明确了铸件标识的要 求。他认为有效的解决方案必须包括: • 具备标记多个字符的能力。 • 能够快速创建重复的图例。 • 有适用的材料。 • 符合预算。 Modern Casting杂志上的一篇描述Leading Marks 公司标识生产系统的文章引起了卢卡斯的兴趣。 他说:“多年来,我们一直在努力解决易读性标签的 问题。通过我们的3D打印机,我一直在调整和检查确认 字体和标识的尺寸。一年来,我打印了数千个标识。” 他了解了Boss Buddy系统压花箔带在铸造中的应 用,如模具上的标识,并且发现Boss Buddy系统紧凑 且易于操作,具有成本效益,并且有满足铸造要求而定 制的可靠组件。 Leading Marks公司已与美国各地的多家铸造厂合作 以改善其生产流程。在与Leading Marks合作测试了几 种字符大小的日期代码样本之后,卢卡斯说,他获得了 更加清晰的标识,这些标识的创建用时不到旧系统的一 半,而且更加容易。有了好的结果,他们开始确定该软 件包应包括: • 卢卡斯设计的自定义字体中的可互换字体类型。


product news/产品新闻 • Characters in a variety of sizes. • Manual Boss Buddy embossing system (vs. the automated system). The Boss Buddy system shipped to the facility in Seneca Falls, New York, in the spring of 2019. After Lucas’ preliminary use of the Boss Buddy package in the pattern shop, it moved to the shop floor. Ryan Knapp, molding supervisor at ITT Goulds Pumps uses it daily, quickly creating the pattern labels needed by the foundry. During a follow-up meeting with Laurie Barcaskey from Leading Marks, Knapp created even more clearly defined embossed characters with a simple change in the spring used in the impact press. Knapp is relieved he no longer must use the old system, aka the “Spin to Win” for pattern labels. Knapp will be championing the efforts of other departments to employ this solution throughout the plant. When asked about the implementation of the new system. Lucas said “I was pleasantly surprised that Leading Marks did not flinch when I mentioned creating dies for the font I had been 3D printing.” “Leading Marks had some great ideas on implementing the tagging project. Prior to seeing the Modern Casting piece, I was going in a different direction. It saved a lot of time going with proven equipment and a knowledgeable vendor.” ■

• 各种尺寸的字符。 • 手动Boss Buddy压花系统(相对于自动化系统而 言。 • Boss Buddy系统于2019年春季运抵纽约塞内卡 福尔斯的工厂。Boss Buddy系统在卢卡斯的模具 车间中初步使用之后交付生产车间。 ITT古尔兹泵业公司的造型主管瑞恩·克纳普每天都 使用这个系统,快速创建铸件所需的标识。经过与 Leading Marks公司的劳里·巴卡斯基在后续会议中 的探讨,克纳普更换了冲压机中所用的弹簧,得到了 更为清晰的浮雕字符。此时,克纳普将不再必须使用 旧系统,即用于模具标识的“Spin to Win”,他感 到如释重负。克纳普将为其他部门在整个工厂中采用 此解决方案提供支持。 当被问及新系统的应用情况时,卢卡斯说:“ 当我提出为3D打印的字体制作模具时,Leading Marks公司没有退缩,我感到非常惊喜和高兴。” “Leading Marks公司在完成标识项目方面有一 些很棒的想法。在Modern Casting杂志上看到这 篇文章之前,我的思路是另一个方向。现在,使用 成熟的设备、与有技术的供应商合作节省了很多时 间。” ■



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