Take your health back

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Take Your Health Back

Your guide to lasting health and harmony

By Taz Faruqi and Glen Monks

T o p i c s C o v e r e d


Post Treatment












Diet & Nutrition




If you do nothing else in this booklet, at least consider the following information:


will benefit greatly by following these simple steps after your

treatment. In fact, it could be said that the steps you take after your treatment are as important as the treatment itself. By becoming actively involved in your own well-being, you become aware of the overall effect your daily actions can have. DRINK WATER During treatment, when adjustments are being made, toxins are released into your body. You can help the process of elimination by drinking plenty of water (2 litres throughout the day). GO FOR A SHORT WALK By walking in a rhythmic, flowing movement, you can consolidate the effects of the treatment. This can also help speed up your recovery. Keeping your lymphatic system moving will also help to remove toxins in the form of metabolic waste. EAT SIMPLE FRESH FOOD Try to avoid overeating, as this can take up much of your energy. This will allow your body sufficient energy to process and integrate the changes it is going through. REST Please take a rest after your treatment. The way you spend your time the few hours after treatment can have a positive impact on your recovery and general well-being, so please take it easy.


M a n u a l f o r L i v i n g

How foolish we humans are. We lavish care upon our cars, without taking care of our own machinery.

Based on a quote by John Kendrick Bangs

This booklet is your very own support guide. It will help you get the most out of your therapy, during and after treatment.

It was written to help you

understand the aims of your practitioner and by following the steps inside, you can move towards your desired health goals. The information given is the result of over 10 years of clinical experience, collected during the rehabilitation and general health maintenance of thousands of people just like you. By following some of the basic principles you can not only relieve pain and restore your vitality, but you can also improve your quality of life, all of which can have a profound impact on the lives of those around you.

The human body is one of the most complex machines on the planet. We all have one and yet very few of us know exactly how to maintain it. It’s not as if we were given a manual. Yet how is this so? We are given endless information telling us what and what not to do. The problem is, that much of the information we are given is contradictory - not to mention impractical and unsustainable.


The truth of the matter is that it only takes a few simple daily actions to keep your machine well maintained. Then you can leave the rest to nature. Amazingly, these simple actions can soon become new habits, with just a little commitment. Before long, as with most habits, you won’t even know you are doing them. Commitment is a quality that most people struggle with at some stage in their lives, and yet its rewards pay great dividends. With this in mind, try to remember the following quotation:

The definition of commitment is: “doing the things that you said you would do, long after the mood you were in when you said you would do them, has left”. You might also remember that good health is equal to the sum of the things that you do on a consistent and regular basis.

H y d r a t i o n

We will never know the worth of water until the well is dry. Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

With the body composed of between 60 and 80 percent water it’s not surprising to see how water is the elixir of life, which from the very moment you were conceived, you could not do without. It is fluid which carries the fertilised egg to rest on the uterine wall, before the embryo is formed. This fluid is then swallowed, before being absorbed into the bloodstream to help develop the body and brain.

Since the body cannot store water as efficiently as it can fat, it is essential that you remain well hydrated. Having enough water on board allows your blood and lymphatic systems to function correctly, aiding assimilation and the removal of waste. The cells in the body are like miniature sponges; they hold onto and give up water when required. They do this in the form of contraction and release, a process which alters the thickness of the blood. When stress is high or the diet is poor the blood begins to thicken. This prompts the cells to release water as a way of compensation. However, if this continued for a long period of time, the cells would eventually dehydrate. So, to avoid dehydration at all costs, the cells protect themselves by forming a lining of cholesterol. Ironically this coating can inhibit further water and nutrients from being absorbed by the cell. As a result any excess fluid causes the connective tissue around the cell to swell. This is known as water retention.

H2O THE ELIXIR OF LIFE If such a vicious cycle continues, the glands of the body later become affected, causing toxins to accumulate, which tends to lower the pH of the body - increasing acidity.

As toxicity levels rise the adrenal glands begin to secrete adrenalin and cortisol into the bloodstream in an attempt to stabilize the situation. The problem is that when the stress trigger lasts for a long period of time, the adrenals become set on permanent alert, leading to ‘burn out’. As with most topics covered in this manual the subject of water could very well fill a book on its own. However, there are some simple steps you can take without the need for further research: Ÿ First, consider reducing the amount of dehydrating beverages and foods you consume. Caffeine, black tea, alcohol, or indulging in red meat and sugary foods such as chocolate all promote dehydration. Ÿ Monitor your intake to about 1.5 to 2 litres of fresh water each day. Only then need you address the quality of the water, for example filtered or ionised. Ÿ Another piece of advice is to take your fluids at or above room temperature and never too cold. Cold water causes your digestion to work overtime – an unnecessary burden it can do without. Ÿ During illness, sipping boiled water at intervals throughout the day may indeed produce a noticeable reduction in your symptoms. Such water contains a charge, which helps to neutralize harmful toxins which may be present during illness. When the body is well hydrated it can discharge toxins via the urinary tract. The thing to remember, as with all the information presented before you, is that the small steps rule applies. This brings to mind one man, who having read about the healing properties of water, actually drowned from drinking ridiculous amounts in one sitting.

‘Everything in moderation might be your consideration!’

E x e r c i s e

Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

Edward Stanley

Changes in movement patterns can improve the body’s responses and healing rate. This is why one of the aims of your practitioner is to increase your movement potential. It could be said that your movement potential is equal to the sum of tension you have placed on your body in the past, and that if you have been affected by stress your body will mirror this. In some ways this is true. The pathology of your body does indeed reflect your physical, mental and emotional past. To the trained eye, your body is a story book of your life’s journey. “But how is this so?” You might ask.

Over time the muscles of the body become over or under worked, due to our lifestyle choices. What may seem to be ‘subtle movements’ do actually alter the body’s frame, especially when compounded by time. Later in life, this can affect the functioning of the all-important organs housed inside. The difficulty is there are as many different cases as there are people; each person has a unique set of circumstances. For instance: If a person has a slouch or hunched back it may suggest tension in the shoulders and weak chest muscles. Perhaps such a person works for long periods of time arched in front of a desk.


He or she might very well develop breathing problems, due to a restriction being caused in the chest cavity from such poor posture. The shoulders may eventually become overdeveloped, due to repeatedly gasping for oxygen. If this continues, it can cause tension in the neck, leading to headaches. They may even remark that their job is becoming ‘a pain in the neck’. Perhaps the reason you need to visit a bodywork therapist in the first place, is to help you heal your past. What is certain is that acting today can provide you with the opportunity to re-shape your future.

So, how can we allow our past and future to morph without detriment to our posture? The answer is, to remain flexible. So long as the body is flexible structural alignment will remain. It is only when we allow unyielding habits to creep in; that the body seems as though it is stiffening. Here the fluidity of the body is reduced causing it to dry out and rigidity to form. It is a sad fact that the majority of people tend to expect the ageing process to bring about such a state. It seems we have been brainwashed to expect wrongly that at a certain age our bodies will become brittle and deformed. However, such an error in our thinking is equally as misaligned as our bodies can become. The good news is that by addressing postural alignment through exercise, we not only address the form of the body, but we address its internal workings. It wasn’t always like this

As we get older, it seems we become slaves to modern living. Yet, as babies we were influenced only by necessity; our development was more instinctual. We corrected ourselves whilst learning how to crawl and balance, before eventually finding our feet. Such ‘baby steps’ were our way of counterbalancing what at first seemed unnatural. But such adaptive skills need not be eradicated just because we have grown older. If we choose, the body can remain flexible and open while ever we are still breathing.

Y o u r

n e x t s t e p

It is also important to note, that any built up tension which has led to physical misalignment can most definitely be improved upon. It may take a little time and also require the flexibility of your mind, but nevertheless you are not stuck with your body the way it is. Here is a simple analogy of how the body responds to a little exercise: Imagine you receive a newspaper or perhaps a poster that has been rolled up tightly. In order to read it clearly, you need to return the item back to its former shape. To do this you might roll it in the opposite direction. The amount of counter-rolling required to straighten the item is equally proportionate to the severity of its curve. The point here is that if our modern way of living involves stress and tension, then we need to incorporate an equal amount of relaxation. So if your muscles become tight, through any form of tension, they need to be stretched out.

Start taking those baby steps today and explore your movement potential.


All walking is discovery.• On foot we take•the time to see things whole. Hal Borland

It is not talking, but walking that will bring us to heaven. Matthew Henry

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. Friedrich Nietzsche

My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing. Aldous Huxley

If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. Raymond Inmon

He who limps is still walking. Stanislaw J. Lec

W a l k i n g

Humans are the only animals that need to be taught how to move naturally.

Dr Masaaki Hatsumi

At first it may seem a waste of time and effort to re- learn how to move. The truth is that by doing so you can actually conserve lots of energy. When used efficiently the human body ought to last well into our eighties and perhaps beyond. It has been said that the definition of old age is “when you can no longer do the things you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place.” What is for sure is that there are certain things our bodies require of us in order to function efficiently. Most of these things are obvious and instinctual, yet sadly we choose to ignore them. So why walk? The answer to this question is simple: because every system in your body benefits from walking. Every muscle in your body is employed with every step you take, particularly the all-important heart muscle. The lower intensity of walking, over running, allows your body to burn its more energy-rich fat stores. So, if you want to lose weight walk – then walk some more. Whilst walking helps to balance your weight, it also improves your digestion. As you walk your diaphragm pulls downwards, gently squeezing the abdominal organs, so aiding peristalsis. This is the process of food moving through the intestines.

THEN WALK SOME MORE Not so obvious is the fact that whilst walking, the left and right hemispheres of your brain begin to harmonize. When walking, the left side of the brain, used in more logical tasks, communicates with the right,which is usually employed in more creative ones. Hence, every step you take serves to instil both mental and physical harmony. Preservation or Degeneration: So why is it that as biped creatures, perfectly designed to walk upright, do we do so little walking? It seems modern life has robbed us of the one thing that defines our uniqueness. We either don’t have the time, or the opportunity. We believe travelling in a motor vehicle is much quicker, and that at the end of a stressful day, crashing in front of the TV is a way of preserving our energy. Such illusionary thinking does not take into account the bigger picture. It does not account for the days spent away from work due to illness, or the time it takes to recover from a hip or knee replacement in our later years.

According to Wolff’s Law, the bones of the body regenerate in accordance with the forces placed upon them. For example: if your day revolves around sedentary tasks, the bones begin to adjust to their lack of use. The phrase “use it or lose it ” springs to mind. Davis’s Law is a similar concept which relates to the ‘muscles’ adjusting to lack of use. For further information on the work of Wolf and Davis, see the suggested reading list at the back of this publication. Such profound research almost proves that the simple task of walking is the only exercise required to keep us fit and healthy. So why not exercise your new-found ‘commitment muscle’ as well as every other muscle in your body and take a step towards greater health today?

S t r e s s If your teeth are clenched and your fists are clenched, your life span is probably clenched.

Adabella Radici

We have mentioned that stress to the bones and muscles, in the form of movement, can be a good thing. There is though, that all too familiar stress that does not serve us so well - this is mental stress. Stress is part of life and has been throughout the history of man. But today, we live in a world which is surrounded by more uncertainty, confusion and fear, than ever before. On a daily basis we are confronted with: noise, pollution, financial demands, challenging relationships and playing catch-up with time. Phew, it’s stressful just thinking about it all!

The concept of stress can be a difficult one to grasp; what is stressful for one person is not necessarily the same for another. Your body has an in-built system which responds to stress. This response or ‘trigger’ releases chemicals into the bloodstream. These chemicals either slow down or speed up specific internal systems to help you cope with whatever is presented. An example of this is when your heart rate increases when you perceive a threatening situation. This happens so blood can be pumped around your body, helping you to flee from danger. In contrast to this, your digestion slows down, being only of secondary importance to the situation in hand. So, if we are designed to cope with stress, then where’s the problem? The paradox is that when the body is placed under large amounts of stress, the trigger response goes into overdrive and the very chemicals produced to steer us away from danger can become destructive, even fatal.


The positive side is that once the stress response is eventually turned off, the body’s healing powers become mobilized, allowing it to return to a state of harmony, referred to as homeostasis. However, this is not always an easy process. Question your thinking: Some people live in a constant state of stress, barely managing to juggle their health with the hustle and bustle of life. For such people, it may only take a small trigger to send them into a tailspin of confusion, disharmony or dis-ease. The phrase; “the straw that broke the camel’s back” might apply here. The reason is, most stages of ill health are a combination of two or more factors. Once mental stress begins to have a negative impact on the body, the results can affect our whole world. To put it simply: the thoughts and beliefs we have shape the world we live in. However, this innate ability can present its own problems, particularly when our beliefs are unsupported or outdated.

For instance, if you

believe that you are ill or too old, that the world is unfair or untrustworthy and life is a struggle, you will then find references in your world to prove this is true. If on the other hand, you believe that you get better with age, you make your own luck, or that every day is an adventure, your world becomes a more acceptable one. The author of this manual decided many years ago, only to believe the things which empowered or enhanced his life. He invites you to do the same.

D i g e s t i o n

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.

Ayurvedic Proverb

It has been noted in many health publications that the human digestive system is like a second brain. But if we decide to listen, could this second brain give us the secret to our well-being? This may at first seem ludicrous. However, upon further investigation, you may be inclined to agree that digestion plays a vital role when it comes to good health.


the immune system to function correctly, it relies on a smoothly

operating digestive system. This vast network of tubes and valves not only controls waste, but is responsible for converting food into energy. Hence, when digestion is compromised the healing powers of the immune system become immobilized. Unfortunately for most, the gut is the body’s weakest link. With a minimal amount of protection, it gets exposed to a whole host of issues. The food we eat, certain bacteria, stress and dehydration to name but a few, all have an effect on the gut. So what can we do to support it? Without entering into a biology lesson, one area to draw your attention to is the ICV (ileocaecal valve). This is an area your therapist is particularly interested in treating.


nutrients have been absorbed

from food in the small intestine, the remainder is sent to the large intestine as waste. The ICV is a muscular ring whose function is to open and close, separating the contents of each. On the surface the ICV sits to the lower right of the stomach, approximately one hand width from the navel. The effectiveness of the ICV can become compromised by a number of factors. Stress (as previously mentioned) and pelvic instability can both have a serious impact, but it is our eating habits which are the biggest hindrance.


there are a few simple steps you can take to meet your

therapist halfway. The presence of refined or high sugar foods, artificial additives and stimulants, such as caffeine and alcohol, cause the ICV to work overtime. Such a strenuous workload could lead to malfunction; causing the ICV to become ‘locked’ either open or closed. Consequently, toxic waste materials could re-enter the small intestine where they become reabsorbed into the blood stream. The reverse occurs when undigested food enters the large intestine before being broken down.

Regardless of either, the result is that toxins build up and

dehydration occurs. These toxins eventually make their way to the liver to be processed, before being eliminated. It is when the liver becomes overburdened with toxic blood that health can become severely compromised. This is because toxic blood is much denser than normal blood and not the right Imagine trying to fuel a rocket into outer space on coal.


G u t

F e e l i n g s

Toxic food particles in the digestive system can also lead to constipation. Eventually they putrefy giving off a foul-smelling gas. Patients suffering from a toxic bowel may complain of a “foggy brain� or aching joints. Such conditions may lead to severe fatigue. When digestion is in such a weakened state, bacterial balance inevitably becomes upset. This, in turn, creates an environment where the proliferation of Candida Albicans (normally occurring bacterium which feed on sugars and yeast) can occur. Research has shown that, in such cases, removing foods high in sugar and yeast can help to maintain pathogenic balance.

To get the most from your digestive system, it is important to remember that digestion actually begins inside the mouth. The simple task of chewing your, hopefully wholesome food, infuses it with natural enzymes. This causes food particles to break down even before they reach the gut. It is also advisable to monitor the amount of food you consume per sitting; if the stomach is overfull, again it will struggle to function correctly. A sensible ratio in the stomach is one third food, one third liquid and one third left empty. With this in mind, the next time you sit down to eat; ask yourself if the meal portion in front of you would overfill your cupped hands. If the answer is yes, then you are probably over-eating. But don’t be alarmed by all this; you will not starve! By changing your eating patterns and chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you will in time become more satisfied.

D i e t & N u t r i t i o n Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are.


It may indeed seem peculiar that a so-called ‘manual for healthy living’ does not consist of reams of text about what foods to eat. Well, you will be pleased to know that this manual, rightly, does not place emphasis on what should and should not be eaten. The over saturated topic of diet and nutrition can in many ways be mind-boggling and could fill a book of its own. Instead, you are invited to incorporate some new principles and see for yourself if they work. The purpose of this is to empower you to at least consider your future food choices; we know all too well, that following a strict diet and exercise regime can be off-putting, resulting in the exact opposite of what was hoped. Such a dogmatic approach to what is a natural instinct means that diet and exercise become something we see as outside of us. It seems to be something we have to do, another form of responsibility. It is this mind set that causes much of our resistance. Don’t we already have enough responsibility?

The never-ending chore of keeping up with good health can feel like a battle. Perhaps this is due to the fact that good health is seen as a destination rather than a state of being. For many, once their ideal weight is reached, or their pain goes away, they take their foot off the accelerator so to speak. Little do they know that such a yo-yo approach is at the very root of their problems! It can be helpful to complete a daily food diary, which you can take with you to your treatments. The action of keeping a food diary is the most effective tool you can employ for consistent and lasting change.

Weekly Food Diary Day








Summarize your food and drink each day

Other Factors and Test Results How much water did you drink

How long Score the did you walk Pain Level for from 1-10

Score your Score your Mood Level Energy from 1-10 From 1-10


The body’s main issues which lead to poor health usually revolve around inconsistencies, be it fluctuations in blood sugar, heart rate, or brain chemicals. The message this manual has tried to make very clear throughout is the subject of balance is paramount, and who better to turn to for such a ‘commodity’ than nature itself? So what should I eat?

When it comes to nutrition it is not so much what we are lacking, but more so what we take on board without necessarily realizing. Most pre-prepared food consists of bulking agents and added chemicals to improve its desirability and profitability. By simply avoiding such foods you can improve your health considerably. Coupled with the increased vitality and improved digestion, you will also benefit from reducing your weekly shopping bills. At a time when obesity and diabetes are on the increase the emphasis surely should be on quality rather than quantity. Primary Nutrition

Primary means first - No 1. So, primary nutrition is food that exists in its primary state, ready to eat. Fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, (preferably local, seasonal and organic) all fit into this category. They are the foods your body is designed to thrive on. We have no excuse that such foods need time to prepare, because they are ready to eat in their primary state. Take a look at your diet today and ask a simple question: How much of my diet comes from its primary source? The more processed your food is, the less its nutritional value. It is simple, nature provides an abundance of vitamins, nutrients and enzymes to keep you at our optimum efficiency. Your body knows what to do with primary nutrition.


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our Health Y B e

To summarize: by restoring your body’s natural movement patterns, its functionality improves in efficiency. By providing the correct nutrition, your internal systems will work at their optimal level. You will now begin to take control of your health. Good health makes life worth living.

Further Suggested Reading: The Law of Bone Remodeling - Julius Wolf Your Bodies Many Cries for Water - Dr. F. Batmanghelidj Living Energies - Callum Coats www.biotensegrity.com The Gut & Psychology Syndrome - Dr Cambell - Mcbride With special thanks to Glen Monks for design & editing :glen@soulfood.org.uk

Take Your Health Back

Now You Can

Your perfect guide to

Improve your Health

health and harmony;

Reduce your Stress

the gateway to a better You.

Relieve Pain

Increase your Vitality

Ask your practitioner

Improve your Digestion Clear your Mind

Take Back your Health

By Taz Faruqi and Glen Monks

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