Sprtobrough Synergy Hub Magazine

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SYNERGY Because we’re all in this together

What’s in store When things work in synergy, they feel right. With a combination of balanced health & well-being alongside community support, we all have the potential to find more synergy in our lives. With this publication, Sprotbrough Community Library aim to share, inspire, and celebrate the community and surrounding villages. We know that families, businesses and organisations all work better with a little compassion and understanding. We, humans, are wired for connection.

Contents ● Grow well, live well, age well ● The importance of creativity ● Children of vision ● The impact of isolation ● Let food be thy medicine

Contributors ● Glen Monks - SCLL Well-being Team ● Warren Draper - The Urban Farm ● Sasha Gray - The Fringe Art Group ● The Parish Council

● The miracle of mindfulness

● Lyndon Walters - Library Chairman

● Sprotbrough Synergy Hub

● Sprotbrough Community & Volunteers

● The healing power of nature ● Permaculture article and much more

Welcome from Glen Monks our well-being Coordinator I feel privileged to be working alongside the Sprotbrough Community library to deliver the message of health and wellbeing across your community. Regardless of our up-brining, such is the modern lifestyle that many people struggle with high stress and societal pressures. The results of stress can lead to poor communication and a lack of self-care. Throughout our journey together, I aim to share some guiding principals that may spread better health and harmony across your community.

The Community Consultation and what you told us… %Yes

? ?


% No

% Maybe


Online Stats Total engagement

Concerns around Isolation

Feelings of Loneliness 51.8%

Grow Well 17.9%

Quite 8.9 %

Age Well 55.4%

Not Lonely at all 39.3%

What you asked for

Online Support 26.3% Live Well 48.2%

Outdoor activities 37.8%

Library activities 35.9%

Grow well = 0 to 16 yrs, Live well =16 to 50 yrs, Age well = 50 & upwards Q: How has Covid-19 impacted your health and well-being?

23.2% Considerably

21.4% Not at all

55.4% General Uncertainty

The themes, grow-well, live-well and age-well ensured everyone in the community were represented. We learnt that not everyone uses the Internet for communicating and we hope to support those that wish to improve their online skills. The feedback to date has given us fresh inspiration and a better understanding of the services we aim to offer. You told us that a combination of movement classes, learning and sharing helps you to remain balanced and content. You told us some of your well-being goals and which classes you are interested in trying. You also told us your challenges and what helps you to combat stress. The information you provided was most valuable and it seems there is great synergy across the community.

As a community resource hub, we aim to support your needs as best we can.

GROW WELL LIVE WELL AGE WELL The Generation Game You may be of an age where you remember Bruce Forsyth’s great Generation Game. These were times when the whole family sat together, enjoyed the same frame of reference and got lost in light hearted entertainment. Wind on a few decades, where diversity of perspectives and innovation have widened the generation gap, and things are much different. The prizes we once dreamed of winning, are now readily available at the click of a mouse and forgotten just as easy. Of course, comparison doesn't always lend itself to new ways of seeing things. In order to bridge the generation gap, we all have role in becoming more flexible in our outlook. The world seems to be moving at a much faster pace. Perhaps we could all do with paying a little more respect to the different life stages we meet.

It’s all in a lifetime’s work You may be familiar with the phrase, ‘your network is your net worth’. We all need to be mindful of the network we keep, due the impact this has on our emotional well-being. When it comes to controlling family dynamics however, we have less choice. Control is an interesting concept when it comes to family care and consideration. To grow, live and age well there needs to be a healthy balance when it

So, the importance of how

The word here is respect, and

comes to control.

we develop the young rides

it requires surrender on both

on the back of stable,

sides. In order for this equal

experienced adults. But at

exchange to serve both

what point do the tables

parties there needs to be


mutual respect. This is

Parents generally play an

intergenerational growth at its

important part in shaping


For a growth mindset, over an ‘I’m broken’ mind set, healthy communication must be set by the age of 7 years old. Children that practice fairness and reciprocity before the age of 10 experience more fulfilling lives, not shy of sharing or caring for themselves and others.

our lives. Most parents work very hard all their lives to

To Conclude

give the best upbringing to

There’s no doubt the tussle

their children.

between intergenerational control and shifting of

However, if such basic human

In many Eastern cultures the

opinions is a delicate one.

needs go unmet, self-criticism

tables turn when parents

However, to surrender to the

and attention seeking can

become older and require

power of love is always key.

alter a child’s trajectory. This

support themselves. This

makes for a poor start in life

transition requires a totally

Here’s to growing, living and

for future generations.

different kind of maturity.

ageing well.


Art Attack The art seen in Doncaster is becoming more prevalent, our streets even seem to be more colourful. Art is a controversial topic, what’s right for one is not necessarily right for another. What we mostly can agree on though, is that art impacts our emotions. Understanding this highlights the fact that art has the ability to enhance the way we feel about where we live. Generally, our streets are plastered with colourful marketing images, where

Art tells stories, and every story

companies try to influence

is different. As viewers, we have you don’t have to visit to an

our purchasing behaviour,

a personal experience in

art gallery to get involved. So,

public art on the other hand

response to what we see.

seeing the creative side of

impacts us more

Psychologically we begin to

life doesn’t have price tag,


question our frame of

whether its, writing, drawing,

For someone to share their


painting or playing a musical

feelings publicly means a lot. This act of self-expression

of art and the great thing is

instrument, whatever flights We may not adjust instantly but your fancy. We all have a

may not be for the purpose of over time, the more we feel

creative streak waiting to be

selling anything or gaining

inspired and moved by art, the


credibility but more so to

more we open up to the

reach people’s hearts. Of

endless possibilities the world

course there needs to be a

presents. Art teaches us to ask, Community Library have a

respectful balance, graffiti

is there another way of seeing

dedicated writing group that

maybe cool, but so is nature


meet regular to share ideas

and rarely do the two mix.

Anyone can enjoy the benefits

and creative writing projects?

Did you know Sprotbrough

Writing Comp Entries Sprotbrough Community Library


Write what you feel Writing competition for adults and children

You expressed your feelings to inspire others, win prizes and showcase your work. You spread good cheer and boosted morale across your community.


So, a BIG THANK YOU from all of us Even when you are in a dar zone,We want you to know k scary you Kids are never alone.

at my h the rain g u ro th I stare Wisteria flowering d the g cleane xterior I’ve sprin side to e in m o fr e hous elled, no ay’s canc My holid ria e trip to Lib from re to hide e h w o n There’s Siberia Nepal to ’t be a ed I won in rm te e D hysteria slave to les of iling bott -p k c to s t Bu ria anti-bacte

Don’t suffer in silence all by yourself, Get your favourite boo k from the bookshelf. When your stomach is in a knot, Crisis Team will try heltight p you on the spot We will help you in dark to some light, When you leavefind you ought to feel bright When it feels like your life is upside down, We are here to turn it the right way round.

ews Patt Math

Saachi Age 11

Writer Beth Kempton has kindly offered

100% Discount on her creative writing course for Sprotbrough Hub readers…

https://dowhatyouloveforlife.com/co urse/words-heal-2/ Checkout code - INSPIRE

You ar WIN e all NER S!

As lonely and dark as it ma seem, Please be sure to ringy Crisis Team. Don't hesitate to pick up the phone, Believe me you are 2nd never alone " m u "Ero s in the ance li il r b is a e There ss will se e n dark ly the blind n in the that o phony m y s is a There e silenc en for me v a idst a A he eze am e r b a e but We ar t sea a storm spark, arious c e r p This y manit We—hu

One Perspective My Lockdown Journey to Work I stand at the bus stop. It’s dark; cold. My warm dragon’s breath cuts it’s unholy vapour through the chilled air. The bus is late; again. It finally arrives. A travelling, disinfected machine, advancing toward it’s destination and whatever peril lies ahead. I don my mask. I board it. Yellow tape is banded across seats. DO NOT SIT THERE; THE VIRUS WILL GET YOU! The bus proceeds to carry it’s living cargo onwards into the cold, dark morning. Early sunshine attempts to creep it’s joyful rays through cloud, but, the virus won’t permit that; it blocks the sun. People sit, quietly incognito, spaced out, insular, weary. After a few miles of solitude in my head, I leave the bus. The station is hollow, reverberating echoes of life bounce around my memory. An auditory invasion of empty footsteps. Walking through the shopping centre I feel detached from physical reality. Like walking through a tunnel of impenetrable silence my psyche is spinning with my deserted surroundings. Shutters down on shops, all seating removed in this destruction of communication and sabotage of community. I can hear my breath beneath my mask. A pulse of air warms my nose; damp, like a puppy, hoping the virus hasn’t squeezed it’s way in through the gaps. The empty vacuum of the shopping centre envelopes me as each step cuts through it’s censored landscape. I’m almost there. I step out into the barren streets and speed up my pace to reach my end destination. The virus won’t catch me if I walk fast. Chink, metal on metal, the key turns. I’m in. I’m safe for a few hours… or, am I? Will the virus visit me today in it’s human disguise? Who knows? I take my chance and shrouded in doubt and confusion… a numbness sets in... and the day begins.

Tackling Loneliness You might be surprised to learn that one of

The Solution Pill could be intimacy. What we

the most significant causes of poor health is

are not taught in biology, is that physical

not from drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco,

intimacy happens instinctively, but that

or poor diet, but loneliness.

mental and emotional intimacy is learned

The need for human contact is at the core of

behaviour. Those with an aversion to intimacy

our well-being; we humans are wired for

are often identified as suffering some form of

connection. Yet, we can feel separate from

grief or loss. A solution rarely involves

others at times. When dealing with

individual acceptance and self compassion.

separation, the tendency is to get on with life and go it alone, but this is rare across the

Rarely do we give self praise love and

rest of the animal kingdom.

tenderness to ourselves. . When was the last

Loneliness cannot be defined only

time you coached yourself to be better? ‘I did

experienced. It’s a personal thing, we can’t

a good job there’ or ‘that was OK, but how

truly understand the feelings of another. What

could I improve?’.

we can do though, is learn to embrace our vulnerability. We all have common chemistry;

By developing introspection and giving self-

anyone’s life experience could change in an

validation of this nature, there is less chance


of us feeling threatened by the outside world. Therefore, no need to retract from it. We are

The medicine is in the poison

more likely to open ourselves up and reveal

Loneliness happens over time and if not

our vulnerabilities once we have made peace

addressed, leads to feelings of isolation.

with ourselves. The keyword here is

No prescription drug can override these

vulnerability. It’s not easy to conform to our

feelings because it is a bio, psycho-social

inner voice that we feel vulnerable, as its

problem. A lack of social engagement is only

primary focus is to protect us. However,

part of the problem. Some people can feel

avoidance is where diversion tactics and

alone, even around family and friends. The

addictions are born. An alternative to this is

reason we struggle with emotional

self-compassion. This can be practised

dissonance is because we don’t understand

anytime, anywhere and requires no external

things holistically. We are trained towards

network. However, with practice, the side

problem-solving and generally believe that a

effect is that your network of connections

quick fix is better than progressive change.

may indeed grow.

But there is another way.

Finding Yourself Where did it all go wrong?

A final word

Understanding the ‘why’ often helps. Why do

Not everyone with self-esteem has self-

we humans criticize ourselves? Why?

compassion. The goal is to have a healthy

Because we care, because we are afraid of

balance of both before narcissism sets in.

becoming a bad person, inadequate or

The right balance of self-esteem and self-

getting hurt. Our inner critic is in control

compassion will make you feel proud of your

around 90% of the time, either trying to

humanness which positively impacts others.

protect us or confirming our stupidity! This

The authentic path, of addressing emotional

means gratitude is rarely our narrative. When

intelligence in this way, can be a bumpy ride.

was the last time your inner voice confirmed,

To expose the reasons for not wanting to

‘I hear you; I understand how you feel, and I

engage with others is a bold path. To change

validate your concerns’?

your thoughts, actions, and beliefs to gain

Knowledge alone does not instil change –

new results can be overwhelming. If this

but changing our behaviour does. By

sounds familiar, you’re not alone. It’s also

developing a healthy self-concept, one of

essential to know, that where trauma is

self-compassion and acceptance, and

involved, it’s probably best to get some

tendering any bodily sensations you feel, will


deepen your internal connection. As around 90% of communication is non-verbal, thus

If this article has impacted you in any way,

your world is likely to ‘feel’ more connected.

The Sprotbrough Community Library Hub will be covering emotional intelligence in our

What have you got to lose?

Well-being Wednesday program. The

The next time you find yourself feeling self-

Community Hub also offer volunteer

critical, isolated, or alone, try being kind to

opportunities to help combat loneliness - see

yourself. Self-compassion improves immune

our article on volunteering later in the

function and regulates the nervous system.

magazine. For those needing immediate support we have No fee therapeutic services

A tip before practice, is to test small and


measure big. Mindfulness practices and meditation can be challenging and often

Contact Glen Monks for further details

require mentorship. Self-compassion, on the


other hand, can be practised anywhere without anyone ever knowing.

Children of Vision Mind-body connection as medicine has the

Steiner’s approach to education was

potential to change future generations. A

based on the use of imagination, creativity

growing body of evidence supports the

and practical learning, with a spiritual

effectiveness and safety of mind-body

theme running throughout. In all subjects,

therapies in pediatrics. If we aspire for a

including maths and science, the

better future, we need to educate the younger

undercurrent was one of self expression.

minds of today. Clinical reports outline the many benefits of mind-body therapies, for children and youths, such as meditation, and yoga. To teach children to breathe and own their emotions is perhaps next in line after learning to walk and talk.

He incorporated elements of dance and physical movement into his lessons. This helped students’ with personal and spiritual development. Steiner believed that analytic thinking and academic learning were less suitable, for younger children.

Back in 1919 Rudolf Steiner started an

Whether this is true for today’s curriculum

education program that shifted things.

is debatable but worth consideration.

Check your library timetable for FREE children courses and activities

Wow, I bet you knew you could do that!

Sprotbrough Community Library

REACHING OUT PROJECT The value of being heard, validated and understood

An opportunity for you or someone you care for to access Hypnotherapy or talking therapies to support emotional well-being. No matter what age or status, the value of talking through our life challenges cannot be underestimated. We have a rare opportunity to offer NO FEE professional therapeutic appointments to those that need emotional support across our community.

If you or someone you care for experience anxiety, depression or emotional discomfort, we may be able to support a more balanced state of well-being.

No fee service if you meet our basic criteria Taking Enquiries NOW

Discretion Assured Our registered professionals are waiting to hear from you

Jan 2021 up to end March 2021 For further details: contact Glen on 07951 138579 email: info@sprotbroughlibrary.org.uk for application or call into Sprotbrough Library and collect an application form

Like us and share

Grow Well Live Well Age Well


When it comes to healthy food choices, the problem is we have too much choice. Couple choice with conflicting advice, and we have a recipe for confusion. Instead of seasonal foraging and hunting, we humans are now teased and tempted by food. Yet many health food and supplement fads, telling us they are more suitable, are driven by profit and not results. A simple way to address this complex subject is to ensure we have natural food on our plates. If it comes in a box, packet, tin, or coated in plastic, then it’s manufactured. If it comes with a label, explaining what’s inside, then it’s been processed. Refined oils, grains, sugars and flavours are all ‘obese-forming’ and contain potential carcinogens. The process of preparing and eating is best when natural, fresh and enjoyable. Optimal nutrition is about nutrient density. Field, farm, forest and fish are good indicators - if they sit morally with you. Nothing natural is formed with a bar-code.

Continued… But it’s not just about food choices. To source, consume and digest optimally, we must be in harmony with our environment. When told what we should be eating, we fall out of harmony, ‘shoulding’ does not aid our digestion. It’s a matter of your frame of reference; what is your diet trying to achieve? Food choices can vary for everyone, which is why the, ‘my diet is better than yours’ model is flawed. Find out which foods naturally satiate your palate, not your cravings, and your mind, body and energy levels will be greatly rewarded.

To Summarise Eat consciously, eat whole, listen to your body and not anyone else. When you hear, yourself giving dietary orders to others, ask yourself this, can I be sure it’s right for them? Above all remember, food is life. Choose your food with purpose-based knowledge. Perhaps most importantly, bring gratitude and love into your relationship with food and to those with whom you share it.

For those using food as medicine, it’s good to take a slow and methodical approach. Remember this, to re tune an instrument requires a skilled musician. If you are approaching diet from a therapeutic standpoint, then knowledge on human biology is crucial. Our capacity to convert food into fuel relies on many factors. Firstly, gastric juices are secreted to break down

Collectively, the microbiota

With education and a few

nutrients required by our cells.

supports or hinders the

tweaks, the good news is

This process then feeds the

neuro-chemistry of the

you can tailor a diet specific

millions of bacteria,

brain. The problem lies

to your health needs. A

pathogens, and fungi, that we

when certain bacterial

personalised functional ap-

house. Some of these are

strains overpopulate the gut

proach of this nature is the

more favourable than others.

through bad food choices.

way forward for longevity.

The Miracle of Mindfulness Mindfulness and meditation are the new buzz words in the field of human, holistic care. To gain results, requires a leap of faith in something greater than our usual self-driven perspective. The concept of ‘less is more’ is not easy to grasp in a ‘go get’ society, however, with practice, many learn the advantages of momentary awareness.

Whether it’s self-belief or belief in something higher, your ability to hold onto your vision is paramount to achieving your dreams. A great way of staying on target is to bring yourself back to basics. I liken this to the difference between walking and running. The slower we walk the more focused, grounded and stable we feel. Whereas when running, our body is in the air most of the time and can easily be knocked off balance.

So, whether it’s your first step on the ladder of success or you’re a well seasoned climber, always try to remember where you came from and, more importantly, where you are going. This relaxed effort state, is often referred to in the meditation arena as ‘the beginner’s mind’.

Continued Measuring Progress Measuring our tangible feelings and intangible thoughts is perhaps the easiest way to measure our state of mindfulness. This approach to life can work on many levels. Often, we humans have too much mental energy, demanding things to be different or desiring things we cannot have. But not always do we get what we want. In spiritual terms, the root chakra (our metaphorical energy centre) represents the earth. The earth is our Homebase: friends, family, manual labour, food and shelter. It is where we sow our seeds of growth. Without a strong Homebase,



become this,



grounding our body towards the earth. Without physical stability, our spine, which represents our life journey, becomes tense and immobile. Show me pain in the body and I will show you dullness of mind. In opposition to grounding into our earthly needs, we humans often live in our heads. But striving to achieve more than we need, means moving away from our root of contentment. Our job, therefore, is to learn to mediate the mental and physical demands of the world. To do this requires a progressive approach to momentary awareness. Meeting our stressors incrementally, expands our window of tolerance and develops resilience. This takes skill, patience and understanding over brute force and ignorance. The goal is to strike a happy balance. When our tangible needs and intangible desires harmonise, we feel the present as the gift it truly is. Whenever you feel at odds with the world, a simple, effective practice is to release the weight of your mental tension into your felt-body. With practice, your breath, mind and body will sync into alignment – this is meditation. Feelings of connectedness remind us we are supported by Mother Earth with endless possibilities at our disposal. We can call this the observer state, our innate ability to be present with any given situation and respond accordingly. To be mindful is to listen and feel deeply into our intuition which is always here, always now.

Well-being Wednesdays A Functional Approach to Community Wellness We invite you to be part of our ‘Functional Forum’, a chance to share your thoughts and feelings around health and well-being across your community. Do you have experience of a long-standing health condition and believe you can help others? Perhaps you have a recent diagnosis and want some peer support. Maybe you’re a health coach or well-being coordinator. Whatever your interest in diet and lifestyle interventions, we’d love to hear your story. You have nothing to lose and much to gain.

Wednesdays Jan, Feb March 2021


Sprotbrough Community Library

Sessions will be a combination of zoom calls, drop-ins and group meetings where possible

Your chance to be heard, get questions answered and empower others

Contact Glen on 07951 138579 email: info@sprotbroughlibrary.org.uk

Sprotbrough Synergy Hub A forward from the Library’s Chairman In April 2012, Sprotbrough Community Library

The money raised from room hire has been

Ltd (SCLL) was formed with the specific aim

used to great effect. There has been

of keeping open Sprotbrough Library.

significant investment in the library facilities,

From the outset, the aim was to provide an

including: an upgrade of the main meeting

excellent service, using volunteers to staff the

room to commercial standard, creation of an

library. The guiding principle was for the

additional meeting room with storage area,

library to be run by the community for the

provision of a suite of computers for public


use, upgrade of the kitchen area and facilities, and new flooring for the children’s

The management committee recognised the


fantastic potential that the library building offered. It was realised that this could be far

SCLL has recently been awarded grant

more than just a library. All that was required

funding by the National Lottery Fund. This is

was an enterprising spirit with a can-do

being used in two ways:


1) resurfacing the area to the rear of the library to allow for the provision of gardening

A series of courses and classes were offered,

facilities (raised beds etc.).

utilising the meeting room that was available

2) recruitment of a project manager to further

upstairs. Over time, the range of offerings has

develop the library as a synergy hub, with

increased considerably, so that now there is

particular emphasis on establishing the

something on offer for all ages, from babies

library as a centre of excellence for health

through to retired people.

and well-being.

Nature Trails


The Sprotbrough NDP (Summer 2020)

Appendix L of the report identified wildlife

Community Consultation demonstrated that

recorded in Sprotbrough.

local facilities are highly valued by residents.

Plants: Cowslip, common spotted and

The response to the Household Survey

pyramidal orchids, with common twayblade,

showed that residents wish to protect,

bee orchid, carline thistle, quaking grass and

healthcare facilities such as doctors and

autumn gentian among many others.

dentists, the library and, that green spaces are also highly valued.

40 Birds: Including the common buzzard,

The Schools Survey demonstrated the

sparrow hawk, kestrel, tawny owl, little owl,

importance of local recreational facilities to

green & great spotted woodpecker, dunnock,

children in Sprotbrough. It is evident from the

chaffinch, green & gold finch, long tailed tit,

data that the children in Sprotbrough highly

coal tit, blackcap, skylark, yellow hammer,

value open green spaces, whether it be for

pied wagtail, fieldfare, redwing, chiffchaff,

themselves to play safely or as wildlife

bullfinch, starling, red legged partridge, grey


partridge, pheasant, lapwing and grey heron.

The Healing Power of Nature Mammals: Fox, brown hare, stoat, weasel,

The great thing about visiting local nature

shrew, vole, bat, roe deer, hedgehog and

trails, is the impact they have on our physical


and emotional well-being. Grounding in

Amphibians, reptiles, frogs, toads and grass

nature, sometimes known as ‘earthing’ has


an immediate physiological impact on the

Insects: included dragonfly, damselfly,

autonomic nervous system. Being in nature

cricket, grasshopper, elephant hawk moth,

helps switch the body and mind into a more

ladybird, and peacock butterfly, red admiral,

relaxed state. Even working together,

large white and common blue butterflies and

alongside this powerful natural resource,

numerous other species.

helps people to balance their social stress and can have lasting psychological impact.

It’s clear from the report, that Sprotbrough truly has wildlife nature trails and habitats

It seems nature is the valuable and reliable

worth visiting and preserving. And, that

prescription and the good news is, it’s free.

everyone in our community values this.

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All For One…

Community Vision With the current climate for health and social

The voluntary, community and faith (VCF)

care reaching climax the need for cohesive

sector takes up the slack, where the system

community action has never been more

falls short.

apparent. The issues we face are a

Welcome Change

population increasing in size, living longer

The outdated business model of ‘I win, you

and needing more care during the later

lose’ is shifting towards ‘win, win’ - both seller

stages of life. The reality is, front line public

and end-user are winners. Community

services are just not matching demand.

Ecological Development works on the same

A transformational shift is required, where everyone recognises they are a stakeholder of change. Whether it’s the public, private or voluntary sector, the mindset must lean towards Community Ecological Development. Why? Because everyone is affected by the environment in which they live. A vibrant, healthy landscape breeds optimism.

premise, although it brings in a new dynamic, the community also benefits – ‘win, win, win’. Here it is realised that a strong, vibrant, healthy community is one of abundance for all. The development of this logical progression requires everyone to support local VCF sector organisations. Community ‘buy in’ generates a thriving community.

There is much separation across the sectors.

Such a vision may seem utopian and yet

Commercial businesses generate profit and

resides in the heart of many. Fear of loss and

pay back a percentage in taxes, whilst the

separation are the biggest causes of human

public sector seeks to maintain infrastructure,

suffering. The question is, do your day to day

education and healthy living conditions.

activities breed separation or equanimity?

Permaculture Breaking Gardening Boundaries

By Warren Draper

Permaculture is a design system which takes inspiration from the natural world and from cultures which have long proved themselves sustainable. Through observing and learning from nature, permaculturalists have put together a toolkit of principles and practices which can help

Our gardens are perfect for

When they go to seed, and

create abundant, diverse yields

experimenting with new

there are enough other

for human beings, while

(and old) ways of growing,

flowers around, we fold over

minimising our ecological

because they are self-

the plants and cover them

footprint. Because it isn’t just

contained plots where we

with wet cardboard and plant

humans who benefit, the

can grow a diversity of

squashes through the card.

principles and practices of


The plants under the

permaculture benefit wildlife and the environment too.

cardboard help fertilise the We do need to restore and

squashes and once

rewild our natural habitats,

harvested, we remove the

We often act as if we need

but we can also use

cardboard and the phacelia

different places to grow

gardens to introduce plants

come back to life in time for

different types of plants; the

which are not native, but

next spring.

garden for the flowers, the

which are of benefit to

We can all work our gardens

allotment for the veg, the

wildlife. Phacelia is a great

to help wildlife, when helping

greenbelt for the wild, etc. But in

choice; it is a beautiful

wildlife we help ourselves.

reality, we can produce a vastly

purple flower which is like

more beneficial — and I would

bee catnip. At Bentley Urban

Keep an eye on future plans

argue more beautiful — green

Farm we created a ‘Bee Bed’

to develop a community

world by mixing things up a

where phacelia flowers feed

garden at the Library Hub on


waking bees in spring.

Sprotbrough Rd.




Community Labrynth A simple exercise to try and live by…


The vision, values and intentions we set as a


community; help to collate what we aim to achieve. It’s important to unite, with what we stand for, from an emotive perspective. To define how our actions impact others can


shape the terrain for a brighter future. The following

Q1: How do the people in

Stepping into the Community

exercise will only take you a

your life impact you and, in

Labyrinth, once in a while,

few seconds to complete. But,

return, how do you influence

helps us to become part of

if acted upon, your actions

their lives?

the solution and not the cause. It is a mindful exercise

could change many lives. Q2: How do the places and

where those that venture

A visual community labyrinth

spaces in your community

have a direct, personal,

helps to develop a shared

support you, and how do

experience with their current

vision. The outcomes of

you contribute towards them

values and beliefs. Here we

participating in such an

in return?

can change our frame of reference to the important

exercise seek to align each and everyone’s purpose for

Q3: Based on the different

getting involved in their

resources you have…


Do you have more than your

If we set the intention of

fair share of resources and if

achieving a more

Why not give it a try.

so what percentage could

compassionate community,

It’s a simple yet profound

you share with others?

we have the potential to change the landscape for

exercise, based on reflecting upon the following questions:

things in life.

‘Take time to reflect’



future generations.

& Thrive

Improve your skills TOP TIPS for Silver Surfers A computer is more than just another household appliance. Once mastered it could become one of your best friends. The problem for those without any experience is that the vast amount of information and possibilities can be overwhelming. But you can accomplish a lot with a computer, once you know how. The secret is finding someone with patience or attending a course. It makes good sense to attend a learning course at your local Library. Here you will be able to ask questions and test your skills without the cost of having to purchase any equipment. You can always return to the library and use a computer as and when needed. Who knows once you get savvy you might want to buy a computer of your own for surfing the net in the comfort of your own home.

Savvy Tips ● First things first, never give your personal details unless you are confident with whom and why you are sharing them. ● Before you purchase a computer, get familiar with the operating system. You may find that some computer systems are slightly different. You can then find a system that you enjoy using. ● Learn in bite size chunks, if learning gets tiresome step back and take a break ● Test small measure big. Before you join any important websites, such as banks etc, make sure you are familiar with sending and receiving e-mails. ● Find a balance between pleasure and work, computers can be fun and don’t have to be too serious.

How’s your online skills? Frustrated, slow or confused.com? There’s so much you can do on the Internet which can make everyday tasks much easier. Being online could save you time and money, so you can do the things you like doing best. Surfing the web can help you get in touch with new and old friends at the click of a button. You can source information on your favourite subjects. Millions of people use the Internet every day, so why not join them. All you have to do is click. If you have never touched a computer before and want to get started with the basics, we are here to help you. Here’s a few hints and tips to give you a helping hand and give you more confidence with whatever you are doing online. You can always get help from your support network down at the local library. So, don’t be afraid to ask.

Training course offer Want to brush up on your computer skills? We are hosting a 10 week program for those wanting to learn or expand their online skills… ● Beginners welcome ● Get online security savvy

Call Mike on:

● Surf the web with ease

t: 07947 442734

● Internet banking and secure passwords

e: mike.bargh@gmail.com

Volunteering A great way to develop a sense of purpose Are you interested in the many benefits of signing up as a community volunteer in Doncaster?

Voluntary Action Doncaster have developed a Volunteer Hub to help local community groups and organisations

We encourage local

To register your interest, visit

provide support to isolated and

community groups and

our website and become a

vulnerable people.

organisations to register with

member. Then identify the

Voluntary Action

volunteering opportunities in

The Volunteer hub ensures that

Doncaster to get access to

your area you would like to

effective processes and

the Volunteer Hub and use


procedures are in place to

our matching service.

Enquiries please call:

manage and deliver services.

This is a valuable

01302 965459

This ensures every volunteer is

community asset available

or visit:

well placed and supported.

to everyone.


Volunteering at your local Library 120 Words ipsum vitae sem. Ut eget mauris ac nunc luctus ornare. Phasellus enim augue, rutrum tempus, blandit in, vehicula eu, neque. Sed consequat nunc. Proin metus. Duis at mi non tellus malesuada tincidunt. Cras in neque. Sed lacinia, felis ut sodales pretium, justo sapien hendrerit est, et convallis nisi quam sit amet erat. Suspendisse consequat nibh a mauris. Curabitur libero ligula, faucibus at, mollis ornare, mattis et, libero. Aliquam pulvinar congue pede. Fusce condimentum turpis vel dolor. Ut blandit. Sed elementum justo quis sem. Sed eu orci eu ante iaculis accumsan. Sed suscipit dolor quis mi. Curabitur ultrices nonummy lacus. Morbi ipsum ipsum, adipiscing eget, tincidunt vitae, pharetra at, tellus. Nulla gravida, arcu eget dictum eleifend, velit ligula suscipit nibh, sagittis imperdiet metus nunc non pede. Aenean congue pede in nisi tristique interdum. Sed commodo, ipsum ac dignissim ullamcorper,

Library Activities 2021 “More than just books�

For the latest on our activities and services contact us on 01302 782436 e mail us at: enquiries.scll@gmail.com www.sprotbroughcommunitylibrary.org.uk

Monday (Mindful fun day) Tuesday (Good news day) Wednesday (What are you waiting for day) Thursday

Brush up on your computer skills at the community Library Hub from 1pm - 4pm Well-being Wednesday at the Community Library Hub from 1pm - 4pm

Private tuition - online or at the Library Hub

Your chance to participate in health related topics one to one or in a group

Call 01302 782436 e:enquiries.scll@gmail.com

Local walking treks

Join our walking treks clean up and enjoy the countryside

For updates see our Facebook page or visit our website

With Mike

Bookings Call 07947 442734 e:mike.bargh@gmail.com Bookings

(Thirsty to learn day) Friday (Fearless Friday) Saturday (Start to relax day)

We look forward to meeting you

Sprotbrough Community Library

Discard Wisely or pass it on

Community Hub Commitment A big shout goes out to the management, volunteers and most importantly to you the public for your support over the challenging times we have all faced. Together we have managed to keep Sprotbrough Community Library open for business, providing a valuable service to our members. The team at the library believe The Sprotbrough Synery Hub, lead by the library, will become a valuable resource for community health and well-being. We have big plans and invite you on the journey, so watch this space.

A definition of commitment: Doing the things that you said you would do Long after the mood you were in When you said you would do them Has left you

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