Ang Peryodiko News Paper May 1st to May 15th Issue

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The Newspaper


The Newspaper WILD RIDE.

Thrill-seekers enjoy four hours of non-stop adrenaline rush on the Davao River, famed for its 13kilometer stretch of wild water and rapids. Photo by

God’s will


Lacson said winning in the races for the Senate and local elections could be planned with a measure of predictability for the outcome, but not for the presidency and vice presidency.


“It takes God’s will to make one president and vice president of the country,” Lacson said over ANC yesterday. Duterte shared Lacson’s belief. He said that he would obey if

RODRIGO DUTERTE angperyodiko

He admitted considering the possibility of running in the 2016 presidential race, although he said he needed to improve his ranking in the surveys. Recent surveys conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) and Pulse Asia showed



ANILA, Philippines - Although they are considering a run in the 2016 presidential race, former senator Panfilo Lacson and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte believe that winning the nation’s highest position is God’s will.

God would make him president of the country, noting the presidency is a mission from God. Duterte, who last year rejected the idea of running for president, ranked 3rd in recent surveys. He has been moving around the country these past few months to feel the people’s pulse. The Davao City mayor said he would push for a shift from a unitary presidential form of government to federal parliamentary, which will create at least 12 autonomous states across the country. Lacson cited the cases of President Aquino whom he said never dreamed of becoming president, and Interior Secretary Mar Roxas who earned 67 percent in the vice presidential survey in 2010 compared to Vice President Binay’s two percent. He said nobody thought that Binay could overtake Roxas. “President Aquino’s father Ninoy once said that winning other elective positions could be planned, but not the presidency and the vice presidency,” Lacson said. Lacson ran and placed third in the 2004 presidential election, next to actor Fernando Poe Jr. and former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

JAKARTA - Lawyers of Filipino drug convict Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso intend to use the temporary stay of execution to prove Veloso is innocent and is just a victim of drug traffickers. A report by the Jakarta Post quoted Veloso’s lawyer, Agus Salim, as saying the legal team intends to file for a third case review appeal at the Indonesian Supreme Court after Veloso’s alleged recruiter, Maria Kristina Sergio, surrendered to Philippine police. mary jane’s, 4

god’s will, 5

l Davao City Mayor Duterte, who last year rejected the idea of running for president, ranked 3rd in recent surveys

next move: Prove innocence


7 things we learned from Maria Ozawa’s ‘Boys Night Out’ radio guesting 10


A Date with Turandot, A Love Affair with Liu 15

Feature Story

Marquez says Floyd too difficult to hit 17

Sports @ang_perydiko

2 n May 1-15, 2015

Mary Jane back in prison, to testify vs recruiter - DFA MANILA, Philippines - Filipina drug convict Mary Jane Veloso will give her testimony against the recruiter who she accused of giving her a suitcase with illegal drugs to bring to Indonesia. The Indonesian government spared Veloso from execution at the last minute, after receiving a request from Manila to allow her to give evidence against her alleged recruiter Maria Kristina Sergio. Sergio surrendered to the police in Nueva Ecija on Tuesday morning. “At the last minute, a stay had been granted. As we conveyed this morning, we are all relieved by this welcome development. The purpose of the stay is to allow Mary Jane to give testimony in connection with the complaint filed against the recruiters,” Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said in a press briefing. On Monday, the National Bureau of Investigation-Anti Human Trafficking Division filed a criminal complaint of illegal recruitment, human trafficking and estafa against Sergio, her live-in partner Julius Lacanilao, and an African national named “Ike” before the Department of Justice (DOJ). The DOJ will conduct a pre-

liminary investigation on these charges next month. Del Rosario thanked the government of Indonesia for granting its request regarding Veloso. “The Philippine government reiterates its strong commitment to pursue the full investigation of those accountable for the victimization of Mary Jane,” he said. Veloso, a housemaid and single mother of two, was arrested in 2010 in Yogjakarta airport after her suitcase was discovered to have contained 2.6 kg of heroin. She was convicted and sentenced to death by firing squad. The DFA said it is still getting details regarding the terms of the stay of execution granted to Veloso. Foreign Affairs spokesperson Charles Jose said Veloso is now back in Yogyakarta Prison. The Philippine embassy is making arrangements for her family to visit her in prison. He noted Sergio’s surrender played a role in convincing the Indonesian government to grant a stay of execution to Veloso. He said they had also sent documents related to Sergio’s case to the Indonesian government. “The surrender of Sergio played a big part. Initially, we

informed the government that we filed charges but with surrender of the recruiter, I think that made our case even stronger,” he said. Jose said the DFA will now work closely with the DOJ in connection with the cases

against Veloso’s recruiters. “What we should do is vigorously pursue cases we filed against the recruiter and undertake the investigation... We will use the opportunity to enable Mary Jane to testify and give her testimony in connection

with the case.That’s what we will be focusing on at this time,” he said. Veloso had earlier said she was given a suitcase by Sergio and a man of African descent before she was sent off to Indonesia. abs-cbnnews

A supporter holds a candle alongside a picture of Filipina Mary Jane Veloso during a vigil in Sydney, Australia. Photo by Jason Reed, Reuters

May 1-15, 2015



Palace ensures raps vs third batch of suspects in ‘pork’ scam ment Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam is no longer a priority of the department. Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarate said the administration “files PDAF cases against its critics, but spares its allies.” “All of those in jail for plunder in connection with the PDAF scam are administration critics,” he said. Zarate said De Lima is hesitant to file the third batch of charges because some administration allies are involved. Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares said De Lima has no time to file the third batch of PDAF cases as she might be preparing to run for senator in next year’s elections. “If that is the case and if she has no time for PDAF cases because she is attending to

other things, then she should resign and turn over her work to one who has enough time,” he said.

Colmenares said the prosecution of pork barrel scam charges is an important part of Aquino’s daang matuwid.

“If they are being selective, then it means that the straight and righteous path is 

MANILA, Philippines Malacañang assured the public yesterday that cases will be filed against the third batch of suspects in the multibillion-peso pork barrel scam. Speaking to reporters, Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said as long as strong evidence exists, cases will be filed against the suspects. “There is no discrimination,” he said. “There will be no sacred cows in this case. We will file the necessary cases if there is strong evidence against them.” This was in reaction to the statement of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima that filing charges against the third set of former and incumbent officials implicated in the Priority Develop-

palace, 7

4 n May 1-15, 2015

MANILA, Philippines - A 13man emergency response unit search and rescue team was dispatched yesterday by the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) to quake-hit Nepal. The contingent was part of three teams to be deployed to Nepal by the PRC in the coming days. PRC secretary-general Gwen Pang said the group was deployed with the Canadian Red Cross to operate the Canadian-Philippine Red Cross Emergency Field Hospital in Nepal. They left yesterday afternoon for Nepal via Malaysian Airlines and were expected to arrive last night in Kathmandu, which was hit by a 7.8 magnitude quake Saturday. “All partners within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are

working tirelessly to support the Nepalese Red Cross. PRC chairman Richard Gordon is organizing more support efforts for Nepal,” Pang noted in her Facebook account. Pang added that the 13 volunteers were well trained in emergency medicine, disaster response, mass casualty incident and “have experienced actual search and rescue response in many major disasters in recent years.” She identified the volunteers as overall team leader and coordinator Leonardo Ebajo, Don Erikson Orje, Aldrin Benavidez Pacapac, Eric James Pinlac Talavera, Bernie Jay Santos, Rani Chuaco Cruz, Edwin Paule Santos, Jay-Arr Aquino Basa, Rani Magno, Noel Bautista Lapid, Romeo de la Cruz Paulmino, Hedion de la

Cruz Esteban and Dave Dennis Nicolas Navida. Meanwhile, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines National Secretariat for Social Action (CBCP-NASSA) national director Caceres Archbishop Rolando Tria Tirona called on every diocese in the country to send donations for Neplaese families affected by the earthquake. Donations could be sent through their Alay Kapwa account at the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) under the account name “CBCP Caritas Filipinas Foundation, Inc.” with account number 49510071-08. The Archdiocese of Manila said it would be holding a second collection during Sunday masses to raise donations for Nepal. – With Evelyn Macairan/Philstar

Volunteers help remove debris of a building that collapsed at Durbar Square, after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal. AP/Niranjan Shrestha

Red Cross sends rescue team to Nepal

mary janE’s... From 1

“We want to prove that she was just a migrant worker who was trafficked into becoming a drug mule,” Agus told The Jakarta Post. The execution of Veloso, a housemaid and mother of two who was arrested in 2010 after she arrived in Indonesia with 2.6 kg of heroin hidden in her suitcase, has been delayed in response to Manila’s request that the Filipina testify against her recruiter. Indonesian President Joko Widodo told reporters he spared Veloso because of the bigger trafficking case, but he left little doubt that she would eventually be executed. “This is not a cancellation but a postponement,” he said. Similarly, Attorney General M. Prasetyo said Veloso was granted a stay of execution because her alleged recruiter had been arrested. “This delay did not cancel the execution. We just want to give a chance in relation to the legal process in the Philippines,” Prasetyo said. Agus said Veloso’s legal fight would be difficult, citing a Supreme Court regulation that

a case review appeal could only be filed once. Veloso previously filed two case review appeals but both were rejected. University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta law expert Chairul Huda said Veloso’s only hope is to have President Widodo “grant her clemency or for the Attorney General’s Office to file for a cassation.”

MISUNDERSTANDINGS AND MISSTEPS Veloso’s lawyers describe her five-year journey - from arrest at an Indonesian airport with 2.6 kg of heroin hidden in the lining of a suitcase to a close encounter with the death penalty - as one of misunderstandings and legal missteps. With reports from The Jakarta Post and Reuters

May 1-15, 2015


SWS: Unemployed Pinoys fewer by 3.4M MANILA, Philippines - Unemployed Filipinos dropped by about 3.4 million in the first quarter of 2015, the Social Weather Stations (SWS) said in its latest report. The new SWS survey showed the country’s job-

lessness rate falling from 27 percent, or an estimated 12.4 million adults, in December last year to 19.1 percent, or about nine million adults in March 2015. This was the lowest unemployment figure in four-

PH thanks Indonesia; Noy gets credit Coloma also thanked the people for continuously praying for Veloso, a mother of two. “We also thank the Filipino people for their prayers and for keeping vigil for Mary Jane’s cause,” he said. Sergio and her live-in partner Julius Lacanilao are facing charges of illegal recruitment, human trafficking and estafa by swindling filed by the Department of Justice. Vice President Jejomar Binay yesterday expressed gratitude to the Indonesian government for the reprieve given to Veloso. “I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the government of Indonesia, most especially His Excellency President Widodo for his act of compassion,” Binay said. Binay also thanked Vice President Jusuf Kalla “for listening with sympathy” to his appeal during their official and unofficial encounters in Jakarta last week. Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario thanked the Indonesian government for the favorable consideration of the Philippines’ request not to carry out the execution of Veloso and all those who stood in solidarity with Filipina and her family. Lawmakers gave credit to President Aquino for getting a reprieve for Veloso. Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. attributed the reprieve granted Veloso to Aquino’s efforts. “Obviously this (reprieve) is a result of P-Noy’s efforts. 

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine government has expressed gratitude to Indonesian President Joko Widodo for delaying the execution of convicted Filipina drug courier Mary Jane Veloso. Lawmakers cited President Aquino for successfully appealing to Widodo for the reprieve. “The Philippine government thanks President Widodo and the Indonesian government for giving due consideration to President Aquino’s appeal that Mary Jane Veloso be given a reprieve,” Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said in a statement yesterday. “Such reprieve provides an opportunity for the perpetuation of her testimony that could shed light on how a criminal syndicate duped her into being an unwitting accomplice or courier in their human and drug trafficking activities,” he added. As a last-ditch effort to save Veloso, President Aquino proposed to the Indonesian government that Veloso be turned into a witness to identify members of the criminal syndicate that used her to smuggle illegal drugs to Indonesia. The President’s proposal came on Tuesday after Maria Kristina Sergio, the alleged recruiter who duped Veloso into smuggling heroin to Indonesia, turned herself in to the police in Nueva Ecija. Reports said the Indonesian president held an emergency meeting with his Cabinet officials to discuss Aquino’s proposal.

ph thanks, 7

god’s will... 

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Lacson getting one percent and ranking 11th among presidentiables. He attributed his low rank in the survey to the fact that people are not yet aware of his political plans for 2016. The former senator said he started going around the country to feel the pulse of the people on his political plans. He said he is giving himself until June or July to improve his standing in the survey. If elected, Lacson vowed to pursue his stand against corruption in the government. He said he would seriously consider running for president if he gets double digits in the surveys. He said he would declare his plans by September at the latest. He refused to disclose


his choice for vice president.

Binay’s offer

Lacson recalled being asked by Binay if he was interested to be his running-mate in 2016. He told Binay that he had no plan to run yet at the time. After that incident, there had been no chance for him and Binay to discuss politics. He said if he would win in the presidential race, he would create a law enforcement unit that will serve as investigation arm of the Office of the Ombudsman. Lacson said he would put up a detention facility on an island for public officials facing corruption charges. Convicted officials will be transferred to New Bilibid Prison. Philstar

and-a-half years, the pollster noted. The jobless Filipinos consist of seven percent who voluntarily left their jobs, from 14 percent in December; eight percent who were retrenched, from nine percent; and four percent first-time job seekers, from three percent. By gender, joblessness among women was recorded at 27.6 percent in March, down from 41.7 percent in December. Unemployment among men also lessened from 15.6 percent to 12.2 percent. By age group, the joblessness rate among those 45 years and above was eight percent, lower than last quarter’s 19 percent and the lowest since March 2005. Joblessness also decreased among the 35-44 age bracket

and among the 25-34 bracket to 16 percent 28 percent, respectively. The joblessness rate, however, went up among those in the 18-24 age group to 50 percent from last quarter’s 48 percent. Results of the SWS unemployment survey were published in BusinessWorld yesterday. Meanwhile, the same survey found more Filipinos who foresee increased job opportunities in the next 12 months. Optimism about job availability in the next 12 months – computed as those who think there will be more jobs minus those who believe jobs will be fewer – rose to a “high” +20 from a “fair” +16 last December. This was the highest re-

corded since November 2010’s +36, the SWS noted. The survey reported 38 percent of adults saying the number of job openings will increase, 31 percent think it will not change and 18 percent believe there will be fewer hires. The SWS describes as “very high” a net optimism score of +30 and above; +20 to +29, “high”; +10 to +19, “fair”; +1 to +9, “mediocre”; -9 to zero, “low”; and -10 and down, “very low.” The SWS’ definition of joblessness differs from that used by the government. SWS respondents are at least 18 years old compared to the lower official boundary of 15 years of age used by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). – Mayen Jaymalin


Looking forward to a fruitful visit of President Aquino




Recruiters’ responsibility

he recruiter of Sarah Balabagan, said to be her uncle, gave her spurious papers passing her off to be old enough for employment in the United Arab Emirates. In July 1994, before she turned 15, the Maguindanao native stabbed her UAE employer 34 times, killing him to protect herself from rape. Balabagan was sentenced to die by firing squad for murder, but was spared and deported after receiving 20 strokes of the cane and paying blood money to the victim’s heirs. Her recruiter suffered no penalties for sending a teenage girl abroad to work. Today a recruiter is under police custody in connection with the drug trafficking case that landed overseas Filipino worker Mary Jane Veloso on Indonesia’s death row. Maria Kristina Sergio turned herself in the other day amid reports that it was her friend who gave Veloso the suitcase containing 2.6 kilos of heroin that the OFW transported from Malaysia to Indonesia. Sergio’s surfacing for police investigation helped Veloso win a reprieve from the firing squad the other night. The stories of Balabagan and Veloso should prompt a review of laws and regulations for job recruiters. The government may have pre-employment orientation programs in place to warn prospective OFWs about illegal recruitment and the risks of human trafficking. But many recruiters go directly to their victims and win their trust, often advising them to disregard warnings from government agencies and migrant workers’ groups. Recruiters must bear greater accountability for any abuse or exploitation suffered by the people they recruit. While recruiters cannot completely vouch for the decency of all the employers they deal with, heavier business sanctions and criminal penalties must be imposed on recruiters that willfully break the law. Authorities must also improve enforcement of recruitment laws. With Veloso’s ultimate fate still a question mark, the Philippine government must send an unequivocal message to recruiters that there will be hell to pay if they put workers in harm’s way. Philstar

HILIPPINE President Benigno S. Aquino III will be visiting Canada this month (May 7-9) and beyond the photo opportunities, let us hope that there are some tangible benefits to his visit. First, we should note that this presidential visit comes on the heels of the recent visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi just a few weeks ago, as well as French President Francois Hollande’s in November and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s in September. With so many heads of state visiting Ottawa these past months, there is no doubt that election season has unofficially started. Whether or not the government is using these visits to drum up support for the upcoming election in October, these visits are important opportunities for Canada to expand its relations with these countries. I strongly believe that the government should use the upcoming visit of President Aquino to talk about a number of important issues that would

M May 1-15, 2015

I strongly believe that the government should use the upcoming visit of President Aquino to talk about a number of important issues that would lead to a healthier relationship between our two great nations. lead to a healthier relationship between our two great nations. It is all about setting a framework or putting us on a path that will result in improving the conditions of both countries both economically and socially. If you could write the agenda for the meetings that will be taking place what would you include? No doubt, Manny Pacquiao and hockey will be talked about but what about the formal agenda?

mp kevin lamoureux

Straight up ( As usual I do have some thoughts. As we get closer to one million people of Filipino heritage now living in Canada, you know that immigration will be talked about. I have written many stories over the years about immigration including people who immigrate or just come to visit or work. The PM needs to acknowledge how Canada has benefited from those workers and immigrants that have lamoureux, 7

Angat ka sa Paningin ng Diyos

araming p a g p a l a ang hinanda ang Diyos para sa bawat isa sa atin. Ang Diyos ay hindi laban sa atin anuman ang nagawa at nagagawa nating kasalanan. Siya ay para sa atin, para sa ating kabutihan. Pinadala niya ang kanyang kaisa isang anak bilang kaloob o regalo para sa kapatawaran nang lahat ng ating kasalanan at kaligtasan sa kapahamakang dulot nito. Kay Hesus din, mayroon tayong kalayaan sa tanikala ng kasalanan, kalayaan mula sa kahinaang gawin ang kalooban ng Diyos sa ating buhay. Kalayaan sa mga bagay na pumipigil o humahadlang sa ating umusad tungo sa magandang buhay at kinabukasan meron ang Diyos para sa atin. Maraming magandang kwento sa Bibliya na maaring kapulutan ng aral kung paano tayo pauusadin ng Diyos tungo sa kanyang mga pagpapala at promosyon.Isa na dito ang buhay ni Gideon na matatagpuan sa Lumang Tipan, sa Mga Hukom 6 hanggang 8. Napakababa ng kanyang kalagayan at tingin sa sarili. Ang hindi niya alam ay may promosyon ang Diyos para sa kanya. Kahit sa aba niyang kalagayan, plano ng Di-

Ang Peryodiko 218 Hutchings St., Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R2X 2Y2 Phone: 204.694.6734 • Phone/Fax: 204.694.6555 Ang Peryodiko Canada is a bi-weekly publication of Ang Peryodiko Publishing Co., Inc. circulated in Winnipeg, Neepawa, Regina, and Saskatoon. Content published in this paper does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. Articles, press and photo releases are welcome but are subject to editorial discretion. All submissions become the property of the publisher. Reproduction of any editorial content or in-house designed advertisements published in this paper are not allowed without the written permission of the publisher. For advertising rates and other information, call 204.694.6734, Fax: 204.694.6555 or e-mail at Visit our website at

Kung makikilala natin siya at makikinig sa kanyang mga salita para sa atin ay mabubuhay tayo sa magandang plano niya para sa atin. Matutulungan pa natin ang mga tao sa paligid nating umigi ang buhay, mapalapit sa Diyos, at mabuhay din ng may mabuting layunin. yos na gawin siyang pinuno at tagapagligatas ng kanyang bayang Israel. Inaapi at sinasakop sila ng mga dayuhang bansa. Ninanakaw ng mga bansang ito ang kanilang mga ani. Bunga ito ng kanilang pagtataksil sa Diyos sa pagsamaba sa diyos diyusan. Ngunit ng umiyak sila nang dahil sa kahirapan at kabigatang pasan pasan nila, tumugon ang Diyos. Si Gideon ang napiling mamuno ng pagpapalaya ng Diyos sa kanyang bayan. Ngunit marami syang dinadahilan kung bakit hindi sya ang dapat manguna. Basahin natin ito sa Mga Hukom 6:11-16 –

Publisher: Editor in Chief:


Agent 777 “At ang anghel ng Panginoon ay naparoon at umupo sa ilalim ng encina na nasa Ophra, na kay Joas na Abiezerita: at ang kaniyang anak na si Gedeon ay pumapalo ng trigo sa ubasan, upang itago sa mga Madianita. At napakita ang anghel ng Panginoon sa kaniya, at sinabi sa kaniya, Ang Panginoo’y sumasaiyo, ikaw lalaking makapangyarihang may tapang. At sinabi ni Gedeon sa kaniya, Oh Panginoon ko, kung ang Panginoon ay sumasaamin, bakit nga ang lahat ng ito ay sumapit sa amin? at saan naroon ang lahat niyang kababalaghang gawa na isinaysay sa amin ng aming mga magulang, na si

Ang Peryodiko

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josue, 7




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May 1-15, 2015

come to Canada. At the same time, the Philippines has also benefited from the Filipino immigrants to Canada and I am talking more than just remittances. The second issue for me would be about the potential of trade. Last September on the floor of the House of Commons in Ottawa, I said: “Tens of thousands of people come to Canada from the Philippines every year and we have benefited immensely, economically, socially and more, because of immigration from the Philippines. Why not take advantage of this relationship with the Philippines and look at other

josue... 

From 6

nasabi, “Hindi ba tayo iniahon ng Panginoon mula sa Egipto?” Nguni’t ngayo’y hiniwalayan kami ng Panginoon at ibinigay kami sa kamay ng Madian. At tiningnan siya ng Panginoon, at sinabi, Yumaon ka sa kalakasan mong ito, at iligtas mo ang Israel sa kamay ng Madian: hindi ba kita sinugo? At sinabi niya sa kaniya, Oh Panginoon, paanong ililigtas ko ang Israel? narito, ang aking angkan ay siyang pinakadukha sa Manases, at ako ang pinakamaliit sa bahay sangbahayan ng aking ama. At sinabi ng Panginoon sa kaniya, Ako’y sasaiyo; at iyong tatalunin ang mga Madianita na parang isang lalake.” Dahil sa paguusap na ito ay

want to talk about bridging relationships in post secondary facilities, government departments and diplomats. I would want to talk about labour and environmental standards and conclude on being a good friend along with the benefits of tourism. As you can see, there is a lot to talk about. Over the past number of years, I have had the opportunity to talk to Justin Trudeau (Leader of the Liberal Party) and my caucus colleagues about the Philippines. They know about my passion for the Philippines. Whether or not we form Government later this year, I hope to play a role in the building of a very special relationship between these two great nations.

ph thanks...


At least a chance to review her case,” Belmonte said. Valenzuela City Rep. Sherwin Gatchalian commended Aquino for exerting all efforts that paved the way for the reprieve in the execution of Veloso. Quezon City Rep. Winston Castelo said the reprieve would not have been possible if Aquino did not intervene. Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said President Aquino had undertaken all avenues, including diplomatic and legal means, to do what he could for Veloso. – Pia Lee-Brago, Edu

nagawa ni Gideon ang mamuno sa pagpapalaya ng kanyang bayan. Kahit napakarami ng kanyang dinadahilan, tinulungan siya ng Diyos na mapagtagumpayan ito. Namili syang makinig sa Diyos at nagawa nga niya ang kamangha mangha. Marahil kagaya tayo ni Gideon na mababa ang tingin sa sarili. Ngunit iba ang tingin sa atin ng Diyos. Kamakailan ay nakapasok at nakapag site tour kami ng aking pamilya sa Youth for Christ facility sa may Main at Higgins sa downtown. Isang organisasyon na nagnais tulungan ang mga underprivilege na kabataan sa inner city na magkaroon ng magandang kinabukasan at magkaroon ng ugnayan sa Diyos. Marami silang drop in na programa gaya ng sports, music

at arts. Meron silang music at dance studio, indoor skateboard park, basketball gym, exercise at weights gym, panloob at panlabas na rock climbing. Araw araw ay sinusundo at hinahatid nila ang maraming kabataan para tulungang makita ang magandang plano ng Diyos sa kanilang buhay at makilala sya sa personal na kapamaraanan. Sa aming pag ikot ay may nakita ako na tunay na kinamangha ko. Mga posters na nasa mga frame patungkol sa kung ano ang nakikita nila sa ibat ibang uri ng kabataan sa lipunan. Mga kabataang may masamang reputasyon o kahinaan ngunit may magandang kinabukasan sa Diyos. Gaya ng isang vandal o taong mapanira ay isang artist ang nakikita nila.

Ang isang ganster ay isang pastor o community leader. Ang isang loner ay isang poet o makata. Isang taker o mapanguha ay isang teacher o guro. At ang isang outcast ay isang mentor. Nakita nila ito dahil batid nila na positibo ang tingin ng Diyos kahit pa sa mga ganitong mga kabataan. Kung makikilala natin siya at makikinig sa kanyang mga salita para sa atin ay mabubuhay tayo sa magandang plano niya para sa atin. Matutulungan pa natin ang mga tao sa paligid nating umigi ang buhay, mapalapit sa Diyos, at mabuhay din ng may mabuting layunin. (Junie Josue, Lead Pastor, International Worship Centre, 1077 St James Street, Winnipeg Manitoba, 204774-4478)

not straight and righteous after all,” he said. Zarate said the PDAF cases that the DOJ has so far filed involved funds disbursed between 2007 and 2009, which the Commission on Audit (COA) has examined. “These were misused during the Arroyo administration,” he said. “There are funds mishandled under the Aquino administration. These are not yet covered by the cases pending in the ombudsman and the Sandiganbayan.” Recent COA reports on PDAF have named four more senators and some administration allies, Zarate said. The latest audit reports are on the alleged misuse of PDAF allocations by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and local government units, including Javier in Leyte, whose mayor, Leonardo Javier Jr., heads the League of Mayors of the Philippines. Sen. Jinggoy Estrada said De Lima seemed to have abandoned the filing of cases related to the pork barrel scam against other lawmakers. In a statement from his detention cell at Camp Crame, Estrada said De Lima’s statements “only prove what I have been saying all along – that she is really just after the three senators and no one else.“ – With

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Punay, Helen Flores, Marvin Sy, Christina Mendez, Evelyn Macairan, Jaymalin, Rhodina Villanueva/Philstar

From 6

ways, outside of immigration, to expand relations between the Philippines and Canada? We should look at trade.” In 2013, Canadian exports to the Philippines were valued at $603.3 million. Last year when the President of Ukraine was here, he asked about a trade agreement; trade can be good for both countries and this is something that is quite doable. After talking about world politics, I would want to talk about selected topics like how we can improve accessibility to both countries related to the mobility of people, whether for visits, work, study or business. I would want to explore how we can improve our social services related to pensions, adoptions and more. I would




From 3

Jess Diaz, Christina Mendez/Philstar


What’s the BUZZ? May 1-15, 2015


ANILA – Andi Eigenmann on Tuesday explained why she and Bret Jackson decided to keep their short-lived relationship a secret. In an interview with ABS-CBN News at the sidelines of the red carpet premiere of their movie “Your Place or Mine,” Eigenmann said she did not reveal it in public because they did not want other people to talk about their relationship. “Kasi sa sobrang dami ng pinag-

Entertainment Why Andi, Bret kept relationship

a secret daanan ko sa buhay, parang lahat na lang nagiging kontrobersiya lalo na ‘yung paghihiwalay namin ni Jake (Ejercito). So nung naghiwalay na kami and after that, nakakilala pa ako ng iba, who is Bret. Para sa akin, for once gusto ko muna i-keep private ‘yung nangyayari sa personal kong buhay kasi minsan, kapag napapag-usapan masyado, parang nauudlot,” she said. After all, Eigenmann said she never denied that she’s been going out with Jackson. “I wasn’t lying to anyone. I never denied anything. People just didn’t know about it so people weren’t able to ask. And whenever they do, I said I like him, we are seeing each other. Wala na-

m a n pong ‘Ay hindi po totoo ‘yan,’” she said. Despite this, Eigenmann admitted in a previous interview that their relationship only lasted “for a couple of months.” Asked why they ended it, Eigenmann said: “Gusto ko lang muna talagang matutunong i-prioritize ‘yung sarili ko for the first time in six years. Pero it doesn’t mean naman na wala akong pakialam.” Jackson, for his part, said he just “took it the best way that I could.” “I have to understand that Andi needs to focus on her child right now and that’s okay with me. And I know she has a lot of big things coming up for her career and I’m happy for her. She’s right. She deserves to be by herself for a while,” he said. What’s important, Jackson said, is that they get to maintain their friendship and they still get to see each other. abs-cbnnews

May 1-15, 2015



Alex has wardrobe malfunction in concert MANILA – The show must go on for Alex Gonzaga even though she had a wardrobe malfunction during her first major solo concert at the Araneta Coliseum on Saturday night. According to ABS-CBN News’ Jeff Fernando, Gonzaga’s bra peeked out while the 27-year-old was performing her single from her album “I Am Alex G.” Some of the concert staff had to go up on stage to fix her wardrobe three times as Gonzaga continued her performance.

In an interview with Fernando after the concert, Gonzaga said having a wardrobe malfunction is really possible during a live show but it should not stop a performer from continuing with the concert. “Ano nga ba nangyari dun? Hindi naibuhol at nai-lock ng maayos ang bra ko sa pagmamadali kaya [nagka-wardrobe malfunction,” she said. Unmindful of what happened, Gonzaga just said in jest: “At least ngayon alam nyo na ang size ko.” abs-cbnnews

10 n May 1-15, 2015

7 things we learned from Maria Ozawa’s ‘Boys Night Out’ radio guesting MANILA, Philippines - Guys went wild and gals got curious when the news about Maria Ozawa’s arrival in the Philippines surfaced on Tuesday.

The famous adult video star dropped by the Magic 89.9 radio program “Boys Night Out” for an exclusive interview in celebration of its ninth anniversary. Before the interview segment, tagged as “#ManyakMondays” aired, “ program hosts DJs Tony Toni and Sam YG took to social media to tease the listeners: For everyone who missed the show, here are some of the things we learned about Maria Ozawa during her quick interview with “Boys Night Out”: Ozawa started filming adult films when she was 18 years old. She used the name Miyabi in her early career. She is fluent in English... and body language. She tends to fall in love with her co-workers or leading men sometimes. The scenes on her adult films, including her expressions and moaning, were all 100% REAL. She owns a bar in Shinjuku, Japan. She goes to China, and Taiwan to do MAINSTREAM movies. Ozawa also dropped a hint about possibly posing for FHM Philippines! -Philstar

MANILA - One of the mainstays of the long-running gag show “Bubble Gang” makes her debut as an FHM cover girl in the May 2015 issue of the men’s magazine. Arny Ross, who is also a member of the sexy dance group Bubble Shakers, is seen wearing a bikini on the cover unveiled Tuesday on FHM’s official website. She was photographed by Paolo Pineda and Ejay Leung. An alumnus of a 2012 talent search, Ross is the latest showbiz newcomer to be launched as an FHM babe following the likes of Sam Pinto, Andrea Torres and Max Collins. abs-cbnnews

May 1-15, 2015



12 May 1-15, 2015



Why I remain to be a huge fan of the good





ince the ’90s, cars Third--pardon the rather chauMost important of all, sold in our market vinistic observation here--more and we need to drive stick more women have taken control of have increasingly been equipped with automatbecause we have to be the steering wheel through the ic transmission. Filipino years. I don’t have actual statistics responsible for our ac- for this, but I think it’s safe to say car owners have welcomed it with open arms, if sales statistics tions. No more whining that damsels and matrons prefer are anything to go by. And why automatics by virtue of expediand passing the blame. ence. And with the female of the not? The slushbox is convenient and easy to use, especially in now having a bigger say If you drive a manual, species a congested place like Metro in every household’s car-buying there’s no way you can decision, it’s easy to understand Manila. The clutchless gearbox is a the auto industry would want cite “unintended accel- why natural consequence of modernto perfect the automatic transmisization. Sure, General Motors’ eration” as your bullshit sion. Hydra-Matic--the world’s first Fourth and finally, the world alibi if you crash into is simply fully automatic transmission-running out of asphalt. your neighbor’s Merc. Traffic congestion today has gotten had been available as far back as 1940. But back then, stick shifts bad that drivers, male or female, You just own up to the so still had the overwhelming upper have progressively lost all taste hand because not only did they blunder and pay for the for the practice of rowing through offer a more exciting driving gears themselves. Tell me you damages. That’s what the experience, they also made for hanker for a stick during the rush better fuel efficiency. being a real man is all hour of a Monday morning, and I Several factors, however, will tell you you’re an idiot. about. have conspired to make t h e But we gents have to automatic transmission the bring back the good old stick favored type of gearbox shift, for no other reason these days. First, there’s than we are men. Because the advancement of aureal men drive stick shifts. tomatic-gearbox technolI’m sure it’s written someogy, the most notable of where in the bible of autowhich in recent years is mobiles. There’s just somethe dual-clutch system, thing in the way you wield which ensures that a gear that cold metallic shift knob is engaged at all times, that oozes unadulterated practically eliminating machismo. Believe me, your gear-hunting shift lags female companion thinks the that old automatics had same way. Having both your been plagued with. hands permanently wrapped A good dual-clutch around the wheel is pure transmission can be so geekiness. Picture it. precise and so efficient that Ferrari has retired Moreover, a manual stick allows you to be the traditional manual tranny on all its models. one with your car. It involves you in your steed’s Why? Because even Sebastian Vettel will no lon- operation. You’re not this mechanically inept ger be able to outshift a DCT. A DCT-equipped and passive creature that depends solely on the California (the last Ferrari model to offer a stick automated practicality of your car’s electronics. shift) will zoom to 100kph from rest in under You own the horse and you tame it, just like the four seconds, while a manual unit driven by Marlboro Man. Good thing Porsche continues Ferrari’s best test-drivers will only manage some to give stick-shift fans a rare reason to rejoice. 4.2 seconds. The current-generation 911 comes with a sevenSecond, also because of technology, most speed (no typo here, guys) manual transmission, automatics are now just as fuel-efficient as as if taking the fight to modern automatics. manuals--if not even more so. Imagine computMost important of all, we need to drive stick ers performing nearly seamless shifts, requiring because we have to be responsible for our acjust the exact amount of fuel for every single tions. No more whining and passing the blame. If gear change. This is most true on high-end you drive a manual, there’s no way you can cite supercars, but even mass-market models are “unintended acceleration” as your bullshit alibi slowly getting there. The new BMW 1-Series, a if you crash into your neighbor’s Merc. You just small car, has an eight-speed automatic shifter, own up to the blunder and pay for the damages. enabling the diesel 120d to squeeze out 22km That’s what being a real man is all about. from every liter of fuel. (Vernon B. Sarne/

May 1-15, 2015



JM De Guzman reveals O Jessy Mendiola is his girlfriend again

n Gandang Gabi Vice’s April 26 episode, former lovers JM De Guzman and Jessy Mendiola admitted that they have gotten back together. Looking at Jessy beside him, JM said, “’Wag mo ko idedeny ha, oo” to answer host Vice Ganda’s question if they are an item once again. The actress said she agreed to be his girlfriend last April 1. The two then related how they got in touch after ‘bumping into each other’ while jogging at the UP oval. Jessy shared that they were together for two years before they broke up then got back together two years after. JM related that after saying hello to her that day, Jessy looked so surprised and immediately scrambled back into her van. “Nagulat ako. Totoo pala yun Vice, kapag nakita mo yung taong siyempre nasa puso mo, akala mo parang sa movies lang nangyayari, pero nagslow mo lahat ng nasa paligid,” Jessy said as to why she ran away. JM, on the other hand, felt that Jessy got scared, but his driver said, “hindi, mukha ngang mahal ka pa eh.” Jessy then surprised JM on his birthday, and the rest as they say is history. Vice, who said his show is now an alternative to the defunct showbiz talk show The Buzz, placed them on what he called the “hot seat.” When asked if he courted anyone during the time he and Jessy were apart, the That Thing Called Tadhana star said, “yes.” He also said that person is in showbiz. When it was Jessy’s turn in the “hot seat,” the actress said she would stick by JM’s side, unlike before, as he had promised that the past would not happen again. Jessy, who JM said on GGV as ‘pinaka maganda in showbiz,’ also shared that their endearment for one another is ‘hun.’ -push.

14 May 1-15, 2015

Recovery tips: for athletes and working people


eing an athlete means you are competitive, motivated and can sometimes also be stubborn when it comes down to recovery. The same can be said about hard working people, also known as industrial athletes who enjoy their career/job. Depending on the motivation of an individual athlete, often recovery time can be taken for granted. Athletes get caught up too much with the competition that they forget how important recovery is and how it will help with their performance. For instance, you train/work so hard all week even though you know you’re injured. Instead of taking care of your injury or getting help, you work/practice even harder. Believe it or not, when you

are getting a lot older, you may feel that you get injured easily if you don’t take extra care for your body. For example, you use to go for a 10km run without stretching afterwards. Yes, when you were younger, you can get away from not warming up or performing a cool down. But now, you have to warm up to prepare your body for your long runs and to help your muscles recover after performing stretches after your run. The most important thing you need to know before we list the information about recovery is the awareness of what it is you are struggling with and how to fix it. Here are some examples of various athletes and simple tips on how to help your body recover to have better performance.

1. Endurance athletes: runners, triathletes

• Add short distance training during the week to help recover for longer training sessions • Keep hydrated throughout the day to replenish the fluid lost during training • Get enough sleep to rest the body and the mind • Helpful foam roller techniques to prevent hip and lower body tightness

2. Anaerobic athletes: basketball, hockey, soccer

• Take care of your aches and pain especially during post season • Increase electrolyte intakes during games and practices • Rest and keep replenishing your body with enough nutrients • Helpful R.I.C.E. techniques to help decrease inflammation and pain that will help with recovery from your injury

Written by: Melanie Talastas-Soriano CAT(C) Athletic Therapist, CFT Fitness Trainer

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. Please feel free to visit our website at or contact us at 204-9990933 for athletic therapy consultation. Services we offer at Insahyu Training & Therapy:

rest ice compression elevation

3. Industrial athletes: welders, assembler, admin

• Static stretches to help prevent overuse injuries • Strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles • Active rest: light walking 20-30 minutes daily especially if our job is sedentary • Helpful yoga poses for full body stretch and core strengthening Sphinx: 3 sets of 30 second hold


triangle pose: 3 sets of 30 second hold

250 Saulteaux Location Athletic Therapy Massage Therapy Kinesio-tape Athletic Taping Custom Fitted Orthotics Personal Training Group fitness classes For more information, visit our website at We are located at 250 Saulteaux Crescent We direct bill to MPI, WCB and Manitoba Blue Cross. Call 204-999-0933 to book your appointment today!!!


Glutes downward facing dog: 3 sets of 30 second hold

Iliotibial band

seated spinal: 3 sets of 30 sec hold

Complete foam roller techniques after a run or as often as needed to help loosen tight muscles. This will prevent muscle pain due to overuse activities. Roll a muscle group 2 minutes or longer as desired and repeat 2x.

With these yoga poses, remember to work on deep breathing technique. This will help with calming the body and the mind to focus on the muscles being worked. These poses can be done in the morning or in the evening before bed. Thank you for reading and I hope that this will help you take better care of tight and sore muscles so that you can perform better on the field and at work. Please check out our fitness tips on our youtube channel: Gymless Fitness Don’t forget to share and subscribe to our youtube channel.

May 1-15, 2015





OCIAL convention dictates that I should wear an Armani suit with a slick tie made in New York. Or at least, I should appear like a dashing groom awaiting a beautiful bride at a church altar. Not my cup of tea. I desperately tried but reverted into wearing my usual boot-cut gray denim, black shirt with long sleeves rolled up and squeaky clean Dr. Martens boots. A leather wrist band, a silver ring adorned with onyx stone and a peace symbol pendant attached to a black string accessorised my Saturday night’s get-up. I was ready to drive to Centennial Concert Hall

Turandot signals the beheading of the Prince of Persia in the beginning of the opera.

Liu refuses to reveal the prince’s real name despite being tortured by Turandot’s henchmen.

for a night of opera. As expected, the connoisseurs in Winnipeg’s cultural and art scenes occupied the lobby. The paying crowd was predominantly Caucasian folks, early to mid-forties. A few tagged their children along. One pompous kid, unashamedly proud of his bow tie and suspender (yes, you read it right – bow tie and suspender!), curiously stared at me -- an Oriental odd ball in the mix, as if my outfit was the fashion faux pas of the century. A parade of middle-aged men in business suits and beautiful women in glitzy gowns, shoals and stilettos pushed me to a corner. I scanned the sea of heads in the lobby, hoping for familiar faces. No dice. As the eager patrons were sipping wine, the doors of the opera house still shut, I calmed my nerves with a swig of Heineken. As soon as the doors swung open, I headed to row 33, seat no. 5, the last row in the right wing of the hall. The dude in front of me was so tall that I tilted my neck to the left in order to see a better view of the stage. Manitoba Opera’s latest offering, Turandot, arguably the grandest in Puccini’s oeuvre, albeit unfinished at the time of his death, once again, has seen the light of day. This time it comes to palpable existence through the creative genius of Director Tom Diamond in collaboration with the production’s baton master, Tyrone Paterson. A romantic opera in three acts, the audience journeys to ancient China where the lead character, Princess Turandot, haunted by the death of her ancestor, Princess Lo-u Ling, in the hands of an invading foreign prince, vows to avenge her brutal end against all men.

In this far away and exotic kingdom, it is decreed that any prince who wishes to marry this vindictive and seemingly heartless beauty must first solve her three ridiculous riddles. Failure to do so means a certain and gruesome death! Act One opens with the Prince of Persia about to be beheaded for failing to solve the riddles. In the ruckus outside palace, Timur, a deposed King of Tartary, now blind, stumbles to the ground and is aided by his loyal servant Liu. Long-lost son, Prince Calaf, disguised for his own protection, recognizes his exiled father and is briefly reunited with him. With a glimpse of Princess Turandot, Prince Calaf’s hormones usurp his mental faculty. But how can one profess his unfaltering love on the first meeting, while the head of another suitor rolling at your feet? Welcome to opera where one momentarily suspends the concept of reality. Soprano Lara Ciekiewizc who played Liu in this production shone with her rendition of “Signore, Ascolta! (My Lord, listen!). Here the loyal slave bears out her frustration with the handsome prince. She begs Calaf, the man she secretly loves, to run away with them in safety. Ciekiewizc’s flawless legato is a seamless river that permeates both mind and soul. It was evident in “Tanto amore segreto” (So much secret) where Ciekiewizc convincingly belted the agony of Liu being tortured for keeping Calaf’s name secret. In the end, Liu sacrifices her own life to salvage the life of her true love! Of course, the menacing presence of Turandot, played by Mlada Khudoley, on stage, is starkly juxtaposed

Manitoba Opera’s latest offering, Turandot, arguably the grandest in Puccini’s oeuvre, albeit unfinished at the time of his death, once again, has seen the light of day. This time it comes to palpable existence through the creative genius of Director Tom Diamond in collaboration with the production’s baton master, Tyrone Paterson with Liu’s character. Turandot’s yin perfectly complements Liu’s yang. Together, the contrasting characters create a perfect harmony. Khudoley’s performance was solid and believable. As Khudoley sang the aria “In questra reggia” (In this palace), the audience was given the opportunity to take a peek into Turandot’s psyche. Her lust for men’s blood is finally unravelled, making her character more sympathetic. Another notable performance of the night belonged to the New Yorker Bass Valerian Ruminski who donned the character of the blind and deposed old leader, Timur. Ruminiski’s natural deep voice worked wonders in the acoustic inside the Centennial Concert Hall. His lamentation after the death of Liu was so moving that I entertained, though for a brief moment, a Kanye West’s antic --- run to the stage and interrupt the performance with a declaration “That’s how you sing in an opera!” The much anticipated aria of the night, “Nessun Dorma” (None Shall Sleep) one of the greatest tenor arias of all time, was delivered with conviction by Tenor Raul Melo. The crowd broke the social protocol by applauding in delight when Melo was hitting the high notes. Calaf, the hopeless romantic prince, finally solves Turandot’s 3 riddles. But the man-hating princess reneges on her promise. To prove to Turandot of his noble intention, Calaf plays the princess’ game. Should Turandot figure out the prince’s name

before the morning breaks, then Calaf would follow the same fate of all the suitors before him. At this juncture, Turandot decrees that none shall sleep in the kingdom until the prince’s name is revealed. This order eventually causes Liu her life. But Liu’s unwavering love to Calaf even in the brink of death starts to chip away Turandot’s callous perception of the prince. When Calaf boldly kisses Turandot and reveals his name before the break of dawn, the princess shows sign of humanity by shedding tears. Before the emperor, Turandot finally confesses the real name of the prince --- Love! Sixty dollars is a steep price for watching an absurd romantic plot on stage. But then again,

this is opera. One should abandon all the pre-conceived notions about the real world once you enter the opera house. I was there to enjoy the music, the orchestra, the ornamental stage props, to escape the madness of the real world momentarily. I was there to loathe and fall in love with Turandot at the same time. In the end, as the last note escaped the confines of the hall, it was the loyal and lowly Liu who captured my imagination. That euphoria, my dear readers, is priceless. *** (For comments and suggestions, email morayta.angle@ Photo credits: Turandot, Manitoba Opera, April 2015. Photo: R. Tinker)

16 n May 1-15, 2015

Daniel Padilla’s

Dingdong Dantes

brother launches music career listed by Liberal Party

MANILA – Another member of the Padilla family has joined the entertainment industry. On Tuesday, JC Padilla, the younger brother of the Daniel Padilla, was launched by ABSCBN’s Star Music as one of its new artists who is part of the album “OPM Fresh.” But unlike his brother, JC told ABS-CBN News in an interview that he only intends to pursue a music career. “Singer lang forever,” he said. JC is the son of Karla Estrada with Pearl of the Orient vocalist Naldy Padilla. Although Daniel also sings, JC pointed out that their singing styles are actually different. “Siguro masabi ko lang na difference namin -- hindi ko naman nilalayo ‘yung boses ko and hindi ko rin naman ginagaya [‘yung boses niya]. Pero siguro [magkaiba] talaga ‘yung style,” he said. “Husky ng boses ko. Mas clean kay kuya. Mas pang-pop ang boses niya.” Asked if he sought any advice from Daniel or his mother, JC said: “Bilin nila na i-enjoy ko lang ‘yung blessings na dumadating sa akin and stay humble.” JC said he will do his best

to make a name for himself and use his brother as his inspiration, adding that he just feels blessed to be given an opportunity like this. “Napakasaya ko po kasi first time ko ito pero sobrang nerbyos kasi first time ko din mag press conference. Sobrang saya na may halong kaba pero enjoy naman,” he said. abs-cbnnews

as possible Senatoriable Actor Dingdong Dantes is shortlisted by the Liberal Party List among the possible Senatoriables in the upcoming elections. Other showbiz personalities turned politicians included in the list are Isko Moreno and Herbert Bautista. This was announced by Caloocan Rep. Edgar Erice, a member of the ruling Liberal Party. According a Pulse Asia survey in 2014, Dingdong Dantes is among the personalities favored by respondents to run in the Senatorial race in 2016. But the actor, in an interview late last year, was quick to comment that he doesn’t have plans to run for office just yet. Dingdong stressed that he wants to focus on building a family first. “Sa ngayon po talaga ang concentration ko talaga is to build my family,” he said. Dingdong married Marian Rivera in December 2014 and has recently announced the actress’ pregnancy. Dingdong is currently the a commissioner-at-large of the National Youth Commission. “Sa sobrang dami po ng ginagawa sa Yes Pinoy, sa NYC (National Youth Commission). Do’n palang sa trabaho ko palang marami na,” he pointed out as to why politics remains in the backseat for him. push.

Love the GAME May 1-15, 2015


Marquez says Floyd too difficult to hit LAS VEGAS – Inside the main broadcast center of the MGM Grand, a very familiar figure spoke quietly about the biggest fight of this generation. He’s one of the very few men, one of only five boxers, who had faced both Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. inside the ring. Juan Manuel Marquez of Mexico is here to work Saturday’s big fight for ESPN Deportes, a Spanish language sports network. In one far-end corner of the room, Marquez granted short interviews. Marquez was straight to the point. “I think Mayweather will win,” said the 41-year-old counterpuncher, who faced Pacquiao four times and may fight him once more. “We really don’t know what will happen inside the ring. We might have surprises but I think Mayweather will win,” said Marquez. The first three fights between Pacquiao and Marquez were close, a draw and two decisions for the Filipino. The fourth one, which took place in 2012, was conclusive. Marquez looked in trouble when Pacquiao got careless and got caught by a knockout punch with only a second left in the sixth round.

In 2009, Marquez faced Mayweather. It was a one-sided contest that ended in favor of the undefeated American. Marquez looked good in a business suit when he talked to members of the Philippine media. Actually, he sounded torn between Pacquiao and Mayweather. “I think this is a tough fight for both fighters. But it will be a difficult fight for Manny,” he said. It’s Mayweather’s defensive style which makes it very difficult for his opponents who all failed in 47 attempts. “Many people know Mayweather’s style. He uses his legs more on the ring. He uses distance. Maybe it’s a difficult fight for Manny I think,” Marquez said. But he’s not seriously discounting the possibility of a victory for Pacquiao, who has racked up three straight wins, clear wins over Brandon Rios, Tim Bradley and Chris Algieri since that horrific loss to Marquez. The Mexican legend thinks that knockout loss is no longer in play in this fight. “I don’t think so. Pacquiao has prepared himself very well – mentally for this fight. I don’t think it affected his punch when I knocked him out,” he said. Abac Cordero/Philstar

“I want Manny Pacquiao to win this fight. If Pacquiao wins, it’s better for me. I want Manny Pacquiao to win this fight. My heart is for Pacquiao as a boxer.

17 Ang Peryodiko

Punch stats indicate Pacquiao victory over Mayweather LAS VEGAS - One of Manny Pacquiao’s advantages over Floyd Mayweather Jr. is his volume punching. And if the punch numbers from their past fights are taken into consideration, then Pacquiao has a good chance of emerging victorious in their megabuck showdown at the MGM Grand this Saturday (Sunday in Manila). Compubox, which tallies the number of punches thrown during boxing matches, pointed out that Pacquiao throws a little more blows per round than the average. Mayweather, on the other hand, is far below the norm. According to the statistics firm, Pacquiao averages 66 punches per round while Mayweather throws only 39 blows. Compubox said a fighter throws an average of 57 punches each round, meaning Mayweather is far below. The undefeated American, however, relies more on punching accuracy than volume. He would rather time his blows than go all-out. Pacquiao’s trainer Freddie Roach said he trained his ward to outgun Mayweather every round in Saturday’s duel. “We want to throw a ton of punches,” Roach told reporters at Pacquiao’s final workout in Los Angeles Monday, saying the fighting congressman can win

by decision. At Tuesday’s fan rally event at the Mandalay Bay Hotel here (Wednesday in Manila), Roach added that Pacquiao’s hunger will enable him to achieve what 47 other boxers before him tried but failed to do. “He’s very motivated for this fight. I love what I see every

day,” the trainer said. Pacquiao, for his part, said he’ll try to win at all costs. “The confidence is there - one hundred percent. I’m so excited for Saturday,” he told over 1,000 fans who showed up at the rally to cheer for their man.(Dino Maragay)


Community Ang Peryodiko

PEOPLE, places & events May 1-15, 2015

Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Meet with

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III April 23, 2015 (Winnipeg, Manitoba) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper today welcomed the news that Benigno Aquino III, President of the Philippines, will visit Canada in early May. President Aquino’s bilateral visit to Canada will provide an opportunity for both leaders to reaffirm the close relationship between Canada and the Philippines, based on strong people-to-people ties. Discussions between the two leaders will focus on expanding trade and investment, as well as cooperation on a range of issues, including development and countering threats to regional and global security. As Chair of APEC in 2015, the Philippines shares Canada’s commitment to fostering the participation of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the global economy. The two leaders will also meet with

members of Canada’s vibrant Filipino community.

Quick Facts

- Canada and the Philippines have long-standing and positive bilateral relations based on shared democratic values, a mutual interest in expanding our trade and commercial relationship, and strong people-to-people ties. - In 1989, President Aquino’s mother, President Corazon Aquino, was the first Filipino President to make a state visit to Canada. - Prime Minister Harper made a bilateral visit to the Philippines in November 2012, the first by a Canadian Prime Minister in 15 years. Prime Minister Harper and President Aquino met again on the margins of the APEC Summit in Beijing in November 2014. - The Philippines is Canada’s

“Canada and the Philippines enjoy a close friendship based on shared democratic values and strong people-to-people ties. I look forward to meeting with President Aquino to further strengthen the bonds between our two countries, including in the areas of trade, investment, development and security, benefitting the citizens of both nations.”

#EKSPRESYON Philippine Heritage Youth Forum participants and volunteers

ANAK Inc. hosts Fil-Canadian Youth at #EKSPRESYON Philippine Heritage Youth Forum On April 17, Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Inc. hosted Filipino-Canadian youth from across Winnipeg at the #EKSPRESYON Philippine Heritage Youth Forum. Winnipeg-born poet and writer Shirley Camia introduced the day with a keynote address on the importance of self-expression and the Arts. She was joined by local artists Christian

sixth-largest trading partner in Southeast Asia and is a priority market under Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan. - With bilateral merchandise trade totaling $1.8 billion in 2014 and a market of about 100 million people, the Philippines is an important market for Canadian businesses. - The Philippines is hosting and chairing the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 2015. - Minister Fast will be leading a trade mission to the Philippines from May 24-28, 2015, to boost trade and investment ties between the two countries. - The Philippines is a country of focus for the Government of Canada’s international development efforts. - Canada played a leading

role in the global response to Typhoon Haiyan by providing significant humanitarian assistance funding to meet the immediate and early recovery needs of affected people and deploying a field hospital, experts and relief supplies to support a broad range of critical needs faced by the Filipino people. Prime Minister Harper said that, “Canada and the Philippines enjoy a close friendship based on shared democratic values and strong people-topeople ties. I look forward to meeting with President Aquino to further strengthen the bonds between our two countries, including in the areas of trade, investment, development and security, benefitting the citizens of both nations.”

Miranda, Johsa Manzanilla, and Rochelm Cabalquinto, leading participants in workshops focusing on visual arts, music, dance, and poetry. The one-day forum concluded with a Gala Dinner where students were able to showcase their creativity and celebrate with community supporters, parents, and guests. For advertising rates and other information call 204.694.6734, Fax: 204.694.6555 or e-mail at Visit out website at

May 1-15, 2015



No more ‘kontrabida’ soldiers?

AFP, MTRCB ink deal for proper portrayal of troops


ANILA, Philippines - A colonel answering back a general who gave him orders. A three-star Army general leading an operation against car thieves. Military officers sporting long hair while slugging it out with Muslim rebels. Armed Forces chief Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr. AFP photo

These are some of the inaccurate and unrealistic portrayals of soldiers in television shows and films that create wrong impressions about the military. Since many of these movies and shows were huge hits, the erroneous yet largely unchallenged depictions of soldiers were absorbed by huge audiences. To address this problem, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) have signed an agreement that seeks to promote the heroism of soldiers while ensuring their accurate depiction in the media. The agreement was signed by AFP chief Gen. Gregorio Catapang Jr. and MTRCB chairperson Eugenio Villareal last Monday in Camp Aguinaldo. Under the agreement, MTRCB will collaborate with the military by undertaking “public information and education initiatives of correct depiction and portrayal of AFP.” The AFP Civil Relations Service will also be invited to the MTRCB’s Matalinong Panonood (intelligent viewing) seminar. The MTRCB will also assist

the AFP Civil Relations Service in its public information and community projects by making available resource persons and educational materials. AFP civil relations service chief Brig. Gen. Joselito Kakilala said they want movies and television shows to portray soldiers in proper uniform and haircut. “If soldiers are in proper uniform, the image of discipline and professionalism will be maintained,” Kakilala said in a phone interview yesterday. “This will help promote the image of the AFP,” he added. Kakilala said the agreement also aims to encourage the movie and television industry to consult military experts. He clarified that the agreement does not constitute prior restraint and would not censor movies or shows that portray military officers as villains. “As long as they will not try to discredit the AFP as an institution, we don’t have any problem with that. They can portray individuals as villains. It really depends on the story line,” he said. Aside from ensuring the proper portrayal of soldiers, the agreement also encourages filmmakers and television networks to disseminate the heroic acts of the men in uniform. “We want to encourage the networks to show stories of heroism. We will also ask the cinemas to show snippets of soldiers’ heroism,” Kakilala said. The military is working to bring its soldiers closer to local communities amid persistent allegations of human rights abuses. Officials have repeatedly claimed that abusive practices are not tolerated in the armed forces. By Alexis Romero/ Philstar

20 n May 1-15, 2015

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