What's Wrong with Indian Graduates?

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What's Wrong With Indian Graduates? Today, the number of graduates is increasing but the disappointing and shocking truth is that only some of them who pass out of the colleges every year are employable. Most of the graduates want to find their jobs in software engineering or core engineering. However, out of them, only 3% are suitable to get employed in software or product market and 7% in the core engineering jobs. Around 1.5 million engineers are graduated from the colleges in India but they do not have the adequate skills to get employed in companies. Experts say that it can cause serious instability in the social and economic conditions of the society. Factors working behind candidate's employability: Visibly, there are many factors which affect the employability of the graduates. The main factor working behind the employability of individuals is the ability to apply the learned concepts to find solutions for complex problems. The state of the economy also affects, as the companies are not able to spend money to train the employees. Instead, they look for employees who have the required skills already. The location also affects the employability of the candidates. As the researchers say, in Tier-1 cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, 18.26 per cent of software engineers are job ready, while in Tier-2 cities such as Pune, Nagpur, and Surat, 14.17 per cent are employable. The problem with the English language and computer skills make the Tier-3 cities unemployable. Major problems with education in India: Syllabus not updated regularly: The syllabus is not being updated according to the skills needed for the job. There is a huge gap between what the students are taught in the degree colleges in India and what the industries are expecting from them. The syllabus is hardly ever updated despite the changes in science and technology all around the world. The traditional education system has not been changed according to the changes that take place in the industries. So, there is no match between the company expectations of their candidates and the skills the engineers have gained from their colleges. Lack of quality teachers: In India, there more than 33,023 colleges that grants degrees but there are no quality teachers in these institutes. The engineers become teachers only when they are not picked by the national or international companies. Unlike other countries, it leads to having incompetent teachers in the Indian engineering colleges who are not able to create brilliant students. Lack of innovation and research: In Indian engineering colleges, the students are not much motivated to think themselves to have new innovations. Students should be allowed to think and innovate and come up with new solutions. The Indian students are trained in such a way that they never question or innovate and they are unable to make the shift from un-questioning learners to innovators in the job market Faculty education system As the students want only good grades and not interested in continuous learning, the semester system and the process of continuous evaluation do not bring the desired results. These methods do not work properly if both the faculty and the students don't understand its purpose to the depth of it.

Lack of skill-based education: One of the immediate needs of the Indian engineering education system is the skill-based education. The engineers should have hands on training on the basis of the issue they are going to face after their employment. This will make them understand the basic concepts. Engineering is not about learning text books, giving exams and bagging degrees. They realize their shortfall only when they encounter the real world problems and give them opportunity to learn more and improve them. Lack of proper English skills and soft skills Most of the engineering graduates in India have the lack of English communicative skills. Also, they lack in analytical and quantitative skills. Even the IT sector requires employers who are fluent and well versed in English, as, within two years of experience on the job, they would have to communicate with international customers. Thus, if the quality of engineering graduates do not improve, IT sector hiring will also go down. Soft skills have become very important in the present job industry, but they are routinely ignored in educational institutes of India. These are the some of the problems with Indian graduates that makes them unemployable. The government of India has to think over it seriously and take some immediate decisions to improve the standard of the engineering education to strengthen the stability of our country. SB Patil College of Science and Commerce in Pune gives good education to all the students who get enrolled in their college. All of their graduates are employable as they have good education facility in the college including competent teachers.

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