An Overview of Science Stream..!

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An Overview of Science stream…! In Indian student’s life, the first and most important exam is the Board examination. This is the step

when students end their school life and it’s the time to get into the new education world with a great career path.

Performing in this main exam with good marks opens doors to an entirely new world of opportunities and takes the student out of his comfort zone of schooling.

At this stage of life, it is essential to choose proper career guidance and it is at this point of time when students are unclear about which direction to go after completing their schooling. Many students think that if there could be any option in which they could get a clear idea on what to choose after 10th then it would be very helpful for them. There are many choices which help one to get a clear idea on what to choose after class X. What after School? Science or Commerce? If you are one of those students who are confused in selecting either, we try our best to make it simpler for you to understand the basic difference in both these courses.

The choice of Science or Commerce after X standard is a tough one. Both these courses lay the foundation on which a student’s future career is built. Hence the choice becomes more difficult for a huge number of students.

We compare both in terms of the scope of the study, topics covered, qualification, and higher study opportunities etc., offered by both these courses. According to expert’s opinion, “The scientist does not study nature as it is useful; he studies because he has the interest in doing so. If nature were not attractive, it would not be worth learning and if nature were not worth learning, life would not be worth living.”

If you relate this saying with your career, then science stream is right for you. Although having an interest in a particular stream does not only justify selecting it, the science stream is the type of field where the student cannot survive without a bit of interest accompanies with a passion for it.

Science stream can be defined as a well-organized study and research study of natural occurrences by theoretical

definition and observation along with experimentation. Scientific work about any occurrences involves the formulation of principles, careful observation and leading experiments for testing and proving guidelines and therefore drawing conclusions that deny or confirm the hypothetical assumption. Such scientific studies help in the formulation of universal laws that help people to understand more about the world where we exist in and how natural procedures and aspects takes place. Science is a vast career and interrelated to almost every field that our eyes can see or cannot see. Today everything can be studied under this stream. This stream can be divided into three main subjects including Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Here, you will find an overview of these subdivisions and it opens various career options after 10th in science stream. BIOLOGY: Biology is the study of things that has life within it. Science stream deals with the studying of life and living

organisms, covering all their structure, function, growth, origin, distribution and evolution. This subject has various sub-categories including botany, zoology, and microbiology. This subject teaches us about the working of living things and makes us realize human body functions and how human organs work. PHYSICS: Physics is the natural science including a study of matter and its action with space-time, and all applicable ideas

like energy and force. In general, it is an analytical study of nature, conducted for understanding how the world behaves.

CHEMISTRY: Chemistry is a study of science and the several changes it experiences. It is a specialized study which is concerned

with structure, composition, properties and behaviour of matter as well as the changes it goes through chemical reactions. Studying this interesting subject enables a student to assess chemical composition as well as the structure of the material samples. It helps in getting a better idea of various physical concepts.

In the above graph, we can observe the percentage of science, arts and commerce admission rate. In the year of

2013 to 2015 the rate of students who took admission in science stream is highest. As compare to commerce and

arts science field is the most popular field. In 2013 about 98% students took admission for science stream where in 2014 and 2015 it was 99% and 98.94% respectively.

At the end of this topic students choosing science can either opt for engineering or medicine. As far as

engineering is concerned there are sub-divisions in this particular stream. In order to excel various exams,

students should join the Best science college in Pune after class X. There are many students who are not able to tackle the pressure of juggling the college. In such situation, choosing an appropriate college is a difficult

task. So once you complete your schooling, many choices are in front of you to select the right course which helps you to make your career. Make the right decision and succeed in life‌!

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