A right college is always a gateway to your dreams(reshma) (1)

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A Right College is Always a Gateway To Your Dreams Everyone has dreams. The person has decided what he or she wants to become as a grown-up. Education is the path by which one can reach the desired destination. All are aware that primary education provides basic knowledge. Secondary education is the bridge which leads to higher education. It is not wrong to say that what you choose is what you become. Arts, Science, Commerce these streams take you to different destinations. If you wish to become a doctor, an engineer or do some scientific research, you have to choose Science as your higher secondary stream. Post- graduation Degree / diploma Higher secondary education Lower secondary education Primary education

In recent years, many junior colleges have opened in India. There are many junior colleges in Pune as well. Surveys show that there is major flow towards science stream. Most of the students decide to roll in for science education. Some factors help students to decide which course to select for their education. Interest:Interest plays an important role for a student. If you are very much interested in solving problems, you are likely to go for science studies. Love for logic, reason and step by step solution seeking creates an interest in a student to appear in science studies. Learning and interest are two co-relative factors in education.

Intelligence: Howard Gardner has written about seven types of intelligence, visual- spatial, verbal-linguistic, kinetic, logical- mathematic to name a few. Some people remember numbers, some are expert in sports, and some have fluency in language. If you possess logical- mathematic intelligence you will do better in science field rather than in any other field. Students with logical intelligence tend to opt for science stream. Scope: The most important factor that is involved in choosing science today is the scope it has. Science stream opens a door to not only medical and engineering field but multiple professions. Paramedical, agriculture, research, teaching, industries are the career options students can go if learnt in science stream. More are the success chances. One can get a job easily as compared to other streams. Curiosity: Human is a curious animal. All the progress we have achieved is because of the curiosity. Einstein came up with why apple fell down and did not go up in the sky. His curiosity led him to a discovery- motion of gravity. There are still some questions about which the world is still curious. A curious student wants the answer. He can find answers through Science. As Edward Teller said, “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.� Which is very true as our day to day life is affected by technology. After 10th STD a student chooses where he wants to go. But taking admission in any junior college can be a dangerous decision for your career. It’s equally important to study in best junior college. It matters for different reasons. Quality: Not every college provides quality education. With current scenario, very few colleges provide actually effective teaching services. You should acquire and master the knowledge and not just run for a degree. Best Science colleges in Pune like S B Patil College of Science and Commerce are known for its quality education. Resources availability: Learning is not an only process of reading books and giving exams. Streams like Science demands a student to observe, analyze and experiment. Colleges having a good infrastructure, resources attract more students to its reputation. Student- Centric education:

The current situation is worse. Education has become a business. Not every college gives focus on student’s overall development. Best colleges are those which prepare students for future career entrance tests and develop their overall personality as well. Employer outlook: Employers consider where you have taken your education from. Institutes, colleges serve as a brand nowadays. It represents quality. It represents assurance that the person is skilled. Employers have certain criteria to select a candidate as their employee. Communication skills is one of them. Best science colleges in Pune offer a throughout development of a student. That’s why a getting admission in best science college will make you achieve your success.

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