RI Fit Magazine - Volume 1, Issue 2

Page 32

LAURA KAPLAN Age: 29 Profession: Height:

end up indulging in too many of the foods that were giving me health problems–especially dairy foods like cheeses and desserts. I love to cook and bake, but I would not take any consideration into what I was making and whether it was good for me or not. I ate a dessert usually twice a day–I definitely did not practice moderation.



Beginning Weight: 234 lbs. Ending Weight 165 lbs. and decreasing still Size Before: sz.18 Current Size: sz.6/8; SMALL! How long has it taken you to reach your goal?

On the weekends I looked forward to drinking my beer, eating fried food, and I also loved my sweets. I could eat an entire box of Oreos in one day or an entire cake in one weekend. also drank a LOT of caffeine. I lived on Diet Mountain Dew and sugar-free Red Bull. I thought they were better alternatives because they were “diet.” I ate a lot of processed foods with crazy ingredients I could never pronounce. I never paid attention to nutrition labels or sodium content.

What dietary changes did you make?

I’m not at my goal quite yet, but it has taken me 8 months so far. I’ve already lost 1/3 of my original weight. .

What was your motivation to lose weight?

I went to a new doctor after my previous doctor left the practice I went to. I found out I had to start high blood pressure medication, was borderline pre-diabetic, had high cholesterol, was iron deficient, anemic, and it was all due to being obese. I thought, “ I am too young for all of that.” I was somewhat sad and frustrated at first, but that only lasted half a day before I took action on changing my life.


How often do you work out? Typically 6 days a week.

What were your worst diet habits before you began to lose weight?

I had a lot of bad food habits. I would eat too much, very often – I did not even know what how much I should really eat or what proper portions looked like. I would get a lot of food cravings (especially at night) without knowing exactly what I was craving. I ended up eating whatever I could find to try and figure out the craving until I could not really eat anymore. I was bouncing back and forth from being a vegan to eating whatever, and when I was not a vegan I would


RIFIT | Fitness, Health and Wellness


I now believe in moderation of all things. It is okay to have snack food once in a while, or sweets, but for me I try to only have it as a treat. I might let myself have one serving of salty and savory snacks (according to the package) a day at most. I’ve also replaced a lot of my favorite snack foods with healthier and lower calorie options like rice cakes, fruits, or veggies. I try to only eat really sweet foods three times a week.

What is your go to healthy snack?

A green shake with some protein powder in it or a rice cake with a topping of some sort such as hummus.

What food will you not give up?

Good question. I cannot think of one very easily. I want to say peanut butter or another type of nut butter, though.

What advice do you have for others to inspire them to lose weight?

Find a plan that you will stick to and that’s more than just a fad diet. In order for the weight loss to last and be maintained, you need to change your habits and mind about what is truly healthy for you and practice making healthy decisions regarding food and other factors.

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