Giggle Magazine June/July 2010

Page 21


hottiedads In case you didn’t know...

Gainesville is full of amazing daddies who not only set the standard for what a father should be, but are quite the handsome guys too! These amazing dads were nominated by their wives to show everyone how lucky they really are!

Hidden Talents:

His cooking skills are stellar, and the man does housework - without being asked!

Steve photographed by Laurel Housden, Eric photographed by Lifeprints Photography

Steve Bradley

Wife Jenni, daughter Campbell (born in March) In Jenni’s words… Steve will tell you that he never knew his heart was capable of loving something so much as he does our daughter .What I simply adore: his laugh is infectious, his wit is remarkable, his eyes are kind, his cooking skills are stellar, and the man does housework - without being asked! Steve is a natural when it comes to sports and athleticism. He is an exceptional motivator and communicator and constantly encourages everyone he knows to be their finest. We are just so fortunate to have him as our husband and father.

“And he cooks too!”




and hot!

Eric Walters

Wife Debra, son Joa and daughter Zia In Debra’s words... When I had my first son, he was two weeks old before I changed a diaper. My husband took care of everything from diapers to dishes. I was instantly convinced that being a daddy was part of his DNA. He is the one that wakes up in the middle of the night with the kids, even though he has to be up at 6 a.m. to go to work. There is no sacrifice he wouldn’t make for us. One garage sale at a time, he has given up all his “man-toys” from his nice car to his fancy cell phone. Eric always puts us before himself. As a husband, he supports me in everything I do. He spoils me like a princess and respects me like a queen. He makes sure that I have “me” time every day. He values my role as a work-at-home mom. Once, I overheard him pray asking God to help him serve us the way Jesus came to serve and not to be served. His heart is to give all that he has without expecting anything in return. He never complains, never raises his voice, never loses his cool.

Hidden talents:

He is a hands-on Daddy dying Easter eggs, decorating cookies, Christmas caroling, carving pumpkins, lighting fireworks…

He is a hands-on daddy dying Easter eggs, decorating cookies, Christmas caroling, carving pumpkins, lighting fireworks…He loves it all! There is no hobby that he enjoys more than spending time with us. My children and I know that every time we speak to Daddy we will hear the words “I love you.” Eric is the most gentle, loving, giving, and gracious person I have ever met. I am blessed and humbled to share the journey of parenthood with this amazing…and HOT man. giggle

magazine • june/july 2010


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