Tragedy in Boston – Was it Terrorists?

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Terrorism in America

Boston Marathon Tragedy

Many people are wondering how such a violent episode could occur at such a peaceful venue. I do not wonder at all. We are doing the same thing as a nation everyday in Afghanistan. Yet our government chooses to call it fighting terror. I suspect if you asked the “Terrorists that may have done this their response would likely be that they are the one’s fighting the terrorists. I am quite certain this will rub many the wrong way but I believe it is time to take the blinder’s off of our eyes and really look at what we are doing as a nation. We have killed thousands of innocent civilians in the last several years under the justification that we are “Fighting the war there so we don’t have to fight it here”. What a crock of baloney. We are not fighting a war we are committing murder on a mass scale. The thing that absolutely shocks me is the near ignorance of the American people. They wonder why these terrorists retaliate against us. Oh, I know the terrorists started it…Really? Let me ask you a question. If everyday you awoke to a bomb being dropped on your head that said “Made in the USA” you think you might be a little ticked off? Do you think you might at some point get fed up and retaliate? Please don’t misunderstand, what happened in Boston is horrible but it is no less horrible than what we have been doing in the middle east for the last…I don’t know…50 years. President Obama has vowed that the people responsible will feel the full weight of justice. Like the justice the civilian population is feeling everyday in Afghanistan? Like the justice the prisoner’s in Guantanamo Bay are experiencing? It really is time for the American population to wake up and deal with reality. If we do not want to get punched in the nose then we need to stop punching other people in the nose and starting the fight. We Started This Terrorism? Yes we did. In my lifetime it goes back all the way to us providing the bombs to Israel that were used to kill Palestinians in Israel’s fight over the “Holy Land”. I wonder how holy that land is


after all the blood that has been spilled over it. Do you really think “God” wants anything to do with that? The list goes on. We invaded Iraq under the guise of weapons of mass destruction. Turns out that was a total farce. There were no weapons of mass destruction found anywhere. Did we leave? No. Did we even apologize for our atrocity? No. So why are people so shocked that the retaliation would be just as violent? Hopefully at some point the American public will decide to get of the couch and look up from their iPhones and examine what is happening. I can tell you right now. If you punch me I am going to punch you back. Period. If you are 100 times stronger than me it is likely I am going to try to sucker punch you or break a chair over your head or do something to even the odds of me walking away in one piece. This is just common sense. Yet when it comes to observing what is happening in these incidences we seem to be conveniently obtuse. For some strange reason common sense flies out the window…probably on a drone…and we think that the way to solve the problem is to do more of what we have been doing for the last 50 years. As Dr Phil would say…how is that working out for you? Repeating the same mistakes over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity – Albert Einstein In my opinion the last honorable war, if there is such a thing, that we fought was World War 2. We were attacked without cause and we retaliated. Every battle we have fought since then has been because we can not mind our own business and because we are over dependent on these countries to provide the resources we need to fill our bellies with oil. I suggest if we want to point the finger we at least point it in the right direction. It is our own arrogance as a nation that has caused this great hatred against us in these regions, and our greed. We keep trying to take what is not ours and then we get salty when these sovereign nations tell us to take a hike. Ask yourself this, if on a regular basis you knew that I was going to try to beat the living daylights out of you would you not try to protect yourself? So why are we so upset with these so-called terrorists? We have been beating them up for at least the last half century. Is it really unreasonable for them to say enough is enough? Perhaps if we start playing fair maybe these groups will go away. I believe that whoever did this terrible thing in Boston needs to be brought to justice. I also believe that the terrorists that inhabit our government and big business also need to be brought to justice. Maybe if the world sees that we hold ourselves to the same standard we hold the rest of the world we will not be labeled hypocrites and the angst that is directed towards us will dissipate. This is just one man’s opinion but it seems to me that what we are doing is not working, at least not for the masses. If our government continues with this course of action the question must be asked…who is benefiting from this? Let’s face it if their was no reward the action would not be taken. If we discover who benefits then we will know who the real terrorists are. Don’t be shocked when you see a picture of America. Check Out The Full In-Depth Details Here: Tragedy in Boston – Was it Terrorists?

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