How and Why Do We Age?

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My Ramblings On Healthy Living

So many thoughts are going through my head right now and so I decided to write them down. The reason my thoughts are racing is I have been reflecting on the last year of my life…where I was and where I am…taking somewhat of a personal inventory. So many changes have occurred and yet I am still being pointed in the same direction. In fact I may be closer to my goal than I even realized. Before I go there I want to reintroduce myself and my blog to you. When I first started this blog I have to be completely honest and say that while I was interested in speaking to health (physical, spiritual and mental) I was also very directed to earning money with this blog and so I was doing myself and my readers a disservice. With that in mind I have completely redesigned my blog in a very simple fashion. My blog will be my blog. The subject matter will always change as I am always changing. As I learn more I will share it with my readers. I tend to look very deeply into myself and so what you read here will probably be somewhat philosophical in nature but I hope with a solid base in reality. With that said here we go. I have realized recently that while the past year has laid part of the foundation I have held myself back. I have found, again, that my greatest character flaw would have to be a lack of patience and that patience causes fear. I don’t know how many of you can relate to the impatience part but I am willing to bet that many can relate to fear in one form or another. Not fear of physical harm but the fear of being who you know you should be. Recently though the universe has decided it is time to manifest this reality. Here’s the thing though, I have been setting this whole thing up and if you asked me what I think about most it is this dream. You may be wondering what dream? But the point is that the dream does not matter. The point is that if you dream it with an obsession you are half way there. The universe will collide in such a way as to present the opportunities to you. The only thing left to do is take


action and that is where the fear can freeze you or make you overly cautious. Be careful though. I have experienced that it does not matter whether it is a good dream or a bad one, the result will still manifest. Learn from the negative dreaming with obsession and realize how powerful you are. We are the only creature that I know of that has the conscious ability to alter our destiny. In my opinion we always have several destinies competing against each other but we decide based on our strongest beliefs which destiny manifests. Boy I just realized I have gone off on a tangent. As I said there is much to discuss and today was just a quick hello and a desire to share my goals for this blog with you. So let’s talk a little more about that. The New Format – Health Lifestyle So don’t worry I still have an interest in making money with my blog but it truly is secondary. To that end you will rarely see a link to a product I like and recommend in an article. These are my personal thoughts and experiences and I do not want to diminish them by inserting advertising. If a particular book or DVD/CD has bearing on the subject matter I will mention it but that will be minimal. If you look at the layout of the blog you will see the pages on my blog at the top under the Header. Those pages are the tools I have used and am using to help me on my journey and yes they cost money. The blog itself will be a testament to my experience with these tools. How to eliminate destructive thinking Well to tell you the truth I am not there yet. I am not some self proclaimed “Guru” that has all the answers but I can tell you this, I have had a ton of different experiences, some good and some bad, and here you have it… I am the only conscious being that was there every single time. Don’t think I am discounting the presence of a universal being, I am not. What I will say is that many of the choices I have made throughout my life have not been centered on that and yet somehow I wound up on this path. Now I am beginning to experience what it is like to align with that energy instead of denying its existence. Not denying in word but in deed. For me and only me, I am not really trying to eliminate destructive thinking. I feel it is much more important to embrace that part of me and stop fighting it. When I become honest about who I have the potential to be I give myself the power to make changes. More important to me though is that when I make that real contact with myself the power it gives me enables things to begin to magically happen. It is at that level that we become whole and when we are in that state of perfection we can make the impossible possible. I truly believe that and not because that has always been the case or because that is the case in this moment but simply because I feel it is true. I also think it is true but at the end I believe it because I feel it. There’s a handy little nugget I acquired. When I feel something it creates a permanent and powerful connection. We decide what is true for us based on our beliefs system so we have to be careful what we choose to believe. It truly is not only a matter of growing it is a


matter of aging and how to live a long life. How we Live – How we Age – Is there a connection? The short answer is of course, and I am going to write a lot more about this over the next few weeks and months. For now I want to stick with how we manifest our own reality. Make no mistake, as I stated earlier, we will manifest our reality no matter what we believe. I want to talk more about this but for now I am out of time. There is a great book on this subject and I will give you the details in the next couple of days. I really want to have the time to talk more about this and the benefits so you understand why it is important to educate yourself but for now I am out of time and have got to run.

Check Out The Full In-Depth Details Here: How and Why Do We Age?

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