Age Defying Solutions

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How to Make Your Skin Look 5, 10, or Even 20 Years Younger … As Though You’re Aging in Reverse – Without Cosmetic Procedures or Surgery

everly Hills, CA — What if anti-aging became so simple that it took only 3 groundbreaking ingredientscombined together in a formula to make your skin look 5, 10 or even 20 years younger – without painful injections, surgery or cosmetic procedures? Whether you’re … [Check the one that applies to you] A middle-aged baby boomer who wants to significantly reduce the look and feel of wrinkles, lines and furrows, and become “ageless” … A mature individual beyond “that certain age” who wants to recapture the look of your skin’s lost youth, and feel young again … or Someone in your 30s or 40s who wants to put a stop to the early signs of aging on your skin … … this may be the most important article you’ll ever read. As you read this article in its entirety, you will learn about a revolutionary “youthification” discovery consisting of a “trifecta of anti-aging ingredients” which helps make your skin look decades younger . Because this discovery involves the DNA of your cells, it de-ages the skin to a significantly greater degree than is usually accomplished by other topical methods — and makes lines and wrinkles appear to have been “airbrushed” away.

56-Year-Old Los Angeles Woman Mistaken for 21! * “When I began using Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème, I didn’t notice much of a difference at first, except that my skin looked refreshed and hydrated. But 6 weeks later, people


started to notice that I looked younger than my age. My husband and I were at the Lago Mar resort in Florida recently, and the hostess at their elegant bistro told me my skin looked beautiful. When I told her my age, she threw back her head in disbelief and said, ‘I’m 44 years old, and I could’ve sworn you were younger than me because you have no wrinkles. You look 37 at most.’ “But the best compliment I got was when I went to a club lounge in Los Angeles with my husband two weeks after my 56th birthday. The doorman asked me to show him my ID to make sure I was over 21 and old enough to drink!” — Maria V., Beverly Hills, California (age 56)

WARNING: Don’t Buy an Anti-Aging Skincare Product Until You Read This!

here are thousands of anti-aging skin care products on the market — creams, serums, elixirs and ointments all claiming to be the “fountain of youth.” A few of these products might deliver some benefits – but most of them are pure marketing hype. If you’ve used any of them, you may have found that some did manage to fill inwrinkles, lift saggy skin, minimize pores, even out skin tone — and repair sun damage … but only temporarily. Then all of the sudden, like some cruel joke, the temporary anti-aging effects wear off, or the product stops working altogether … and you realize that your recaptured youth is nothing but a short-lived fantasy. So you search once again for the next best thing – knowing deep down that the next product will be yet another disappointment. The claims of most anti-aging products are dubious at best. Beware of those that demonstrate how their product visibly “lifts” the skin in just a matter of minutes. That’s nothing but a parlor trick! Anyone knows that if you apply any skin tightening substance on your face — even egg whites – there will be a temporary effect that mimics a mini-facelift. What they don’t tell you is that if you apply it often enough, the repeated lifting-and-sagging action will cause your skin to sag even more than it did before you used the product. Don’t Fall for the “Wow” Factor

nother parlor trick played on the unsuspecting public to produce the “Wow” factor is the use of low-grade, inorganic acids, which appear to refine the skin cosmetically on a short-term basis. But over time, these acids thin the outer layer of the skin (called the stratum corneum), making it unable to perform like young skin.


The most obvious evidence of this is in the hands. When the already thin cushion of fat thins even more, hands start to look skeletal … and inevitably look older. Because mature skin is already thin to begin with, these acids thin it out even more, and therefore, should not be used on a long-term basis. Like so many women and men who’ve become disillusioned by so many anti-aging products that don’t live up to their promises, perhaps you might have considered getting cosmetic procedures (like laser skin resurfacing, Botox, or dermal fillers) — or even cosmetic surgery, no matter how costly and risky it may be. It does not have to be that way anymore. For the first time ever, the research team of a Beverly Hills company has developed a proprietary formula that helps make human skin look biologically younger. They’ve cracked the code on de-aging the skin by formulating a DNA-based skincare product that synergistically blends what they call … … the Trifecta of Anti-Aging Ingredients

he term trifecta is derived from a type of racing bet, in which the bettor must select the top 3 winners in exact order. Likewise, the development of a high-performing anti-aging product comes from identifying the top 3 anti-aging ingredients that, when combined together in exact concentrations – produces atransformational alchemy that’s as impressive as turning base metals into gold. It’s quite a paradox, really, how 3 ingredients working together can produce such stunning anti-aging results. Just one drop more — or less — of any single ingredient in the formula could cause the product not to be effective. The research team of the Beverly Hills company has discovered that exact recipe that works. In December 2011, they unveiled the first and only skincare product that combines the “Trifecta” of anti-aging ingredients into a synergistic formula.

The Alchemy of Skin Transformation

Argireline® NP – This powerful peptide has beennicknamed “topical Botox.” It mimics the results ofBotulinum Toxin (Botox). But unlike Botox, which is an injectable toxin that paralyzes muscles, this peptiderelaxes them.


Here’s how it works: Extensive clinical studies show thatArgireline® NP inhibits the impulses that cause facial muscles to contract or move — such as when forming facial expressions likesmiling or frowning. This has been scientifically proven to beeffective against wrinkle development – without the use of injectable toxins. It has also been shown to reduce the depth of existing facial wrinkles an average of 27% in just 30 days. Unlike low-grade, inorganic acids that thin the skin, this peptide (compound name: acetyl hexapeptide-8) actually builds collagen and thickens skin over time, making the skin look younger. That’s why it’s the superstar anti-aging ingredient among cosmetic dermatologists and facialists. Plant Stem Cells – Plant stem cells are clinically validated to extend the life of skin cells — and protect against sun radiation and other types of skin damage. Stem cells replicate themselves into specific cells that replace damaged cells, and this regenerative property halts skin aging and restores it to its youthful glow. Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème is the very first skincare product that contains a newly discovered plant stem cell extract derived from … the red snow algae from the Swiss Alps! Snow algae are single-celled organisms that live in the snow under extreme conditions. They have a vibrant green color for part of the year, and when they turn a brilliant red, they’re harvested. The plant stem cells derived from these powerful algae have been clinically proven to protect the skin from photo-aging and all other mechanisms of aging!

Teprenone – Teprenone is an amazing anti-aging substance that emerged from telomere biology, which was discovered by a Nobel Prize winning team of scientists. It prevents the end caps of DNA strands from shortening, which causes skin aging, therebyextending the lifespan of the skin by up to 30%. Teprenone has been shown to fight against all signs of aging by improving skin hydration, age spots, redness and pore size, skin roughness and fine lines in test subjects. The overall texture of the skin improved and restored to a more youthful state. See study results below.

None of the 3 advanced ingredients, acting individually, can produce theimpressive rejuvenating and transforming results that the 3 combined ingredients deliver – from the inside out. Most anti-aging products only make cosmetic improvements on the outer layer of the skin


… without addressing the real cause of skin aging. That’s just like putting a fresh coat of paint on a decrepit, old house to improve its “curb appeal” … when what it really needs is structural repairs. In contrast, the revolutionary ingredients of Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème dig deep down into the DNA of your skin — and helps make your skin look and act like it did when you were younger.

“People Tell Me My Skin Looks Flawless” *

After using Transformation for about a month, my skin was noticeably “ firmer, and wrinkles and fine lines were reduced significantly. I’ve gotten many compliments from my family, and some of my co-workers say my skin looks flawless. In the past, whenever I lacked sleep, I used to look haggard, but ever since I started using Transformation, my skin always looks refreshedand radiant.” — Mona G., Saugus, California (age 51)

87% Success Rate for Both Women and Men

n an independent study involving 30 subjects, male and female, the results wereastonishing. After using Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème over a period of 30 days … 86.7% of the participants reported that the overall appearance of their skin changed for the better 87% reported an increased level of moisture in the skin 80% reported a more youthful appearance 60% reported that friends and acquaintances noticed an improvement in their skin 53% reported that Transformation was the best skin care product they’ve ever used


Are These People Aging Backwards?

“Transformation has made my face smoother and more supple than it has been in years. I saw a handsome male friend I hadn’t seen in nearly 4 years. Within minutes of seeing me, he said, ‘I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep it up. You’re the only person I know who’s aging backwards.’” – Wendy K., Malibu, California (age 47)

“I have been using skin creams since I was 12 and in the last 33 years have tried many products, from drug store brands, to department store brands to dermatologist-recommended skin creams. And none of them can compare to Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème. It is by far the best product that I have ever tried for my skin. I’ve just ordered 3 more jars. The results have been amazing!” — Christine J., Jupiter, Florida (age 45)

“I truly believe in this cream and love it! I never put an approval on something that I don’t truly believe in. This is a fantastic product. It makes my skin feel so soft and velvety. I can already see, in just a month, some of my wrinkles not so visible. It just feels richer, creamier than other skin creams I have used. I am 70 years old and this is making a big difference in my skin. It makes my skin feel like it is comparable to the Hollywood stars’ skin - very smooth and silky. Can you tell I really love this product? I told my friend about it and she is going to try it. I am telling all my friends about it.” — Judy D., Orem, Utah (age 70)

“I absolutely love Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Creme. I have been using it for about 2 months and my sagging jaw line has definitely tightened and firmed up. My deeper lines between my eyes are getting better also. No other skin care product has given me these results, and I have purchased many, many brands.” – Julie M., Lake Havasu City, Arizona Click here to read more rave reviews

Clinically Age-Defying Results: Wrinkles and Lines Appear to Have Been “Airbrushed” Away

t’s amazing what lengths women go through to turn back the hands of time. Cleopatra was known to have kept her skin young-looking by bathing in fresh milk. And the 17th century Countess Erzsébet Báthory of Hungary maintained her skin’s youth by bathing in the blood of young virgins!


It’s taken centuries to rise above those backward days of anti-aging … but now, for the first time ever, it is possible to actually change the way skin ages — and look years younger – without painful injections, cosmetic procedures or surgery. Why has it taken this long to find a non-surgical solution to skin aging? Because not until recently have the 3 superstar ingredients emerged … and not until the development of Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème has the exact formula for combining the 3 been discovered.

The lead researcher and formulator of theTransformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème formula has been extensively involved in anti-aging research and the development of anti-aging products for over 3 decades. Through painstaking clinical trial-and-error – she stumbled on this Holy Grail of anti-aging formulas with clinically age-defying results. Although the “trifecta of anti-aging ingredients” already makes a stellar trio, she went further and added astaxanthin to the formula. Astaxanthin is believed to be the most powerful antioxidant found in nature – and it helps cells ward off damage from free radicals, and in so doing, helps delay aging at the cellular level. The Signature Secret to Transforming Your Skin in 6 Weeks! Transformation Skin Rejuvenating Crème has a signature secret. It’s perhapsone of the most remarkable attributes that delivers its powerful anti-aging ingredientsinto the deep layers of the skin. For what good are the best ingredients if they aren’t effectively absorbed into the skin? Transformation uses a skincare delivery system that may quite possibly be the best on the market, and it is based on … oleosomes. Oleosomes are little reservoirs present in the seeds of all crops, botanicals and nuts. They consist of a core of vegetable oil and Vitamin E, surrounded by a phospholipid membrane and protein coat. Oleosomes are a next-generation encapsulation system that –upon contact with the skin … provide an excellent delivery system that releases the active ingredients deep into the skin provide outstanding emulsification; and


provide long-lasting moisturization. The best thing about oleosomes is that they perform their multi-functions in acompletely natural way – and they provide a difference you can really feel. Many users say that Transformation rejuvenates their skin so that it appears as though their lines and wrinkles have been “airbrushed” away. Check Out The Full In-Depth Details Here: Age Defying Solutions

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