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The Crypto Visionary

Crypto Visionaries are bringing their newfound wealth to the real estate market. The source of that wealth is one of the most up-and-coming topics within real estate and the world at large. To the Crypto Visionary, being on the precipice of the newest technologies, practices, and processes is of the utmost interest and importance. Cryptocurrency may be just the latest iteration of a lifelong interest in technology, investing, and politics. In a similar fashion, the Crypto Visionary will be drawn to a new, city construction that is both innovative in design and processes. They are in search of builders, contractors, and sellers that already have the infrastructure in place to complete transactions in cryptocurrency (or as seamlessly as possible). Wherever their next property may be, part of the appeal for the Crypto Visionary is that the transaction will likely make headlines for setting new precedents in real estate.

Cryptocurrency is infamous for being volatile investment. As such, it has become particularly unattractive to older investors, leaving the Crypto Visionary to be somewhere between 29 and 35 years old. They fall into the younger years of the millennial generation, and as such, share some of the common traits, behaviors, and characteristics— with a visionary edge. The Crypto Visionary struck big in this one area of the financial sector, and they are ready to use this property to diversify their portfolio. Similar to their generational counterparts, they are interested in skipping the starter home and purchasing a dream—and with it, all the amenities of modern and luxury living. Pools, courts, fitness facilities, generous outdoor entertaining spaces, and proximity to lively and cultured social establishments are must-haves of their next home.

Despite what it may seem, the Crypto Visionary isn’t traditionally a “bookworm” holding multiple degrees. Rather than bringing masters and doctorates to the table, the Crypto Visionary is bringing street smarts—the intuition that led their investing decisions and strategies. In fact, nearly 55% of crypto investors have no college degree at all. 6 Further, their is little research to show that cryptocurrency investors come from wealthier backgrounds; it is possible that a Crypto Visionary could be experiencing this level of wealth for the first time in their life, skipping the High Earnings, Not Rich Yet (HENRYs) category that many of their generational counterparts fall into. This home could be seen as a further chance to establish the validity of their interest and success in cryptocurrency—as the industry itself continues to be met with skepticism in regards to its long term value.

Perhaps more so than any other buyer, the unique interests and needs of a Crypto Visionary require a specific skill and knowledge set on the behalf of the real estate advisor. The Crypto Visionary will depend on their real estate professional to guide them through the community-specific regulations and practices regarding transactions in cryptocurrency and real estate. Whether that be securing a traditional loan and using the buyer’s crypto assets as proof of wealth or directly exchanging from a cryptocurrency to a traditional one, the Crypto Visionary will require the specific knowledge and expertise of a real estate professional who is an expert in the matter themselves.

Crypto Visionary Web Searches:

§ Best cities for crypto jobs.

§ Best countries for crypto wealthy.

§ Developers accepting cryptocurrency.

Desired Markets

Crypto buyers are looking to establish themselves in the cities that are as on the forefront of embracing cryptocurrency as they are. It is less about the geographical location on the map as it is the presence of other people, companies, and infrastructures they see as being equally as forward-thinking as themselves.

Vancouver, British Columbia

San Francisco, California

Toronto, Ontario New York, New York

Miami, Florida The Bahamas

Cayman Islands