AUG 2019 - Milling and Grain magazine

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August 2019


In this issue:

DRYERS Three part special • Vibratory conveyor feeders • The cost of machine downtime

Milling and Grain . Volume 130 . Issue 8 . August 2019

• China - A challenging environment for feed producers • Perfect burger buns • Build My Feedmill - Dosing

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• IndoLivestock 2019

Event review Proud supporter of

Volume 130

Issue 8

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漀渀 琀栀攀 眀愀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀 昀甀琀甀爀攀

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August 2019

Perendale Publishers Ltd 7 St George’s Terrace St James’ Square, Cheltenham, Glos, GL50 3PT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1242 267700 Publisher Roger Gilbert International Marketing Team Darren Parris Martha Cornwell Tel: +1 913 2083770 Fred Norwood Tel: +1 405 834 2043 Latin America Marketing Team Iván Marquetti Tel: +54 2352 427376 Pablo Porcel New Zealand Marketing Team Peter Parker Nigeria Marketing Team Nathan Nwosu Tel: +234 8132 478092 Egyptian Marketing Team Mohamed Baromh Tel: +20 100 358 3839

82 - Expertise in pulses and maize

Managing Editor Vaughn Entwistle Features Editor Rebecca Sherratt Editorial Assistant Daniel Jackson International Editors Dr Roberto Luis Bernardi Professor Wenbin Wu Mehmet Ugur Gürkaynak Design Manager James Taylor Circulation & Events Tuti Tan Development Manager Antoine Tanguy ISSN No: 2058-5101 ©Copyright 2019 Perendale Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owner. More information can be found at Perendale Publishers Ltd also publish ‘The International Milling Directory’ and ‘The Global Miller’ news service Grain & Feed Milling Technology magazine was rebranded to Milling and Grain in 2015





46 Pioneering tempering dryer

50 Electrification of dryers 62 A late season investment to maximise profits


12-40 54 Vibratory conveyor feeders 58 The new Diorit roller mill with leading-edge control 60 The cost of machine downtime

118 People news from the global milling industry





62 China - a challenging environment for feed producers

66 Perfect burger buns from China to Chile


74 Data is the key to the future of agriculture

74 Dome silo storage

70 Build My Feedmill - Dosing


90 Event listings, reviews and previews


42 Basic Milling Principles Course


22 Mildred Cookson 32 Gustavo Sosa 10 GUEST EDITOR Christoph Beck

84 MARKETS John Buckley

COVER IMAGE: The GRAPAS Award for 2019 - See more on page 48

124 INTERVIEW Wu Wenbin

Genebanks: An investment in the future of food There are about 30,000 edible plants out there, but three – rice, wheat and maize –provide over two thirds of our calories. While it’s great that we’ve found ways for these crops to feed so many, it’s potentially precarious: If one of these crops were to fail – due to climate change or pest outbreak the fallout could affect businesses, farmers and consumers everywhere. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the risk. One is to invest in ways to make these crops more resilient – for example, by breeding improved varieties that can better tolerate high temperatures, drought and pests. But this depends on a special “banking” system; one that deals in seeds rather than money. There are about 1,750 genebanks worldwide which conserve and share seeds and other plant genetic material for all of our major food crops. They enable scientists to search among the, for example, 150,000 types of rice or 140,000 types of wheat, to find the ones most suited to their breeding programs. As well as developing crops that are more resilient to climate change, these scientists also focus on other improvements, such as increasing nutritional quality of these crops, and yes, the milling quality too. In that sense, genebanks provide the basis for innovation by scientists, farmers and many businesses too. Unfortunately, many genebanks are in developing countries

and face daily funding shortfalls. If a genebank were to fail, we could lose thousands of years of agricultural history – and the raw materials for some of the innovations that will shape the future of food and agriculture. The Crop Trust’s endowment fund was set up in 2004 with the sole purpose of supporting genebanks. It gives permanent funding to the world’s largest rice genebanks and provides financial lifelines to a number of others around the world. The endowment fund also makes it possible for the Crop Trust to support the work of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in the Arctic, the ultimate backup of crop diversity – and probably the “coolest” insurance policy in the world. We estimate that supporting the most important food and agriculture genebanks in the world will require US $850 million in the Crop Trust endowment fund. It might sound like a huge number, but it is a fraction of the marketing budgets of some companies in the food and agriculture sector. We’re currently around one-third of the way to reaching our target. It was great to share this news at the GRAPAS Conference in Cologne, Germany, recently – just up the road from the Crop Trust’s headquarters in Bonn. What inspired me most was the interest of so many conference participants in the work of genebanks, and their desire to get involved to support them. After all, we all benefit from the hard work of genebanks, and playing a role in support their futures will make ours brighter too. Christoph Beck, Head of HR and Corporate Operations, The Crop Trust



Perfect burger buns from China to Chile

A dome can store months of product regardless of what Mother Nature throws your way

Quality fluctuations are a “no-go” with burger buns. The international fast food chains expect their suppliers to maintain strict product standards.

When rivers are too high for barges to navigate, processors face two big questions.









The cost of machine downtime

A challenging environment for feed producers

Machine downtime can cause major complications. If there is no preparation in place, interruptions to appliances can be detrimental to productivity and profit margins.

What has a hospital, school, vineyard and hotel gotten in common? They form part of a privatelyowned business that has 24 separate activities including a 300,000-tonnes-year feedmill.


PAGE 32 Annual Subscription Rates Inside UK: UK£100 Outside: US$150/€133 Milling and Grain has a cooperative partnership with COFCOET

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(Left to right) Joel Newman, Tim Belstra and Nick Major

The EU-US feed industries join forces to overcome feed safety challenges


he American and European feed industries, represented by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC), have renewed their longstanding partnership to increase mutual cooperation on sustainable feed production, feed safety management, communication, trade and precompetitive research. The memorandum of understanding (MOU), signed during FEFAC’s 60th anniversary event on June 6th, 2019, is expected to generate significant synergies for the respective member associations and feed companies, offering global joint project and partnership opportunities. AFIA and FEFAC members recognise the value of providing joint leadership at a global level, in partnership with the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF), to develop feed industry solutions, which help reduce the environmental impacts of feed and livestock production, while promoting the highest level of feed safety management and biosecurity. The associations agreed to explore further information sharing, linked to precompetitive research supporting joint projects, while maximising feed 12 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

trade opportunities. AFIA President and CEO Joel G Newman and AFIA Board Chairman Tim Belstra made the following statement upon signing the MOU, “Our 15-year partnership with FEFAC has been a model for global collaboration and we are excited to expand our work together. “We look forward to broadening our joint leadership so we may provide both our members and industries with solutions to address future challenges, including assisting them with the adoption of new technologies, developing and deploying best practices and continuing to sustainably provide consumers with sound dietary choices.” After the MoU signing ceremony during FEFAC’s 60th Anniversary event, Joel Newman was awarded FEFAC Honorary Membership on June 6th, 2019 in Brussels. FEFAC praised his professional commitment to promote feed safety standards at global level with the setting up of the first International Feed Regulators Meeting (IFRM) in 2008 in Atlanta, co-hosted by FAO & IFIF. Joel Newman is the first “nonEuropean” feed industry expert to receive the FEFAC honorary membership award.

In this month’s issue of Milling and Grain we have an interview with the esteemed professor of milling from the Henan University of Technology in China, Dr Wu Wenbin. With a population of over 1.42 billion, China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of wheat. The crop is grown in every province of China but one, within 10 major agro-ecological zones established based on environmental factors, such as wheat type, growing season, temperature and photoperiod. More than 90 percent of wheat grain is used to make steamed bread and noodles. Since the Republic was founded in 1949, average wheat yields have risen from 0.70 to 3.86 t/ha, and wheat production has increased from 16.4 to 112.0 million tonnes. Such advances were made possible by a program of breeding initiated in the 1930s, with the goal of improving yield potential, plant stature, maturity, and disease resistance. Between 1950 and 1996, China’s wheat production area increased from 22-to-29 million hectares. The future for wheat in China looks bright; there are agricultural universities or colleges and academies of agricultural sciences in almost every one of the country’s provinces. Most of these institutes located in wheat production areas have active breeding programs. This focus on education has paid dividends - since 1950 major varieties have been replaced several times, with each replacement bringing around a 10 percent yield increase. Average plant height has been reduced from 110-120 cm in the early 1950s to less than 90 cm at present.



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Milling News


Chen Yi’s rice processing plant begins its operation

atake Corporation has recently announced the completion of a rice processing plant in East Visayan region, Republic of Philippines, owned and operated by Chen Yi Agventures, Inc. On July 5th, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte attended and led the inauguration ceremony and the facility began its full operation. Chen Yi’s rice processing complex, built in Alangalang near Tacloban on Leyte Island, is the largest rice milling facility in the region, with 10-to30-tonne grain dryers and seven-tonne-per-hour processing lines. Satake received the order of the plant design and equipment for the whole processing line based on its advanced technology and long-time contribution to the rice industry in the country. Rice cultivation is a major industry on the island of Leyte. However, it has been struggling to improve the productivity mainly due to all the manual labours involved in rice cultivation. As a result, farmers suffer lower income than national average. In addition, Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 (locally named Yolanda in the Philippines) caused enormous damage, requiring massive reconstruction aid for the local community and economy. In 2016, Patrick Renucci, a prominent French entrepreneur, and his Chinese-Filipino wife Rachel,

16 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

also a successful entrepreneur in Hong Kong, organised Chen Yi Agventures to involve and support rice cultivation on Leyte Island. The corporation holds up “Rice Revolution” as its goal; increase farmer’s income by improving rice production efficiency through mechanisation, while producing high-quality rice. Furthermore, Chen Yi will be involved with all aspects of rice cultivation in the region by supplying rice seeds, providing technical guidance for cultivation, and even lowinterest loans to farmers. The newly built rice processing facility will symbolise the rice cultivation efficiency that Chen Yi promotes. Patrick says, “To support Leyte farmers, we need fundamental reforms in rice cultivation. We will become the largest rice producer in the Visayas and Mindanao regions and increase production efficiently. “Using Satake equipment and technology, Chen Yi Agventures’ rice processing complex is the most technologically advanced facilities in South East Asia. This facility and mechanisation of rice farming will reduce production costs and raise the quality of rice from this region. As the Philippines still imports rice, premium rice produced at the island of Leyte will be as competitive as the imported rice, which will result in not just a shortterm aide to the community but also a long-term increase of farmers’ incomes by establishing a true sustainable agriculture.”


Milling News

Lallemand Animal Nutrition’s feed additive now available allemand Animal Nutrition has announced its live yeast probiotic strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079 (Levucell SB) is now authorised as a feed additive for use in all pigs in the European Union (EU) (Regulation (EU) No. 2019/892 and Regulation (EU) No. 2018/347). S. cerevisiae boulardii CNCM I-1079 is the only zootechnical additive authorised in the European Union for use in all pigs categories. Levucell SB is now available for all stages of the swine production cycle including: suckling piglets, pigs for fattening; boars; gilts; sows; and weaned piglets. It can also be used in all minor porcine species such as wild boars. To date, this is the only zootechnical feed additive in the European Union with such an extensive authorisation for swine production. While the application of Levucell SB in sows and piglets is recognised to support performance, recent research conducted in partnership with the French Agronomic Research Institute (INRA) has shown very promising results on digestibility and growth performance in fattening pigs. These benefits were even greater under high temperatures, helping the animals to cope with the deleterious effects of heat stress. With high temperatures that can be encountered during summer, this new authorisation comes at a perfect time in the EU.

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 19

John Wilson and Co Ltd Swanfield Roller Mills Leith

The flour mills of East Scotland: Part three Milling journals of the past at The Mills Archive by Mildred Cookson, The Mills Archive, UK

I am continuing the survey of Eastern Scottish mills at the time of the 1902 National Convention in Edinburgh (see my article in the previous two issues of Milling & Grain), by focusing on two more that attracted attention at the time.

John Wilson & Co Ltd’s Swanfield Mills, Leith

The second floor housed seven Simon dustless purifiers, with double expansion chambers and narrow sieves. Improvements were being added all the time: one employed eccentrics on the first motion shaft actuating the sieves, working continuously in oil and encased in tight-fitting boxes. The shake of a purifier sieve was important to make the middlings travel evenly over the sieve and the oil boxes ensured smoothly working and a perfect shake. The dressing, scalping, grading and dusting machines were all on the third or top floor, comprising of 23 single three-sheet Simon centrifugals, two reels, three sieves, one quadruple “Manchester” rotary and three double horizontal centrifugals. The first two breaks were scaled on the rotary sieves and the

John Wilson started in the milling business in 1890 after 23 years as a salesman for the Ted Brothers of Stockbridge Mills, Edinburgh. By 1902, his Swanfield Mills were vastly different from how they were when he bought them in 1890. He first installed a five-sack plant, but as trade developed, he employed Henry Simon to enlarge and improve the plant. As well as flour milling Mr Wilson also manufactured pearl barley, special feeding meals and split peas. By 1902 the Swanfield Mills housed a new Simon 16-sack plant, an up to date provender plant with seven pairs of stones and a complete barley and pea mill. The milling plant was placed in an oblong building none too large for the machinery it would contain. Two-line shafts, two Simon detachers, and the elevator bottoms occupied the basement. The roller floor above consisted of three lines of double Simon roller mills, from 32-to-40 inches in length. Sixteen pairs were for working on the breaks, and thirty on the reductions. Chancelot Roller Flour Mills Edinburgh 1891 22 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

The Manchester Rotary Wheat Separator

The Simon Vertical Whizzer

last three on the double centrifugals, having been extracted by the preceding scalper. With the double centrifugals the bran part of the chop passed over a minimum of wire cloth, whereas in single cylinders the travel was much longer. The cleaning of wheat involved 14 cockle and barley cylinders, a Cransons’s scourer, a Simon ventilated whizzer and a “Victor” brush. The storage of grain and mill products was most adequate for a 16-sack mill. The warehouse was 160ft x 45ft, although it was planned to be replaced by a new one 90ft long x 45ft wide with three floors. Three grades of flour were made, but the bulk was of the two higher qualities. The packing was partly done by American machines, but the power possers were preferred. Also, in the warehouse were flour and meal mixers, four being of Avery make, and two by Smith and Son of Leeds. The miller who looked after the mill was Mr Williamson, quite a young man, having had his training as a miller in a leading Liverpool mill. The mill was well run with the able assistance of Mr. Wilson’s three sons, William, James and John.

Chancelot Roller Flour Mills Edinburgh 1902

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society Chancelot Mills

The Chancelot Mills were owned by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society. These organisations brought together groups of consumer cooperatives and were popular in districts which had factories and mines and, to a lesser extent, agriculture. The Scottish CWS was more active than those in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Durham and Northern Ireland. Having only entered the flour milling business around the 1890s its ambition was demonstrated by the Chancelot Mills. Architecturally, as may be seen in the figures, they were one of the finest trade premises in the United Kingdom, and the machinery was just as impressive inside the mill. The visitor on arrival at the mill walked through neatly shaped grass lawns and flower beds and was in no doubt he was approaching a distinguished flour mill. The wheat was brought to

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Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 23

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Interior of the Silo House, Chancelot Mills

John Wilson

the mill by railway; the trucks used were hoppered for two points of exit and held ten tonnes each. The Society owned 15 of them and had special rates from the ships at Leith Dock. The covered wheat house had 80 silos, each able to hold 300 quarters. Beneath these were 12 mixers. The mill was fitted out with Henry Simon machines, dustless separators, magnetic separators, twelve cockle cylinders, and two scourers. The wheat was brushed by two “Victor” brushes on its way to the first break after having passed through another magnetic separator and recording scales. The mills had two excellent cleaning and conditioning plants, specially arranged for both hard and soft wheats. These were placed in the central building under the clock and tank tower. The flouring plants were both in the left wing, one on each side, with the elevator lines down the centre. The winter wheat plant had a capacity of 12 sacks-per-hour and the spring wheat side 30 sacks. The rolls for the hard wheat comprised of 26 double Simon 40-inch mills arranged in two lines. On the second floor were 12 double dustless purifiers. The floor above also had purifiers, as

well as four scalping reels and four large “Manchester” quadruple rotary sieves for first and second break scalping. The top floor had 38 centrifugals and five double horizontal ones, along with a rotary sieve stock scalper. The third and fourth break chops were treated on the double horizontal centrifugals that were said to work extremely well. The winter wheat plant contained Simon rolls, five double sets on the breaks and nine on the reductions. The grading, dusting and dressing of the reduced stock was done on 19 centrifugals and two reels. This was all set out on four floors and quite separate from the spring wheat plant. The warehouse was placed at the back of the premises with access to loading the railway trucks. There was a bake house for testing purposes and complete electric light plant with batteries and cells for storing enough current to light up for an hour in the case of an emergency. Together with the Junction Mills (to be described next month), during 1901 the mills delivered 325,819 sacks together with 270,742 sacks of offals. Added to this oatmeal production of 550 sacks-per-week confirmed the successful nature of the business. Please email me at if you would like to know more, or if you have any information, material or images that you would like to share.

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 25

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Milling News

Scouting app for farmers launches in the UK


ASF Digital Farming has launched its Scouting app for farmers in the UK. The app is free to use and enables growers and agronomists to instantly and accurately identify plant stress including weed, pest and disease threats in their fields. Using instant photo recognition, algorithm and data sharing technology, the free xarvio Scouting app enables growers and agronomists to accurately identify weed and disease threats in their fields via their smartphones. The supported crops include wheat, barley and oilseed rape. Armed with this information, farmers can more accurately diagnose issues and select the appropriate treatments. The xarvio Scouting app supports farmers to efficiently and accurately identify weeds as well as disease threats in their fields and calculate leaf damage using just a photo taken with a smartphone. Furthermore, a community-based radar functionality shows farmers which threats are in their surrounding area. Louis Wells, Solutions and Services Manager at BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division, said, “We know many farmers in the UK are eager to adopt new methods that can help them improve crop quality and increase yields. With the newly launched localised version of the xarvio Scouting app, we are pleased to bring world-class expertise in digital farming technology, data analysis and artificial intelligence into the hands of growers across the UK.” The BASF Agronomy Managers will be demonstrating the Scouting app on their farm visits, when they will also be familiarising farmers with the xarvio Field Manager, which will be launched in the UK in 2020. Field Manager is a digital solution helping farmers in many areas with agronomic decisions. The goal: produce crops more efficiently and sustainably to get the most out of each field zone. The farmer has the status of his fields always at hand, receives field-specific crop-management recommendations, and can download field zone specific variable application maps to get advice for the right dosage

at the right field zone at the right time. It uses imaging technology, eg satellites, and combines it with agricultural data, farmer’s lifetime knowledge and agronomic expertise.

FAA 2019: Dr Eckel hosting VIP event prior to Bangkok conference


or three days, feed experts and specialists met at this year’s FeedAdditives Asia conference in Bangkok to address the industry’s most pressing issues and needs. The conference was presented by FeedInfo News Service. With its impressive selection of expert speakers, enlightening panel discussions with industry leaders and practical seminars, FAA is rightly regarded as one of the leading events in the region for livestock producers, industry leaders and academics alike. In celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary, Dr Eckel hosted an exclusive pre-event to the conference

on June 25th for loyal customers and esteemed friends. Here, Dr Antje Eckel spoke about Hidden Champions, leadership and the most influential lessons for her and the company. “Today we are proud to celebrate 25 years of development, learning and innovation”, says Antje Eckel. “And there is one thing I promise you: We will make sure that you get more innovations in the coming years from us.” Human health and animal welfare are still the focus of Dr Eckel’s business activities, as they were 25 years ago, and will continue to be

in the future. In his speech, Vice President Sales Dr Bernhard Eckel highlighted the company’s approach to zero hunger, good health and wellbeing. In the evening, this exciting and emotional event peaked out with a delightful dinner at Millenium Hilton’s scenic terrace restaurant with a spectacular view over the illuminated riverfront and the boats sailing majestically on Chao Phraya River. Dr Eckel wishes to thank all participants in the event for making their celebration such a delightful and unforgettable experience. They are grateful for their customers’ trust in their work and products. Empowered by this, Dr Eckel will continue striving for a better, sustainable future. Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 27

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Milling News

Dutch King opens the world’s largest and most advanced insect farm at Protix


n June 11th his Majesty King WillemAlexander officially opened the world’s largest insect farm at Protix in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. Protix produces insects for sustainable proteins by using plant waste from the environment as feed for insects. The proteins and other nutrients of insects are very nutritious and can be fed to animals, especially fish and chickens. In this way, non-sustainable sources, such as fishmeal and soy, can be replaced by a sustainable alternative. During his visit to Protix, King Willem-Alexander met various experts, entrepreneurs and CEOs from the agrifood industry. The programme was moderated by Peter Bakker, President and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Emphasis was laid on the transition of the food system to a future in which people can continue to enjoy good food with an ever-lower impact on the environment. King Willem-Alexander was accompanied by Minister Carola Schouten of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The minister shared her view on the market and explained why insects are part of her vision for the future of our food system. Kees Aarts, founder and CEO of Protix said, “We are very honoured to have welcomed King Willem-Alexander and minister Schouten in honour of the opening of the largest insect farm in the world and our ten-year anniversary. This 30 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

is of course an important milestone for Protix. The opening of our new facility signifies a real transformation, not only for our company, but for the entire sector and markets; the transition from prototype to a mature and commercial sector.” He continued, “We are proud to have been able to bring our innovation to maturity in the Netherlands. This opening is the springboard to move our products and technology across borders and build our leadership in this industry around the world. A ‘Global Technology with Local Impact’ aligns our vision to achieve a global food system in balance with nature. It was also a great celebration for all our customers, partners and employees. A memory for life.”

Milling News

What do you need?

Gustavo Sosa

I sit here wondering what is it that my clients need the most. I am always mumbling and complaining, a la Walter Matthau, about the lack of innovation in grain storage and processing. The systems look far from perfect, and still all companies manufacture almost identical products.

But do we need more improvement in the mechanical and structural systems? The silage bag was a revolution in South America because it provided a cheap storage system for just one year (or maybe three) in conditions of extreme uncertainty. If there is the chance you are forced to move to another country in two years, it makes no sense to build grain bins. That way, the most important innovation of the last 30 years had nothing to do with a real technological improvement. It was more about flexibility. It also aligns with the principles of Lean Entrepreneurship: start small, fail early. Which are the main problems with a grain bin facility? This is an Ishikawa diagram. It is used to find the causes of a problem. An Ishikawa diagram always classifies causes in: Personnel, Equipment, Environment, Materials (Grain in this case), Methods, and Measurements. Secondary causes here are just what came to my mind exploring the subject. You may have different opinions and still be correct. Personnel: In most cases the problem derive from lack of training. Even motivation derives from it, because one starts enjoying things after having mastered them, not before. There may be compensation problems too, because in many companies, bosses don’t train workers, so they don’t have to pay them more. This kind of environment is what leads to Union problems. In highly unionised countries you may have them even when you do everything right, but I have managed projects where we kept working during a general national strike (and nobody told the

32 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Construction Union), so I think the way you treat employees is critical. The solution? Train your people, treat them well, and pay a fair salary. Equipment: Don’t get me started on this. Too many people think they can “save” thousands of dollars in a multi-million project by not doing feasibility and design studies. They buy a silo here, and an elevator there, and hire the cheapest builder available, who has a bricklayer in the team, and try to make it all work together. No soil studies, no engineering studies, no plan. And then complain when it all fails. I had a client who bought two large silos, and never realised he needed some conveyor to take the grain out of them. He eventually realised, only after having built the foundations. I also have an acquaintance who manages a haunted facility. Equipment starts and stops by itself. Not really haunted. It is just that mice have eaten the insulation of cables and the owner never wanted to spend money on rewiring it. The solution? Hire someone to do the redesign of your facility, and actually spend money on repairing or rebuilding it, before it is too late. If there isn’t an independent professional in your area, most silo companies would be happy to help you if you are happy to pay for it. Environment: These are the things outside your control. The weather, the politics, prices, etc. What helps you here is proper planning. Learn to deal with the unexpected. Be strong enough to withstand the blows or smart enough to find a way out. The silage bags, for example, are a plan to get out. Things get nasty in Argentina? I can move to Paraguay next year. The solution? Proper planning. Too many times business owners get lost in everyday issues. But you can hire other people to do that. Your actual job is to plan months and years ahead, and lead your people through those plans.

Materials (Grain): Unless you are a recycler, if you get garbage in your system, you will get garbage out. The quality of the incoming grain is critical, and this means controlling moisture, foreign matter, and pests. One shouldn’t mix grains of different varieties, or with more than three percent of difference in moisture. You also have to deal with a limited time frame to get the harvest into the silos, and limited time frames to ship the grain to the port when there is an export. Drying is different if you work with grain for seeding or for consumption. The issues here overlap with other areas. Quality control is mostly about measurements, and the time limits are about equipment. The solution? Expertise. Get the best managers/foremen you can find, and train them even more. A one percent difference in moisture can mean many thousands of dollars in an export, and you will be slapping yourself in the mirror if that mistake happened because you didn’t get a reliable person in a critical position. Methods: “Things have always been done this way” isn’t a valid argument. Re-examine your methods, and create methods when there aren’t. Too many workers in this industry are not up to date with technology not management methods. Improvisation leads to repeated failure, and those obvious failures mask other areas that offer room for improvement and gain.

The solution? Visiting the facilities of your colleagues (benchmarking) will help you identify new ways of doing things. If you don’t have this possibility, a simple tool is to get a chair, and look at the operation you want to improve for a whole day. Just look. You will sure come up with many ideas. Measurements: The laboratory and the scale are the brain of a grain facility, much more than the SCADA system. You can still run a profitable operation running around the plant turning switches on and moving levers, but you will lose everything if you accept grain with excessive moisture or pests, or if you let the scale operator rob you in partnership with the trucker. The solution? Have an up-to-date laboratory, calibrate the truck scale regularly, check everything in and everything out, and control as much as possible in between. Audit regularly the control processes.

My conclusion:

Most of the problems in the grain industry are caused by lack of proper employee training. What we need is a huge effort to professionalise the industry, with recognised certifications. GEAPS and NABIM are doing a great job, but we need more organisations also offering these innovative distance learning courses. Equipment manufacturers could also offer their own courses.

Gustavo Sosa is a Mechanical Engineer and MBA who specialises in Project Management. He is the CEO of Sosa Ingenieria, a consulting firm performing mechanical design and FEA/CFD, and the Chief of Engineering at RONTIL, a major distributor of grain handling equipment in Uruguay and Paraguay. Gustavo has two decades of experience in grain handling and milling, including engineering design and project management for projects up to 60 million USD. In the past, he worked for three years as a professor, teaching fluid power, mechatronics, conveyor design and industrial instrumentation at UDELAR, the largest university in Uruguay. He also helped build the Mechatronics Laboratory there.



The yeast probiotic reference


To respond to the increasing technological requirements of feed manufacturers, Phileo developed the new generation Actisaf® Sc 47 HR+, with highest resistance to the main stress factors encountered by the yeast probiotic during pelleting process: COMPRESSION & FRICTION - HEAT - HUMIDITY Compatibility with ACIDS in the feed formula comes as the 4th constraint taken into consideration in this multifactorial approach.

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Milling News


New ProPhorce Valerins research presented at ESPN roPhorce Valerins is the latest innovation by Perstorp in the field of animal nutrition with several patents pending. It consists of glycerol esters of valeric acid. A new research trial has demonstrated that strategically timed additions of glycerol esters of valeric acid significantly improve broiler performance even when compared to industry standards such as butyric acid. ADG of the Ross 308 male broilers improved with 2.9 grams per day on average at 42 days compared to control. This added performance of 4.5% additional growth could translate to 100.000 Euro added profit per million birds for an integrator. These and other results were presented as the European Symposium for Poultry Nutrition in Gdansk, Poland June 13-15 by research partner Marta I. Gracia from Imasde Agroalimentaria, S.L.. Valeric acid (C5) is the last of the short chain fatty acids to be explored for its benefits in animal nutrition. It is naturally produced by gut microbiota. Research has shown that valeric acid may help reduce harmful pathogens and help maintain gut flora equilibrium.


Glycerol esters of organic acids have the benefit of getting the acid into the intestinal tract intact. Valeric acid has demonstrated to support gut balance. Perstorp was the first company to launch this innovative new molecule and is the only company researching its effectiveness. José M Ros, Business Development Manager for Perstorp Animal Nutrition in charge of the trials, said “It has been decades since a new organic acid was researched for its benefits in animal nutrition. We continue to progress our understanding of this fascinating molecule in leaps and bounds. Earlier data indicated optimal effectivity of ProPhorce™ Valerins when dosed between day 14 and 28. During this period enteric dysbiosis often challenges broilers performance. This trial confirms the benefits of timing the addition this way and showed that ProPhorce™ Valerins reinforces butyric acid in the broiler’s grower phase. I believe this is because ProPhorce™ Valerins has the benefit of helping to maintain optimal gut balance while supporting the animal through the critical stages of growth”.

AFIA taking applications for 2019 Feed Facility of the Year award he American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) is now accepting applications for the 2019 Feed Facility of the Year (FFY) programme. Sponsored by AFIA and Feedstuffs, the FFY program is designed to be a world-class benchmarking program for the animal food industry. “The Feed Facility of the Year benchmarking program gives facilities insight on how they compare to other similar facilities,” said Gary Huddleston, AFIA’s Director of Feed Manufacturing and Regulatory Affairs. AFIA and Feedstuffs redesigned the former Feed Mill of the Year award programme in 2016 to be more industry-

inclusive. Non-members are ineligible for the awards portion of the programme, but they receive all the benefits of the benchmarking programme. To keep benchmarking information relative, four industry categories are considered: commercial dry feed, integrator, liquid feed and premix/ingredient manufacturing. The winners will be recognised at the 2020 International Production & Processing Expo, being held Jan. 28-30, in Atlanta, USA. Applications are due by September 6th, along with an application fee of US $100 for AFIA members and $250 for non-members.

Dinnissen expands with new building complex on the Sevenum industrial estate


innissen Process Technology is to open an additional 60 x 70 metre production complex on the Sevenum industrial estate in the Netherlands. Major investments have been made within this new complex, which will be adjacent to the existing Dinnissen factory. These include 10-tonne overhead cranes, wall console cranes, state-of-the-art laser cutting installations, highly accurate lathes, milling machines and press brakes, a separate stainless-steel welding hall and a lot more specialist equipment to meet the future customer requirements. In addition, Dinnissen supplies increasingly complete prefab skids for many international customers. The expansion offers more possibilities in this area. With this new complex, Dinnissen hopes to open new doors for global producers and, with the investment it makes, gives a good impression of the Dutch production industry.

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Milling News

Positive EFSA opinion for Biomin’s Digestarom® DC


eading animal nutrition firm Biomin has reached a key step in the EU registration of its next-generation phytogenic feed additive, Digestarom® DC, as a zootechnical feed

additive. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) published a favourable Scientific Opinion on the safety and efficacy of Digestarom® DC in broilers, layers and minor avian species. The Scientific Opinion noted that the feed additive “has a potential to increase the growth performance of chickens for fattening when incorporated into feed at a minimum application rate of 65 mg/kg complete feed; the conclusion can be extended to chickens reared for laying and extrapolated to minor poultry species reared up to the point of lay.” “This represents an important step in achieving EU authorisation of Digestarom® DC as a zootechnical feed additive,” commented Dr Antonia Tacconi, Global Product Manager Phytogenics at BIOMIN. “We always appreciate the scientific and rigorous work of the FEEDAP Panel in reaching its conclusions,” she added. “Considerable effort, expertise and dedication by our knowledgeable R&D teams at the Biomin Research Centre M&G_maggio_esploso.pdf 15/05/19 21:55 and our top notch sales and 1technical teams in the field

have made this achievement possible,” noted Dr Tacconi. “They ensure that Biomin consistently leverages scientific innovation to support our clients’ successes in real-world commercial settings. It also attests to the helpful role that phytogenics can play in food animal production throughout the globe.”









Cryloc Sifter It’s hard to imagine the grain and bulk processing industry without the use of the Cryloc rotary screen. In the cylindrical housing one or two specially formed screens separate the fine particles from the incoming product. Maximum 10% fines at the inlet results in less than 1% in the finished product (fines are smaller than 2/3 of the pellet diameter). The wide capacity range makes the Cryloc rotary screen an essential sifter for the dry cereal processing industry. Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 39

Milling News


Bühler and Wudeli celebrate 30 years of successful collaboration he Bühler Group and Wudeli Flour Group celebrated a landmark in their successful 30-year partnership with the handover of the 10,000th Dolomit roller mill. The handover ceremony took place in Wuxi, China, on 18th June. Around 65 percent of all wheat milled globally is processed on Bühler mills, and Bühler has been supplying Wudeli with leading-edge roller mills – including the fourand eight-roller Dolomit MDDP/MDDQ mills – since soon after the company was founded in 1989. Since then, Wudeli has grown from a small workshop to a company with 35 mills, 19 subsidiaries in six provinces, and more than 5,000 employees. Its wheat processing capacity of more than 42,000 tonnes-per-day now ranks it as number one in the world. The handover was testament to this long-term collaboration and China’s vital role in the global grain milling industry, said President of Bühler Asia Pacific, David Wang. Bühler was now looking forward to developing the partnership further, he said.


GO MOBILE! 40 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Roller mills are the main product of Bühler Wuxi, and the company remained focused on driving innovation and highly efficient production, said its General Manager and Vice President of Bühler China, YD Meng. A culture of quality at every level of the organisation meant that Bühler continued to be at the cutting edge of industry developments, he added. “In the past 30 years, Wudeli and Bühler have maintained a solid and harmonious cooperative relationship,” said President of Wudeli Flour Group, Zhiguo Dan. “In this continuous development through strategic cooperation in equipment, technology, service, training, software and other aspects, both sides have formed all-round and multilevel interactions. “Bühler’s reliable quality, excellent performance and comprehensive customer service have greatly helped the development of Wudeli. In the future, Wudeli and Bühler will be implementing an all-round collaboration based on even closer cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and winwin situations to make the future bright for all of us.”


TRAINING In an effort to help flour milling personnel better understand the process of milling, Kansas State University and the International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM) will be hosting a basic milling principles course. This course will be held at the IGP Institute, October 7-11th, 2019.

Basic Milling Principles Course “This course is designed for those who have theoretical or practical work experience in a flour mill,” says Shawn Thiele, IGP Institute Associate Director, and Flour Milling and Grain Processing Curriculum Manager. Participants should expect to gain a better understanding of wheat classes and uses; wheat testing practices and methods; wheat cleaning and condition systems; importance of wheat quality and preparation; milling process specifics and associated equipment; basic flowsheet terminology and understanding; advantages of wheat and flour blending; granulation curves; flour and dough quality testing. “Past participants had the opportunity to learn a lot about wheat cleaning, conditioning and the different classes of wheat,” says Thiele. “They also had the opportunity to spend time in the Shellenberger Hall baking lab and the Hal Ross flour mill.” Those who should attend this specialised course include milling engineers, operation managers, production managers, shift managers and professionals with theoretical or applied milling background. Previous course participant, Robert Walker, Project Engineer at

Flour quality, milling efficiency and optimal machine adjustments are major contributions to an efficient flour mill. These topics and more will be discussed at the advanced milling course hosted by the International Association of Millers (IAOM) and Kansas State University. The course will be held October 14-18th, 2019 at the IGP Institute and will benefit those with theoretical milling backgrounds and milling work experience.

Advanced Milling Course to be held at the IGP Institute As an expansion to the IAOM-KSU Basic Milling Principles course, the IAOM Advanced Milling Principle course will offer topics on techniques and tools used for analysing and improving grain processing flows, understanding variables that impact production efficiencies and enhancing the trouble- shooting skills of mill personnel.

Through hands-on training and classroom discussion at the IGP Institute, participants will learn flour and dough analysis practices and methods and correct interpretation and understanding of the results through this course.

IAOM-KSU Flour and Dough Analysis Experts from the equipment manufacturers and suppliers and Kansas State University faculty will train and educate 42 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

General Mills, shares his take-away from the course. “I knew a lot of terms from the mill, but I didn’t know how they interacted,” Walker says. “What I really enjoyed was how I was able to put definitions behind words and really piece everything together.”

“This course will be very hands-on and will include a lot of training in the Hal Ross Flour Mill on campus,” says Shawn Thiele, IGP Institute Associate Director and Flour Milling and Grain Processing Curriculum Manager. Past participants were able to gain a wide variety of knowledge, one of which includes looking deeper into the machinery behind milling. “I really feel like coming to IGP has increased my knowledge regarding machinery and what needs updated in our mill,” says, Nate Myer, Assistant General Manager at Shawnee Milling Company and past participant. “I understand our product a lot better and can take the information I learned back to our company.” This course will benefit milling engineers, operation managers, production managers, shift managers, head millers, professionals with theoretical or applied milling background. Theoretical milling background with practical work experience in a flour mill or other completed milling training is required.

participants to understand commonly used flour testing equipment and dough testing equipment in the industry today, understand proper testing procedures and methods for the equipment, understand how to correctly interpret the results from the finished test, and understand factors that will impact and alter the test results. Course topics include farinographs, falling numbers, manual ash, crumb and spread, mycotoxins, DON, starch damage and much more. This course is running from September 10-12th, 2019.

AuroFlow AQ Alfa

PRODUCT FOCUS August 2019 In every edition of Milling and Grain, we take a look at the products that will save you time and money in the milling process.

PerkinElmer, Inc recently announced the launch of its AuroFlow AQ Afla strip test, which helps lab professionals, technicians and farmers quickly and accurately conduct first-round screening for toxic compounds in corn. The strip test, used with PerkinElmer’s QuickSTAR Horizon strip reader, delivers results for mycotoxins, including aflatoxins like B1 B2, G1 and G2 and Aflatoxicol, at detection levels of 2 to 300 parts-per-billion, in six minutes. The AuroFlow AQ Afla strip test and QuickSTAR Horizon strip reader solution features a single-step, water-based extraction method and lateral flow testing at room temperature, enabling safer and easier sampling and removing the need for incubators and centrifuges during analysis.


MUNSIFTER Centrifugal Sifter

Gericke has expanded its FEEDOS range with the introduction of a new model, the DIW-PEFEEDOS S-15. The modular design combines minimum dead zones with good accessibility for cleaning and maintenance. The swing-hinged feeding chamber option allows improved access to the feeding chamber and intromitter. The FEEDOS design is already used in various demanding applications, such as infant nutrition, baking ingredients, pharmaceutical formulation and battery production. For increased accuracy the advantages of the FEEDOS line can also be combined with various GERICKE scale systems. The established Easydos Pro controller supports platform and suspended weighing solutions and allows for superior weighing accuracy.

Munson Machinery’s new stainless-steel Centrifugal Sifter can sift, scalp and deagglomerate bulk solid materials at high rates free of vibration or product degradation. Material fed by an auger into a stationary horizontal screen cylinder is propelled by rotating paddles against the screen, with on-size particles passing through screen apertures into a discharge chute, and oversize materials spiralling through the cylinder and into a discharge port. The clean, simple design features external bearings at both shaft ends which can be lubricated through external fittings. Depending on application, the shaft is driven by a 2.24 kW motor and rotates at approximately 500 RPM, offering vibration-free performance and high throughput rates. It is available finished to sanitary or industrial standards.

The new Diorit – with leadingedge control

Capillary Electrophoresis System Capel 105M

Thanks to its robust design, reliable and energysaving grinding process and exemplary hygiene, the four or eight-roller mill Diorit MDDY/MDDZ from Bühler has established itself very well on the market. Since its introduction, more than 1,000 Diorit roller mills have been sold and are in use worldwide. The most obvious new feature of the “2019 generation” Diorit is the completely redesigned machine control. The extremely intuitive user interface enables simple monitoring and control of the roller mill. Thanks to an integrated web server, the Diorit roller mill can be operated via smartphone, tablet or PC within the mill. An integrated touch control is therefore no longer necessary but is available as an option if required. It is not only the control that has been optimised; the sampling process has also been greatly simplified thanks to the 30 millimeter higher milling chamber. For a full write up see page 58

Lumex’s high-performance capillary electrophoresis is based on the differential migration of components of aqueous samples within a narrow-fused silica capillary under the influence of the applied electric field. Separated solutes are quantitively detected at the capillary outlet by highly sensitive optical system based on direct or indirect UV absorbance. It has a substantially modified capillary cassette which can be changed in just a few minutes, and a lower detection limit due to the optimised optical scheme. 44 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain



Hot Start Steam Mixer

The Hot Start Steam Mixer is a Van Aarsen innovation that helps improve your conditioning process by ensuring a guaranteed and accurate heat treatment. All the product exiting the Hot Start Steam Mixer has reached the set temperature within ¹ 3°C tolerance. Combined with its extremely short start-up time, the Hot Start Steam Mixer prevents wastage at batch start-up, shortens the batch time, reduces contamination risks and speeds up your production process. The Hot Start Steam Mixer helps to optimise the feed safety while minimising spoilage. Safe feed forms the basis for safe food. The Hot Start Steam Mixer helps to optimise the production of safe feed by preventing contamination of further processes by untreated product. As all product exiting the Hot Start Steam Mixer has reached the required temperature, wastage at batch start-up is prevented. Saving not only money. Also, from a sustainable perspective it has become ever more important to make sure spoilage of raw materials is minimised. Next to the Hot Start Steam Mixer, Van Aarsen has also improved its steam systems. High steam quality is of great importance for quality feed production. Steam quality directly affects the quality of the conditioning process. The new Van Aarsen steam reducing group is designed to create the right quality of dry, saturated steam. This steam is free from condensate, which helps to control the temperature and the amount of moisture in the conditioner. This ensures a consistent product quality. The removal of excess condensate also ensures a long lifetime of all the components in the steam system by eliminating the risk of water hammer. Van Aarsen steam systems ensure high steam quality, accurate dosing and worry-free performance. Another important improvement is their steam dosing control, which controls the amount of steam that is added to the conditioner. Steam quantity is based on the temperature of the feed exiting the steam mixer and the specified target temperature. The Van Aarsen steam quantity control group comes with all the necessary components to ensure a trouble-free operation and removal of condensate. It accurately manages the output of steam and prevents possible damage to the nutritional value of feed components.


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In this months Milling and Grain




by Kazutaka Ikeda, International Business Division, Satake Corporation, Japan

atake’s history for the development of the tempering grain dryer began in the 1960’s. After building Japan’s first country elevator (CE) with LSU type dryers in 1964, Satake started installing its new type dryer SDRSpeed Dryer, in its CEs. The new dryer repeated the process of heating up the paddy for six minutes and holding it for two hours in a separate bin to evenly distribute the moisture contents (MC) between the husk and the brown rice inside, a process referred to as “tempering”, to slowly bring the MC down for safer storage. A single heating and tempering cycle reduced the MC by approximately two percent. Besides contributing to the yield by reducing the broken rice caused by rapid drying, the tempering drying method was also able to reduce the size of the equipment. It needed only 1/20th the size of drying section compared to previous continuous dryers. The tempering drying method became the standard for paddy drying since that period. In 1966, Satake introduced a smaller size dryer, the MDR series, for farmers. It had both drying and tempering sections in a single unit. Paddy moved through a drying section receiving heated air at approximately 40-60°C for few minutes then transferred to a tempering section above by a bucket elevator. It was held here for approximately one hour to equilibrate the MC between husk and brown rice before then being moved through the drying section again. Repeating this cycle multiple times, the MC dropped by 0.5 percent every one hour. This signaled the introduction of both the first “tempering dryer” and “recirculating dryer”. Since then, Satake’s tempering dryer has continuously made advances in its functionality, introducing such features as a standard moisture meter controlled drying time, and an automatic shut off burner function once the desired moisture level is achieved. When I joined as a sales person in 1997, Satake had

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already sold the GDR- Gourmet Dryer, equipped with a single-grain automatic moisture meter and a gun-type kerosene burner. The dryer was equipped with a “Gourmet Drying” function- a special drying mode, and an innovative function not found in other dryers in the market. Its purpose was to prevent the deterioration of germination rate and to increase tastiness by gradually raising the hot air temperature rather than fixed high temperature to dry the grain. Unfortunately, many customers did not use this function because the dryer’s automatic temperature control system provided sufficient final product quality for them even at the normal drying setting. The accuracy of the moisture meter, trouble free machine mechanism, high final product quality, made this dryer extremely popular among farmers. I am proudly pleased to see that some users still use the dryer even today. In 1999, Satake launched the RMDR, Magic Dryer. It was designed to dramatically improve drying efficiency by adding a warming section additional to the ordinary drying section and provided the fastest drying speed in the market. At the time, most of other manufacturers began to introduce far-infrared dryers. This was almost a fad in the industry. However, Satake went one step beyond because what our customers truly needed was drying efficiency and shorter drying time. In 2004, Satake developed the “Solana” type dryer, from the Spanish word “sun”, as a successor to the RMDR in the Japanese market. Although it was well received by the market, Satake engineers continued improving the dryer. Inverters were added to reduce operation cost. The addition of a humidity sensor also made it … because that’s what we do, too. On every single possible to automatically maintain FILIP cleaner, we monitor every detail throughout the the drying rate even at high entire manufacturing process. We know that our ambient humidity. To make its proven quality will guarantee effective sieve cleaning operation as easy and simple as within your plansifters. And that, in turn, will ensure possible, our engineering team a high yield from your passages. pushed the limit of automated operational functions. Efficient. Quality. Cleaning. In 2016, Satake began sales of Solana base dryer NSDR to overseas markets. By 2019, it has gained popularity in many countries, especially in Asia, such as India, Bangladesh, Thailand, FILIP GmbH • Müllereibürsten • Anemonenweg 4 • D-33335 Gütersloh the Philippines, Vietnam, Telephone: +49 (0)5241 29330 • Telefax: +49 (0)5241 20321 Indonesia and Myanmar. SIEVE CLEANERS E-mail: • The Asian market has even greater potential in the future.

Take a closer look!

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 47


Many still do not utilise mechanical dryers and sundry rice paddy, and most of all, rice production is still growing. As an added feature to NSDR, paddy husk which is more economical and easier to procure than kerosene in many Asian region, was adopted as a heat source option. The dryer performance was designed to maximise the yield and quality of the final product - white rice. Another function our engineers focused was ease of operation. For example, the degree of variation in MC is displayed in detail on a monitor, and even when the variation is large, the gradual variation in moisture as it becomes uniform can be visually checked in detail, during and after drying.

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By visually checking on the monitor, its operator can choose to dry slowly or less slowly when there is excessive MC variation. Even if the grain temperature is unexpectedly increased, depending on the nature of the rice, the grain temperature is controlled by sensor, so it is automatically controlled to be lower. This automatic control function, which is standard to NSDR, enables the production of dried paddy with superior storage and processing properties, and with low moisture variability. When dried paddy is mixed with high-moisture paddy, there is a high possibility of producing damaged rice, such as discolored or rotten rice - unsellable in the market. NSDR can avoid this issue. Additionally, both over-dried and highmoisture rice can cause instability in milling, such as yield, amount of broken, whiteness, etc. NSDR can avoid this issue by drying grains to a set moisture level regardless of ambient conditions, resulting in a stable milling process, and a better taste in the final product, white rice. Grain dryer design, incorporating all the elements from drying efficiency, through processing, to final product taste, is something Satake continues to pioneer amid a long history of tempering dryer development. Satake continues to develop equipment that responds to the true needs of its customers, industry, and the market.



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Reduce your CO2 footprint and realize more capacity MonoRoll HE

Please contact us for a brochure request and for the possibilities within your company. - * Field tests have shown an energy gain ranging from 2.5 to 5 kWh / ton

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 49




New technology will reduce energy consumption of the drying process by up to 65 percent by Sander Geelen, Managing Director, Geelen Counterflow, the Netherlands


Energy consumption is always a hot topic in the grain and feed business, as the cost of running dryers is often a significant business expense for companies. The new Geelen Counterflow Electric Dryer, with its phenomenally low energy draw won the 2019 Animal Feed and Nutrition Awards for the Environment category

ntil recently, most heat pumps were only capable of boosting temperatures to no more than 80°C. In recent years, however, a new generation of heat pumps has been developed which can achieve temperature boosts to as much as 125°C. This enabled a quantum leap in the thermal efficiency of the

drying process. In 2014, Geelen Counterflow’s R&D team started preparing the standard Geelen Counterflow dryer design for the optional addition of heat pumps and heat exchangers so the required thermal energy can be generated from electricity as well as gas. Most of 2016 was spent testing the new technology at 1:8 pilot scale, connected to an operational 11 mtph. extrusion line in a super-premium petfood plant. Geelen monitored the situation on-site and by remote diagnostics. Many months’ worth of process data were collected and analysed. The Counterflow Recovery Unit with integrated CIP system (Cleaning in Place) went through many iterations, minimising the cleaning frequency for the plant’s maintenance team. During testing in 2016, Geelen found a Coefficient Of Performance

Figure 1: The Geelen Counterflow Hybrid Dryer recovers most of the energy contained in the exhaust air by passing that warm, wet air through a Counterflow Recovery Unit (1). In that heat exchanger, relatively cold water from the heat pump (2), triggers condensation of the warm wet air. During condensation, energy is recovered from the air and transferred to the water (3) flowing back towards the heat pump (4). The heat pump then uses that energy, plus electricity, to boost the temperature of another water circuit to 125°C (6), which is used by heat exchangers next to the dryer to generate hot air (7)for drying the wet product. The ‘spent air’ (8) is exhausted to avoid food safety risks, but it now contains much less fines and odour molecules as these have been transferred to the condensate (9) which can be re-used in the process or passed to the water treatment system.

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(COP) for the heat pump between 2.4 and 3.0, depending on the required drying air temperature for a given product. Net energy consumption of the dryer is reduced by up to 65 percent. Where Geelen’s Counterflow Dryers on gas or steam will typically consume no more than 2700 kJ per litre of evaporated water, the recovery of heat from the dryer exhaust and the addition of heat pumps and heat exchangers will reduce net energy consumption to less than 1000 kJ per kilogram of evaporated moisture. Given that dryers on gas consume around 50 percent of the total extrusion line’s energy, a very large improvement in overall energy intensity per-tonne-of-product can be achieved. CO2 emissions pertonne-of-product can be reduced by 99 percent, provided electricity is from certified renewable sources. Up to 65 percent of water is recovered. The above savings will translate into a significant reduction in the operational costs of drying. The exact number depends on the price of gas and electricity, but in all cases so far Geelen found that total cost of ownership is reduced very significantly. Once the dryer has the correct recirculation air system, electrification can be done in modular steps. The lower temperature zones are most attractive as the heat pump will run on COP’s as high as four-to-five, and investment is more limited. If gas prices go up in a particular market, more and more temperature zones can be fitted with heat pump capacity and heat exchangers. For those considering expanding or upgrading production capacity, it is worthwhile to analyse the developments in energy markets and energy- and carbon-tax policies. Bear in mind that a new dryer should run for 30 years, consuming more energy than any other equipment in the plant. Depending on where the plant is located, users may find that, in addition to the significant environmental benefits, the financial pay-back of this clean drying technology is shorter than expected.





A late season investment to maximise profits


by Rodie Jelleberg, Dryer Division Head at Superior Grain Equipment

Superior 1610 Dryer in Tennessee

ate planting seasons present many challenges. The old saying goes, “time is money,” and that couldn’t be more on the money when it comes to a late harvest. Racing the weather and not being able to get crops off is stressful enough but having them spoil due to improper storage and conditioning is worse yet. So how does one get some peace of mind when it comes to harvest time? One way is to install a grain dryer into your system. Grain dryers benefit your operation in many ways. Most importantly you have the option of being able to get into the field sooner, which works two-fold: You’re getting the jump on harvest. Starting earlier gives you the ability to get all the crop off before the bad weather sets in and possibly prevents you from getting the last few fields off until spring. It’s heartbreaking to see all that hard work you put in during the season hindered by an early snowstorm that makes it impossible to get the remainder of the crop off. You’re lessening your field loss. Research has shown that when it comes to corn harvest specifically, taking the crop off at 23-26 percent moisture is ideal. Field loss increases significantly as you take the crop off below 23 percent. In-bin or on-bin drying systems have limitations when it comes to the amount of moisture you can take out of the grain when it is sitting in storage. Typically, 18-19 percent is the highest moisture that you can safely be able to condition down in a bin. That’s if you have enough time and ideal drying days to be able to use natural air drying in the bin. Despite the clear advantages of dryers, we still receive lots of questions from producers and would like to take time to address them, along with a few common misconceptions:

“Grain dryers are too expensive.”

We hear this all the time. Granted grain dryers are a higher ticket item but they’re an investment. What is the cost of your field loss if you’re waiting to harvest until the corn is at 19 percent in the field? What is it costing you in lost profits when the last fields you’re harvesting are already dried down to 12-13 percent? 52 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Superior 2416 Dryer in North Dakota

"What is the cost of drying at the elevator?"

You’d be surprised how quickly a dryer investment pays off when you look at even small amounts of grain being run through your system. If you had 100,000 bushels of grain to dry and you needed to take five points off and the elevator charges a nickelper-point-per-bushel, your drying costs would be US $25,000. If you could dry it yourself at a nickel-per-bushel-per-five-pointremoval, your drying costs are only $5,000. You just saved yourself $20,000.

“But I don’t need to dry. I’ll wait and let the sun do it for me.”

So, let’s take a look at that scenario with the same 100,000 bushels. If you can maximise your test weight and minimise your field loss by taking the corn off at 24 percent versus taking it off at 17 percent, one could easily see a net gain of 10 cents-perbushel after drying costs. You just gained another $10,000 on your bottom line. A producer down in Mississippi harvested corn starting at 28 percent and ended the year harvesting 13 percent corn from the field. His profits were much greater with the higher moisture corn than with the lower moisture crop.

“OK you sold me... I want a dryer, but which one should I get?”

Most modern grain dryers fall into two categories: Conventional or Screen dryers, and Mixed-Flow or Rack-style dryers. Screen dryers work well as far as moving product through quickly, however, the design isn’t very “product friendly” when it comes to quality. The heat front that moves through the sets of screens hits the inner column of grain with high heat and as it moves towards the outside column it loses heat and, as a result, the inner column can become overdried while the outer column becomes under dried. Taking samples may show that the sample average is on target, however, when individual kernels are sampled you could have a wide range of 20 points or more. On the other hand, Mixed-flow dryers move the heated air through ducts that are not in direct contact with the product and treat every kernel the same. The result is a narrower band of moistures when individually sampled. Better individual sampling will help return better average


Superior MixedFlow Dryers are height expandable up to 26 tiers

sampling, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle as grain quality is also affected. Shock cooling can occur when the ambient air is significantly cooler than the grain temps, especially in late fall in the northern regions where the growing season is shorter as it is. Shock cooling results in stress cracking and the more stress cracking you have the more dockage and discount you get at the elevator. Mixed-flow dryers lessen the shock cooling factor and the resulting stress cracking.

“So how do the different mixed-flow options compare?”

We have a dedicated dryer team that “lives and breathes” grain drying. We’re constantly working to get the most out of our mixed-flow dryer design, with improvements being made year after year to increase efficiency. Our mixed-flow dryers already by design have better quality products coming out of them so we’re constantly trying to get more bushels dried-per-hour at a cheaper rate. We’ve already seen major improvements in efficiency and throughput in the last few years, yet we’re still fine-tuning to enhance optimal operation. Superior mixed-flow dryers offer easy expandability (from 1026 tiers) so you can grow your equipment with your operation. Solid-state controls make them easy to work on and they don’t require OEM parts so when time is critical, you won’t be “dead in the water” for a week waiting for a special electronic part that can only be sourced from the manufacturer. We still have the ability to remote monitor though the Dryer Master moisture controller. Here, all of the important drying information is available through an app on your phone which also allows you to see trends and historical data right on the screen.


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“It’s probably too late to get a dryer this year though?”

Not so. We are ready for the late 2019 harvest and are producing stock as we speak. Because it’s been such a wet year our team has been busy preparing; we’ve paid attention to the late planting season and made sure we’re ready to ship out some dryers. Drying grain is an important part of the harvesting process, especially if you plan to store your grain to market it for the best return. On-farm solutions can be much more affordable than you think and over time can save you money. If you think a dryer might be right for your operation or if you’re on the fence and want to see how a dryer might benefit you, feel free to contact Superior for more information. Our dryer team looks forward to discussing whatever questions you might have and can provide solutions for any size operation.

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Adapted geometry to match the product by EPA Dosiertechnik GmbH, Germany

ince antiquity, the Archimedean screw has been used for conveyor tasks. In the modern bulk material industry, conveying and metering screws have become indispensable, although they have some disadvantages. By design, the material to be transported is compressed or squeezed, there are rotating parts in the product stream, which make cleaning difficult, and the sealing of the drive shaft is always a weak point with regard to product contamination. In many cases, high friction between the screw and the trough wall impairs the product, in addition, screw machines operate in a narrow performance range of only approximately 1:10. Nevertheless, screw conveyors cannot be replaced in many applications, but with just as many, it is also possible with vibrating conveyors (feeders).

54 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Technical principles of vibratory feeders

Oscillating conveyor drives are magnetically or pneumatically driven two-mass vibration systems with a drive base (A - the larger mass), a conveyor table with mounted conveyor trough and gutter assignment (B – use-mass) and leaf spring elements (C - they connect the utility Mass with the drive base) (See Figure One). The product on the channel is accelerated by the oscillation with defined frequency and amplitude (Fa) and travels a small distance on the channel, which correlates directly proportional to the stroke of the channel. Due to the force of gravity (Fg), the product remains after acceleration over the distance (stroke) on the channel (Fh), by renewed acceleration with the drive frequency, the process is repeated (See Figure 2). The product is thus transported with the drive frequency and the stroke of the channel, without being mechanically stressed. In the

F following, we focus on electro-magnetically driven vibratory conveyors, only here the drive can take place with resonance frequency, which is essential for a linear performance. A linear performance is, in turn, the prerequisite for achieving good metering results with vibrating troughs. The useful mass and the leaf spring elements form a vibration system with a narrow-band, mechanical resonance frequency. Any change in the use-mass or leaf spring elements shifts this resonant frequency. The stable operation of a conventional conveyor drive has close working limits, because the drive frequency and the resonance frequency must be close together for a useful vibration deflection. Changing the useful mass (eg the trough load) therefore forces a complex adjustment (eg by addition attach weights or replace leaf spring elements). Inadequate balance results in reduced delivery rate (vibration amplitude is too small) or unstable operation (swinging amplitude rocks). Another drawback of the conventional technique is that the delivery rate is not linear to the control voltage. To compensate for these disadvantages, our vibratory conveyor drive is permanently driven at the resonant frequency of the entire system. The optimum drive frequency is determined and readjusted by means of an integrated linear speedometer generator. This speedometer consists of a generator coil (attached to the vibration drive) and a permanent magnet (attached to the conveyor trough) and detects the oscillation frequency and amplitude between the vibration drive and the conveyor trough, thus providing the reference signal for the two control loops:

The frequency control circuit synchronises the drive frequency to the resonance frequency of the vibration system (it is not adjusted as usual, the resonance frequency). The amplitude control circuit controls and limits the energy and guarantees an exactly proportional behavior of the oscillation amplitude to the setpoint. Disturbing influences such as load changes are corrected, so that the conveyor trough is always controlled with the optimum frequency even in continuous operation. The amplitude (stroke of the channel) can be set between 0.4 and 4mm. Outputs of 50 g/h to approximately 10 t/h can be achieved via this stroke (with a bulk density of 1kg/l). The setting

STORE SMART, STORE SQUARE Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 55


range of the resonance-driven channels is 1: 1000 and is linear to the specified setpoint. With regard to the product to be conveyed, this technology offers various advantages:

Length of the conveyor trough

The channel shape can be individually adapted to the product and the geometric requirements of the process. Thus, conveyor channels can vary in length between 50cm and four metres. The large spectrum is made possible by the use of several synchronously operating vibrators.

2. Width of the conveyor trough

For different tasks conveyor channels can be calculated so that constant discharge widths of up to two metres are possible. For applications that require a uniform application of product, there is virtually no comparable technical solution.

3. Discharge, shape of the gutter

As a rule, classic rectangular trough moulds are used. Depending on the application, delivery pipes with quick-release fasteners are also used for easy cleaning, and delivery pipes made of glass are also possible. For particularly large performance

ranges of up to 1: 1000, V-shaped troughs are used.

4. Conveyor troughs as a separator

By using one or more screening stages within a gutter, conveyors can also be used as separators and integrated directly into the product stream. This makes classification into upper and lower grain possible. Multi-stage systems can also be realised.

5. Cleaning, FDA, ATEX

When using a vibrator conveyer there are usually no other parts (rotating screw, etc.) in the product stream. This makes conveyor systems with dosing channels less prone to external contamination. What’s more, the gutter system is very easy to clean and FDA compliant. Versions with complete encapsulation of the product flow via PTFE inlays and plastic pipes are also possible. Thus, products that cannot tolerate contact with metal, can be conveyed. Systems with gutters can be easily sealed/encapsulated or operated under light pressure (about 20mbar). Thus, the certified operation within the ATEX zones 2/22 is easily possible.

Use of conveyor troughs in conjunction with “loss in weight� controls for demanding dosing tasks

In combination with a suitable gravimetric control system, all conveyors can be used for highly precise metering of bulk solids (accuracy better than 0.5%). Using the resonant-controlled vibratory trough in metering devices controlled by the LWF Integral (LWF) method results in extremely good short-term accuracies. This results from the fact that in one second, depending on the determined resonance frequency, 35-65 drops of the product can be realised, which is hardly conceivable when using dosing screws. By using the LWF Integral control, the container weight is continuously measured and the dosing capacity with the vibrating chute is controlled in such a way that the quantity of conveyed material corresponding to the setpoint value is always deducted from the container. The decreasing setpoint curve is processed as an integral function according to the required throughput rate. A deviation of the decreasing container weight from the calculated setpoint curve directly intervenes as a controlled variable for the drive. The dosing is thus following a high-precision beam, constantly readjusted.


The trough is not the first choice for all applications, but in many scenarios it is clearly superior to available alternative technologies. Due to the low-maintenance design, not only the purchase is significantly cheaper compared to screw systems, also the maintenance-free operation keeps the total TCO low. The achievement range of> 1: 100 is unsatisfied. This cannot be realised with any comparable system. In particular, this can become very relevant for later performance or recipe adjustments of a plant and thus also reduce costs in the long term. 56 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain


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roller mill The new Diorit roller mill with leading-edge control


by Nicholas Trounce, Product Manager, BĂźhler Group, Switzerland

he new Diorit 2019 offers even more user-friendliness than ever. The Diorit MDDY/MDDZ four- and eight-roller mill from BĂźhler has impressively proven itself since its market launch in 2017. With its sturdy design, reliable grinding and best sanitation, the Diorit has completely established itself as a cost-efficient but very high-performing grinding solution. The Diorit four- and eight-roller mill MDDY/MDDZ consistently and safely grinds wheat, maize/corn, rye, barley, spelt and other grains. More than 1000 Diorit roller mills have been sold since its market introduction and are in use around the world.

Diorit 2019

Two years after the Diorit market launch, BĂźhler again improved it, this time primarily in terms of user-friendliness. The most obvious innovation of the new Diorit generation is the completely revised control system as well as the newly designed user interface. 58 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

The roller mill now offers intuitive and easy monitoring and control. And not only is the Diorit generation 2019 operable via the redesigned touchscreen - thanks to the integrated webserver, it can also be operated remotely. By connecting to the wireless network, the Diorit roller mill can be operated by smartphone, tablet or PC within the mill. The touchscreen on the roller mill is optionally available on request because it is no longer needed. Another improvement is the grinding chamber which has been enlarged by 30 millimeters on the Diorit 2019. That allows the operator more space for product sampling.

Reliably monitored

State-of-the-art sensor technology in the Diorit ensure that the rolls are always in the optimal position running at optimal speed. It also features integrated roll disengagement monitoring. This prevents the rolls from running against each other without product and can generate an error message when needed. Roll speed monitoring on the rear grinding roll checks whether the drive belt is functioning correctly in continuous operation. The optionally available, continuous monitoring of the roll and bearing temperature triggers an alarm and immediately stops

F operation as soon as the rolls or bearing temperatures get excessively hot. Plus, additional safety features guarantee the highest level of safety for operating personnel. The Diorit also has a hand guard when fluted rolls are used. This ensures that operating personnel can take product samples during on-going operation with maximum safety.

Food safety design

The Diorit roller mill also provides high food safety. All surfaces that come in contact with product are made of stainless steel or other food-safe materials. Lockable covers secure access to the machine and eliminate the risk of contamination. The swing-out feed module ensures a fast and residue-free product discharge while also providing easy access for cleaning. The sturdy, cast-iron Diorit machine frame provides an optimal base for high grinding performance in 24-hour continuous operation. The wide inlet and the variable speed of the feeding Diorit 2019 with new roll ensure even feeding across the control entire length of the grinding roll, system contributing to consistent product quality. The compact, powerful roll pack makes it possible to achieve high accuracy and stable grinding. The wear-resistant, lowmaintenance and noiseless belt drive ensures quiet, reliable and continuous operation. The new roller mill Diorit is especially attractive because of its low maintenance. The wear-resistant belt drive ensures long life and reliable continuous operation. The Roll Quick Pack accelerates roll changing which increases operating time and contributes to even better overall mill efficiency.

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Individual solutions possible

The roller mill Diorit from Bühler is available as a four- or eight-roller mill in various lengths from 600mm to 1500mm. In addition, the four-roller mill is offered with a roll diameter of 300 millimeters for the versions with roll lengths of 1000 and 1250 millimeters. This increases the roll surface by 20 percent, which extends the service life of the rolls. The grinding surface increases by 10 percent, which results in higher flour yields in the fine semolina passages and higher fine flour portion and lower starch damage in the smooth roll passages. Differing product inlet and rolls options can be selected for all Diorit models. Whatever the requirement for performance and throughput, it can be realised. In addition, the Diorit roller mill has a broad range of optional features for meeting individual requirements, such as direct suction and water cooling. More information on the Diorit roller mill

Your partner for process automation solutions Our solutions: Design and engineering Build and installation MCC and PLC panels Software engineering PLC/SCADA MES application Batch Explorer Integration to other software packages Turn Key installations incl. training, service & support Service & support Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 59


The cost of machine downtime


by Houghton International, UK achine downtime can cause major complications. If there is no preparation in place, interruptions to appliances can be detrimental to productivity and profit margins. A study commissioned by Oneserve revealed machine downtime costs the UK approximately UK £18 billion a year. If this was reduced it could boost the British economy at a time when it’s most essential with Brexit remaining an unknown factor.

Machine downtime for UK companies

Machine downtime can cause any manufacturing process to cease. With growing consumerism creating higher demand for products, fast and efficient machine procedures are critical to a firm’s success. The impact of machine downtime differs by sector; in the automotive industry, one minute can cost a staggering £17,000. A British Airways technical failure in 2017 cost the company £80 million. 60 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

It’s not just the financial side that is affected by machine downtime, a company’s reputation is also on the line if it fails to meet the demands of a supplier. There’s also the stress of employees who must rectify the downtime to consider.

How to calculate the costs of downtime

To calculate the costs of downtime, you must first work out the following: Labour costs: The duration of the machine downtime period x the hourly pay rate of your operators = Your lost labour costs Product costs: The price of a single-unit product x the total of items you produce in a certain period x the machine downtime period Recovery costs: Work out how much it costs you for: machine reboots, energy surges, replacing/repairing parts, retrieving lost data and your other calculations to get a more accurate machine downtime value Extra costs: Bear in mind that the value of machine downtime goes beyond profits lost during the downtime period Total cost: All the above costs plus the total cost of machine downtime. Ensure that you use the same units of time to work each section out for an accurate outcome (eg employee pay per hour, product output per hour, etc.)



It is important for companies to ensure a plan is implemented to help reduce the negative impact of machine downtime. Statistically, more than half of machine downtime is caused by hidden internal faults, so it’s essential to regularly check and maintain equipment. Chris Proctor, Oneserve CEO, says, “One of the most common technical faults is the overheating of particular parts, especially where there is metal on metal, as these can short electrical circuits and cause the machines to stop running.” “Vibrations, usually the first sign a machine is breaking, are another major cause of internal technical fault — they cause a cascading effect which can have a devastating impact on the machine. General wear and tear, as well as operator misuse, can also be the cause of technical fault.” Acquiring services such as industrial pump repairs, can reduce the risk of internal issues that can spark lengthy machine downtime if not identified. Adopt a preventative maintenance mindset and check your machines and computers for viruses, glitches, and inefficient parts that could cause a companywide cessation of work. Boost manager-to-operator communications so that those working with the machines in question can relay concerns if they have any before it’s too late. Commit your company by regularly updating your software, equipment and training staff to use machines and work stations properly. Machine downtime is a near-certainty in all industries. However, it doesn’t have to be a disaster. Preventative measures (and keeping on top of downtime calculations) can make all the difference. Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 61






A challenging environment for feed producers by Roger Gilbert, Publisher, Milling and Grain

hat has a hospital, school, vineyard and hotel gotten in common? They form part of a privately-owned business that has 24 separate activities including a 300,000-tonnes-year feedmill called the Dawu Project located just north of Beijing at Baoding in Hebei Province. The factory itself is new, being commissioned in early 2018 and coming online fully in June 2018. It has recently completed its first full year of production from five production lines, with two for ruminants and three for pigs. The capacity of the pellet mill for pig feeds is 12-tonnesper-hour-per-line with the 4.0mm die holes; compression ratio is 1: 6. The capacity of the pellet mill for ruminant feed is nine-tonnes-per-hour-per-line with the 4.0mm die hole; compression ratio is 1: 9. A key feature of this mill is the external silo structure for raw materials to complement traditional bag handling and flat storage facilities. The project has four intake points and eight large silos for macro raw material storage; four silos for corn and DDGS and four silos for soybeans and soybean meal. Each soybean meal silo holds up to 250 tonnes and corn silo 1500 tonnes each. 62 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain


The new fully automated factory, built by Famsun, relies on just six operators per shift. It has four two-tonne batch mixers for its five pig and dairy lines. Compete feeds are stored in the 24 five-six tonne internal bins with an additional seven small bins. Two grinders process all the raw materials using 90kW and 110kW hammer mills running three and two mm screens with a top throughput of 18-tonnes-per-hour. Two pellet mills, running at 1012 tonnes per hour, are supported by two 15-tonne-per-hour coolers. The mill has a total capacity of 1000 tonnes-per-day and 300,000 tonnes per year.

The future for milk products

The dairy feed production lines are newly installed and started out producing 100-tonnes-per-day, which is expected to rise rapidly due to there being a new dairy factory nearby which is encouraging greater dairy production to meet a growing demand from consumers. All our dairy feeds are of sale and they are becoming more popular as milk consumption in the area increases, says mill managers Mr Kong and Mr Qi.

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 63


The old factory, which is being replaced, is producing 400-tonnes-per-day of poultry feeds, while the new one is already producing 1000-tonnesper-day based on pig feeds and dairy feeds alone. There is also an extruder for providing small piglet feeds. Dust collection keeps the whole factory clean and tidy. While raw materials arrive in both bulk and bags - but mostly in bulk for corn and soybeans - all outgoing feed is in 40kg bags with bags being for one-time use and the bagging lines supported by robotic arms for palletising. “Production is increasing each month and the potential for feed is clear,� adds Mr Qi. L to R, Mr Peng, Mr Xu and Mr Qi

64 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

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Perfect burger buns from China to Chile


by Tip Keng Pong, Technical Director Stern Ingredients Asia-Pacific, Roman Gradert, head of the baking laboratory, Stern Ingredients Mexico, Christof Schricke, R & D, Baking Applications, Mühlenchemie, Vladimir Wengorz, R & D, Baking Applications Eastern Europe / Russia, Mühlenchemie.

uality fluctuations are a “no-go” with burger buns. The international fast food chains expect their suppliers to maintain strict product standards. Four experts from the enzyme specialist Mühlenchemie explain from their own experience how similar burger buns can be produced around the globe – regardless of individual production conditions and the raw materials used. In the summer of 2018, burger buns hit the headlines of the US press after the Texan fast food chain In-N-Out Burger decided to close it restaurants temporarily. The reason given was the poor quality of its burger buns. How can the milling and baking industry prevent such a fiasco?

66 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

What are the issues with burger bun production?

Tip Keng Pong, Technical Director for Stern Ingredients AsiaPacific says: The production of burger buns is no easy matter. There must be no noticeable deviations from the characteristics and appearance specified by the fast food restaurant chains. Volume, texture, colour, taste – each bun must be exactly the same as the others. But since overall conditions vary enormously and every bakery works with different raw materials and equipment, problems sometimes occur nevertheless.

Where do the difficulties lie, then, in the production of burger buns?

Christof Schricke, Research & Development, Baking Applications, Mühlenchemie says: Burger buns are soft rolls with a high sugar and fat content. They must have an extremely soft, fluffy crumb and a fine texture. The whole bun should have a golden colour with very little white at the side. The crust must have no cracks or blisters and should be evenly browned. In spite of their soft consistency, the buns have to be very robust. And the shape must be right, of course: for instance, the height of a standard bun is between 4.6 and 4.9 cm. That only gives you a margin of three millimetres.”


"Quality fluctuations are a

So what flours should be used to meet the specifications of the burger chains?

“no-go” with burger buns.

Roman Gradert, Head of the Baking Laboratory at Stern Ingredients Mexico: In principle the flour should have good viscoelastic properties and a high gas retention capacity. Here in Mexico, the bakeries often use hard red winter wheat from the USA. Canadian wheat is a good choice for burger bun flour too. A high protein content, soft gluten – that is ideal. But these varieties are often mixed with cheaper lots for reasons of cost. Vladimir Wengorz, R & D, Baking Applications, Eastern Europe/Russia, Mühlenchemie: The situation in Eastern Europe is a very special case. Wheat from Kazakhstan, from example, is an excellent high-protein bread wheat. But for burger buns the strong gluten tends to be a disadvantage. To deal with this you have to work with special proteases to achieve a soft, supple dough structure. Schricke: Very often, bakeries are not free to choose what raw materials to use, because in many countries imports of wheat are regulated by the government. So the mills and bakeries have to manage with what happens to be available; that is where the biggest challenge lies. Pong: In Asia, too, flours differ enormously in respect of their protein content and gluten quality. Weak flours, for example, can result in blistering and a coarse crumb, whereas flours that are too strong cause a brittle structure. It’s crucial to avoid faults of that kind in the products, otherwise you find yourself faced with a lot of costly rejects.

The international fast food chains expect their suppliers to maintain strict product standards" we have a special toolbox. At the mills it is essential to ensure a high level of standardisation. The fine tuning is then usually the job of the bakeries. If enzymes, ascorbic acid and emulsifiers are adjusted optimally to the flour, good burger buns can be made even from weaker flours.

Which aspects of flour treatment are the most important?

Wengorz: One of the main tasks is to strengthen the structure of the dough and improve its fermentation tolerance. Some bakeries work with 70 percent sponge dough. Although that is good for water binding, it can cause problems with stability, especially in conjunction with long fermentation periods during preparation of the dough. Then degradation processes take place which have a negative effect on the quality of the products. If the dough sticks to the fermentation tray, for example, the result is uneven patches and pits on the underside of the buns. Moreover, doughs of that kind often have too little resistance

So how is it possible to achieve uniform products in spite of different raw materials?

Gradert: Flour improvement plays an important role. For this

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Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 67


to mechanical stress, for example the slope of the conveyor belts or during transfer to the ovens. Then it is essential to increase the stability of the dough with special bun improvers. Pong: It’s important for the dough to have a flowing consistency, too. If the structure is too firm and the dough does not fill the baking pan properly, the result is poor pan flow. Then the buns have different heights – an absolute no-go. In that case the protein strands of the gluten have to be split, and the extensibility of the dough increased. Emulsifiers or emulsifying enzyme systems are important, too, in order to make the dough more supple and ensure a fine crumb texture.

Why are the properties of the crumb so important?

Wengorz: The crumb must have a fine, even texture so that the bun does not become saturated when filled. When the bun is toasted, the sugar in it caramelises and closes the pores on the cut surfaces. If the texture is too coarse, the crumb could soak up the meat juice from the hamburger or the sauce. That is a totally undesirable effect.

So the requirements for burger buns remain demanding, even after baking. Where do other problems occur?

Pong: One crucial point is reached just after baking. The products are cooled down quickly – then it may happen that the buns shrink and bend. Dough-relaxing enzymes like Alphamalt PRO can prevent this effect. Schricke: The stability of the baked products is important for other reasons, too, because the buns are packed on top of each other. That can easily result in breakage. One way to avoid it is with EMCEgluten Enhancer, a functional compound consisting of enzymes, vegetable fibres and hydrocolloids. Gradert: Another aspect is the shelf life. Here in Mexico we have greatly differing climate zones, from cool to tropical. That has to be taken into consideration. Under humid conditions you often need preservatives to delay microbiological spoilage. And maltogenic amylases and emulsifiers help to keep the buns fresh for up to six weeks. Alphamalt Fresh prolongs the softness of the 68 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

crumb by several weeks.

Additives to serve every purpose – but on the other hand, in 2018 McDonalds announced that it intended to stop using chemical additives in its buns in the future…

Pong: Clean label and green label are major trends throughout the food industry. As an enzyme specialist we find responses to that – responses that are in keeping with the times. We have hundreds of enzyme components with different spectrums of effect. From these we develop innovative alternatives to many of the conventional additives. In Asia, for example, there is a lot of discussion about azodicarbonamide as an oxidising agent. Flour improvers based on glucose oxidase can replace this additive. Wengorz: In Russia, several fast food chains no longer want L-cysteine. As an alternative, proteases or inactivated yeast, like MC-Relax 400, can achieve similar relaxing effects. Gradert: In Latin America, ADA has come under fire too. During contacts with customers I often hear that emulsifiers need to be reduced. The enzymatic solutions to the problem already exist, but bakeries sometimes lack the courage to use such alternatives in practice.

Why is that?

Gradert: Enzymes need rather more precise handling than emulsifiers, because their effect depends on several factors. For example, when esterases are used in the production of burger buns the fermentation time and temperature should be as consistent as possible to ensure consistent results in the baked products. DATEM, SSL and monoglycerides are less sensitive. But as a rule, processing conditions in the baking industry are so standardised that the enzymes are fully suitable as a substitute for such additives. A further point in favour of enzymes is their excellent life cycle assessment because of the extremely low dosage required; environmental aspects of this kind are attracting more and more attention in the food industry, just they are as elsewhere.


#3 Dosing by Van Aarsen, the Netherlands

Feed industry professionals, academics and business people learned about inner workings of a feed mill at the Build my FeedMill Conference on March 13 at VIV Asia. In conjunction with Milling and Grain, VIV Asia hosted 12 speakers who presented information about their feed mill and storage products. Those in attendance were led through the entire milling process, from intake and conveying to weighing, grinding, pelleting, drying and cooling and storage. Best practices in micro-dosing of ingredients was discussed to an eager audience by Erik de Graaff of Van Aarsen.


here is a rapidly increasing demand for tailor-made feed. It challenges feed manufacturers to dose an ever-increasing number of different ingredients in small quantities. Van Aarsen International helps to optimise the fine dosing process via the application of specialised small, micro, and precision ingredient

dosing systems. These systems allow producers to accurately dose a large number of vitamins, minerals, and additives without any loss of quality, speed and production capacity.

70 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

F Dosing a large range of micro-ingredients

The addition of micro-ingredients in animal feeds demands the highest possible precision in order to realise the desired effect for each animal in each phase of the animal’s life. Adding too much results in wasting precious ingredients and adding too little results in suboptimal performance. Many feed manufacturers are faced with the challenge of having to produce formulas with an increasingly diverse range of micro-ingredients, each with their specific properties such as sticky, dusty, aggressive and abrasive. Production capacity can then quickly become a bottleneck, as sequential weighing and dosing of multiple micro-ingredients with traditional systems takes a lot of time. Van Aarsen offers a combination of small, micro, and precision ingredient dosing as a solution for achieving: • Optimum accuracy • No product spoilage • No human mistakes • High production speed • Continuity in case of personnel changes • A safe work environment (prevent danger for human health due to hazardous components)

Hygienic and accurate dosing technology for precious micro-ingredients

The first step in finding an optimum fine dosing solution is to analyse the recipes of the production location in question. Then, Van Aarsen calculates the best combination of dosing systems to realise optimum accuracy for all components in combination with the highest possible production speed. The final design proposal is based on an integrated system of

Table 1 Ingredient



Maize gluten meal

Generally applied

Up to 10%

Whey powder

Precious, sticky

Up to 10%


Precious, dusty, sticky

Up to 2%


Precious, dusty, dangerous

Up to 2%

Medicinal additives (e.g. coccidiostats)

Precious, aggressive

Up to 0.5% - accurate dosing is very important

Dry fermented product powder

Precious, aggressive, dusty

Up to 8%

Calcium carbonate


Up to 10%

Mycotoxin binders or converters


Up to 0.5%

individual dosing units, consisting of a combination of microdosing (up to 20 or 50kg) and small dosing (up to 75, 100, or 200kg), with each dosing system being able to dose eight different ingredients. A precision dosing system (up to 1kg) can also be integrated into the micro-dosing unit.

Increased speed as a result of simultaneously weighing several ingredients

The combination of several individual dosing units allows producers to simultaneously weigh out several micro-ingredients, thereby speeding up the entire weighing and dosing process. For example, a combination of two dosing units can handle a maximum range of 16 (2 x 8) ingredients and weigh up to two times faster. For example – for reaching the stated accuracy: +44 (0)1404 890300

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F In the case of 10 batches-per-hour the batching time is six minutes – which allows eight components-per-unit to be dosed. By applying two dosing units the batch time can be reduced to three minutes – enabling the feed miller to produce 20 batches-per-hour. In the case of 15 batches-per-hour the batching time is four minutes – which allows five-to-six components per unit to be dosed. By applying two dosing units 10-12 components can be dosed in the same time.

Designed with attention to detail

The dosing systems supplied by Van Aarsen are designed as closed systems in order to prevent any loss or contamination of ingredients. The product cells can be fitted with a stirring device for difficult flowing ingredients. Dosing slides with V-shaped openings allow for very accurate dosing as speed and rate of opening can be adapted to the specific ingredient.

Dosing of micro-ingredients in practice

Figure One demonstrates some common ingredients and additives with their specific properties which are accurately dosed with Van Aarsen’s small, micro and precision ingredient dosing systems.

Compact design allows for easy integration into new and existing production lines

The combination of small, micro, and precision ingredient dosing enables Van Aarsen to integrate three different dosing systems into one production process. This provides users with significant benefits in terms of optimum flexibility, accuracy, and speed. Van Aarsen’s high-capacity dosing system also has a very compact design (1.60 x 1.60 x 2.10m) and can therefore easily be integrated into new as well as existing production lines.

Speed up your production process with the Hot Start Steam Mixer

WINNER Innovatio n Award Animal Fe ed Technolog y& Nutrition 20


Very short start-up time. Prevents product loss. Reduced contamination risk. Save time and money in your feed conditioning process and optimize your feed quality with the Hot Start Steam Mixer. The Hot Start Steam Mixer is a Van Aarsen innovation that helps improve your conditioning process by ensuring a guaranteed and accurate heat treatment. Combined with its extremely short start-up time, the Hot Start Steam Mixer prevents wastage at batch start-up, shortens the batch time and speeds up your production process.

2019-04-18, Hot Start Steam Mixer_190x132_MAG_Winner.indd 72 Adv. | August 2019 - Milling and Grain 1

24-6-2019 12:57:26



DATA IS THE KEY to the future of agriculture by Naeem Zafar, Co-founder and CEO, Telesense Inc, USA


echnological innovation in agriculture is moving faster than ever. Twentyfive years ago, innovation in our industry was driven by machinery and chemical developments. Adding an additional row to combines or planters was considered a state-of-the-art advancement. Fast forward to today, and agricultural innovation primarily comes in the form of better data analysis and metrics. After all, if you can’t measure it, then you can’t improve it! Today, everyone from farmers to processors to distributors has

74 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

the ability to pinpoint what they should do to increase yields and profits. As operational efficiency becomes key to staying profitable, it will be the people who adopt innovations in data and analytics who succeed. In the same way that a mule cannot compete with a John Deere plow, grain managers who don’t adopt data and analytics technologies will soon be unable to compete with grain managers who do. But what makes data so valuable to agriculture? Afterall, data doesn’t do anything. Data can’t pick corn, it can’t be added to soil, and you can’t put it in a trailer and sell it at the local co-op. What gives data value is the insight which comes from it. Data helps people learn to do things better.

Grain care, our commitment

In Symaga Silos we are passionate about storage and always look forward to the next grain care challenge. Consolidated as one of the main manufacturers of industrial silos, Symaga is currently involved in the biggest storage projects around the world. Our commitment is to offer better, all-technical, global, and tailored services to each project. We account for over 7,000 projects, with more than 28 million m³, in more than 140 countries.

Higher galvanization for our roofs: ZM310 In a move to lengthen the service life of our silo solutions, Symaga increases the zinc magnesium galvanization of roofs, from ZM250 to ZM310. We improve roof sectors protection, which is the part of the silo that is most directly exposed to corrosion.

Visit us


30 Aug. - 01 Sep., GRAIN TECH INDIA Bangalore, India

28 - Stand: 30 August, D-18 & 19, Hall 3 Bangalore, India Stand: G24 • +34 91 726 43 04 •

STORAGE For example, let’s say that you are measuring the temperature of stored corn in the middle of a silo. The thermometer reads 80 degrees. That is a piece of data. You read it again the next day, and it is 85 degrees. A day later it is 90 degrees. The next day it is 100 degrees and you realise that a hotspot is forming, and you need to take care of it immediately. That is insight. If it weren’t for you measuring that temperature data, you never would have had the insight to manage the hotspot. At best, you would have lost the corn in that hotspot. At worst, the hotspot may have spontaneously combusted. The link between data, profit, and safety is clear. In this instance, the data driven decision to manage that hotspot could have saved this farmer thousands of dollars in damage caused by an unmanaged hotspot. Even more importantly, he better ensured his team’s safety. Farmers have been using data for centuries to make better farming decisions. In fact, The Farmer’s Almanac was originally nothing more than a book of data to help farmers make planting and harvesting decisions. And we’re all familiar with the saying, “Knee high by the Fourth of July.” That saying is simply a data-supported observation that, in a good harvest year, corn is typically above knee height by July 4th. It is just a piece of data which indicates success. In reality, agriculture is all about data. The question is always, “What can be done to consistently increase profitability?” We certainly know some things which help, but we don’t know everything. For example, 100 years ago no one knew what soil nitrogen levels were. Today, we know that soil nitrogen levels are incredibly important for increasing yields. Therefore, today, a

farmer would be crazy if he didn’t measure and analyse his soil’s nitrogen levels. It makes you wonder, what aren’t we measuring today that people will look back on in 100 years and laugh at? Given the near-infinite number of data points for grain managers to measure and keep track of, the best solution is to let a computer to do all the work. The future of agriculture is software companies which help grain managers to measure data and provide insight. In this data-driven future, there is one company which consistently pushes the innovation envelope. A small company, down the road from Google and Apple in Sunnyvale, California, is taking advantage of its Silicon Valley roots to provide the agriculture industry with the best products and services from the information-technology industry. TeleSense, Inc.® creates wireless grain storage monitoring solutions for preventing spoilage. Not only that, but they are leading the pack in terms of data analysis, and now have the largest independent grain storage data set in the world. This month, TeleSense is releasing a new product which solves a long-standing issue with nearly every tech product: compatibility. Through an acquisition, TeleSense now has a portfolio of grain monitoring solutions which all connect to their TeleSense application for laptops, tablets, and smartphones. With such an integrated system, managing spoilage has never been so easy and efficient. Having a wide variety of monitoring solutions under one roof will solve a major pain point for large operation, which oftentimes have to switch between platforms and can’t make those platforms communicate with one another. This new platform, combined with the unique monitoring solutions provided by TeleSense, shows that the future for data analytics in agriculture has never looked brighter.


AMANDUS KAHL GmbH & Co. KG Dieselstrasse 5 – 9 · 21465 Reinbek Hamburg, Germany +49 (0) 40 72 77 10 ·

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 77




BUSINESS AS USUAL A dome can store months of product regardless of what Mother Nature throws your way


Dome Technology’s in-house team helps customers determine the ideal design and execution of a facility inside and out

by Rebecca Long Pyper, Dome Technology, USA hen rivers are too high for barges to navigate, processors face two big questions: How to maintain product quality when shipping conditions aren’t optimal, and how to keep the plant running when product can’t be

moved down the river for two months. A dome structure can hold multiple months of grain with the ability to circulate it, providing a way to stay afloat until shipping conditions improve. A dome also stores large quantities of grain to help with capture and carry when merchandisers see those opportunities. Processors who select a dome—which can range in capacity from 4,000-to-200,000 tonnes—are able to buy grain regardless of what Mother Nature is up to, providing the solution to these two major concerns. “If you’re a processor, you need to be able to continue processing even if the river is down for three months, and the dome will allow you to do that,” Dome Technology Sales Manager Heath Harrison said. Domes are able to store more than silos with similar dimensions, and increased storage is possible based on the dome’s curvature. Because a dome can support pressure at all points of the structure, product can be stored right up to the apex. But that produces a substantial pile of grain, so maintaining climate conditions is a must. This starts with the dome itself. First, a PVC membrane covering the entire dome prevents moisture entrance. Second, the combination of the waterproof membrane, polyurethane foam insulation and reinforced concrete structure prevents extreme interior temperature fluctuation. These features

78 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

reduce heating and cooling of the walls and air inside, preventing condensation. Domes can be equipped with multiple systems that help maintain ideal grain conditions: Aeration systems: Circulation and adequate aeration make greater capacity possible. Aeration forces air through piles to keep temps consistent and achieve or maintain long-term storage moisture content. Aeration costs can also be less expensive in a dome because of its seamless, insulated construction. Roof exhaust fans draw humidity from the dome. Temperature cables: A cable array hung from the dome roof monitors humidity and temperature, alerting plant managers when the environment ceases to be ideal. CO2 monitoring system: Since the dome has the ability to draw from any given reclaim gate, any pockets of grain identified as deteriorating or infested can be drawn out of the structure. With these monitors, processors can keep a close eye on product and address concerns in short order.

Mix and blend

The typical grain dome features multiple gates within the Round explosion venting channels pressure out of the dome and prevents structural damage should an explosion occur

STORAGE foundation; to circulate, product is drawn out of these gates, then conveyed to the top of the dome and reloaded. Terminal managers can also select specific gates to address hot spots, and monitoring systems help identify those. If certain pockets are lower in quality, corresponding gates can be opened to Domes allow processors to safely store A dome can hold multiple various percentages with gates adjacent product until shipping conditions are months of grain with the optimal ability to circulate it to high-quality product opened as well. “The dome’s blending capability will create a consistent product for the of ledges or beams where dust could accumulate. customer or end user,” Harrison said. Companies eager to secure “no-entry” options can explore For processors, shuttle loaders and exporters, these blending different reclaim systems that make this possible; Dome options are essential. A dome is cost competitive with silos when providing the ability to pull from multiple gates, an option limited Technology’s engineers identify reclaim that delivers necessary throughput and keeps employees safe. Domes can be designed to with steel tanks, which cannot withstand frequent loading and hold two-to-three million bushels and still be a no-entry system, unloading as the pressure of drawdown will cause them to topple. helping with safety and labor efficiency. The inherent strength of monolithic construction makes blending or mixing and blending possible. “Domes allow you to maximise blending capability, giving A turnkey solution companies the opportunity to maximise profits and efficiencies,” Dome Technology customers work with an in-house team of Harrison said. “The grain industry operates on tight margins, engineers and construction experts to determine the ideal design so sometimes throughput and mix and blend are all we have to and execution of a facility. When all the elements are planned increase the bottom line. Domes will maximise that bottom line.” with others in mind, the result is a dome that stores more, In addition to these benefits, recent construction advances are monitors product conditions and interior climate, circulates yielding better results for grain companies. For instance, Dome product and does it all seamlessly. A dome is the proactive Technology has pioneered round explosion panels that channel storage solution for dealing with frustrations of the river and pressure out of the structure, preventing structural damage in the beyond. event of an explosion. Also, domes are free-span structures, free

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Industry Profile



142-year-old feed production supplies company

kiold is a 142-year-old feed production supplies company based in Denmark, but active across the world. The Solix Group-owned business started life in 1877 as Sæby Jernstøberi og, an iron foundry and machine shop, specialising in the manufacture of steel casings. By 1938 Skiold was producing and exporting stone grinding mills, and by 1952 had expanded its range to include feed mixers and hammer mills. These days the company makes machinery for feed production plants, full-line pig farms, equipment for poultry farms, housing for cattle farms, grain storage and handling plants and seed processing equipment. It has over 500 employees and subsidiaries in 10 countries. The company supplies individually designed, complete plants for the handling of grain, including galvanised steel silos, large flat-bottom storage silos, smaller hopper silos for raw materials or ready feed, and equipment for intake, cleaning, drying, and conveying solutions. Skiold has been particularly active in Asia recently, signing a large order for a full-line pig farm

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in Taiwan, a memorandum of understanding with the Sao Mai Group in Vietnam to build the country’s largest modern paddy storage and rice mill plant, and a new double story poultry farm in Malaysia. One of the more recent innovations Skiold has brought to the market is the Skiold FlexMix- a PC system which provides users with easy access to all data for recipes, production, raw materials as well as processing and production history. Ideal for feed manufacturers, the service works as an on-screen flow diagram, allowing users to easily check and refine their mixes and recipes to ensure the best possible end-product. Other products Skiold offer the market include their D-series bucket elevators, which are available in a variety of sizes and capacities, from 14-545m3-per-hour. Skiold’s elevators also boast a variety of additional features, including anti-static and oil-resistant belts, shaft-mounted gear motors, galvanised construction and much more. In recent years the company has made a string of acquisitions and mergers. In 2011 it took over ACEMO, a large French farm equipment supplier. The following year it acquired DAMAS, an old and established grain and seed machinery brand in Denmark. In the years that followed the company established branches in China, Ukraine, Spain and Vietnam, and their expansion will no doubt continue as they prove their mettle in the grain and feed industries at an international level.

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Expertise in pulses and maize


Concentrating expertise in pulses and maize at the new Bühler Food Application Centre

ow will the future of food look like? How can we contribute to sustainability in the food business? What is the most innovative process technology to implement your business ideas in the most profitable way? These are all questions we will be answering at Bühler’s new stateof-the-art Food Application Centre in

Minneapolis, USA. Consumers are getting more sophisticated and diverse in their food choices. Today’s trend equation combines several challenges for food processors. Above all, people are looking for healthy products – those which additional to nourishing also have some health promoting function. Allergens have to be considered as well as keeping track on the level of fat, sodium and sugar. Sustainability is also weighing more on consumer’s choice. The food they buy has to come from ethical sources and also have the smallest environmental footprint as possible. As a consequence, the plant-based market is emerging at very fast pace and foreseen to keep growing in the next decade. In addition, due to globalisation, as consumers we are getting more adventurous in trying new tastes and textures traditional to countries far beyond our own borders. Considering the latter scenario, being a food producer hasn’t been as challenging as it is today. This is why the new Food Application Centre of Bühler is tailored to help customers to test their business ideas and refine them until they are fully ready to be implemented profitably with the most suitable and state of the art process technology. 82 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

This new facility adds to the 25 already existent and globally located food application centres – and is a reaffirmation of Bühler’s aim to be at the region for the region. The new Food Application Centre offers a state-of-the-art processing facility to add value to two promising grain alternatives that cater the previous mentioned consumer trends. On the one hand, the site will showcase Bühler’s innovative Prime Masa Nixtamal process for tortilla- and chips flour production, which enables to save up to 90 percent water, with a lower energy and steam requirement reaching the same finished product taste as in the conventional nixtamalisation process. This process was deliberately integrated at the new lab facility in Minneapolis, considering the enormous market potential for the resulting products. Only in North and Central America, more than 13 million tonnes of corn are processed yearly in to nixtamal corn flour. Furthermore, more than 1.3 million tonnes of tortilla chips are consumed worldwide. These products are conquering effectively the eating habits beyond their Central American origin region. They represent a versatile alternative to gluten-containing products and can be very versatile blended with other healthy grains to make them functional. Additionally, the new Bühler Food Application Centre will deeply grapple one of the biggest challenges of the future – the protein gap - by offering a comprehensive testing infrastructure for pulses processing. Beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas have not only a very high amount of protein, but they are also rich in fibre and in several vital micronutrients. Pulses are sustainable, as they grow in arid regions, enrich the soil they grow in and have a very low water requirement compared to traditional protein sources. They are readily available and

F already represent a staple to many countries around the world. Still, there are several technological challenges on how to turn pulses into functional ingredients and further process them into convenient and delicious food. Answering these questions will be the ultimate aim at the new Bühler Food Application Centre, rooted on the strong technology knowhow, portfolio and success stories that Bühler has already in the pulses processing industry. At the new testing facility, we will building strong knowhow around this emerging raw material to identify the most profitable ways to add value to it - cut to customer’s individual needs. Moreover, this new Food Application Centre will perfectly complement the existent Bühler pilot extrusion lab where, since 2010, customers have been able to successfully test new product ideas at food grade level and for direct consumer testing. With the expansion of process, Bühler will be offering a testing facility that bridges the gap between pure ingredients and high value ready to eat foods. Finally, this state-of-the-art innovation compound will not just offer trial space, but also a consciously designed training programme around food safety and the latest processing technologies for all types of grains.

Supported by Bühler’s extensive knowhow, technology experts and food scientist there will be the possibility to develop and host workshops cut to specific customer needs. To sum up, the new Bühler Food Application Centre in Minneapolis will be a real playground for innovation. The ultimate aim of this new facility will be helping customers in finding an optimal blend between the proper ingredients, formulation and value adding processes which will be determinant to succeed in the food business. All in all, we will be shaping the future of food together with our customers.


THE FUTURE OF ANIMAL FE E D IS IN THE HANDS OF THE MOST FLEXIB LE PRODUCE RS HOW CAN WE HELP FEED YOUR BUSINESS? At ANDRITZ, our aim is to give every animal feed miller the optimal combina­ tion of feed quality, safety, and capa­ city utilization. Whether you’re looking to achieve a unique nutrient blend, lower operating costs, or achieve complete

feed trace ability, we have your needs covered from raw material intake to bulk loading of finished feed. Whatever your ambitions, our market­leading solutions and aftermarket services can help you get there. So put our process knowledge

to work, and let’s talk pro ductivity. Find out how our worldclass solutions can feed the future of your business at

ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL A/S ⁄ Europe, Asia, and South America: andritz­ USA and Canada: andritz­ ⁄

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 83

WORLD GRAIN AND FEED MARKET REVIEW Fickle weather raising input costs Too much rain across the USA and too little – plus some very hot weather - in Australia, Canada, parts of Europe and the former USSR triggered a ‘buy’ stampede this month by speculators who earlier bet on prices constantly falling amid large stocks and more bumper harvests on the way. On the bellwether USA futures markets, grain prices rocketed by about a third from their May nadirs, their steepest, fastest increase in some years. Analysts were talking of millions of unplanted and/or un-harvested maize acres and lower than average yields as the crop went into the ground record late. Wheat traders too were getting worried about quality from rain-delayed US harvests and extra demand for this grain to fill potential deficits opening up in US maize supply. In recent years, US by John Buckley wheat feeding has only ranged between about 2.5m and 4m tonnes versus about 135m maize use in this sector but the jump in maize nonetheless raises wheat’s intrinsic value. Before the price jump, Even still-glutted soybeans joined the bullish fray under threat of rain delays downsizing CBOT prices as recently acreage and yields with plenty of that crop still to be sown in early July (when planting should as late April had hit normally be more or less over). 15-month lows in the Until things dry out and fresh acreage surveys can be trusted, the maize and soya crops $4.20’s-per-bushel area. especially will be subject to a wide range of market ‘guesstimates’ and considerable revision By comparison, they right into the harvest period. spent much of the past four years trading mainly So too, to some extent, may wheat – though at this stage, the consensus seems to be that in a $4-$5/bu range, supplies of this grain are anything but tight. If the latest USDA update on global supply/demand occasionally spiking is reliable, world wheat production will still jump by over 40m tonnes in the coming season to a out or dipping under. $4 new record 771.5m. was last pierced in Dec Since consumption growth is lagging that trend, stocks will climb too, by some 11m tonnes to a 2017 while 10-year lows new peak of 286.5m. At this stage, USDA still expects big gains in production in Europe (+14m under $3.60 were seen in tonnes) and smaller increases in other major exporter countries including Canada (1.5m), Russia summer 2016. (+2.5m), Ukraine (+3.9m) – even Australia (+3.7m). These increases are all a bit smaller than expected in June and the global equation could be less loose again if Australian, Canadian, Russian and some European wheat crops get trimmed further by the dryness and/or heat-waves that struck late June/early July. However, with stocks of 275m being carried into the new season, that still wouldn’t suggest a tight market for the 2019/20 season that started July 1st (June 1st in the USA). Where there may be some questions is over the proportion of higher quality milling wheat. Canada and the US Northern States (spring-sown hard wheats) and Australia are all noted quality wheat suppliers. Along with rain-damaged US winter wheat and some possible heat damage to EU or Russian crops, we could see breadwheat/milling premiums over feedwheat rise to higher levels than usual – but that’s by no means certain yet.

84 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

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Plug Switches

And on the plus side, sixth largest wheat exporter Argentina is expected to sow more than expected for its next crop in response to the rapid increase in world prices and good planting weather there. Recent highlights Before the price jump, CBOT prices as recently as late April had hit 15-month lows in the $4.20’s-per-bushel area. By comparison, they spent much of the past four years trading mainly in a $4-$5/bu range, occasionally spiking out or dipping under. $4 was last pierced in Dec 2017 while 10-year lows under $3.60 were seen in summer 2016. For several prior years, the range was $6-to-$9. Since then, consumption has tended to lag production increases, causing big stock build-ups while a broadening spread of suppliers have mostly had fairly normal weather in recent years. European markets have tended to follow the US trend but more gently, restrained by expected big crops, concerns about Black Sea competition and a strong euro Recent wetter conditions in the EU, while rescuing some member states from drought, could have impacted proteins and other flour-making criteria. EU grain trade lobby Coceral lifted its forecast for the bloc’s wheat crop to 140.3m tonnes (+12.9m on-year) While USA wheat crops have started to show signs of deterioration, their general condition rating is still far better than at this time last year Argentina’s government raised its crop forecast to 22m tonnes – 2.5m over the USDA estimate The Indian government has so far played down concerns about the strength of this year’s late-starting Monsoon rains Half the estimate world carryover stock of wheat is estimated in China, ‘off-market,’ much of it probably of dubious quality World wheat import demand, after stagnating in 2017/18 and falling by 5m tonnes last season, is expected by the USDA to jump 8m tonnes in 2019/20. Despite a brisk start to the new marketing year, the USDA isn’t expecting much US benefit from a trade recovery as Europe and others pick up more business with their bigger 2019 crops. US sales last season finished at 25.5m tonnes – up from 24.7m the previous year while actual shipments beat the USDA forecast. EU 2018/19 exports held up a bit better than expected last season and are predicted to rally by 10-12% in 2019/20. Maize price hits five-year highs USA corn futures’ embarked on a stellar rally over the past two months on concerns that wet US planting weather would slash acreage and yields. The bull run appeared to have paused for breath in early July, however, after the USDA offered a higher than expected planted area forecast. But how reliable is that forecast at this early stage? Several US analysts have suggested USDA may be underestimating the number of foiled planted acres as well as potential abandonment of fields sown under difficult conditions. Private estimates have been floated for area closer to 87m than the USDA’s 91.7m, implying harvest acres far below the new 83.6m forecast. If yields also drop to 160 or less as some suggest, (versus USDA’s 166), the crop could be under 340m tonnes

(USDA had 352.4m in July). It suggests US stocks will drop more in 2019/20 than the 30m tonnes USDA expects, possibly to their lowest since 2013/14. At that time, the world market for corn, dependent on the US as its largest export source, was around 950m tonnes. It has since expanded to 1.13bn. The US share of the global maize export market is likely to drop significantly in the year ahead, not only due to the smaller domestic crop but amid larger, probably cheaper, competing supplies from Latin America, possibly Ukraine too. At this stage, joint Brazilian/Argentine production is seen surging by 36m tonnes which (even allowing for their smaller starting stocks this year) could boost their exports by some 14m tonnes. Ukraine’s crop forecasts have also been edging up after acreage exceeded target and weather was mostly favourable. Analysts have also been pencilling in a slightly larger EU crop. Before the USDA came out with its more optimistic US planting forecast, the Chicago futures market for the grain hit its highest price since mid-2014 (when it briefly crossed $5/bushel). Some analysts think it may well go higher than that – perhaps to $5.50-plus in the months ahead. The last time CBOT values rose this fast was back in mid-2015 when US and Brazilian crop declines led a fall in world maize production. 2019/20 is shaping up for another year of lower maize production having earlier been forecast to increase. Recent highlights Argentine corn exports have soared on its crop revival, aided further by its weak currency Ethanol accounts for 44% of US corn use. Will demand from this sector hold up as margins on producing the green fuel are curbed by the steep rise in maize costs? The USDA has trimmed earlier forecasts for a substantial rise in US maize feeding, now seen lower than last year’s amid tight supplies and higher costs. The EU is seen consuming 5.5m tonnes less maize in the coming season (81.5m), swapping that for its larger wheat supply and implying a smaller maize import need. Last season, the EU was the world’s largest importer, taking 23.5m tonnes. Even so, maize is expected to pick up more import demand from other buyers, like second-largest buyer Mexico.

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Soya & other oilmeals Rain-delayed planting was also eroding US soybean crop forecasts in the past month, resulting in prices jumping by over 17% from multi-year lows reached in first half May. Prices had been under intense pressure from massive old crop stocks – the result of last year’s record US harvest and President Trump’s trade war with China blocking US access to this largest outlet. The USDA’s July planting estimate of just 80m acres surprised many analysts looking for a higher figure on the assumption unplanted maize land would be sown to soya instead, adding to the latter’s already burdensome supply. If the USDA is close, multiplying that by its last yield forecast of 48.5bu/acre, it suggests a crop around 104.7m tonnes (versus last year’s 123.7m). But some analysts warn even lower acreage and yields could take that down into the low 90’s which would wipe out most of the extra 17m tonnes the US had been forecast to take into the new season. Total US supply could still cover its domestic and export demands, but it would no longer face such a massive stockpile (21.6m tonnes recently reduced from 28m) that USDA’s own analysts had said would take years to erode. As with maize, for such a late planted crop, there is no reliable precedent to judge the outcome at this stage. There is considerable uncertainty too about overall demand for soya. China has been reducing its soya meal consumption as an outbreak of African Swine Fever outbreak downsizes its hog herd, reducing imports from all its supplying countries. Some analysts estimate up to 30% of Chinese pig output has

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been affected – 300m head, equal to a fifth of the global herd. It’s possible that may be offset by consumers eating more poultry - another heavy soya meal consuming sector – or by more pork imports, raising soya meal consumption in supplier countries. US soya export body USSEC recently warned China may never resume US bean purchases at historical levels. Recent highlights Global 2019/20 soybean production is seen 16m tonnes down on the year but carry-in stocks start nearly 14m tonnes higher USDA recently forecast slightly cheaper physical beans and meal next season while futures, say prices could rise by about 5% from their recent $8.80/bu. Apart from a brief foray below $8/bu at the turn of 2008/09, beans have managed to avoid going below that level since 2007 but traded sub-$6 the previous year) Soya meal prices have been held in check by strong production - near record levels of US crush amid an expected huge resurgence in Argentina meal exports in the months ahead China is seen cutting soybean imps by 5m to 85m tonnes this season. China dwarfs the next largest importer, the EU, which takes in about 18m Last season, Brazil supplied half of world soybean exports, the US 38%. Argentina concentrates more on meal and oil exports where it is making a big comeback as it recovers from last year’s crop-ravaging drought. Rapeseed crop may be smaller After touching multi-year lows at the start of May, top producer Canada’s canola futures hit two-and-a-half-month highs in June as traders began to downsize the country’s crop, prospects and traders responded to the firmer soya market. Rapeseed is still relatively cheap because Canada has lost its biggest customer, China, resulting in a huge stock build-up that seems to have dissuaded farmers from seeding as much this year. Dry weather may also be influencing that decision as well as reducing yield prospects. Although some rain was recently seen, the crop is off to a shaky start. Dry weather has also affected another important rapeseed exporter, Australia, expected to supply the lion’s share (1.5m tonnes) of the USDA’s forecast 2m tonnes global crop increase this year (now increasingly unlikely?) EU crop monitoring body MARS recently raised its yield forecast for this crop but it’s still seen somewhere between 500,000 and two million tonnes smaller than last year’s 20m (which was itself over 2m down from 2017). It suggests the EU will need to import more rapeseed to crush for oil (the primary crush incentive) in which case meal supplies should hold up. Fortunately for consumers, Ukraine expects to produce about 1m tonnes more rapeseed than last year while Russia could have its second big crop in a row, allowing more exports to West Europe from the Black Sea region. World sunflower seed production is forecast about 500,000 tonnes down on the year, but the crop will still be a relatively big one by past comparison, again thanks to large supplies from Ukraine and Russia. Global oil meal production in total is forecast to increase by 2% to match demand, most of the increase - as usual – coming in the form of market leader soya meal. The abundant supply in that sector should help keep meal prices under control across the board.



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September 7-11 International Baking Industry Exposition Las Vegas, USA

International Baking Industry Exposition Calling itself the “global grain-based food industry’s largest, most important trade event in the Western Hemisphere” IBIE spans the complete spectrum of companies, people and ideas in the world of grain. Every three years, everyone who has a role in the industry comes together at this event to conduct face-to-face meetings, experience new innovations, participate in cutting-edge conference sessions and demos, and build relationships at highlevel networking events. This unique community gathering offers extensive business development opportunities, by presenting the broadest array of solutions to support each individual segment and creating worldly connections to grow operations of every size. Invest in IBIE and reap greater results. 10-12 AFIA Liquid Feed Symposium 2019 Nebraska, USA 10-13 SPACE 2019 Rennes, France

WorldFood Moscow International Food & Drink Exhibition WorldFood Moscow is a major exhibition serving the global food and drinks industry. Since its inception in 1991, it has grown to become the entry point for international manufacturers looking to enter the vibrant Russian market. Every year, the event connects thousands of businesses from around the world with Russia’s key food and drink buyers, including retail representatives from Russia’s leading supermarket chains, wholesalers, HoReCa sector members, and food manufacturers. Exhibitors are grouped into twelve main sectors, letting visitors easily find their products of interest and their manufacturers. The event is the perfect platform to promote new food and drink products in Russia. 25-27 Women in Agribusiness Summit 2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2019


November 3-6 IAOM MEA 2019 Dubai, UAE

6-8 AFIA Equipment Manufacturers Conference 2019 Florida, USA

10-16 Agritechnica 2019 Hanover, Germany

December 8-10 48th Annual Country Elevator Conference and Tradeshow Indianapolis, Indiana, USA


2-3 Poultry Africa 2019 Kigali, Rwanda


March 21-24 GEAPS Exchange 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

24-26 VICTAM Asia 2020 Bangkok, Thailand

18-20 ILDEX Indonesia 2019 Jakarta, Indonesia

January 28-30 IPPE 2020 Atlanta, Georgia, USA


16-17 JTIC 2019 Lille, France

11-12 Global Grain South America Sao Paulo, Brazil


24-27 WorldFood Moscow Moscow, Russia

VICTAM AND VIV CO LOCATE The next event organised by the Victam Corporation, as well as VIV is VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia held together with VIV Health & Nutrition. The event will be held from March 24 – 26, 2020 at the BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand. This merging of events allows both organisations to showcase to their fullest extend the best of what the industry has to offer. 24-26 VIV Health and Nutrition 2020 Bangkok, Thailand 2020

April 1-2 Solids Dortmund 2020 Dortmund, Germany

17-20 NAMA Annual Meeting 2019 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 18-19 CIPAL Buenos Aires, Argentina

19-21 VIV Qingdao 2019 Qingdao, China ☑ = Meet the Milling and Grain team at this event 90 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

7-9 Livestock Malaysia 2020 Malacca, Malaysia

29-30 Organic & Non-GMO Forum 2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 31-2 Livestock Taiwan Expo & Forum Taipei, Taiwan

7-9 124th IAOM Annual Conference and Expo Portland, Oregon, USA

27-1 Agrishow 2020 Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brazil


92 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain





16 & 17 OCT. 2019



Improving the milling quality of wheat: technical and economic evaluation of cleaning Profile of the 2018 wheat harvest Partner: ARVALIS – Institut du végétal

Quality of 2019 malting barley Partner: IFBM


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Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 93




Innovation at the heart of VICTAM and GRAPAS International 2019 his was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and series of accompanying conferences were successfully held at the KoelnMesse in Cologne, Germany from June 12 – 14th. The visitors were pleased at the number of exhibitors and the wide range of products on display. Especially the newly launched products and the large number of machinery at the different stands were very impressive. There were 248 exhibitors and co-exhibitors from 31 countries present. Likewise, the exhibitors were very satisfied with the visitors. Exhibitors were able to have serious discussions and negotiations with their clients and potential clients that they had met at the show. The exhibitors also commented on the very high quality of the visitors and the wide range of countries from which they came. 84.3 percent of the visitors were final decision makers in the purchasing process. In all there were, over three days, almost 5000 visits from 85

94 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

countries, the highest number of countries so far. Although the majority of the visitors were from Europe, a growing percentage of the visitors are from other parts of the world, for example eight percent from Asia, seven percent from the Middle East and Africa, five percent from Latin America and five percent from the rest of the world. The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the papers presented at the numerous conferences. The conferences had extensive programmes, which were well received. The newly introduced International Feed Technology Conference (IFTC), a cooperation between the University of Wageningen and the Victam Foundation, was a great success! The conference was fully booked and the 120 delegates from 18 countries listened to presentations of (among others) Professor Jürgen Zentek from the University of Berlin, Dr Menno Thomas from Zetadec and Dr Reza Abdollahi, Massey University. The next event organised by the Victam Corporation is VICTAM & GRAPAS Asia held together with VIV Health & Nutrition. The event will be held from March 24 – 26, 2020 at the BITEC in Bangkok, Thailand.

Special seminar:

Grain Storage & Preservation


by Vaughn Entwistle, Managing Editor, Milling and Grain

n Friday, the final day of the show, Milling and Grain hosted a special new seminar that focused on problems and solutions to grain storage issues. Every year, large quantities of stored grain are lost due to mycotoxins, mould, and infestations of insects, rodents and birds. Milling and Grain magazine have published a number of articles on the subject over the last year, and these have now been collected together in a special annual publication which will be published sometime around the end of August. As this is such an important topic, the magazine hosted a special seminar on the subject. Four speakers addressed different topics, which were well-received by the attending audience.

TALK ONE: Grain conservation: The value of the right choice by Bradley Jones, Global Product Manager, GSI (Grain Systems Incorporated, a division of AGCO)

TALK TWO: Equipping bins/silos for grain entrapment rescue by Daniel Wambeke, PE, Vice President, SCAFCO Grain Systems Company, USA

Every year, people around the world die in accidents involving grain entrapment in bins and silos. Daniel Wambeke put together a special powerpoint presentation, which highlights the dangers of grain entrapment, addresses basic equipment needs to facilitate a rescue, and shows ways of preventing grain entrapment.


Daniel Wambeke is the Vice President of SCAFCO Corporation, a company that specialises in manufacturing grain storage systems and steel framing products. Daniel has over forty years of experience in design engineering and over thirty years of experience listening to customers’ needs and finding ways to satisfy them. Although Daniel still has involvement with SCAFCO’s engineering design and interaction with the Engineering Department, the past eighteen years of his career have been heavily involved with international sales of SCAFCO products to leading farms and grain terminals worldwide plus small and large agro-processing industries.

TALK THREE: Preserving the quality of grain during storage by Daniel Wambeke, PE, Vice President, SCAFCO Grain by Ralph Kolb, General Manager, Frigörtech, Germany

There are multiple grain storage options available to you… so, which one brings the best value to your business? Concrete or steel silo... ground pile or flat storage? There are so many aspects that have to be considered in the decision-making process. Capital investment…operational costs… revenue impacts… payback. Then, how do you choose the right partner for your storage needs? What questions should you ask? What features are important? You may ask yourself, “Isn’t one just as good as another?” In Mr Jones’ talk, he expertly addressed these questions to an attentive audience.

Temperature control of grains is vital in preventing the growth of mycotoxins and aflatoxins, controlling and inhibiting insect infestations, and in preserving the quality of grains. Grain coolers are an effective and proven technology to accomplish this. Grain cooling is used in nearly all locations around the world, but especially important in tropical climates.



Bradley Jones, PE is the Global Product Manager for GSI (Grain Systems Incorporated, a division of AGCO) and specialises in structural products including silos, hopper silos, and towers & catwalks. Bradley is a qualified structural engineer with over 25 years of experience spanning both building and grain storage design. He works on grain storage systems designed for all global regions. Bradley current lives near Tennessee, USA.

96 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

After some occupational years in the business field Facility Technologie at the company Sulzer AG in Stuttgart and in the field Environmental Technology at the company Dürr AG in Stuttgart. Mr Kolb changed to Sulzer-Escher Wyss in Lindau and joined the department of Refrigeration Engineering. Ralph E Kolb is the active owner of FrigörTec GmbH who took over the complete product field cooling units.

Bradley Jones of GSI

Ralph Kolb of FrigĂśrTec

Daniel Wambeke of SCAFCO

TALK FOUR: State of the art monitoring in grain silos by Peer Hansen, President, Eye-Grain, Denmark

Grain storage is a complex issue. In the past, storage was primarily done with temperature monitoring only, but is actually a poor solution because grain is very insulating. Increased grain movement patterns, longer storage times and a hotter climate has put pressure on the grain industry to make better solutions to secure safer storage with lesser infestation problems. On top of this the widespread use of phosphine to eliminate infestation and now reports on up to 50 percent resistance against phosphine is increasing this pressure. This calls for new technologies that more precisely quantifies the level of infestation and predicts the maximum storage time. Temperature monitoring must be supplemented by at least some of the following technologies: 1) Infestation detection with CO2 monitoring, 2) Grain moisture monitoring, 3) Automatic aeration control based on Equilibrium Moisture Monitoring (EMC).

Peer Hansen of Eye-Grain

These technologies should ideally be supplemented by smarter systems that alerts grain managers without the need to analyse complicated curves and tables in a monitoring system. It should be an easy to understand APP that gives fast and precise answers.


Mr Hansen’s career spans 30 years of dedication to science and creation of industrial applications based on frontier science. During the past 20 years he has been involved in application of the newest scientific discoveries and industrial solutions in the grain storage and processing industry. Peer Hansen was the first to developed in-bin moisture monitoring and in-bin spoilage detection with CO2 measurements. This has set the standards for the industry. Peer Hansen has become most known for his research into elimination of infestation and toxins in stored grain with the aid of ozone. Peer Hansen’s laboratory under the Crop-Protector organisation has made the first full scale treatment machines to eliminate toxins on-site in large grain storage facilities.

Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 97

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The Alltech Ideas Conference (ONE19) by Vaughn Entwistle, Managing Editor, Milling and Grain


n May, I attended my first Alltech Idea Ideas Conference (ONE19) in Lexington, Kentucky USA. First off, I have to say I was very impressed by three days of no-expense spared entertainment and seminars showcasing the very latest research in feeds.

I was one of the 3,000 attendees from 70 countries who were bussed to various special events, beginning with a tour of Alltech’s stunning corporate headquarters and nutrigenomics research facility. (Alltech’s production facility is also located in Nicholasville, KY, but for food safety reasons could not be included in the tour.) I have worked in many different industries, but I have to say that Alltech’s HQ building was easily amongst the most impressive I’ve every visited. The love of science is a theme carried through campus statuary and even the building’s architecture and interior design, which includes double helix staircases. Alltech’s status as a major international company is reflected in the design of individual rooms, such as the South Africa room, which boasts objet d’art and paintings by South African artists. And as a reflection of the founder Dr Pearse Lyons’ Irish roots, the HQ even enjoys an authentic Irish pub (complete with a bar equipped with Guinness taps!) to host relaxing, after-hours meetings. Even more impressive is the fact that the company has grown from an 8,000 square foot facility back in the 1970s to this stunning, 200,000 square foot showpiece. The plenary session The first morning’s plenary session started with a bang, opening with a dazzling performance by iLuminate, a troupe of hip-hop dancers who lit up the darkened stage wearing LED equipped helmets and full body suits that

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strobed and flashed in rhythm to the music. With the audiences’ blood pumping, Alltech President, Dr Mark P Lyons PhD, took the stage to open the conference. If the conference had an overarching theme, it was how positivity in the face of adversity can overcome and accomplish amazing things. This theme was later echoed by the conference’s three keynote speakers, who included Bear Grylls (the internationally-known adventurer/survivalist and television presenter), Chris Zook (Best-selling author of ‘The Founder’s Mentality’; Advisory Partner at Bain & Company) and Ramez Naam, co-chair, Energy ad Environment, Singularity University. The Bear necessities This year’ keynote speaker was Bear Grylls, Although his many television programmes have made him wealthy and famous, Bear shared with the audience many of the personal struggles he has faced in his life, including a serious injury after a failed parachute jump. Bear spoke about his four F’s: Failure, Fear, Fire, and Faith. The television personality explained that he has failed many times in his life, and those failures were never meaningless, because through them he learned much about himself. He related how, while serving in the British armed forces, he applied to join the elite Special Forces unit, the SAS (Special Air Service). The selection course for the SAS was extremely rigorous, and Bear failed on his first attempt. However, he was determined and reapplied to the course as soon as he was able. On his second attempt, Bear was successful and joined the elite regiment. Bear then equated his own life experiences and stressed that we have to face our Fear, and use our Fire (our will), and when that fails, draw from our Faith to see the task through.


Those vital life lessons translate into our everyday lives, and a similar mindset is what we all need to embody to face the times at hand. Dr Lyons then joined Bear on stage, and in a moving speech, described how difficult his own life has been over the last year, first with the lost of his father and Alltech founder Dr Lyons, and then through the tragic loss of his sister. Dr Lyons stressed that, although we are living through turbulent times in which we must deal with challenges,

such as a rising population. We face an urgent need to increase our food supply by one-third by 2050, while dealing with a worsening climate crisis. But despite these daunting challenges, the hopeful message carried throughout the conference was how we can realise a potential future of abundance, made possible through the advent of new technologies, improved management practices, and the ingenuity inherent in the human spirit. As always, the Alltech event offered a tremendous opportunity for networking as like-minded peers from across the world shared new innovative ideas to spur advancement in the agribusiness industry. The focus sessions were split over two days. On Tuesday, the first day of the conference, the sessions were dedicated



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to terrestrial species: poultry, swine, ruminants (beef and dairy), equine, companion pets and crop science. With many conferences going on at the same time, I was spoiled for choice and chose to divide my time between poultry, beef, and swine. One the Wednesday, the focus was exclusively on aqua feed. Monday, May 20, one conference begins The Monday focus sessions had plenty to choose from on a wide gamut of feed topics including beef, brewing and distilling, business, crop science, future of food, poultry, and pet. Spoiled for choice, I chose to attend a poultry session, a beef session, and a dairy session. The focus sessions were enormously interesting, as many were presented by those with PhDs who went into great depth on a variety of innovative topics. As these often-involved information proprietary to Alltech, I cannot divulge any details. However, I can share general details. Many of the talks focused on the crucial importance of gut health to enable animals to achieve maximum performance and stressed disease prevention through an approach that stresses the use of probiotics and a unique cocktail of proteins and lipids. The Alltech Medal of Excellence was awarded to Dr Richard Murphy. Dr Murphy has been the Research Director at the Alltech European Bioscience Centre in Dunboyne, Ireland for 17 years. Dr Murphy was recognised for his pioneering work in the areas of organic trace element assimilation, microbial enzyme technology, and the mitigation of antimicrobial resistance in livestock production. Next Dr Lyons presented the Alltech Humanitarian Award, which went to keynote speaker Bear Grylls. The award is presented annually to a person of strong character who uses their platform to positively influence those around them. Grylls is also the youngest ever UK Chief Scout and the first ever Chief Ambassador to the World Scout Movement, representing a global family of some 50 million Scouts. 102 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

CLOSING SESSION Infinite Possibility: A World of Abundance Ramez Naam, Co-Chair, Energy and Environment, Singularity University Ramez Naam was one of the final speakers at the two-day conference and gave a very positive and uplifting talk. In a world of climate change and limited resources, Naam explained how technology is helping transform the planet into one of infinite possibility. For example, solar polar has experienced a 350X reduction in cost. At the same time the price of Lithium ion batteries have dropped 85 percent since 2010, and are on track to drop another three-to-five percent before 2030. He explained how solar and wind power are not only able to compete with fossil fuels, but are actually cheaper. As an example, in 2018 an Indiana utility company announced that it was now cheaper to build new solar and wind power plants than to operate existing coal plants. Water is another concern, but in recent times fresh water use has actually been declining in countries such as the United States. Naam’s solution for the way to deal with the limited resources of a finite planet is through infinite innovation. Regenerative agriculture Climate change is currently one of the biggest problems facing humanity and the focus of greenhouse gases. But even this has some potential solutions, including regenerative agriculture. Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. Regenerative Agriculture aims to capture carbon in soil and aboveground biomass, reversing current global trends of atmospheric accumulation.



The Southern Hemisphere’s largest agricultural event


by Peter Parker, Milling and Grain

ieldays 2019 ran from the 12-15th June 2019 at the Mystery Creek Event Centre near Hamilton in the central North Island of New Zealand. The vitally important event was officially opened by New Zealand’s Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Jacinda Ardern and New Zealand National Fieldays Society President Peter Carr. Fieldays is the Southern Hemisphere’s largest agricultural event and the ultimate launch platform for cutting edge technology and innovation, this year the show attracted 128,747 visitors throughout the four days. The show functions as a Business-to-Business platform but also as a fun day out for the general public with plenty to do and see for all. Such activities include watching Fieldays staples like the Fencing, Tractor Pull, Agricultural Heritage, Excavators, and STIHL Timbersports®, all of which are thrilling competitions to watch throughout the four days. Eight of New Zealand’s best chefs including Peter Gordon, Claire Turnbull, Ray McVinnie and Brett McGregor shared their vast knowledge and experience with visitors to the Fieldays Kitchen Theatre inspiring meal ideas and inciting a passion for using the local produce New Zealand’s primary industry creates.

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The Mystery Creek event centre is a 114 hectare site just 10 minutes out of Hamilton. While the majority of visitors arrived by car and parked in a field nearby dedicated to parking, many took to alternative modes of transport. 13,917 visitors travelled to Fieldays by bus, 856 by the Waikato River Explorer, 422 by Camjet, and 143 by helicopter. The agricultural show offers plenty of opportunities, this year there was a Fieldays Careers and Education programme which was attended by 866 school leaver aged students from 41 schools. 54 innovations were introduced into the market or developed further as part of the Fieldays Innovation Awards which saw some creative ideas focussed on strengthening the future of New Zealand’s primary industry. Winners included a platform that finds a solution to finding seasonal workers, a packing and delivery system for intramammary treatments and sealants, a fencepost made from 100 percent recycled plastics and a water flow indicator. Fieldays is run by New Zealand National Fieldays Society, a charitable organisation founded in 1968 for the purpose of advancing our primary industry. The dates for next year’s event, Fieldays 2020, are set for 10-13th June, once again at the Mystery Creek event centre.


IndoLivestoc - A clear preference for a quieter show by Peter Parker, Milling and Grain


f we are to spread our latest milling technologies to where its needed most by livestock producers, then exposition organisers have to take a leaf from the portfolio of their counterparts at IndoLivestock 2019. Here, the feed industry reached parts of the country and addressed more local needs that more centralised venues fail to achieve. The 14th edition of IndoLivestock Expo and Forum, Indonesia’s leading International Livestock, Feed, Dairy and Fisheries event, took place from July 3-5th, 2019 at the Grand City Convex in Surabaya which is located at almost the opposite end of Java to Jakarta. IndoLivestock is organised by PT Napindo Media Ashatama and has, in recent years, alternated locations annually between Surabaya and Jakarta. The expo is a combination of IndoFeed, IndoDairy, IndoVet and Indo Fisheries. Indonesia is the largest country in South East Asia (SEA) in terms of both population (260 million) and land mass (1.9 million square kilometres). And while it might be one-fifth the land mass of the United States it reaches from California to beyond New York. While Indonesia consists of five major islands, there are over 17,000 islands in total, which are are spread across a wide area, as a result the greatest challenge for the food production industry is often the logistics in moving raw materials, ingredients, feed and livestock to where it’s needed.


The IndoLivestock 2019 opening ceremony began with a number of musicians taking to the stage to play the ‘angklung’, 106 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

ck 2019

a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of a varying number of bamboo tubes. Numerous government officials and prominent figures from the Indonesian livestock industry took to the podium to speak about the state of the industry; these remarks were presented almost exclusively in Indonesian. Rows of government representatives were in attendance, highlighting the importance of livestock production to Indonesia. According to the IndoLivestock organisers, as much as 70 percent of the Indonesian population are involved in the livestock, feed and fisheries industries.

African Swine Fever

With such a massive national investment in livestock and agriculture, it is natural that the global threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) was a popular topic throughout the three-day show. ASF continues to devastate the Chinese pig industry. It’s a disease with no known vaccine cure. It has crossed borders in Asia, and it is only natural that South East Asian countries are concerned that it could infect their industry with dire consequences. This was demonstrated two weeks prior to IndoLivestock when The Philippines’ Government decided to postpone their event, Livestock Philippines 2019, until the threat of ASF could be controlled. Again, the high dependency of a growing population on the meat and protein supplies from a national pig herd swayed the government in a last-minute decision to postpone. Chris Jackson, the Export Manager for the UK Pig Association and who represents the UK TAG (UK Technology and Animal Genetics) commented, when interviewed by Milling and Grain, that island nations such as Indonesia have the advantage over

Government officials and key industry figures sound a gong to officially open the show

landlocked countries when it comes to the spreading of ASF. However, it is critically important that they enforce strict biosecurity measures to avoid infected meat products from entering their countries, he says.

Jakarta vs Surabaya

Generally speaking, the Jakarta show is the larger of the two events which alternate as hosts each year. Jakarta features more international exhibitors and delegates whereas the Surabaya show is more domestic, attracting local farmers from the region and is experiencing massive growth. This is not to suggest this show lacks an international presence. There were many international companies from around the globe exhibiting at the show, the British and Canadian embassies were also taking the initiative to exhibit and explore the opportunities of the booming Indonesian agricultural and livestock market. It was interesting to learn that many exhibitors prefer the Surabaya show to the Jakarta show for a number of reasons. Paul Dennis from Exhibiting Company 4B Braime Components commented that the relatively smaller showroom is beneficial as it means the majority of visitors will make it to their stand. A representative at the BĂźhler Group stand made an interesting comment, that typically the majority of the time spent at the Jakarta show was spent following up with existing customers, whereas at the Surabaya show was more exciting for them as there were ample opportunity to meet new, potential customers running smaller enterprises. In fact, all three days were equally busy, with visitors reluctant to leave and some still registering at 4pm on the last day, which underscores just how attractive this show venue has become with its range of livestock offerings, the pristine and airconditioned interior, its connection to a substantial shopping mall and its location in the heart of the city of Surabaya. Following on from what many expressed to have been a successful show, we look forward to IndoLivestock 2020 Expo and Forum, which is currently set to be held in Jakarta from July 8-10, 2020 at the Jakarta Convention Centre: The Capitol location typically attracting more of an international audience and featuring its own characteristics. 108 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Live music setting the scene for the cocktail function on the opening evening

Dr Bernhard Eckel, Vice President Sales at Dr Eckel in attendance on the showroom floor as a visitor

Paul Dennis, Managing Director, 4B Australia Pty Ltd, at the 4B Group stand

Andrea Albertin and Fabio Pivetti at the WAMGroup stand

Chen Zhouqun, Somrith Vanpr, and CJ Yeoh at the Shanghai Zhengyi stand

Tornum AB +46 512 29100 Wenger Manufacturing +1 785-284-2133

To be included into the Market Place, please contact Tom Blacker +44 1242 267700 -

Air products Kaeser Kompressoren +49 9561 6400

Analysis R-Biopharm +44 141 945 2924 Romer Labs +43 2272 6153310

Amino acids Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH +49 618 1596785

Bag closing

Sukup +1 641 892 4222 TSC Silos +31 543 473979

Bin dischargers

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11

Lambton Conveyor +1 519 627 8228 Petkus +49 36921 980 Silo Construction Engineers +32 51723128 Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 165

110 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

4B Braime +44 113 246 1800 Henry Simon +44 0161 804 2800

Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 66

Lambton Conveyor +1 519 627 8228

Coolers & driers

Petkus +49 36921 980

A-MECS Corp. +822 20512651

Consergra s.l +34 938 772207

Croston Engineering +44 1829 741119

Elevator & conveyor components


Morillon +33 2 41 56 50 14

Chief +1 308 237 3186

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Adifo NV +32 50 303 211

Chief +1 308 237 3186

Bentall Rowlands +44 1724 282828

Tapco Inc +1 314 739 9191

Computer software

Denis +33 2 37 97 66 11

Bulk storage

Sweet Manufacturing Company +1 937 325 1511

A-MECS Corp. +822 20512651

Satake +81 82 420 8560

Mühlenchemie GmbH & Co KG +49 4102 202 001

STIF +33 2 41 72 16 80

Colour sorters

Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00

Bakery improvers

Elevator buckets

GMP+ International +31703074120

Petkus +49 36921 980

TMI +34 973 25 70 98

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550


Fischbein SA +32 2 555 11 70

Imeco +39 0372 496826

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

FrigorTec GmbH +49 7520 91482-0 Geelen Counterflow +31 475 592315

Sweet Manufacturing Company +1 937 325 1511 Tapco Inc +1 314 739 9191 Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Enzymes AB Vista +44 1672 517 650

FAMSUN +86 514 87848880 Manzoni +55 19 3765 9331 Petkus +49 36921 980 Soon Strong Machinery +886 3 9901815 Sukup +1 641 892 4222 Suncue Company Ltd

JEFO +1 450 799 2000

Extruders Almex +31 575 572666 Andritz +45 72 160300 Extru-Tech Inc. +1 785 284 2153 Insta-Pro International +1 515 254 1260

Manzoni +55 19 3765 9331 Wenger Manufacturing +1 785-284-2133 Yemmak +90 266 7338363 Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Feed nutrition AB Vista +44 1672 517 650 Adisseo + 33 1 46 74 70 00 Biomin +43 2782 8030 Delacon +43 732 6405310 DSM +41 61 815 7777 Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH +49 618 1596785 JEFO +1 450 799 2000 Novus +1 314 576 8886 Nutriad +32 52 40 98 24 PHIBRO +1 201 329 7300

Grain handling systems Cargotec Sweden Bulk Handling +46 42 85802 Chief +1 308 237 3186 Cimbria A/S +45 96 17 90 00 Lambton Conveyor +1 519 627 8228 Petkus +49 36921 980 Sukup Europe +45 75685311 Sweet Manufacturing Company +1 937 325 1511

Laboratory equipment Bastak +90 312 395 67 87 Brabender +49 203 7788 0 CHOPIN Technologies +33 14 1475045 ERKAYA +90 312 395 2986 Next Instruments +612 9771 5444 Perten Instruments +46 8 505 80 900 Petkus +49 36921 980

Level measurement

Tapco Inc +1 314 739 9191

BinMaster Level Controls +1 402 434 9102

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

FineTek Co., Ltd +886 2226 96789

Hammermills Alapala +90 212 465 60 40 Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11 Christy Turner Ltd +44 1473 742325 Dinnissen BV +31 77 467 3555

Loading/un-loading equipment Golfetto Sangati +39 0422 476 700 Neuero Industrietechnik +49 5422 95030 Vigan Engineering +32 67 89 50 41

Mill design & installation Alapala +90 212 465 60 40

Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 21

Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11

Selis +90 222 236 12 33

Christy Turner Ltd +44 1473 742325

Christy Turner Ltd +44 1473 742325

Soon Strong Machinery +886 3 9901815

Genç Degirmen +90 444 0894

Kay Jay Rolls +91 9878 000 859

Viteral +90 332 2390 141

Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 21

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 444

Wynveen +31 26 47 90 699

Wynveen +31 26 47 90 699

Van Aarsen International +31 475 579 444

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

Viteral +90 332 2390 141

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

Zheng Chang +86 2164184200

Phileo +33 320 14 80 97 www.

Feed milling

Golfetto Sangati +39 0422 476 700 Henry Simon +44 0161 804 2800 IMAS - Milleral +90 332 2390141 Ocrim +39 0372 4011 Omas +39 049 9330297 Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 21

111 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Petkus +49 36921 980

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

Kay Jay Rolls +91 9878 000 859

Sangati Berga +85 4008 5000

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Leonhard Breitenbach +49 271 3758 0

Satake +81 82 420 8560

Palletisers A-MECS Corp. +822 20512651

Selis +90 222 236 12 33

Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN) +3 73 54 984 72

Rentokil Pest Control +44 0800 917 1987

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Pingle +86 311 88268111

Zheng Chang +86 2164184200

Selis +90 222 236 12 33

Process control

Soon Strong Machinery +886 3 9901815

DSL Systems Ltd +44 115 9813700 Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 66

Tanis +90342337222

Ottevanger Milling Engineers +31 79 593 22 21

FAWEMA +49 22 63 716 0

Unormak +90 332 2391016

Safe Milling +44 844 583 2134

Imeco +39 0372 496826

112 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

Petkus +49 36921 980


Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00

TMI +34 973 25 70 98

Pelleting Technology Netherlands (PTN) +3 73 54 984 72

Pest control


Peter Marsh Group +44 151 9221971

Ocrim +39 0372 4011

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

Nutriad +32 52 40 98 24

Mondi Group +43 1 79013 4917

Kay Jay Rolls +91 9878 000 859

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

CHOPIN Technologies +33 14 1475045

Next Instruments +612 9771 5444

Henry Simon +44 0161 804 2800

Viteral +90 332 239 01 41

Brabender +49 203 7788 0

NIR systems

IMAS - Milleral +90 332 2390141

Soon Strong Machinery +886 3 9901815

Moisture measurement

Biomin +43 2782 8030

Genç Degirmen +90 444 0894

Pellet Press

Zaccaria +55 19 3404 5700

Adisseo + 33 1 46 74 70 00

Christy Turner Ltd +44 1473 742325

TMI +34 973 25 70 98

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Mycotoxin management

Alapala +90 212 465 60 40

Imeco +39 0372 496826

Tanis +90342337222

Hydronix +44 1483 468900

Roller mills

Cetec Industrie +33 5 53 02 85 00

Silo Construction Engineers +32 51723128

Wynveen +31 26 47 90 699

Tanis +90342337222

Yemmak +90 266 7338363

Rolls Entil +90 222 237 57 46 Fundiciones Balaguer, S.A. +34 965564075

Yemtar Feed Mill Machines +90 266 733 8550

Roll fluting Christy Turner Ltd +44 1473 742325 Fundiciones Balaguer, S.A. +34 965564075

Top Silo Constructions (TSC) +31 543 473 979

Kay Jay Rolls +91 9878 000 859

Reclaim System

Temperature monitoring Agromatic +41 55 2562100

Vibrafloor +33 3 85 44 06 78

CHOPIN Technologies +33 14 1475045

Sifters Filip GmbH +49 5241 29330

Dol Sensors +45 721 755 55 Inteqnion +31 543 49 44 66

Gazel +90 364 2549630

Supertech Agroline +45 6481 2000

Petkus +49 36921 980 Selis +90 222 236 12 33

Tanis +90342337222

Training Bühler AG +41 71 955 11 11

Silos Behlen Grain Systems +1 900 553 5520

IAOM +1 913 338 3377

Bentall Rowlands +44 1724 282828

IFF +495307 92220

Chief +1 308 237 3186

Kansas State University +1 785 532 6161

CSI +90 322 428 3350

nabim +44 2074 932521

Lambton Conveyor +1 519 627 8228 MYSILO +90 382 266 2245 Obial +90 382 2662120 Petkus +49 36921 980 Silo Construction Engineers +32 51723128 Silos Cordoba +34 957 325 165 Soon Strong Machinery +886 3 9901815 Sukup +1 641 892 4222 Symaga +34 91 726 43 04 Tanis +90342337222

Ocrim +39 0372 4011

Vibrators Tanis +90342337222 Vibrafloor +33 3 85 44 06 78

Weighing equipment Imeco +39 0372 496826 Mondi Group +43 1 79013 4917 TMI +34 973 25 70 98

Yeast products Leiber GmbH +49 5461 93030

Our directory, now in its 27th incarnation, has continued to provide those in the food and feed industries with the best source for contacts from around the globe. Every year, our directory only continues to expand, and new companies are joining all the time. The International Milling Directory reaches a massive group of industry experts and customers, as we regularly distribute copies worldwide at trade shows and various events.

Latest updates




Member news

This month, we have had five new companies join our database: • OTS Industrial – Hong Kong • Elstar Electronic - Switzerland • Rech Chemical Co. - China • The Metals Factory - India • GELGOOG - China Givaudan and Bühler recently partnered to fast-track market access and innovation for food start-ups Bühler also won the GRAPAS Innovations Awards with their LumoVision technology, to successfully detect and only process aflatoxin-infected grain Leiber Animal Nutrition expanded its distribution network with new partnerships in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka Ringneck Energy opened a new 80 to 100 million gallon/year ethanol plant, which was built by Sukup Manufacturing Co. Evonik presented 14 abstracts at the Poultry Science Association Conference 2019, on everything from amino acids to the effects of feeding reduced crude protein diets to broilers

The International Milling Directory is free to join. List your company, products and services today at:

Phileo +33 320 14 80 97 www.


Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 113


Company info


Advertised products in this issue

Company info

86 4B - bucket elevators and components >

Advertised products in this issue


Ocrim - Product range >


AGI - Grain storage >


Ottevanger - Product range >


Alapala - Roller Mill >


PTN - Product range >


Almex - Extruders >


Ozpolat - Smartmill >


Amandus Kahl - Cown Expander >


Perry Bulk Handling - Product range >


Andritz - Feed and Biofuel >


Pingle Group - Product range >


Bastak - Farignograph >


PLP. Liquid Systems - Product range >


Behlen - Product range >


Rotaflex - Clean Mill Spouting >

65 Biomin - Mycofix >


Satake - Sorting and Processing >

120 Buhler - Processing solutions >


Sefar (Switzerland) - Sefar Nytal >


Chief - Material Handling >


Selis - Positioning System >


Cofco - Roller Mill -


Silos Cordoba - Monitoring SIWA >


Consergra - Product range >


Sukup - Fastir Stirring Machine >


CSI - Silos >


Symaga - Product range >


Tanis - Product range >


Tapco - Product range >


TSC - Smooth Wall Silo >

The Essmueller - Product range >

105 Erkaya - Flour Quality Control Instruments > 26

Evonik - AminoSys >

69 Famsun - Extrusion > 49

FAWEMA - Machine Solutions >



Filip - Sieve Cleaners >


Van Aarsen - Conditioners >


Vigan - Unloaders >


Fundiciones Balaguer - Rolls >


Gazel - Sifters >


Wenger - Dryers >


Wynveen - Cryloc Sifter >


Genc - Roller mill >


Golfetto Sangatti - HP55 >


Yemmak - Product range >


Henry Simon - Roller Mill >


Yenar - Rolls >


Hydronix - Hydro-Mix >


Zaccaraia - Products >


Imas - Roller Mill >


Zhengchang >


Imeco - Product range >


Inteqnion - Solutions >


Lambton - Product range >


Maxi-Lift - HD Stax Bucket >

119 Muyang - Silos >


Nabim - Training >


Necdet Kaya Degirmen -Product range >

103 Neuero - Ship loaders >


Novus - Activate >

109 Obial - Product range >

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Milling and Grain - August 2019 | 115

the interview

Professor Wu Wenbin, Henan University of Technology

Dr Wenbin has been engaged in teaching and scientific research in regard to the grain processing industry within Henan University of Technology for an incredible 37 years. He graduated from the Dalian University of Technology and is a NTNU visiting scholar and Deputy Secretary General of China’s Grain Committee for Standardisation. Dr Wu is also Director of the Grain and Oil Machinery Research Institute of the Henan University of Technology. He has directed and completed the publication of over 135 papers and 18 national standards. What exactly brought you into the milling industry?

At university I majored in grain engineering. After graduation, I was engaged in the teaching and scientific research of grain machinery at Henan University of Technology. Now, the university has long been committed to the research of basic theories and engineering technology in the field of grain production, and has established a complete discipline system integrating storage, transportation, processing, equipment, information and management. It has the most complete grain, oil and food science group in China. It has 20 colleges and 67 undergraduate programs, three first-level disciplines authorised for doctorates and 20 firstlevel disciplines authorised for master’s degrees. I have been working for 37 years in the grain milling industry and have developed a very strong passion for the grain machinery industry. I have drafted and revised many national standards for grain machinery and have published more than 130 articles. In particular, I have also trained many students to serve the food industry.

What do you see as a possible challenge that the industry may face over the next five years and how can we resolve this issue? Food safety and the healthiness of food is something we need to pay special attention to. The improvement of design and manufacturing technology, the use of new technology and new materials, the continuous innovation of products and design methods will all assist in this greatly.

The most important thing is that we do a good job in educating and training professional for the professional talents.

Would you say that networking at events is more or less as important as the science and engineering that goes behind the technology within the flour and milling industry?

At present in China, networking plays a very important role in flour engineering technology and grain processing machinery, especially in business. Yes, the networking of grain engineering in the milling industry is more important, especially in China. Building friendly relationships is especially important for every enterprise. Businesses are improving their concepts for customers, not just products, and also improving their services. “Respect the customer, for the sake of all customers”.

You were recently also a judge for the GRAPAS Innovations Awards, which were held at the GRAPAS Conference at VICTAM International in Germany on June 13th. What do you think makes the GRAPAS Innovations Awards so special and interesting?

The GRAPAS Innovations Awards is a very good thing for the milling industry. Through the GRAPAS Innovations Awards, we are able to select the latest technology and products in this industry that have made a meaningful difference for the sector. It can promote and encourage more enterprises to improve product quality and carry out scientific innovations.

What do you think makes VICTAM International such an influential exhibition and event? As a result of VICTAM’s long-term operational activities and its

116 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

efforts and contributions to the advancement of the grain and feed industry, it has become a household name in the grain and feed industry, especially in China and Southeast Asia. Now, many Chinese enterprises have become more involved with VICTAM international. They want to attend VICTAM International as it can help improve the Chinese enterprise’s products and technology and help them to enter into the international market.

What is the latest trend in China, in regard to milling and food technology? Is anything especially popular at the moment? We are now paying greater attention to food safety in the processing and storage of all products. Our country development plans are improving modern technology and equipment, so we are able to help advance the flour industry, improve production efficiency, reducing waste and reduce energy consumption.

What is your favourite aspect of working in this rewarding industry?

My main research is primarily directed towards grain machinery, including flour and rice processing and equipment. Much of my study and research is also regarding the basic theory of flour processing machinery, such as roller mills, plansifters, purifiers, separators, dry stones etc. There is a lot of analysis, research and basic theory in relation to milling that we are continually learning here at the university. One particularly intriguing aspect is the study of roller cooling and roller quality detecting technology. We also learn the latest equipment technology and advancements from famous companies in the world.

Is the Henan University of Technology working on anything new for the food industry?

The scientific research of Henan University of Technology is mainly focused on the logistics, storage, processing, comprehensive utilisation and equipment of rice, flour, oil, grain and by-products. We do have the State Key Laboratory for Wheat and Corn Processing and a National Key Laboratory for Grain Storage respectively. These laboratories are actively engaged in basic theory and applied research to serve the grain industry in China and specifically the Henan Province.

Do you find being a professor especially fulfilling, being able to teach young students the importance of food engineering and caring for our food in the future? I like to teach students about milling knowledge and working on scientific research for the grain industry. I am happy to be able to train the technical personnel needed by the grain processing industry through my own work.

Because the development of the food industry requires a large number of engineers and technical workers who master professional knowledge, there is always a demand to teach more people about the importance of this industry. China currently has a population of 1.3 billion people, therefore grain safety and affording healthy food is our government and university and milling companies’ duty.

PEOPLE THE INDUSTRY FACES US Wheat Associates promotes Amanda Spoo


S Wheat Associates (USW) promotes Amanda Spoo to Director of Communications in its Arlington headquarters. Spoo will continue to direct USW’s online communications efforts while supporting public relations and marketing communications outreach to overseas wheat buyers and US farmer stakeholders. USW is the wheat industry’s export market development organisation. “Amanda continues to demonstrate a highly effective approach to her work with an increasing number of responsibilities,” said USW Vice President of Communications Steve Mercer.

Spoo was Director of Communications with the Kansas Pork Association before joining USW in 2015 as a Communications Specialist and was promoted to USW Assistant Director of Communications in 2017. She grew up in Hermiston and earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications and Journalism at Kansas State University. She worked three years as a Student Communications Specialist at the IGP Institute and as a Communications Intern in Government Affairs with ICM, Inc, a Kansas biofuels company.

Gina Tumbarello to serve on US Agricultural Trade Advisory Committee


he American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has announced that Gina Tumbarello, AFIA’s Director of International Policy and Trade, has been reappointed to serve on the US Foreign Agricultural Service’s Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade in Grains, Feed, Oilseeds and Planting Seeds.

Ms Tumbarello has represented AFIA members on the committee since 2014 and provides valuable technical advice and information about US animal food products and the industry to the secretary of agriculture and US Trade Representative (USTR). “Last year, the US animal food industry exported over $13 billion worth of feed and pet food products across North America, Asia and Europe,” said Leah Wilkinson, AFIA’s Vice President of Public Policy and Education.

Mallory Gaines joins AFIA as Manager of Market Access and Trade Policy


he American Feed Industry Association has announced the addition of Mallory Gaines as its Manager of Market Access and Trade Policy.

In this newly created AFIA position, Ms Gaines will be responsible for developing, implementing and communicating the organisation’s trade policy goals and activities and supporting the growth of trade-related policies that are in the best interests of expanding USA exports.

“Mallory brings a wealth of international agriculture policy expertise to the table as well as the desire to broaden her knowledge base into the wider international trade sphere,” said Gina Tumbarello, AFIA’s Director of International Policy and Trade. “We are very excited for her to expand AFIA’s international trade work and join our legislative and regulatory team!”

Vortex expands into Czech Republic and Slovakia


ortex Global Limited, a solids and bulk handling components company, has announced the appointment of MillTech CZ as its representative agent in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This partnership allows Vortex to formally extend its products and services to reach new markets, as the company has not previously held representation in those countries. Laurence Millington, Managing Director at Vortex Global Limited, said, “Our team is very happy to begin working with Lukáš and Tomáš in the Czech and Slovakian markets. We look forward to longstanding and fruitful collaboration as we grow the Vortex sales presence in two countries filled with untapped potential.”

118 | August 2019 - Milling and Grain

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Milling and extruding

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