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CHARITABLE INITIATIVES Prevent Child Abuse America

Since 2020, we have been honored to partner with Prevent Child Abuse America through a unique tee each year. In 2019, a report from ChildWelfare.gov found that more than twothirds of all reports of child abuse and neglect came from professionals, with teachers making up the largest percentage of professionals. This statistic is one of the many reasons why GYTO chooses to do everything we can to support Prevent Child Abuse America.

• Sold more than 200 tees, with all profits being donated to PCA.

• GYTO is matching all donations, resulting in more than $6,000 being donated to PCA this year!

• Continuing our partnership by providing them with complimentary exhibit space at our upcoming National Conference, allowing teachers and leaders to learn more about their organization

HRC’s Welcoming Schools

As a part of our continued commitment to doing the work of racial and social justice, one of our core values that we have committed to as a Get Your Teach On organization is that we value ALL voices. That work and commitment includes supporting LGBTQ+ teachers and students. We also believe that taking actionable steps is one of the most important components to show that we value all voices. The GYTO Team strongly believes that we must do the work to choose EVERYONE, always. This includes choosing to protect, uplift, amplify, and support the LGBTQ+ community. This is why we partnered with the Human Rights Campaign’s Welcoming Schools for the second year in a row to raise awareness and money for their organization.