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School Testimonials

FLAGET ELEMENTARY, GYTOxIndiana Collaboration Site

When I first heard Flaget was selected as an Indiana Collaboration Site, I was pumped for the dynamic and energetic experience I knew we were going to have. I was impressed with the way the support we received was individualized for our school, and my teachers felt they were part of the planning process from Day 1. All coaching provided by Chris and the GYTO team was specific to our school and the challenges we were facing, even those that popped up unexpectedly throughout the year. What I didn’t expect was the deep rooted change in the climate and culture of our building. Even those who were encouraged to work outside of their comfort zone (both teachers and students) did so with a smile on their faces. My team has come together as co-workers and as friends in a way I would have never imagined would come from this experience. We have learned so much and had a ton of fun along the way! This experience has also been felt throughout our community as we have had an increase in the number of applicants for our open positions. I cannot be more grateful that we were given this opportunity by the IDOE and GYTO. The positive results are both seen and felt.

— Samantha McClure, Principal, Flaget Elementary

PETTIT PARK ELEMENTARY, GYTOxIndiana Collaboration Site

The Indiana Get Your Teach On Collaboration has been the most amazing blessing in a challenging year of education! Chris has given our #901ohana family a sense of energy, excitement, and so many strategies that we have implemented to build student success! We have seen growth in our practices as well as student achievement! We are looking forward to continuing implementation of what we have learned this year!

— Dr. Lyndsi Smith, Principal, Pettit Park Elementary


I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for your work with Test this year! We could not have done it without you! Thank you for giving me guidance, perspective, and a recharge of excitement to be in education. I look forward to moving forward! Ashley and I spent a lot of time creating new partnerships of teachers for next year and are so excited to see what the new year has to offer us. Thank you again for all you have done.

— Katie Belanga, School Counselor, Test Intermediate School