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Teacher Testimonials

The impact GYTO has had on me is profound. I am an energy driven teacher and they have reignited even more energy within myself to go into my classroom and best meet the needs of my students. Not only am I specifically focused on my daily goals for myself but the students are, too.

— Teacher, Cedar Crest Intermediate School, GYTOxIndiana Collaboration Site

After 10 years it has reignited the passion to do my best. It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity and this has just renewed my soul. I feel more comfortable and confident with my daily decisions. I have more resources to reach out for and they are solid that will last, not just the current trends. This process has brought more of the personal side of me out in order to really connect with my students.

— Teacher, Flaget Elementary, GYTOxIndiana Collaboration Site

Being part of the GYTO has impacted me as a teacher by allowing me to see the importance of active engagement and school wide consistency, especially in the area of reading foundations. As an intermediate teacher, I lost sight of direct instruction of these skills and can now see how important they are to the students, even in the upper grades.

— Teacher, John. I Meister Elementary, GYTOxIndiana Collaboration Site