1 minute read

One Year Later

Attending GYTO Nationals prepared me for the 2022-2023 school year.

Attending GYTO Nationals motivated and inspired me heading into the 2022-2023 school year.

Takeaway: Nearly 90% of attendees found that attending Nationals prepared them for the upcoming school year!

Takeaway: Over 97% of attendees said the National Conference motivated and inspired them as they went into the school year!

Attending GYTO Nationals gave me strategies that helped increase student engagement, achievement, and buy-in in my classroom.

How often did you use GYTO tools or strategies shared at GYTO with your students this school year?

Takeaway: 90% of attendees felt that Nationals gave them strategies that helped increase student engagement, achievement, and buy-in in their classroom!

Takeaway: 87% of attendees use GYTO strategies in their classroom at least monthly, with 60% using GYTO strategies at least weekly!

Would you attend a future National Conference in the Orlando, FL area?

Takeaway: Over 90% of attendees would attend another GYTO conference!