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GYTO Community and beyond,

We are so excited and proud to share another incredible GYTO year with you. Coming off of yet another crazy school year, we first want to recognize and remind you of just how incredible you are. It’s absolutely no secret that education is facing some monumental challenges. Yet you, in whatever capacity you play in your school, continue to show up every single day. We firmly believe that this is because you know, to your core, that education can be a place that serves both students AND teachers well. So thank you. Thank you for showing up even when you questioned your effectiveness, your ability, and your patience. And know that you are making a difference every single day in the lives of your students and community.

It is also our hope that we were able to serve you in the same way that you served your students this year. Our goal, whenever you join us for a GYTO experience, is not just that you gain tools and strategies to take back to the classroom but that if you’ve lost your passion, you find it once again. The passion not just to teach but to thrive in your everyday life, whatever that might look like for you. Our biggest dream is that you leave every GYTO experience a little better than we found you - both as a teacher and a human. That you are given a little more motivation and drive to head back to your school community to be the best YOU there is. You’ve proven that you are unstoppable, that you are stronger today than yesterday, and that you were made for this very moment.

Thank you again for being here. We couldn’t do this without you. Let’s continue to change education and create the best opportunities for all students AND teachers….together and stronger.

Let’s do this,