Get Yonder Magazine-Issue Three

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GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


GetYonder EDITOR IN CHIEF Stephanie Hampton CONTENT COORDINATOR Shareef AsSadiq CONTENT WRITERS Stephanie Hampton Shannon Lewis SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER Yolanda Darnell CONTRIBUTORS Various Users of Get Yonder Forums

CONTACT INFO: Email: Phone: (770) 771-2553 Web: SOCIAL MEDIA INFO: Instagram: get.yonder Twitter: get_yonder Facebook: Get Yonder


Get Yonder reserves the right to limit the reproduction of any portion of this magazine via digital or printed access, without the expressed written consent from the publisher. Any submission of content via the use of the Get Yonder website or mobile app simultaneously grants Get Yonder an irrevocable, royalty free license to publish, display, modify, distribute and syndicate your content at our discretion. You confirm and warrant that you have the required authority to grant the above license to Get Yonder by your submission.

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Don’t just ride for the miles, be sure to capture the memories! In our third issue of Get Yonder Magazine, we feature our very first female motocycle club, Hurricane Biker Girls MC. With what once was considered a male dominated arena, more and more women are taking their rightful place as ground pounders. In this edition, we also cover a few of the All-Female-Rides that took place this year, to include a Bessie Stringfield ride, and an All-Female-Ride in Jacksonville, Florida. Also featured in this current issue are articles on Grounding Pounding in Alaska, the respected Highway Smiley Ground Pounder’s Patch, and a Riding Flashback of 2016. As always, it’s our intent to continue to bring you amazing stories and content. We appreciate the overwhelming support, and hope that you continue to share in your journeys. Ride Safe! Get Yonder!

Stephanie Hampton Editor-In-Chief Get Yonder Magazine

CONTENTS The Motorcycle Mall Of America..................... 06-09 First Ever All Biker One Stop Shop

All Female Ride.................................................... 10-11

The Ladies Ride To Jacksonville Florida

Get Yonder is not responsible nor do we guarantee any advertising claims made by paid sponsors.

Have Iron/Will Travel RTE................................ 12-13

Cover photo: Courtesy of Sandra Smith

Hurricane Biker Girls MC.................................. 16-17

Fellowship & Food

All Female Motorcycle Club

Who’s Getting Yonder......................................... 18-19 page 4

Photos Of Bikers Hitting The Road


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!



Meet The Man Behind The Patch


The Motorcycle Mall Of America


An All Female Motorcycle Club


Multiple Trips From 2016


They Rode To Alaska On Two Wheels




The Four Corners Monument........................... 22-23 Photos Taken At The Four Corners Monument

All About The Smiley Patch............................... 26-29 What Is It & Who Has It

The Bessie Stringfield Ride................................. 30-31 The 2016 Bessie Stringfield Ride

2016 Riding Flashback........................................ 32-35 A Flashback Of Trips From 2016

Ground Pounding In Alaska.............................. 38-41 Riding To Alaska On Two Wheels


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


As a motorcycle enthusiast, we often feel more comfortable when we are within our own community! There are places, of course, that are

established that may “cater� to bikers, but even then, the feeling is not the same. about a place that has been established solely with bikers in mind.......a ONE-STOP-SHOP of all things biker related!

What is being considered the FIRST ever established mall designed specifically for bikers, just officially opened their doors to the public on October 22, 2016. The Motorcycle Mall of America, or MMA, located at 4395 Fulton Industrial Blvd in Atlanta, Georgia, consists of four entities- all within the same plaza. They are: MD Motorsports, 2 Wheel Bar & Grill, MD Customs and MD Mailing & Shipping Service. MD Motorsports provide the best in motorcycle apparel, parts and accessories and service. 2 Wheel Bar & Grill features a delicious menu of

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biker favorite dishes, signature drinks and seven (7) HD television screens for your viewing pleasures.

Dedicated to those that love to ride!


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MD Customs provide custom apparel, patches, embroidery, t-shirts and more. MD Mailing & Shipping Service provides a host of shipping services to include UPS, DHL, FedEx, and US Postal. Graphic printing and design services for flyers and business cards are also available at the location. The inspiration for the Motorcycle Mall of America came from the owner’s desire to establish a place where bikers feel right at home. Being a fellow biker, he wanted one place where everyone feels like family, to come hang out, eat, enjoy a football or basketball game on the television and not feel like they are being judged. His vision was to have the most biker related services in one shopping location. With great food and service at 2 Wheel Bar & Grill, he’s created an environment for the biker community that will be instrumental in promoting unity, comradery and love for bikers alike. The hours of operation for 2 Wheel Bar & Grill are from 10am to 2am. The hours of operation for all other entities are 10am to 7pm.

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!


Dedicated to those that love to ride!


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03



016 was the year for Female Bikers!

of club affiliation, to bond and get to know

Riding is her peace that brings a calmness to

not only do females own motorcycles,

was just the beginning of bigger and better to

faced would be her reason for establishing

They’ve set out to show the world that

but that they ride them and are very capable

when it comes to Getting Yonder. Their love, passion, and dedication for riding has been

proven time and time again. Within this past

year, there were several All-Female bike rides: One in particular was in Jacksonville, FL. It

was the 2016 All Female Ride: Jacksonville hosted by Jenn Brewington.


enn Brewington aka Lil Tigger first

organized an All-Female ride in 2014, with 7 local Floridian female riders,

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whom rode to Orlando, FL. The purpose

of this ride was to come together, regardless

each other while promoting sisterhood. This come for the event.


n order to understand Lil Tigger’s

passion and dedication, one needs to understand her background. A

woman that has been though many trials and tribulations, whom conquered them all through her spirituality and her love

her already hectic life. The challenges that she the All-Female Ride. It was her intent to

empower women, and allow them to share

their stories, to learn from each other, while building life long friendships.


fter the first initial ride, Lil Tigger realized that she could reach

more women whom shared the

for riding. She is a promoter of positive

same passion as she. In 2015, the ride grew

together from all backgrounds in hopes of

Jacksonville, FL to Cocoa Beach, FL where

sisterhood and a believer of bringing women building bridges. The difficulties that Lil

Tigger face as a single mom, though stressful, were met with the love she has for riding.

to over 30 female riders. They rode from

they spent the night building unforgettable bonds.


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!


ue to the growing

event was more than just about

previous years, Lil

women of all backgrounds from

success from the

Tigger wanted to continue with the All-Female Ride. By 2016,

she had linked up with Porsche Taylor, founder of Black Girls

Ride, Suicide and Thunder Kat

of Blaque Pearls MC and Foxy, PROC General Manager. The

above women provided valuable insight on making the All-

Female Ride a success. Lil Tigger attended the PRO Convention and was a guest speaker on the female panel. This opportunity enabled her to reach out to

females from all over the country that wanted to come together for the sake of sisterhood. In

2016, the third year of the All-

Female Ride, flourished to over

400 women in attendance. This

riding motorcycles, it brought

across the United States together for education, sisterhood, and

building life long bridges. They broke bread together and were able meet other female riders

that they might not have had

the chance to meet. This was

an opportunity for women who have had similar experiences

with such issues as depression, domestic abuse, divorce or just

the commonality of life to share

with one another. The bottom line is that...... motorcycles brought the ladies together and showed them that there is more to the motorcycle community than partying and trophies!

By: Shannon “Red� Lewis

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Have Iron/Will Travel Rte-ride to eat 2016 An Interview with Shareef AsSadiq

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!


What exactly is the Have Iron/Will Travel Ride To Eat 2016?


The idea of planning a Ride To Eat (RTE) was encouraged by Sarah Seccret Moreau. She would always ask about having a reunion for all the patch members of both the Smiley Patch and Have Iron/Will Travel. Ksolo (out of North Carolina) and I was planning to meet for lunch at the half way point for both of us. We decided to open it up to everyone. So since we are both active on the Have Iron/Will Travel Facebook page, and I’m one of the few that Bingo (Founder of Have Iron/Will Travel) intrusted with issuing his patch, we decided to have the ride under the Have Iron/Will Travel moniker.


Where was the meeting spot for the Ride To Eat?

We decide on a midway point between San Diego, CA which is where I would ride from and North Carolina, which is where Ksolo would be coming from. The meeting spot was Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, Texas. The date was October 1st, 2016. Our scheduled time for lunch would be 11am, but we ended up starting around 11:30am.





What did you do once you arrived at the actual lunch spot?

Once everyone arrived, we sat down at our reserved area. We ate, we fellowshipped and shared different riding stories. We were there for about 3 hours taking photos and having a good time. After we finished eating, we briefly talked about doing it again in 2017 and asked if anyone had suggestions. What kind of participation did you have?

There were roughly 22 riders that attended. They came from California, New York, Illinois, North Carolina, Florida, Philadelphia, and Texas. Some people were surprised at us riding that amount of miles to eat, but we had a pretty good turn out.


How did they know about the ride?


After we decided on a location, we created a Facebook invite and started posting about the event about two months prior to the event date.

Were there any additional events or planned rides?

No, the actual event is to meet and eat lunch. Most ate and left. There were no official rides or anything scheduled. After we ate, we passed out the Have Iron/Will Travel stickers and patches that we had made. Some of us rode the Texas Hill Country afterwards and a group of us did the Riverwalk, but nothing was official.

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


What’s the actual purpose for the event?

The purpose of the event is to enjoy fellowshipping with other riders and meeting others from different areas, but also enjoying the ride itself.


Are you planning another event for 2017?

Yes, the Have Iron/Will Travel Ride To Eat will be held on October 7th, 2017. The location next year will be in Kansas City, Missouri at Q39 BBQ Restaurant. We’ve created a Facebook event, which is posted in the Facebook Have Iron/Will Travel group, the Get Yonder group and on my personal Facebook page.

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

HAVE YOU CHECKED OUT THE GET YONDER WEBSITE & MOBILE APP? A full site dedicated to those that enjoy riding! STATE SIGNS


t ate signs are a favorite

on the Get Yonder site. Post a photo of you or a group in front of a state sign that you captured while on your journey!

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a dy riders are taking

over the highways. This category is for the women that ride and hold their own. Hats off to you ladies for hitting the highways!



andmarks are essential to the enjoyment of any trip. This category was created to share in those beautiful or historical landmarks along your


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

A PLACE TO SHARE YOUR PHOTOS! Celebrate your journey by sharing your photos! GAS & GO


as & Go was created to share photos of you or a group gasing up during a trip. It is dedicated to those that enjoy the moments between the



couple that rides together, stays together! This category was created for the lovers that enjoy getting miles together!



hether it be a group of club members or friends, this category was created to share photos of large group rides!

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Hurricane Biker Girls MC Riding On Their Own Terms!


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!


ith over 10 years of existence, the women of Hurricane Biker Girls MC are on a mission! They are out to change the stereotypical stigmas associated with female bikers and seek to put their marks on what was once a male dominated arena. ounded in 2002 by Blu Rose and Stallion, the all-female club currently consists of five chapters. These chapters are represented in San Diego, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Kalamazoo, MI; Atlanta, GA and Pittsburgh, PA. Blu Rose, National President, attributes their longevity to their love of riding and sisterhood. She states that the club has set out to be different from what others consider typical female bikers. They want to simply be known as women who ride their motorcycles……yet on their own terms.



he women of HBG are known for hitting the highways and of course…….getting yonder. In fact, Blu Rose states that they are planning an All-Chapter Ride, to the center of the country, then continuing to San Diego, California, which is where the Mother Chapter is located. The women of HBG has traveled coast to coast on many occasions and have visited some of the more popular historical monuments, such as, the Grand Canyon, Mile Zero in Key West and Mt. Rushmore. hen asked what was one of the more memorable trips, she stated that Pied Piper, President of the Pittsburgh, PA chapter rode to California with a full suitcase, a motorcycle fender, and a windscreen..….all on the


back of her motorcycle!

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

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The 48 States Hall Of Fame

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

The 48 States Hall Of Fame

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

FOUR CORNERS MONUMENT Maintained by the Navajo Nation Parks and

Recreation, the Four Corners Monument sits, in a very distinct, remote location. This monument

marks the geographical location where Arizona, New

Mexico, Colorado and Utah states meet. The location is so remote, that there are no working telephones,

electricity or running water there. However, you will find beautifully crafted, handmade jewelry, and local traditional tribal foods, sold by the Navajo vendors. The Flags of both the Navajo and the Ute Nation

fly near the monument, as it is also used to separate the two tribal nations. The respective flag of each

of the four states can be seen on the grounds of the landmark.

There is a small admission fee charge for entrance into the Four Corners Monument that allows for upkeeping of the property. The granite area that

aligns the geographic point, is a popular attraction for photos. Tourists travel for many miles, just to have the opportunity to take a photo in all four states.

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

tour of honor

benefiting veterans

and first responders charities

50 states. 500 memorials. You, your motorcycle, And a good reason to ride.

A self-directed ride 1APR17 - 31OCT17. Visit seven memorials in any state to achieve Finisher status. Or travel cross-country. It’s up to you. Sign up at Benefiting:

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Ground Pounding Essentials

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


When planning a distant trip, it’s important to be prepared for circumstances that may be beyond your control. The highway can be intimidating, as things can change within a matter of minutes. Changes in weather, mechanical issues and fatigue are just a few of the things that should be planned for in advance. After all, our ultimate goal is to enjoy the ride and arrive safely. We asked a combination of men and women, that enjoy hitting the highways, to list the items they used for long distance trips. They each provided five (5) essentials that are a must have for them in order to have the most comfortable ride. These items ranged from simple things such as music sticks to more relevant items such as tool kits and navigation. Let’s review some of the items that these distant riders consider essentials for their ride! Mike McKoy

1. Rain suit 2. Tools 3. GPS 4. Healthy Snacks 5. Heat or Cold Gear

Shareef AsSadiq 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Monkey Butt Weather Gear Sunblock/Lip balm Tinted Eye Wear Credit/Debit Card

Marcus Turtle Edwards

1. Rags 2. Tools 3. Rain Gear 4. Helmet w/Sena 5. Heated Gear

Michelle Haver

1. Bible 2. All Weather Gear 3. Maps 4. Cash & 2 credit Cards 5. Phone w/Chargers

RB Kaos Smitty

1. Weather Gear 2. Money 3. Tools w/ Zip Ties 4. Maps 5. Communication Device

Nate Pridemore

1. Wife 2. Cash 3. Rain Gear 4. Helmet w/Face Mask 5. Battery W/Jump Pack

T. Foster

LaVerne LilMa Key

Kevin James

1. Zip Ties 2. Extra Fuses 3. Gorilla Glue 4. Rain Gear 5. Atlas

1. Rain Gear 2. AAA Card 3. Cell Phone Charger 4. Tools 5. Registered Gun/ Permit

Stefnay Wade

Dee Lendog Leonard

Lisa Ibe Harden

1. Phone 2. Money 3. AAA Card 4. Registered Gun 5. Clothing w/ Cold Weather Gear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Helmet W/Sena Phone Charger Music stick AAA Card Rain Suit

1. Rain Gear 2. Map 3. Tools 4. Cash 5. Registered Gun

1. Tool 2. Rain Gear 3. AAA Card 4. Extra Socks 5. Wifi Unit

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


Basic Patch Requirements >> Notify Smiley prior to beginning your trip via Facebook, phone, or text. >> Take a photo of each state sign that does not pose a risk. If too dangerous, get a receipt or take a photo of a landmark. >> The Four Corner’s Monument is not considered 4 states. You must visit each state individually.

Unless you’ve been literally living under a rock for the past year or so, you’ve

heard mention of the name Highway Smiley, especially when referring to those

that ground pound the highways! Hugh Smith III, a member of Kings of Cali out of Los Angeles, California, has rightfully earned the title, as one of the elites, in what we consider, the Urban Motorcycle Community. With hundreds of

thousands of miles under his belt, his love for riding is evident in not only his

dedication to the motorcycle community but his commitment in motivating, inspiring and helping other bikers when needed.

I had the pleasure of speaking to Highway Smiley about his experiences as one

of the Ultimate Ground Pounders and what motivated him to start, what some page 26

consider a ground pounder’s must have, the Highway Smiley Patch!


How long have you been riding motorcycles?

I started riding mini bikes at the age of 9 years old. I rode my first dirt bike at 17 years old and purchased my first Harley Davidson at the age of 30 in 1996. Twenty years later, I’m still riding a Harley.


What motivates you to ride as much as you do?

I already had a love for riding. I enjoy seeing the sites and meeting people along the way, but after meeting Night Train from Mystic Knights MC in 2008, he inspired me on another whole level. I went home and started marking states off my map, and said I would go ahead and finish them up.



What inspired you to start the Highway Smiley Patch?

I started the Black patch, which was initially 9 states- just to motivate people to ride more. People starting earning it easily, so Baldhead of Rarebreed MC suggested that I increase the state requirements. So I increased it to 24 states, all in one trip. Marcell “Cell” Tillman, suggested that I put my signature on it to make it more meaningful. What initiated the Platinum 48 State Patch was the fact that Juice (National President of Next Level) said, he didn’t want his Black Patch until he finished all 48 states. So that gave me the idea to do the the Platinum patch. I just reversed the colors and made it white. After Reef and I did the 48 by 10 IBA challenge in 2015, I decided to add the red star to twist it up and make that patch 48 all in one trip.

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

The Platinum Red Star


Who did you give the first Platinum Patches to?


The first patch was given to Night Train of Mystic Knights MC and the second patch was given to Mr. Nate of Rarebreed MC. Night Train is my hero and I had so much respect for him and Mr. Nate and all that that they’ve done, so just out of love, I gave those two the first two patches.


Can you explain the differences between the three patches?


There are three patches. The Black Patch requires you to ride to 24 states in one trip. The Platinum patch requires you to travel to 48 states at any given time and period. The Platinum Patch w/ the Red Star requires you to ride to 48 states all in one trip.

The Platinum Patch


How do you feel about the response you’ve received from the motorcycle Tell me a little about where you’ve traveled community? via motorcycle?



I think it’s great. I wanted to try to My first time riding the lower 48 states motivate people to ride. I had no idea was in 2008-2009. I’ve traveled to the it would take off the way it did. When I lower 48 states, five times. Twice, I’ve done started the 9 state patch, that’s now the this in one trip 2010 & 2015. The trip in 2015 24 state patch, I was only thinking about was done in 9 days. I’ve rode in 4 difference people around here initially. countries other than the United States.... Mexico, Belize, Cuba and Canada. I rode How do they contact you concerning the around exploring Cuba for 17 days. I traveled earning your patch? to Alaska via Canada, and traveled to each of the Alaskan cities. That trip was a leisure trip They can reach me by phone or text. and it was a total of 27 days. Another trip for They can contact me on Facebook. I also leisure was my first 48 states in one. My wife have a Smiley’s Ground Pounder Patch page on and I traveled to each of the NFL stadiums. Facebook.


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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Fun Facts About The Smiley Patch 1. The oldest person to earn a Smiley Patch is Del Lonnquist at 81 years old. 2. The youngest person to earn a Smiley Patch is Matthew Okonkwo (Youngblood) at 26 years old. 3. Sunshine Rogers is the only person to earn the Red Star patch twice, and the first to earn the Platinum Red Star Patch (48 states in one trip). 4. Reginald Hampton (DJ Dirty) is the only person to earn the Platinum Patch and the Platinum Red Star Patch with a passenger. 5. More patches have been earned by members of Rarebreed MC than any other motorcycle club. 6. Sarah Seccret Moreau was the first female to earn the Platinum Patch (48 States). 7. The fastest to earn the Platinum Red Star Patch is Matthew Okonkwo (Youngblood). He completed it in 7 days 11 hours. 8. Marcell “Cell� Tillman suggested to Highway Smiley that he should brand his patches by adding his signature. 9. The initial Black Patch only required 9 states to be completed. It was later changed to 24 states in one trip, due to the number of people earning the patch. His signature was also added after the new requirements.

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

The Bessie Stringfield Ride: A Rider’s Ride


ameka “Kurvez” Richardson,

did Bessie ride solo across the US, but she

Gulfport, MS and logged approximately 350

conversation with one of her

United States military. Bessie started riding

in Shreveport, LA.

a Property of Outcast had a

brothers about doing an all-female ride

with other fellow Properties. He provided encouragement and advised of why such a ride would be a good idea. During their

conversation, Bessie Stringfield’s (1911 –

1993) name was mentioned. After their talk, Kurvez decided to do some research to learn more about Ms. Stringfield.


uring her research, Kurvez, learned that Bessie was the first black

woman to ride her motorcycle

across the US by herself and was nicknamed The Motorcycle Queen of Miami. Not only

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also was a rider during World War 2 for the

at the age of 16 when she purchased her first

miles with a stop in Jackson, MS later ending

Harley Davidson!” Kurvez’s research uplifted


Stringfield Ride.

throughout the night, in order to participate

Indian motorcycle. However, throughout her lifetime, she purchased a total of 27 Harley

Davidson motorcycles. Bessie stated it best, “There is NO other motorcycle other than a and inspired her to create the first Bessie


n 2014, Kurvez and five other female

bikers (Mi$$fit, Babs, Shai, Bobblehead,

and Red) known as the Original 6, came

together to ride and honor Bessie Stringfield’s legacy. The Original 6 started their ride in

ue to additional encouragement

from her brother, Kurvez decided to do the ride in 2015 as well,

though there was a change in the ride.

Mi$$zfit, one of the Original 6, had rode from Jacksonville, FL in 2014 by herself in the first ride. Mi$$fit’s heart and

dedication did not go unnoticed. So..... the

2015 ride was brought to her in Jacksonville, FL.

Dedicated to those that love to ride!


he 2015 Bessie Stringfield

Ride originated in Gulfport,

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


MS went to Pensacola, FL

and from there to Jacksonville, FL.

This ride was open to all female riders, regardless if they were part of a club

or an independent rider, and over 500

miles were covered to honor the legacy of Bessie Stringfield.


urvez wanted to expand the ride and reach more female riders. She got in touch

with Suicide of Blaque Pearls MC,

to inquire on getting more riders. At PROC, where Suicide was hosting

an all female panel, Kurvez was given the opportunity to speak about the

ride and share her vision. This greatly

contributed to the success of the 2016 ride. In June 2016, over 150 women

participated and embarked on the ride to Bessie’s home in Miami, FL.


he Bessie Stringfield Ride is

growing stronger in numbers each year. The original goals

of honoring Bessie and creating life

long friendships amongst female riders are still the foundation of the ride.

The ride will encourage other females to ride, cross state lines, and see new

things. The main goal is to get out and ride. The next Bessie Stringfield Ride

will be held on June 21-25, 2017 and headed to Killen, TX.


urvez, would like to give

a special thank you to all the ladies and men who

supported and rode in the Bessie Stringield Ride over the years. By: Shannon “Red� Lewis

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


iding to the All Female Ride in Jacksonville, Florida. 10 Lady Riders and 8 different clubs.

Three of the women were brand new riders!

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~ Michelle Squeaky Roach Haver~


his “Get Yonder� trip did something for me as a rider. I needed to prove to myself that I

could do a distance trip (half solo) without fear.

~ Dawn WhiteChocolate Phillips~

Dedicated to those that love to ride!


n the ground around America solo run. What an adventure it was! From breathtaking

sights to be stranded on the side of the interstate!

~ Q Hog Radd~


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


iding with my love on 2’s. Our longest was to the Poconos an riding to New Jersey through

the Delaware water gap! ~Stephie Lovestatts~

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etting Yonder from days gone by, since 2005. All trips started in Seattle Washington!


completed the 2016 Grand Tour of Georgia. The ride was dedicated this year to a fellow rider who

is riding two wheels above now.

~ Darrell Heavyd SmwMC~

~ Jim Saul~

Dedicated to those that love to ride!


ome of the Ground Pounders of FrontRunnerz M/C. Getting miles while saying very little! ~ Eric Chevali’er Adkison~


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he Blue Ridge Parkway this time of year is a biker’s dream! ~ Erick Pastor E Caldwell~

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!









Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

GR you




a person

opinion of


to give their

what they thought

Alaska would be like,

words like.... cold, snowy,

dark isolated, Eskimos, and


they would probably use

maybe even uninhabited. So,

anyone want to visit, let alone ride

a motorcycle to these extremes? The


if this is true, then why would

Alaska can be many of the above, it’s far

from the preconceived perceptions of most. In

dramatically among distant riders and motorcycle enthusiasts.


fact, in recent years, it’s popularity has increased


answer to this may amaze you! Although,

bravely traveled, via motorcycle, to Alaska, and what they

experienced was anything but isolated. Dan Larson (accompanied


We had the pleasure of interviewing two men, whom have

saw first-hand, the breathtaking beauty of the state. Both, Dan and Mark,


by his friend Mark Cox) and Paul “PJ” Jackson traveled to Alaska and

whom are avid riders, rode Victory Cross Country motorcycles for their trip.

The men motivation behind taking the trip would differ of course, however, they


Paul mode of transportation would be his 2014 Harley Davidson Street Glide.

both enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the mountains and lakes. They also both mention


the beauty of the wildlife and their experiences with seeing the animals.

For Dan, this would be his second time taking the trip, as he took the same route 3 years prior

with his friend Gregor Moe. For Paul, it would be his first, but has expressed that it definitely will

not be his last. Though the men all experienced rigid temperatures and multiple days of rain, there

was no snow, which they were grateful for. They were properly prepared, as they all had heated riding page 38

gear and expressed the importance of having it on their trips.


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Riding To Alaska Dan Larson & Mark Cox


Where and when did you start your trip?


The official ride was from Lubec, Maine (eastern most point in the US) to Homer, Alaska. The ride was dubbed the Victory Seafood 5000 (total trip is about 4,900 miles). The trip started on May 27th from Minneapolis. We rode a Bun Burner (1500 miles in 36 hours or less) to Lubec. We then started the Seafood 5000 on Memorial Day and finished it 5.5 days later in Homer. We were back at home in Minneapolis on April 11th.


Were there any unexpected events that stand out?

The owner of the Water Street Tavern in Lubec, Maine took time out of his day to give us the history behind the tavern. Also Country Side Motorsports in Grand Prairie followed our ride on Facebook and rolled out the red carpet when we stopped there for maintenance on our Victory motorcycles.


What were some of the most memorable events of the trip?

In the Yukon we encountered about 200 miles of gravel and there were 15 days of rain out of 16 days of total trip time. Also, on the second day, my heated gear failed. So, due to the frigid temperatures, we had to stop about 60 miles early. I (Dan) had to modify the electrical connections to fix the issue.


What motivated you to do the trip? How was it planned?


I had previously done the IBA 49 states in a 10 day ride and really wanted a ride just as epic. Browsing through the finishers list on the IBA website, I saw that no one had done the East/West insanity ride. We modified the ride to include having a lobster dinner in Lubec and having a crab dinner in Homer, Alaska.

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Riding To Alaska Paul “PJ” Jackson


Where and when did you officially start your trip?


The official ride was from Ontario, California to Fairbanks, Alaska and back. I left on September 5th and returned on September 13th, 2016.There were 8,000 total miles.


What was your motivation to do the trip? How did you go about planning the trip and route you would take?


After seeing how Shareef “Reef ” AsSadiq and Hugh Smith “Smiley” were pounding the pavement, it motivated me to do a ride that was difficult and challenging. Smiley showed me a picture of him in Alaska and I knew I had to go. Reef rides hard and the two of them is my motivation to keep riding. I planned my trip using the Harley Davidson Ride Planner and verified the trip and miles with Spotwalla, which is a tracking app.

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By: Stephanie Hampton


Were there any unexpected events that stand out?

The amount of unfinished roads that I had to pilot over. During most of the unpaved roads I had to reduce the speed to about 5-10 mph and had to look down to ensure I didn’t ride off the road. At one point, I looked up and there was a buffalo within 10 ft of me eating and kicking up dirt. It shocked the hell out of me!


What items did you take as necessities to complete your trip? What were the weather conditions like? On the trip, I took my Harley Davidson heated gear (pants, jacket, gloves), fuel additives (octane boost), and an insurance rider policy, to make sure I was covered while riding in Canada. The temperatures were mostly in the 20’s with a few days of highs in the 40’s. There was plenty of rain but no snow.

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03


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GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!


GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

Dedicated to those that love to ride!

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GY Nov/Dec 2016 Issue 03

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Dedicated to those that love to ride!

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