Get it Magazine - August

Page 48


with Sudhir (M.J.Dean)

Get your horoscope

H LEO July 22 – Aug 23 This month starts off with a bang. The Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, are all here to celebrate the sunrise of a new birth-year with you. These are all planets of optimism and possibility. Know that a time will follow where you are asked to figure out how to put your dreams into practise.

H Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22 Towards the middle of the month, the Sun moves into Virgo and you get to put your birthday plans into motion. Before that, life asks that you weather the fires of Leo. Leo inspires people to know and express their individuality, which can set egos alight. Stay grounded and real. H Libra Sept 22 – Oct 23 The North Node of the Moon has taken up what will be a long-term residence in Libra. It used to be called the Head of the Dragon. It is where life is taking us. It is pointing out what the future should look like. Be a futurist. Find a healthy, intelligent vision and share it unashamedly. H Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22 Mars is well and truly ensconced in Scorpio now. In the next few weeks, Mars, the planet of wilfulness and adventure, is going to cross paths with Saturn, the planet of obstacles. This should be interesting. Certain things require as much sensitivity as bravado to navigate successfully.

H Sagittarius Nov 22 – Dec 22 DWith Jupiter now firmly placed in Leo, life has changed its tune. Opportunity is all over the place. The big thing you are going to have to keep a look out for is hubris, which is another name for excessive ambition. If you inflate your balloon to hard, it will have to be pricked. Keep it real.

H Aries March 20 –April 19 As Mars moves deeper into Scorpio, life invites you to discover a deepening sense of kindness, to deal with your own story – and to be able to truly empathise with the predicaments others find themselves in. To hear a person’s story is to understand their behaviour. Enact this principle.

H Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20 It’s daunting to see things in oneself that one had previously only seen in others. This can be tremendously affirming if they are good thing. It can be shocking if they are not so pretty things. It is very important that we are capable of being kind to ourselves. Increase this capacity.

H Taurus April 20 – May 21 Venus moves through Cancer and into Leo, half way through the month. While she is in Cancer, she helps you to get off your own case and start to love and accept yourself exactly as you are. She is therapeutic. As she moves into Leo, so you get to walk forth with fresh understanding.

H Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 As the Sun and a variety of his planetary cohorts, make their way through Leo, it may seem like the world has gotten lost in the land of self-interest. Your commitment to being aware of others, need not be diminished just because the world appears to be going in the opposite direction. H Pisces Febr 19 – March 20 The Sun and Jupiter are in Leo. Though Leo is a fire sign, which is opposite to your element of water, both are naturally expansive. You aren’t going to be burnt by this transit. You are more likely to be inspired. The bliss you seek is more likely to come, if you value yourself highly.

H Gemini May 21 – June 21 Mercury travels wide and far this month, as Mercury is wont to do. Wherever Mercury goes, you follow. He begins in Leo, where he fires you up with a powerful sense of self and possibility. Then, he moves into Virgo, inviting you to put your ideas into practise. Accept the challenge. H Cancer June 21 – July 22 Largely, life leaves you to ponder and assimilate events that have passed. As you do this, so you move from an important reflective solitude, into the orbit of close friends. As you begin to feel your own sense of balance and equanimity, so the challenge of relating gets interesting again.

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August 2014


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