GETA Newsletter February 2023

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Green Energy Technology Academy



FEB 2023
Table of Contents N o v e m b e r 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 The Board GETA I Introduction to GETA GETA II GETA III Events and Advertisements Sponsors GETA Winter Potluck

Introduction to GETA

In the month of November and January the Intro to GETA class learned to create phone holders out of cardboard using the RE3 laser website. Students also had to learn to trace a PNG image of their choice found on Google and then connect the image to the rest of the cardboard pieces. We were able to connect the different pieces using slits in the cardboard. When students were finished they cut the pieces on the Full Spectrum laser cutter. Currently, students are working on the final project of the semester. For the project students are making a slideshow on their Wix websites about a summary of what they learned and did during this semester. Also, a random energy technology picked in a drawing. In January the class began building wind turbines out of any material and then recording the energy it produced.




In the months of November and December the sophomore class has been working on solar suitcases. The solar suitcases are going to be sent to people in areas that need them most and don’t have access to electricity. Each student partnered with another student and decided which design of the suitcase they wanted to work on. The two designs they were able to choose from was either to work on a larger suitcase or a small suitcase. Students identified the parts of the suitcase. The students working on the smaller suitcase, used the vertical panel saw to cut out a piece of wood. They then used the jigsaw to cut out the inside of the wood and use it as the legs for the outline. After that students used a piece of plastic to cut out the three holes for the USB ports and plug to go through. In order to cut out the circles they used a drill and clamp. Then the students drilled the piece of plastic on top of the outline of wood. Lastly, the students used wires and plugged them into a charge controller. Then the other side of the wire was stripped using wire strippers. After they stripped the wires, they used terminals and crimped as well as pinned them. Once the wiring was complete, students tested to make sure it worked. Then they are ready to be sent and used by those who need them!




To begin, we must first enter the wind turbines During the wind turbines' operation in November, the final stages of completing a fully functional turbine began Currently, the GETA student is learning the three types of knots to anchor the turbine to the baseball field and is simply connecting all of the roles to complete the final piece. After completing the final piece by drilling screws and wrenching nuts, now was the setting-up process, which first began with the team individually doing it and recording a video of it, and then it consisted of everyone from the class doing it as a collective. Following that, we disassembled all of the parts, attempting to salvage as many as possible for future use, before moving on to our next project, the airfoil. The airfoil was a unique project, mostly because we were the first to experience it. It first began with the GETA students creating slides about different aspects of the airfoil we learned about from our distant friend Johan Karlström.

Following that was an attempt to create the airfoil itself, which began with the use of ashes. With ashes, the GETA students extracted an airfoil design from there and then proceeded to edit the text file This text file is used to edit various aspects of the aircraft, such as the number of airfoils and measurements, to make it easier to build. After having the final text file, the students proceeded to insert this text file into the program Rhino. Within Rhino, through the use of a multitude of commands such as Loft, ZE, etc , the students were able to create a 3D model of the airfoil itself, which was then used to extract the base airfoil to project onto a base frame The GETA student then converts the base airfoil to pdf format, which is then placed onto Retina engraving to be further cut Within retina engraving, the base airfoil was resized to the rhino dimension. After being cut, the students assemble them using dowels and leftover 2 X 4s. After drilling holes and building the hole structure, the students presented it during the final GETA presentation, which not only reflected the on the airfoil but also what they had learned all term.




Throughout the months of November and December, we began to work on and complete our final project for the class which was our board games. We had to design and create our board games. After that, we had to program the machine to carve out our board games. Then, we had to paint them and play a game with them for our final grade. In January we learned about the uses and dangers of plastic and how it is used in everyday objects. After this lesson, we began to work on making coasters out of recycled plastic using v-carve pro as a resource to make our designs for the coaster. Throughout the whole time period, we have been working on getting OSHA certified so that we can learn about the hazards of workplaces and how to safely work around the dangers and notice them before any further issues.


GETA Winter Potluck


The week before winter break started, GETA hosted a potluck for students that were in the GETA academy! Each student brought a snack, entree or dessert to the potluck. We also had movies and games brought to the potluck. The GETA academy plans to bring another potluck on March 10th

07 Upcoming Events EVENTS OCCURING THIS MONTH! GETA Potluck 3/10 GETA T-Shirt Designs! GETA Item Commissions!


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