April newspaper

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Spartan Insider Vol. 3 Issue 4 – April Issue

By Alese Cone and Ava Lawyer

What classes do you teach? Sophie Lynch, Editor Brooklyn Anderson, Co– editor Kevin Alves Varsha Arokiadoss Zach Boisvert Amanda Brodeur Ethan Borjeson–Troupe Tyler Butler James Cadotte Lucais Cannalonga Alese Cone Dan Costa Vinicios Cunha Justina Demetry Gianna Garille Kyle Gauthier Garrett Holzer Charr Jobe Ben Landry Ava Lawyer Owen Lopes-Gassett Jake Lutton Evan Maietta Lexie Maietta

-Math and science, Grade 6 Do you like your classes this year? -Yes, I love them. How many students are in your homeroom class? -23 students What is your favorite month of the year? -February What’s your favorite hobby? -Volleyball What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? -Oreo! Yummy! Do you like Oswald, my adorable hamster?!

Ashlee Morin Foram Patel Jessica Rice

Scientists found lead in lipstick That could make millions of people sick Manny Ramirez is back in the game Let’s see if he can deal with the fame An alien planet is surprisingly discovered Let’s see what else they can uncover Nissan recalls 250,000 cars worldwide Hopefully it won’t lead to the world to die Seven marines died in a helicopter collision Flying in the air that day was a very bad decision In coffee of a teacher rat poison was found Bad for two fifth graders, now jail bound

See ya in 2016 to have more fun :)!!!!

Matthew Robertson

Rap by CJ and The Crew

Kayte Rooney

Connor Stevens

She took too many meds

Leap year time has finally come

Jacob Robbins

Cassie Snay

Whitney Houston was found dead

Because of the rain, Daytona was delayed Now they’ll have to wait ‘til the very next day

Jonathan Morgan

Melissa Silva

Two Weeks in February: News In Rap

-Yeah! I love him!

(Chris Caruso, John Lesack, Zach Boisvert, Grace Turgeon, Julia Reissfelder, and Owen Lopes-Gassett)

Elizabeth Thanthavongsa Nathaniel Thompson Grace Turgeon Katarina Whitney

Presented by Zach Boisvert

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Dog of the Month: Basset Hound! By Cassie Snay and Jessica Rice

Sweet Treat! Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls

By Evan Maietta

You will Need: 1 package of eggroll wraps

The Basset Hound is a short, relatively heavy dog. The head is large and well proportioned with a rounded skull. The muzzle is deep and heavy with the size being greater than the width at the brow. The brown eyes have a soft, sad look to them and are slightly sunken with a prominent haw. The darkly pigmented lips have loose hanging flews and the dewlap is very pronounced. The skin hangs loose like elastic and falls in folds on the head. The velvety ears are set low and extremely long hanging towards the ground. The large teeth meet in either a scissors or even bite. The chest is very deep extending in front of the front legs. The dog’s hindquarters are very full and round. The paws are big. The dewclaws may be removed. The coat is dense, short, hard, and shiny. There are no rules concerning color, but it is usually black, tan, white, red, and white with chestnut or with sand-colored markings. INFORMATION FOUND AT: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/bassethound.htm

1 pound of chicken breast 1 bottle of hot sauce Cheese Italian dressing A medium sized skillet Oven A small bowl of warm water A cookie pan 1 egg 1 cooking brush Cut your chicken into bite sized pieces and cook it in your skillet with the Italian dressing. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Put the cooked chicken in a bowl and mix in the hot sauce. Lay one of your wraps on a cutting board and place a slice of cheese in the center and cover it with some of the chicken. Dip your finger in the bowl of water and trace the edges of the wrap. Fold the wrap like a triangle and trace the edges again for extra support. Then put a little dab of water in the center of the wrap and fold all three sides into the center. Cover the center with water and flip it over on a pan with the folds facing down. Beat the egg in a small bowl. When ready take a cooking brush and brush the tops of the egg rolls with the egg. Put pan(s) into preheated oven and set timer for 5 minutes.

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House of Anubis Season 2 In season 2 Nina is being haunted by an evil spirit named Skara. The spirit gives her the mark of Anubis. To get rid of the mark of Anubis, they have to go through these challenges created by Robert Frobisher Smyth. By Varsha Arokiadoss

I interviewed everybody in newspaper for their favorite game genre and this is what I got: Add your class to the numbers, example: War: 2+ (insert your findings here)= answer Zombie: 4 +__ =__ War: 4 +__ =__ Role play: 3 +__=__ Action and adventure: 6 +__=__ Ect: 3 +__ =__ Sports: 3 +__=__ MMO: 1 +__=__

What is your favorite? Try interviewing your own class!

Top Five Jokes of the Month By Evan Maietta 1.)Timmy: Dad’s got holes in his underwear! Dad’s got holes in his underwear! Dad: No, I don’t. Timmy: Then how do you get your legs through them? Dad: Good one, Timmy! 2.)Where do fish keep their money? In a riverbank!

Video Game Review!

This month’s video game review is based on Gotham City Imposters. This is a very addicting game that is a XBLA game (XBoxLiveArcade). It has gotten a 9.55 from IGN and a 9.87 from inside gaming. I have only played exactly 13 minutes of this game, but I can already tell you that this game is worth the 1200 points. This is supposed to be where you either play as joker wannabe or Batman and Robin wannabes. This is a very big game on you tube. I do hope that you are thinking of getting this game or at least the demo. See you star-side. Jacob Robbins

3.) What is full of holes but still holds water? A Sponge! 4.) What has four fingers and a thumb but is not alive?

Hi! My name is Conner, and I want to know what your favorite game system

A Glove!

is. You will have a choice of Xbox 360,

5.) How many letters are in the alphabet?

swers in the suggestion box. In the

PS3, or Wii. You can submit your annext issue, I will publish the results.

11! ( T-H-E A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T )

I will interview a few


lucky people.

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Miguel ’ s interview!

By Melissa Silva and

Amanda Broduer What is your favorite color? Midnight Black

Is your job disgusting? At times extremely!

Why did you want to be a Do you like your janitor? job? I did not necesYes, I love it! sarily want to be a jani6. Do you like tor. I kind of Whitin Middle just stumSchool? bled upon I love it! I this job. would not want to go anywhere else! Do you like kids? 7. What is I love the kids! your favorite food? (Arms Up)


White rice, beans, and fried chuleta (pork chops). 8. What is your favorite movie? Transformers 2. I like it a lot. 9. What is your favorite football team? The Giants 10. What is your favorite sport? Basketball or Baseball

by Emily Fernandez

“Don’t leave me! Destiny don’t go! Destiny! Don’t leave me…”

Ever since my sister died, that moment still haunts me. In the hospital holding her hand, watching her suffer, even worse...watching her die. Destiny died of cancer. She was a fighter, a believer. Destiny is like losing a friend, more like a sister. She was the best sister I could have ever had. After she died, we moved to Northbridge, Ohio, a small town but with many people. Only one person understands how I feel. His name is C.J. To be continued…..

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Petals is an Artist! By Grace Turgeon Petals sat bored on a Saturday afternoon watching the clouds, when she heard a voice from behind her. It said, “What are you doing?” She turned and saw she was too close to the boy’s pen. That annoying boy, Little E, was talking to her. He was annoying…loud and… smelly! “Oh, go away, you little pest!” She saw Little E frown and felt bad. She sat up and said, “What do you want?” “I shouldn’t say.. you might think I’m… BRAGGING.” What did Little E have to brag about? “Oh, go ahead.” “Oh.. it’s just, I wanted to tell you about my autistic vision.” “Huh?” Petals heard Bailey coming! “I gotta go… bye, smel—I mean, Little E.” “Bye.” Petals ran to Bailey and nearly knocked her over. “Mama! What’s autistic vision?” Bailey chuckled, “I think you mean artistic vision.” “What’s that?” “Well, it’s when a young boy or girl makes art.” “Art?” “Art is.. is.. Well, I’ll show you.” Bailey wandered over to her stall and pulled out a shoebox, then took out a piece of chalk. “Follow me.” Petals wandered over with Bailey to the big rock next to the barn. She held the chalk in her hoof and drew a picture of a smiley face. “That’s drawing,” said Petals. “Drawing is art! And people who like to draw are artists!” “Can I be an artist?” “First you need a beret.” Bailey took two leaves and bound them together and put it on Petal’s head. “Very pretty. Now start drawing!” Petals got to work. She drew Bailey and Missy and Farmer Brown and everyone else. “Mama! Come look!” Bailey walked over and smiled. “Beautiful!” Abused Puppies Some good reasons you might want to buy abused puppies: They will get a shelter if you don’t. They will have someone who will be nice to them. You will have a pet you can share your feelings with. They are cute. You will do a good deed. They will thank you for that….

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Chapter Three Not-So– Sweethearts

“Father!!! How could you!!!” I yelled. Oh, I’m sorry! I jumped right into the story! So, most fathers betroth their daughters to men far, far away whom they have never even HEARD of. Now Father promised me, when I was very small, that he would never think of doing such a thing. Yet, he is doing it! I’m to be married to some prince named Prince Charal. He is supposed to become King Charal in exactly six months thirteen hours and forty-seven days from now. My portrait was painted a week ago and shipped off to (soon- to-be) King Charal, including a very brave note from me (attached below) Dear Prince Charal, I am Princess Marana. Would you please send me a picture of you? Or could you at least drop by for a bit? Thank you ever so much! -Marana Ecolana,Princess More next time!! If you have any ideas for this series, please put them in the box in the cafeteria. Thank you! Sweet Treat Quesadilla by Evan Maietta

You Will Need: 1 Package of Tortilla Wraps Chicken Italian Dressing 1 Medium Sized Skillet 1 Large Skillet Cheese Tomato Lettuce Sour Cream Bell Pepper 1 Spatula Butter Butter Knife

Cut your chicken into small bite sized pieces. Fill the medium sized skillet with Italian dressing so that it covers the bottom. Cook the chicken until fully cooked. Butter one side of the tortilla wrap. Place on large hot skillet with butter side down. Cover tortilla wrap with three pieces of American cheese. Cover the cheese with cooked chicken. Cover the chicken with three more pieces of cheese. Butter one more tortilla wrap on one side. Place on top of cheese covered chicken with butter side up. After about two minutes, flip the quesadilla. Leave on the skillet for four minutes. Take off and place on plate. Put a spoonful in the center of the quesadilla. Chop up some lettuce, tomato, and bell peppers into small chunks. Put cut up veggies on plate and enjoy.

Behaviors By Foram Patel

There are five different ways you could behave when your teacher is speaking: —Always listen to him or her —Never interrupt her when she is talking —Don’t talk to your friends while your teacher is talking about something important —Pay attention —Don’t play around with your school things or water bottle

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Angry Birds Space Review


Do you like mind bending puzzles, Angry Birds, or challenging games? If so, Angry Birds: Space is the right game for you! As of right now, the game should be like all the other Angry Birds games: 99 cents! The game is packed with mind bending puzzles, new birds, and some cool backgrounds! In this game, you have the newest bird—Ice! He is trying to save his planet from the pigs while the basic birds are only trying to get home. What does Ice do, you may ask? Well, when Ice makes contact with a pig or, for example, wood, it turns to ice! Here’s where the regular birds come in handy... once the ice is frozen, all you need now is the blue bird to smash it! Also, the latest game comes with a change to the Angry Bird franchise; each planet that you go past normally has a gravitational pull like real planets, so if you get caught in it, and you don’t hit anything, you’d just circle around the planet! That could be good, too! Let’s say you miss the pig, but you’re still in the gravity, well, then you just come right back around! The game has little challenges here and there with the gravity, such as using two planets with gravitational pulls, so you’d go under the planet and go over the second one to hit the pig! I’d say that this game is going to be #1 on the app store for a long time! Just like I said before, if you’re into games that require some thinking or just a plain old Angry Birds fan,this is the game for you! Kev-imomiter: 10/10; or in Angry Bird talk 3 stars! Review by Kevin Alves

By Lexie Maietta

It’s Easter Sunday, and we have been very busy overseeing the festival and such. I did not get a chance to see any of the contests, Mother saying, “You are too young to see such sports as men competing for silly sport.” Then Mother walked away, and I had to follow or I would’ve been trampled in the oncoming slew of people, racing to get to the games on time. I was a bit sad that I could not attend but lightened up for my mother’s sake. She has not been feeling well as of late, yet insisted on coming out, saying that is was tradition to make an appearance at the Easter festival. I wonder if I shall have a little sister or brother soon. I have always been an only child, so a little sibling would be nice. MORE NEXT TIME If you have any ideas for the CHAPTERS series, please, please put them in the newspaper submission box in the cafeteria!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)

—> Picture for Angry Birds Space Review

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Fun Stuff Page!

Math Word Search!

Base Change Cross multiply Fifty Hundred Left Order Out Percents Proportions Ratio To True Unit Whole

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