German Club Alumni Foundation Summer 2022 Forum E-version

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F RUM Leadership / Service / Fellowship German Club’s 130th Anniversary Celebration 2022 Summer Celebration!130th

German Club alumni FoundationexeCutive Committee: Chairman - Keith Stemple, 1995 President - Dave Cooper, 1983 VP of Alumni Relations - David Glenn, 2011 VP of Communications - Kyle Pryde, 2012 VP of Development - Brian Dunch, 1993 VP of Facilities - R. Craig Balzer, 1979 VP of Finance & Audit - Jordan DeDona, 2006 VP of German Club Relations - Andrew Lessner, 2000 VP of Nominations & Governance - Colin Wright, 1992 VP of University & Community Relations - Craig Nesbit, 1981 Executive Director - Tommy Yambrick, 1987 German Club FORUM2 F RUM Leadership / Service / Fellowship SUMMER 2022 EDITION Table of Contents 4 - A Message From the Foundation President 6 - A Profile of Fellowship - 130th Anniversary 12 - A Profile of Leadership - Bert Poole 14 - A Profile of Service - Dick Arnold 15 - A Profile of Service - Trudy van Luyn 16 - Facilities Update 19 - Foundation for the Future Campaign Summary 22 - Finance Update 24 - Campaign Contributors 31 - Club and Centennial Scholarship Announcement 32 - Our 2022 Graduates 35 - Class Notes/In Memoriam If you have an inspiring story, comments, or concerns relating to the German Club Alumni Foundation’s Forum magazine, please contact the VP of Communications or the Executive Director at 711 Southgate Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060; call 1-540-552-6830 or 1-800-GCAF-VPI; or send an e-mail to German Club alumni bFoundationoardofdirectors: Class Name 1957 Tom Dalzell 1962 Robert van Luyn 1964 Buddy Jeffries 1969 Bill Merkt 1969 Charles Gordon 1970 Earle Spruill 1970 George Umberger 1971 Ed Overton 1972 Alan Myers 1972 Randy Minix 1973 Mike Eggleston 1974 David Kiser 1974 Randy Walker 1977 Bob Derrick 1977 Bert Poole 1977 Mark Wigginton 1978 Richard Weinberger 1979 Craig Balzer 1979 Steve Wright 1981 Andy Scherzer 1981 Craig Nesbit 1983 Dave Cooper 1985 Mike Foster 1987 Howard Watson 1987 Tommy Yambrick 1988 Charles Long 1988 Grady Baker 1989 Steve Upton 1990 Billy Donavant 1991 Mike Clark 1991 Steve Wrenn 1992 Colin Wright 1993 Brian Dunch 1995 Keith Stemple 1995 Scott Cowan 1995 Robbie Roberts 2000 Andrew Lessner 2000 Mike Munsey 2000 Rodney Fultz 2001 Bret Gresham 2006 Demas Boudreaux 2006 Jordan DeDona 2007 Brian Torgersen 2008 Andy Webb 2011 David Glenn 2012 Ash Heatwole 2012 Kyle Pryde 2013 Scott Guichard 2014 Jay Tucker 2015 Taylor Malbon 2019 Luke Boorady 2019 Ben Nicoll

SUMMER 2022 3 Calendar of Events: August 22, 2022 – Fall Semester Begins September 10, 2022 – Home Football vs. Boston College & GCAF Fall Board of Directors Meeting September 17, 2022 – Home Football vs. Wofford College September 22, 2022 – Home Football vs. West Virginia University (Thursday Night) October 7-9 – German Club Mountain Weekend October 15, 2022 – Home Football vs. University of Miami (Homecoming). YAC and Team Tate Pig Pickin’ Tailgate November 5, 2022 – Home Football vs. Georgia Tech November 19-27, 2022 – Thanksgiving Holiday Break November 26, 2022 – Home Football vs. University of Virginia December 1, 2022 – German Club Decorate the Tree December 3, 2022 – German Club Winter Privates December 8-14, 2022 – Fall Semester Finals December 15, 2022 – January 16, 2023 – Winter Break January 17, 2023 – Spring Semester Begins January 19, 2023 – Fall Prospective Class Candlelight February 18, 2023 – Midwinters March 4-12, 2023 – Spring Break April 1, 2023 - GCAF Spring 2023 Regional Social / Board of Directors Meeting @ Tower Club, Tysons, VA April 25, 2023 – Spring Prospective Class Candlelight April 29, 2023 – German Club Spring Privates May 1, 2023 – Class of 2023 Senior Banquet May 5-10, 2023 – Spring Semester Finals May 11-13, 2023 – Class of 2023 Spring Commencement Ceremonies Matt Snuggs President Carson Pugh Executive Vice President Brennan Speier Leader Baylor Boone Vice President of Membership Matthew Thomas Senior to the Executive Committee Adam Gentile Junior to the Executive Committee Mason Stanley Sophomore to the Executive Committee Scott Spencer Treasurer Barrett Stuckey Secretary Drew Monsour Historian Brian Bell Alumni Secretary German Club Leadership:

I was recently with David at the VT Sesquicenten nial (150th) celebration at a new on-campus venue, and you could see the wheels in his mind spinning. Given the feedback from the 130th, it will be a tough act to follow.Iwish all alumni a wonderful mask-free summer, time with family and friends, safe travels, and time to GCAFClassDaveGERMAN-ly,recharge!Cooperof1983President

A Message From the Foundation President Keith Stemple ‘95 for his dedicated leadership of the Foundation for the past six years. He helped guide the team through two fabulous reunions, a success ful campaign, a historic pandemic, and he did this with four different EDs (Mike Carisetti ‘07, Scott Guichard ‘13, Ben Nicoll ‘19, and Tommy Yambrick ‘87). Keith, with the help of the Board Members, I will do my best to keep the progress of the Founda tion moving forward, the support for the Club mem bership always in our hearts and minds, and service to the University and community our mission.

I want to start by thanking the GCAF Board of Directors for putting their faith in me as the new President. My background with the GCAF Board dates back to 1984 when I was asked to become the second Executive Director (ED), following Crennie Reed ‘78. Charlie Gordon ’42 was my first boss, quickly followed by Henry Dekker ‘44. After my three-year ED term, I became a Board member. In 2005, our family moved to California and it was dif ficult to make meetings in Blacksburg (imagine a time when Zoom did not exist!). I felt it was unfair for me to occupy a seat when others could be more involved, so I stepped down. About 15 years later we moved back to the southeast (South Carolina this time) and shortly thereafter, pining to be back at my beloved alma mater, I asked to rejoin the Board. Af ter a year, and much to my surprise, I was asked to run for President. I find myself in a unique situation – having the experience of being a long-time Board Member, but also having had the opportunity to step away and watch my son walk through his own Ger man Club journey. This has provided me with expe rience for the role, but also the ability to approach it with fresh new eyes. It is with this “experience, with new freshness“ that I pray my term as President will be viewed upon as successful, building on the success of mySpeakingpredecessors.ofsuccessful

As you read this, the Foundation is in the “summer season.” We recently welcomed 27 VT graduates into the ranks of GC alumni. The Facilities Committee, led by Craig Balzer, will be engaging in a few Manor maintenance items over the summer. The Development Committee, led by Brian Dunch, will be wrapping up the very successful Foundation for the Future campaign, and Tommy Yambrick will be seeing more wedding receptions than perhaps anyone on the planet, as the Manor is a popular wed ding site. And before you know it, the cars will be rolling up the hill returning our Hokies to the start of another new school year. Believe it or not, the Alumni Relations Committee, led by David Glenn, has already begun planning for the 135th Reunion.

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Presidents, on behalf of the Alumni and the Board, I would like to thank

SUMMER 2022 5 Decade Photos taken at the 130th Anniversary 1950s - 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020s

The pictures here tell the story, but a sum mary of the weekend is as follows: Sixteen teams of 63 golfers kicked off the Anniversary weekend at the Pete Dye River Course of Virginia Tech on Friday morning, April 1. While challenged by typical New River Valley April con ditions (cold, wind, and light rain), with minimal grumbling by our attendees from the deep south, the teams played through (mostly). Stories were told, old acquaintances were renewed, new friends were made, and even some golf was played. While all enjoyed the events, a few golfers and teams actually won prizes for their golf prowess: Team winner: Wacho Slaughter ’84, Joe Thomas ’84, Cole Baldwin ’21, and Sarah Spicer Putting contest: Kyle Pryde ‘12 Longest Drive: Cole Baldwin ‘21

A Profile Fellowshipof

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German Club 130thAnniversary WeekendApril 1-3, 2022

The German Club 130th Anniversary Gala Weekend of April 1-3, 2022, was absolutely fabu lous! No doubt. Celebrating 130 years of leader ship, service, and fellowship with fine GERMANly attributes by all attendees with world class food, drink, and entertainment throughout was simply topnotch. The GCAF thanks and congratulates David Glenn ’11, the Alumni Relations Committee, our event planner Sherri Box, and all our fantastic ven dors for a job well done.

Next, Virginia Tech President Dr. Timothy Sands provided the keynote address. He discussed Virginia Tech’s own 150th Anniversary, the many accomplishments and improvements that have been made at the university over the years, while most importantly noting that the German Club has been instrumental to the success of Virginia Tech. After the presentations, the Welcome Re ception continued into the evening, as German Club alumni, guests, and University guests enjoyed the good company and fare. When it was time to vacate Squires, nearly 300 attendees regrouped across the street at Top of the Stairs, where the fellowship con tinued well into the early morning hours.

SUMMER 2022 7 Friday evening, over 350 attendees con vened in the Squires Student Center Commonwealth Ballroom for a Welcome Reception. German Club President Matthew Snuggs ’23 welcomed every one back to Blacksburg and provided the opening comments, noting the impact the German Club has made on the university as one of the many things that makes the German Club so special. He encouraged the attendees to promote good conversation, and continue good fellowship, as after the difficul ties of the pandemic, these relationships were more important than ever before.

GCAF President Keith Stemple ’95 followed by acknowledging the efforts the Club had made over the previous two years, emerging from the pandemic stronger than ever. He followed with a reminder that the German Club, as the oldest stu dent organization on campus, has not simply existed, but has flourished for 130 years, being intrinsically linked to the history of Virginia Tech. He then noted the significance of holding this reception in Squires, reminding attendees of the many years of Germans and Midwinters that had occurred there. Keith next recognized Club Mother Trudy van Luyn for her 14 years of service to the German Club, as she had announced that she was stepping down. Matthew Snuggs then presented Trudy with a memory book of letters, cards, and class composites from her many German Club men.

Then came the Gala event on Saturday night at the German Club Manor attended by 800 alumni and guests. Fellowship was again on display, as Alumni Hall, the Gordon Ballroom, the newly opened Cutchins Terrace paver courtyard, and a vast array of tented areas in the Manor parking lots were flooded with guests. GCAF President Keith Stemple ‘95 again addressed the guests, first offering thanks to those who made the event happen, specifically David Glenn ‘11, Ms. Sherri Box, and the GCAF Executive Director Tommy Yambrick ‘87. Keith next announced and welcomed David Cooper ’83 as the newly elected GCAF President and bid farewell to Bert Poole ’77 who had recently been honored as GCAF Chairman Emeritus, and was stepping down after 46 years on the GCAF Board of Directors. Briefly noting that the Foundation for the Future campaign was soon coming to an end, Keith next noted the many improvements to the Manor as the University and Southwest Virginia’s premier fa cility. He then thanked Brian Dunch ’93, T.O. Wil liams ‘59, and Mike Carisetti ‘07 for their efforts in devising and kicking off the campaign, and again recognized Brian Dunch for carrying the campaign to completion. He announced that with just a few months to go, the campaign had exceeded $3.6M in total contributions, thanking all those who had contributed, and ensuring that the campaign would greatly exceed the original goal of $2M.

Keith closed with the German Club line that speaks to him the most: “Work earnestly always for the good of the German Club.” He challenged all German Club men to step up and do their part to help the German Club move forward.

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Following remarks, ATL Groove Factory, a 14-person band, kicked it off in Gordon Ballroom, with live feeds through the Manor and the tents. They played for four continuous hours, entertaining the guests with their motion, movement, involvement, and energy; in addition to a host of old-time favorites, beach music, line dances, and modern hits. Down in the Manor Basement, DJ Roy from RSP Entertainment entertained hundreds of more guests until midnight. Food and beverage were non-stop, fellowship was on display, decade photos were taken, and memories were relived. And just when you thought it was all over, the after party continued in the basement. The next morning, Sunday April 3, over 300 guests recon vened at the Manor for a complimentary breakfast and even more good times and fellowship.

One hundred thirty years. Wow. This celebration was big. While some might say it was a once in a lifetime event, we’re already thinking about the 135th Anniversary in 2027. See you there!

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German Club FORUM12 A Profile lofeadership

Bert Poole ‘77

In the early 70’s, the men of the Virginia Tech German Club became aware of an up-and-coming high-school senior from Petersburg, Va., whose school guidance counselor considered a perfect fit for the German Club. The counselor, James “Eli” Aldredge, a German Club alumnus, class of ‘41, had contacted Club leaders, recommended to them his young charge, and launched what would become the celebrated tenure of one of the German Club Alumni Foundation’s most important, impactful leaders, Al bert “Bert” H. Poole. Over the summer of 1973, prior to Bert’s freshman year at Virginia Tech, Bert was invited to lunch with Aldredge and German Club President Bob Antozzi ’72 in a de facto recruiting interview, a practice not uncommon in that period. As a result, Bert was invited to be a German Club prospective in the winter of his freshman year. At the time, German Club alumni and stu dents were faced with transformational changes within the university and the Club. Fraternities were becoming prevalent on campus, and the Club, with no permanent home, had already moved several times for a variety of reasons. On October 12, 1976, Charlie Gordon ’42, who had spearheaded the formation of the German Club Alumni Foundation, noted in a letter to all Ger man Club alumni that “the German Club, unlike the Cotillion Club, would refrain from joining a national fraternity, and would remain a service organization on campus for the benefit of the student body and the University. Second, with financial assistance from the alumni, an effort should be made to purchase suitable property near campus and to build a perma nent German Club Manor.” This letter is currently on display in the Manor’s German Club Museum. The Club and the nascent Alumni Founda tion pressed to meet these goals. Bert, as a student and now President of the German Club 1976-1977, was selected as a member of the very first GCAF Board of Directors. Bert participated in the first round of rezoning discussions with the Town of Blacksburg regarding the Southgate Drive property in the winter of 1976. Though it did not go in our favor, Bert fought the good fight and set the stage for what was ultimately a victorious solution through the efforts of subsequent German Club classes and individual members, most notably Stephen Wright ‘79. These efforts opened the door for the con struction and development of today’s German Club Manor, which was dedicated in 1981. During this same period, Bert was the VPI Corps of Cadets Reg imental Commander, was selected as the VPI Man of the Year in 1977, and was honored with German Club’s Beverly S. Parrish Jr. Award. His leadership did not stop there.

Leadership - From the Beginning

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During his early years of board member ship, Bert worked with Harry Gustin ’43 to draft the bylaws and incorporation documents for the GCAF, all while studying for and receiving his law degree at the University of Virginia, and then serving in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate Corps. Bert continued to serve as a Board Member with no interruption. His previous experiences in the German Club and in the early days of GCAF, combined with his legal expertise, made Bert virtually indispensable to the GCAF. Bert held Ex ecutive Committee positions as Vice President for Alumni Relations and Vice President of Nominations and Governance, before becoming President of the GCAF in 2010. Since 2010, Bert served as both President for four years and Chairman of the Board for eightThroughoutyears. his time on the GCAF Board of Directors and while leading it at all levels, the Ger man Club and the German Club Alumni Foundation met Charlie Gordon’s lofty goals and ultimately exceeded them. Under Bert’s influence and leadership, the GCAF has continued to meet its mission: “To serve as a unifying force to bring Ger man Club alumni together in continuing fellowship to foster leadership for service to the German Cub, for its alumni, and for Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; to perpetuate the German Club as a valuable and viable student organization; and to encourage and support the Club and alumni in their deeds and services which give credence to the Club’s ritual and constitution, the principles and code of ethics they espouse, and thus to the University’s motto, ‘Ut Prosim.’” At the Spring 2022 GCAF Board Meeting, Bert announced his intentions to step down from his position of Chairman of the Board. In recognition of Bert’s outstanding leadership of the GCAF and by unanimous consent, the GCAF Board of Direc tors has granted Bert Poole ’77 the honorary title of “ChairmanBert’sEmeritus.”legacy of leadership, from his high school days to leader of the German Club and Corps of Cadets, military service, and participation on and leadership of the GCAF Board of Directors is the very embodiment of the German Club Ritual. We thank him for his service and are confident he will continue to be an influential presence to the Club and Foundation.

Among the committee members was Dick Arnold ‘56, and through his efforts the first honors banquet was held at the Manor on April 2, 2009. Since then, under Dick’s vision and leadership, that simple beginning has grown to become a regionwide volunteer recognition organization and the area volunteer community’s premier annual event: the New River Leading Lights Annual Awards Gala. In the summer of 2021, Dick stepped down as the first and only president of the New River Val ley Leading Lights after 14 years of planning, recruiting, and guiding the recognition of volunteers at Virginia Tech and the surrounding community. Dick then served for an additional year as the New River Valley Leading Lights Past-President. On July 1, 2022, and after assisting with the Spring 2022 An nual Awards Gala, Dick Arnold officially finished his time as a member of the Leading Lights Board of Directors.

A Profile Serviceof


Dick Arnold ‘56

When he turned the leadership reigns over to retired Blacksburg pastor Bill King, Leading Lights in its 14 years had solicited and re ceived around 665 award nominations, presented Leading Lights Distinguished Awards to 122 otherwise unsung high school, collegiate, and general public volunteers, and distributed more than $80,000 to nonprofit organizations represented by those hon orees. In response to Covid-19 limitations, the or ganization persevered and demonstrated its fortitude and flexibility by continuing its work of recognizing the New River Valley’s volunteers in several other ways, such as outdoor recognition ceremonies. From its origins purely as a function of the German Club Alumni Foundation, Leading Lights itself has grown into community-wide volunteer organization supported by volunteers, financial spon sors, an increasing community endowment and the GCAF. And it has grown quickly: at the first banquet, Leading Lights recognized five volunteers. By 2013, Leading Lights had introduced cash awards to associated volunteer organizations and that year distributed $1,000 to them. By 2022 the award total had grown to 21 awards and $11,000 distributed to associatedDickorganizations.wasalsoinstrumental in establishing a collaborative relationship with the Community Foundation of the New River Valley and in setting up an endowment to preserve Leading Lights’ longterm financial security. It is with great pleasure and profound respect that we recognize Dick Arnold ’56 for his service to the New River Valley community for his efforts in establishing and shepherding New River Valley Leading Lights.

President, NRV Leading Lights

German Club FORUM14 No one connected with Virginia Tech can forget the tragic events of April 17, 2007. But the tragedy also yielded stories of heroism, a strength ened sense of community, and a renewed dedication to service and the University’s motto, Ut Prosim. In response to those events, the German Club Alumni Foundation Board of Directors in 2007 formed an ad hoc committee to determine if and how the Foundation could honor those who perished and to create a lasting memorial to them. Among the many ideas was a simple one: identify outstanding and otherwise unsung community service volunteers from the New River Valley and honor them publicly. The thought was to create a way to shine a light on our “neighbors helping neighbors.”

In February 2022, Trudy and Dutch were honored at the Manor by a large group of close friends. At the 130th Anniversary Welcome Recep tion, Trudy was presented with a book of letters, cards, and composites from alumni and students who were ac quainted with her over the years. The German Club and GCAF wish Trudy and Dutch all the best and express our deepest gratitude for her service to the German Club. We re member great times with them and look forward to seeing them again soon.

The 130th Anniversary Celebration was an incredibly enjoyable weekend. However, it had a bittersweet moment, as it also marked the end of Trudy van Luyn’s tenure as the German Club Moth er. She and her husband, Robert “Dutch” van Luyn ‘62, were long-time residents of Blacksburg, but re cently moved to the Richmond area to be closer to family members.Forthepast 14 years, Trudy’s service to the Club and her presence at the Manor have been a wel come sight to both Club members and alumni. She became well known for her semi-annual German Club Etiquette Dinner, and recently hosted one of these events with over 35 Club members in prepara tion for the 130th reunion.

Trudy van Luyn Club Mother 2008 - 2022

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In response to COVID-19 and its financial uncertainties, several capital improvement projects previously planned for the German Club Manor, some long overdue, were deferred into fiscal 2022. With the situation greatly improving in the spring of 2021 and with GCAF’s commitment to move for ward with the 130th Anniversary at the Manor, rec ommendations were provided by the Facilities Com mittee for implementation in the summer of 2021 as an aggressive plan to prepare the Manor. Approval by the GCAF Finance Committee, Executive Com mittee, and the Board of Directors was obtained, and capital improvements and maintenance projects be gan rightAlmostaway. immediately, new carpet for the Gordon Ballroom, Ballroom Foyer, Alumni Hall Foyer, and the GCAF and Club Offices was selected, ordered, and scheduled to be installed over the 2021 winter break. While the Manor’s original rolled car pet color palette was maintained, the decision was made to modernize the look with a “medallion-like” pattern and to provide greater ease of care and re placement with large one meter carpet squares in the Gordon Ballroom areas and smaller one-half meter squares in the smaller rooms. Sufficient excess car pet squares were also obtained for future use should damage occur. In addition, the decision was made to carpet the coat room and recarpet the Alumni Hall women’s restroom lounge at no additional cost thanks to a generous offer by the contractor. Greatly and positively accenting the final carpet look and feel was the purchase, production, and installation of new custom-made draperies for both the Gordon Ballroom and Dekker Conference Room (thanks to Becky Oaksmith).Simultaneous with the carpet order, a con tract was obtained to have the Manor’s exterior pres sure washed, repaired, and painted, as there was un fortunately much long-term damage to be repaired and replaced, particularly at the Cutchins Terrace entryway and at the porte-cochere. With this por tion of renovations underway, it was determined that the slate surface under the Manor’s front entrance needed repair and repointing due to broken pieces and large cracks. Completed in September 2021, the Manor’s entire exterior including all exterior stone work, front entrance columns, and stone walls were now ready for football season! But most things never go exactly as planned in the world of facilities, and sure enough, during a late summer rental event, Alumni Hall’s parquet wood floor was extensively damaged by negligent guests. Gouges in the floor were such that the en tire floor required complete re-sanding and finish ing. After consultation with GCAF Board Member lawyers and insurance estimators, the decision was

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made to file an insurance claim, pay the deductible, and fix the flooring. Throughout the past year, continued up grades and repairs to the Manor’s fire detection, monitoring, and extinguishing system were neces sary for life safety. While certainly not a visible or glamorous feature, maintaining the operation of this system is in our best interest, as many of you may recall the early 80’s sprinkler fiasco. As the 2021 Virginia Tech Hokies football season ended, and within a week of the last tailgat ing car departing the Manor lawn, semi-trucks arrived with over 50,000 lbs. of pavers and bricks for the construction of the “Foundation for the Future” paver courtyard at Cutchins Terrace. With the need to be ready by the 130th Anniversary and only five months away, more than sufficient time was seem ingly allocated – but ultimately proved necessary – to combat the cold and wet weather synonymous with the typical Blacksburg winter. The electrical infrastructure on Cutchins Terrace was repaired and upgraded, and new ground mounted lighting made the new paver area simply fantastic. An initial instal lation of 375 personally inscribed pavers so generously donated by our alumni, 10 of which honor our German Club men who gave their lives in service to our Nation, the new paver memorial courtyard was without a doubt the most impactful “addition” and destination for photographs during the 130th Anni versary weekend.Approved at the Fall 2021 Board Meeting, one of the most intrusive (and long overdue) capital improvements to the Manor commenced. Eight of the Manor’s ten heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) units (all nearly 30 years old), far beyond their life expectancy and thus increasingly trouble some to maintain, were replaced. Several Gordon Ballroom HVAC failures had recently occurred, so with an effort and commitment to not incur any prob lems at the 130th Anniversary, eight new large and small units were ordered. However, the ugly head of “pandemic supply chain delays” reared up, and only four units were installed prior to the 130th Anniver sary. Fortunately, the weekend went off without any issues and the remaining units were installed prior to the end of the academic year.

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Looking forward to the coming year, the Facilities Committee fully recognizes that great effort and expense has been expended to bring the German Club Manor not only back up to speed, but where it needed to be for our 130th Anniversary. Through the efforts of Colonel Tom Dalzell ’57, the Facili ties Committee has begun development of a maintenance and sustainability plan to avoid getting behind in routine maintenance and repairs. Future budget requests and capital improvement priorities will have increased focus on upkeep and sustainability.

R. Craig Balzer Vice President of Facilities Class of 1979

The next priority is the repair, resealing, and restrip ing of the driveway and parking lots - which is now underway and will be ready for tailgating season.

Focus in the near future shall be to refresh the Alum ni Hall men’s and women’s restrooms, while we also continue to evaluate cost-effective means to update the Dekker Conference Room. Longer term, and recognizing high costs and budgetary requirements, plans to finalize the remaining lighting upgrades in the Gordon Ballroom continue. I greatly appreciate the help and commit ment of fellow members of the GCAF Facilities Committee over the past year. It has been an incredibly successful year for the preservation of our Ger man Club Manor.

Several other improvements were made during this past year, and though while not as noticeable, they will contribute greatly to efficiency and cost-savings in our Manor operations. A much lighter and magnetic dance floor for the Gordon Ballroom was purchased, which is something past Club members can surely appreciate. Continued facilities upgrades include: upgrading interior and exterior lighting to LED, finishing and resealing all exterior parking lots, upgrading the driveway entrance light ing, and repairing several Guest House and Manor bollards. To further address security concerns, all exterior dusk-to-dawn lighting has been repaired, and multiple new fixtures were installed at the Manor’s port-cochere and on the Cutchins Terrace.

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Foundation for the Future Campaign Concludes and Exceeds Goals

The participating members of the first Foundation for the Future Campaign meeting.

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Serious Campaign planning commenced in early 2016. The committee settled on a $2 million goal at an in-person committee meeting with some inspiration from our VP of Development, T.O. Williams. We accepted the challenge, but at the same time many of us worried if we could reach the goal. At the time, the GCAF endowment stood at a little over $2.85 million and we committed to increase it by approximately 70%. A year later, and in time for the 125th German Club Anniversary, our confidence grew. We officially launched the campaign with $1 million in combined gifts received and commitments - more commitments than actual receipts at the time. The remaining challenge was to convert the commit ments and raise another $1 million. We sought advice from several German Club Alumni and friends that were development pro fessionals. Each person reminded us of the unique challenge we faced in running a capital campaign with no tangible asset to inspire donors, such as a new building or an addition. However, each person also reminded us of unique benefit we had in our favor – each of you, our German Club Alumni. In our favor was the deeply rooted passion we hold for The German Club. The effect that our student ex perience had in shaping us, as well as the cherished friendships that we developed along the way crosses generations of alumni. This love of the German Club and the desire to give future generations access to similar experiences is the intangible capital asset

The Foundation for the Future Endowment Campaign concluded on June 30, 2022 and exceeded every measure of success that we established. Fore most, we raised $3.6 million against a $2 million goal. There had been a desire to enlarge our endowment for some decades. With this Campaign, we have established a firm foundation (pun intended) to further invest in the GCAF mission. Thank you to each of you who supported the campaign.

GCAF Mission: to perpetuate the German Club and serve as a unifying force by bringing German Club alumni together in continuing fellowship to foster leadership for service to the German Club, its alumni and Virginia Tech.

German Club FORUM20 of comparison, Virginia Tech has only recently ex ceeded 20% in alumni giving. As we have reiterated throughout the cam paign, every gift counts. The median gift size for the campaign was $100, which means half of the gifts received were less than $100 and half were greater. You can see in Figure 2 that gifts of all sizes were needed to reach our goal of $2 million. While we felt anxious about the prospects of increasing the size of the endowment by 70%, we exceeded it.

Through direct contributions via the Cam paign and growth from interest earned, our endow that we have sustained. The intangible “Foundation” that we raised capital to build is future generations of German Club men. As expected, or as we all have experienced as German Club men, you rose to the challenge. As noted previously, we raised $3.6 million against a $2 million goal. $2.3 million in donations have been received; the remainder are outstanding pledges and legacy commitments. As you can see in Figure 1, we had widespread support across generations in terms of the number of gifts, as well as the dollar amount. 722 unique donors contributed to the campaign, which represents nearly 30% of our alumni. By way

Figure 1 - Donors by Decade Figure 2 - Gifts Received by Size

SUMMER 2022 21 ment is now greater than $5 million, as shown on page 23 of this Forum. Our intent is to sustain continued moderate growth in the endowment with reg ular additions to its principal and earned interest on its principal. None of this would be possible without the hundreds of you who contributed to the cam paign. We can’t thank you enough … Thank you!!

Starting on page 24, we recognize each in dividual who contributed to the success of the Cam paign. We also recognized gifts of $2500 or more with personalized pavers that were installed on the Cutchin’s Terrace at the Manor. Three hundred sev enty-five pavers have been installed to date. We owe gratitude, in particular, to three in dividuals who were instrumental in launching this campaign that, sadly, passed before they could see the full success of their contributions. Sid Oak smith, Class of 1977, and President of the GCAF, challenged the Board to an endowment campaign and initiated its planning. T.O. Williams, Class of 1959, the VP of Development for the GCAF, organized the initial plans and formally announced the campaign at the 125th German Club Anniversary. Michael Carisetti, Class of 2007, the GCAF Executive Director, led the analysis and preparation needed to launch the Campaign. The energy and spirit that Sid, T.O., and ‘Setti injected into the Campaign was Figure 3 - FY23 Revenue Sources present throughout it. Their legacy lives on with its success. We celebrate the success of the Foundation for the Future Campaign and its conclusion. However, the need to raise funds annually to support the operations of the GCAF does not end. With an in creased endowment, we have reduced the burden on annual giving to fund GCAF operations, but we have not eliminated it. As shown in Figure 3, An nual giving remains a significant percentage of the source of funds for annual operations. I think we all agree that we should continue to ask our alumni to support annually to sustain a healthy appreciation and vested interest in the organization. As we look to the future, we look to maintain and even expand the increased engagement we have experienced during the Campaign. Increased engagement leads to a more vibrant and connected alumni community, which leads to greater participa tion rates.Once again, THANK YOU for your support of the Campaign. We look forward to your engage Brianment. Dunch Class of 1993 Vice President of Development




German Club FORUM22 Finance Update

First and foremost, to our alumni, friends and family, on behalf of GCAF, thank you. Your incredible generosity through your donations have not only helped to sustain GCAF and its mission but have allowed us to reach the ambitious goal we set more than five years ago. For those who were not able to attend the 130th celebration in person, I am pleased to inform you that at the culmination of the Foundation for the Future, we have more than exceeded our goal of adding $2M to our endowment. These endowment funds provide critical funds which enables GCAF to execute our mission of strengthening the German Club for years to come. Beyond the achievement of our goal, Fiscal Year 2022 was a very unique year for GCAF, one in which we welcomed home almost 700 alumni to GCAF $192,000 Club Foundation Year 2022

Gifts Processed Through VTF $321,000 VTF Endowment Income $173,000 Other Income** $696,000 TOTAL INCOME $1,381,000 EXPENSES* Foundation Operations $115,000 Manor & Guest House Operations $136,000 Capital Projects $589,000 German Club, Alumni & Virginia Tech Relations $432,000 TOTAL EXPENSE *All amounts rounded to nearest thousand **Includes Manor & Guest House rentals, Relief Funds, Etc. $1,272,000 The German

and REVENUES* Gifts Directly

The German Club Alumni Foundation’s (“the Foundation”) Board of Directors, through its Finance Committee, is committed to delivering regular updates on the finances of the Foundation to all alumni, with the goal of keeping our alumni informed on the financial health of the Foundation The Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July to June. The information presented throughout this article will be for the Fiscal Year 2022 (July 2021June 2022). The information presented below is subject to change, as at the time of writing, the fis cal year had not finished, and the annual audit of the Foundation had not yet been finalized.

The Fiscal Year 2023 budget contemplates a normalized operating year at the Manor, certain strategic capital expenditures for major projects and also includes the increased maintenance related budget mentioned above. The Board of Directors held an in-person meeting the weekend of the 130th Anni versary Celebration and unanimously approved the Finance Committee’s proposal.

Thanks to the efforts of many, the Founda tion has weathered the COVID-19 crisis and maintained its fiscal health. It should be noted that the success of the Foundation for the Future Campaign directly contributed to the Foundation’s ability to adapt and maintain through these uncertain times. Thank you again for the time and treasure donated to ensure that the Campaign was a tremendous success.

In summary, the Foundation is well-posi tioned to remain a strong supporter of the German Club, university, and community. The Board of Di rectors looks forward to the continued success of the Foundation and the German Club. Jordan DeDona Class of 2006 Vice President of Finance and Audit

SUMMER 2022 23

In response to the pandemic, GCAF undertook actions to preserve capital, including deferring routine maintenance and necessary capital projects at the Manor. Throughout the pandemic, GCAF prioritized capital projects that were absolutely nec essary. This strategy helped us maintain financial flexibility but resulted in significant costs being deferred into Fiscal Year 22. Thanks to the Facilities Committee and the Executive Director, the entirety of the Manor’s HVAC system was updated, in anticipation of welcoming home our alumni and guests for the 130th. Throughout the pandemic, along with the Facilities Committee, we have re-evaluated the annual needs for maintenance at the Manor. In order to keep the Manor in pristine condition, for our alumni, friends and guests, the Board has approved an increase in our annual operating budget for additional maintenance related funds. This should help offset significant one-time expenditures in the future.

guests during the 130th Anniversary Celebration, re ceived record annual donations and made substantial investments in the Manor. Like most all businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Founda tion and its operations. As communicated in prior letters, our budget preparation process has required a number of very conservative estimates due to the uncertainties related to football parking and in-per son gatherings (weddings, events, etc.) upon which the Foundation relies heavily for revenues. We were pleased to welcome back our guests for the 2021 football season, as well as many other guests from the University and the NRV community. We are hopeful that the impacts of the pandemic are large ly behind us and expect a more normalized year of Manor rentals in Fiscal Year 2023.

Vernon1938 Belcher Reese1939 Bursey Kenneth1940 V. Brugh Philip E. Frankfort August1941 F. Davis Richard1942 M. Perkins Joseph1943 C. Thomas Frederick1945 G. Hilbish George1949 Royden Goodson Donald W. Huffman George1950 B. Field Thomas W. Moss William C. Pollok Goodridge E. White William1951 Tomlinson Miller William Ward Moseley Jack M. Patteson Robert M. Pinkham Edward J. Reynolds Ross1952 F. WilliamJ.CarlEdwardJames1954HarryRayShakeep1953JohnDouglasRaymondHawkinsHuntingtonC.PettyA.SniderKassemA.RobertsonJ.SkinkerP.BakerD.CollinsC.CoonEugeneJusticeM.Sessoms 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 18921892DonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892Donor1892Donor1892DonorDonorDonorDistinguished Benefactor 189218921892DonorDonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 18921892DonorDonorDistinguished Benefactor Donor Morton1955 W. Lester Floyd1956 E. Adams Richard M. Arnold Gordon D. Bowman Benjamin F. Brinn Franklin D. Brown Patrick H. DeHart H. David Ebert Eugene M. Grizzard C. Dale Harman Ellis P. HunterCharlesW.TerryJohnEarlCharltonStuart1961EdwardWilburWilliamJamesW.ThomasWilliam1960ThomasCharlesDonaldRamonJohn1959EdwardCecilRalphCarlisleRonaldOwen1958MauriceWileyJamesJamesRobleyEdgarThomas1957WayneCharlesLawrenceMonroeMoterG.O’BrienC.RichardJ.DalzellM.HollandsworthJ.LightW.McCabeThomasMcDanielE.RingB.TannerG.BrownE.CouncilR.DavisL.LincolnD.QuillenM.RingleyW.HaleH.JohnsonD.SowderA.WeaverO.WilliamsD.AndersonR.GrubbsKennethHillE.JohnsLewisLeighL.SmithJ.WoodwardR.ForbesA.GainesL.McLaneW.RaisbeckL.StrockDavidThompsonO.WarrenR.Watson 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 1892189218921892Donor18921892189218921892DonorDonorBenefactorSeniorDonorBenefactorDonorBenefactorBenefactorBenefactorDonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 189218921892DonorBenefactorSeniorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor FoundationfortheFuture CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS The German Club Alumni Foundation is please to publish here a complete listing of every donor whose contributions were received during the campaign, beginning April 4, 2016, through its ending date of June 30, 2022. As always, Donor Designation levels are based on cumulative lifetime giving. German Club FORUM24

SUMMER 2022 25 R.1962Sidney Barrett R. Gilbert Buckman William J. Gillespie John D. Hartman Alonzo L. Jones John J. HughRichardMahlonJohnDavid1967EdwardMylesJ.JamesF.DavidRobertMarcusS.LawrenceRobertJohn1966AsaThomasRichardThomasGaryThomasJohnJohn1965B.ThomasLewisRogerA.JamesJ.JamesThomasWilliam1964WilliamStuartLouisDavidDouglasJamesHoraceSelwynH.William1963HarryS.RobertCharlieWilliamR.EdwardHaroldMayfieldE.MillsL.MoreyGregoryPorterC.RobertsonM.TribblevanLuynHoytWilliamsI.WilsonH.ClingenpeelSykesDeHartL.FlournoyJamesFortuneT.GladwinO.HubbellE.LoweKendallPalmerC.SteeleP.TaylorJerryCallisW.CarterT.DowdyBurtonEllerE.GardnerCurtisHuffmanH.MooreI.JeffriesRockecharlieJr.TimothyWalshF.GladwinM.GivensT.JeffriesD.KniplingF.LeeB.RobertsonD.RustC.SharpS.CundiffE.GarstR.MacDonaldFinleyMcClureB.MosesO.MunseyS.PhlegarMichaelSaundersE.SmithLindleySmithC.TomlinsonL.WhiteS.BaileyL.DmochG.FunkN.KnappS.MilesIII 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorSenior Benefactor 189218921892DonorDonor1892Donor189218921892Donor18921892189218921892DonorDonor18921892189218921892Donor189218921892189218921892189218921892189218921892Donor18921892189218921892Donor1892189218921892189218921892189218921892DonorBenefactorSeniorDonorSeniorBenefactorBenefactorSeniorBenefactorSeniorBenefactorDonorSeniorDonorDonorDistinguishedDonorDonorDonorBenefactorSeniorBenefactorDistinguishedBenefactorDonorSeniorDonorSeniorDonorDistinguishedDonorDonorDonorDistinguishedDonorDistinguishedBenefactorBenefactorSeniorDonorDonorDonorSeniorDonorDistinguishedDonorDistinguishedDonorDistinguishedDonorSeniorDonorDonorDistinguishedDonorDistinguishedDonorDonorDistinguishedDonorDistinguishedDonorSeniorBenefactorBenefactorDistinguishedDonorSeniorDonorDistinguishedDonorBenefactor William A. Mountcastle James Edward Mrazek Martin L. Robison Daniel1968 C. Booker James P. Browning William Patton Brugh John S. Charlesworth John David Crist Charles A. Gibbens Larry J. DavidL.Macol1972JonCharlesWilliamEdwardTedWilliamAlexanderOkeyThomasDanielStephenRubinCarlton1971GeorgeGeorgeStephenWilliamRogerJohnMichaelTerryBeverlyEdwardDanielRobertOtisJohnWileyRobertJames1970DavidJohnWilliamJamesElktonJeromeCharlesFranklinThomas1969RossFrankJerryJamesRalphKennethHurtW.LapinW.MullinsB.RichardsB.SchappacherGraySloopH.TaylorA.BarrP.EarleyO’NealeGordonF.GoughEarlHarringtonW.HopperE.MerktC.WatkinsS.WhiteR.BrookeG.BurlesonJacksonBurrowsA.CopelandC.CrowtherA.DavisM.DickD.DingivanT.FitzpatrickK.HagmanG.KingW.MarshallW.SpenceEarleSpruillJr.J.ToddR.TurnerR.UmbergerDavisBaileyColemanBrittleW.BullN.CarperJ.DiversRexEvansG.GreenS.LewisM.MurrayTaylorOvertonH.ParcellF.RowellBruceShermanO.HashCalvinHendersonWarnerLove 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 1892DonorDonorSenior Donor 189218921892DonorBenefactorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 18921892DonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDonorSenior Benefactor 1892 Donor

Randall S. Minix Alan W. Myers James H. Priest Bruce W. AugustusGaryWilliam1978MarkLesterGaryAlbertG.LeoDavidBruceJohnRobert1977StephenDaleStevePerryKennethDavidDanielDouglas1976EdwardJ.BradleyThimothyJerryRobertTodd1975RandolphRandallW.TonyStephenO.Gary1974NormanJamesMichaelMartinJoelMaynard1973ChristopherSimmonsMarkSpruillH.BenjaminC.BradshawD.BushS.EgglestonL.GatesB.HodgesW.ArnettDouglasCumbiaE.DavisM.FleshmanDavidKiserW.LomanL.WalkerC.BarnesC.BatcherSmithChaneyG.CorvinC.EbaughKeithSinclairB.TuckerW.AndersonG.CristJ.DempseyE.LantzA.ReynoldsMichaelTaylorL.WilsonA.WittR.DerrickB.HigginbothamK.LewisK.MacDonaldA.PadisBrookingParkerHarrisonPooleNealSmallwoodI.SutphinB.WiggintonA.DodlE.GonetCrenshawReed III Robert P. Routier Graham H. Wilson Richard Weinberger Robert1979 Craig Balzer Landon Gilmore Carpenter John B. Costello Dennis R. Cramer Steven D. Hedges 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 189218921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor189218921892189218921892189218921892Donor1892189218921892Donor18921892Donor1892189218921892Donor1892Donor18921892189218921892189218921892Donor18921892DonorBenefactorSeniorBenefactorDistinguishedDonorSeniorBenefactorSeniorDonorDonorDonorDonorSeniorDonorSeniorDonorBenefactorDonorDistinguishedDonorDonorDistinguishedDonorSeniorDonorDonorSeniorDonorSeniorBenefactorDonorSeniorBenefactorBenefactorDistinguishedDonorBenefactorDonorDistinguishedDonorSeniorBenefactorSeniorBenefactorDistinguishedDonorSeniorDonorDonor Robert J. Hutchison John C. Kelly Steven M. Lantz Joseph F. Miller Thomas E. Perkins Michael D. Ramsey James Elroy Reightler Byron L. JohnJosephVictorJamesBrianRoyCliffordGregoryStevenVictorWaylandChristopherRobert1984DavidStevenDavidMichael1983PeterJosephJeffreyGlennStephenMichaelRichardWilliamWilliamDouglasThomasRemmie1982WalterGaryAndrewEverettRichardCraigRobertKevinGregoryGeraldReynolds1981JamesJimmyJamesGregoryBradleyJohnJamesStevenJeffrey1980StephenStanhopeRobertsL.TignorC.WrightL.BryantB.BuchananG.DavisD.MitchellS.RingsR.RismillerW.TuckerWoodallPopeWoodardH.BeckerE.DuncanS.KennerlyJ.LeeE.MiddlebrooksE.NesbitNormanRenzAndrewRingM.ScherzerA.SmithE.LacyL.ArnoldMichaelButtA.CooperS.GolowayC.HaganC.HardyK.MyersJ.RyanA.SieberL.SheltonH.TimkoM.TrainL.BurtonStuartCooperD.MizeM.ZaiserD.CryerM.FerranteE.HundleyTyroneLamRobertLavinderD.MarzulloL.SheltonA.RectorT.ShookWachoSlaughterLynnStewartC.ThomasJr.DavidWright 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorSenior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 18921892189218921892Donor1892DonorDonorDonorBenefactorDonorBenefactorDonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 1892DonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 189218921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 18921892DonorBenefactorDonor German Club FORUM26

SUMMER 2022 27 Michael1985 Euripides Michael T. Foster James Michael Gardner Daniel T. Goulson Charles W. Kaufman Donald Brent Richardson Mark P. Stejbach James E. Stroh Robert1986 L. Bartholomew Thomas Stuart Beason Gary D. Boward Eldridge R. Collins Wallace S. Covington Vincent Sean Cusack Irvin Rodney Goins John R. JosephJefferyPeterScottWilliamPaulChristopher1989RichardBrianRodneyDavidCharlesWilliamRobertDavidKevinKennethStuartGrady1988TommyKordHowardCharlesGregoryDavidCharlesDruToddThomasJ.WilliamRobertJames1987DavidRonaldJamesCharlesCharlesTimothyDavidJamesWilliamRichardDerekJonathanHeilmanE.IngebretsenAlanJeffriesWayneKishW.KyleP.McKeeR.MillerWayneRamseySteveTrischmanLewisWatsonP.WoodG.WoodC.YarnallH.BooterbaughE.BrownB.ChapmanTaylorClarkeMatthewFlemerEdwardHeltonE.KrausT.LongR.MillerB.ScheerS.StricklerMcBrydeWatsonJ.WissmannYambrickB.BakerArthurBernsteinG.FinnF.FinnT.FritzDonaldHarterH.HobbsT.LongAlanRussilloE.SissonJ.StockmoeWadeWhartonJohnBalcikJ.DaleyThomasDidlakeD.EhrigD.FoxW.GeiszT.Livesay 18921892189218921892DonorBenefactorDonorDonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 18921892189218921892DonorBenefactorDonorDonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 18921892DonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor Donor Robert C. Lowerre Thomas J. Messner Scott Allen Stanley Stephen G. Upton Hary1990 Janos Bottka Richard W. Davis Billy P. KePatrickDonavantMichael Talty Willie J. Powers Thomas III Rockecharlie Leonard Michael Shetler Brian1991 Dimitri Almond David K. Beason Andrew L. Carwile Michael Edwin Clark Damian A. Kelly Charles E. Nunnally John M. Padgett Stephen Lundell Rhudy E. Carter Turner Michael B. Williams Steven Parker Wrenn Steven1992 Charles Franks John Stuart Hess Matthew Charles Jackson Edward Andrew McCullough Melvin William McFall Samuel Rudolph Reimer Colin Eliot Wright John1993 Patrick Billiter Christopher Douglas Bradham Jeffrey Brian Buising Chip BuckleyGilBrianDanielsScottDunchRiveraFloresLansdowne Gardner Michael Curtis Gartner Brian Paul Hartt John Burdette Hunter Christopher David Morin Robert Fulbright Pannell Frederick1994 Van Gresham Jeter Clayton Grogan Mark Edwin Hendrickson James Ruffino McMillan Enrique Allan Morales Patrick Michael Talty Jason Patrick Velivlis John1995 Christopher Bunin Scott Michael Cowan Nathan August Curtis Mark Franklin Pope Fabian O. Roberts Eric A. ChristopherRussellW. Soong Keith Raymond Stemple 18921892Donor1892DonorDonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 18921892189218921892DonorDonor1892DonorBenefactorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892Donor1892Donor18921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 18921892DonorBenefactorSeniorDonorSeniorBenefactor

Chad1996 Clifton Alander Mark R. Bezjak Shawn S. Chando Thomas Holland Shaine M. Miles Charles Lee Moore Chadwick1997 C. Coyne Aaron Walker Gresham Robert J. Harris Todd Bret-AshtonAlexGeorgeJamesJamesRyan2001JohnPatrickEricChristopherMichaelCarlosRussellGarrettAaronHowardAndrewRodneyBenjamin2000StephenS.LlewellynAndrewDouglasJeffreyWilliamChristopherAndrewEdwardWilliamMichaelDavidMarkJustin1999JustinRyanChristopherDanielChristopherRyanJustinEdwardGriffin1998RobertCharlesJosephKennethHoltzmanW.KeyserJohnMajewskiLeeMooreD.MoserAlbertCrossRidgelyGeorgeChristopherHepnerDrakeJohnsonStephenLawrenceB.OsborneM.QuillenTheodoreStitzerD.TaylorBarkerMcLeodBatesAveryBrownA.FennemoreDavidFreemanJ.GillC.GrossThomasHenneseyTaylorHudsonScottOrsulakPrechtelF.ProctorB.RichardsonAndyShaverD.SneadCrowleyD.FultzLessnerR.LongL.McClungMearsKeithMiddletonA.MunozR.MunseyA.RippelShiflettThompsonA.WardAdinFrancisCrowleyT.CustisIIIC.DunnJosephFlynnFrischGoodwinGresham 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 189218921892DonorDonorDonorDonorSenior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorSenior Donor 1892DonorDonor1892DonorDonorSenior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892DonorSenior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 1892DonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorDonor Jeffrey Richard Harris Christopher John Mallin Donald Bradford Osborne Matthew Smith Tom FrankSverclAugust Theising Christopher2002 B. DeMay Thomas BenjaminLeeDingus Long William F. Mayo Jr. John G. MichaelTimothyMohlerParentAnthony Reardon Matthew K. Shreckhise Whitney Thomas Sours Brian E. Stuver Vance2003 W. Adkins Myles B. Anderson Robert Casey Ballard Edward Barry Martin SterlingCumbaHaden Daniel Jay Preston Gentry Jonathan Thomas Gill Grady Gillies Peter S. Hogeboom Charles Hansen Humkey Brian Christopher Montgomery Paul William Murphy Scott J. Robidoux Terry Joseph Simon Alex Welsh Chris2004 QuintonMichael2007ScottKevinErikAustinJamesDennisCharlesBradleyCoreyScottJordanJeremyAlanDemas2006JustinRandalJonathanJohnMark2005KeithCyrusMatthewCharlesDerryE.GordonHallKarbassiyoonS.ParkerBumgarnerG.DillardMichaelTremonteS.WhitemanAdamYalungE.BoudreauxPatrickCampbellRussellDanielRaynorDeDonaErpeldingPatrickGallagherHancockH.R.HoweJ.KramerEmoryPattersonPriceRobersonBentonTroxellWernerBartgisCallahan 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 1892Donor1892DonorBenefactorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 18921892Donor1892DonorBenefactorSeniorDonorDonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892DonorDistinguished Donor 1892Donor189218921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor DonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonor1892189218921892Donor1892189218921892Donor18921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorBenefactorDonorSeniorDonorDonorDonorDonorGerman Club FORUM28

SUMMER 2022 29 Michael Carisetti Randall Hopper Adam StephenGeoffRobertNathanielRyan2013JeffreyBenCullenKyleAshleyAnuj2012LukeScottCThomasNathanMichaelBrianDavidKyleAaronStephen2011JohnAndrewSeanBrandonJohn2010MatthewAndyKevinDanBradleyJonathonMichaelStephenStephenBrandonJeremyBrandonJacob2009ChristopherMichaelRobertCabinDrewBradenWilliamRyanBryanRemmie2008BrianBrandonMichaelMichaelMichaelLeathLissE.MuntonRussoSmithTorgersenLeRoyArnoldCollierCookRaymondDavisFieldMarrsSamuelsStanleySunTrotmanColleyCorderDavisDiversC.GillettC.HuffJabsKeganKensingerKnisleySprengerWebbZackonBeattyGarayIngramMcGowanStegerBainBrittainBurhopK.GlennHigginsHohensteinTLavinkaJ.LoefflerTaylorQuickeSalcettiWellsBagaiHeatwolePrydeReedVaughanWalkerBakerCoffeltCogginsColeAGuardipee 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892DonorDonorSenior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 18921892DonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor 1892 1892Donor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonor18921892DonorDonor1892Donor1892Donor1892DonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonor18921892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorSenior Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorDistinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorDistinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 18921892Donor1892DonorDonorBenefactorDistinguished Donor DonorDonorDonorDonorDonor18921892DonorDonorDonor Scott PatrickGuichardO’Neill Hagen Greg BaileyZacharyEricStephenSamuelGriffin2020BenjaminRyanLouieLukeRohan2019JakeJonathanMichaelHayden2018AndrewDillonAlexJoshAlfredPatrickDanielMarianoBryanJackThomasMichaelMatthewEdwardConnorThomas2017SeanJosephSeanEricTaylorRyanRyan2016ChristianMatthewLeeBradleyBenRoy2015TaylorChristopherJaySeanChandlerAndrew2014SpencerMackeyShanholtzSundermanSwartzendruberStallingsTuckerUllrichFUllrichAbernathyColemanLoweMathesonMontgomeryReighardHartmanHopkinsMalbonOlsonStockmoeTaylorWiedbuschArrudaBakerAlexBeasonBlanksBoisseauBurfordContiCooperDeSocarraz-NovoaFacchinaFinnFuscoLittleLopezMikkO’SullivanCleekGennaroMorseYanceyBardhanBooradyBuchenNiblockNicollD.ClarkD.DickersonG.GeiszOttmanShannonSpell 1892 Distinguished Donor DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonor1892Donor1892DonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonor

German Club FORUM30 Carter Ward Alexander2021 B. Barnette Will C. Campbell Sengal Ghidewon-Abay Jacob WayneEdwardMinnisHONORARYMichaelWesleyBarrettMasonEtienneBrooksBobbyMaxAdamChrisColinDanielMatthewJack2024RyanArjunMatthewEliEdwardBrennanMatthewZacharyNoahCarsonArkaelRhysDimitriosBaylorTimmyPayton2023TrentonEliTylerJohnAidanMasonMatthewJoeZachIanNickChris2022WilliamChristianStephenAndrewMasonDavidHodgesR.KishLavinderM.McCaffreyJ.OlsenJ.SmuckerTawneyCaronCerneCullenDickersonEversoleR.GentileHobbsMcFarlaneProctorRennerRhodesWhitfieldAndrewsBryanBooneFifisJonesKernizanPughShafferSmithSnuggsSpeierSpencerJr.SwanThomasVashishthaWarbingtonAdamsBeneventoChunnDurkenFinnGentileGettlemanLynchMurdenOuelletStanleyStuckeySurdamWunderlichRidenourSpencerM.Worner DonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorBenefactor Donor Designation Donor ~ $1 - $999 1892 Donor ~ $1,000 - $2,999 1892 Senior Donor ~ $3,000 - $4,999 1892 Distinguished Donor ~ $5,000 - $9,999 1892 Benefactor ~ $10,000 - $24,999 1892 Senior Benefactor ~ $25,000 - $49,999 1892 Distinguished Benefactor ~ $50,000+ BenjaminKirstenJulieCaroleNatalieIbukunFRIENDSAjayiAllenBarrettBernsteinBlantonBrinn III Robert LaurenceElizabethBryantCallisCarstensen Jr. Michelle Cunningham Mary Dechert Frank RichardJohnVanRaeChantelleJaneWilsonDenardoDodsonEckertEversoleFrankfortGreshamHarrisonandJanet Hawkins Leroy Houser Ellen Hunter Paul InThomasWilliamSusanRadspinnerKathrynEdmondRebeccaSusanJohnHelenMarionJeanShellyMariaAdrianJerriCraigIvansJusticeKarstetterLandersLaWaltLeeMajorMcAdooMilesMontagueMyersOaksmithO’NeillOnofrioFamilyReedReisR.RoeselMemoryofRalph Russo (various) Patricia Smith Robert BernardSterrettTaylor III Jenni Thompson Tom GlennJewellThomasDemarisLouiseBernieTillarJ.WalkerWatlingtonWheelerJ.WhiteWiggintonWolfe 18921892DonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorSenior Donor 1892 1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorSenior Donor 18921892DonorDonorSenior Donor 18921892DonorDonor18921892DonorDonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonor1892DonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDonorDistinguished Donor Donor

From left: German Club Executive Vice President Carson Pugh ‘23, Mrs. Lisa Dooley, Dr. John Dooley, Jay Tucker ’14.

Two students were awarded 2022 German Club Carol M. Newman Scholarships at the 2022 German Club Senior Banquet. Pictured here is winner Erin McCaffrey of Henrico, VA, majoring in Childhood Pre-Education, and German Club Executive Vice President Carson Pugh ’23. In addition, Thinna Svetanant of Blacksburg, VA, majoring in Biology (Biomedical concentration) also earned a Carol M. Newman Scholarship, but was unable to attend the banquet.

Club and Centennial SCholarShip announC ement

The 2022-2023 academic year Centennial Scholarship winners. From left: Jay Tucker (GCAF presenter); Rising Sophomore Leadership Award winner Taylor Hafer of Ashburn, VA, majoring in Business; Rising Junior Leadership Award winner Amanda Talbot of Danville, VA, double majoring in Biochemistry and History; and Rising Senior Leadership Award winner Sarah Ramboyong of South Riding, VA, majoring in Computational Modeling & Data Analytics.

SUMMER 2022 31

Dr. John Dooley was granted Honorary Membership by the student German Club at the 2022 Senior Banquet. Dr. Dooley served Virginia Tech for over 40 years as Associate Provost for Outreach, Vice President for Outreach and International Affairs, and as Chief Operating Officer of the Virginia Tech Foundation.

Baker McFall Jack Proctor Jack Tyson Johnny Harrington German Club FORUM32 Joe Eversole

Ansel Arash-Ajayi

Chris Caron

Ashton Heng


Crook Eli Rhodes Ethan Farmer Garrett Scranton Kyle Karabiac Mason Hobbs Matt Wilson Matthew Gentile SUMMER 2022 33



Lucia Andrew Perry





Miller Farley Nick Cerne Ryan Cullen Trenton Whitfield Tyler Renner German Club FORUM34 “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” –Nora Roberts Tyler Smith Zach Dickerson

George Kwascha ’75 passed away on August 16, 2021. Charles Reid, ’75 passed away on April 19, 2021. Class Notes John Thompson ‘70 retired in December 2021 from Heidrick & Struggles and a 32-year career in Silicon Valley. Paul Diehl ‘78, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, retired in 2021 and celebrated 10 years of marriage to Julie in January of 2022. Joe Timko ‘82 was recently inducted into the Virginia Tech College of Engineering’s Academy of Engineering Excellence. Robert Wilcocks ‘83 retired in January 2021 from US Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL, after 37.5 years of government service. Jed Quin ’84 retired from IBM after 32 years.

In Memoriam Helen Miles, longtime German Club advocate and unofficial Club Mother, passed away on July 14, 2022. Lewis Stone ‘54 passed away on November 20, 2021. Ashton Violette ’55 passed away on March 3, 2022. Floyd E. Adams Jr. ‘56 passed away on August 2, 2022.

James H. Patterson ‘62 passed away on February 26, 2022. Linden White ‘64 passed away on November 21, 2021. Robert Richardson ‘65 passed away on September 13, 2021. Mr. Grayson W. Walker ‘67 passed away on October 14, 2021.

Stuart Bernstein ‘88 retired from teaching in Hanover County after 30 years of service in June 2021. Jason Pettrey ’02 was promoted to Baton Rouge Refinery Technical Division Manager in May 2022.

Doug Cumbia ’74 passed away on June 29, 2021. Arnold Little Jr. ‘74 passed away on December 2, 2021.

Jamie Garst ’03 was named 2022 Outstanding Middle School Principal of Virginia by the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals.

Demas Boudreaux ‘06 was appointed by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to the newly formed Virginia LGBTQ+ Advisory Board. Drew Marrs ‘08 and his wife, Stephanie are happy to announce the birth of their son, Richard Andrew “Richie,” on May 5, 2021.

SUMMER 2022 35

James Richards ‘68 passed away on March 8, 2022. Robert Browning ’74 passed away on August 18, 2021.

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