German Club Forum Summer 2020

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FLeadership / Service RU M / Fellowship

Club Members provide mentorship to Falling Branch Elementary Students.



FLeadership / Service RU M / Fellowship SUMMER 2020 EDITION

Table of Contents 3- A message from the Foundation President 4- Letter from Club President - Andrew McCaffrey 6- Hokie Mentorship Connect 8- A Profile of Leadership - General Robert Harter 10- A Profile of Service - Falling Branch Elementary Volunteering 12- A Profile of Fellowship - Study Abroad 15- Facilities Update 17- Development Update 18- Finance Update 20- Feature Article - Guest House Highlight 22- Campaign Contributors 28- Our 2019 Graduates 31- Our 2020 Graduates 34- In Memoriam 37- Class Notes

German Club Alumni Foundation Executive Committee: Chairman - Bert Poole ‘77 President - Keith Stemple ‘95 VP of Alumni Relations - David Glenn ‘11 VP of German Club Relations - Andrew Lessner ‘00 VP of Finance - Jordan DeDona ‘06 VP of University Relations - Craig Nesbit ‘81 VP of Development - Brian Dunch ‘93 VP of Nominations & Governance - Colin Wright ‘92 VP of Facilities - Craig Balzer ‘79 VP of Communications - Kyle Pryde ‘12 Executive Director - Ben Nicoll ‘19 2

German Club FORUM

German Club Alumni Foundation Board of Directors: Class Name 1956 Arnold, Richard M. 1988 Baker, Grady B. 1979 Balzer, Robert Craig 2006 Boudreaux, Demas E. 1979 Carpenter, Landon Gilmore 1991 Clark, Michael Edwin 1995 Cowan, Scott Michael 1957 Dalzell, Thomas J. 2006 Dedona, Jordan Raynor 1977 Derrick, Robert R. 1990 Donavant, Billy P. 1993 Dunch, Brian Scott 1973 Eggleston, Michael S. 1985 Foster, Michael T. 2000 Fultz, Rodney D. 2011 Glenn, David K 1969 Gordon, Charles O’Neale 2001 Gresham, Bret 1999 Gross, Andrew C. 2013 Guichard, Scott 1964 Jeffries, Lewis I. 1974 Kiser, W. David 2000 Lessner, Andrew 1988 Long, Charles 2015 Malbon, Taylor 1969 Merkt, William E. 1972 Minix, Randall S. 2000 Munsey, Michael 1972 Myers, Alan 2019 Nicoll, Ben 1981 Nesbit, Craig E. 1971 Overton, Edward Taylor 1977 Poole, Albert Harrison 2012 Pryde, Kyle 1981 Scherzer, Andrew M. 1970 Spruill, William Earle 1995 Stemple, Keith Raymond 2014 Tucker, Jay 2007 Torgersen, Brian 1970 Umberger, George R. 1962 van Luyn, Robert 1974 Walker, Randolph L. 1986 Watson, Howard 2009 Webb, Andrew 1978 Weinberger, Richard 1977 Wigginton, Mark B. 1992 Wright, Colin Eliot

A Message from the Foundation President I write this note from my home office (our guest room) where, like many of you, I have been working for the last few months. I sincerely hope that wherever you have found yourself during this unprecedented time, you and your families have remained safe, happy, and most importantly, healthy. As you will read in this first ever “digital only” edition of the Forum, the German Club and German Club Alumni Foundation have not been spared from the impact of COVID-19. In the finance and capital campaign reports included in this issue of The Forum, you can read about how the last few months have impacted our revenue streams, and the necessary precautions being taken for next fiscal year. Our efforts thus far, along with the continued support from many of you, have allowed us to wrap up this fiscal year in a strong position that we hope will enable us to weather this period of uncertainty. For me, if there has been a silver lining to the selfisolation, with routines upheaved and social activities significantly limited, I have found myself pausing to reflect on the many things I have to be thankful for – my family, my friends, a roof over my head, and my health, to name a few. As it relates to my friends, some number of you reading this are part of a brotherhood that was forged during my time at Virginia Tech and whose bonds of friendship have stood the test of time. Indeed, you are more than friends; you are family. Each of us German Club men have shared the experience of brotherhood during our time as students, and undoubtedly many of you similarly consider yourself richly blessed by those friendships still active in your lives today. The past few months, I have also been reminded of how thankful I am to serve with a GCAF Board of Directors and, in particular, an Executive Committee whose passion and efforts to think creatively and guide the Foundation through uncertain times knows no end. I have also enjoyed connecting with some of the graduating German Club seniors, whose last semester ended far differently than they ever expected, as well as the new officers and rising seniors. For each of them I am thankful, both for their efforts thus far to lead and adapt to the extraordinary circumstances, as well as their sustained commitment to upholding the mantle of responsibility through the challenges to come.

And lastly, I continue to be thankful for those who have come before us and the legacy they have left behind. Executive Director, Ben Nicoll ’19 and I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with Doug Petty ‘52 over the phone, who shared an oral history of his time in the Club and what Virginia Tech was like postWorld War II. Being privileged to know Doug when I was a student in the early 1990s, I have been fortunate to hear from him on many occasions about his time at VPI, but this opportunity gave me an even deeper lens into not only the history of the German Club post-war, but also the impact many of our alums had on the university during that time. Those names (including Doug’s) are familiar to all of us and are but a few of many examples of German Club men exhibiting leadership to better the world in which we live, building on a legacy which is still felt today. Again, thank you to each of you who give of your time and resources to further this legacy. I look forward to more normal times of fellowship in the future, whether it be Hokie football, a GCAF Regional Social, or our 130th anniversary celebration - which will be here before we know it. G-E-R-M-A-N-ly, Keith R. Stemple ‘95 SUMMER 2020


Letter from Club President

Andrew McCaffrey

German Club Alumni, I write to you to provide an update on the Club’s activities from the past year and current status. Upon returning from winter break, the Club resumed normal activities and continued to uphold and enrich each aspect of the motto - Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. The Club’s strong leadership presence has remained on campus and in the surrounding community, with members occupying essential positions in Class Office, financial investing teams, Relay for Life, and countless more. In the fall, the Club began conducting monthly leadership seminars led by Faculty Advisor and Associate Director of University Studies, Dr. Herbert Bruce. Thanks to Dr. Bruce and former Leadership Chairman Jake Hughes, the seminars have been well-attended and valuable for German Club men seeking to enhance their understanding of leadership with their peers. Newly appointed Leadership Chairman Joe Eversole has already begun to plan new ideas to enrich the spirit of leadership within the Club upon its return to campus for the 2020-2021 academic year. Service has continued to be an integral part of the lives of every member. The newest collective effort from the Club is a successful mentorship initiative developed in partnership with Falling Branch Elementary School in Christiansburg, VA. Each week, members travel to the school to spend time with their assigned “buddy,” serving as consistent, positive resources in the children’s lives. In addition to mentorship, the Club supported the annual Special Olympics Basketball tournament in February, and showed strong participation in Relay for Life, in which we are the only team in the country whose proceeds go directly to fighting childhood cancers. The festival itself was unable to happen this year, but the Club remained dedicated to the cause and successfully outraised 97% of participating student organizations. Lastly, we successfully executed our annual Midwinters dance and philanthropy week by hosting a concert at the Manor. We achieved substantial participation from other organizations on campus and greatly enjoyed the week of fundraising and earnest work for our alma mater and Club. 4

German Club FORUM

Through collective dedication to improving as leaders and sustained commitment to improving our community, the bonds between German Club men continue to grow every day. During the fall semester, the GCAF subsidized a Club member “Motto Weekend,” in which members travelled to Gatlinberg, TN to experience fellowship in an alternative environment to Blacksburg. Members held leadership discussions and completed a service project for a nearby national park, all while strengthening the bonds of brotherly love that define our organization. For spring break, members grouped together to embark on a variety of trips to Florida, California, Nashville, and more. As for the current status of the club, we have been forced to adapt due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While on spring break, it was announced that Virginia Tech would be completing the rest of the semester via remote learning. The other officers and I met upon our return, and decided that suspending operations for the rest of the semester would be the safest and most appropriate decision. We are saddened that our seniors will not receive a traditional senior banquet, nor will we get to say goodbye or thank them for their dedication to the Club in the way that we would’ve wanted, but we know it is more important to prioritize everyone’s health. Despite the circumstances, we continue to stay in contact both on an individual basis and as a broader Club, holding Club-wide zoom calls to share updates with each other and provide the support each of us need. The rest of the leadership team and I are in constant contact to determine how we will resume normal operations as soon as possible, and in the meantime we hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Lastly, I along with the rest of the Club would like to thank you for the endless support you provide and the legacy you built which we continually strive to uphold and enhance. GERMANly, Andrew McCaffrey GERMAN Club President Virginia Tech Class of 2021



Hokie Mentorship Connect A new way for German Club men to interact

Hello German Club Alumni! My name is Drew Monsour, and I am the Alumni Secretary of the German Club. I have not had the opportunity to formally introduce myself to many of the graduated members, but I am excited for the chance to help strengthen the relationship between our current members and alumni! Recently, the Club created a private discussion board through a new Virginia Tech platform known as Hokie Mentorship Connect, which will allow current members and alumni to create and strengthen friendships, mentorships, and professional relationships. This page will serve as an avenue to connect graduates to the current members while providing a common space to collaborate and guide the next generation of German Club alumni. As alumni secretary I’m excited to facilitate the valuable mentorship that can occur with collaboration on this platform. 6

German Club FORUM

From Andrew Lessner ‘02, Vice President of German Club Relations: “Club members have expressed excitement for this program and have worked closely with faculty advisor Dr. Herbert Bruce to customize and launch our page on this platform. We encourage all of our alumni to sign up using the QR code and start connecting with each other and our members.”

The purpose of the site is to create a centralized discussion board for our alumni and current members to meet. We hope this platform will allow current members to gain a broader perspective on the German Club experience and will be beneficial to alumni looking to reconnect with life at Virginia Tech and in the Club. If you would like to learn more about this program, you can scan the attached QR code to sign up for our page. To take a passage from the Ritual: “through unbreakable bonds of brotherly love we seek to promote good fellowship among us.” I believe this site will be a great way to foster meaningful interaction and build on the already strong bonds of brotherly love we share. Thank you for your time and I hope to talk to you all soon, Drew Monsour ‘22 German Club Alumni Secretary SUMMER 2020


German Club Alumnus Promoted to Major Major General Robert D. Harter General Chief of Staff, Army Material Command (AMC)

A Profile of Leadership

By Grady Baker, ‘88

In Harter, April of a2019, Virginia Tech and ral Robert D. native of both German Alumnus Robertin D. the Harter received Virginia, wasClub commissioned Field his second star and was promoted to the rank ps in 1988, after graduating from Virginia of major general, US Army. The ceremony was Bachelor of Arts degree in Business andand attended by fellow German Club Alumni tions.Veterans, He alsoScott holds a Masters National Sangrey and Brianin Stockmoe. ategy from the National War College.

Major General Harter, a native of both Alaska and serves Virginia, as wasthe commissioned in the arter currently Chief of Staff, Field Artillery in 1988, after graduating iel Command. HisCorps previous General Officer from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor of Arts degree s include Commanding General of the in Business and Communications. He also holds inment Command (Expeditionary) where a Masters in National Security Strategy from the d to CENTCOM in support of Operation National War College.

Sustainment Command, mobilized to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (2007-2008); branch chief, Force Protection Branch, Joint Staff J8, Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment, Washington, D.C.; executive officer, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, Washington, D.C.; and assistant chief of staff, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve, Fort Belvoir, Va. Maj. Gen. Harter’s awards include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and the Parachutist and Air Assault badges. He is a graduate of the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course, Ordinance Officer Advanced Course, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, Command and General Staff College, the National War College, and The CAPSTONE course. Maj. Gen. Harter and his wife, Erin, have been married for over 30 years and they have three children.

When asked about his favorite memories of the German Club, Robert reflected on the variety of social and service events, but added the following about his years post-graduation “My best memories are all the things we’ve done together since then - a true tribute to our brotherhood. Attending each other’s weddings, watching our kids grow up, Hacking Hokies golf trips for all these years, football games, reunions (the 100th, the 105th)...most folks leave their college relationships behind, ours have only gotten stronger. That is what the German Club is all about. We hold each other accountable and we make each other better. Honored to be a German Club man.” Robert and his family have maintained their season football tickets throughout his career and when time allows, you can find them tailgating on fall Saturdays at the Manor alongside his former German Club classmates.

eld, Chief of Staff and G3 for the Office of Maj. Gen. Harter and currently Army Reserve (OCAR), the serves Army as the chief of staff, Army Materiel Command. His nior Representative to the 39th Army Chief previous general officer assignments include he Army Transition Team.

commanding general of the 316th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) where he deployed arter’stoactive dutyinassignments include the CENTCOM support of Operation Spartan ed Cavalry BadG3Hersfeld, Shield,Regiment, chief of staff and for the Office of the Chief of Army Reserve (OCAR), border and the Army where he participated in multiple security missions before the fall of the Berlin Reserve senior representative to the 39th Army erman reunification, and deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in support of Operation Maintenance Company, Fort Campbell, Ky.; and chief of staff of the Army Transition Team. m; the 101st Corps Support Group, where he served as a Group Maintenance Officer as an instructor at the Ordnance (Ammunition) Basic and Advanced Company, Courses, Redstone n Operations Officer; Commander, 584th Direct Officer Support Maintenance Maj. Gen. Harter’s active duty assignments Arsenal, Ala. ell, Ky.; and the as an at the Ordnance include 11thinstructor Armored Cavalry Regiment, (Ammunition) Officer Basic and Courses, Arsenal, Ala.he participated BadRedstone Hersfeld, Germany, where Maj. Gen. Harter transferred to the Active in multiple border security missions before the Guard Reserve program in 1999. His AGR fall of the Berlin German reunification, arter transferred toWall the and Active Guard Reserve program in 1999. AGR assignments include: His training chief for Readiness, and deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in s include: Training Chief for Readiness, 99th Regional Readiness Command, 99th Regional Readiness Command, Pittsburgh, support of Operation Desert Storm; the 101st Pa.; Support Operations Officer, 55th Sustainment Fort Belvoir, Va.;Sustainment Pa.;Brigade, support operations officer, 55th Corps Support Group, where he served as a group Brigade,Command, Fort Belvoir, Va.; to distribution Management Chief, 316th Sustainment mobilized Iraq in maintenance officer and Expeditionary battalion operations management chief, 316th Expeditionary Operation Iraqicommander, Freedom 584th (2007-2008); Branch Chief, Force Protection Branch, Joint officer; Direct Support

rce Structure, Resources, and Assessment, Washington, D.C.; Executive Officer, 8 German Club FORUM e Chief of Army Reserve, Washington, D.C.; and Assistant Chief of Staff, Office of the my Reserve, Fort Belvoir, Va.

Scott Sangrey ‘89 and Brian Stockmoe ‘89 attend Maj. Gen Robert D. Harter’s promotion ceremony in April of 2019 SUMMER 2020


years to come and establish a new tradition for Servi A Profile of Service

Through Zach’s vision, the Club partnered with Falling Branch Elementary School located in Christiansburg, VA to provide mentorship to Falling Branch Elementary Mentors elementary school students in need of consistent and For the past year, German Club has served the local community in aFellow novel way. Former Service supportive role models. Club memberservice Grant Griffith’s Chairman Zach Shannon sought to incorporate continuous in German Club to mother, Mrs. Zach’s Griffith, vision, is a a partnership with complement traditional service projects and events. Through teacher at Falling Branch, and Falling Branch Elementary School was established provide mentorship hasto welcomed the German to elementary school students in need of supportive role models. SinceClub’s then,involvement several German Club members have in students’ lives. and third grade children. been fortunate enough to serve as mentors to second

At the beginning of each

At the beginning of each semester, Mrs. Griffith (mother Grant Griffith ‘19) assigns each semester, of Mrs. Griffith assigns activities. Throughout each Clubvisit mentor a “buddy” mentor a “buddy” to befriend. Once a week, our mentors Falling Branch Elementary School the semester, each mentor builds a relationship with their buddy with hopes of establishing to befriend. Once per week, to spend quality time with their buddy. Activities range from playing “jackpot” during recess a supportive roletoin the child’s life. Club mentors visit Falling assisting with reading or writing activities. Throughout semester, each Branchthe Elementary School to mentor builds a While relationship with their buddy with hopes of establishing a supportive in the child’s life.the intent is for Club members to serve spend quality time withrole their as positive influences on the children, members often Activities range Elementary from German Club hopes to continue their partnershipbuddy. with Falling Branch School for find they enjoy the activities as much as the students playing games during recess to years to come and establish a new tradition for Service within the Club. do: “getting to know the kids over the course of a assisting with reading or writing

Falling Branch Elementary Mentors by Ben Agnor

At the beginning of his tenure as Service Chairman in 2018, Zach Shannon saw an opportunity to engage fellow Club members to serve the community on a more consistent basis. With the Club actively involved in many large-scale service events including Relay for Life, the Big Event, Special Olympics basketball tournament, Renew the New, Muddy ACCE Race, and more, Zach sought to identify a different kind of opportunity for Club members to give back. 10

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semester is great. At first you don’t know each other very well, but by the end of the semester you’re like best friends, and it’s very sad to say goodbye” notes Harrison Pope ‘20. The Club hopes to continue its partnership with Falling Branch Elementary School for years to come, further building upon a long-standing tradition of Service to the community.



A Profile of Fellowship

A Semester in Switzerland

by Jimmy Burke, Andrew McCaffrey, Stephen Olsen In the Spring 2019 semester, three German Club members took a break from active membership to spend a semester studying abroad in southern Switzerland. Our names are Jimmy Burke, Andrew McCaffrey, and Stephen Olsen. We participated in the Honors College’s Presidential Global Scholar Study Abroad, which takes place at the Virginia Tech Steger Center for International Study in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland. Riva is a gorgeous small town of about 2,000 people just south of Lugano in Ticino, Switzerland. The town is located in a valley at the base of the Swiss Alps and situated on Lake Lugano. To understand how close we became on this trip, look no further than our living arrangements. We thought we knew each other well going in, but sharing a single dorm-style room with two other individuals has a way of eliminating all preexisting boundaries between people. The building we stayed in was an 18th century villa where 40 students lived, worked, and ate under one roof. The three of us made sure to get the only triple room offered on the top left corner of the Villa, ensuring maximum contact and minimum privacy. Upon arrival, up the center staircase and past the

came before we even arrived in Switzerland. Prior to the start of the semester, the three of us spent a week at Andrew’s house on a U.S. Military base in Germany. While there, we took a skiing trip to a resort in Garmisch, a nearby German Town. Avid skiers Jimmy and Andrew were fulfilling a lifelong dream by skiing the Alps, but the trip was Stephen’s first foray into the activity. This resulted in a number of realizations: first, that Jimmy was a terrible ski instructor. Luckily, one of Andrew’s local friends was also learning how to ski, so he and Stephen were able to learn together on the slow slopes. The second realization was that Stephen is a superb athlete, transforming himself into a proficient skier in a matter of days. In an impressively short amount of time, Stephen could traverse nearly every slope with ease and Jimmy and Andrew were able to live out a skier’s dream on the tough trails. With new snow accumulating over three feet while we were there, the trip was idyllic and the conditions were perfect. The only hint of a mishap occurred when Jimmy unknowingly ordered a non-alcoholic German beer not once, but twice in the same day! As we progressed through our trip we became great friends with other students in the program. As German Club men, we couldn’t help but share our love for the Club with our peers, and even taught them a few of our line dances. Our infectious passion for the Club’s traditions were on full display during one trip to Naples, Italy, when the group visited an ancient Roman Temple. Having

The three of us, however, could not resist the opportunity to showcase our Club’s line dances once again...

Skiing in Germany


Yellow building is where we stayed

found an old amphitheater, our instructor encouraged an impromptu “talent show,” during which our peers sang, read poetry, or displayed otherwise impressive talents. The three of us, however, could not resist the opportunity to showcase our Club’s line dances once again, and completed a full rendition of the

creaky wood floor, we would find our space and begin to discover the quirks that would define our living experience for the next six months. With a front door that failed to close, and a back door that was not a door at all, but rather a curtain into the next room, we learned quickly that there was little privacy or opportunity to be alone. Luckily, we enjoyed having our space together and found we could get along well. We slept in 3 cot-style twin beds, all very close together with one desk to share between us. Though compact, the room would become our “home base,” and an ideal area to recover from the excitement surrounding the rest of the trip. One of the best examples of such excitement

German Club FORUM


Teaching line dances


The view out our window

famed “September,” in front of students and tourists alike. By the end of the song, nearly everyone in attendance joined us on stage and danced their hearts out. The three of us cherish this memory as a reminder of how much the German Club means to our college experience, and the Club’s ability to have a positive impact on the world in so many ways. While travelling was a major part of our experience, the trip wouldn’t have been a study abroad without the study, so it made sense that the most defining part of our program was our ability to perform an honors Naples with Mt Vesuvius in the background these topics due to personal connections and interests, undergraduate research project on topics we were and spent 6 months becoming experts on the issues passionate about. Each of us wrote a paper to be before completing our papers. published in a journal with works from our fellow students from the program. Jimmy completed an After reflecting for the past several months on analysis of different nuclear fuel practices between our time abroad, we can easily say it was one of the the United States and France, and wrote a paper most transformative periods in our lives. Together, titled “Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing.” Andrew’s we have developed an alternate perspective on how research was focused on “Accessibility Standards to live our lives. Studying abroad has allowed us and Disability Rights in the United States versus the to develop more confidence as individuals and has European Union.” Lastly, Stephens’ paper, “A Plan given a new meaning to the bonds of brotherly to End Homelessness,” compared the conditions of love German Club develops between people. The the homeless in American and Finnish societies to memories from this trip will stay with us forever, and arrive at solutions to the problem. We each picked it is fair to say sharing this experience with fellow German Club members made those few months the best of our lives. While we certainly miss the place we called home for a short time, we are happy to be back and active again in the German Club. We love sharing our perspective, funny stories, and quotes with our fellow brothers. We try not to annoy them too much while constantly saying, ”remember that time abroad when….”


German Club FORUM

Facilities Update By Craig Balzer The continued high usage and enjoyment of the Manor requires a strong commitment to timely maintenance and planned technology upgrades. Granted an ambitious $150k budget for essential Manor upgrades during the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 by the GCAF Board of Directors, the Facilities Committee has been hard at work to complete several important projects. Most notably, the committee oversaw the completion of extensive renovations to the Gordon Ballroom’s audiovisual (AV) capabilities, transforming the space to become one of the most capable and user-friendly in the New River Valley. With future plans to implement lighting upgrades, the Ballroom remains an important area of focus for the committee due to its popularity and frequent use. Club members and Manor renters alike marvel at the seamless, touchscreencontrolled AV system which rivals even the most advanced university spaces. As a centerpiece for the Manor, it is the committee’s goal that the Gordon Ballroom shine with newness and pride for our Club. In addition to AV upgrades, the Ballroom wallpaper was removed in place of a fresh coat of pearl white paint, exhibiting a clean and classic look. Similar wallpaper removal was completed in the Ballroom foyer, and both the GCAF and Club offices were brightened with a new paint scheme as well. SUMMER 2020


Down at the Guest House, the committee focused on rounding out recent efforts to make the house feel like a home. The addition of new TVs, lighting fixtures, blinds, and more create an atmosphere as comfortable and convenient as in your own home. Furthermore, the walls have been decorated with significant pieces of memorabilia from the German Club & VPI’s history. These projects were completed at a total cost of $143K, $7K under the Board of Directors-approved $150K. Savings will help mitigate lost event revenue due to COVID-19, and the Facilities Committee hopes to recreate the success of this year’s capital projects in future years as it looks to expand its Manor revitalization efforts. Manor enhancement projects under consideration for the coming years include the replacement of all carpeting, AV & aesthetic upgrades to the Dekker Conference room, HVAC system replacements, and repairs to the main entry porte-cochere. Funding is subject to approval annually by the Board of Directors and is strictly adhered to by the Facilities Committee.

I remain excited with the continued work of the committee and the strong relationship and clear communication with the Board. The Manor, Guest House, and grounds remain a beautiful facility and long-standing reflection of the German Club and its members. R. Craig Balzer Vice President, Facilities, Class of 1979

Development Update In these challenging times, I would like to take a moment to say a huge thank you to every alumnus that supports the German Club Alumni Foundation. This year, we hit a record for alumni giving, reaching our full-year donation goal of $225k with three months to spare. This organization, which is so special for so many reasons, boasts a 25% alumni giving rate - nearly twice the university’s figure and a true testament to the lifelong passion for the German Club we share.

an unprecedented global crisis, and we know that no one is immune to the negative effects of this disease. To prepare for all possibilities in the coming period, the Foundation has been able to reduce expenses to purely essential items for operation. This excludes things like alumni outreach, capital projects for the Manor, and anniversary celebration planning. Still, as our largest source of income every year is alumni giving, the coming fiscal years have the potential to be challenging. If you would like to consider making a gift to the Foundation, you will find ways to do so below.

Your outstanding support empowers us to build on our unique and special history, ensuring the German Club can thrive and continue to impact the lives of young men for years to come. It also enables us, as the German Club Alumni Foundation, to continue to support the community and our alumni, while modernizing and refurbishing the jewel in our Club’s crown, the Manor. With the Covid-19 crisis interrupting our daily lives and causing damage in so many ways, we know making a gift to the GCAF may not be high on your priority list. Our alumni, as with the rest of the world, have been thrust into uncertainty amidst

To all our alumni, thank you for your dedication to the German Club, and we wish you all the best.

Ways to Give 5 for 5 Gifts of all size make a big difference! To help close out the campaign, consider pledging a minimum monthly gift of $5 for 5 years. Our goal is to add 250 new donors by 2022, building upon our already impressive alumni participation.

Special Paver Challenge Donors with cumulative campaign giving of $2,500 or greater will receive a personalized paver inscription of their choice installed on the Cutchins Terrace at the conclusion of the campaign. Alumni from the class of 2016 or younger need only pledge $1,500 to receive a matching $1,000 donation and paver.

Legacy Donors can make a profound and lasting impact on the future of the German Club through the estate planning process. Members of the German Club Alumni Foundation Legacy Society have endowed scholarships, gifted land, and made other bequests towards the future benefit of the Foundation. Contact the Executive Director to learn more.

Learn more here


German Club FORUM



Finance Update

The German Club Alumni Foundation Fiscal Year 2020

REVENUES* Alumni Giving Cash Gifts Gifts in Kind VTF Endowment Income Other Income**

$306,000 $257,000 $49,000 $172,000 $131,000



EXPENSES* Foundation Operations Manor & Guest House Operations German Club, Alumni & Virginia Tech Relations

$125,000 $316,000 $41,000



*All amounts rounded to nearest thousand **Includes Manor & Guest House rentals, Football Parking, other misc. incomes

The German Club Alumni Foundation’s (“the Foundation”) Board of Directors, through its Finance Committee, is committed to delivering regular updates on the finances of the Foundation to all alumni, with the goal of keeping our alumni informed on the financial health of the Foundation The Foundation’s fiscal year runs from July to June. The information presented throughout this article will be for the fiscal year 2020, which ran from July 2019 through June 2020. The information presented below is subject to change, as at the time of writing, the fiscal year had not finished and the 18

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annual audit of the Foundation had not yet been finalized. In years prior, we have presented financial information, including revenue and expense amounts. We have also explained the different categories of revenues and expenses and described what type of revenues and expenses each category contains. With that base level of understanding in place from previous reports, this year’s article will just provide an update on the revenues and expenses from fiscal year 2020.

The Foundation for the Future Campaign (“the Campaign”), launched at the 125th Anniversary Celebration, has been a tremendous success, raising over $1.8 million to date. Recurring Annual Fund donations, which are, and will continue to remain, critical to the sustainment of the Foundation and the Manor, were consistent year over year. Endowment Income, money earned by the Foundation on amounts invested with the Virginia Tech Foundation (“VTF”), increased due to the increased balance of our endowment which is driven by the Campaign activity. Foundation Operations expenses saw a slight increase due to a collective effort by the Board of Directors to elevate the Executive Director role and professionalize the maintenance of the Manor and grounds. These expenses were offset in part as a direct result of efforts to find operational efficiencies by the Executive Director and the Foundation, as well as increased Manor rental rates aimed at bringing the Manor to competitive pricing. The Foundation also benefited from a permanent reduction in the processing fees charged by the VTF on all alumni donations they process. Effective July 1, 2018, the fee was reduced from 7% to 5%, which resulted in substantial savings to the Foundation in fiscal years 2019 and 2020. Several significant capital improvements were made to the Manor and Guest House, many of those improvements are outlined in the facilities article on page 12. Finally, German Club, Alumni & Virginia Tech Relations expenses were lower than in a typical year, due to the unfortunate need to postpone our planned Alumni Social in Northern VA until next year. Despite a strong year of alumni giving, the COVID-19 virus has forced the Foundation to implement cost-cutting procedures to mitigate lost revenue. While income from donations, football parking, and guaranteed VTF endowment payout had

already reached expected amounts for the fiscal year 2020, expected lost revenue until the end of the fiscal year from Manor and Guest House rentals surpassed $20k. Furthermore, looking into the fiscal year 2021, the continued cancellation of events combined with the possibility of reduced football parking income necessitates a more conservative approach to next year’s spending. To prepare a budget for the fiscal year 2021, the Finance Committee conducted an in-depth evaluation of potential cost savings. This included an assessment of the Foundation’s ability to withstand a severe downside scenario in which major revenue sources are reduced materially. Having identified several key expenditures which can be adjusted based on actual incomes, the committee proposed a budget which enables all essential operations, and allows for additional spending on important projects like Manor renovation and alumni outreach if revenues are sufficient. The Board of Directors conducted essential business electronically in April and unanimously approved the Finance Committee’s proposal. The Finance Committee expects lower levels of endowment reinvestment, capital project expenditure, and alumni outreach for the fiscal year 2021, but is nonetheless confident that the Foundation will capably weather the storm of the COVID-19 crisis. It should be noted that the success of the Foundation for the Future Campaign directly contributed to the Foundation’s ability to adapt and maintain through these uncertain times. In summary, the Foundation is wellpositioned to remain a strong supporter of the German Club, university, and community. The Board of Directors looks forward to the continued success of the Foundation for the Future Campaign. Jordan DeDona Vice President, Finance and Audit Class of 2006 SUMMER 2020


German Club Guest House by Ben Nicoll ‘19

Guests can enjoy the privacy offered by 11 acres of land while remaining a short walk away from Lane Stadium and the edge of campus. Lastly, the Guest House features a screened-in patio, perfect for spending evenings outside, shielded from the elements. For your next visit to Blacksburg, be it for a sporting event, orientation, business trip, or simply to revisit fond memories from days in the German Club, consider staying in the Guest House. To check availability and make a reservation, click here or call 540-552-6830.

Fiscal Year 2020 Occupancy Rate (includes impact of Covid-19): Weekdays 15/260 (6%) Weekends 43/104 (41%)

The German Club Guest House: your home away from home. This 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom cottage was built in 1981 to serve as a home for the Charles O. Gordon family, visiting university dignitaries, and the families of German Club men. Having recently undergone extensive renovations to the bathrooms, kitchen, and crawlspace, and updated with modern amenities including high-speed Wifi, upgraded TVs, and more, the Guest House has never been in better shape to host German Club alumni and their guests returning to Blacksburg.

Fiscal Year 2019 Occupancy Rate: Weekdays 20/260 (8%) Weekends 50/104 (48%)

The Guest House features 2 king beds and a third sofa bed, as well as ample space in the living room area for relaxing and dining. A newly renovated, fully equipped kitchen further contributes to the feeling that the Guest House is an extension of “home” for all German Club alumni and will be forever.


German Club FORUM



2019-20 Foundation for the Future 1939 Reese and Dorothy Bursey

In lieu of the usual posting of Annual Fund donors from the past fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) in the forum, the Foundation will be publishing the list of all donors who have given to the Foundation for the Future campaign as of June 30, 2020. Any contributions to the German Club Alumni Foundation, including Annual Fund gifts, are counted towards the Foundation for the Future campaign. *All donor levels (1892 Donor, 1892 Senior Donor, etc.) are based on cumulative lifetime giving.

1892 Senior Benefactor

1940 Kenneth V. Brugh Philip E. Frankfort

1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor

1941 August F. Davis

1892 Distinguished Benefactor

1942 Richard M. Perkins


1943 Joseph C Thomas

1892 Donor

1949 Donald W. Huffman George Royden Goodson 1950 George B. Field Goodridge E. White William C. Pollok 1951 Edward J. Reynolds Jack M. Patteson Robert M. Pinkham William Tomlinson Miller William Ward Moseley

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor

Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor

1952 Douglas C. Petty Raymond Huntington

1892 Distinguished Benefactor Donor

1953 Harry J. Skinker Ray A. Robertson Shakeep Kassem

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor

1954 Carl C. Coon Edward D. Collins J. Eugene Justice James P. Baker John M. Steingasser William M. Sessoms 1955 Morton W. Lester



German Club FORUM

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor Donor

1892 Distinguished Benefactor

1956 Benjamin F. Brinn C. Dale Harman Charles G. O’Brien Ellis P. Monroe Eugene M. Grizzard Floyd E. Adams Franklin D. Brown Gordon D. Bowman H. David Ebert Patrick H DeHart Richard M. Arnold Wayne C. Richard

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor

1957 Edgar M. Hollandsworth James Thomas McDaniel James W. McCabe Maurice B. Tanner Robley J. Light Thomas J. Dalzell Wiley E. Ring

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor

1958 Carlisle and Jo Ann Davis Carlisle R. Davis Cecil D. Quillen Edward M. Ringley Owen G. Brown Ralph L. Lincoln Ronald E. Council

Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Donor

1959 Charles A. Weaver Donald D. Sowder John W. Hale Ramon H. Johnson Thomas O. Williams

1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Benefactor

1960 James E. Johns Thomas R. Grubbs W. Kenneth Hill Wilbur L. Smith William D. Anderson William Lewis Leigh

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor

1961 Charles O. Warren Charlton A. Gaines Earl L. McLane Hunter R. Watson John W. Raisbeck Stuart R. Forbes Terry L. Strock W. David Thompson

1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1962 Alonzo L. Jones Charlie M. Tribble Edward L. Morey Harold E. Mills Harry I. Wilson John D. Hartman John J. Mayfield R. Gilbert Buckman R. Gregory Porter R. Sidney Barrett Robert van Luyn S. Hoyt Williams William C. Robertson William J. Gillespie

1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor

1963 David E. Lowe Douglas O. Hubbell Horace James Fortune James T. Gladwin Louis Kendall Palmer Selwyn L. Flournoy William H. Clingenpeel William P. Taylor

1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

1964 A. Curtis Huffman J. Burton Eller James E. Gardner James T. Dowdy Lewis I. Jeffries Roger H. Moore Thomas Jr. Rockecharlie Thomas W. Carter William and Elizabeth Callis William Jerry Callis

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1965 Asa C. Sharp Gary D. Knipling John F. Gladwin John M. Givens Richard B. Robertson Thomas D. Rust Thomas F. Lee Thomas T. Jeffries

Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1966 David S. Phlegar Edward L. White F. Michael Saunders J. Lindley Smith James E. Smith John S. Cundiff Lawrence R. MacDonald Marcus B. Moses Robert E. Garst Robert O. Munsey Samuel F. McClure

Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1967 David S. Bailey Hugh S. Miles James Edward Mrazek John L. Dmoch Mahlon G. Funk Martin L. Robison Richard N. Knapp William A. Mountcastle

Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1968 Charles A. Gibbens Daniel C. Booker Frank Gray Sloop James B. Richards James P. Browning Jerry B. Schappacher John David Crist John S. Charlesworth Kenneth W. Lapin Larry J. Hurt Ralph W. Mullins Ross H. Taylor William Patton Brugh

Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1969 Charles O’Neale Gordon Elkton Earl Harrington James W. Hopper Jerome F. Gough Thomas A. Barr William E. Merkt

1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1970 Beverly T. Fitzpatrick Daniel M. Dick Edward D. Dingivan George R. Turner George R. Umberger John A. Copeland John W. Marshall Michael and Donna King Michael G. King Otis C. Crowther Robert A. Davis Robert G. Burleson Roger W. Spence Stephen J. Todd Terry K. Hagman Wiley Jackson Burrows William Earle Spruill

1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor

1971 Alexander G. Green Carlton Davis Bailey Charles F. Rowell Daniel N. Carper Edward Taylor Overton Jon Bruce Sherman Okey Rex Evans Rubin and Nancy Brittle Rubin Coleman Brittle Stephen W. Bull Ted M. Murray Thomas J. Divers William H. Parcell

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor



1972 Alan W. Myers Bruce W. Simmons Christopher Mark Spruill David Warner Love James H. Priest L. Calvin Henderson Macol O. Hash Randall S. Minix 1973 James L. Gates Joel C. Bradshaw Martin D. Bush Maynard H. Benjamin Michael S. Eggleston 1974 O. Douglas Cumbia Randall W. Loman Randolph L. Walker Stephen E. Davis W. David Kiser


1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor

1975 Bradley C. Ebaugh Edward B. Tucker J. Keith Sinclair Jerry Smith Chaney Thimothy G. Corvin Todd C. Barnes

1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1976 Dale L. Wilson Daniel G. Crist David J. Dempsey Douglas W. Anderson Perry A. Reynolds Stephen A. Witt Steve Michael Taylor

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Donor Donor

1977 Albert Harrison Poole Bruce K. Lewis David K. MacDonald G. Brooking Parker Lester I. Sutphin Mark B. Wigginton Robert R. Derrick

1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor

1978 Gary E. Gonet Graham H. Wilson Richard Weinberger Robert P. Routier William A. Dodl

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor Donor

German Club FORUM

1979 Dennis R. Cramer James Elroy Reightler John B. Costello John C. Kelly Landon Gilmore Carpenter Michael D. Ramsey Robert Craig Balzer Robert J. Hutchison Stephen C. Wright Steven M. Lantz

1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor

1980 Bradley S. Rings Gregory R. Rismiller James G. Davis James Pope Woodard James W. Tucker Jeffrey L. Bryant Jimmy Woodall John D. Mitchell Steven B. Buchanan 1981 Andrew M. Scherzer Craig E. Nesbit Gary A. Smith Gerald E. Duncan Kevin J. Lee Mark P. Stejbach Reynolds H. Becker Richard Norman Renz Robert E. Middlebrooks Walter E. Lacy

1985 Charles W. Kaufman Daniel T. Goulson Donald Brent Richardson James E. Stroh James Michael Gardner Michael Euripides Michael T. Foster

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor

1986 Charles Lewis Watson Derek Alan Jeffries Eldridge R. Collins Gary D. Boward Irvin Rodney Goins James P. Wood Jonathan E. Ingebretsen Richard Wayne Kish Robert L. Bartholomew Timothy Wayne Ramsey Vincent Sean Cusack Wallace S. Covington

1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Benefactor

1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1987 Charles S. Strickler David R. Miller Dru E. Kraus Gregory B. Scheer Howard McBryde Watson James H. Booterbaugh Kord J. Wissmann Robert E. Brown Thomas M. Yambrick Thomas Matthew Flemer

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1982 Douglas A. Cooper Glenn A. Sieber Jeffrey L. Shelton Michael K. Myers Peter M. Train Remmie L Arnold Thomas Michael Butt William C. Hagan William S. Goloway

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1983 David M. Zaiser David Stuart Cooper Michael L. Burton Steven D. Mize

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1984 Christopher M. Ferrante James Wacho Slaughter Joseph C. Jr. Thomas Steven Robert Lavinder Victor Tyrone Lam Wayland E. Hundley

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor

1988 Charles T. Long David Alan Russillo Grady B. Baker Kevin F. Finn Robert Donald Harter Rodney E. Sisson Stuart Arthur Bernstein William H. Hobbs

1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

1989 Jeffery W. Geisz Joseph T. Livesay Peter D. Fox Robert C. Lowerre Stephen G. Upton Thomas J. Messner William Thomas Didlake

1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

1990 Billy P. Donavant Hary Janos Bottka Keith M. Martin Leonard Michael Shetler Richard W. Davis Thomas III Rockecharlie Willie J. Powers

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

1991 Andrew L. Carwile Brian Dimitri Almond Damian A. Kelly E. Carter Turner John M. Padgett Michael Edwin Clark

1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Benefactor

1992 Colin Eliot Wright Edward Andrew McCullough Matthew Charles Jackson Melvin William McFall Samuel Rudolph Reimer Steven Charles Franks

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

1993 Barry E. Daniels Brian Paul Hartt Brian Scott Dunch Buckley Lansdowne Gardner Christopher David Morin Christopher Douglas Bradham Gil Rivera Flores Jeffrey Brian Buising John Patrick Billiter Michael Curtis Gartner Robert Fulbright Pannell

Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

1994 Frederick Van Gresham II Jeter Clayton Grogan Patrick Michael Talty

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor

1995 Fabian O. Roberts John Christopher Bunin Keith Raymond Stemple Mark Franklin Pope Nathan August Curtis Scott Michael Cowan

1892 Distinguished Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1996 Shaine M. Miles Shawn S. Chando Thomas Holland

Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor

1997 Aaron Walker Gresham Charles Lee Moore Joseph John Majewski Kenneth W. Keyser Robert D. Moser Robert J. Harris Todd Holtzman

1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor

1998 Christopher M. Quillen Christopher Stephen Lawrence Daniel B. Osborne Edward Ridgely George Justin Christopher Hepner Justin D. Taylor Ryan Drake Johnson Ryan Theodore Stitzer

Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor Donor



1999 Andrew C. Gross Andrew F. Proctor Christopher Thomas Hennesey David Avery Brown Douglas Prechtel Edward J. Gill Mark McLeod Bates Michael A. Fennemore Stephen D. Snead William David Freeman William Taylor Hudson


1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor

2000 Aaron L. McClung Andrew Lessner Christopher A. Rippel Eric Shiflett Garrett Mears Howard R. Long John A. Ward Michael R. Munsey Rodney D. Fultz Russell Keith Middleton

1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor

2001 Bret-Ashton Goodwin Gresham Christopher John Mallin Donald Bradford Osborne Frank August Theising James C. Dunn James T. Custis Tom Svercl

1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor

2002 Benjamin Dingus Long Brian E. Stuver Christopher B. DeMay Michael Anthony Reardon Thomas Lee Whitney Thomas Sours

1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor Donor

2003 Brian Christopher Montgomery Jay Preston Gentry Jonathan Thomas Gill Myles B Anderson Paul William Murphy Robert Casey Ballard Scott J Robidoux Sterling Haden Daniel Vance W Adkins William F. Jr. Mayo

1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Senior Donor

2004 Charles E. Gordon Chris Derry Cyrus Karbassiyoon Keith S Parker Matthew Hall

1892 Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Donor

German Club FORUM

2005 John Dillard Jonathan Michael Tremonte Justin Adam Yalung Mark Bumgarner Randal S. Whiteman

Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor

2006 Alan Patrick Campbell Austin Price Bradley Hancock Charles H.R. Howe Corey Patrick Gallagher Demas E. Boudreaux Dennis J Kramer Erik Roberson James Emory Patterson Jeremy Russell Daniel Jordan Raynor Dedona Kevin Benton Troxell Scott Werner

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor Donor

2007 Adam Leath Brandon Smith Brian Torgersen Michael Carisetti Michael E. Munton Michael Liss Michael Russo Quinton Callahan Randall Hopper

Donor Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Distinguished Donor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor

2008 Braden Field Bryan Collier Cabin Samuels Christopher Trotman Drew Marrs Michael Sun Remmie LeRoy Arnold Robert Stanley Ryan Cook William Raymond Davis

Donor 1892 Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Distinguished Donor Donor Donor Donor

2009 Brandon Corder Dan Knisley Jeremy Davis Jonathon Kegan Matthew Zackon Michael Jabs Stephen C Huff Stephen C. Gillett

Donor Donor 1892 Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor

2010 Andrew McGowan Brandon Garay John Beatty John Steger Sean Ingram

1892 Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor

2011 Aaron Brittain Brian Higgins C Taylor Quicke David K. Glenn Kyle Burhop Michael Hohenstein Nathan T Lavinka Scott Salcetti Stephen Bain Thomas J. Loeffler

1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Distinguished Benefactor Donor Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor

2012 Anuj Bagai Ashley Heatwole Ben Vaughan Jeffrey Walker Kyle Pryde

Donor 1892 Benefactor 1892 Donor 1892 Donor 1892 Senior Donor

2013 Greg Mackey Nathaniel Coffelt Ryan Baker Scott Guichard Spencer Shanholtz Stephen A Guardipee

Donor Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor Donor Donor

2014 Christopher Ullrich Jay Tucker Sean Stallings Taylor F Ullrich

Donor Donor Donor Donor

2015 Ben Coleman Bradley Lowe Chandler Swartzendruber Christian Reighard Lee Matheson Matthew Montgomery Roy Abernathy

Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor

2016 Joseph Taylor Ryan Hartman Ryan Hopkins Sean Stockmoe

Donor Donor Donor 1892 Donor

2017 Alfred Fusco Bryan Cooper Daniel Facchina Edward Alex Beason Josh Little Mariano De Socarraz-Novoa Matthew Blanks Patrick Finn Thomas Arruda Thomas Burford

Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor Donor

2018 Hayden Cleek Jonathan Morse Michael Boisseau Michael Gennaro

1892 Donor Donor Donor Donor

2019 Benjamin Nicoll


HONR Edward Spencer Minnis Ridenour Wayne M. Worner

Donor 1892 Benefactor Donor

Bernie J. Walker Brenda B. Luttrell Carole Barrett Helen Miles Radspinner Family Rae Frankfort Van Gresham

1892 Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Senior Donor 1892 Donor Donor 1892 Donor

Donor Designation Donor 1892 Donor ~ $1,000 -$2,999 1892 Senior Donor ~ $3,000 - $4,999 1892 Distinguished Donor ~ $5,000 - $9,999 1892 Benefactor ~ $10,000 - $24,999 1892 Senior Benefactor ~ $25,000 - $49,999 1892 Distinguished Benefactor ~ $50,000+



























German Club FORUM



























German Club FORUM


















“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson KYLE FINN 32

German Club FORUM







Dennis John Phillips ‘74

Harry N. Gustin ‘43

He was a fixture of the ballroom tailgate during nearly every home game. In addition, he attended many away games with his long term Tech friends. On March 20, 2020, at the age of 98, Harry N. Gustin passed away in Norfolk, VA. Harry was a distinguished German Club alumnus and a true Virginia gentleman despite a birthplace of Woodstock, Ontario, in Canada.

Dennis John Phillips, 67, passed away on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at his home in Hilton Head, SC. Dennis was a native of Norton, Virginia, and graduated high school as a United States Senate Page before earning his Bachelor’s degree from Virginia Tech. Dennis was introduced to the German Club his sophomore year by his resident advisor, Mike Eggleston, and became actively involved in leadership of the German Club during his tenure as a student. After graduating in 1974, Dennis began a career in healthcare administration in Florida, becoming a hospital chief executive officer at the age of 27. He would eventually relocate to Hickory, North Carolina, where he served as CEO of the Frye Regional Medical Center for 17 years. Dennis’ family recalls many 34

German Club FORUM

evenings spent reviewing hand-written patient surveys, such was his commitment to providing the best care for people. By the end of his career in 2017, Dennis had risen to executive vice president in the Carolinas HealthCare System, and had been inducted into the StuderGroup Hall of Fame for Patient Experience Leadership. Throughout his life, Dennis remained a rabid fan of all things Virginia Tech and German Club, especially Hokie football. He was a fixture of the ballroom tailgate during nearly every home game. In addition, he attended many away games with his long term Tech friends. He is survived by his wife Peggy, three children and four grandchildren. The German Club Alumni Foundation’s deepest condolences go out to Dennis’ family and his friends.

Club and Ut Prosim, he became active in his community, holding leadership positions in Park Place Baptist Church and later Talbot Park Baptist Church. He also served as president of the NorfolkPortsmouth Bar Association, vice president of the Norfolk YMCA, and became a leader of the Norfolk School Board and the Norfolk Public Library. When he tired of managing his own law firm, Harry agreed to join the firm of Huff, Poole & Mahoney, PC (now Poole Brooke Plumlee PC) in Virginia Beach, where he practiced law until his retirement.

Throughout the years, Harry remained close to the German Club and its alumni. He was one of the founding directors of the German Club Alumni Foundation, Inc. and was the Foundation’s As a cadet senior at Virginia Tech, Harry was first general counsel. His outstanding character secretary-treasurer of the German and devotion to the German Club Club. That senior year was 1943 He was one of the founding and its alumni foundation were and what awaited him after recognized when he was selected directors of the German Club graduation was World War II for membership in the Jeffries Alumni Foundation, Inc. and and military service. Harry Society. In addition, he was was the Foundation’s first served in the US Army Air elected to serve on the Board of Corps from 1943 to 1946, Directors of the Virginia Tech General Counsel. performing his duties in the Alumni Association and received Philippines and other places. Successfully completing a lifetime appointment as an honorary member of active military service, Harry decided to embark upon a that board in recognition of his service. career in law after the war. Thus, he took a wrong turn somewhere around Richmond and found himself as a Harry was predeceased by his first two student at the University of Virginia School of Law, wives, Esther and Aileen. He is survived by his from which he graduated in 1948. wife, Cherry. He is also survived by his three sons, Nelson, Jimmy, and Tom, as well as six After obtaining his law degree, Harry returned grandchildren. Harry was a truly special person who to his home, Norfolk, and began practicing law at the made a positive impression on all he encountered. firm that eventually became Taylor, Gustin, Harris, The German Club Alumni Foundation’s deepest Fears and Davis. Embracing the spirit of the German condolences go out to Harry’s family and his friends. SUMMER 2020



Wian Louis Coetzer ‘19

Class Notes Bobby Pearce ’07 and his wife are happy to announce the birth of their son, Andrew Robert, on April 16, 2019. Mike Hohenstein ’11 and his wife, Keli, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Graham, on August 26, 2019.

Ben Vaughan ’12 and his wife, Katherine, are

Wian was known for his passion for lacrosse and aerospace engineering, coupled with a kind nature and genuine interest in those around him.

happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Charlotte Belle, on September 15, 2019.

Jordan DeDona ’06 and his wife, Veronica, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Ella, on September 19, 2019.

Spencer Shanholtz ’13 married Krista Breitzman on September 21, 2019 at Hahn Horticulture Gardens in Blacksburg, VA.

Michael Jabs ’09 and his wife, Shannon, are Wian Louis Coetzer passed away at the age of 23 on November 5, 2019. Wian was born in Pretoria, South Africa before moving to Hillsborough, New Jersey and Fredericksburg, Virginia. Wian earned a degree in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2019, and worked as an engineer for the United States Navy upon graduation. Wian was known for his passion for lacrosse and aerospace engineering, coupled with a kind nature and genuine interest in those around him. He was captain and president of the Virginia Tech Club Lacrosse team, and exhibited leadership and integrity while consistently striving to help others realize their full potential. Off the field, his positive presence was evident in his ability to brighten the day of all whom he encountered. Wian will be remembered as a true German man and will be deeply missed by so many.

Wian is survived by parents Louis and Maria Coetzer, sisters Lisa and Kari Coetzer, and grandparents Willem and Annette Coetzer and Pieter and Terien Brand. The German Club Alumni Foundation’s deepest condolences go out to Wian’s family and friends.

Mr. Joshua Brown ’03 passed away on January

happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sullivan Ruth, on October 24, 2019.

22, 2019.

Mark McKenzie ’12 married Jordan McIntire on

20, 2019.

November 2, 2019 in Richmond, VA. In addition to a service with family and friends in New Jersey, a remembrance event was held in Blacksburg at the German Club Manor on November 13th, 2019. Over 200 members of the student body, faculty and staff, and friends and family gathered to share memories with each other in collective appreciation for Wian’s life and the impact he had on so many others.

In Memoriam Mr. William Hoeck ’54 passed away on March Mr. William Moseley ’52 passed away on July

John Beatty ’10 was elected to the Loudoun

23, 2019.

County School Board on November 5, 2019. He and his wife, Katie, welcomed their fifth child on November 8, 2019. He lives in Lovettsville, VA.

away on October 2, 2019.

Andrew Sunderman ’14 married Lisa Beksel on November 23, 2019 in Berryville, VA.

Anuj Bagai ’12 married Shruthi Murali on

Colonel Albert Edward Motley, Jr. ’55 passed Mr. Wian Coetzer ’19 passed away on November 5, 2019.

Mr. Danny Long ’56 passed away on November

December 6, 2019 in Cancun, Mexico

19, 2019.

Doug Hedges ’11 and his wife, Kate, are happy

Mr. Harry Gustin ’43 passed away on March 20,

to announce the birth of their son


Jeremy Davis ’09 and his wife, Amanda, are

Mr. Dennis Phillips ’74 passed away on April 23,

happy to announce the birth of their child


O’Neill Hagen ’13 and his wife, Suzanna, are happy to announce the birth of their child


German Club FORUM



FLeadership / Service RU M / Fellowship

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