The Fairlawn Semester 2, 2021

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The Fairlawn


ISSUE 08 ~ SEMESTER 2 2021



Inside this issue P. 5


P. 6 - 1 7


Book Week Worldwide Mathletics Challenge Breezeway Mural Project Robotics and The RoboCup A Bright Future at GMAS Junior Ethics Olympiad InDigifest Excursion Fathers Day JS Extravaganza Learning Journeys A Taste of Year 7 Knocking on Middle Schools Door P. 1 8 - 2 7

P. 2 8 - 2 9


P. 3 0 - 3 1


P. 3 2 - 3 3


P. 3 4 - 3 5


P. 3 6 - 3 7


P. 3 9

P. 1 5


Farewell Years 12s Science and A Cow Called Connie Beyond the Classroom Sheer Luck Holmes Nights of Glitz and Glam South West Philosothon ASC Concert

P. 3 8



GMAS SCIENCE P. 2 0 - 2 1



Cover image: Rhiannon van der Tang (Year 11) and Paris Findlay (Year 12) performing in the 2021 GMAS Musical Sheer Luck Holmes


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WELCOME Semester 2 is the final culmination

Thank you to all our performers



and helpers for giving so many

Graduating Class of 2021 and

students an opportunity to be on


the ‘big stage’ and to shine.

formal comes

schooling with


for variety


emotions, all signalling an end to a long educational journey. The Valedictory is a way of celebrating their time at school, giving them opportunity to ‘shine’ for the last time. We wish our Graduating

At the Secondary Presentation Night,




Commission and GMAS proudly announced a new cutting-edge

Class of 2021 much success in

state-of-the-art Performing Arts

their chosen future endeavours.

Centre to begin construction on our campus in 2023. The Centre



will further enhance our Schools

Farewell Concert and Extravaganza

existing performing arts curriculum


School all

Production, been


showcasing of talent within our community




nothing short of remarkable.


in this world-class performance venue. More information including plans can be found on our website Mr Ted Kosicki Principal


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l o o h c S y r a m i r P BOOK WEEK READ. DREAM. SHARE

National Childrens Book Week has been an annual tradition dedicated to spreading the joy of reading, and GMAS does just that. Friday 27 August, our students and teachers celebrated the worlds that exist between the covers of great books. The costumes were amazing and there were smiles all around as sudents paraded dressed as their favourite book character. Mrs Mahoney had our Primary School Students in fits of laughter as she MC’d the event.


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WORLD WIDE MATHLETICS CHALLENGE Nothing captivates our Year 5G Class than exciting interfaces, rewards, engaging activities and competing worldwide. The ‘Maths Olympics’ ran for 2 weeks with Class 5G competing against over 6000 other classes across the world. The students gave up the majority of their recesses, lunchtimes, before and after school, to compete in this challenge. Their hardwork paid off - they came 5th worldwide!

BREEZEWAY MURAL PROJECT A select number of Year 5 and 6 students were asked to participate in the ‘Breezeway Mural Project’ in recognition of their excellence in the Visual Arts area. The project offered a one-on-one Visual Art experience for the selected students. Discussing and reinforcing concepts in design development, working collaboratively, colour theory and painting were all explored. Students researched animals and coral/seaweed species that grew under the jetty & each student was given a section to design and paint. They then had to collaborate with another student to fit their designs together seamlessly.


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ROBOTICS AND THE ROBOCUP IN THIS FAST CHANGING TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD Digital Technologies is an important subject area. It introduces computer science concepts, including students learning about digital systems, collecting, managing and analysing data and creating solutions using digital devices. Students also learn the essential lessons of cyber-safety and learn to be responsible digital citizens.

GMAS Students from Pre-Pimary to Year 6 learn to programme a variety of floor robots, use interfaces and create animations using blockly coding language. The applications and devices used allow students to achieve at their individual level and demonstrate their creativity and understanding. The Technologies curriculum helps students develop skills in collaboration, communication and problem solving, preparing them for future jobs – many that don’t yet exist!

An extension for our Year 3 to 6 students is the ‘Coderdojo’, our very popular after school coding club, (students can learn to code, build a website, create an app or a game, and explore technology in an informal, creative, and social environment). It was very exciting seeing our first Year 6 and 7s compete at the RoboCup State Robotics Competition and make the State Finals! We are super proud to work with talented students and give them opportunities to excel at a state level competition run by Scitech and Curtin University. GMAS was also delighted to take a group of Year 3s and 4s to the ‘First Little Lego League’ competition in Bunbury.

GMAS additionally partners up with Code Camp to host school holiday computer game and animation programming courses.

Digital Teaching Specialist Mrs Carolyn Herring SEMESTER 2 2021

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A BRIGHT FUTURE AT GMAS T H E B E N E F I T S O F E A R LY L E A R N I N G Our Little Georgies program is in full swing and the popularity of the Early Learning Centre continues to grow, with the program options expanding to reflect the ever-growing demand for places. Children who attend Early Learning (our Little Georgies) are more prepared for kindergarten, such as being familiar with structures and routines of a school day.

In beautiful unique spaces which are creatively designed to encourage exploration and grow curiosity, there is plenty of play, laughter and fun to be heard. The benefits of qualified and passionate teaching staff and access to the school’s community, resources, facilities and events, the students grow and flourish. There is always a lot going on as the children learn how to cooperate with other kids their age. They learn to share and take turns speaking. GMAS encourage children to make a connection in a subject, using their creative skills, develop psychological, social, and emotional growth and make learning natural and engaging. They also start to discover interests that they hold for a lifetime.

“At GMAS, we recognise the early years as a time of exploration and discovery, and believe that each child is a strong, capable and resilient learner who abounds with awe and wonder” Mr Conor Martin, Acting Head of Primary said.


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JUNIOR ETHICS O LY M P I A D W H AT I S A N E T H I C S O LY M P I A D? An Ethics Olympiad is a competitive yet collaborative event in which students analyse and discuss real-life, and timely, ethical issues. It differs from a debate in that students are not assigned opposing views rather, they defend whatever position they believe is right and win by showing that they have thought more carefully, deeply, and perceptively about the cases in question. GMAS entered two Year 5/6 teams in the Western Australian Junior Ethics Olympiad. This is the first time it has taken place at a junior level. The event was held via Zoom with schools from the Eastern States and New Zealand competing. Some of the issues discussed included: do you need a reason to be happy? and Is it OK to tell a white lie? Both teams performed well with one of our teams coming in 9th (out of 22 teams). Our students are so very fortunate to have this opportunity to stretch their thinking and to engage with ‘real’ philosophers’.

The Prometheus program at GMAS is a Gifted and Talented program for students from Year 5-9. The program has two key aims: to develop each student’s critical, creative and collaborative thinking skills and support them to become innovative and resourceful global citizens; and to improve student wellbeing, so that students can engage confidently and meaningfully in their education and lives beyond.


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INDIGIFEST EXCURSION OUR FUTURE FILMMAKERS The IndigifestOZ Schools experience was held at Busselton Tennis Club and our Pre-primary to Year 2 students paid a visit on Friday 27 August. The Activity Zones included the special VR experience Virtual Whadjuk, learning about film technologies, plus stunt performances and make-up effects made for very excited and engaged children. IndigifestOZ showcases quality Indigenous film works and engages filmgoers through a combination of Feature Films in General Screenings, Short Film events and in the free Community Screenings. In promoting Aboriginal film works, new audiences develop, as does an increased awareness and understanding of culture and appreciation of Aboriginal talent.


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YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME Dads and father-figures in our community spent some quality time with their children during a special Father’s Day sausage sizzle breakfast.

During the week there was plenty of hammering as our Year 2s were very busy building tool boxes with the help of the experts from Bunnings.

Our P&F stall made sure it was stocked full of ‘Dad Goodies’ during the day for the students to buy gifts.

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There was plenty of excitement and tons of talent as our students showed off their best dance moves and singing voices. Almost 400 Junior School students showed how capable and courageous they were in front of a cheering, toe tapping, full-house.

Friday 24 May 2019


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Parents were invited to visit classrooms from PrePrimary to Year 5. The students excitedly presented their years worth of work to their very proud parents. The child’s individual learning styles, their interests and knowledge, really shines through.

A TASTE OF YEAR 7 A SNAPSHOT This day is designed to allow students to experience a day in our Middle School and the exciting opportunities that await them at GMAS in 2022. Students were engaged in a variety of activities from food preparation to forensic investigation and even spent some time getting acquainted with the Green Screen & Aquaponics! Guided by our Middle School Leaders, they were in great hands.


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The tradition of the Year 5 P&F representatives

Year 6 Graduation is a time for our students to

organising and catering this special ‘Moving On’

celebrate their achievements; show appreciation to

ceremony, makes the evening a great GMAS community

their teachers and enjoy the friendships that they’ve


formed. Our Graduation Ceremony plays an important part in the GMAS Primary School life, as they mark the

The celebrations continued on the last day of School

end of an era and the start of a new part of their lives.

with the annual Primary School Nativity Play and the Primary School Presentation Evening, where we

Excitement, apprehension and pride is felt as they

recognised our high achieving students.

start making their journey through Middle School.


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l o o h c S y r a d n o c Se FAREWELL YEAR 12S FINAL GOODBYES

their efforts and achievements. A number of students have

On Friday 24 September we officailly farewelled our Year 12s.

already acheived their goals of university offers, traineeships or

There were smiles and tears as the students said goodbye to

undertaking Vocational Education Training (VET) pathways. We

their teachers and school. GMAS is extremely proud of

wish them the best of luck for the future.



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For Science Week 2021 the National Theme was ‘Food: Different by Design’. We took that onboard when GMAS adopted a Picasso Cow whom we named Connie. With the theme of healthy living, students shared their knowledge of the Australian Dairy Industry through their research and


artwork on Connie.

We continued Science Week with our MasterChef Challenge. To be selected the students submited a 30 second video

Problem solving, critical thinking,

showing their dish, skills and commentary on why they

competitions and a dash of fun equals

should be chosen. We had 5 amazing chefs on the final

science at GMAS.

day, their skills tested in front of 3 very lucky judges Principal - Mr Ted Kosicki, Head of Science - Mr Paul Terry and Chair of Council - Mrs Eleanor Lewin. The Winner with a date pudding, toffee sauce and vanilla icecream dish was Isabelle Anstee, Year 9.

Our students love science so much they choose it as an elective! The science elective is designed as an introduction to ATAR science, this gives our students a taste of Chemistry, Physics and Psychology, helping them to make important subject selections for 11 and 12 ATAR studies or a VET pathway.

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GMAS Year 9 Science Class won the inaugural State Science Quiz. This was a second award for this remarkable class, following first place at the South West Science and Engineering challenge

Year 9 students Madison, Pippa and Ava used plasticine creations with the theme of Environmental Impact. They planed, created and then talked about a range of environmental issues facing our world

Connies artists. Students: Benjamin, Zachary, Ruby, Lachlan, Hayden, Holly, Phoebe and Sienna

MasterChef 2021 winner Year 9, Isabelle

Year 8 students are studying body systems (Finnegan and Carla are pictured). As part of their investigations they looked at heart dissections and model making. This gave them a better hands on understanding of how the organs of the body work with each other to generate energy for us to eat, breathe, feel SEMESTER 2 2021 I S S U E #08 P 2 1 joy and sometimes sadness.

BEYOND THE CLASSROOM The GMAS Service Club began in Term 3 of 2021 and the latest

They were then contacted by the local Apex Club to see if

project came about because they had a quantity of stationery

they could assist by purchasing items GMAS were lacking.

donated from a local business. The students decided to use

The GMAS Service Club received the exciting news that the

these items as a base in order to make up stationery packs for

APEX Foundation would be donating just under $5,000! As

disadvantaged children. The Service Club put out an appeal

a result, they made just over 100 packs. These have now

to the wider school community for certain items that were

been distributed through the Youth Care Chaplains in Local

missing. The appeal gave them enough to make 20 packs.

Government Schools.

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The Service Club Students also participated in the

GMAS Year 7 and 11 cohorts led the ‘Shoosh Project’. The

‘Precious Plastics’ project, where bottle lids were sorted to

objective of the 24 hours of silence is to raise awareness

prevent them going into landfill. The bottle lids are melted

about bullying by reminding students that:

down, and used to make combs, bowls and plates. It

words hurt

dosen’t stop there....the Christmas Hamper appeal was a

actions speak louder than words

huge success, the school community donated nearly three

to understand what it is like not to have a voice

thousand items, and filled TWO trailers.

120 students participated and $6,617.45 was raised for Kids Helpline.

This group of young dedicated individuals certainly live out the School motto “Rejoice in Service”, and did just

The GMAS grounds had a purple make over for ‘Wear It

that when they made care bags for foster children and

Purple’ Day to celebrate diversity and young people from

the homeless, as well as sewing 500 white ribbons for a

the LGBTIQA+ community and to raise awareness by

special Southwest Football Weekend. Familes received a

starting conversations.

ribbon in respect for Female Domestic Violence Victims that have lost their lives. “I would highly encourage people to join the Service Club for future years, it is a great club and you can make a difference to people’s lives, whether itEisS Tbig SEM E R 2or2 0small”. 21 I S S U E #08 P 2 3 Drew West, Year 8

The Senior School Production was an hilariously extravagant send-up of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes, and the ever-bumbling Dr Watson! Set within the framework of very late Victorian England. The foggy, dark humour of this murder mystery had the audience on the edge of their seats!

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NIGHTS OF GLITZ AND GLAM PARTY TIME AT GMAS The Year 10 and Year 11 cohorts where in for a treat. First up we had the Year 10 Dinner Dance at Busselton Golf Club and up next was the Year 11 Spring Fling held in the Early Learning Centre at GMAS. Everyone looked stunning and had a great night dancing the evenings away.

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A SEARCH FOR MEANING A Philosothon is an event that encourages school students

It also develops skills in inquiry-based learning, ethical

to investigate ethical and other philosophical questions in

reasoning, higher-order reflective thinking and a search

the context of ‘Communities of Inquiry’. Participating in the

for meaning through dialogue about open questions and

event helps students to develop higher order thinking and

contestable concepts.

communication skills through a series of discussions with students from other schools.

This was the third time the event has been hosted at GMAS, and it was a great success.

These discussions are facilitated by teachers and students with relevant experience in philosophy adjudicated by a panel

The results from the competition were:

with appropriate academic or educational qualifications. While

1st Place – Lady of Mercy College

there is an element of competition in a Philosothon, it aims

2nd Place – Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

to promote a sense of community by developing a shared

3rd Place – Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

understanding of values and purposes in a spirit of cooperation.


AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE Talented musicians from 11 ASC schools came together at the Perth Concert Hall on Friday 3 September for the biennial ASC Schools Concert. Intensive rehearsals over two weekends culminated in the showcase performance in front of a packed audience. GMAS travelled to Perth with our largest ever contingent of 32 music students to take part. Many of these students were ‘audition selected’ into the ASC Rock Band, Stage Band, Select Choir, Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, Orchestra and Electronic Ensemble. SEMESTER 2 2021

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STAFF SPOTLIGHT DONNA DEROOST Primary School Music Teacher WHAT IS YOUR ROLE AT GMAS? I teach Early Childhood and Junior School classroom music. I also undertake the band program and tutor double bass and saxophone students. This year I directed 3 music ensembles - Senior Jazz Band, Middle School Jazz Band and Junior Band. I play the flute, double bass, piano, cello, guitar, saxophone.

TELL US ABOUT YOUR CAREER I grew up in London - with all the sights and sounds. Having London as my childhood ‘playground’ was wonderful! I loved visiting the museums, going to concerts, and having Big Ben, the West End and Camden Town just 20 minutes away. As a child at a Roman Catholic primary school, we were all taught recorder as part of the music curriculum, and at the age of 7 I started learning the Double Bass as part of the Strings Program. I knew from my first lesson that I wanted to grow up and be involved in music in some way. At secondary school, I took up a number of other instruments including flute, saxophone and piano. It was in Year 9 that I decided I didn’t want to ever stop playing music, and that I would become a music teacher. Fast forward a few years, and I studied my Bachelor of Music at the University of Surrey, Roehampton. I was involved in many ensembles and choirs, and returned for a fourth year to complete my teacher training.

CLASS OF 2011 10 YEAR REUNION It was a fantastic evening spent at the Shelter on the Busselton foreshore as we reunited with past students. Their was plently of laughter as over 40, 2011 students caught up with one another (some had not seen each other since they left 10 Years ago) and their favourite teachers. ....and yes they are still as cheeky as ever!

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In 2003 I started teaching at a government school in London. This was a school with many challenges, but I also learned to be assertive! My second appointment was as Director of Music at a private school in London, which was round the corner from Abbey Road Studios, and the school boys trained at Lord’s Cricket Ground just down the road. In 2007 I moved to Busselton, and commenced my new role as Performing Arts Coordinator. Ever since then, I’ve been at GMAS in various roles - both in classroom and instrumental tutoring.

WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR FONDEST MEMORIES WORKING AT GMAS? My fondest memories are always the school shows. They have been ever since I was a school student myself, and always will be. Putting on the shows are the highlight of my year - I get to be a musician/conductor and immerse myself in the music and drama, whilst working with a dedicated team of students, all of whom hold the performing arts close to their hearts. WHAT IS ONE OF YOUR BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENTS? A few years ago I got to play the Double Bass for the South West Opera Company (SWOC) performance of The Phantom of The Opera. This is a show I would have loved to play in professionally had I gone down the route of staying in London and being a musician in the West End. I got to live my dream! Another achievement, is commencing Kodaly training this year. All of my teaching is Kodaly-inspired and I look forward to completing Certificates 2 and 3 in the next few years.


I worked at one of the blood centres in London during my gap year.

I have met the Queen twice and the Queen Mother once, whilst staying at one of the Royal residences.

I regularly play the Double Bass at BREC for SWOC performances - most recently Les Miserables this year.

I play the flute professionally for weddings and corporate events.


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We Will Miss

HAPPY RETIREMENT MS BURNS This Term we farewelled our kind and selfless Deputy

Three years later Jo was appointed Head of Junior School

Principal, Ms Jo Burns, as she embarks upon retirement.

“I have always loved working with children and teaching is something I had always wanted to do. I really love seeing

In 2002, Jo was asked to help assist with interviews for

students persevere on challenges that at first they found

potential new teachers at the not yet opened Georgiana

quite daunting,” she said.

Molloy Anglican School. Jo never looked back and stayed in Busselton as the newly appointed Curriculum Co-Ordinator.

Jo has been part of many changes at GMAS including the

“The first year was very memorable. We began with the

commissioning of the Multipurpose Activity Centre and the

Junior School – Kindergarten to Year 6 classes only” Jo

Early Learning Centre which were grand occasions offering


other places and spaces for students, staff and parents to use. Jo has especially loved seeing the beautiful gardens

“Teaching staff began the year in early January at the St

flourishing and the trees that have been planted that now

Mary’s Centre. The school was still being finished off so

provide shade as well as homes for the animals.

we could not come on site. Staff spent time getting to know one another, ordering resources for our classrooms,

Five years later Mr Ted Kosicki was appointed Principal of

meeting parents and students who would be in our class –

GMAS. He immediately assigned Jo as his Deputy Principal.

getting to know them and the families getting to know us. “Jo has always shown a commitment to excellence, quality “On the very first day, rolls of lawn were still being rolled out

relationships and values maintaining extremely high

as students and families began walking into the school”.


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You Ms Burns

She is a goal orientated person who can step back from the

As a foundation staff member Jo says that she is most

day-to-day and reflect on what and how they are doing. She is a

appreciative of the many opportunities that GMAS has afforded

visionary leader because she is able to take the broad view and

her in her time here. “I have loved working in such a vibrant

see the big picture. Jo is able to create an environment in which

community” she said.

everyone has the right and the responsibility to make sense of things for themselves and to fight openly for what they think is

This vibrant community that Jo speaks of, can largely be

best – and where the best thinking is paramount”. Mr Kosicki

attributed to her valuable contribution of skills and knowledge as


well as her great sense of humour that she brought to the staff and students here at GMAS.

We asked Jo what her ‘Happy Place’ was at GMAS. “I love going to the Early Learning Centre. There is so much to see and do” Jo said. “Students enjoy showing you their artworks, they love chatting, sharing and learning. They are full of life and so honest in their feedback and reflections. The Centre always has something happening. There is so much colour and so much activity whatever the time of day. It is a happy place to go to”.

ASC CEO The Reverend Peter Laurence OAM said he first worked with Jo when he was Principal of All Saints’ College 20 years ago with Jo as the Deputy Head of Junior School. “From that time until today, I came to know her as an extraordinarily hard-working, student-centred selfless educator,” he said.“Jo will be missed at GMAS and beyond. We wish her well in retirement.”


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Arts and Technology

Spectacular CREATIVE ARTWORKS, LIVING STATUES,PHOTOGRAPHS AND MEDIA PRODUCTIONS A fantastic showcase of our talented K-12 students. A diverse range of mediums, demonstrating excellence in the Visual Arts were on display. This yearly tradition is an occasion for all students, family and friends of the School, and the wider community, to come together through art. Prominent themes of identity, family, culture, gender and the environment were all explored.

Principals Acquisitve Award Sienna J Norton - Year 10

People’s Choice Award Tanner Vogel - Year 12

Junior Rising Star Charlotte Ding - Year 5

Secondary Rising Star Emily Kempin - Year 10

Most Creative & Innovative Christina Collett - Year 11

Senior School Photography Award Elizabeth Wilkie - Year 12

Senior School Photography Award Poppy Kiernan - Year 10

Middle School Photography Award Jess Dilley - Year 9

Secondary Birthday Card Charlee Kirkham - Year 9

Junior Birthday Card Adelaide Hobley - Year 2

Early Childhood Rising Star Charlotte Haste - Year 1


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GMAS Storm

GMAS Dragons

GMAS Gladiators

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GMAS Vikings

ACC Athletics

Early Childhood Athletics Carnival

Coco at the SWPSA Carnival


Our GMAS athletes ran like the wind at the SWPSA

This year we had so many talented, hard working athletes

Interschool Carnival in Bunbury. Our students competed

striving to reach their sporting goals.

against other South West Schools. We had some great results including Coco Grey, Year 5, who came first in the

GMAS had 4 Netball Teams competing in the netball grand

100m and Chloe Wood, Eli Hovell and Evan James , they

final. U15 GMAS Dragons, U17 GMAS Vikings and Division

placed first and second in the 200m.

1 GMAS Storm all won their final games. What an amazing end to the season.

At the E Division ACC Atheletics Carnival held at Challenge Stadium, Riley Morgan, Year 7, scored the highest individual

Darcey Pes, Year 9, has been selected into School Sport WA

score for the day and superstar Lacey Heys was the under

U17 State Softball Team selection for Adelaide 2022.

13 Champion Girl.

Tess Taylor, Year 8, has been selected into the Netball WA South West U14 State Cup Team.

On campus we have had some impressive performances

Thomas Corker, Year 9, has been selected to play in the

from our little Georgies through to our Year 6s as they

U15s Country WA boys Cricket Team.

competed for their Houses in the atheltic carnivals. Students

Lacey Heys, Year 7, has been selected in the Goldfields

were encouraged to give it a go, for fun if nothing else as

State U14 Team and represented Football West and West

they dressed up in their House colours.

Australia at the Football West State Tournament. Action packed adventure was on the cards as the Year 12 Our soccer team, the GMAS Gladiators, had a fun filled

Outdoor Education Team attended their very last camp.

season, Chance Wright said “ I love playing for the Gladiators

Surfing in Augusta and mountain bike riding the Carters

because we all work together, we all pass the ball and we

Trails as well as tacklling a 16km canoe from Alexandra

share it a lot. Everyone scores a goal through the season”.

Bridge Camp Ground to Molloy Island!

Year 12 - Outdoor Education SEMESTER 2 2021

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Rising Stars SPEAKER’S CUP GRAND FINAL A BRAVE STUDENT CAPTURES THE AUDIENCE Congratulations to Year 6 student, Zane Lucev, who was the State winner of the Speak Up Awards 2021. Zane was selected within the top 16 students from over 200 students who participated. Courageous Zane delivered his final speech and took out the trophy. South-West organiser of Speak Up, Eliot Fisher, presented Zane the Shield.

THE VOICE! “I WANTED TO PROVE TO MYSELF THAT I CAN DO IT” The voice of Year 11 Student Sofia Watts made it all the way onto Rita Ora’s top five group. Sophia said she has grown up watching the show and it has always been one of her favourites. “ I have always performed at school. My biggest and most memorable performance was the 2018 presentation night, I was just in year 8, where I performed “Warrior” by Demi Lovato, and got my first ever standing ovation! It was such a great experience.” She said.

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STUDENT VOICES MATTER Combating sexism in Australia was discussed by GMAS Year 12 student, Coralie Sandor, at a White Ribbon event hosted at the School. Coralie was the winner of the Country to Canberra leadership competition 2020 and was selected for the Country to Canberra National Youth Advisory Council. Solutions to end violence against women starting with education was the focus of Coralies discussion. “The more consent education we do, the more aware everybody becomes and cuts off those disrespectful ideas that come up when people are young,” she said. Coralie said while feminism continued to shine a light on violence against women it was still something that some people did not consider important. “In my year group I have seen changes in people’s attitudes within the 12 months we started having those discussions,” she said. “There has been a huge shift in everyone’s thinking, the more we talk about it, the more awareness we bring to violence against women, the more it will change. “There is still a long way to go but progress has been made.”

MONTY IS GIVING BACK GMAS BOOK DRIVE Year 3 student Monty wanted to give back to other schools that are not as lucky as GMAS. “We are very lucky to have lots of books at our school. Some schools don’t have many books, like the school in Fitzroy Crossing, which is in the north of WA. My brother Henry and I wanted to send some books to them” Monty said. Montys efforts saw GMAS collect 1200 books! 10 boxes later and a very genrous donation from Pack & Send in Bunbury to waive all freight costs, the books were sent to the kids of Fitzroy Crossing. Monty and his family went above and beyond and we can’t wait to see what Monty wants to do next. SEMESTER 2 2021

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FULFILLING OUR VISION The word “diverse” has many meanings and explanations. To begin with it is found to be “differing from one another” and “composed of distinct or unlike ELEANOR LEWIN CHAIR OF SCHOOL COUNCIL FR. EARLE CHAMBERLAIN SCHOOL CHAPLAIN

Chaplain’s Reflection

elements or qualities”. “The reality that there is more than one way to

think about something.” “The purpose of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.” Also adding: cognitive diversity, “a variety of people with different thought patterns, ideas, problem solving methods and mental perspectives”.

Proverbs 25:28. 28 If you cannot have self-control, you

During the year of 2021 the School Council were privileged to have a regular

are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack.

visit from a Head of Department to bring to us the vision, purpose and

1 Peter 4:7. Be serious and discipline yourselves to have self-control for the sake of yourself and of others.

outcome of their particular area of expertise. These presentations were wide and varied and indeed “diverse” ranging from The Performing Arts, Mathematics, Physical Education and English. We look forward to 2022


when this will continue and we will be included on their journey with GMAS

Have you ever walked a dog before? I’m sure most of

and learn more about different thought patterns, all for the benefit of our

you have. Most of the time they don’t just walk calmly by


your side. They are running around and sniffing different things and leaving their “mark” They get very interested if they see another dog, and sometimes people you see will call your dog over to pat them. That is why in public areas you need to use a leash.

For the first time our students took part in a “Master Chef Challenge” here at GMAS. Each of the four finalists chose a totally different style of presentation, none of them knew what the other would be presenting, however, it became evident that without a doubt “there was more than

If you didn’t have a leash your dog might be running all

one way to think about something” as they all differed from one another,

over the place and it might get in all kinds of trouble. The

however, working toward a common goal.

leash helps you take the dog for a walk but to also control the dog and not let it get too far from you. In 1 Peter 4:7 it says that God wants us to have selfcontrol. Self-control is kind of like teaching a dog to not

In the latter part of the year there have been several “diverse” presentations held in the MAC, these have included fortnightly Junior School Assemblies, beautiful musical presentations ranging from violin to piano. We have seen

run off, except it is putting a restraint on yourself. When

the GMAS Has Talent performance where young students danced, sang,

we have self-control, we don’t call out or be disruptive to

recited, also those who presented their written work for the Writers Cup.


All for the one common purpose and that is to show how “different we are

We make sure that we don’t touch the stove to see if it is hot or we don’t touch where it says wet paint. Just like a dog would like to run wild, we have a responsibility to not let ourselves run wild. God wants us to have self-control.

from one another” and how by doing these activities they have a purpose of inclusion and belonging. The Nativity presentation was indeed a treat as the magnificent evening of

And in fact, it is better for us to be in control of what we

“A Miracle in Town” was played out by by the Early Childhood Students. To

do and speak. It is not always easy to control ourselves

watch and listen to those little people, all quite different from one another,

when we are tempted or when we are angry but this is

however, giving their all for the one purpose, singing and dancing to

what God wants us to do. The more we read and study and learn and practice we learn how to control our selves. So don’t just let yourself run wild! Put a leash on yourself and exercise self-control.

celebrate the miracle of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our school has a wide, varied and indeed diverse list of qualities and opportunities to offer the students who come here to be educated. Be assured your availability of diverse choice will be part of your journey at

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Georgiana Molloy Anglican School as you seek out: “Opportunities Now... Benefits for Life”

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YEARS 7-12

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Monday 21 February Monday 14 March Monday 4 April



Events are subject to change due to COVID-19 Restrictions SEMESTER 2 2021

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