Geo Online Nov Edition

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Geo Online

I’m not obsessed....Just dedicated!

The Big

Nov 2012

Wedding Issue

Mesh Spotlight See what has been derived from our spotlight mesh

Potential Pros We showcase another up and coming Dev

Ask the Monk

more wisdom from the pages of The Monk

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The Geo Toolbar

made especially for the IMVU community with lots of everyday links and more to make navigating IMVU easier click on the bar to download now!

Because I do not know you face to face All I have to offer is words of love and grace I am far from unblemished and flawless But with you I find some kin and solace A woman who shows her love through action Who has the innate ability of personal attraction To those who are lulled by your presence You’re a woman of quiet substance Who will do anything for those she’s loves or bite the head of those who shove! I think you are far stronger than you think you are With wisdom and understanding that stretches far It’s taken me a long time to learn how to trust But have learned you are fair and just I’m sure often I can make you quite crazed Please no my heart is always in the right place We do not often talk to keep our connection But know this is all said with great affection I consciously make it my aim each day To make you smile or laugh or giggle in some way This is my way of showing love to you For the little everyday things that you do I wish I could shower you with balloons and confetti (Now all I have to rhyme that with is yeti!) Happy Birthday my Mumma Bear For you with hugs and great care. Love kay

Contents 2.

New Geo Toolbar... download yours today! Birthday poem by Kay 4. Bajan Wedding Collection 8. IMVU’s Biggest Rollercoaster!! 10. Bajan Wedding Gown 12. History of Wedding Traditions 14. Divine Wedding Collection by Geo 22. Matching male and female Curl Cuts by Drlzzt 23. Wedding Traditions cont 26. Non Pro dev MONDO80 28. The Wedding Cake 29. CNC Radio 30. New Animated wings, derivable by Geooo, textured by Geo 35. When being invisible is empowering.... food for thought by kayjaycee 36. More Curl Cut fits by Drlzzt 37. Wedding Traditions cont 38. Lunar wedding Collection by Geo 41. Rule of Rp by Drizzt 42. Venus fits by Drizzt 44. Words of wisdom from our Monk 46. Dakoda wedding services 47. Gothic Wedding Gowns 50. Will you marry me.... from Shawnachy 52. Mesh Spotlight 56. xxl Wedding Gowns 58. Dakota wedding services 60. GeoOnline Merchandise 62. Sleek Male Suits 64. Darkknight Design rl Handmade Jewelry 66. Bm Wedding Gown 67. Interview with a Dj 69. Coming in next months issue

Bajan Collection

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History of Wedding Traditions Have you ever wondered what the first wedding ceremony was like? And, do you know where the old saying, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” comes from? Virtually every part of a wedding, from the engagement to the honeymoon, has rich history. Cultural roots, ancestry, and religious beliefs have shaped marriages for thousands of years. The following descriptions will provide you with a brief history of various wedding elements.

The First Marriage Rites The earliest weddings were very different from our idea of marriage today. Our primitive ancestors came together for protection and survival rather than meaningful relationships. Since there was safety in numbers, primitive people formed tribes to which they were very loyal. Some historians believe that the first marriages may have actually been group weddings marriage to the tribe. It wasn’t until much later that men and women came together in couples, and formed individual families. Even then, marriage wasn’t always a happy event. Due to tribal rivalry, women and children were often captured or stolen. Since many tribes had rules forbidding intermarriage within a clan, women were kidnapped and forced to marry the strangers who captured them. Historians often refer to this period in time as the “marriage by capture” era.

The Bachelor Dinner More commonly known today as the bachelor party, this celebration in the groom’s honor was originally called the bachelor dinner, or stag party. Like many other wedding traditions, the custom has stood the test of time. It first came about in the fifth century, in Sparta, where military comrades would feast and toast one another on the eve of a friend’s wedding. Even today, a bachelor party customarily takes place quite close to the actual wedding date, as it has become known as the groom’s ?last taste of freedom.? Despite the risqué entertainment that is associated with stag parties today, bachelor parties have not always entailed this controversial element. Although rowdy and boisterous, bachelor parties are traditionally organized to allow the jittery groom and his wedding attendants to release some anxieties before the big day.

Cont page

The Wedding Party During the “marriage by capture” era, close friends of the groom-to-be assisted him when he kidnapped the bride from her family. The first ushers and best men were more like a small army, fighting off the brides angry relatives as the groom rode away with her. Bridesmaids and maids of honor became more common when weddings were planned. For several days before the marriage, a senior maid attended to the bride-to-be. This maid or matron of honor, as we know her today, ensured that the bridal wreath was made and helped the bride get dressed. All bridesmaids helped the bride decorate for the wedding feast. For a long time, bridesmaids wore dresses much like the bride’s gown, while ushers dressed in clothing that was similar to the groom’s attire. This tradition began for protection against evil rather than for uniformity; if evil spirits or jealous suitors attempted to harm the newlyweds, they would be confused as to which two people were the bride and groom.

Wedding Flowers Before the use of flowers in the bridal bouquet, women carried aromatic bunches of garlic, herbs, and grains to drive evil spirits away as they walked down the aisle. Over time, these were replaced with flowers, symbolizing fertility and everlasting love. Specific flowers have special meanings in many cultures. In Hawaii, the bride and groom wear leis; newlyweds in India don floral headdresses.

The Bridal Gown Wedding gowns have not always been elaborate, as many are today. In the eighteenth century, poor brides dressed in simple robes. This symbolized to her future husband that she brought nothing with her into the marriage and would therefore not burden him with any debt. It wasn’t until the mid nineteenth century that the all-white wedding dress became fashionable. Up until then a bride simply wore her best dress, regardless of its color. In 1840, Queen Victoria’s pure white gown started the trend that many women follow today.

The Bridal Veil Veils were originally worn by unmarried women to show modesty. In early weddings, men bargained for wives with the woman’s father. At the wedding ceremony, a bride wore the veil as a symbol of submissiveness and a promise to obey her new husband. Only after the ceremony was the veil lifted to reveal the bride’s appearance to the groom. Sometime in the sixteenth century, headdresses with delicate veils became fashionable; lace veils became popular after Queen Victoria’s wedding in 1840.

Wedding Rings The wedding ring is the most ancient of all marriage traditions. Nearly every civilization since the Egyptians has used the wedding ring as a symbol of the marriage agreement. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the circle represents eternity, and the earliest rings were made of braided grass, hay, leather, bone and ivory. When metals were eventually discovered, the first metal rings were lumpy and awkward. Today, wedding rings can be anything from an inexpensive, plain band to an intricate setting studded with gems. No matter where a person chooses to wear their wedding ring, the marriage bond is complete once vows are recited. The most common placement for wearing a wedding ring is on the fourth finger of the left hand. This custom began with the Egyptians, who believed that a vein on the left hand was directly connected to the heart. Today, a more practical explanation is that the left hand gets less use - and will be less likely to get damaged - since most people are right-handed. Despite longstanding traditions, however, wedding rings are not always worn on the left hand. For a time, wealthy Elizabethans wore huge, elaborate wedding rings on their thumbs. In the eighteenth century, Roman Catholics wore them on the right hand. Even today, many European women still follow this tradition.

There are also many superstitions about wedding rings. For example, it is unlucky for the bride-to-be to go shopping for a ring on a Friday due to the bad luck associated with that day. It is equally important that neither the future bride nor groom wear their rings before the wedding ceremony since that would be presumptuous.

The Wedding Cake Wedding cakes have been a part of marriage ceremonies since medieval times. In Rome, the first wedding cakes were actually loaves of wheat bread. During the ceremony, the bread was broken over the bride’s head as a blessing for long life and many children. Guests often ate the crumbs as a sign of good luck. Over time, a variant of this custom evolved into the forerunner of the contemporary tiered cake that is widely used today. In medieval England, wedding guests brought small cakes to the ceremony as a gift for the newlyweds. The cakes were stacked in a pile, as high as possible, to make it difficult for the newlyweds to kiss one another over the top. If the bride and groom were able to kiss over the tall stack, it was thought to symbolize a lifetime of prosperity. Eventually, the idea of stacking them neatly and frosting them together was adopted as a more convenient option. Although wedding cakes were once white inside and out, there are few rules about how they look today. Contemporary cakes can be any color, flavor or shape. Even if a couple prefers a traditional layered wedding cake, there are countless options for decoration. Saving a portion of the wedding cake is an old tradition that some couples still practice. As a sign of posterity, couples freeze the top portion of their wedding cake, thawing it out on their first anniversary to share with one another. If you want to freeze your top tier you can go to our Freezing Directions page to see how to freeze the cake and still have it taste almost as good as it did on your wedding day.

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New Animated Wings

Derivable version by Geooo

Textured Versions by Geo

When being invisible is empowering To a large degree we are essentially invisible when talking in chat forums on the internet. We are seen only through our words. The avatars are to lessen our curiosity somewhat by giving our minds something to associate the words to and to add to the illusion of the persona some of us wish to portray on the internet. For the socially disengaged or anxious, online communities and interactions give them the chance to socialise with their own sense of freedom and control For the meek and quiet person who perhaps felt prejudiced against by the way he / she looks in the real world, who wishes to blend or hide, being on the internet avails them of the real chance to be seen. Why would they want to be seen if they try so hard in the real world to hide? Because we all wish to be seen and accepted, for whom we really are. It seems strange that we should then don masks to show who we really are. On the other hand, maybe we want to escape who we really are. Becoming an angel or a demon, an elf or a vampire or some other mythical creature enables us to extend our minds and escape into the unreality. Some of us have gone so far as to dislike who we’ve become and use the avatars to hide that and try to become someone else. But essentially, the true inner person always shines or seeps through no matter what creature or persona you try to adopt. If you are intelligent, it will shine through, if you are ignorant, immoral distrusting, humours, caring‌ these qualities both learned and innate still will shine through. Although some take the time to explore parts of their personality objectively and purposefully to find the inner them they feel comfortable with, some may come upon it unknowingly. Should we then not use this opportunity of masks and invisibility to explore ourselves and find the part of us we DO feel comfortable with and learn from that and bring it into the real world with us? Being invisible to the eye enables you to explore your true strengths, if you choose to.

The Honeymoon The bride and groom’s honeymoon hasn’t always been a post-wedding vacation together, as we know it today. The word actually originated in northern Europe from a tradition involving wine made from mead and honey. In order to bring good luck, the newlywed couple drank the sweet wine, called metheglen, for a month after the wedding. Since a month was known as a “moon,” this period of time acquired the name honeymoon.

Wedding Infare Many people may have never heard of the term infare, yet are quite familiar with the tradition. In the 1880s, it was an American custom for the bridegroom’s parents to host an infare, or a feast, on the day following the wedding. Today, this custom has evolved into a Sunday brunch intended to give out-of-town guests more opportunity to visit with family, friends and other wedding guests before returning home.

Something Old, Something New... Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue... (and a Silver Sixpence in Her Shoe.) This good-luck saying originated in the Victorian era. Brides today often incorporate special items into their wedding attire according to the rhyme. “Something Old” symbolizes a link to the bride’s family and the past. A family heirloom, such as a piece of antique jewelry or a family member’s wedding dress can represent the old object. Or, a bride can sew lace or ribbon into the hem of her dress. “Something New” represents good fortune and success in the bride’s new life. A bride may wear a new string of pearls, or use her wedding gown as the new item. “Something Borrowed” symbolizes the love and support of family and friends in times of need. A borrowed object can be a token from a happily married friend, such as a lace handkerchief. “Something Blue” is an object that symbolizes faithfulness and loyalty. Brides commonly choose a blue garter or ribbon. “A Silver Sixpence In Her Shoe,” is a blessing for wealth. Since sixpences are difficult to find, any silver coin makes a sufficient substitute.

Lunar Collection

For more of the Lunar Collection click here!

Rule of RP:

Let us set out Rules for Role Play. ab off t ou sp o wh le There are many peop . at the outset, shall we something down right be followed as Long role play.. they should e th e nc ha en to e er Rules are th 1) nces the role play LD be broken if it enha OU SH les Ru is. th do as they and talk to your members, .. les ru e th ke ma U YO ner If you are a group ow 2) r. fai is find out what they think rules. c room to know all your bli Pu ur yo ing ter en n rso Don’t expect a new pe 3) asize this VU!!!!! I cannot emph IM L AL R FO S LE RU L they are NO ONE MAKES AL 4) ve IMVU’s backing but ha ey th y sa at th e er th ny out enough. There are ma wrong. ings Simple. The ross the board. Keep th ac r fai em th ke ma les w members feel When making ru d on rules. It makes ne ar bo er ov go le op pe what to do and hardest thing is when cause they don’t know be ed ss rra ba em t ge ey slow and stupid and th meplace they can fit in. so d fin to they will leave a minimum nt of lines is needed for ou am X at th g tin sta le would be If your group has a ru some things. Postings y sa to ch mu e tak t does no hy would you tell posting, get a grip. It Useless information. W of lot a t ou th wi e tiv t to them. And concise and descrip e wanting them to reac ar u yo s les un ts gh ou Because you someone your inner th reaming god moding. sc go n’t do , em th to act when someone Does re put it out there. ing to be C and IC. If you are go OO n ee tw be es lin ed defin ndards and There must be clearly Must stick by their sta r ne ow p ou Gr e th p n a grou in your rooms and taken seriously and ru you have new comers n he W g. xin Mi o int l tween OOC and not let his group fal ping back and forth be flip d an g xin mi s om ro your role they see people in your is to give structure to les ru e th of a ide e Th est. either change your IC then they loose inter with them you need to h ug ro th rry ca ot nn play. And it you ca p. rules or not run a grou hamper your players d exploration. Do not an fun for ce pla a Is e of growth in the Remember this there are to be any typ if al vit is re tu uc str overly much but Some characters.

“How do I stay away from internet Drama?” I found myself looking at this question and then I have realized that for this month, I want to answer this one. Since the dawn of the internet and chat sites, clients and games with them has also come the ability to connect the world at a rate never imagined before even decades ago. However, it has also brought closer one item which has desperately become well out of hand. The innate problems commonly referred to as ‘Drama’. This question is a simple one to answer. There is no such thing as ‘Drama Free’ on the internet. When you login and begin a friend list on any chat client, you are inherently signing up for the drama. Behind every screen name or three, there is a real person there with real feelings and a real life; some more or less better than others depending on your perspective. The idea that there is no drama, or the idea that one can escape it, is very simple - Do not have friends online. For even if you have one friend online, the drama follows and will be there. If one is around people and even so much as a problem arises, there is drama. Such is the matter of suffering. One level of suffering is different in a world of another person in comparison. Some people are struggling with things different from us. This does not mean that their problems are in any way shape or form, in their perspective, less severe, although to us, it may seem this way. In truth, the reality of the fact is, in order to escape suffering, is to stop living, even then it is a matter of perspective. To end the Drama on the internet, simply do not get on. We all have a level of drama as it is defined by the internet users out there of what is and is not acceptable to us. In that perspective, this is the truth of it; to end drama is to not be a part of it, which means to not be online. Drama is defined as being a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play. As William Shakespeare said himself in As You Like It, “All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances”. When we interact with our families, friends, loved ones, those we even do not care for in anyway, with things as simple as birthdays and conversations, we partake in that very drama. Drama being the operative word, for it is a well-fitting word. So one must remember; we all are a part of the drama. It is in the end what we are willing to accept and not to accept. For if the world is a stage, then truly we are the actors. Where one person’s drama is

the debate of what to eat and another, to be who will be in the middle of a war somewhere in a role-play world, drama is there, we just selectively define it in accordance to our own eyes. Which means in the end, the only answer to not being in any drama, is to not be online. Like anything in life, the only way to see to it that nothing happens, is to do nothing. In the end it is what we accept in our lives, those we accept into our lives come with their own dramas, it is only for us to determine if it is at a level to which we choose to accept.users out there of what is and is not acceptable to us. In that perspective, this is the truth of it; to end drama is to not be a part of it, which means to not be online. When we go in our families, friends, loved ones, people we do not care for, or as many have enemies, we do not conceive the fact that as we even speak with them on things which happen such as disagreements, events, even so much as birthdays, we partake in that very drama. Drama being the operative word, for it is a well fitting word as William Shakespear said himself in his plays “all the world is a stage� . So one must remember we all are a part of the Drama, it is in the end what we are to accept and not to accept. For if the world is a stage, then truly we are the actors. Where one person’s drama is the debate of what to eat, and another to be who will be in the middle of a war somewhere in a Role play world, Drama is there, we just selectively define it in accordance to our own eyes. Which means in the end, the only answer to not being in any drama, is to not be online. Like anything in life, the only way to see to it nothing happens, is to do nothing. In the end it is what we accept in our lives, those we accept into our lives come with their own dramas, it is only for us to determine if they are a level of it we choose to accept.

So you are engaged… where do you turn to have a professional wedding ceremony? Your celebrant is just as important as your dress and wedding room. Look no further than DakotaDesignsWeddings, Inc. xXDakotaDawsonXx is IMVU’s premier wedding performer. He has performed over 80 weddings in the last 11 months. His attention to detail and the bride and groom are why he is sought after by so many on IMVU. Dakota will assign moderators of your choice in a public wedding room to keep those wedding crashers away. If you are looking for a professional ceremony… check with DakotaDesignsWeddings, Inc.

“I do my absolute best for every ceremony, but getting around extremely high Kb’s can be difficult. My attention to the couple is of the most importance to me. Timing is everything in a wedding as well; not only does the wedding music I provide for each ceremony have an impact that you would expect in a wedding... but it is how I control the timing of the ceremony. A rehearsal is the most important part of a wedding ceremony… you want it perfect and that’s what we do :)” ~Dakota DakotaDesignsWeddings, Inc.



Will You Marry Me.... Many things on IMVU you see, hear and feel it is quite amazing when you think of it. You look at a room in shop and think WOW! The feeling that room gives you. As you spend hours shopping or creating and decorating it just perfect even though it is animation in our so called “Cartoon World� things really do come to life. The Music is playing, friends are in the room suddenly something happens. That room you spent hours making just perfect was all for a purpose someone comes in your room and you feel that person. You try to make a good impression but you are all thumbs and Typo city it is you hop across the room to find yourself in the wrong spot of an AP couch. Finally your nerves have calmed down and you begin to chat, small talk at first. Then you invite your new friend to realize you have never felt anything like this before and are hoping that they are feeling these same feeling that you are. As the butterflies in your stomach turns to bats then again evolve into vultures you ask perhaps you would like to go on a date. Once agreed upon you want everything to go perfect. Back to the shop for ideas to once again make that perfect room this time it is a room for two perhaps the beach or on a mountain top. You fill the room with roses of red or violent orchids of blue the moon above your head a quaint little table for two. The clock tics by as you wait checking your friends list 50 times in an hour. Panic strikes all you have is group dance mixes in your music box as you run to the shop again this time the music store to place the perfect songs in order calm romantic songs for your newly purchased waltz. Than it happens you hear a ding and you feel this person as they pop online you freak do you invite right away or does that seem to aggressive or do

you wait as they dress, or do you let them invite and act cool you bounce around your room making sure everything is right for your romantic night for two. Casually while nervous scared and anxious you invite they come into the room trembling inside you greet them. While enjoying the soft music and dinner for two you put on your charm telling them you cook petite fillet medallions with asparagus and prawns via candlelight. The evening is going great you dance and chat for hours you feel a connection like never felt ever before on or of the net the conversation is enticing you find you seemed to have known this person forever. The sense of is it time should I make my move slowly you lean in looking in their eyes softly your hold one of their hands as you gently touch your lips to theirs sensually and slowly not over eager the first kiss goes off wonderfully you slowly pull apart looking in their eyes your mind races heart is pounding never have you felt this surge of emotions and a bond that has never been before. Relaxing by the fire you realize something that it is late or early 4 AM you both part your separate ways.

Weeks go by and even months go by both of you can not wait until the other dings on you realize the person behind the avi is who you been searching for all your life and you can’t live without this person and it is time. So once again you find yourself “YES” in the shop this time searching for what you don’t know but that feeling once again happens you see a quaint little room that oozes the both of you. Decorating it just perfect a huge moon candles scattered on the floor and in the water a 3 song list just as you finish you get that overwhelming sensation again and “DING”. As you invite you get an invite as well it is them you both accept. Both rooms load as you notice that they are the same both of you blurt out those special words 8 letters! 3 words! 1 meaning! 831 I LOVE YOU. Finding both of you on your knees at the same time laughter breaks out between you. Then the words are typed WILL YOU MARRY ME? ….. a double echo occurs YES YES . The confession of both I have wanted to ask you for weeks.

outfits shirts and even matching Demons, Drows and Vamps. Has led you back to the shop to once again search by feeling this time the feeling of two hearts bonded as one to make the perfect room for that perfect person that makes you feel complete. Mind numbing hours looking for that room that feels of both of your love for all your friends to come and witness the feeling of love of two joined as one. A perfect day ending in the most perfect way Beginning in I DO.

You set the day of course that one room you made to bring in friends in the masses is kept sacred between you both and the evolution of the feeling of that room that brought in that person a room for many that turned into a quiet little room for two then countless shopping sprees of his and hers

I have my 831 and we said I DO a couple times now I hope you find yours too!

by Shawnarchy

Mesh Spotlight!!

This month we look at one of my earlier meshes and see what has been derived from it. It has a animated ballerina spot and opacitys for rings. Trigger for music=play















XXL Gowns

One thing a woman spends time on is planning her wedding. A known fact is that most women start from the time they are just a young girl. With Happily Ever Afters in their mind as they say eagerly “I do” to the man they hope to spend the rest of their life with, what is so wrong to give them the wedding of their fantasy? With Dakota, you will give her exactly that. With affordable prices and stunning rooms, you will be more than satisfied if you choose Dakota to oversee your ceremony. Package includes: ceremony at chapel with wedding music, sermon and vows, poses, reception at the chapel with many dances, You can even have a person from your party chosen as a moderator to keep those pesky wedding crashers away. Dakota can perform many other ceremonies besides Weddings. So make the right choice and go with Dakota. Your wedding and other ceremonies will be absolutely stunning! DakotaDesignsWeddings, Inc.

Sunset Palms Dakota’s newest wedding venue addition has an absolutely stunning scene for an outdoor elegant beach/Oceanside wedding! The palm trees and sunset are breathtaking! This venue accommodates 6 couples’ dances and a group dance with triggers to move the position (circle, group and line). Feed the seagulls, take in the scenery while sitting near the ocean or take a ride in the hot air balloon. This setting is new and is booking fast, make your reservations today! DakotaDesignsWeddings, Inc.

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Size: 10” diameter

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Ringer Mug Add some flair to your mug with the Ringer Mug. Handle and lip of the mug are colored to match. 15 oz. . Dishwasher and microwave safe. 24.95

Mousepad A custom mousepad for home and office! that looks great and protect your mouse from scratches and debris. 9.25” x 7.75” – Perfect for any desk or work space. Quality, full-color printing. Durable cloth cover is dust and stain resistant. Non-slip backing. 14.70

Speck® Fitted™ Fabric-Inlaid Hard Shell Case for iPhone 4/4S

Show off your signature style with a sleek and customizable Speck Products® brand case for your iPhone 4/4S. Combining luxury with ultimate protection, this fitted hard plastic case is covered with an easy-to-grip fabric that is richly printed with your favorite design. Pleasing to the touch, this lightweight and durable custom case allows optimal access to all sensors, ports, and controls on your iPhone 4, while offering superior comfort in-hand. Compatible with Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T models of the iPhone 4/4S, our universal custom iPhone 4/4S cases offer the perfect fit for your phone no matter your carrier. Depth: 0.52 inches Width: 2.5 inches Height: 4.65 inches Weight: 2.0 oz.


Trucker Hat 100% polyester foam front Wide area to feature your design 100% nylon mesh back keeps you cool Adjustable from 17” to 24” 20.20

Placemats 20” x 14” Complete your dining table setting with custom place mats. These 100% woven cotton place mats are designed to complement any dining room theme. Vibrantly printed in full color, custom place mats will look great on your table. Size 20”x14”. 100% woven cotton. Fabric is made from natural fibers, which may result in irregularities Made in the USA. Machine washable. 26.95

Chyane BM Gown

Twenty Questions… are never enough! Popping the DJ cherry this month for our regular Spotlight on DJs is DJ Extraordinaire of Dark Stream Radio (,Internationally renowned DJ Epod from the land Down Under (yes, he wrote his own intro) Right or Left handed?


Commando, g-string, granny panties, jocks or briefs? What about boxers? I’ve got to choose one of those? I prefer girls in panties just saying, but I don’t wear them myself! What is your musical style?

Dubstep / rave

Greatest influence on your life? The person I most idolise is Richard Branson ‘cos he’s very down to earth and very successful When I grow Up I want to be him. Where does music take you / what does it mean to you? I love the fact that it’s an international language hence why I like raves and stuff because you don’t need lyrics Which musical instrument best describes you?

Drums.. I like to bang

Your best pick up line: ’ I have the smallest penis here’. It actually worked for me once. It was funny as hell. I was in this club and all these guys were standing around this chick. I may have been off my face .. it was back in the day.. I looked around at all the guys and said ’ I have the smallest penis here’ and she thought it was the funniest thing ever and it impressed her. What’s one thing you could never live without? Sex and ice coffee- not necessarily in that order Which genre of music do you think is highly underrated? Rave. because people think its totally ripped off but I think it’s as classy as classic music. It’s modern classic music. It takes a creative mind to take all those sounds together to create an emotion Which era of music has the most influence? The 60s because that’s’ where rock and roll was born and phenomena started like Beatles and Presley Boy Bands: useless girl eye candy, merchandiser’s heaven, vital members of society, or a mistake we blame the Beatles for: It’s a great way to gather a heap of bimbos together. I became a Bros fan to chase around the girls back in the day.

How old is too old? Two years old - for breast feeding. Electronic or Instrumental? Electronic Top Five Artists? Carl Cox, who probably no one knows, DJ UZI, again, probably no one knows of, I’d throw Pink Floyd in there for fun. Moby and (shameless plug) The Munchkins, my niece’s band.. Who would you stalk? I don’t need to stalk, they stalk me Favourite venue to DJ? In a radio studio Artist that should never be given air time? Cher and Bette Midler, I hate them with a passion. Britney Spears : singer, dancer, TV tart, who? Or what… Or what Aspirations? World dictator Lights on or off? Depends who I’m with… Self added questions, because twenty questions really are NEVER enough, either that or he truly DOES like the sound of his own voice : Have you ever worked in real radio? yes Why did you get into radio ?– because I like the sound of my own voice ….and so do others (chuckle) Do you do anything apart from DJing? – Yes. I do web deigns for Geo’s websites… hint hint nudge nudge.

Download the Geo IMVU Toolbar and have your fav radio station at your fingertips... plus lots more great links.

Yup its that time of year again when the jolly fat man comes visiting... wonder what goodies he will bring this year ! Mesh spotlight is back with showing what has been derived from Geooo’s Snow Globe Room... so get deriving:) Our Monk will be offering words of wisdom If you have a question for our monk email and he will reply to you in our next issue. If you would like to submit a article on something that you are passionate about and want your views heard. send it to

Geo Online

I’m not obsessed....Just dedicated!

The Big

Nov 2012

Wedding Issue

Mesh Spotlight See what has been derived from our spotlight mesh

Potential Pros We showcase another up and coming Dev

Ask the Monk

more wisdom from the pages of The Monk

copyright Š

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