Albuquerque Public Schools Calendar 2022/2023

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2022 | 2023 CONNECTSAPS

FUNDING CLASSROOM AND SCHOOL PROJECTS THAT ENRICH TEACHING, INSPIRE LEARNING AND ENHANCE OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS! STUDENT CLUBS & ACTIVITIES CLASSROOM & GRADE LEVEL LEARNING EARLY TRANSFORMATIVESCHOOLWIDELITERACYIMPACTPEPSICOMPETITIONANDTRAVELGRANTSCHOOLCLIMATEIDEAGRANT APPLY FOR GRANTS EVENTS & RECOGNITIONS GOLD BAR APS HALL OF HONOR TEACHER OF THE MONTH BEST IN CLASS SELFLESS SUPERINTENDENT’SSENIORSCUPGOLFTOURNAMENTLUNCH&LEARNS RANKED 18 IN THE NATION Call: 505-855-9040 Email: Drop by: APS Administration Building 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE withConnecttheService Center The APS Service Center is the customer service arm of the district. Call, email, or drop by when you have questions or concerns about Albuquerque Public Schools. Enrollment Support PoliciesSchoolSafetyWeatherBusesDisciplineConflictsTransfersDelaysConcernsTrafficandProcedures Among the issues the Service Center can help you with: Why not lean on a group of professionals who can help you find the answers to your questions and provide information and resources for students, staff, and families. Heating and Cooling Issues

SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2022 4 11 18 2528 5 12 19 2629 1 8 15 22 282930 6 13 20 27 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 31 9 30 2 3 4 End of 1st 6 Weeks Constitution Day Grandparents Day Labor Day (schools & offices closed) ACTNew Mexico State Fair (through Sept. 18) Middle School Progress Reports Apply for an APS Education Foundation Grant (deadline is 0ct. 5) Fall Begins What’s for Lunch? APS uses a secure online system that lets you see what’s on today’s menu. It also allows families to monitor meal accounts, set up recurring payments, and more. Go to Dates are subject to change. Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting Acoma Pueblo Feast DaySuperintendent’s Cup Laguna Pueblo Feast Day Taos Pueblo Feast Day Hispanic Heritage Month (through Oct. 15) Attendance Awareness Month Rosh Hashanah (through Sept. Patriot27)Day FeastJicarillaGo-Jii-YaApacheDay Substitute AppreciationWeek Volleyball Sept.ChampionshipMetro(through10) IT Professional Day

Offeringopportunitiesendless Let us connect you to the right choice: Small Project-BasedOnlineCollegeSettingsCreditLearningLearningJobSkillsSTEMDualLanguageTechnologyAthletics SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY OCTOBER 2022 27 4 11 18 25 1 28 5 12 19 2627 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 29 30 28 2526 30 9 31 #APSConnects Albuquerque Public Schools knows when it comes to education, choice matters. Some students excel in traditional neighborhood schools; others prefer our magnet schools that offer a more intimate setting with focused areas of study. Learn more about our schools by visiting Dates are subject to change. Indigenous Peoples Day (schools & offices closed) School Lunch Week Walk & Bike to School DayNambe Pueblo Feast Day Albuquerque International Balloon SAT(throughFiestaOct.9) End of First Quarter APS School Choice Fair Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting Rudolfo Anaya I Love to Read Day School Bus Safety Week Halloween PSAT Zia Marching Band Fiesta Boss’s Day (observed) ACT Fall Break (Oct. 6 & 7 for traditional calendar)Yom Kippur (through Oct. 5) Fall Break (Oct. 7 for extended calendar) New PageantMexicoofBands Diwali OCTOBEROCTOBER OCTOBEROCTOBER Cross Country ChampionshipsMetro

Service Center The APS Service Center is the customer service arm of the district. Call 505-855-9040, email, or drop by 6400 Uptown Blvd. NE when you have questions or concerns about Albuquerque Public Schools. Dates are subject to change SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY NOVEMBER 2022 5 46 4 11 18 25 2 5 12 19 26 3 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 16 23 7 14 21 28 10 17 24 1 3213031 9 30 Tesuque and Jemez Pueblos Feast Days Middle School Progress ReportsDaylight Savings Ends (set clocks back) Parent/Teacher Conferences End of 2nd 6 Weeks End of 1st Trimester Thanksgiving Holiday (schools closed Nov. 23-25, offices closed Nov. 24-25) Veterans Day (schools and offices closed) Parent/Teacher Conferences Native HeritageAmericanMonth All Saints’ Day Board of Education Meeting SAT Board of Education Meeting Election Day (schools on traditional calendar closed) NOVEMBERNOVEMBER NOVEMBER

Award Amount: Up to $5,000 Made possible by Technology Integration Group, this grant is dedicated to supporting programs that enhance school climate, increase student, staff, and family engagement and promote social emotional learning.

Award Amount: $500 - $10,000 A competitive grant supporting schoolsponsored clubs, student organizations, and activities throughout the district.


SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 27 4 11 18 25 28 5 12 19 2627 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 2 3 302928 30 9 31 New Year’s Eve BeginsWinter Christmas Pojoaque Pueblo Feast Day International Migrants Day SATACT (throughKwanzaa Jan. 1) Stay Informed APS connects with its community in a variety of ways including district and school websites, robocalls, email, digital flyers, electronic newsletters, social media, and mobile apps. Learn more at Dates are subject to change End of 1st Semester End of 2nd Quarter End of 3rd 6 Weeks Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting (throughHanukkahDec. 26) APS offices closed for winter break (through Jan 2) Extended Calendar Winter Break Begins (through Jan.2) Traditional Calendar Winter Break Begins (through Jan. 3) DECEMBER 2022 DECEMBERDECEMBER DECEMBER Dance & Cheer Metro (throughChampionshipsDec.10)



Award Amount: $15,000 - $35,000 Together with the Guhl Trust, this award provides funding to create or expand elementary (PreK-5) literacy programs throughout the entire school.


Award Amount: $10,000 - $25,000 Funding for innovative practices impacting student learning and engagement across the entire school and/or grade levels. PEPSI AWARDS Award Amount: Up to $10,000 Financial support to school-based electives, clubs, activities, and student groups in need of assistance with unexpected and unbudgeted expenses as part of participating in a national, regional and/or state competition.

Award Amount: $1,500 - $5,000 Classroom grants in the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Fine Arts and Literacy, ranging from $1,500 for a single classroom and $5,000 for a team of multiple classrooms.


SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 5 6 7 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 2728 2 9 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 2930311 2 3 4 Changing Schools Students who want to change schools for the 2023-2024 school year may apply for a transfer beginning Jan. 1. The application will be posted to You may also call the Transfer Office at 505-855-9050. Dates are subject to change. New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day (schools and offices closed) San Idelfonso Pueblo Feast Day School Choice Week Board of Education Meeting New Mexico’s Birthday Board of Education Meeting New Year’s Holiday (schools and offices closed) Extended Calendar Teacher Training (no school for students) Extended Calendar Second Semester TraditionalBeginsCalendar Teacher Training (no classes for traditional calendar schools) Traditional Calendar Second Semester Begins Chinese/Lunar New Year JANUARY 2023 JANUARYJANUARY JANUARY Basketball (throughChampionshipsMetroJan.7) Girls Swimming & Diving Metro Championships Boys Swimming & Diving Metro Championships Wrestling Jan.ChampionshipsMetro(through28)

Dial-A-Teacher Students can call the free homework hotline from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and receive help in English or Spanish from a licensed teacher. Call 505-344-3571 or email SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY FEBRUARY 2023 APS.eduFEBRUARYFEBRUARY FEBRUARY Dates are subject to change. 4 11 18 25 4 5 12 19 26 8 15 22 1 6 13 20 27 16 23 2 7 14 21 10 17 24 3 2930321 31 9 28 58 6 7 Presidents Day (schools and offices closed) Apply for an APS Education Foundation Grant (deadline is Feb. 22) School Counseling Week ACT End of 4th 6 Weeks End of 2nd Trimester Middle School Progress Reports Metro Youth Art Exhibit (through March 16) Board of Education BoardMeetingof Education Meeting Valentine’s Day Black History Month Festival de Bellas Artes (through March 3) School Resource Officer Appreciation Day School Bus AppreciationDriverDay

Student VUE CONNECTS!APS ParentVUE isn’t just for registration! ParentVUE and StudentVUE give you any fromcalendars,accesstime/anywheretogrades,assignments,attendance,contacts,andmore!It’seasytouseandcanbeaccessedyourcomputer,tablet, SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY MARCH 2023 MARCHMARCH APS.eduMARCHMARCH 26 5 12 19 26 27 6 13 20 2728 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 1 2 3 4 5 3029 28 9 31 Elementary & Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences St. Patrick’s Day End of 3rd Quarter Elementary & Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences SAT Women’s History Month Spring Break (schools closed through March 24) Spring Begins Daylight Savings Begins (clocks forward) Educational Assistants Day Employee Appreciation Day Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting @ABQschools Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Tag us @ABQschools when you’re sharing good school news, too. Dates are subject to change. Art is (throughElementaryMay11) Ramadan begins (through April 21) Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day School Social Worker Week Elementary Honor Choir Concert Baseball MarchChampionshipMetro(through18) Softball ChampionshipMetro (through March 18)

Offeringopportunitiesendless Let us connect you to the right choice: Small Project-BasedOnlineCollegeSettingsCreditLearningLearningJobSkillsSTEMDualLanguageTechnologyAthletics SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY APRIL 2023 29 5 12 19 26 30 6 13 20 27 2 16 23 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 29 1 2 28 27 2628 31 9 30 Easter Earth Day Vernal Holiday (Schools and offices closed) Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting End of 5th 6 Weeks ACT ProfessionalsAdministrativeDay College and Career High School Graduation Gold Bar Join us on April 14 as we celebrate some of our best students, teachers, and contributors to public education. The sixth annual Gold Bar is hosted by the APS Education Foundation. Dates are subject to change.Gold 7 World AwarenessAutismDay Middle School Progress Reports No School TraditionalforCalendar Only Gold Bar APRILAPRIL APRIL APS.eduAPRIL APRIL School AppreciationLibrarianDay Volunteer Recognition Week Tennis ChampionshipsMetro (through April 22) Golf ChampionshipsMetro Track ChampionshipsMetro (through April 28)

SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY MAY 2023 5 12 19 26 2 6 13 20 27 3 4 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 10 17 24 8 15 22 29 11 18 25 1 4321 5 30 9 31 Last Day of School for Traditional Calendar School Lunch Hero Day Memorial Day (schools & offices closed) Mother’s Day SAT Class of 2023 High school graduation ceremonies will be held the week of May 15. Comprehensive high schools will graduate at Tingley Coliseum. Magnet high schools will hold their graduation ceremonies at the Berna Facio Professional Development Complex. Get more information at Congratulations to the class of 2023. Dates are subject to change. Teacher Appreciation Day Cinco De Mayo School AppreciationNurse Day Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting Graduation Week (through May 20) AP Exams (through May 12) San Felipe Pueblo Feast Day Focus On Youth Exhibit (through June 4) Asian Pacific Heritage Month Jewish American Heritage Month School Principals Day Traditional Calendar Make-Up Days Traditional Calendar Make-Up Days MAYMAY APS.eduMAYMAY MAYMAY

SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 29 5 12 19 26 30 6 13 20 27 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 1 2 3 4 5 2928 28 31 9 30 Flag DaySandia Pueblo Feast Day Father’s Day Find My School To find your neighborhood school or for a map of district boundaries, go to and click on Find My School. Dates are subject to change. Board of Education Meeting Ohkay Owingeh Feast Day SATACTLast Day of School for Extended Calendar World Refugee DaySummer Begins Extended Calendar Make-Up Days Extended Calendar Make-Up JuneteenthDays(schools and offices closed) Board of Education Meeting JUNE 2023 JUNEJUNE JUNE APS.eduJUNE JUNE JUNE Pride Month

SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 28 5 12 19 26 29 6 13 20 2728 2 16 23 7 14 21 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 29 30 1 252627 30 9 31 Independence Day (schools and offices closed) Buses Go to to find your bus stop, number, pick up and drop off times and route. Dates are subject to change. Board of Education Meeting Board of Education Meeting Cochiti Pueblo Feast Day Santa Ana Pueblo Feast Day ACT JULYJULYJULY 2023 JULYJULY JULY

A message from APS Superintendent Scott Elder


If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that human beings are hardwired to connect. Nowhere is that more true than in our schools. We’re all about making connections in Albuquerque Public Schools, and not just in the classroom, where every lesson—every interaction—provides an opportunity for students to connect cognitively, emotionally, physically, or socially to the world around them. We connect with families, colleagues, and neighbors, too. In doing so, we forge relationships and partnerships that build a solid foundation for students to learn, grow, and thrive.

2022 | 2023 CONNECTSAPS


Albuquerque Public Schools connects with students, families, staff and the community in a variety of ways:

Twitter,ParentVUE/StudentVUESchoolMessengerTheSchoolAPS.eduwebsitesCorenewsletterFacebook,Instagram, YouTube Peachjar Digital Flyers

These tools – combined with more traditional ways of reaching out such as phone calls and letters home, parent conferences and home visits – help inform and involve families in the academic journey of their children.

Each month’s featured photograph in the 2022-2023 APS calendar depicts the strong bond between our students and their teachers, principals, coaches, support staff, and peers. These glimpses in time represent the everyday happenings in schools across the district where APS educators foster passion, fuel curiosity, and transform lives. We do this by respecting each student’s unique story and recognizing individual desires, needs, and interests. Now more than ever, we need to intermingle grace and kindness with teaching and learning, keeping in mind the health, safety, and wellbeing of all of those around us. We will be more successful if we head down this unknown yet familiar path together through a school year that offers promise and hope. We owe it to our students—all of our students—to help and guide them along the way.

Relationships are two-way streets, so I encourage all members of our community to connect with their school district. Let’s keep the lines of communication open this school year. We have many tools to help you stay connected at the school and district levels. and school websites are good places to start, but don’t hesitate to pick up a phone, send an email, or drop by. There’s no better way to connect than in person, and we are grateful for every opportunity we have to make those human connections.

The American Association of Orthodontists now recommends screening for airway issues in children of all ages. A HAPPY SMILE BEGINS WITH A HEALTHY FOUNDATION. Did you know that crowding of teeth in young children is an early sign of pediatric airway and sleep issues? mcdonaldortho.com505.828.1244

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