BM Cure AP3 Patient Profile

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Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Patient Demographics Name: Eberla McPryer Age: 65 Gender: Female Medical History: Eberla had high blood pressure, a partial hysterectomy due to tumors, and a brain aneurysm, Melba had high blood pressure, heart disease, a hernia, Asthma, a hysterectomy due to tumors, polyps in her colon, GI issues, multiple gallstones, arthritis, cataract and a whole in one of her eyes. All of these conditions could possibly play a role in the ending result of a stroke.” Lifestyle Behaviors: Eberla sits in her wheelchair mostly all day and all night. She watches television while snacking on unhealthy foods. She orders #mealsonwheels to satisfy her stomach. Sometimes she will go to the store while watching her grandkids. Her grandkids keep her busy which lessens her blood pressure. She gets fresh air and showers everyday. Family Medical History: Eberla’s family medical history isn’t the healthiest. They mainly suffer from high blood pressure, tumors, a few brain aneurysms, heart disease’s, a small percentage of hernias, asthma, and arthritis just like her because they do not keep their body in the best condition. They consume a lot of unhealthy foods, exercise, or drink water which is a huge part of staying healthy. Purpose of Consultation: Eberla has had a stroke due to high blood pressure. She does not want to cause another one so she hopes to find out ways in staying healthy so that she doesn’t increase her blood pressure anymore than it currently is.

Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Patient Risk Family Risks: Factors that lead to certain conditions in the family would be things such a tumors, high blood pressure, unhealthy eating, physically stressing the body out, stroke, lack of sleep, drinks such as alcohol, fat, and more. Risk Assessment: According to the chart below, things that would put you in danger of getting a stroke would be drinking any type of alcohol, smoking, etc. If you want to minimize that factor, you would need to add more nuts to you diet, decrease saturated fats, eat more fruits and vegetables, quit smoking, increase physical activity, and consume vitamins.

Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Treatment/Prevention Suggestions (Pt 1) Medications: One of the medication that could be recommendable to Eberla would be Chlorthalidone. Chlorthalidone is a long acting diuretic used in the treatment of hypertension and in the treatment of edema associated especially with congestive heart failure, renal dysfunction, cirrhosis of the liver, or corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. It treats high blood pressure and fluid retention. The other medication recommendable to Eberla would be Ethacrynic. Ethacrynic is a loop diuretic used to treat high blood pressure and the swelling caused by diseases like congestive heart failure, liver failure, and kidney failure. Nutrition Plan: Recommended nutritious foods to eat would be Garlic, Flaxseed, Chocolate, Olive Oil. Beets, Pistachios, Pomegranate, and Carrots. Garlic provides ​3% of your RDA of manganese, 2% of vitamin C and vitamin B6, and 1% of both calcium and selenium, ​Flaxseed provides ​Omega-3 (ALA) 6,338mg, Fiber 8g, Protein 6g, Vitamin B1 31% RDA. Manganese 35% RDA, Magnesium 30% RDA, Phosphorus 19% RDA, and Selenium 10% RDA, Chocolate contains small amounts of essential nutrients such as protein,vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper and antioxidants. While chocolate may include some healthy things, it is high in fat and added sugar, and because of this it is a 'discretionary' food, ​Olive oil provides different kinds of olive oil called monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFAs). MUFA s are considered a healthy dietary fat. If you replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats, such as MUFAs and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), Beets are high in immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, and essential minerals like potassium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle function) and manganese (which is good for your bones, liver, kidneys, and pancreas). Beets also contain the B vitamin folate, which helps reduce the risk of birth defects, ​Pistachios provide ​nutrients like aforementioned vitamin B6, thiamine, potassium, copper,magnesium and iron, for starters. Pistachios also contain healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats but are free of trans fat and cholesterol, ​Pomegranates provide ​72 calories, 16.3 grams carbohydrates, 1.5 grams protein, 1 gram fat, 3.5 grams fiber, 11.9 grams sugar, 14.3 micrograms vitamin K (17.9 percent DV), and 8.9 milligrams vitamin C (14.8 percent DV), and ​Carrots because they provide​ 6% of vitamin C needs, 2% of calcium needs and 2% of iron needs per serving. They are also a good source of potassium,vitamins B6, copper, folic acid, thiamine and magnesium. Carrots also contain fibre, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorous,magnesium, vitamin E and zinc.

Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Treatment/Prevention Suggestions (Pt 2) Lifestyle Recommendations: Enable to keep a healthy and balanced heart, you should eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products. Skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm. By losing extra pounds, exercising regularly, reducing sodium from you diet, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, reducing the salt in your food, drinking more water, and staying at a positive energetic level can reduce your high blood pressure as well.

Alternative Therapies: One of the therapies recommended for Eberla would be ​Calcium channel blockers. Calcium Channel Blockers prevent calcium from entering cells of the heart and blood vessel walls, resulting in lower blood pressure. They are also called calcium antagonists, relax and widen blood vessels by affecting the muscle cells in the arterial walls. The second type of therapy which involves yoga (meditation) would be Head-To-Knee Pose . Head-To-Knee Pose is a forward folding posture that is calming and relaxing, and can help with anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and mild depression. Physically, the pose stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and groins, stimulates the liver and kidneys, and also improves digestion.

Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Patient Goals Goals and Timeline: Goals you should try to reach are stretching by doing the ​Head-To-Knee Pose yoga pose, trying the Calcium channel blocker, eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, losing extra pounds, exercising regularly, reducing sodium from you diet, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, reducing the salt in your food, drinking more water, staying at a positive energetic level, consuming garlic, flaxseed, chocolate, olive oil, beets, pistachios, pomegranate, carrots, and taking medicines like Chlorthalidone and Ethacrynic. You should keep doing this goal until you feel like you have lowered your high blood pressure to a certain point. This is necessary because it will help you in the long run and give you lots of energy for future purposes.

Patient Profile Cure Action Project 3 ​Sources used in Consultation BM. Google Docs. Patient Profile. 2017 BM. Google Docs. BM CURE AP3 Prep Worksheet (Patient Recommendation). 2017 BM. Google Docs. Interview Answers. 2017 BM. Google Docs. BM CUR3-Summary of Care-Rubric (2016). 2017

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