GCA Construction News Bulletin May 2016

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PRESIDENT James A. Martinez Guam Constractors Association

Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with Adztech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA.

PUBLISHER: James Martinez

PAST CHAIRMAN John Sage WATTS Constructors CHAIRMAN William Beery Tutujan Hill Group VICE CHAIRMAN Conchita Bathan Core Tech International SECRETARY/TREASURER John Robertson AmOrient Contracting CONTRACTORS DIRECTORS: Joe Roberto East Island Tinting Mark Mamczarz Black Construction Corp Peter Errett Hawaiian Rock Products Jessica Barrett Barrett Plumbing Rick Brown Pernix Guam LLC ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Jeffrey Larson TakeCare Asia Pacific Paul Blas Matson Navigation Patty Lizama Pacific Isla Life Mark Cruz Mid Pac Far East


While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA or Adztech of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, production team, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers.

PRODUCTION TEAM LEAD: Geri Leon Guerrero AD SALES: Jaceth Duenas PRODUCTION: Geri Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland Jaceth Duenas PHOTOGRAPHERS: Christopher “Taco” Rowland EDITOR: Adztech

For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at adztech@teleguam.net.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Robertson R.D. Gibson John Aguon Ted Garrison

Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.

GCA STAFF: Desiree Lizama Christie Rose Ngiratereged Elaine Gogue

To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671)647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: gca@teleguam.net. www.guamcontractors.org

COVER: Roy Igtanloc of CMS

Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 718 N. Marine Drive Corps Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.

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4 | MAY2016


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General Membership Meeting April 21, 2016 LT Hadi Mirsadeghi, CEC, USN NBG APWO, was this month’s first speaker at the meeting at the Outrigger Resort. He shared his experience in NAVFAC to date prior to arrival at NAVFAC Marianas, which included engineering support services at the military hospital in Bethesda, MD and at Port Hueneme in California. appreciation for the wheel chair that was donated by the Guam Post to the Veterans in December 2015.

LT Hadi Mirsadeghi

Mr Leon Guerrero gave a presentation regarding the plans and goals for DPW projects, including the Guam Transportation Improvement Plan for

Mr Jere Johnson, President of Hawaiian Rock

Mr Glenn Leon Guerrerro, Director of the Department of Public Works

A N N O U N C E M E N T S:

S A V E T H E D A T E:

• Nominations for the SAME board are coming up

• 5 May Spring Mixer @ Driving Range 6 – 8pm

• DOD Summer Camp Dates:

• 14 May Charlie Corn Golf Tournament

June 12-18

US Army Camp - Vicksburg Post

June 19-25

US Marine Corps Camp

July 7-13

US Air Force Academy Camp

SAME Guam Post or log on to www.SAME.org & click on “Membership” at the top of the Home Page 6 | MAY2016


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PROJECT UPDATES Mr Glenn Leon Guerrero, DPW, was on hand at last month’s meeting to share the highlight and future prospects in store for Guam. A total of 38 projects has been completed at $133.5 million in constructed cost since 2008, 17 projects worth $178.8 million are currently in the planning and design phase. PROGRAM FUNDING AMOUNTS (FHWA & GARVEE) FY 2016 $29.7 million FY 2017 $63.5 million FY 2018 $15.9 million FY 2019 $14.3 million

Notable Projects (FHWA & GARVEE Funded) under the Guam Transportation Improvement Program to go to construction include: FY 2016 Ajayan Bridge Replacement FY 2017 Tiyan Parkway, Phase II FY 2018 Island Safety Projects FY 2019 Route 14 Resurfacing Further information regarding the FY 2016-FY 2019 Guam Transportation Improvement Program can be found at www.guamtransportationprogram.com

Photos and Information courtesy of Department of Public Works www.guamcontractors.org

MAY2016 | 7


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NATO Confronts Russia in the Baltics NATO plans to boost its troops’ presence along its border with Russia. Western officials said last week the alliance will send four battalions—about 4,000 troops—to Poland and the ex-Soviet Baltic countries. “The Defense Ministry is taking a series of measures to counter the expansion of NATO forces in direct proximity to the Russian border,” Mr. Shoigu said at a ministry meeting shown on state television.

By John M. Robertson

Western officials have said the alliance will send about 4,000 troops to Poland and the Baltics. Russia Says It Is Creating Three New Divisions to Counter NATO Moves. World peace is being challenged on multiple fronts these days. The most ferocious are attacks by militants of the so called Islamic State (ISIL or ISIS) with the murder of innocent Christians as well as peace loving Muslims in the Middle East, North and East Africa. The terrorism is spilling over into Europe and with threats of the same into the United States. Then there are challenges from China with expansionist ideas using money and threats of military action in a re-measuring of the South China Sea and East China Sea. North Korea is gaining a lot of press from its military provocations but without the means of conquest on any front. The greatest threat of all is from Russia with its ability to fight aggressively in conventional warfare. They have proven this capability in the Crimea and in Ukraine. They could not stand up against the U.S. military and its NATO allies but could inflict serious damage to world peace. Russia is creating three new divisions to counter the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s planned expansion along its eastern flank, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday 3rd May, in a move that comes amid rising tensions in the region. Moscow has threatened it will respond to

10 | MAY2016

The Pentagon has said new NATO troop deployments are in response to Russia’s “provocative” military exercises along its borders with alliance members. Russia says its exercises are partly a result of the increased NATO presence. The announcements of troop increases at the border follow incidents that have raised concerns about a potential crisis in the Baltics. Russian warplanes intercepted a U.S. Navy destroyer and Air Force plane last month. According to the U.S. account, Russian warplanes and a military helicopter repeatedly buzzed the USS Donald Cook, flying to within 75 feet of the warship as it carried out operations on the Baltic Sea. Alexander Golts, a Russian military analyst and visiting researcher at Uppsala University

in Sweden, said such incidents would continue until Russian President Vladimir Putin believed Washington was treating Moscow on an equal basis. “The West cannot ignore Russia. If they try to ignore Russia, they will undertake more and more risky missions,” said Mr. Golts, who said Russia and NATO need to figure out a way to communicate to avoid accidents. “What is needed is more mechanisms to make sure such incidents don’t have disastrous consequences.” In a news conference in Mons, Belgium, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the alliance’s planned troop buildup in the Baltic States wouldn't have happened if Russia had not used force against Ukraine in 2014. Mr. Stoltenberg said he had seen reports about Russia’s additional military buildup “close to NATO’s borders.” “This is part of a broader picture and pattern we have seen for many years now,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. NATO’s planned deployment, he continued, was a reaction to a more assertive Russia that has demonstrated the will to change borders with force. “What we do is defensive,” he said. “We do that because we need to send a clear signal that we stand together, we have a credible defense and deterrence. And we will continue to respond.” Mr. Stoltenberg confirmed the alliance was

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu delivers a speech in Moscow on April 27. PHOTO: REUTERS


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Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu delivers a speech in Moscow on April 27. PHOTO: REUTERS

contemplating a battalion-sized presence in several Eastern European countries. He said a final decision on the military presence will be made at the Warsaw summit in July. But he said the troops will be multinational, “sending a clear signal [that] if you attack one country you attack the whole alliance.” Russia has already spent billions of dollars to reform its military and modernize its arms industry, though an economic crisis brought about by lower oil prices as well as U.S. and EU sanctions has slowed some plans. Mr. Putin has promised to spend more than 21 trillion rubles, or more than $300 billion, to revamp Russia’s fighting forces by the end of the decade. Three divisions would represent around 30,000 troops, but military analysts said it was unclear whether or not the units would be created from scratch or from existing formations in those regions. Two divisions in Russia’s western military district are likely intended to directly counter increased NATO troop numbers in the Baltics and Poland, while an additional division in the south will increase troop presence along the border with Ukraine, Mr. Golts said. Mr. Shoigu said work had already started to build up the units’ new headquarters. Moscow is planning to increase the number of its armed forces by 10,000 this year as the military pushes to turn the armed forces into a one-million-man fighting force. A U.S. Air Force reconnaissance plane on Thursday 14th April was intercepted by a Russian fighter plane over the Baltic Sea in what American officials said was an unsafe and unprofessional manner, the second such instance in a week. Russian officials disputed


the account, saying they were responding to an unidentified target approaching their border at high speed. The incident could further complicate U.S.-Russia relations. As the U.S. builds up its assets in the Baltic Sea, Russia has taken a more aggressive posture in response. The disconnect over each side’s intentions has resulted in an increase of incidents between the American and Russian militaries in the region, according to U.S. officials. Russia sees the U.S. operating in its own backyard and doesn’t like it. That has resulted in a “game of chicken,” said Eugene Rumer,

INSIDER NEWS who directs the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank in Washington. “They don’t want to take on the U.S. in an outright military confrontation, but the way I read this body language of theirs, they are not just going to stand by and watch it, they are going to make it difficult,” Mr. Rumer said. “They will use the entire toolkit they have, and harassment is part of the arsenal.” The Russian jet came to within 50 feet of the Air Force plane and then executed a barrel roll over the American plane’s left side to its right, U.S. European Command officials said. Lt. Col. David Westover, a spokesman for European Command, said the aircraft, an RC-135, was flying on a routine route in international air space on Thursday when the incident occurred. “This unsafe and unprofessional air intercept has the potential to cause serious harm and injury to all aircrews involved,” Col. Westover said. “More importantly, the unsafe and unprofessional actions of a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between countries.” Moscow sees the incident differently. Reports that the Russian Su-27 jets made a dangerous approach were “not true,” according to a Russian military spokesman. Gen. Konashenkov said the Russian aircraft

The latest flash point – the Baltic States and Belarus with long border with Russia of which Kaliningrad is a part. World Sites Atlas.

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had scrambled in response to “an unidentified aerial target heading to the Russian state border at high speed.” “The flight of the Russian aircraft was carried out in the strict accordance with the international rules of the airspace usage, no emergency situations emerged,” he said. The incident came just days after Russian aircraft buzzed the USS Donald Cook as it conducted exercises with the Polish military. The Russian jets and a helicopter flew to within 75 feet of the destroyer in another sign that the Russian military is using increasingly aggressive tactics in the Baltic Sea to deter U.S. ships. U.S. officials see the Cook incident as being more serious. European Command officials said they are protesting both incidents to the Russian government through diplomatic channels. Unnerved by the buildup of U.S. assets in the Baltic Sea, Russia has begun to act more aggressively toward American aircraft and warships operating there. That is in response to an increase in operations by the U.S. and its NATO allies that are worried about increased Russian submarine activity and an increase in Russian military presence in Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave, where Russia is positioning longer-range surface-to-air missiles. NATO in February approved the outlines of a new modern deterrence strategy and in July will propose what is likely to be a multinational alliance force positioned in Poland and the Baltic States, reinforcing Moscow’s concerns of a buildup. The alliance has said the troops are rotational, not permanent, and the size will be well under any definition of substantial. NATO says the force is in keeping with a 1997 agreement with Russia that prohibits permanent stationing of substantial combat forces. Russia has said the alliance is playing games with words and the force will in fact be permanent by any reasonable definition. Officials believe the alliance is building up a force to threaten Russia. “We have a new military buildup in the Baltic area that from our point of view is completely unjustified,” said Alexander Grushko, the Russian ambassador to NATO. “We don’t see any difference between persistent, continuous rotation, or permanent presence.” Russian officials argue the weaponry they have put in Kaliningrad is purely defensive, 12 | MAY2016

Two Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft fly near the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea on April 12 in the first of two reported incidents between U.S. and Russian military assets. PHOTO: U.S. NAVY/ASSOCIATED PRESS

a response to military maneuvering by its neighbors and more aggressive exercises by American forces. They note the U.S. and Britain have large exercises with Poland planned this year. Russian officials said NATO is trying to surround them with larger forces, not just with the buildup in the Baltic but also publicly discussing a Black Sea presence for the alliance. “We don’t know where the end is in this military buildup,” Mr. Grushko said. Any time the U.S. Navy encounters an incident at sea or in the air that occurs within 2,000 yards of a naval asset, the U.S. compiles those incidents and classifies them as to whether the other ship or aircraft conducted itself professionally or safe or in a usual way, or unprofessionally or unsafe or unusual. The number of those incidents with the Russian military that are deemed either unsafe or unprofessional has grown in recent years, according to a U.S. official. “What has been the unusual is now becoming the usual,” one U.S. official said Sunday 15th April. U.S. and NATO officials said the recent string of incidents is particularly worrisome because it appears that Russian pilots are trying to challenge norms and safety precautions that go back to the Cold War. A year ago, in a similar incident, the Pentagon lodged a protest with Russia over what it called the unsafe interception of a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft in the Baltic Sea. In that case, the U.S. RC-135U was flying north of Poland over the Baltic Sea when it was approached by a Russian Su-27 fighter at high speed, according to U.S. officials. NATO has been calling for renewed dialogue with Russia and the two sides were due to meet

Wednesday 20th April in Brussels in the first NATO-Russia Council meeting since June 2014. While the recent incidents were not on the agenda, the two sides were due to talk about how to make sure military exercises are transparent and do not escalate into crisis—an agenda item pushed by U.S. officials “We are concerned of a pattern of incidents with what we consider irresponsible behavior by Russian pilots,” the senior NATO official said. On Friday 15th April, before the intercept was made public, Mr. Grushko, Russia’s ambassador to NATO, said in a roundtable with reporters in Brussels that the U.S. and its allies were undertaking an unjustified military buildup in the Baltic region and that the incident with the USS Cook occurred about 45 miles from Russia’s military bases in Kaliningrad. Russia is playing a dangerous game, said Olga Oliker, a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “I would argue that it takes a certain amount of intellectual convolution to get to the point where you think that their operations are anything but intentionally provocative,” she said. “What signal is this sending other than: look at us, see what we can do.”

The foregoing was adapted from a 4th May 2016 Wall Street Journal article by Thomas Grove and a 17th April 2016 article by Gordon Lubold, Julian E. Barnes and Nathan Hodge.


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On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Guam Contractors Association, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to our sponsors, exhibitors and attendees of the GCA Industry Trade Fair. As the industry continues to grow over the next few years, it’s important to keep up with the latest in technological advancements in building materials, equipment and work processes. The GCA Industry Trade Fair


services. We have many things to look forward to and wish all our members the best as we prepare for the future. JAMES MARTINEZ President Guam Contractors Association





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By John Aguon

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This banner message creates a peculiar evangelical tenor; yet, it rings true for those who would, as they say, “Embrace the culture.” Of course, this imperative is clanging the bells of a safety herald among the construction sector masses and managers. It seeks to bring about more than just pithy sayings populating construction sites and office decor to break up the “white” space; and, to cultivate a practical understanding that good safety principles and practices give way to actual construction performance begetting quality construction results. Safety works for the good of all; stretching beyond the rule of “on-time-under-budget”. It lends new meaning, particularly, to the demonstrated excellence of one contractor, CMS Incorporated, a local Department of Defense (DOD) contractor—having received the 2015 National Safety Excellence Award from Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) in March of this year, at the 26th annual Excellence in Construction® Awards in Fort Lauderdale, FL. According to the company’s posted release on their website (www.cms-corporation.com): The 2015 National Safety Excellence Award winners were selected from ABC member firms that achieved Diamond, Platinum and Gold status in ABC’s Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP). During the selection process, national safety winners were judged on




self-evaluation scores, lost workday case rates, total recordable rates, leading indicator use, process and program innovations, and video interviews conducted by members of ABC’s National Environment, Health & Safety Committee. CMS was one of 20 firms nationwide to receive this prestigious award. Further in that release it states: “CMS’s safety record demonstrates how a company-wide commitment to safety, one of our core values, can deliver outstanding results,” said CMS CEO Ernest Enrique. “CMS’s safety record illustrates that our corporate culture emphasizes safety and cares for our people – our greatest asset. We believe every incident is preventable and we commit to do our part to help drive the construction industry toward zero-incident job sites. Our ultimate goal is that every employee returns home in the same—or better—condition in which they arrived.” Hailing from Hoosier country, Indiana-established CMS (established in 1996), began its Guam operations in 2009 with then mentor-partner Toltest. From that genesis as an SBA 8(a) Contractor, CMS later reached Small Business status—it remains a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), and shines as a sterling success story for SBA. They are also a Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBE).

MAY2016 | 17



CMS Receives Prestigious 2015 ABC National Safety Excellence Award In previous years, CMS was a ABC STEP Diamond Awardee and ABC STEP Platinum Awardee. Steeped in a culture of quality, integrity, service, respect, and leadership, CMS continues a tradition of achievement and recognition well-known to its customers, sub-contractors, and employees alike. And, speaking to the how of what makes that reality is Roy Igtanloc, Senior Project Manager-Guam. “We have a very strong commitment to safety at CMS. In fact, we’ve invested in our personnel, like Cris Pantino, Safety Manager; who is also a certified OSHA instructor, and a 5-year staffer with the company.” Igtanloc, a construction veteran of some 24 years on Guam, (having worked with other well-established firms like Black Construction, DCK, and Fletcher Pacific; and, now recently, these past 2 years, with CMS, oversees the Guam team and their attendant projects), gives further commentary. “Pantino makes daily visits to our project sites and is in continuous communication with each respective project safety officer. He, Pantino, also reports regularly to our Corporate Safety Director, at our home office in Indiana.” So, the communication loop for CMS, as described by Igtanloc, is fluid, live, and deliberative. “Each day, prior to commencing on the actual construction activity, the safety officer leads a tailgate meeting with the crew; discussing the variety of the relevant safety concerns surrounding the job site and current tasks,” says Igtanloc. He continues, “We take pride in our safety culture, and from the start here on Guam, we wanted to drive that focus.”


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airtime to the matter, he made mention of the thinking that safety conscientiousness and safety practice begets quality. As a note, he explained, “It is our requirement, not the Navy’s, that everyone working on any of our projects must go through our company’s safety orientation. We train them; this is where our escape route is, this is where our first aid kit is located, if there is an emergency, this is where we will convene, and we tell them everyday we will have a tailgate • meeting, to keep everyone aware.” To illustrate a practical tailgate scenario, Igtanloc gave a • narrative about the task of changing light fixtures. Since the worker may have to handle an electrical fixture, • Lockout-Tagout Procedure is discussed. “We explain to them that their should be a competent person to do the • Lockout-Tagout Procedure, not just any guy that happens to be around. We will advise them who that competent person; who •is the qualified person to do the Lockout-Tagout Procedure,” he remarked. Furthermore, he noted that if this particular task was rated as high voltage, they would require a certificate to be provided to verify the professional competency of the prospective designated person. From his scenario-building exercise, he had obviously had the experience and the acquired knowledge to give the proper safety advisory on this particular matter. But, more importantly, there seemed to be a genuine concern to keep the workplace safe; and ultimately, keep cultivating a presence of mind for safety. It had a “Know Safety. Know Success.” kind of feel about it. So, it was probably more about the reward, not the award. Well done, CMS.

According to Igtanloc, “Since we have a safety officer at each job site as mentioned earlier, we have a built-in redundancy in our safety program. Because, our Safety Manager, Pantino, can cover or overlap, if there is ever a vacancy—someone is sick, on personal time, whatever it is. We are able to cover the shortfall.” Also, CMS requires that their safety staff participate in recurrent training—a CMS initiative, company sponsored, always updating and refreshing safety knowledge and procedures. “Recently, Guam Contractors Association (GCA) published that OHSHA and DOL were promoting a voluntary Safety Stand-down May 2nd to May 6th. We will do our Safety Stand Down May 4th.” He believed it is an opportunity for CMS to give total focus to the topic and practice of safety. So, they will have all staff and subcontractors convene at their given job sites and safety will be the topic of the day. And, as he gave more

18 | MAY2016


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#StandDown4Safety By R.D. Gibson

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Most people have experienced the nuisance that is a ‘hypnic jerk’. Yes. They finally have a name for that cumbersome jolt that arbitrarily occurs as we lull ourselves to sleep. Isn’t it weird how sometimes the feeling is that of a dream of free falling or tripping, and not being able to catch ourselves? Or is that just me? It’s that point when our body is falling asleep when ‘twitches’ are released from our brains. It gets more technical, but usually leaves us wondering where we are for a split second. As real as the dream might seem, we are left shaken up and rolling over to catch the rest of our Z’s. However, the reality is a little more dangerous and can be fatal. It is what most construction companies try to prevent with consistent and continuous training. That is why OSHA decided to initiate a conversation for various construction companies around the nation called the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction. According to the OSHA website, the Stand-Down is an opportunity to raise awareness toward preventing fall hazards in construction. “Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction workers.” Of the 874 construction fatalities recorded in 2014, 337 were from falling. The main point that OSHA and their partners from throughout the nation want to point out is injury and death are preventable. The Stand-Down proved to be extremely successful. In 2015, over 2.5 million construction workers reportedly participated in the Stand-Down activities. With their eyes set on doubling that number, OSHA hopes to reach at least half of the construction workers nationwide. The Safety Stand-Down is an event for employers to speak to employees directly about falling and safety. It emphasizes ‘fall hazards’ and bolstering the message of fall prevention. OSHA worked with several key organizations throughout the nation including, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the National Occupational Research Agenda, the Center for Construction Research and Training, the National Safety Council, the U.S. Air Force, and the OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. But, with a goal of reaching nearly 5 million construction workers, it’s important to get the word out to everybody.


Consider designating someone to plan and organize the discussions; make a mini-conference out of it. Encourage it to be a part of team building and professional development. It’s a pretty cool opportunity to gain some traction from employees and management alike. It’s an opportunity to get more ideas and to even improve some others. Team building does not just stop with your crew and managers, but also the folks who subcontract, the engineers and architects who help with the larger project, and even the owners. It gives everyone a crash course or a refresher on what you’ve already been practicing. It might also help update an antiquated protocol that could be hindering efficient work. Getting more people involved in the conversation doesn’t just prevent the worst-case scenario, but helps everyone stay on the same page. It is really the best time to have a “what can we do better?” conversation. It’s the time to ask the hard questions, like: “What needs to be improved?”; “Are we meeting our goals?”; “Are we experiencing any safety issues involving falls? Fatalities, injuries, or near misses?”; “Are our employees aware of our fall protection protocol?”; “Should we have more available trainings?”; and “Do we need to revise policy?” When planning your Stand-Down, you might want to take a gander at the OSHA website, as it provides a wealth of knowledge, especially with the many resources like training tools, materials, lesson plans, and videos. It’s never a bad time to plan for extra training, even if it’s just to have employees brush up on their skills especially when it has something to do with something as important as safety. The Stand-Down in all it has to offer, also gives us a soft place to land so we can get right back up and learn from what we can fix and what we can do better.

OSHA also encourages employers to share the message over social media. Social media has taken over our way many people communicate nowadays. Likes, shares, hashtags, ‘double-taps’ have not just become the newest marketing tools, but have made it a way to share numerous messages. They are interactive ways to raise awareness within the entire community. By taking and sharing photos, writing about company’s participation, and using the hashtag #StandDown4Safety, construction companies are sure to initiate and even continue a conversation worth having – one that can save lives. However, this conversation should be universal, and year round. Even though the dates for this year’s Stand-Down have passed, you can get jumpstarted on next year, or even plan your own Stand-Down event between now and next year. But, how do we plan something that doesn’t take away from normal, day-to-day operations? Simple. Incorporate it as much as possible into team meetings and such. The OSHA website provides some useful tips, which range from the early stages of organization the Stand-Down to the after-action follow up.


MAY2016 | 21



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April 20, 2016 Hyatt Regency Guam Guest Speaker Jeff Voacolo

22 | MAY2016


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MAY2016 | 25


26 | MAY2016


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3-Player Team Modified Scramble. morning refreshments available at registraion. cold beverages, bbq hot dogs & hamburgers will be served on the course thoughout the event. awards banquet will immediatetly follow at the clubhouse. team prizes & door prizes will be given away at the banquet.

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was awarded four Task Orders totaling about $1,362,538.00 to replace roll-up doors, install fire

was awarded a $736K task

sprinklers, and perform renovations at

order to construct a standard

various facilities on Andersen AFB and

Navy Dive Locker extension

Navy Base Guam. IAN Corporation is

on Navy Base Guam.

one of 11 contractors participating on an 8(a) Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC).

DEWITT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES OF GUAM received a $142K firm-fixed price shredding services contract to dispose of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) documents.

DUENAS, CAMACHO & ASSOCIATES, INC. was awarded a HUBZone set-aside contract to perform Civil and Structural A-E services for NAVFAC Marianas. The total maximum dollar value, including the base period and all option periods, is about $20,000,000. A seed project in the amount of $296,447.00 was issued to prepare a design bid build package to upgrade wharf fittings.




WORKSHOPS The Guam Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) is offering FREE workshops to the public for May 2016. Workshops run from 9am-10am in Room 129 of the UOG School of Business

May 2016 5/12/16 - Marketing to the Federal Government The government buys products and services differently than the private sector. Are you ready to sell to the government? The Guam PTAC will discuss marketing strategies, essential documents, and how to get your company on "the list".

5/19/16 - How to Standout Online The Federal government transacts most of its business online. A successful government vendor needs to have a good online presence. The Guam PTAC will educate clients on website building as well as marketing via social media. Room 131

Building (unless otherwise specified)

5/26/16 - iRAPT Please register on our website, www.guamptac.com, or call or email Therese at Federal Business 735-2552 Source: / admin@guamptac.com. Walk-ins are welcome!

28 | MAY2016

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TIKIGAC CONSTRUCTION, LLC was awarded three task orders totaling about $6.2M to repair a running track/playing field and replace switchgears at Andersen Air Force Base. They will also perform energy and retro commissioning on Navy Base Guam.

RELIABLE BUILDERS, INC. was awarded a $5,338,000.00 Task Order to make energy efficiency improvements at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. Reliable Builders, Inc. is one of six contractors participating on a HUBZone Multiple Award Construction Contract (MACC).

5/25/16 - Get your Act Together 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. UOG Leon Guerrero SBPA Bldg. Room 131, First Floor Free Entry Presented by: Boris Hertslet Program Manager, Guam PTAC As the Guam Buildup moves forward, businesses should become aware of Federal Acts that apply to the Buildup and other federally funded contracts. Three of the most important Acts are the Service Contract Act, the Davis-Beacon Act and the Buy American Act. The Guam PTAC, in association with the Guam Contractors Association, will host a discussion on these Acts and how they apply to local businesses competing for Federal contracts.

Do you have a Federal contract and need to get paid? The Guam PTAC will To Register, contact Desiree Lizama at explain Federal invoicing Opportunities (FBO) and procedures Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). GCA at (671) 648-4840, or email using iRAPT (formerly WAWF).. desiree.lizama@guamcontractors.org


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It is with great sadness that the wife and family of Ted Garrison announce his passing on March 15, 2016 at Ormond Beach, FL after a valiant four-year fight with cancer. Ted was born to Rita (Carlson) and Theodore W. Garrison, Jr., (both preceded) on May 22, 1946, in Montclair, New Jersey. He spent a bucolic 1950s childhood in New Providence, New Jersey. He was a fine athlete, excelling in baseball and basketball, where his accurate foul shooting helped him become New Providence’s greatest single season scorer in 1963-64. Ted graduated from Rutgers University in 1970 with a BA in Liberal Arts, a BS in Civil Engineering, and a ROTC commission in the US Army. He was proud of having served his country as a 1st Lieutenant in the 2nd Armored Division (the famous “Hell on Wheels”) from 1970-72 during the Vietnam Era, but was always careful to differentiate his stateside service from those who saw combat. He was a diehard New York Mets fan from their very first season; enjoyed golf and watching most sports especially all things Rutgers. He read constantly having completed over 1500 books since college. Ted had 25 years management experience constructing 10 million square feet of commercial buildings in San Antonio, Houston and New Orleans. In addition to his Civil Engineering degree, he had practical experience working in framing, trim and survey crews. Most of his experience was working with general contractors and developers in project management or senior executive positions in the development and construction of hotels, office buildings 30 | MAY2016

and parks, storage facilities, and public buildings in San Antonio, Houston and New Orleans. His last major construction project was as the Director of Construction on the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's largest non-highway public works project in history. He was proud of having delivered this massive government project “on-time and on-budget.” Since 1998 he served the construction industry as a consultant, author, and speaker on construction management topics. He was author of Strategic Planning for Contractors & co-author of five books on marketing, customer service and leadership as well as numerous construction industry magazine articles. For 5 years he hosted an Internet radio program, New Construction Strategies, conducting weekly interviews on current industry issues with leading industry experts. Ted earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association and the Global Speakers Federation, a designation held by less than 10% of speakers worldwide. He was a member of the International Advisory Board, Performance Based Studies Research Group at Arizona State University. He averaged over 50 presentations a year to national audiences including AIA, ABC, AGC,

ARA,MCAA, CMAA, DBIA, IEC, NECA, PHCC, SMACNA, NFSA, World of Concrete, & others. He conducted seminars in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia and Russia. He was a member of ABC, AGC and DBIA. Ted lost his first wife, Jane (Gaskins) to cancer n 1986, leaving him with three young children. He is survived by his loving wife Bonda (Schafer) whom he married in 1989, and his daughter Shannon and son-in-law John Ambrogne of Orlando, and son Tedd (TWG IV) of Portland, OR. He was the proud grandpa of Theo (TWG V) of Kailua, HI (mother Mary Dozier) and Kyle Ambrogne. He was preceded by his daughter Gretchen (1978-2006). Memorial services were held on March 22 at Lohman Funeral Home, Ormond Beach. Family requests that any donations be made to The V Foundation for Cancer Research at www.jimmyv.org. Ted knew Jimmy Valvano from playing Rutgers basketball, and 100% of donations go directly to cancer research. Ted truly valued his construction industry role and experiences, and his family wishes to thank all his clients and associates in the industry for their business and support over the years. Garrison Associates is closed for business but we are confident that Ted is still preaching “best value” in a far better place.


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32 | MAY2016 3 1

Pipefitter Quality Control Inspector Radiology Technologist Spa Therapist Specialty Chef Italian







3 3 1 8 1 2 1 1 8 14




Biomedical Equipment Specialist

Cardiac Cath Registered Nurse


Chemo Registered Nurse


Crew Leader Diving Instructor Electrical Drafter ER Registered Nurse Executive Assistant Manager F&B Figaro Coffee Shop Supervisor Florist Guest Relations Host/Hostess HE Mechanic ICU Registered Nurse

Inventory Control Manager

Landscape Gardener

Laundry Maintenance Technician


5 12 5

5 2 1


Market Research Analyst

Massage Therapist Med-Surge OR Registered Nurse

Message Therapist Motor Repairer MRI Technician

NICU OR Registered Nurse

Total Non-Construction H2-B Workers


Marine Maintenance Mechanic

Med-Tele Registered Nurse


Maintenance Machinery Worker

Les Mills Exercise Instructor and Trainer 1

Specialty Chef Thai Specialty Cook Surgical Registered Nurse Ultrasound Technician Wedding Service Attendant Welder/Fitter

Scuba Instructor

Pediatrics Registered Nurse


1 1 6 2 1 18



10 2




OR Registered Nurse


Assistant Solar (PV) Installer

Automotive Repairer

4 1

1 5 11

NICU Registered Nurse OBGYN/IMU Registered Nurse

34 91 11

Heavy Equip. Operator Electrician

7 3 4 17 5 1 5 1

A/C Maint Tech A/C Mech Welders Iron Worker Welder Const Equipment Mechanic HVAC Welder

TOTAL Construction H-2B Workers




He Mechanic

Total OTHER Construction

2 1






Total U.S. Workers

Grand Total H2B Workers

US Workers vs. H-2B



Korea Thailand 0.33% 0.26%







7.69% 0.93%

Other 0.00%

Peru 0.07%

Prepared By: Paul Miyasaki Contact information: Greg Massey, ALPCD Administrator P.O. Box 9970 Tamuning, Guam 96931 (671)475-8005/8003

Camp Cook

Heavy Equip. Operator Electrician

Sheetmetal Worker

Reinforcing Metalworker Structural Steelworker Plumber


Cement Mason






United Kingdom





United Kingdom 0.07%

Kiribati 0.00%


Common Construction Occupations

Philippines 99.21%

Japan 0.00%

Australia 0.00%

Italy 0.07%

H-2B Population by Nationality










Grand Total H-2B Workers

Total U.S. Workers

34 74

Total H-2B Employers

Construction Non-Construction


1502 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 0 1524

Employers By Industry

Philippines Korea Japan Kiribati United Kingdom Australia Italy Peru Thailand Other Total by Nationality

Workers by Nationality

Total Common Const.

Camp Cook



9 33

Structural Steelworker Plumber Sheetmetal Worker

6 3

473 111

Reinforcing Metalworker


Common Construction Occupations 420 Cement Mason

MONTH ENDING: March 2016


7 2

HE Mechanic Plasterer


HE Mechanic AC Mechanic

General Maintenance Repair


HE Mechanic HVAC

Other Construction Occupations

Employers Workplace Monthly Report Statistics

Machinist A/C Maintenance Technician

Other Non-Construction Occupations

GUAM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Alien Labor Processing Certification Division



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