Piedmont Links
April 25, 2015
30th Anniversary White Rose Luncheon

The Links, Incorporated founded in 1946, is one of the oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry.

Lifestyles your

• Central Family YMCA ~ 615 W. Franklin Blvd, Gastonia, NC 28052
• Cherryville Family YMCA ~ 119 East Main St, Cherryville, NC 28021
• Pharr Family YMCA ~ 208 Main St, McAdenville, NC 28101
• South Gaston YMCA ~ 3210 Union Rd, Gastonia, NC 28056
• Stowe Family YMCA ~ 196 YMCA Dr, Belmont, NC 28012
• Watson Insurance ~ 245 East 2nd Ave, Gastonia, NC 28052
• Habitat for Humanity ~ 1840 E Franklin Blvd Gastonia, NC 28054

• Merle Norman ~ 520-524 S. New Hope Rd, Greyland Park, Gastonia, NC 28054
• Millers Auto Service ~ 511 E 2nd Ave, Gastonia, NC 28054
• Hart’s Auto Service ~ 3415 S. New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28056
• Tindol Ford ~ 1901 E Franklin Blvd, Hwy 74, Gastonia, NC 28054

The Reception 11:30-12:00
Jazz Trio
Gerard Benson-Bass, Thomas Green-Drums
Judith Porter- Keyboards
The Luncheon
The Occasion and Welcome
Deborah Ally, Chapter President
The Blessing
Jocelyn Thompson, Chapter Chaplain
Heritage of the Links, Incorporated
Christine Nelson, WBTV Morning Anchor
Mistress of Ceremony
Veggie and Hummus Tray Fruit and Cheese Tray Pita Points
Mixed Green Salad with choice of Ranch or Balsamic
Spotlighting the Arts
Jacqueline Robinson, Arts Facet Chair
Martie Goode, Dancer
Paisley Williams, Vocalist
David Currence, Vocalist
Presentation of Awards and Scholarships
Jocelyn Thompson, Chapter Chaplain

Constance William, Scholarship Committee Chair
Scholarship Recipients
Destiny Sanders
Milton Key
Trenton Joiner
Presentation of Door Prizes
Christine Nelson
Valerie Waddell Door Prize Runners
Introduction of Chapter Members, Alumnae Members& Visiting Links
Trish Johnson
Recognition of Outstanding Hats
Trish Johnson
Betty Worthy
Closing Remarks
Deborah Ally, Chapter President
Caprese Chicken: Marinated
Chicken Breasts topped with Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Basil Pesto
Herb Encrusted Tilapia
Herb Roasted Potatoes

National President
Greetings Link Sisters,
I am pleased to welcome Link sisters, guests and supporters of the Piedmont (NC) Chapter to the 30th White Rose Luncheon.
For 33 years, your chapter has been at the helm of numerous vital service projects. Through your programs, Clean Teeth at Halloween and Girls on the Run, you have focused on health and fitness services to young boys and girls, which demonstrate your commitment to increasing health education. What’s more, you have implemented a reading program for middle school students called Literacy Explosion and have provided 100 women’s survival kits for women in Haiti. In executing programs that focus on education, culture and healthy living, you are purposefully addressing the needs of your community.
As you celebrate, I charge your chapter with reflecting on all you have accomplished, while also remembering there is still much work to be done. It is through the great work of your chapter that we continue to sustain the rich legacy of our co-founders and extend our organization’s reach throughout the Piedmont community.
I am certain that the friends and supporters of the Piedmont (NC) Chapter join me in applauding your outstanding endeavors. I am proud of the significant impact this chapter has made in Building A Healthy Legacy: Our Prescription for the Future.
Glenda Newell-Harris, M.D.
Southern Area Director

I bring greetings and well wishes to the Piedmont (NC) Chapter from Links throughout the Southern Area in honor of its 30th White Rose Luncheon. For three decades, the Piedmont (NC) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated has influenced the lives of the members of its community.
In its rich history, the Piedmont (NC) Chapter has consistently engaged in powerful programs that have effected change. The chapter’s influence has been widespread and successful. Through its signature fund raising event, today’s White Rose Luncheon, the name of The Links, Incorporated and its mission have been engraved in the hearts and minds of the community. The chapter has also extended the reach of its service through philanthropic support. Because of your generous financial support, the Piedmont (NC) Chapter has enriched the local community and beyond through initiatives such as Clean Teeth at Halloween, Girls On The Run, Literacy Explosion, Artists In School and Women’s Survival kits for women in Haiti.
I congratulate the members of the Piedmont (NC) Chapter for your past and present accomplishments and look forward to your continued legacy of Effecting Change Through the Power of Friendship and Service.
In the spirit of celebration and achievement, Eneid A. Francis 18th Southern Area Director
Eneid A. Francis
Glenda Newell-Harris
On behalf of the Links Incorporated – Piedmont (NC) Chapter I welcome you to the 30th White Rose Luncheon. This year we promise to provide great entertainment, good food, lots of laughter and a parade of fabulous hats as we party with a purpose.
The funds raised during this event support the programs and initiatives throughout our service areas which include Gaston, Catawba and Cleveland Counties. Your financial support allows us to partner with various organizations throughout the community to provide quality programs for women and youth through our areas of focus which include the arts, education and health.
It is an honor and a delight to serve as the 17th President of the Piedmont (NC) Chapter. My desire is to build on the great leadership established by my predecessors and provide a pathway for first-class service and heartfelt friendship in the years to come. It is our goal through the enriched legacy of community service and the dedicated work we do to be a benefit to all the lives we touch.
I want to thank our National President, Glenda Newell-Harris, M.D., our Southern Area Director, Eneid A. Francis and the members of the Piedmont chapter for setting the standards of excellence as we remain linked in friendship and connected in service.
Enjoy the 2015 White Rose Luncheon!

Janice Hammond
Years of Service
Ruth McDowell 1984-1986
Margaret Wilson 1986-1988
Peggie Ferguson 1988-1989
Mildred Sadler 1989-1992
Elfreida Brooks 1992-1994
Ruth McDowell 1994-1996
Johnnie Moore 1996-1998
Brenda Bowden 1998-2000
Elizabeth Brooks-Gordon 2000-2002
Peggie Ferguson 2002-2004
Brenda Friday 2004-2006
Patricia Johnson
Ann Neal 2008-2010
Ann Neal 2010-2012
Regina Taylor 2012-2014
Deborah Ally 2014-2016

Deborah McQuitter Ally

Sidney Logan Echevarria Vice President, Membership
In 1946, Sarah Scott and Margaret Hawkins invited seven friends to join them in creating a service-oriented organization rooted in friendship. This founding meeting launched The Links, Incorporated. In 1979, three friends, Janice Hammond, Margaret Wilson, and Hazel Russell, gathered to discuss the possibility of organizing a chapter of The Links, Incorporated in this area. The three women engaged other friends, and in 1982, their group became the Piedmont (NC) Chapter. Since then, the Piedmont (NC) Chapter has continued to proudly carry forward the legacy of Sarah Scott and Margaret Hawkins, and today stands linked in friendship and in service.
The members of the Piedmont (NC) Chapter form a sisterhood that is committed to working together as friends to improve the communities in which we serve. Our chapter is comprised of women of various ages, professional backgrounds and areas of expertise. Through our dedication to our organization, our communities, and each other, our bond of friendship and service sustains and empowers us.
In addition the work we do in the community, our chapter engages in a number of friendship of activities throughout the year, and each November we observe National Friendship Month. This observance allow us to take time to honor those that founded our organization and to renew and celebrate the friendships we’ve gained through The Links, Incorporated.

Service through friendship allows us to deepen our connections with each other by working together to provide world-class service within our communities in the areas of education, cultural enrichment, health and wellness, international awareness, and civic involvement.
President, Deborah Ally
VP Membership, Sidney Echevarria
VP Programming, Tequel D. Hager
Recording Secretary, Erica Brown
Corresponding Secretary, Arnita Dula
Financial Secretary, Sahnia
Treasurer, Revonda Jessup
Org. Effectiveness, Trish Johnson
Alumnae Williams
Chloe Dockery
Jeanne Gregory
Joyce Fisher
Brenda Friday
Viella Mason
Anne Miller
Ann Neal
Mildred J. Sadler
Flossie Saddler
Myrtice Barnwell
Margaret Davie
Valerie Dunning
Elizabeth Brooks Gordon
Shawnya Gore
Angela Gravely-Harris
Dorothy Guthrie
Janice Hammond
Brenda Kegler
Jacqueline Robinson
Thomasina Sadler
Lisa Sido
Regina Taylor
Vivian Taylor
Jocelyn Thompson
Valerie Waddell
Constance Walker
Betty Werts
Jeanette Whitaker
Betty Worthy
Clara Lowery
2015 Inductees, Barbara Williams, Donyel Barber, Takierra Hopkins and Monica Alexander
Greeting Friends
Welcome to the 30th Anniversary of the Piedmont Chapter White Rose Luncheon. The luncheon is a pivotal event for our chapter as it allows us to showcase the best of the talent within Gaston, Catawba and Cleveland Counties. Throughout the years, our chapter has done much to serve our communities through the five facets of The Links, Inc.: The Arts, National Trends and Services, International Trends and Services, Services to Youth, and Health and Human Services.
In the area of The Arts, our signature program is sponsoring an annual Black History Artist in Schools Program in area schools for grades K-12. This program is done with support from the Gaston Art Council and Anthony Gallant State Farm Insurance. Over the years, we have dancers, singers and others to bring culture alive at area schools. This year, we featured Gary Mumford and his Drum Ensemble.
National Trends and Services has done such program as collection of schools supplies for various schools. NTS has also organized and participated in Link Teams for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Relay for Life, and Alzheimer Walker-thons. We also hosted poster contests on healthy eating and good physical fitness. A signature program for the chapter has been the implementation and organization of an annual Health Fair. The health fair allows the chapter to provide a site and booths for local physicians and health care providers. This year, our National Trends and Service is also focused on anti-bullying and building self-esteem with young ladies at Lingerfield Elementary.
International Trends and Services supports many of our national initiatives. Some of these includes, Mamma Kit, which provide kits to help women in South Africa to have the sterile items needed in the birth of their baby; building water wells and providing school supplies to students in South Africa. This year, we provided support to help with the Ebola Crisis in various countries. We also provided support in the purchase of desks and chairs in Ututu, a village in Nigeria. This is a program our chapter has supported for the last 3 years. Recently the chapter also did a service project where we collect hygiene supplies to build Women Survival Kits for Haiti in concert with Sabine Guerriera and the Haitian Heritage and Friends of Haiti.
Service to Youth focuses on young people and helping them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Our chapter for the last several years has collaborative with schools and Gaston Health Department to implement Girls on the Run for 4th and 5th grade girls. Through this program we provide weekly seminars on healthy lifestyles through leadership and college preparation, social and self-esteem activities by musing Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles, Personality Inventory and Financial Literacy training materials to assist youth to become aware of how to achieve personal greatness. Along with the work we done w/Girls on the Run, we have also partnered with Gaston Youth Connect to help develop the skills to make healthy lifestyle choices along with developing a sense of community while building positive character traits that enhance self-worth.
Our newest facet, Health and Human Services continues to promote programing originally done under National Trends and Services. Their focus is on those initiative which affect our body. Some of the programs which now follow under their premise is our Clean Teeth at Halloween Program. This program is our kick-off program every year as we go into area schools and talk about the benefits of good dental hygiene and heathy eating and minimize the amount of candy children have around Halloween.
Some of the other programs we’ve supported over the years include Empty Stocking Fund, The Schiele Museum, Gaston County Arts Council, United Way and Gaston Dance-Fun Run. We the members of the Piedmont Chapter of the Links, Inc are proud of the work we do with the three community and are appreciate of the support we receive from our friends through you presence at our annual White Rose Luncheon. Thank you again, and we hope you will continue to support us in the future in our worthwhile endeavors.

Tequel Douglass Hager Vice President, Programming

39th National Assembly
2014 Angela Harris Induction
39th National Assembly 2014-2016 Executive Council

Clean Teeth at Halloween
GYC (Gaston Youth Connected) Seabrook Award

Artist In-school Program

Literacy Explosion
Haitian Women Survival Kits

register at your gaston County family YMCA
Central YMCA - 704-865-8551
Pharr family YMCA - 704-824-1131
Stowe family YMCA - 704-822-9622
Cherryville family YMCA - 704-445-9622
South gaston family YMCA - 704-865-2193

2015 Sponsorship
15. Jessup Foot & Ankle Specialist, PA
16. Connecting Link Larry J. Johnson
17. Gastonia Pediatrics Associates Dr. Watts, Dr. Grossman, Dr. Walker-McMullan
18. Connecting Link Rev. Dr. Michael A. Robinson
19. Connecting Link Lorenzo Taylor, CEO - The Shadwell Group LLC
20. Connecting Link Minister Sherman Bradford Thompson
21. Connecting Link Albert Whitaker, Jr. MD. PA
22. Connecting Link James Williams and Heir-O-Link Jennifer W. Stead
23. The Students in Gaston County Schools
24. Connecting Link Dr Kelvin Harris - Gaston Women’s Healthcare
25. Dr. Valerie Holmes Waddell, General Dentist
26. Connecting Link Atty. Beady B. Waddell, III
27. Connecting Link Dr Francis Sido - Bayen Medical Associates, PA
28. Connecting Link Terry Taylor
29. Connecting Link James Neal, MD
30. In Memorium: Link Peggie Ferguson
31. Heir-O-Link Michellin Barnwell
32. Connecting Link MSG Fred LA Lowery
33. Julie M Shovelin, ESQ
34. Charlton K. Torrence, III, ESQ Patron
35. Heir-O-Link Victoria Mae Waddell
36. Heir-O-Link Virginia Grace Waddell
37. Mrs. Willie Mae Holmes

2015 Scholarship Winners

Destiny Sanders
School – Hunter Huss International Baccalaureate High School
Extracurricular Activities
• HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America Club)
• Interact Club
• Green Team Club
• Varsity Cheerleader

School – Forestview High School
Extracurricular Activities
• National Honor Society
• Beta Club
• HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America Club)
• Varsity Men’s Football
• Varsity Men’s Track & Field
• Student Council
School – NC School of Science & Mathematics
Extracurricular Activities
• Jack & Jill of America
• Varsity Men’s Basketball
• Varsity Men’s Track & Field
• Colours Gospel Choir
• National Society of Black Engineers
• Residential Life Assistant

• Varsity Soccer
• Senior Council
Community Service
• Hospice Volunteer
• Praise Dance Member
College – Desires to major in Nursing or Social Work with a minor in Psychology to become a Geriatric Nurse
• Mr. Forestview
Community Service
• Relay 4 Life
• Blood Drive
• Homeless Shelter Volunteer
• Food Drive
• Special Olympics
• Church Youth Group
College – UNC Chapel Hill
Community Service
• Tutoring
• Christmas Gifts
• Jack & Jill of America
• Cancer Services of Gaston County
• People To People - India
College – Oregon State University
Milton Key
Trenton Joiner

2015 Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors

In Kind Sponsors

“Alumnae Link Viella Mason & Connecting Link Robert Mason celebrating 62 years of marriage”

• Environmental chemicals for all surfaces, killing germs for five to six days
• 100-percent floor-cleaning of micro fibers, woods and even ceramic
• Complete cleaning, 100 percent, with “green” products
• Simplified cleaning with color-coded products