Home Gym Quarterly Winter 2021

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The Best Ways To Heat Your Home Gym Sticking to a workout routine isn’t easy, especially during cold weather. In winter, most people feel the need to hibernate, and getting out of bed can become a problem if you train early in the morning. However, you should not quit exercising due to freezing temperatures. Below are some tips on how to keep your home gym warm and conducive for exercise as the weather changes- (whether it is a garage gym, basement gym, a spare bedroom gym and other types of home gyms) Insulate Take a look at your garage or basement gym and locate where the cold air is coming from then insulate those spots. Some of the areas that may need insulation are: • Gym doors are the first place to inspect for potential problems. You need to insulate the thin metal door to keep your gym warm. Check if the door covers the entire width of the door and replace 38

it if it’s worn-out or doesn’t fit. You should also check if there is an open space between the door and the frame. If there is a space at the top or on the sides of the door, call your local home improvement store to fix it for you. • Windows can let in a lot of cold in the room, and most garage and basement gyms do not have insulated windows. Consider insulating the windows and covering them with plastic window films. This will be an effective and energy-efficient method of keeping your gym warm. • Exterior walls aren’t always insulated. In fact, it’s common for garage and unfinished basement gyms to have at least one exterior wall that is not insulated. Find any wall that is not insulated and fix it to prevent cold from getting into the gym. Upgrade Your Floors One of the leading causes of cold home gym

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