The Epicentre of Everything

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Natalia Göransson: Editor at large at IE since the start 1983. Her pen is sharp, her thoughts on fleek and you will most definately take a deep breath when she knocks on your door.







Ivar Sture: Freelance reporter and poet. He has been covering cultural and chocking news from the depths under your skin since 1994.

01 the QUOTE ‘‘Donald Trump is a monster and a political illiterate. How can democracy dissolve itself and how can Republicans so completely lose the compass?’’ Herta Müller



n the wake of the media-storm caused by Ivar Stures critical article series regarding the Luleå<3Austin affair – the PR agent Sofia-Christina Lagerqvist and the artisan crafter Trolle Johansson decides to take matters into their own hands. The creative duo applied for large amounts of funding from the municipal of Luleå to go and represent the county in Austin, Texas. With an ambition to represent, establish new contacts, engage and connect with the creative people in Austin they cross the Atlantic. The captain is anticipating turbulence... and has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. Follow them on a journey that will explore why birch bark crafting is so hot, what happens when you demand public documents from the municipal or maybe why cultural and creative economy is the answer to all our problems. Natalia Göransson Editor at large

:’--)):’--)):’--)):’--)) REPORTING UNDER YOUR SKIN SINCE 1994

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