Spring/Summer Issue - What Liberty Ate Magazine (#2)

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Until one day, when a web site contacted me to post on their space few easy recipes. I've done this few times, but soon realized I was constrained too much, so I had to have my own space. Thus, I came back to my old blog, which had to show my personality and on which I tied on. What you like most when you are photographing food and what aspect of photography you think is difficult to manage? I love details. My intention is to communicate as much as I can of me, and of what food means to me, through details. But, I haven't thought this from the beginning. Few years back, I was admiring technical good photos, but meaningless - no story behind, feelings, life - these like details that makes me today to believe in photography. Lately I was cooking just what I believed will be enough photogenic in photos, while I was ignoring my appetite for something in particular. I wanted just to follow my artistic instinct, even if this is a big word. With each day I fall in love more and more with this beautiful art, which has the power of freezing time and catch a moment. It makes me understand how superficially we treat sometimes everything, how we are ignoring details and how much we loose by doing so. When I acknowledged this I bought my first macro lens and I started to see everything differently. It's impressive to see all the details - a little bug, a flower, a drop of water on a leaf or even a cauliflower. I gave up buying unnecessary fashion clothes, overboard of the photo gear and kitchen tools. What Liberty Ate

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