Remedi: A Speculative Care Service

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A symbiotic relationship is one in which organisms, people, or things co-exist together in a way that benefits them all. Kirsty Ross

This project asks you to consider what happens to us in the PostCovid landscape ten years from now, where symbiotic experiences of health, well-being and care have evolved to the extent that new forms of medical practice, health communities and cultures of care transform how we interact with each other, with professionals and the world around us. This brief gives you the opportunity to reflect on the underlying complexities of regarding the future of health, well-being and care, technological acceleration, human agency, and quality of life, to envision a future world context, develop it as an experiential exhibit and create the designed products, services and system experiences for the people and environments associated to it. By applying an ecological, or Life-Centred Design approach, you will be able to recognise and communicate the innovation of your design proposition by clearly communicating the value it creates for the intended recipients and its impact on the wider community. SEMESTER 1 PART 1 GROUP PART 2 INDIVIDUAL 8 WEEKS

Project Launch The Team

Research Desk Research


Researching people, care and symbiosis


Key Insight

Past, present and future trends


Unintended Consequences Workshop with Studio Andthen


Discover Brian Proudfoot Workshop Developing a future world



Expert Input Day Expert Feedback on our future world


Citizen Stories


Define Designing


Designing our future world exhibit

Futures Thinking


Anticipating our future world to

Cause and Effect Loop

Deliver Building Building our future world exhibit


Formative Review Feedback on our Future World Exhibit



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This project was delivered by GSA tutors and industry experts from healthcare, technology and design. We had experts from the NHS, the Digital Health Institute, the University of Glasgow and the institute of cancer sciences at UoG. Having these partners and collaborating throughout the project helped us as designers to gain their expertise whilst designing within care.

- There is no one way to solve any of life's problems. We people arrange their societies differently around the world. Jude Robinson

- Doctors like diagnoses, society expects treatment. We then get the overmedicalisation of nonmedical problems. Rob Jones

I found the talks at the project launch helpful and inspiring; they helped set the foundational insights for my project. Having the experts input throughout the project was invaluable to a more tangible outcome. I was particularly interested in the talks by Rob Jones and Jude Robinson, who both talked about medicine, care and health differently. Their input sparked curiosity about possible design opportunities that I feel remained integral to my project.


At the start of this project, I was eager to understand as much as I could around care, roles within care, and the surrounding landscape within which care sits. PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE As a designer, it was vital for me to understand the systems of care and how they operate now to think about what they could be in 2031. When approaching a future-based project, I think it is helpful to understand the trends that might come along and the present and the past. Ultimately ten years in the future is not an overly long time; it is difficult to predict how much or little will change. History will always come along in some form, and the present will also influence it.

change care for the better. They talked a lot about the systems of care and how to change them to involve citizens and professionals to create nurturing care communities. This insight was a trend that influenced both our future world and my project outcomes later down the line.

I was also interested in mapping the types of care (see following pages) and what is involved; it is often easy to think about medical care like nursing or chronic care, but I wanted to think beyond just medical care.

relationships”. Camphill is made up of family groups (individuals in homes with personal common space), the wider village offering work and then the broader community outside of the village.


This mapping led me to research intentional communities that provide care. I found a lot of information about neighbourhoods in America that set up to look after each other but have separate homes; often, these THE CARE LAB neighbourhoods are in one building instead of I started my desk- on the street. based research looking at care, An intentional future trends for community that I care and forms found insightful was of care in the Camphill in Scotland UK and globally. (camphillscotland. One of the most Camphill is insightful pieces a community village of research was project that supports the Care Lab people with disabilities (; and describes I was inspired itself as developing by the ideas on this site about how to “close dependable

Collection of desk-based research

“Could we design care better for everyone involved, using Key Care Indicators ” The Care Lab

Mapping Care

STAKEHOLDER MAPPING We came together as a team to map different stakeholders involved in care; this included Human and Non-human stakeholders and parts of the environment (see key right).

It was essential to understand the stakeholders involved and their relationships with each other. The brief was specific about symbiotic relationships; this project was about finding symbiosis. We used this lens to understand different types of people-centred symbiotic relationships within care. This lens was probably one of the trickiest elements of our stakeholder mapping, but it was helpful to get our minds thinking about symbiosis. 4 WHYS METHOD To inform our research more and our Steeepecs cards, we used a “What, When, Where and Why” method to generate insights about care. This was a quick-fire method that generated a lot of ideas. The ideas informed some of our Steeepecs cards and our future world-building later in the project. I found the exercises valuable; it was fantastic having a space set up online to do this as a group, sometimes it is often hard to kick off momentum in a project when working online, but this allowed us to hit the ground running quickly. The exercises provided a lot of energy for our team.

Our team’s first stakeholder map

What, Where, Why and When Map


STEEEPECS CARDS To generate insights for our future world, we used STEEEPECS cards, based on the STEEPLE method we have learnt in previous years. This method is a way to gather information on different trends, record them on a timeline and then synthesise them to forecast what might happen in 2031. As a team, we generated 50 insight cards across the different themes of Social, Technical, Economic, Educational, Ethical, Ecological, Cultural and Symbiosis. Our domain and lens were People and Care, so we knew that a lot of our trends would be around social, cultural, ethical, ecological and symbiosis; however, for balance, we each created one direction from the different themes.

Such a broad range of trends allowed us to generate quick intuition about our future world. We started to see themes and groupings within our cards, such as Twotiered systems, Community based health and Mandates. We had trends from the past, which allowed us to see how care has evolved throughout history. We noticed how care had looped around and even repeated itself in politics and policy. Our analysis gave us an inclination of how our future world would still be one of balance and friction. As a group, we talked about the concept of protopia, how our future world would be progressive towards change but not necessarily one that showed a utopian vision.

Two of my STEEEPECS cards (above, right)

Synthesising Steeepecs

We synthesised our STEEEPECS cards further for review, using an axis method to group them. We chose frictional anchor points that we felt stood out the most in our initial analysis of the cards. We noticed a considerable amount of our trends focused on health and community; they sat within that quarter of the axis, the community half of our axis had the most cards. As a people-centred group, the insight wasn’t necessarily a surprise to us. Much of our collective research has also been about community and communities of care. However, we discussed how to keep our future world a protopia. We also needed to consider the individual needs within the community; this became one of the key frictions within our future world exhibit.

Axis of STEEEPECS cards

Axis of STEEEPECS cards

We then changed the axis, looking at some of the other key indicators from the analysis. It created a more exciting picture, showing even more friction between a promising alternative for the future versus a hang-over from the current present that might still have a legacy in 2031. The conflict was evident between two-tiered systems driven by the selling of the NHS, mandates driven by the Covid-19 pandemic and that hope or drive for more community, democratised care.

We gained a lot from synthesising the cards and noticed a lot of trends that ultimately informed our future world. The tutor review of the cards showed that we had taken the right methodical approach to synthesising. We had generated useful insights to move forward. The tutors did feedback more research questions that I don’t think we necessarily had the time to expand on, on reflection. However, at this stage we had a good idea that our world was going to be based on finding balance within chaos. Important research questions that sparked my interest and I researched further as part of my phase two were “What does care look like in other parts of the world?” and “How would global care affect local care?” At this stage, I was already thinking about individuals within communities of care and the friction points this might bring up. Within our current world, there are many frictional conversations about how to care or improve health. There are many discussions about the collective versus the individual, and I knew exploring some of these in our future world would be interesting.

UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES In the next phase of the project, we attended a remote workshop with Studio Andthen, learning a new design method created by them called “Unintended Consequences.”

We used our insights to explore our world and how it might develop in the future. Our insights of balance and chaos and community health gave us key points to work from, and by taking these points, we were able to think about how they might change our future world and the ripple effect. By drawing our insights through key stages, we built a bigger picture of the world. This methodology was exciting, we quickly generated 1st, 2nd and 3rd consequences from our insights, and you could see the ripple effect. The trends, which were onedimensional, became broader, and you could see symbiotic relationships between people, environmental and societal issues. We started to notice clusters of similar effects that were emerging. The clusters helped us create five scenarios for our future world that we then developed into posters. At times this workshop was challenging being remote, and I think it would have been better in person to learn more from Studio Andthen, but the method itself helped us deepen our understanding of our future world. For me, it made the STEEEPECS trends more tangible and grounded; it made them feel as though they would be in the real world. It worked in making us consider the future on a more complex level.

Snapshot of our Unintended Consequences

Zoomed out view of our final map


Workshop Launch (Img. Kirsty Ross)


We began by creating value propositions, applying branding methods such as ‘Tone of Voice’, ‘Colours’ and even ‘Typography’ to help create a world that felt real.

We tackled this by collectively choosing images within the categories set out by Brian and discussing the similarities and differences that we had about the future world. Approaching the task in this way helped us have deeper discussions about the world; I think this was fundamental in our group experiencing the world as a collective.

Our next workshop was with Brian Proudfoot, founder of GOODD LTD. This workshop was a deep dive into our future world development, taking the scenarios we had created and thought about the “brand” of our world. Our task was to develop ideas around the future world values, the citizens, what was happening in the scenarios. It helped us build a vision for the world that could enable us to move from onedimensional methods to 3D prototypes. To develop a future world exhibit, which people would use and experience in person, we needed to fully imagine what the world

might look, feel and even sound like. Brian’s methodology, which focuses on spaces and environments, helped us bring everything we had so far to life.

Once we had our final value propositions, we centred one of our scenarios from the previous workshop with Studio Andthen into our world, thinking about how it had changed and evolved based on the values. We then developed a storyboard and considered product props of what people would use in the world.

Value Proposition


Below is our team’s final value proposition for our future world.

Developing a scenario for our future world and designing provotypes that help people understand what is like to be happening and how people are interacting with objects.

THE SNIFFER The sniffer is a way for people in the future to connect to nature without going to a greenspace. In our future, nature is a luxury and most people do not have access to it, so the sniffer allows them to record the smells of nature and play them back at other times.



Egalitarian, for the people


Fusing nature and

Genderless, fluid, natural

technology, natural and

and accessible to everyone.






but retaining



Tone of Voice Empowerment of individual voices for better or for worse

Key Value Connecting and respecting

Using the waste of


today to create new

People working

materials, recycling

together with nature

and reusing

as opposed to against it

HELP HUB The help hub was a way for people to retain community within their care communities but live individual lives

Drawing my team member Ewan Gaynor-Kirk


Drawing my team member Thea Brown

futuristic and SYMBIOTIC


Sniffer Sensor

Provo Poster for the Sniffer Sensor, used as a prop in our future world zine and as part of the presentation.

Provotype of the Sniffer Sensor, used as a prop in our future world video and as part of the presentation.


Help Hub

Provotype of the help hub, enabling people to interact within communities of care, which could potentially be global


National Nature Service Kit

Future World Prototype We had to develop a future world, using quick prototyping methods to explore what it might look like. We created a connected world made from found materials, people live in modular communities of care.

Provotype of a care kit provided by the National Nature Service, a service we developed as a scenario in our world.

Future world prototype, this was the start of us thinking about a world exhibit.

Our first Expert Input day was shortly after the workshop; we had to show our future world and provotypes to 3 panels of experts from different care, health, technology, and education sectors. We created a Miro board for the expert input day and performed a roleplay scenario for the audience. Rachel Corrie and I roleplayed as tour guides from the future, taking the audience on a journey through our future world. We showed them the provotypes and videos of Thea, Abby and Ewan roleplaying as citizens giving their opinion on living in the world. Consistent with our initial ideas, we showed this world as a protopia instead of a utopia, so some of the citizen voices were negative in their

Time is a resource that people do not have. It is good to see something like the sniffer that allows people a quick experience with nature. Is it a two tiered system?

I really like the way the community works together - there is a lot of supportive capital in the world, it is just not harnessed. Developing something for that would be great! great

opinions. As a team, we felt this was the best way to get total value from our experts, not by describing a world scenario but by fully immersing them (as best we could online) in what it might be like to live in it. We created a more experiential presentation using the prototypes as provocations plus the roleplay. The feedback we got was rich and pushed our thinking further; I think this reflected the experts feeling more emotionally engaged due to our delivery method.


The expert input day went well, our future world concept was received well, and we gained valuable feedback and opinions about the work we had done and our direction. It was clear that some of the prototypes were received better than others; I think that a lot of the experts didn’t see these as provocations but more realised solutions, and on reflection, we could have made that more obvious to get better feedback. It gave us a lot to think about regarding the direction we wanted to take our future world exhibit. This moment was the first point where we had time to have a detailed group reflection and take stock of all the research and data we had generated in a short space of time. This reflection led us to consider how we would show the balance within the chaos of our future. We decided what we wanted to research further and decided to go back to some of the early insights and unintended consequences. One expert told us to push the future more, so we decided to think beyond 2031 to see what might happen on a longer future timeline. The following pages reflect some of that process.


Team synthesising the feedback and thinking about more data and insights

Key themes and ideas started to come out of our synthesising.

We used our key axis from our initial steeepecs cards and thought about scenarios, each of the speech bubbles represent citizen stories

Futures Thinking to 2051 In the expert input day we were told to push our ideas further into the future and thinking more futuristically. We decided to build a timeline beyond 2031 and look at what might happen in our future, based on the trends and Steeepecs cards, up to 2051.

Below is the timeline we created and the different trends we expect to happen and when.

Social Credit System

National Care Service

Care Robots

Cure for HIV

Nature is a luxury Cashless Society


Intentional Communes

Legalised Euthanasia


Mandated Children Era of Chaos

Babies in Tanks

Mandated Health

Predetermined Care

3rd Sector Healthcare

Mandated Diets


End of Gender Roles

End of Care

2051 Health Screening

Two tier living

Stem Cell Main-

Legalised Drugs Privatised Healthcare

Decentralised Health

Musk buys the moon

Care Holidays

Predetermined Death

Mandated Death Anti-tech Backlash

Commodification of Men


Key World Anchors

Causal Loop

From all of our synthesising and futures thinking we decided to focus on some key anchors for our future world. We realised that the future is chaotic, unbalanced and difficult to predict. We wanted to reflect that in our future world by showing the balancing of key anchors.

New Care Systems developed Focus on community based care will become the norm

Preventative Care will become more important

People will live in communities of care

To work out how we would display our future world exhibit and showcase some of the frictional balances, we used a service design method called Causal Loop. Causal loop diagrams map the causal relationships between elements within a system and identify feedback loops. The technique enables you to understand how to create a dynamic hypothesis; this allows you to understand the structure in generating the same behaviour. It offers designers a way to understand dynamic interactions between loops and allows us to have a more in-depth understanding of interdependencies underpinning a control structure and the impact of changes.

Although usually used for systems thinking in service design, we used this method to think about how a 3D version might work.

How could we get people to use a physical exhibit to balance the interdependencies of our world, thus providing dynamic outcomes from their decisions?



We decided on building a moving structure, like a mobile, that could be suspended from the ceiling and allow people to make decisions and create dynamic movements. Rachel Corrie designed a form that we decided to go with; it was built like a lampshade and moved with crucial decision points. Our tutor encouraged us to think about the starting process for participants at the exhibit and how we would build up the knowledge to make those critical decisions. We decided on creating a timeline for people to read. I thought about creating a separate room or having some suspended ceiling with images and textures for people to walk through. For ease for the first iteration, we decided to build a tunnel that people climbed through, a bit like the initial idea; it would showcase the trends over the years leading up to 2031. Like our expert input day, we wanted people to feel fully immersed in the experience of our world. We wanted them to travel through it and understand how it developed. This understanding would be essential to them making decisions.

An initial sketch of my timeline idea

Because we wanted dynamic outcomes and people to think about their choices in the world, we decided to pair people up. We developed the idea of giving people frictional personas, which would lead to them having to make decisions based on someone else’s viewpoint. The participants had limited resources to make their decisions - because resources would be limited in the future, they needed to discuss and agree on their choices. We hope this would provide different outcomes each time. The direction showed the results dependent on how the “lamp” swung and pinpointed a future on the floor.

Participants would be stood inside to make decisions

Initial Ideas

Options would be printed on the inside for people to choose

A suspended ceiling would make the timeline at eye-level or even get people to crouch to experience different viewpoints

Sketch of how Rachel Corrie’s form might work from the inside

Weights are used to pull down the mobile form and to counter balance other decisions

A separate room would be created for people to enter the exhibit

Participants walk through a series of information, textures and photographs about the timeline leading to 2031

Life-sized Exhibit

We prototyped the future exhibit from cardboard and scrap material for our first iteration. We created a floor matrix with the future outcomes.

You really understand care! I am surprised by how well you have grasped this. I feel like the exhibit could be used to understand care needs in a practitioner setting! Nicol Keith

Think about the start and how you might get people to experience the timeline, it felt too quick to read everything. You might want people to get more into character. Kirsty Ross, Tutor


Final mockup of the floor board by Thea Brown

We received good feedback and pointers for iterating for the summative assessment in February. The main feedback centred around the initial part of the experience - the timeline - and changing this. We decided to think about getting people to experience the timeline differently. Rather than going through a tunnel, we decided on using sound and voiceovers. We iterated on the ‘lamp’ so that it is freestanding and has a functioning base that people stand on. For the final assessment, we will have a laser that pinpoints the outcome for the users unaided.

Sketch of the laser by Abby Milliken

End of Part One

Part one of the project was about defining a future world, developing a world exhibit and setting up scenarios that could help us choose a direction for part two. In part two we break off into individuals, choosing a scenario from our world and developing a creative outcome.

Part Two

Brand Community Chemist

My Process Map

User Journey Final System Reflection Point Clustering Insights

Future World Scenarios

Finalising Concept










Feedback & Development

Care Research


Symbiosis Research

Symbiotic Groups

User Journey

Concept Exploration

User Needs

New Roles

Nano, Micro, Macro

Materialising Moments

User Personas

Stakeholder Mapping

Expert Day 3

Visualising Ideas Expert Day 2




Macro, Micro, Nano When we split off into our groups for the first part of the workshop, we looked at different scales. Our group discussed three scales; the Global Scale, the wider world we had created. A systems scale and what services are there. The nanoscale, who lives there, and what are they doing.

Global Scale of our Future World What is happening in our world, what are the values and why has it ended up like this?

System Scale What services? What are people using and what are they having conversations about?

Using these scales helped us bring all of the previous workshop insights into this one. We discussed our citizen stories from our mapping, our brand values from the Goood Workshop and our key world anchors.

The start of phase two included our last structured workshop, run by Will Brown from Studio Andthen. The workshop’s focus was to further push our thinking within our future world. We were exploring more about the citizens, potential service scenarios, and understanding more about the design opportunities within our world. The outcome for this workshop was to create a short 1-minute video using found objects to showcase a design opportunity.

People Scale Who are the citizens? Who and what do they interact with? I found this workshop helpful in thinking more about my future world. We created a world that had a lot of values and was about unpredictable futures, so this workshop was useful in centering citizens. It was speedy, and I enjoyed the process of thinking quickly and thinking smart to create a short video and still showcase a moment.

All this information helped us to create key archetype roles for our world. We were then able to map their interactions (Positive, Negative & Symbiotic) as part of the workshop. The mapping was very similar to our cause and effect, but with citizens.

Video Outcome

Mapped archetypes showing their interactions


Great video, definitely sells the scenario and feels like a black mirror version of health! Will Brown

These two archetypes were the most relevant for my concept scenarios, so I developed them further for the video.

Although helpful at this stage in the project, I was concerned that this was not the scenario I wanted to pursue. However, the expert input day was shortly after this workshop, and I focused on choosing this scenario to present. I would have benefited from more headspace to consider the design opportunity I was taking. I think this decision point caused me to pivot on my project outcome later in my project process than I would have liked. That said, I was happy with the work I had done thus far.

The video outcome highlighted what the experience might be in a health-mandated world for someone who identified as a selfcarer. I tried to make it speculative and critical, drawing on some learnings from

VISUALISING IDEAS The next stage in my project process was visualising my concept and ideas, thinking about ways to communicate my insights and design opportunity to the experts. I started by showing the frictional tensions between the two archetypes (bottom images) I had chosen to use as stakeholders in my world. In this series of images, I tried to visually communicate the tension and what might be designed to break it down. I was thinking about creating a service or system that could bring these two archetypes together. My questions at this stage were, “How could you develop something that stopped health being a tension but created a community?” “How could these archetypes symbiotically support each other in some way?”

At this point, I tried to think visually about the world, drilling down into a neighbourhood and imagining how it was functioning. I wanted to think about key moments and what people might be saying. I did this to understand how my archetypes fit into this world. If I designed a system or service, I considered how it might work or be helpful.

EXPERT INPUT DAY 2 The second expert input day was about presenting my progress so far. I showed my visualised ideas and presented my video from the symbiotic futures workshop.

Think more about who would organise care between these groups. Consider looking at things like coop societies.

PROVOCATION METHOD I wanted to move my project further, understand their opinions and insights from my ideas. I wanted to use a method I would normally use in codesign, creating provocation cards. I developed three provocations as part of my presentation, asking the experts to give their direct views on these questions.

Jay Bradley

The provocations allowed me to understand how my project might work in a care environment, what they considered the problems and how they would change parts of my scenario. I didn’t feel entirely confident of my idea. Presenting it to the experts was not at smooth as I would have liked, but their feedback was beneficial. The provocations helped get insights and highlighted where I was not describing my design opportunity with enough clarity.

This is potentially very complex, but interesting,how would these communities function. Think about urban versus rural. Would you create inequality. Rob Jones

The provocations worked well in getting me to think bigger, maybe consider behaviour change theories and how people might self-care Katie


The expert input day helped me to develop some more insights. For example, instead of just looking at frictional personas and services that could help them, the feedback around care coops made me think about how to bring communities together. The provocations worked well in getting more expert ideas and opinions not just feedback. Reflecting on this input day, it was clear to me that I was still unsure of the direction for this project. I wanted to create something around mandated care and the frictions in society. The outcomes that I had generated were not where I wanted them to be. I decided that critical parts of the feedback that felt relevant and exciting were around communities of care, helping citizens to selfactualise around care and creating a space for people who want to self-care and those that need more

directed care to come together. These anchors fitted with my original concept scenarios and my interests within social design. I took time to step back from my process; the project had been fastpaced to this point. I knew at this point that what I was trying to create was complex for an 8-week project. I decided to consider design methods that interest me, transition design and critical design and how I might use these methods to create a better outcome. I decided to focus on an outcome that helped people transition from the current systems, not necessarily to something completely innovative but something that felt supportive. To move forward, I decided to go back in my process to redo some exploration methods such as journey mapping and stakeholder mapping. I wanted to reconsider the citizens, places and design a symbiotic relationship between these two archetypes.

You can never change things by fighting existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing obsolete. Buckminster Fuller


ARCHETYPE PERSONAS I went back to my future world, focusing on the Macro, Micro and Nano views. I looked at what was happening globally and locally and started to plot what future roles might look like, what future citizens might live in this world. Who might be “officials” and who might be “citizens”. I was thinking about how people are influenced to self-care or receive care. I started to consider who mandates, who has authority in this world and how they are linked. SYSTEMS THINKING I find it helpful to think in systems and connections, who influences who, in terms of people and organisations. I decided that it would be beneficial to map the relationships—both with positive and negative influences and the ones that are already symbiotic. The following page is a diagram I created, mapping my stakeholders and their relationships. I added an axis to plot them into the different sections of society. I wanted to see if any ideas emerged or if there were insights. I noticed the emergence of authority and power within the health and care system. Looking at the system as a whole, it was clear the mutual benefits of a top-down approach to health for organisations like private care providers, big pharmaceutical companies and tech companies. The second diagram, I started to plot these influences on health and care, to try and understand more about the relationships between organisations and citizens.

WHERE IS SYMBIOSIS? From my diagrams and research, I noticed that there were crucial areas of symbiosis (orange circles). There were potential symbiotic relationships between different citizens at different ends of the axis. When I considered the power dynamics and how some of the systems are linked, I thought about some statistics I had read about in Radical Help around healthcare spending and illness. At this point, I realised I had a more profound design opportunity. I decided to focus on “Who mandates care” instead of the citizen relationship within a mandated world. I knew that by digging deeper into the current systems and some of the alternatives people are using outside of these systems, I might develop a service or system that supports the transition away from them. I was looping back to the idea of self-actualisation. I recognised that I needed to create a different system from those tried before, like the idea of “Big Society”, which didn’t work. I remembered a quote from Radical Help, which was a good insight for the next ideation phase of my project.

There is an important difference between the idea that people should help themselves and that of {Ella} 'help me to help myself.' The approach advocated here is...standing with and beside another person providing the power and support to make change. Hilary Cottman

It is often hard to pinpoint the things that influence intuition as a designer; when an idea strikes, it can be hard to know where it originated. Insights and data lead us towards specific points, but the wider world provides context for why we thought of something in the first place. My project started to focus more on the influences in care and health because they are symbiotically linked. In the broader world context right now, pharmaceutical influence is a large part of our lives. Big pharmaceutical power is woven into the fabric of health mandates. This focus feels timely; it feels important to be critical about the possible future and speculative about what alternative we could have if we design it.

PROVOTYPING MOMENTS The final expert input day was coming up, and I wanted to create a few different provotypes to provoke conversation as part of their feedback session. Like the previous one, I wanted to try to understand how this idea made them feel, the practicalities of how it might work and sense-check my process. We had a previous session called materialising moments that helped me think about how I might make prototypes that showcase a user scenario. Influenced by medical self-care devices, I decided to create a few props that would be around the idea of self-caring in order to subvert the need for pharmaceutical influence. One of the provotypes I had thought about was the idea of “checking your medicine” - I wanted to create a product prop that provoked the idea of understanding more about Big Pharmaceutical influence, even on something as every day as Lemsip. I developed the concept of the Mediscanner (left).

How might we know more about Big Pharmaceutical influence on the medicines we take?

As well as the Mediscanner, I created another prop, a breathing device (right). Unlike other devices, this one would help the user understand their health and alternative ways to help themselves get well or prevent illness. It could potentially predict you becoming unwell and support you to change it.



Initial User Journey

This is the initial User Journey that I showed at the expert input day, it was a ideation sketch about how a care coop might work and the archetype scenarios that might take place. Although quick, this alongside the expert feedback formed the foundation of my final outcome.


The last expert input day helped to cement the idea scenario. It was great having the provotypes that were received well, and there was quite a bit of discussion about the speculative idea of the care coop. I was confident with what I had to show to the experts at this stage, but I wasn’t sure how they would respond to something challenging big pharmaceuticals, especially those in the medical arena. I was surprised by the positive feedback (see next page) and the desire to have something like the Mediscanner exist, this was a provotype, but the mediscanner was well received. I decided this should be something to work on for my final design outcome alongside the care coop.

Feedback Loved the Mediscanner, it is a great opportunity to get non-pharma support, which is much needed. Chris H

Bartering for care is a very interesting idea. Great concept, consider the power balance! Lynne S-Mc

Love the care coop - how do we sift info though? Mediscanner is great. A perfect way to understand the forces at play! Jay B -

Mediscanner is great, it is unbelievable what is sold that doesn't work, would be great to have something to solve that. Kate G - GP

Brilliant, very excited about this. Circular care economy is something new. I think you are on to a winner! Jay B

PHARMA LINKS Chris Halsey, one of the experts at the input day, talked about Lemsip and how the mediscanner could just say, “take lemon and honey, you’ll be fine”, instead of people buying an expensive product and not much more effective. This comment got me thinking about Lemsip the brand, and I decided to map who owns the brand, and it’s influence. Although this was not a necessary stage in my process, it helped me understand more about shop-bought products and big pharma, which helped me think about what types of prescriptions could be written in a care coop. For example, most cough syrups are mainly sugar water, or sugar, alcohol and additives. In a care coop setting, people could be advised to take honey and water, or gargle with salt and it would have a similar effect without the expense and the additives.


From the feedback I received, I decided that the critical parts of my design system were the care coop and the mediscanner. The breath device was liked, and people acknowledged it would be useful; however, it didn’t push the idea of subverting big pharmaceuticals far enough. I realised that for this system or service to work, I needed to focus on where it would happen, where something like the Mediscanner would be used and how the care community would be formed. I wanted to create a way for the community to self-actualise around care, potentially using a timebanking system. Still, I needed to focus on what other people would be present to support from a care and health point of view. My delivery phase focused on researching other similar enterprises, building out my user journeys and mapping the system and service that people might use.



I started to iterate on the idea of the care coop, thinking about how the service might work and what elements linked together to make a wider system model. This was an early iterated sketch that helped me think about the users and the services that I would design.

I knew that this service would have a global and local scale. Early on in this project, something that stood out for me was the idea of care, not just being in one space or location. I was asked to think about the liminal spaces where care might take place, where a care coop might exist. This research and ideas about global care started to inform my thinking at this stage. I began to think about what a global umbrella structure might do to a local model of care. This diagram shows the global and local system and the services and experiences. For me, this was a pivotal moment in understanding how it all hung together.


In previous parts of the project, I enjoyed physically visualising scenarios and found it helpful to move physical objects rather than just drawing. When it came to my user journey, I developed a physical version to play around with the actors and their roles. I wanted to create personas around pre-users, users and post-users to showcase the journey and the transitional benefits of this service. Thus, it was useful to change who these people were and their roles and think about how they would engage differently. I could quickly think about the different

touchpoints they might interact with and change them depending on their persona. The physical mapping enabled me to think about the system and service more dynamically and freed up my thinking. I used this process to focus on my three main actors for my final user journey.


I developed three main personas, two had new roles that would fit within my future service “Care Conduit” and “Care Friend”. Each of the roles represented a state within the service, Pre-user, Post-user and User.

PLACES FOR A CARE COOP Designing services that act as steps towards a desirable future is important in transition design. As well as these steps, we must design interventions that amplify or use existing efforts that will, in turn, spark change through people adopting them.

I researched spaces where care would be taking place in the future, I wanted my care coop to be different to normal medical spaces that we have today. This was an interesting concept that informed some of my design decisions.

I wanted to design my service with similar semantics as existing services and systems with this framework in mind. I decided to research places where care could take place or where care in a different context happens without it being designed. I looked at other services in Scotland, such as a nature library and the Glasgow tool library, both these services are not care related. Still, they have similar connotations of ways of working that I wanted to adopt into my outcome. The Nature Library, for instance, fosters a symbiotic relationship with nature. It helps teach people about nature and the spaces that you find the nature library feel caring and like places you could self-care. The Glasgow Tool library is a shared resource, just like the idea of a circular care economy that I was developing. Instead of care, they share tools, knowledge and other services. These models are all adopted, understood and used by citizens, and I felt that they would work well as part of my system or service.

The nature library offers learning and is a space to immerse yourself in nature, I felt this was a really interesting concept and was inspired by this for the care coop.

The tool library is about sharing resources, learning from eachother and timebanking, this was inspirational my design. I wanted to create a method that felt current, understood.


Iterating the mediscanner was a challenge, this was not initially part of what I imagined my design outcome would be. I wanted to create something that would fit into a domestic setting as well as the chemist, I tried to make something that was portable but could potentially sit like a lamp in the home. I went for a more functional look as I imagined this being placed in the kitchen near vitamins / tablets that people take daily.

I am inspired by the way this works as part of another item in the home, it is not obtrusive and feels like something you could turn off if other people came to visit, this would be useful for the mediscanner

This feels quite futuristic, I like the way it scanners your hand - this is something that would be useful for the mediscanner so your data is secure. I feel that this item could be at home and in a community chemist.

This is one of my favourite inspirations for the scanner, it feels warmer and more homely. I feel like this shape would lend itself well to having something scanned inside and a screen on top. It could be made in a material that fits in with the home.



One of the hardest parts of the process is trying to name the final outcome. I chose Anarccare because it is a mixture of Anarchy and Care. On reflection, I would change it as I don’t think it works that well. However, to move forward, I chose this name and set about branding it. I developed the brand thinking about regenerative colours. My brand motto was Regenerative, Resist, Renew, so I wanted colours that reflected earthy regeneration. I chose to go with green and orange as earthy tones. I played around with different typefaces and colours until I was happy with the concept. I used this branding throughout the process and tried to use it in touchpoints like the hub.


Adopting a similar approach to the Nature Library, I decided to centre my local groups around a hub. I wanted to again look for places where care could take place. After researching and thinking about what currently exists, I decided on a care chemist. Like a high-street chemist but very different, somewhere for people to learn and come together to help self-care. The care chemist is central to the process, acting as a local space and hosting a new role of “Care Conduit”, someone who prescribes self-care and supports new members. For my final review, I created a model of what this space might look and feel like so that people could experience it.




Global Movement


Global Model Data Sharing Knowledge

Community Chemists


Understanding Big Pharma’s influence on Health & Care

Local Needs Care Economy Learning

Care Economy Prescriptions

Reciprocal, local and supportive care to prevent illness

Self-care prescriptions that help with health or care needs




Health Cards

Understanding health, immunity and how to care for yourself and others


Find ing Ar n

Probl em

Clive finds out he has Diabetes, his doctor wants to prescribe medication for life He worries about his health and is unsure what to do, he thinks he is too young to go on medication

Care Conduit

Meet ing a

Ava tells Clive that he will be supported by a local Care Friend - someone who has gone through his situation

rds Ca th al

Care friend matched & alerted

Membership Pack

e Friend Role Car

Anarc ca re He Finally Clive is given Care Cards to start his learning and a prescription for his self-care.

Ava is a care conduit at Clive’s local Anaccare - she used to be a pharmacist. She changed jobs and took over the pharmacy, setting up the local branch. She supports people with their health and care needs and on-boards new people


Clive is happy that he has a non-medical prescription, but he’s still unsure if this will work.

Sign-up alert to local branch


Ava & Clive meet to discuss Clive’s diabetes and to explain the reciprocal care model

Ro le

Clive and Lizzie arrange to meet up monthly. Clive feels really supported by Anarccare so far

nd rie F re Ca

Mee tin g


s ork w it

Clive knows he can support in different ways and likes the idea of the time-banking model

Ca uit nd Co re

Added to local branch alerts


Clive signs-up for an Arnaccare profile, he’s unsure about how this might help but he’s willing to give it a try.

ers Us

Clive does some research and finds Anarccare, an organisation who help you take control of an illness through care.


t en m e

Onb oa rd i

re ca ac

St at


Lizzie is a Care Friend, she has been a member of Anarccare for 3 years and has developed a self-care programme that has helped her come off Diabetic Medication. She supports others in the branch and is a friend of people with Diabetes

If no match is found at a local branch, other branches are alerted.

Lizzie explains the prescriptions and how she can help support Clive on his journey

Clive and Lizzie meet at the local branch. Lizzie talks about her journey and how she can help.

FINAL REVIEW Consider whether everything is needed in this service, what are the key things that work the best? The mediscanner offers a lot of a value to me.

I presented Annarccare and the Mediscanner at my final review. The feedback was beneficial to understanding what might be the critical parts of my design to take forward. Although a lot of my design was liked, it was felt that there were a lot of elements that could be stripped back to make it more effective for my users. One of the pieces of feedback was around the Mediscanner this was really liked; similar to the expert input, tutors felt this had a lot of potential in creating change and offering something new to users. However, they thought it should be less medical in its appearance and more consistent with the brand of alternative medicine. I was prompted to think about what the Mediscanner might look like in a less medical environment and in less medical materials. Another helpful feedback was about humanising the experience more, bringing in more personas and developing the service around the people involved. I hadn’t thought about it until this point, but I realised I had focused a lot on the service rather than on people who might use it. I knew that I needed to do this when iterating the service, making sure that the experience was right for the user! There was quite a considerable discussion around what elements were the most useful to my service. It was felt that the most important things were the care community and the Mediscanner.

The Mediscanner is a brilliant idea, just make it less medical in its appearance and use.


At this stage in my project, I knew that I needed to take a step back and reflect on what I felt would be the best going forward for the concept of Annarccare. I wanted to make sure that this reflected the research from my future world and from future trends in health care. The Mediscanner had not been a big part of my design. It was simply a provocation, a provotype used in my presentations. However, it is not about us or what we necessarily like or dislike as designers. It is essential to understand our research and speculate about the future. It is necessary to understand what we can facilitate for our users and what we can create to transition people towards a better future. I realised that the research, input days, and reviews told me the same thing, that the Mediscanner has significant value to people. This was the part of my concept that people were the most drawn to and one that could have a lot of impact on changing how we relate to medicine and pharmaceuticals. So I decided to take this further.


REVISIONS I decided that the central part of my design was the Mediscanner because it supported and empowered people to change their dependency on medication and big pharmaceuticals. From the original world and research, we predicted that the influence of corporations would increase in the future, and health would end up being even further privatised and commoditised. The Mediscanner was the antidote to this happening and the support to change in the future. I took a step back to evaluate some of the other parts of my service and the feedback I received. In the next iteration, I decided that there was not as much value in my community chemist but more value in a global community. In the original research from our future world project, we found lots of trends and predictions that suggested

the future would be more international. People would be more able to connect through communities of interest than necessarily in their local communities. I felt that the primary critical parts of this service were the Mediscanner and the online community; this is what most people found the most value in when I presented my concept to them. The experts felt these elements were the most useful for significant change.

Personas Considering the users in more detail was key to my project having the most value and ability to transition people to a better future. I went deeper into my previous personas and developed a person that would be using my scanner. Although the future of Annarccare was more about an international community of care, I decided that for people to adopt a new way of living around their health, a support network would be necessary. I wanted to keep the care conduit role in my service and develop this further

Annarccare service user. Now employed and supporting others to be onboarded. A buddy for the first few months of being a part of Annarccare.

Care Conduit

New User

Community of Care

New User A key person in my future concept, this person would be joining the Annarccare service and using the Mediscanner. They would be connecting with others online and have a buddy support from a Care

Annarccare Service

A user of the Mediscanner, a previous

At this stage in the project, I decided to focus on these two elements and iterate the design of the Mediscanner, branding of Annarccare and developing more around the online community.

Final Chosen Opportunity


Care Conduit

Conduit someone employed through the service who has been a part of the experience before.


Using medicines to understand how a user might interact with the model made me realise that it was too small and scanning on the top felt and looked cumbersome. I started to think more about the shape of the Mediscanner, developing a more homeware inspired, tactile and less medical shape. This was one of my early prototypes which I threw on the potters wheel using clay. The idea was the top would scan and a speaker at the side would tell you more information.

Although I wanted the Mediscanner to blend into someone’s home, I felt it needed to be bigger and the scanning needed to happen in a different way.

I iterated the top of the scanner, I still felt the bottom shape worked and when people interacted with it they liked the feeling of the bottom. I considered that the top could act as a sort of basket that would scan the medicine using RFID or barcodes.

When given the mediscanner to use with the basket, people presumed that the top was where the speaker was situated and started to scan things on the side of the scanner. I realised from observing people’s behaviour that this was the most intuitive shape.

I wanted the product to look like a sculptural piece of homeware, so that people would not be drawn to it in your home. It was a personal device that you may not want people to know you use. I found inspiration from a book on ceramics.

It also then enabled the scanner to be used in my two different scenarios - a more public scenario with louder speaker (or even doing some other remote activity) and a more intimate experience using the scanner like a small sound device.

I developed the final design further by considering how it could also engage people through light both in the form of occasionally glowing when the user was nearby to connect them to it but also when in use it could project some visual information from the bottom to aid understanding. It would recognise the individual user by their thumb print. The Mediscanner charged using a charging table and doesn’t have a screen but could be plugged in to a laptop or phone get more information.


The top of model being dried on the wheel after it was thrown on the pottery wheel

Setting the clay model in plaster to make a mould.

I made the device out of ceramics because I wanted it to feel like a homeware device and feel sculptural rather than medical. I threw the two shapes on the pottery wheel and then made casts from them using plaster.

Slip-casting the shapes in my moulds so that they came out the same and perfectly uniform. This would be how I would make the real items if they were to become real.

The two parts that had been slipcasted were then fired in the kiln to make them durable and glazed.


Product Colour

Remedi Scanner - for

Healthy, reassuring and calming.

understanding how to change

Like a holiday feeling. Warm and

your health

Typeface Modern, clean and soft. Slightly tech inspired


Logo development sketches, I wanted to make the logo from hand and then vectorise it, I felt this would give it a unique organic quality similar to the handmade device rather than it being something medical.

Modern and Clean

With the new model and making the new service less medical I decided that Remediscanner was not the best name. I chose to call my device Remedi and the overall company that makes it Reimagining Medicine, I chose Remedi because it felt friendly and was a play on the fact that this is an alternative remedy to medication.

Key Value Health and looking after ourselves

Moodboard for the remedy brand, I used the same process as our workshop with Brian Proudfoot to come up with the feeling I wanted for the brand.

Personality Materials Earthy, natural and handmade

Reassuring, happy and supportive. Giving you new life

Abcd ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz 1234567890!@#$%^&*

Abcd ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz 1234567890!@#$%^&*

Final Outcome

The final prototype made from slipcasted parian (ceramics) that allows it to have a light glowing element to it.

Users could either use it as a remote speaker, similar to an Alexa or a more intimate, personal device by removing the top speaker.

Materials Choices

It would be available in different colour-ways

In order for the device to be less medical and more tactile, warm and calming I opted for ceramics as the material. The device would come in a standard white or could be upgraded to be more in keeping with the users home and decoration.

How it works? When in ‘full mode’ the scanner speaks from the main speaker on top.

Speaker head can be rotated to face the user when in full mode or placed upwards for maximum sound into the room.

Thumb print turns green when the device is ready for scanning. When device is off it goes blank.

Charges on any wireless charging surface

Device shares information onto a flat surface using lights

User Journey “I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at 40, my doctor said I had to take medication but I felt there must be a different way.” WANTS - To be well without taking medication for life - To understand more about their condition and to make different changes to their lifestyle - To feel more in control of their body - To make choices based on their own values rather than just what the doctor tells them to do.

Sarah’s Journey with Remedi

Worries about the implications of this medication and considers other alternatives

Gets a diagnosis from the GP of type 2 diabetes. Is told she will need medication for life

Her sister tells her about Remedi that she saw an advert for. Sarah buys one

Sarah struggles to find ways to change her lifestyle online.


- Learning from others and understanding different perspectives - Support from others including friends and family - Having enough information to be confident to talk about their condition and the changes they are making

BARRIERS - Worried about lots of fake advice in the world - Struggles with willpower to make changes alone - Friends and Family think medication is the only option

Remedi arrives and she sets it up easily, connecting it to her phone and using her thumb print as data protection.

Sarah is delighted that she can get a Remedi to match her living room and it won’t look weird in her home, she knows some people will think she is mad.

Sarah uses Remedi everyday and starts to learn more about her lifestyle and how it impacts her condition.

Sarah scans her medication on the side of the device and it recognises it immediately, using voice she quickly goes through the options and chooses to get more information.

Sarah is now managing her Diabetes with a practice from India which has helped her reduce her levels

Sarah has been supported by her personal Care Conduit called Selena, along with a global community of care that she accesses online.

Sarah is now training to become a Care Conduit for Diabetes users

It can be hard to change your lifestyle and sometimes Sarah finds it challenging, but the community of support and knowledge she has through reimagining medicine helps her

SERVICE BLUEPRINT Develops the ‘Remedi’ Device

Reimagining Medicine

By 2031, people live more globally within communities of interest. Care is often overlooked by a struggling health service and big pharmaceuticals are even more powerful. Reimagining Medicine is set up to challenge this, they develop a device that helps people understand their poor health and the connection their medication has on not supporting them to get better but instead improves shareholder profits.

Set-up with user


Buys Remedi Device Sets up Device

Knowledge & Data Sharing

Scans Medication

Downloads information on condition medication

Learns about condition

Supports with medicine information and lifestyle changes

More informed about lifestyle changes

Feeds insights into policy support and global community

Informing Policy at community and soiciety level

Global sharing of data and knowledge helps to understand the ways people are changing their health without Big Pharmaceutical influences. This helps to inform and change policy of the future.

Connects with community to learn about different practices for health

Creates local communities of care Users learn more about their medication and their condition and what they can do to change them. This is a loop in the system, but overtime they become more knowledgeable and able to work on their lifestyles.

Care Conduit Supports new users with buddying

Global Data Storage

App saves data from Remedi Device

Insights on better health outcomes

Real Time Data Sharing

Registers user with specific condition

Looks for alternatives to medicines

Knowledge base on all conditions and medications

Set-up with user


User / Patient


Global Community of Care

Reimagining Medicine uses the power of global connections to share information and change the Western Centric medicine perspectives that simply focus on medication and masking symptoms.

Remedi Tech

User can look at data from anywhere

Reimagining Medicine offer a Care Conduit to all new users, a buddy from somewhere around the world that has experience your condition and supports you through the first few months of using Remedi and making changes.

Connects Care Conduits and Users

Works with healthcare teams to change perspectives

Uses insights to inform policy

Supports policy changes

SPECULATIVE IMPACT MAP This speculative impact map shows the potential ripple effect of Remedi being used. Each ripple signifies a different layer that could change. There is a short description of the health related impact Remedi could have at each layer.

FUTURE SOCIETY For society, Remedi's impact affects the health services and economic changes. The National Health Service no longer spends as much money on reversible, non-communicable diseases that are primarily caused by lifestyles and, in the past, have been just treated with medication at a high cost. The focus is now on supporting people through lifestyle changes and adopting different ways of thinking about health from a myriad of perspectives worldwide. Big Pharmaceuticals' strong hold on patents on medications is waning, and people are more reluctant to take drugs to mask their symptoms. People are more aware of the environmental impact of medication too. Doctors are more engaged in people's lifestyles and holistic medicine. There is a more symbiotic view of how people's bodies work and how that affects society, people and the planet.

COMMUNITY HEALTH Remedi offers a community of care locally and globally through the online network. The network enables people to connect and share knowledge worldwide, altering the focus on Western Medical practices and creating an open-source way for people to choose different options that are right for them and not just pharmaceutical medication. People are more empowered to tackle their health issues as a community than alone. There is momentum in the collective, and Remedi's community helps to foster that with users and the care conduit service.

THE USER’S HEALTH THE USER The user is using their Remedi and the community around it. They are part of the global community of care focused on working on the cause of their health problems rather than masking symptoms with medication. The care community supports to transition from poor health to better health without pharmaceutical drugs. They understand more about big pharmaceuticals' impact on their lives and society. They use Remedi to change the way they engage with their health.

The user's health changes, they begin to understand more about how their diet affects their health problems and, using the community of care, find a community of practice based on a non-western drug-based perspective. They change their diet to be more focused on reversing the causes of Diabetes rather than just masking the symptoms with their medication. The changes in their health are noticeable, and their financial burden on the health service has lowered. Based on research:

Reflection Overall I am happy with the work I have done and the amount of process I have undertaken to get to my result. I feel that the result is one that I am happy with. I feel that the idea and the need for this speculative transition design are there. The project pushed me to think quickly and move rapidly through my process; I could not research as much as I may have usually done. I enjoyed parts of the project, particularly the expert input and the topic around symbiotic care. This project has taught me more about how I like to design, the methods I want to utilise more, and where I enjoy working the most in the process. PROJECT BRIEF The project brief was about creating symbiotic futures within care, and I think the design outcome meets the brief. I have created a symbiotic community that support each other through a reciprocal care model. If iterated further, it could potentially change the current model of care and subvert the power and authority friction of Big Pharmaceuticals within health/care. Like the ideas set out at the start of my process by the care lab, this model brings society, policy, communities, and professionals together to self-actualise around care. It would make a difference and transition us away from the current system if we had local communities of care that broke down the frictions between self-carers and those that need care more. It would begin to normalise care conversations and make people more aware of their immunity and potential self-care methods without our current out-of-kilter systems of power and money.

FINAL OUTCOMES Reflecting on the outcome from this project I am extremely pleased with how Reimagining Medicine and the device Remedi have turned out as concepts. Both drawn on the concepts from the brief or symbiosis as well as considering people and the future of care. Remedi is a speculative product for the future, something that we could all interact with and would change the way we live our lives and how we accept medicine and medical involvement. I hope (and believe possible) this outcome will provoke thought for many people who interact with it. How much do we know about the medicine we are taking? How many people do we know who are turly well? Remedi seeks to make us think about the future where we need a product or a service that can unpick that for us. I hope it also makes people consider how many things could be prevented with an empowered community that offers knowledge and momentum to help us change.

Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few people who without their support this project would not have happened. Firstly my tutor Kirsty Ross who supported my work throughout and helped to push me beyond what I thought capable.

This project outcome hits many parts of this brief; from symbiotic living, to a lifecentred approach in challenging the need for constant medicalisation which leads large to environmental impacts.

Secondly, my programme leader Irene Bell who supported and challenged my ideas throughout and helped me with the many ceramic questions I had as part of my making phase.

I am very proud of the work that has gone into this project and the outcome that I have created. This project has developed my practice further and pushed me to think more about transition design and using speculative design to make people think and feel.

The experts who have been involved throughout this project, providing knowledge, feedback and support. All those interviewed as part of my research and people who gave up their time to feedback on my outcomes. I’d also like to thank my future world team who worked tirelessly to make our project successful.


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