A Gentle Reminder

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A Gentle Reminder You’re

Not Alone

Dear reader,

I hope you’re doing well. As you continue to dive into this zine you find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Sometimes as individuals we feel that no one else can be living the same life and mishaps. Maybe as you continue to read some of the struggles I have faced in my life you can relate to it too.

There’s also hints of positive affirmations that can help you. What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are phrases you can say, either aloud or in your head, to affirm yourself and build yourself up —especially in the midst of difficult situations!

I can do it all, but not all at once.

All the pressure

When I was a little kid I was so excited to grow up and be an adult. I would watch movies and be so fond of adults living their lives. It seemed fun and exciting. Well, here I am, a twenty two year old. Sometimes wishing I could turn back time. Let me say no one told me being an adult would be this overwhelming.

When you’re thrown out of high school there’s this sudden expectation to get your life together. Go to college, get a degree, work til you die. The pressure of society is overbearing. Am I not supposed to have fun anymore? How am I supposed to get enough money, pay the bills, and at the same time be happy with my career? It really all comes to a perfect balance but it seems impossible at times. Suddenly I’m not patient with myself. I want to have everything figured out already.

In reality these are unrealistic expectations. I remind myself to take one step at a time and not worry about the outcomes. Living in the now instead of worrying about the future. I’m enjoying being mindful and thankful with where I am today, and that’s all that matters.

There are days when I can’t get out of my head. I tend to overthink the worst of a situation. Or I make up scenarios that might or might not happen. I have anxious negative thoughts that have burdened me for a long time. It has affected my confidence and the way I go about situations. It’s as simple as making conversation and hoping I don’t make a fool of myself. Being afraid of judgment is what I think mostly triggers my anxiety. I’ve reserved myself and I’m considered shy to others.

I continue to use my internal dialogue instead of speaking out loud. Although, recently I’ve been slowly getting out of my shell and embracing my true authentic self. I’m continuing to grow my confidence everyday. As a reminder I remember that people outside of my head have their own worries and are not paying close enough attention to me.

The things I don’t say out loud

I trust my journey

I am okay

I release self doubt

My mind is at peace

I know the best is yet to come

I release attatchment to outcomes

I let go of fear

My thoughts become my reality

For the longest time I judged myself for my appearance. I saw the beauty standards as something I had to live for. Why didn’t my nose look small like the models on Instagram? Why didn’t I have an hourglass figure? So many hurtful questions that made me insecure.

At one point I wanted a nose job and claimed I would be doing it for myself. Ultimately, I would become a better and confident version of myself! It wasn’t until I started digging deeper and asking myself why I felt this way. The answer was, if I changed this insecurity I would be accepted by society, and it wasn’t because I would be doing it for me. I would be doing it to please others.

I started learning to accept my body image. To learn how to love myself without conforming to beauty standards. I was unique and screw looking like everyone else, I want to look like me!

I wished I looked better.
My body shows up for me each and everyday, and it deserves my wholehearted love.

I will not stress about things I can’t control.

F*ck social media

Scrolling through social media everyday was my addiction. The instant gratification gave me all the serotonin I craved and needed. But there came a point where I would waste my whole day and lose my motivation for stuff I needed to get done. Beyond that I was losing confidence in myself. I was constantly keeping up with strangers and seeing how great and successful their life was. I became unhappy with myself more and more everyday. It wasn’t until my boyfriend suggested we both delete all social media platforms. At first I was completely in shock. What would I do with myself now? So we made a deal, two weeks without it. And I did it despite the withdrawals.

Two weeks turned into two months and I’ve never felt more confident and motivated. My suggestion to you. Delete it! You’re not gonna miss out, maybe on the memes. But you’re not gonna be distracted and constantly comparing yourself.

My lovely friend

There’s times when we feel small. Sometimes the world feels like it’s on our shoulders, but as a reminder you’re not alone. Even though my life experiences may not be like yours, you found some sort of relatability.

In the overwhelming uncertainties of it all I hope you find strength and resilience to keep on trying. I hope you know how capable you are, even when it feels stressful. I hope you believe when I tell you are worthy of these steps towards a brighter future. Remember to trust the process and if possible be kinder to yourself.

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