Urban Proposal for Shanghai's Railway Station Area

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International Student Urban Design Competition Shanghai Railway Station Area | M.I.T. Group 大学生城市设计国际竞赛铁路上海站地区 | 麻省理工团队

Node as Pivot for Urban Transformation 交叉点是城市的交通枢纽

We define a set of self-sustaining and mutually reinforcing activities and public spaces. Here, local, city, and regional residents alike will converge at all hours of the day and night to eat, go the market, sit on the roof garden to read and relax with their families. They will meet with friends for tea, to listen to Lang Lang play Rachmaninov, and to look at exhibits of Impressionist paintings and modernist sculptures. Researchers will present their ideas to clients and potential funders for new start-ups aimed at sustainable products, better software tools, and biomedical breakthroughs. All of these new activities will produce jobs for local residents across the entire spectrum of income levels, and spur the growth of two new commercial corridors which cross at this node. As you will see, our proposal for this intersection will radically transform the center of the four neighborhoods from its current condition as a blocked infrastructural crossing, into a civic, cultural, and business hub. 这些功能区块的结合,也将定义一个自给自足并互相强化 的活动与公共区域。在这里,当地的、上海的、周边城市 的居民将汇聚在这里,每天在这里用餐,购物,休憩,以 及娱乐。人们可以在这里与朋友见面,喝茶,去音乐厅听 朗朗的演奏,到美术馆欣赏印象派和现代主义的画作。创 业公司的研发者们将在这里和客户以及投资者探讨新的产 品,前沿的软件,亦或是突破性的科研成果。 所有这些新的活动将为当地的居民提供不同收入级别的工 作机会,并刺激穿越基地的两条商业通廊。 我们的方案将一改这片街区固有的基础设施当道的形象, 创造一个属于市民的文化和商务中心。


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