Ecclesia June July 2016

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REMARKS Taking a vacation from work, chores, and running errands is wonderful. Taking a vacation from prayer, serving others, and going to church is troublesome. During this time of year, people across the country set out on summer vacations. We check out the beach. We hike the mountains. We visit historic sites and theme parks. And we might even visit with distant family members! When careful planning is met with smooth logistics, these vacations energize us! We anticipate our vacations, and then we reflect back with fond memories, smiling at the photographs and home movies that captured our time away. Vacations are terrific – I hope you are able to take them! Be careful, however, about taking a vacation from your faith. Our personal faith in Jesus Christ is experienced most fully and joyfully within the community of faith. The church’s worship, education, fellowship, outreach, and caring is altogether more coherent and robust when we are together, not alone. This is why, quite frankly, we take so seriously our Christian discipleship within First United Methodist Church. When “going to church” gets treated like one of many optional activities, we seem to devalue our faith experience. Let’s not allow this to happen to us and our families, especially in light of our vacation plans. Here are some thoughts to further guide you: • When family and friends visit you in Salisbury, invite them to First United Methodist Church with you. • If you vacation out-of-town on a Sunday morning, worship someplace else. I will gladly help you locate an excellent church in your vacation destination, and even contact that church’s pastor so that he or she will be ready to welcome you! Bring me back a worship bulletin, if you don’t mind; consider this a souvenir for your pastor. • Let Sunday worship at First United Methodist Church help frame your vacation. Worship just prior to your vacation lets you pray, “Lord, let this time away be safe, restful, and renewing.” Worship after your vacation invites you to pray, “Lord, thank you for this time away. Now let me be faithful in the calling you have on my life.” Let’s not take a vacation from prayer, serving others, and going to church. God is faithful to us. So let us endeavor to be faithful in return.

Grace and peace, Pastor Mark




Grace and peace to you, First United Methodist Church! It is my joy and privilege to serve with you in ministry in Salisbury, NC and I am looking forward to meeting each and every one of you. Music is one of my passions and I absolutely love musicals. Over the past few weeks, the song “Getting to Know You” from the musical The King and I has been playing over and over in my head. This is an exciting time in the life of our church as you are getting to know me and I am getting to know you. It is wonderful being part of the body of Christ and learning about all the unique people God has created. I can’t wait to meet you and get to know you and the gifts God has given you. As much as I want to get to know you, I know that you want to get to know me. I grew up in Tyler, Texas and am the second child of four. My older brother, Andrew, and his wife, Megan, live in Lexington, SC with their three children Elise (7), Colt (5), and George (3). My younger brother, Adam, and his wife, Jean, as well as 10-month old niece, Addison, live in Little Rock, AR. My youngest brother, Kiybron (11), is a sports enthusiast in Brownsburg, IN where he lives with my mom and dad. After graduation from the University of Texas at Tyler, I taught English in the public school system for two years, but sensed that being a school teacher was not my calling and I took a job as a Transfer Administrator at a Financial Company owned by a Christian man, which primarily served retired adults. During this time, I developed a passion for senior adult ministry and a desire to serve full-time in Christian ministry. I moved in with my grandparents for a year in Mooresville, NC in order to explore this calling and worked in a retirement home. In May 2011, I graduated from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio where I earned a Master of Divinity with a concentration in CareGiving. On June 18, 2016, I will be ordained as an elder in full connection in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference. In 2011, I was appointed to the Level Cross-Siloam charge in Dobson, NC where I grew the youth program and provided the opportunity for 15 youth and adults to attend their first mission trip experience. After serving this charge for two years, I moved in with my parents for a year in order to recover from two difficult back surgeries. Although, I was on disability, I remained active in my parent’s church facilitating Bible studies, participating in the choir, visiting shut-ins, and leading worship. Church took a majority of

my time, but I still found time to read, improve my health, and cheer for my brother, Kiybron, at each of his sporting events. After a year away from North Carolina, I returned to fulltime ministry in 2014 as the pastor of Canton First UMC and Bell UMC in Leicester. During my time in Canton, I focused my time on creating dynamic worship, visiting shut-ins, working in partnership with the churches in the area to create ecumenical experiences, and broadening the church’s involvement in community outreach. In my spare time, I enjoy attending plays and musicals, reading, singing in choir, playing hand bells, water aerobics, spending time with family and friends, traveling, and volunteering for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. The book of Acts is one of my favorite books of the Bible as it shares how the early church was formed, met together, and gave to others. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42-27) I look forward to sharing in the breaking of bread, worship, fellowship, prayer, and sharing the love of God with you in Salisbury and the world. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the mission here at First United Methodist Church of Salisbury. As your Associate Pastor, I will strive to love God and love people. I look forward to meeting each of you, hearing your hopes and dreams, and serving with you in ministry. Blessings to you as we move forward in this journey together!

Join us for a

RECEPTION honoring Pastor Erin Michelle





Our FUMC Preschool still has vacancies in the

younger and older 2 year-old class as well as in our 4 year-old classrooms. These are half-day programs. Children must turn 2 by August 31, 2016, and 4 by the same date to be eligible. Please alert friends and family to the wonderful program we have to offer. Applications can be picked up at the Volunteer Office. Contact Lindsay Wineka, 704-798-4902 with any questions.

KAY MCCARTNEY “My faith strengthens me and helps me meet the challenges of life. Even when I don’t understand the situation, my faith sustains me.”


Front Row: Jenna R., Coleman B., Michael L., Lindsey C. Back Row: Hunter B., Jude S., Amber B.


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY “I’d hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters…” First Methodist is building a Habitat for Humanity house this fall, and we want you to be part of this exciting project. We’ll supply the hammers: you supply the LOVE! First Methodist will build a home in partnership with a local family in need to decent affordable housing. The family selected will actively participate in the building or the house, providing 400 hours of “sweat equity,” and then join the ranks of owners who have a monthly mortgage payment – one that is affordable.

of us. We are hoping to have the home finished by the end of November, with the dedication scheduled for December 3. That means that the family will be able to move in before Christmas! Now that is an exciting goal! We are looking for volunteers of all skill levels, men and women, from experienced to novice, to work on the home, and we will also need help providing lunch for the workers. Stay tuned for details about this volunteer sign-up event. After this sign-up, FUMC will offer additional opportunities as necessary for members to volunteer. You might be saying, “I haven’t ever held a hammer in my life! Surely I can’t be a part.” Please don’t assume that just because you don’t have experience you are not welcome as a volunteer. If you don’t know how to do a particular construction task, don’t worry; you will be able to get instruction from someone who has plenty of experience. Think of it as free education! Members of the “First Methodist Builds with Habitat Committee” include Coleman Emerson, Taffy and Fred Jordan, Mark Park, The Rev. Mark Conforti, Larry Cordts. Angela Pipes and Katie Scarvey. If you have any questions about the upcoming Habitat build, they will try to answer them. The project promises to give us, as a church body, many wonderful opportunities to connect with a deserving family and with one another as we do work that will truly make a difference to the life of a family.

WHEN CAN I SIGN-UP? An official groundbreaking ceremony will be held at the home site, which will be in the Morlan Park area of Salisbury, on Saturday, September 10, which is also the official workday. Work on the house will continue through the fall, with work days each Saturday and some work available on weekdays as well. Habitat will provide skilled professionals for the aspects of construction that require it, but that still leaves plenty of jobs for the rest

At church on Sunday, July 31, we will provide opportunities for FUMC members 14 and older to sign up as volunteers. We will provide more details in the coming weeks and post more information about work days on our website and Facebook page – please “like” our page! Bring your calendar and help us fill up the work schedule!


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS A NEW LOOK! Children Pre-School-5th Grade will Surf the scriptures this Summer! We began June 5 in the NEST at 9:45. Each week check out the Surf Board for where your child will travel. Will it be Science, Games, Missions or Crafts. Hands on fun will teach not only the Bible story but how it connects with our lives today. We will ask you to text pictures of your family on vacation and where you are “Surfing the Wave of God’s Love!” so we can post on our Surf Watch board!

CHILDREN’S MISSION DAYS Sunday July 24 @ 4:00 p.m & Wednesday August 10 @ 10:00 a.m. Look for our mission site information soon

The Rev. James Harnish Sunday, September 18 8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services Retired United Methodist pastor, dynamic preacher, and popular author A Disciple’s Path, You Only Have to Die, plus many other books and articles.


Online Registration: Guaranteed T-shirt if registered by July 8!


ROY & LULA GOODMAN SCHOLARSHIP The annual presentation of Roy and Lula Goodman

scholars has been a highlight of FUMC since the scholarship was created. Founded in honor of their son Larry, the late Mr. and Mrs. Goodman have provided financial assistance to over a hundred of our college students through the interest on their endowment. The focus of the scholarship committee is becoming familiar with the candidates through their applications. As they reflect upon the meaning of FUMC, the applicants convey a sense of love, support, guidance, safety, and cherished memories. One of the criteria of first time applicants is that they write an essay relating what First United Methodist Church means to them. Lest we think that there is no hope for tomorrow as we experience the ills of our society, please read some the paraphrased answers from those essays. One of our young people who experienced doubts about his faith found answers from a seasoned church member who is completely committed to God. That stable faith brought the student’s trust back into focus. Another continually strengthened her baptismal vows by involvement in activities that the church provides. Over and over again, the word “family” appears in their writings. Blessings abound in many ways at FUMC; our Goodman scholars are a wonderful example. Another applicant wants to be a role model just as the adults of this congregation have been to him. FUMC members’ love has revealed God’s amazing love to another writer. Cherished memories are important to all our scholars. Other observations are: What makes this church great is the love and support of everyone here. Being part of FUMC is like being a part of another family. This church is a loving and safe place to be. FUMC is guidance, love, and support. FUMC is an escape from the negatives of the world as one young person seeks peace. These reflections of our graduating high school seniors show the hope and promise of their generation, and that we as a congregations are blessed. Congratulations to twenty-one fine young people! The Roy and Lula Goodman Scholarship committee is honored to award scholarships to fourteen returning students and to seven initial applicants. What a privilege to share the educational aspirations of our scholars! First time recipients of the Goodman scholarships for 2016-2017 are the following:


Wes Fazia, son of Betsy and Robert Fazia, who will be studying at the University of Tennessee Susan Barker Fowler, daughter of Susan and Joe Fowler, who will be a freshman at University of Mississippi Chloe McGee, daughter of Brenda and Robert McGee, who will be attending Brevard College Cassidy Nooner, daughter of Cindy and Tim Nooner, already a student at Appalachian State University Amelia Steinman, daughter of Mary Heather and Todd Steinman, who will be a freshman at NC State University Will Steinman, son of Mary Heather and Todd Steinman, who will be attending the University of South Carolina Spencer Storey, son of Diana and Andy Storey, who will be studying at the University of Florida Those renewing Goodman scholarships for the 2016 – 2017 school year are the following: Savannah Cox, wife of Parker Cox, who will be a student at Western Carolina University Jacob Daye, son of Robin and Jeff Daye, a student at NC State University Patrick Daye, son of Robin and Jeff Daye, a student at Appalachian State University Connor Johnson, son of Lynne and Craig Johnson, a student at Catawba College Benton Kribbs, son of Kerry and Jack Kribbs, a student at Clemson University Matthew Langford, son of Patty and Glenn Langford, a student at Appalachian State University Kaleb Robinson, son of Allison and Jimmy Robinson, a student at Appalachian State University Sarah Seifert, daughter of Jennifer and Brent Seifert, a student at UNC-Chapel Hill Callie Slife, daughter of Betty and Bob Slife, a student at Rowan Cabarrus Community College Katelyn Storey, daughter of Diana and Andy Storey, a student at UNC-Chapel Hill Haley Watts, daughter of Jean and Rob Watts, a student at UNC-Charlotte Parker Williams, daughter of Lauren and Gregg Williams, will be a student at UNC-Charlotte. Alex Wimmer, son of Mark and Amy Wimmer, a student at University of Virginia Elle Wimmer, daughter of Amy and Mark Wimmer, a student at University of Virginia

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry has delivered over 544 prayer shawls since its inception in March 2006. Do the math:

that is 528 weeks, and we have delivered 544 shawls, more than one a week. Shawls have been shipped to five foreign countries (Iraq, Canada, Germany, Djibouti and Guatemala). We have mailed or delivered shawls to 16 different states (AR, CA, CO, FL, MA, MO, MD. NC, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, and WV). Also, since the arrival of Pat McKim, we have delivered four baby blankets to newborns. For the past eight years our graduating high school seniors have received a shawl to take to college, so they know that we are thinking of them and praying for them. Anyone can ask for a prayer shawl. The recipient does NOT need to be a member of our church, our community, our state or our country. Usually we ask that you mail or take the shawl to a recipient out of our community. We can either deliver the shawl to someone in our community or you can deliver it to them. All we need to know is the name of the person you wish to give a shawl. Most times people like to deliver the shawls they have requested. We NEED knitters and crocheters to help us make prayer shawls. Even if you can only do one a year, it helps! We have a few knit patterns and lots of crochet patterns for you to borrow to make a prayer shawl. We have knitting needles, crochet hooks and yarn for you to practice. If you cannot afford the yarn to make prayer shawls, we have a fund that will reimburse you. All you need to do is give me the receipt for the yarn you purchased, I will sign it and Becca Blackmon will mail you a check for the amount. Please visit with us if you already knit or crochet. We are in the UMW Room most Wednesdays after diner 6:15 pm until 7:30 pm or later. We enjoy the fellowship of others, whether or NOT they knit or crochet. It is a good way to get to know other women of the church. It is very gratifying to deliver a shawl. Most times we hear “That is my favorite color”, It matches the room my daughter has given me in her home”, I feel the love and prayers from the shawl”. This is an outreach ministry in which anyone can participate.

Carol Hylton and Frances Miller

THE COUNSELING CENTER REV. GARRY COOK, LCSW Call to make an appointment. Confidential Voicemail: 704-375-5354, ext 405


Thank you Frances Edwards for 26 years of ministry to the children of our Pre-School! Thank you for planting seeds for Christ in the lives of the many children and families whom you have touched through the years!

Dear Church Family, Thank you for your prayers, your many cards, and the meals you brought to us during my months of recovery from surgeries. Your kindness kept my spirits up and helped my recovery. Gratefully, Peggy Lutz

Rowan Helping Ministries wants to give a big “THANK YOU” to all the FUMC members who worked at our facility on the church’s Day of Serving, Saturday, April 16. Our agency was so honored to be chosen as a project site for the day and we are thankful to the caring, generous volunteers who gave up their Saturday to help us with cleaning and painting projects. Inside the original building (now the Ralph W. Ketner Center), volunteers did lots of painting and moved us much closer to finishing our building renovation. The outside crew did pressure washing, tree trimming and cleanup around the building. Their hard work definitely improved the appearance of our campus on the west side of North Long Street! For other church members and families looking for ways to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, we are looking for new volunteers for several of our programs: •

Food Pantry volunteers are needed Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, to bag groceries for clients, restock shelves and tidy up the pantry. There are 3 shifts each day and we need volunteers on all shifts. Volunteers are also need on weekdays or on Saturdays to pre-pack food provided to clients through the USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) food program. This is a great Saturday activity for a family or youth group. Volunteers with trucks are needed on weekday mornings to pick up donated food at grocery stores and restaurants. This is a weekly activity and requires some lifting.

Please join our very special corps of volunteers and contribute a few hours each month to helping our neighbors in need. Invite your friends or Sunday School classmates to join you – group volunteering is fun and the rewards to you and our clients are priceless! For more information, contact Emily Huffman, Volunteer Coordinator, at 704-637-6838, ext. 112 or at ehuffman@ Thank you! Kris Mueller FUMC Member and Director of Resource Development, Rowan Helping Ministries




at First Methodist Church, Salisbury, North Carolina — Circa 1942 Front row (l to r): 1. Keith Bame 2. Jimmy Gamble 3. Buren Aldredge 4. Mary Jane Smiley 5. Obie Scott “Scotty” Thomas Jr. 6. Boy (standing)____________ 7. Girl (standing)____________ 8. Boy____________ 2nd row: 9. Tommy Gamble 10. Jane Gamble 11. Laura Rodgers 12. Mari Hege 13. Carol Ward 14. Sarah Shuping 15. Harley Smith 16. Jimmy Livengood 17. Charles Allen 18. Dan Smiley 3rd row: 19. Mrs. M. S. Satterfield Young ladies: 20.____________ 21.____________ 22.____________ 23.____________ 24.____________ 25. Mrs. William Percy Moore Back row: 26. Man____________







12:00 PM Deadline for Eccelsia articles 7:00 PM AA

Adam & Eve New Bus Pops at Post

1 2 3 4 2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SENIOR SUNDAY 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 4:00 PM Choral Evensong & Reception 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

10:00 AM Naomi Circle Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM SPRC 7:00 PM Eve Circle

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30 PM M.O.M.S. 6:30 PM RHM Supper 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

6:00 AM RHM Breakfast 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 11:00 AM Commissioning for Honduras Trip

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Mission Bridge Club

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 7:00 PM AA

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 6:00 PM CDC/ASC Board Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon


26 27 28 29 30 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting



10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 7:00 PM AA

7:00 AM Boy Scouts - Old Bus 7:00 PM AA






1 2 12:00 PM Deadline for Eccelsia articles 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Pat McKim - van & both buses

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM SPRC

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

Pat McKim - van & both buses

7:00 PM AA

6:00 AM RHM Breakfast 7:00 PM AA


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Reception for Erin Michelle Weaver

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 AM 7:00 PM AA Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM 6:30 PM M.O.M.S. Mission Bridge Club 6:30 PM RHM Supper 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting 6:00 PM Church Council Meeting

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA

2:00 PM Rowan County Little League (Mission Event) 7:00 PM AA

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Worship Committee Meeting

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA


8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service



JUNE BIRTHDAYS ________________________________




Evan Barber 11 Joseph Fowler

Josephine Cease 20 Sarah Roakes

Morgan Warren Henry Webb Courtney Williams Alexander Wimmer ________________________________


Catherine Carter Joyce Goodwin Carol Hylton Joanne Johnson ________________________________

3________________________________ Joan Nash 4________________________________ Kelly 5 Joy Addison Park Russell Roakes Sandra Roakes Brad West ________________________________


Linda Bready Martha Platt Mary Seifert Marilyn Whittington John Zerger ________________________________


Nicholas Foote Laura Williamson ________________________________

John Murphy 8________________________________ 9________________________________ Kay Bower 10 Staton Carter Joseph Fowler Parker Johnson Patricia Paffrath Jonathan Pendleton Amy Wimmer ________________________________


Henry Thompson ________________________________

Ben Baker 12 Lauren Haynes Shannon McCoy Mark Strandlien ________________________________

Maggie Cross 13 John Webb

________________________________ 14

Kenneth Cease Margaret Emerson ________________________________

Madison Summers 15 ________________________________ Carolyn Brown 16 Robert Fazia Andrew Langford James Robinson ________________________________


Walter Adams, III Elizabeth Hudson ________________________________


Ann Coggin Micah Cross Robin Fisher, Jr. Adam Pannabecker ________________________________


Ann Koontz Patricia McKim Marie Moore Robert Roakes, Jr. ________________________________

________________________________ Tina Acree 21 Neal Powell

________________________________ Olivia Burke 22 Jane Shumate Arielle Wimmer ________________________________

William Carter 23 Bob Zimmerman

________________________________ Robin Hager 24 ________________________________ Kristen Barber 25 Patrick Daye Robert Poole ________________________________

Michael Hedrick 26 Melvin Shumate Alice Stanback ________________________________

Erica Branson 27 Carl Brown Kathryn Busby William Clark ________________________________

Steven Brinkley 28 ________________________________ Beverly Poole 29 Donna Smith Sandra Yon ________________________________


Roland Arey Caroline Powell ________________________________


The Reverend Doctor Mark Conforti.............................. Senior Pastor Mrs. Becca Blackmon............................................................... Business Administrator Mr. Matthew Brown.................................................................. Director of Music and Organist Mr. Murl Leazer............................................................................ Building Superintendent Mrs. Christine Maloney........................................................... Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pat McKim........................................................................... Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Betty Slife............................................................................. Lead Teacher of After School Program Mrs. Lindsay Wineka................................................................. Director of Preschool Mrs. Vicki Wood.......................................................................... Director of Child Development Center Ms. Beth Yelvington.................................................................. Lead Teacher of Summer Camp Program

JULY BIRTHDAYS ________________________________




Kenneth Kolkebeck 13 ________________________________ Robert Anderson, Jr. 14 Aaron Peacock

Richard Hodgin 21 Clifton Shepler

Kathryn Welborn Susan Cooley Samantha Zerger ________________________________


Grace Douglas Bess Johnson ________________________________


Ralph Baker Sandy Reitz Robert Slife Jason Walser ________________________________


Reid Acree Elizabeth Barnes Lisa Clark ________________________________


Ruth Bame Jeanne Wilber ________________________________

6 7

Tim Nussman ________________________________ Lori Burke Joel Goodwin Kathryn Goodman Peggy Lutz ________________________________

Jason Grenoble 8________________________________ Adams 9 Linda Benton Kribbs Peggy McDaniel ________________________________


Wayne Koontz William Webb, III ________________________________

Charlotte Cherry 11 Joseph Mills

________________________________ Mary Clark 12 John McCoy


David Rusher David Scarvey William Shaffer Betty Bonner Steele ________________________________


Alan Burke Katie Crider Jacob Grenoble Brien Nussman Patricia Nussman _________________________________ Andrea Cordts 16 Linus Goodman, III Larry Gouge Cindy Noell ________________________________


Carol Bachl Parker Cox Dempsey Rowland Margaret Tucker ________________________________


Andrew Reynolds James West, Jr. ________________________________


Grady Rogers Sarah Seifert ________________________________

20 ________________________________ Declan Fisher Anne Goodman

Tina Smith ________________________________

Jane Creech 22 Nancy Holshouser Myra Meyerhoeffer ________________________________

Doug Sokolowski 23 ________________________________ John Hudson 24 Carleigh Rose Steve Schoch ________________________________

Haley Watts 25 ________________________________ Chelsea Franzese 26 Erin Hagan James Howe David Hughes Joyce Miner ________________________________

Jaudon Cline 27 Susan Eldridge Tonya Huffman Sean Malone Carmen Shepler ________________________________

Caroline Johnsen 28 Brenda Loflin Spencer Nash Marilyn Whittington ________________________________

Elizabeth Dole 29 Laura Johnson T.H. Langford Connor Price Daryce Rimmer ________________________________

30 ________________________________ 31 Daniel Allen Betty Jean Brittain Amy Foote Kim Howard Jean Maynard John Murphy, III Adam Spencer ________________________________


ECCLESIA Published by:



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