Ecclesia 2 2017 (4)

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eorge Whitefield (1714-1770) was one of our country’s spiritual leaders during colonial times. According to Thomas Kidd, who teaches history at Baylor University, Whitefield should be considered the most famous man in the colonies in the years leading up to the American Revolution. Kidd’s new biography, George Whitefield: America’s Spiritual Founding Father, offers a wellbalanced look into the evangelist’s life.



PREACHING IN THE MORNING Moderator for “What’s the Difference: A Panel Discussion” that afternoon for the church and community

I have enjoyed reading Kidd’s book partly because this era of American history fascinates me. Moreover, this book has helped me come to a fuller understanding of our country’s religious landscape. Besides, Whitefield has long remained an intriguing character in the development of early Methodism. John and Charles Wesley, along with their trusted friends, began meeting in small groups for the sake of holy living during their days at Oxford. Critics, including other students and faculty, hurled derisive terms their way, like “Bible Moths” or the “Holy Club.” The term Methodists stuck, thanks to their methodical way of meeting, tending to spiritual practices, and acts of charity. The students even kept diaries to monitor closely the smallest details of their piety. By the time George Whitefield, approximately ten years younger than the Wesley brothers, entered Oxford, the Methodists had grown in number and vitality. Whitefield found in this group exactly what his soul had been craving.


Rev. Kevin Wright Minister of Education, The Riverside Church in New York City

he Rev. Kevin Wright is an ordained elder from the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. Kevin formerly served as the Protestant Chaplain at Georgetown Law Center and Medical Center, and has worked in large congregations in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. Kevin is a native of Chicago and is a graduate of Duke Divinity School where he received his M.Div. degree with a focus on American Religious History and Christian Ethics. He has extensive experience working in the area of Christian formation, social justice ministries, and pastoral care.

George Whitefield became a leader within the Methodist movement well beyond Oxford, eventually becoming ordained. Whitefield never settled in any one parish for long; instead, he felt drawn to being an itinerant preacher in England and eventually moving to the American colonies in 1740. His numerous sermons, typically preached during revivals, famously gave rise to “The Great Awakening.” Much more could be mentioned about Whitefield, including his theological disagreements with John Wesley, his friendship with Benjamin Franklin, or his troublesome approach to slavery. Nonetheless, one fascinating feature about Whitefield’s ministry – one that should be celebrated – is the way Whitefield understood his personal giftedness and used it well for God’s glory. This is obviously true in his dramatic preaching style. As a youth, Whitefield felt shameful for enjoying theater and reading plays, concerned that such frivolity of the flesh would curse him. As he matured, however, Whitefield recognized how God translated those theatrical talents, interests, and passions into his preaching ministry. By some accounts, nearly ten million people heard Whitefield preach, leaving a legacy on early American life like none other. “The Divine Dramatist,” as historian Harry Stout called Whitefield, was especially gifted at engaging the listener’s head and heart, all for the sake of spiritual growth. What started out as a hobby became Whitefield’s strongest tool for ministry. What about your hobby? What are your talents, interests, and passions? Try to imagine your hobby being a vehicle for your faith development, a link tying together your life’s enjoyment to another person’s spiritual need. Keep looking, and you will likely discover ways that God has already worked through you and your hobbies. Keep looking, and you will surely find more opportunities.


Blessings, Pastor Mark

Join the Prayer Community for the United Methodist Church


his prayer movement is a response to the Council of Bishops initiative called “Praying Our Way Forward.” We are called to a posture of prayer, praying for God’s leadership to guide us effectively in fulfilling the mission of the church.

the Council of Bishops and approved by the 2016 General Conference to examine the Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality and explore options that help to maintain and strengthen the unity of the church. In prayer, we can be one in Jesus Christ.

This prayer initiative seeks to strengthen The Commission on a Way Forward, as proposed by


firstARTS presents


Midweek @ First present Jim Martin and his birdhouses 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall

FEB. 8

Midweek @ First (meal only) 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall

FEB. 15 & 22

Midweek @ First hosts a 2-part study titled “Life in Christ� by Pastor Mark 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall


W from w e s t e r n M i c h i g a n u n i v e r s i t y Kalamazoo, mi

Friday, February 17, 2017 7:30pm 4

hat a wonderful opportunity to share the message of caring and cheer to our church members who are sick, homebound, or just in need of a gesture of kindness from our faith community. The flower ministry is certainly a vital extension of our congregational care, and it only happens through the giving of your time, talents and energies to arrange beautiful bouquets from the flowers that have graced our altar on Sunday morning. The Flower Ministry needs volunteers for the 2nd and 4th Mondays to arrange flowers that bring kindness to members of our congregation. If you can help, please contact Carole Young at (704) 639-0847.


oms of infants to pre-school age children please join us Thursday, February 2 at 6:30 pm for hot tea and coffee, lots of laughter, new friends, sharing MOM moments and Bible study. We will meet in the Christian Forum room. Contact Pat if you will need childcare at



MARCH 6:30 P.M.



alentine’s is a special day and Methodist Connection will celebrate February 14th with lunch at Wink’s on Faith Road at 12 noon. It will be Dutch treat. Bring an unsigned Valentine. If you have a Valentine story, bring

that too. Make your reservation by Sunday, February 12 by calling Anne Goodman at 704 633-7948.



e are now in our 11th year of our faith based relationship with Isenberg Elementary School, and each year it becomes a deeper and more meaningful experience. On December 19th, we were blessed with more volunteers than ever before to pack over 500 Love Bags filled with goodies for each student, teacher and staff member. It was really great to have the visiting grandchildren of Judy and Mark Beymer as special helpers on the assembly line. A gracious “thank you” to all who came and gave of their time. At Isenberg, I was placing the bags on tables near the gym window where we were to distribute the bags to each child as they left the cafeteria. A dodge ball tournament was going on inside the gym. A second grader was peering out the window. He would wave to me…and I would wave back. This went on for several minutes. Then he placed a Christmas card against the window. It was one that he had made in class. It read “Merry Christmas, Love Spencer.” I mouthed back, “Merry Christmas, Spencer.” He kept watching me place the bags on the table and suddenly he came out of the gym door and motioned for me to come over. It appeared that he wanted to whisper something to me. I bent down and he cupped his little hands around my face and said, “I like your face.” Well, my heart melted and I knew I wanted to take him home with me. In leaving the lunchroom later, after he had received his bag, Spencer turned around and said, “thank you, I’ll see you next year.”

I would like to also thank the faithful – Jim and Genevieve Martin, Nettie and George Noble, George Hill and Pat McKim who helped distribute the bags. In addition to the Love Bags, we were able to purchase Christmas gifts for 13 families and 28 children. A $50 food gift card was given to each family. Pat McKim and Jamie Webb organized the shoppers and the wrapping of the gifts. The hugs and tears showed such great appreciation as the families came to pick up their gifts that day. God bless you all. And have you heard about our Isenberg 4th grade teacher, Mr. Anthony Johnson? We also presented Mr. Johnson a gift card from our church in appreciation and recognition of his being named “Teacher of the Year” not only in Rowan County but of the Southeast Region. Dear members…good people, the face of First United Methodist Church is known and appreciated throughout Isenberg Elementary School. You are wonderful! Thank you for your love, caring and support to this mission.

YOUTH MINISTRY Upcoming Events Mystery Lock-In 8pm Friday, February 3 - 8:00 am Saturday, February 4


n February 3 we will team up again with the youth of Millford Hills UMC for a Lock-In! Mark the date on your calendar and let us know you are planning to attend; you won’t want to miss this all night adventure. We can’t tell you what we’re doing, it’s a secret... but I’ll give you a hint – we’re not staying at the church all night. Cost: $30 (or take $5 off when you donate brand new pairs of socks!) Come be a part of the fun!


Winter Jam

rowder. Britt Nicole. Tenth Avenue North. Andy Mineo. And more. 4 hours of music for $10! Salisbury Youth will be organizing a trip to WinterJam on March 25. Sign up by March 5 by emailing or going to our Signup Genius page. The cost of this trip is $10 for the ticket + money for dinner/concert merchandise ($20+ suggested).

Email to sign up for the Lock-In (or through our Signup Genius page).

If Spencer were here, he would say, “I like all of your faces.” Blessings and Happy New Year, Sara Hill

Due to a change in the number of children and teachers, we had some bags left. These were taken to Rowan Helping Ministry. They were so delighted to get them.





K-5th graders are invited to join in the fun during February at 9:45 am each Sunday. Jesus is Baptized, The Daily Bread Café, Where in the World?, Creation Station and the Discovery Zone will be open for hands on fun!

4th and 5th Graders! Don’t miss this pre-teen group which meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 5:30 pm.


hristmas and New Year’s are behind us, and we are looking forward to what the new year will bring in our After-School Child Care Program. We have a stack of winter weather books to read. Some are facts and some are fun stories. A few of the books are about snowflakes and the children have been working on a special way to fold and cut squares of paper to make snowflakes that we will display on the homework room door along with a snowman. Also, we have been learning what a new year’s resolution is and how we can set goals and improve ourselves for 2017. The children each wrote their own personal resolution and we will display them on the door. Please come by and read what we are hoping to improve on in the coming months!

The program still has a few openings for children ages K-5. Come by and visit or tell a friend who may be interested in an after school program with outdoor/ indoor play, help with homework, tutoring, daily healthy snacks, games and more! We also do community service such as sending cards/artwork to shut-ins and calling bingo at Trinity Oaks on teacher work days. Daily devotions are read and character building is a big part of our program. We have a prayer wall that our children can their post prayer requests.

Check out our Crazy Hat Christmas party!

Join us in February… February 12

February 26 Mission Project at Food For Thought Come learn what it means to be the hands of Jesus!

What do I do with all these emotions God gave me?


Donna Frederick, Lead Teacher First United Methodist Church After School Care




oy Scouts of America have a motto: “Do a good turn daily.” What would you do differently if you planned your day around that moral goal? How would your life change if you regularly helped another person free of charge? Here is a good place to start. On Sunday, February 5, 2017, our Boy Scouts will be SCOUTING FOR FOOD. This will be a significant drive to feed hungry families here in our community. In late January our Cub Scouts distributed empty collection bags to our congregation or you can participate with a grocery bag of your own. Your “good turn” involves filling those bags with nutritious staple items to stock



ur FUMC Preschool has had an amazing school year! We have loved, learned and laughed with 45 terrific children from our church and community families. It is now time to offer our program for the 2017-18 school year. I know it is hard to believe it’s here already! We will have early registration, which is exclusive, to our currently enrolled families, church member families and then to siblings of children who are currently enrolled or who have completed our program. This will begin on January 17-20th. Our program will then be open to the general public on January 24th. A deposit of $85 holds their spot for 2017-18. Two year-olds must be 2 by August 31, 2017. If you have any questions, please call Lindsay Wineka (704) 798-4902.

FUMC CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER the shelves at the Rowan Helping Ministries community food pantry. Return your food donations to the church on Super Bowl Sunday, February 5th. Please consider expanding your generosity beyond cleaning out your pantry of outdated items. Why not make a special shopping trip to fill your bag with the same choices you make for yourself? The food pantry always needs canned meats, breakfast cereal, vegetables and fruits. In 2016 our church family donated 775 pounds of nonperishable food to this Scouting effort. Let’s see if we can make this year’s Scouting for Food total exceed 900 pounds. It is a great way to do a “good turn” for those in need.


ll the children at FUMC Child Development Center would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! I know it is hard to believe February is here already! The children are having so much fun learning, playing, and making friends at school. Every day is full of exciting learning experiences. We serve children ages three to five years old, Monday through Friday between the hours of 6:30 am and 6:00 pm. Our program is a 12-month program and we accept children year round. We still have a few opening in our center, if you know anyone looking for an AWESOME Five Star Day Care Center for their child give us a call. For a tour or questions about the center please call Vickie Wood 704636-3121 ext. 110.

Vicki Wood, Director First United Methodist Church Child Development Center 704-633-7209

“LIFE IN CHRIST” Bible Study led by Pastor Mark Wednesdays February 15 & 22 6:15 p.m.





Heart (Creech & Senter) 5:30 PM Youth

Social Expectations in the Late 1800s


iews on congregational life in the late nineteenth century had to do with the considerable influence on society that the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, exerted regarding personal morality. One social historian said that the influence of the Methodists in urging people to “spurn the pleasures of the world and the flesh (such as gambling, dancing, and social mores which undermined the solidity of the family) undoubtedly did much to impart a Puritanical flavor to Southern society during the period.” The church gave particular emphasis to the evils of drink, and “it was in no small measure due to the aggressive leadership and moral encouragement afforded by the Church that local prohibition was secured to some extent in all the Southern States by 1890,” preparing the way for national prohibition. The issue of temperance was given increasing attention as the new century arrived. When the Annual Conference met in Salisbury in 1907, the body was addressed by


the Rev. R. L. Davis of the State Anti-Saloon League. The Methodist Church’s position was recorded as “we stand against the sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquors anywhere in the State of North Carolina and for State prohibition. We most earnestly hope that our lawmakers will procure the enactment of such laws as will fully protect us against the importation into prohibitory territory of any alcoholic stimulants from points without as well as within the State.” In 1908, the standing committees of the Board of Stewards of the Salisbury church were: Lookout committee, Welcome Committee, Ushers and Collectors, Church Property Committee, Finance Committee, Sexton Committee, Church Membership Committee, Poor Fund Committee, and the addition of the Temperance Committee. In 1909, statewide prohibition became effective across North Carolina.


2:00 PM

Deadline for Bulletin announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Mid-Week at First 6:15 PM The Casting Queens 6:30 PM Adult Bell Choir 6:30 PM Bible Study Lewis 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

Scout Sunday 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 4:00 PM A Disciple’s



5 The Counseling Center, in partnership with Sanctuary Counseling Group Call for an appointment (704) 375-5354, ext. 405.



12 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 4:00 PM A Disciple’s Heart (Creech & Senter) 5:30 PM Club 45 5:30 PM Youth

19 7:00 AM Boy Scouts -

bus Fri-Mon 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 4:00 PM A Disciple’s Heart (Creech & Senter) 5:30 PM Youth


6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting 6:30 PM Hannah Circle 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

13 6:00 PM Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

20 6:00 AM Boy Scouts van and old bus 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts


10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM SPRC


2:00 PM Deadline for

Bulletin announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Mid-Week at First 6:15 PM The Casting Queens 6:30 PM Adult Bell Choir 6:30 PM Bible Study Lewis 7:30 PM Chancel Choir








7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30 PM M.O.M.S. 6:30 PM RHM Supper 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon



9:00 AM Methodist Connection 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

2:00 PM Deadline for

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon




10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting 6:15 PM Stephen Ministry

2:00 PM Deadline for

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

Bulletin announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Mid-Week at First 6:15 PM The Casting Queens 6:30 PM Adult Bell Choir 7:30 PM Chancel Choir




Bulletin announcements 3:00 PM Archives Committee 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Mid-Week at First 6:15 PM The Casting Queens 6:30 PM Adult Bell Choir 6:30 PM Bible Study Lewis 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

FRIDAY 12:00 PM Deadline for Ecclesia articles 5:30 PM Girl Scouts old bus 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Youth Group Lock-In

6:00 AM RHM Breakfast 7:00 PM AA

11:00 AM Volunteer Luncheon 4:00 PM Boy Scouts bus Fri-Mon 7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Mission Bridge Club 7:30 PM FirstARTS Concert

24 7:00 PM AA

8:00 AM Youth Group - Lock-In 8:00 AM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA

4:00 PM Boy Scouts - bus Fri-Mon 7:00 PM AA

25 7:00 PM AA

26 27 28 8:30 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 4:00 PM A Disciple’s Heart (Creech & Senter) 5:30 PM Club 45 5:30 PM Youth

6:00 PM CDC, After-School, Summer Day Camp Board 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting 7:00 PM Boy Scouts

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 5:30 PM Family Crisis Council Board


FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS ________________________________


James Johnson Michael Anderson 1________________________________ 10 Glener Gilland Deborah Insley Rick Parker 2________________________________ Curtis Rusher Carole Young ________________________________ Crider 3 Dean Gregory Mason Jacob Gillenwater 11 Leon Newman Mary Sue Leonard Arthur Swanson Rebecca Webb ________________________________


Caroline Clark Jennifer Johnson ________________________________


Donna Culler Ken Hollar ________________________________


Sierra Braun Earle Koontz Garrett Miller Sandy Powell ________________________________


Roscoe Giles Edwin Koontz Roger Malone ________________________________

________________________________ Keron Sherwin 12 ________________________________ Ryan Anderson 13 Nora Cooper

________________________________ 19

Cecil Lewis Barbara Riggs Spencer West ________________________________

Dorothy Malone 20 Barbara White

________________________________ William Clark 21 Kaleb Robinson

To the staff and members of First Methodist Church,

Mel Smith ________________________________

Greg Shuler 23 Hannah Smith

Erma Scarlette ________________________________

Schroeder Walker ________________________________

George Noble 14 ________________________________ Nancy Webb 15 ________________________________ Robert Gainer 16 Nicholas Peltz

Jeff Matthews 24 Ruthann Melvin

Amelia Steinman William Steinman ________________________________

17 Connor Conforti 8________________________________ 18 Regina Faggart 9________________________________

Emily Ward Lauren Williams ________________________________ Wesley Hartsell Melissa Thornton Elizabeth Whittington ________________________________

Thank you for allowing us to use your space for our Madrigal Dinner. We had a great time! Sincerely, Erwin Middle School Eagle Singers

________________________________ Dwight Wilhelm 25 ________________________________ Barbara Saleeby 26 Carlton Stout ________________________________ Laura Koontz 27 Hannah Lineberry


Robert McGee ________________________________

The Reverend Doctor Mark Conforti.............................. Senior Pastor

Faye Cline 28 Debbie Kolkebeck

Mrs. Becca Blackmon............................................................... Business Administrator

William Koontz ________________________________

Mr. Matthew Michael Brown............................................... Director of Music and Organist Mr. Murl Leazer............................................................................ Building Superintendent Mrs. Christine Maloney........................................................... Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Pat McKim........................................................................... Director of Children’s Ministry Ms. Jenni Fogt............................................................................... Youth Director Mrs. Donna Frederick .............................................................. Lead Teacher of After School Program Mrs. Lindsay Wineka ................................................................ Director of Preschool Mrs. Vicki Wood.......................................................................... Director of Child Development Center Ms. Beth Yelvington.................................................................. Lead Teacher of Summer Camp Program



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