Ecclesia 08 2016

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REMARKS During my junior year in college, I attended a lecture by Dr. Ellen Charry, a well-known Princeton theologian. Dr. Charry’s talk drew from her book, By the Renewing of Your Minds: The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine. I bought a copy of her book, and was certainly glad for her to sign it. But one ten dollar word after another soon chased away my excitement. I needed a theological dictionary on standby just to make it through the first few pages. It seems that the renewing of my mind included learning some fancy new words. The title of Dr. Charry’s book picks up on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2, NRSV This theme, the “renewing of your minds,” has contributed toward my faith’s growth. When I notice myself struggling in life, I typically detect the need for my mind’s renewal: deeper wisdom, a different perspective, or a restructured conception. In these ways, my mind is made new. Have you found this to be true for you, too? We all face many challenges in life, not just ethical dilemmas, but other problems in a variety of settings. Slipping into autopilot mode will not help. Doing so would lead us into being “conformed to this world,” as Paul puts it. Over time, by God’s grace we learn to think critically, carefully, and compassionately. This takes a certain amount of diligence. Being baptized in our Lord compels us to think, to think as Christ. I appreciate Bible scholar N.T. Wright’s observation about a problem in contemporary Christianity, namely that genuine faith “has been taken over surreptitiously by a kind of low-level romanticism, colluding with an anti-intellectual streak in our culture, generating the assumption that the more spiritual you are, the less you need to think (After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, page 158).” The Bible actually offers an entirely different view. According to Romans 12, your holy thoughtfulness contributes directly to an authentic spiritual life, one that can “discern the will of God.” While we, in the Wesleyan tradition, never want to leave our brains at the door, we affirm that faithfulness is much more than mind games. Life is not a Sudoku puzzle. We long for our mind and our heart to join our hands in service to God. Some of us welcome the challenge of a new book, and others do not. Some of us shy away from intellectual debate, while others are drawn toward it. All of us, I pray, can welcome the Holy Spirit’s transforming work throughout our lives. Along the way, our minds will be renewed, giving way to a clearer understanding of how God calls us to live. Blessings, Pastor Mark



The mission of First United Methodist Church is to make and nurture Christian disciples through the presence and power of God. Camp Discovery keeps giving and is a wonderful blessing for those who support, participate and benefit from it. Rising 4th and 5th graders from the Rowan-Salisbury schools, their mentors and staff share together in God’s creation at Mt. Shepherd Retreat Center.


A WEEK OF BEAUTIFUL SACRED MUSIC – Matthew Michael Brown, Director of Music

Since 2007, I have enjoyed a meaningful association with the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCMA) Carolina Summer Training Course. Each year, RSCMA hosts courses throughout the United States, including courses for boys and adults, girls and adults, and several co-ed offerings as well. Training courses join together voices from diverse programs, the sharing of ideas from various professionals, and intense growing—socially, musically, and spiritually. The experience of a week devoted to sacred music and spiritual growth often becomes mountaintop experiences for all who attend. Each course has its own identity. Some are of grand scale, with over 100 participants singing in monumental spaces. Others are more intimate, with less than 25 participants. Each course prides itself on first-class instruction and leadership from its music directors, chaplains, and proctors.

My affiliation with the Raleigh course began in 2007, during which time I served as the Course Organist. Since that time, I have served in various capacities and became Course Manager this past year. In residence on the campus of Raleigh’s St. Mary’s School, the rigorous daily schedule includes a full day of intense music rehearsals and beautiful liturgies in the morning and early evening. This summer’s course brought together girls and adults from across the United States and Canada under the musical direction of Dr. Michael Velting, Canon for Music at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, TN. Closing services were held in Raleigh’s St. Michael’s Episcopal Church and Duke University Chapel. The course welcomed Mr. Colin Lynch of Boston’s Trinity Church Copley Square and Mr. Richard Gray, a graduate student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX as organists. We were particularly honored to have The Reverend Dr. William Bradley Roberts of Virginia Theological Seminary as this year’s Course Chaplain. In addition to his calling as an Episcopal priest, Fr. Bill also holds a doctorate in music and has served as organist-choirmaster for several highly-visible music programs throughout the USA. His spiritual leadership was enriching and incredibly meaningful for everyone. Next summer, the course moves exclusively to Duke University. The inspiring architecture, combined with the glorious acoustic make it a perfect fit for a course such as ours. I welcome you to learn more about the RSCMA and the Carolina Course. First United Methodist Church became an affiliate of the organization in 2008. The course website is



FROM THE FUMC YOUTH DIRECTOR Hello First United Methodist from Jenni Fogt! We are taking off on a new adventure as I join FUMC’s staff as your new Youth Director. From my first visits to FUMC and the city of Salisbury, during the interview process, I already knew it’s a wonderful church and a great town, and I’m very excited to start meeting the church family! I have moved to Salisbury from where I have lived for the past two years in Blythewood, SC. Even though I’m moving from South Carolina, I’m not a native southerner. The town where I grew up is in western Ohio where we grow corn and college football is all about the scarlet and gray, Go Bucks! My family’s business is raising game birds, pheasants and Hungarian partridge, and I always thought I would be the one of my siblings to stay around home. God had other plans, which is how I’ve arrived in the beautiful Carolinas. After high school I went on to earn a degree in Youth Ministry and Christian Education from Indiana Wesleyan University. Having volunteered in youth ministry since I graduated from high school, and then earning a degree in the field, I moved to South Carolina to become the youth director at a Methodist church just north of Columbia. Now I have an exciting opportunity to see what God has in store for FUMC Salisbury! Some of my favorite things include the two little dogs that live with my sister Corrie and me. Their names are Sirius (like the constellation, or the Harry Potter character) and Lizzy. I love playing board games, and sometimes get way too competitive. In high school I spoke German but don’t ask me to translate; and I can sometimes carry on entire conversations in movie quotes. She and I are so excited to relocate to Salisbury, and can’t wait to hear what your favorite things are as well.

SAVE the DATES Aug. 5

Olympics Watch Party

Aug. 20 High School Day at the Lake Sept. 11 First Sunday Night back

SUMMER MISSION DAY All children of the church: Please mark your calendars for the Summer Mission Day! The Children’s Ministry

Team wants to encourage fun, fellowship and outreach this summer so we invite all children (preschool through 5th grade) and their families to join us on Wednesday, August 10. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall and work together on a mission project, enjoy lunch together and then go out for a fun afternoon! Our project will be to make, bake and deliver dog treats to Faithful Friends Animal Sanctuary. Our goal is to make opportunities for children to engage in meaningful mission work while having fun at the same time. We want to encourage children and families to grow together in their faith development and service to our community. Please join us! To sign up, either email Mary Allen Conforti, maryallen.conforti@ or Pat McKim, Look for more details in the Sunday bulletin.


@ FIRST Kicks off September 7 September through December special programs include: • “How to…” classes • Bible Study • Stewardship Celebration • Parenting classes • Fall Festival • “Dealing with Stress,” by Garry Cook, Counselor • “Sacred Salisbury” walking tour • Celebrating our Community Leaders • Advent/Christmas Youth Performance • “Watch and Wait” mission event

5:30 pm 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Dinner served (Fellowship Hall) Choristers (Rehearsal Hall, grades 3-6) Youth Bells (Rehearsal Hall) Discipleship Opportunities for all ages (as scheduled) Adult Bell Choir (Rehearsal Hall) Chancel Choir (Rehearsal Hall)

PRESCHOOL Our FUMC Preschool still has vacancies in the 2 and 4 year-old classrooms. Children must turn 2 by August 31,

2016, and 4 by the same date to be eligible. Please alert friends and family to the wonderful program we have to offer. Applications can be picked up at the Volunteer Office. Contact Lindsay Wineka, 704-798-4902 with any questions. It is a 1/2 day program.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Surf ’s Up! Join us for Summer Sunday School in the NEST at 9:45 each week. Pre-school through 5th grade. Volunteers still needed.


YOUTH MINISTRY each hold a special piece of our hearts back in Central America. An orphanage by the name of Yo Quiero Ser (translated to “I Want To Be”) encourages its children to have dreams and occupational aspirations. It is run by a woman named Patricia who moved from Switzerland with the sole intention of creating a wellrounded home for children. Meet some of the kids. Lency: an 11-year-old girl who loves braiding hair and could play ninja from dawn till dusk.

The months leading up to this trip were the textbook

definition of chaos--we lost our youth minister along with half of our team and suffered from a lack of funds. From various other churches and the magical world of Facebook, we assembled our team and began our excursion. Little did we know we would be landing in a place with the potential to quite literally change our lives. No alignment of words could accurately describe the physical, naturalistic beauty of Honduras (Peña Blanca specifically). For the first day, we were in awe of the vibrant flowers and the incredible verdure. We remained in a state of awe as we met the people. I speak confidently for the rest of the team when I say that the people we met, whether they were Honduran or American, adult or child, male or female,


Josué: 13 years old with a mean kick for a soccer ball. He’s crazy mischievous but has a massive heart. Dani: A 17-year-old boy with the definite potential to be a professional soccer star… But would rather have his own orphanage someday. Hogar Emperanza is an orphanage in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, owned by a woman named Angie. Angie is an inspiring woman who came down from the United States when she was in high school on a mission trip and fell in love with not only the place, but of course, the people. she ended up moving down to Honduras when she was 21 and has lived there for the past two decades. Right now, Hogar Emperanza consists of three buildings, a playground, and of

course, a soccer field. Angie’s plan is to eventually have six girls’ houses, six boys’ houses, a chapel, and a school for the community. There are only 13 kids that are currently reside at the orphanage; meet some of them. Manuel: 6 year old vibrant little boy who would shower you with hugs as soon as you came near. David: an 11 year old mischievous boy who enjoyed taking your belongings and hiding them, but simultaneously made you want to constantly smile. Jasareth: a loving 6 year old girl who wanted nothing more than to teach her new friends her favorite game called Shark. Leaving those kids and that stuff was easily one of the most excruciating moments of my life. However, upon boarding the last plane back, I came to the conclusion that, while that

day was morose, it was a perfect ending to an extraordinary week. I believe it has altered our perspectives on everyday life… for the better. Our faith was strengthened immensely, and we did a lot of praying… especially while zip-lining over Pulhapanzak and hiking under it. Honduras may be the second most dangerous country in the world, but no country could compare it to its abundance of love, generosity, and presence of Jesuchristo.

Morgan Warren

AFTER-SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM for2016–2017 The After-School Child Care Program is now accepting applications for children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade for the 2016-2017 school year. The program provides a structured environment to support spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, and creative development with a service to others component.

Every effort is made to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children recognizing their unique and particular needs. The program provides after school care from 2:30 pm until 6:00 pm. Members of First United Methodist Church of Salisbury are given first priority. This program follows the Safe Sanctuary Policy of First United Methodist Church which requires a minimum of two adults to be present during all children and youth activities. A structured daily schedule incorporates time for physical activities, devotions and character building, a healthy snack, tutoring and homework assistance, and art and craft projects. A completed application with a $25.00 per child non-refundable registration fee is to be submitted for enrollment. All forms can be located on the church website under LEARN - Children and Youth. Transportation is provided from the school site to the church daily. We welcome all children and will be happy to provide a

tour of our secure facility to share our unique program. For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact us at 704-433-6679, or by calling the First United Methodist Church of Salisbury office at 704-636-3121.


MISSION MOMENTS Focus on Children

There is a hymn in our hymnal I love to sing: “I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together.” This summer through our mission team, we were the church as we reached out to serve God through needy children.

Our youth mission trip to Honduras was an exceptional experience for all who participated. Members shared their love and labors with children ages one to sixteen. They painted walls, poured a concrete pathway, assembled beds, built a garden, and improved the Yo Quiero Ser and the Good Samaritan homes for children. In addition to these service projects, they led a weekend resident camp at Jerusalem Campamento for forty children and staff from these and other orphanages. It was a time for fun, small group sharing, worship, and a riotous soccer tournament. There was even a surprise visit by Bubbles (aka Dana McKim) the Clown. Here are a few pictures from the experience. By your prayers and support, you represented Jesus and touched the many faces of God.

Camp Discovery was held at the Mt Shepherd Retreat Center the first week of July. This mission ministry focuses on children from Rowan County. Each child had a personal adult friend and companion at camp. They explored God’s kingdom and themselves as they climbed the fire tower, sang by the lake, built bird houses, learned about dental hygiene and acted in Bible dramas. You have touched new lives through Jesus with your prayers, support and participation in Camp Discovery! You are the church. School begins in a few weeks here in Salisbury. There are collection tubs located throughout the building to collect school supplies for Isenberg School and distribution through One Church One Child. As you shop prepare your own children for the new school term, please add extras for educational needs of God’s children in our community. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs (Luke 18:16). Garrison Keillor put it slightly differently when he said, “No kindness you do for a child is ever wasted.” We are the church together. Taffy Jordan, Mission Team Leader


SUCCESS STORY Doris Peeler Faggart Red Cross Volunteer for 50 Years of Service

On any given first Monday of the month, you will find Ms. Doris Peeler Faggart at the Elizabeth Hanford Dole office of the Rowan County Red Cross greeting those who have signed up to donate blood with a warm smile and a number. Some of them are new donors but many are familiar faces who have come to adore Ms. Doris, as she is often referred to as. It’s evident that she takes a great deal of care with each person that she encounters and that she truly enjoys making a difference in the lives of others.

Doris was born and raised in Granite Quarry and graduated from Granite Quarry High School in 1945. She attended Salisbury Business School. Doris was a loving mother of two children, daughter, the late Carol Clement and son, David Ellis. She worked at the Salisbury Urologic Clinic for about 8 years and later became Co-Owner, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of Star Laundry and Cleaners until it sold in 1980. After retiring, she spent summers at her home in New Orleans and winters at her condo in Salisbury. On occasion Doris has opened up her home in the French Quarter for private tours, special events and political fundraising gatherings. Doris was inspired to volunteer for the American Red Cross through her sister Jean Cauble, whose role was to work the refreshment stand at blood drives. She encouraged Doris to become more involved and oversee registration for blood drives from 7am to 6pm. Having not been scared off by the 10 plus hour shifts, Doris made a conscious decision to come back every month and had done so for the past 50 years. She is credited with working countless blood drives at several locations across town and her philanthropic reach has extended as far as New Orleans. Doris knows firsthand the impact and devastation that natural disasters can leave behind, her beloved church in New Orleans, First United Methodist Church was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Today Doris’ faith and dedication to service remain important and keep her grounded. She has been a member of First United Methodist Church in Salisbury for more than 45 years, and is involved with serveral of the church groups including the Methodist Connection, United Methodist Women, and serves as the Treasurer for her Sunday School Hedrick Friendship class. At the heart and center of life are her children: the late Carol Clement and her husband Ronnie Clement, her son, David Ellis and is wife Tammy, her 6 grandchildren: Trey, Drew, Matthew, Megan, Brooke, Mattie and 5 great-grandchildren. This is the American Red Cross’ centennial year, and they proudly salute Doris Faggart for her service to the Red Cross Blood Services and they recognize her as a local hero in the Salisbury community.

METHODIST CONNECTION This is one of many famous murals that the Senior Connection enjoyed on their recent road trip to the West Jefferson area. They also filled up on cheese and ate at Shatley Springs. Make plans to join us this fall for a new year full of fun activities and trips!


CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER The Child Development is having a great summer with lots of

summer activities: Reading Time at the Library, Water Sprinkler day to help us keep cool during the summer heat, Movie Mondays with our favorite movie playing, Creative Art – a day to get messy, and chapel day with Pastor Mark or Ms. Pat. Every day is a day of thanksgiving at FUMC-CDC.










Registration for The Child Development Center for the Fall is going on now. We still have openings for 4 and 5 year-olds. Please call Vickie Wood at 704-636-3121 at ext. 110.

Going to the Carolina Panthers game? Come to 8:30 am worship that morning! (we’ll save you a seat)

Sept 18


Nov 13

Sept 25

Dec 11

Oct 30






1 2 3 4 5 6 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

8:30 AM Boy Scout Breakfast 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM SPRC

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:15 PM The Casting Queens

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

12:00 PM Deadline for Eccelsia articles 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting

10:00 AM Children’s Mission Day 2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:15 PM The Casting Queens

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30 PM RHM Supper 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 AM RHM Breakfast 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Children’s Church 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:15 PM The Casting Queens

10:00 AM Crafter/Cookbook Planning Meeting 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Mission Bridge Club

7:00 PM AA

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:15 PM The Casting Queens

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 PM AA

9:00 AM UMW Unit Meeting 7:00 PM AA

28 29 30 31 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Children’s Church 11:00 AM Worship Service

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin announcements 6:15 PM The Casting Queens


AUGUST BIRTHDAYS ________________________________




Tyler Conforti 13 ________________________________ Fowler 14 Kayla Katherine Gainer

Busby 23 Emily George Hill

Trevor Eppehimer Mark Mann


Elizabeth Warren Hailey Huffman 2________________________________ Clyde Young ________________________________ Braun-Bernhardt 3 Joy Mary Allen Conforti Matthews 15 Gloria Charles Hensley Mimi Webb Jodi Rocco ________________________________


Shakira Humble Ronnie Reinhardt ________________________________

________________________________ Hoppe 16 John Lanie Humble






Sue Lewis Raleigh Shaffer ________________________________ Sarah Busby Carlton Doby Traci Williams ________________________________

Robert Greenland Susan Pharr Ola Rutledge ________ Julie Gainer Martha Smith Ian Walser ________________________________


Mary Heather Steinman 7________________________________ Gwen Webb Samantha Allen 8________________________________ 20 Sue Bivens Nolan Burton Bobby Jones 9________________________________ Connor Johnson Thomas Langford William McGee 10 ________________________________ Carolyn Robinson

Luke Lundy Jane Osborne ________________________________

Cathryne Clark 11 Steven Huffman

________________________________ William Brinkley 12 Sara Hill

Virginia Krotchko Betty Mickle Jackson Price Nancy Schoch ________________________________

________________________________ Rich 21 Betsy Leslie Rollins

________________________________ Doby 22 Rick Elizabeth Fazia

Josh Gainer Joseph Rutledge, III Dixie Scott Jody Seymour



Amanda Lippard Noah Robinson Jennifer Seifert Anne Shepler John Webb ________________________________

Virginia Champion 24 ________________________________ 25 ________________________________ Marlatt 26 Grace Wayne Saleeby ________________________________ Floyd 27 Karen Bettie Jordan Glenn Langford Alexandra Mann Griffin Smith ________________________________

John Holshouser 28 ________________________________ Carmichael 29 Heather Larry Fain Genevieve Martin Paula Poorman Kate Smith Kathy Walters ________________________________


Mary Davis David McCoy Tracy Walser ________________________________

31 ________________________________

CHURCH STAFF The Reverend Doctor Mark Conforti.............................. Senior Pastor The Reverend Erin Michelle Weaver............................... Associate Pastor Mrs. Becca Blackmon............................................................... Business Administrator Mr. Matthew Michael Brown............................................... Director of Music and Organist Mr. Murl Leazer............................................................................ Building Superintendent Mrs. Christine Maloney........................................................... Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pat McKim........................................................................... Director of Children’s Ministry Ms. Jenni Fogt............................................................................... Director of Youth Ministries Mrs. Betty Slife............................................................................. Lead Teacher of After School Program Mrs. Lindsay Wineka................................................................. Director of Preschool Mrs. Vicki Wood.......................................................................... Director of Child Development Center Ms. Beth Yelvington.................................................................. Lead Teacher of Summer Camp Program

CELEBRATION & JOY Cole Austin Dibley was born on June 2, 2016, to his proud parents, Paula & Troy Dibley.

OPENINGS The church office has openings for a Front Desk Volunteer whose main role is to welcome

people and answer the telephone. We are looking for someone for Fridays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm OR 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please contact Becca Blackmon, our Business Administrator, if you are interested in helping.

THANK YOU I would like to thank everyone who made my years at First United Methodist Church Preschool

and my retirement so special. All of you mean so much to me. Not everyone can say that they have a job that they really love. The children I taught and played filled my days with love and fun. I worked with the best teachers who I can call my friends. I also got to know and love many members of First United Methodist church. The church service with the children was much appreciated and Pastor Mark made me feel so special with his kind words. It was wonderful to see old friends at the lovely reception. I felt truly honored and loved being a part of such a great school. Frances Edwards


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