Full Throttle Magazine MO/IL March 2015

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March 2015

E V A S US P L E H K’S C A J Y SHAD E 15 PAG e sa v


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Watching the snow fall here at the office in mid-February hoping that this is the last shot of winter. However, St. Louis is a town that winter can still grab us in late March or early April. Everyone always says, “If you don’t like the weather here wait a day and it will change.” That is so true. Last weekend we had mid 60”s and a great weekend to ride. This weekend we froze our butts off and got snow?????? I’m just patiently waiting for that 70 plus and sunny weather.

Table of Content Page 8: Chic Chat Page 12-13: 2015 Missouri Motorcycle Headgear Legislation Page 15: Help Us Save Shady Jack’s Page 16-18: GOT INK Tattoo Contest Page 23: Southern Armory Page 32-33: Titling a Rebuild or Restoration in Missouri Page 36: Wild Bill’s Wild Game Cookoff Page 39: JammerJoint (Speakers) Page 41: Crack Up’s Page 42-43: The Need For Speed Page 48-49: Muscle Car Mania Page 53: Full Throttle Safety Asylum


Full Throttle Magazine 18118-L Chesterfield Airport Rd Chesterfield, MO 63005 636-536-3893 Robert Blanton Owner/Publisher Publisher@fullthrottle-magazine.com Cindy Blanton Owner/Editor Editor@fullthrottle-magazine.com Contributing Writers Marshall Tucker, Roger Ferris Tami Aguilera, TJ Miles, Mike Czerniewski Aaron Tarlow Sales Staff Robert Blanton, Jay Flagg, Danielle Deck, Tami Aguilera Contributing Photographer John Krick, Robert Blanton, TJ Miles, Models: Tiffany

I hope everyone will take a look at the “Save Shady Jack’s” ad on page 15 of this month’s magazine. I have to believe that all of us would rather see Shady Jack’s stand and the new Stadium built elsewhere or at least leave Shady’s alone. I don’t quite understand the need for a new stadium but that’s well beyond what I am interested in. They can’t even fill up the old stadium can they? Well, that’s enough of my commentary about that but, let’s all pull together and get down to Shady Jack’s and sign the petition to save the most famous Biker Bar in St Louis. Shady’s is a great place for events, plus an AWESOME place to just visit on any given day for a great meal, drinks and a terrific atmosphere to just be yourself. Jack, Ann and all the staff at there are first class all the way and deserve all of us to help stop the destruction of this St Louis Landmark. I urge you to take the time to stop by the bar and get on that petition. Don’t let the city of St Louis tell us who can stay and who has to go. I’m for Shady Jack’s staying, how about you? Riding season is just about on us. Watch our website, our Facebook and the current issue of Full Throttle Magazine to keep up with all the great events and rides happening each month. I look forward to seeing you all of you at the many events and rides we will be at. Watch for more info soon about the 7th Annual GGG and Full Throttle Magazine is happy to announce we will be a Sponsor for Bikefest at Lake of the Ozarks this year on Sept 17-20. We will be announcing some exciting news about both events in March. Ride safe and see you on the road with Full Throttle Magazine. Bob


Adam Brooks

Eddie V.

Brad Sabol


R.J. Russo

Scott “Bug” Phillips

Bob Weider

Daron Shanks

Mark Rogers

c i h

C Chat

Sorry Boys, No Men Allowed!

C. Blanton

MAKING THEIR MARK: WOMEN MOTORCYCLISTS FROM THE EARLY YEARS TO TODAY Continuing our journey talking about the wom- tended their hand and accepted Theresa into their ciren that have been such an influential part of motor- cle. In 1939 she won one of the most sought after Britcycle history, I certainly could not leave this one out. ish Motorcycle Racing Club’s Gold Star when she raced the famous Brooklands Circuits going over 100mph. She’s nothing short of extraordinary --Theresa Wallach. She was the first woman to accomplishment this task and it was all done on a 350cc single-cylinder Norton. Theresa Wallach was born in London on April When World War II came, she wanted to put 30, 1909. She grew up near a motorcycle plant that man- her skills to good use. She started as an Army Transport ufactured BSA, Norton, Triumph, and AJS. Motorcy- Corps as a mechanic and later became the first woman to cles sparked her curiosity at an early age. She eventual- become a motorcycle dispatch rider in the British Army. ly became friends with several of the factory workers as Upon the war’s end, she traveled 32,000 miles well as some of the test riders. By the time she became through the Canada, the United States, and Mexico on a a young women, she was taught to ride a motorcycle by two and a half year motorcycle tour. She would stop long some of the best riders in England and quickly became enough to find odd jobs to make enough cash to get her to a solid rider herself. Her next goal was to join the local the next destination. The depressed economy upon her remotorcycle club, but she was denied due to her gender. turn home to Britain enticed her to come back to the Unit This did not stop Theresa from pursuing the dream ed States in 1952, where she resided in Chicago, earning of motorcycling. She continued riding her motorcycles, get- a living as a motorcycle mechanic in which she eventually ting better and better. She became so good at riding that she opened her own dealership specializing in British machines. started competing in some of the local meets; earning many Come 1959, she was on her way to an unexpecttrophies. Motorcycle riding was still considered very much ed career as a motorcycle instructor, guiding and directof a man’s sport that her parents made her hide her trophies. ing individuals on the safety and fundamentals of ridIn 1928 Theresa won a scholarship to study engineering. ing. It all began when an obvious inexperienced group In 1935 Theresa and one of her closest friends, of men visited her shop to purchase BSA’s for a EuroFlorence Blenkiron, set out on a journey that even men, pean motorcycle trip, where she refused their sale unat that time, would have thought twice about. Riding only til teaching them how to ride. A decade later Wallach a 600cc one cylinder Panther complete with a side-car published the top selling book “Easy Motorcycle Ridand trailer, they road from London all the way to Cape ing”, and its success lead to TV appearances and news Town, South Africa. There were no roads…no back up articles on her accomplishments. In 1973, her Easy Ridplans…not even a compass; just the huge Sahara Desert. ing Academy opened for business in Phoenix, Arizona, They encountered various obstacles including with a focus on ‘one-to-one’ student instructing. wildlife of snakes, gorillas, and lions; endured some of the Another major accomplishment of Theresa’s is as a most treacherous climates like nomads, sand drifts, heat, founder and the first Vice President of the Women’s Interheavy rains, and rapid rivers; fought with the French For- national Motorcycle Association, established in 1950 - Great eign Legion to allow them to continue and win. They faced Britain. She served as an active member of the association mechanical issues and break downs; having an accident until her 90th birthday, also the day of her death, in 1999. in Tanzania with the only car that was seen on the road Wallach rode until vision problems force for days, and fashioned a tow hitch for the trailer when her to relinquish her driving license at age 88. it broke in the desert; pushing their motorcycle for 25 She sums up her passion for riding in a quote miles due to engine failure and rebuilding the entire en- with Road Rider Magazine’s interview in 1977. gine from scratch in Agadez. Luckily they were able to befriend some of the most helpful people during their jour- “When I first saw a motorcycle, I got a message from ney that welcomed the ladies into their African villages. it,” she said. “It was a feeling – the kind of thing that There were so many adventures on their journey that The- makes a person burst into tears hearing a piece of muresa documents them all in her book “The Rugged Road.” sic or standing awestruck in front of a fine work of What Theresa and Florence did turned them in to art. Motorcycling is a tool with which you can accomcelebrities. There would be no one who would not stand plish something meaningful in your life. It is an art.” up and take notice. The British racing establishment ex-

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2015 MISSOURI MOTORCYCL The Missouri General Assembly is at it again for 2015 with how bills are being presented by the state’s Congressional leaders regarding motorcycle helmet legislation. Granted this is only the beginning process and have not reached the Governor yet for final approval of signing into law; this is a heads-up of what we’re facing to be passed. The following house bills (HB) and senate bills (SB) are to repeal or amend SECTION 302.020 by adding or changing the verbiage to subsection 2; that currently reads as follows. 2. Every person operating or riding as a passenger on any motorcycle or motortricycle, as defined in section 301.010, upon any highway of this state shall wear protective headgear at all times the vehicle is in motion. The protective headgear shall meet reasonable standards and specifications established by the director. *** ALSO NOTE *** Section 302.020.1 Beginning January 1, 2017--Operation of motor vehicle without proper license prohibited, penalty--motorcycles--special license--protective headgear, failure to wear, fine, amount--no points to be assessed.

Any qualified motorcycle operator may operate a motorcycle or motortricycle upon any Missouri highway without wearing protective headgear fastened upon his or her head if such qualified motorcycle operator:

-------------------Senate Bill 135 Allows qualified motorcycle operators to operate motorcycles and motortricycles without protective headgear under certain conditions. Status: Introduced on January 7 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-01-22 - Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee.

-------------------Senate Bill 296 Exempts users of enclosed three wheel vehicles that contain manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints from the requirement to wear helmets. Status: Introduced on January 22 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-02-12 - Second Read and Referred S Transportation, Infrastructure and Public Safety Committee.

(AMEND CH. 302, RSMo BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 302.026) A brief summary because it is pretty wordy: “Qualified Motorcycle Operator” means a person twenty-one years of age or older who has possessed a motorcycle license or a motorcycle endorsement on his or her driver’s license for at least two years or of this age who has not possessed either for minimum of two years, but has successfully completed a motorcycle rider training course approved pursuant to sections 302.133 to 302.137.

REPEAL CH. 302, RSMo BY ADDING --“The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to such a person or passenger on any three wheeled vehicle that is fully enclosed and contains manufacturer-installed seat belts with shoulder restraints.”

Page 12 www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

In addition to maintaining proof of financial responsibility in accordance with chapter 303, has first-party insurance coverage of a health insurance policy, a personal injury protection insurance policy or rider, or other form of insurance providing first-party medical benefits in the minimum amount of fifty thousand dollars for injuries incurred as a result of an accident while operating a motorcycle or motortricycle. Licenses with distinctive plates will be issued by the DOR by paying a fifteen dollar fee in addition to regular registration fees, license plates bearing letters or numbers or a combination thereof as determined by the director, with the words “HELMET FREE” in place of the words “SHOW-ME STATE”. Also, law enforcement officers will not be able to arrest or issue a citation to an operator as long as they are displaying these special issued license plates.

-----------------Senate Bill 344 Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear.

LE HEADGEAR LEGISLATION Status: Introduced on January 28 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-01-28 - S First Read--SB 344-Wasson (AMEND CH. 304 RSMo by adding one new section 304.005) 1. As used in this section, the term “autocycle” means a three-wheeled motorcycle on which the drivers and passengers ride in a completely enclosed, tandem seating area that is equipped with airbag protection, a roll cage, safety belts for each occupant, and antilock brakes and that is designed to be controlled with a steering wheel and pedals. 2. Notwithstanding subsection 2 of section 302.020, a person operating or riding in an autocycle shall not be required to wear protective headgear if the vehicle is equipped with a roof that meets or exceeds the standards established for protective headgear. 3. No person shall operate an autocycle on any highway or street in this state unless the person has a valid driver’s license. The operator of an autocycle, however, shall not be required to obtain a motorcycle or motortricycle license or endorsement under sections302.010 to 302.340. THESE NEXT TWO READ EXACTLY THE SAME AS - SB344 House Bill 562 Recognizes certain three-wheeled vehicles as motor vehicles. Status: Introduced on January 20 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-02-11 - Rules - Action Postponed (H) 2015-02-11 Rules - Action Postponed (H) House Bill 885 Modifies regulation of auto cycle operators and exempts such operators from using protective headgear. Status: Introduced on February 10 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-02-11 - Read Second Time (H) -------------------House Bill 498

By Tami Aguilera

Prohibits any person under the age of 18 from operating a motorcycle or motortricycle without protective headgear. Status: Introduced on January 13 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-01-14 - Read Second Time (H) REPEAL CH. 302, RSMo BY ADDING -- “2. Every person who is under eighteen years of age operating or riding as a passenger….” (This does not have the added provision of section 302.026) -------------------House Bill 523 Exempts motorcyclists 21 years of age or older from wearing a helmet when operating a motorcycle or motortricycle if they have the appropriate health insurance coverage. Status: Introduced on January 15 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-02-10 - Public Hearing Completed (H)


2. Every person who is younger than twenty-one years of age operating or riding as a passenger on any motorcycle or motortricycle, as defined in section 301.010, upon any highway of this state shall wear protective headgear at all times the vehicle is in motion, except that any person twenty-one years of age or older operating any motorcycle or motortricycle who has been issued an instruction permit shall wear protective headgear at all times the vehicle is in motion. The protective headgear shall meet reasonable standards and specifications established by the director. -------------------House Bill 591 Prohibits law enforcement agencies from stopping a motorcyclist for failing to wear protective headgear. Status: Introduced on January 21 2015 - 25% progression Action: 2015-02-10 - Referred: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (H) REPEAL CH. 302, RSMo BY ADDING -- “No person shall be stopped, inspected, or detained solely to enforce the provisions of this subsection.”

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Life Behind Bars 147 West St. Louis St Pacific, 63069


March 6- Identity Crisis March 7- Piano Dan Band

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The Responsibility of Firearms Ownership

The responsibility of firearms ownership is an awesome one to have, and when you get your concealed carry weapons permit it is even more so; you have the ability to take another person’s life. As a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit holder your actions are amplified in everyone eyes, especially when you screw up. Anti-gunners love nothing more than to twist a tragedy into something to further their agenda. My biggest recommendation is to get training from competent instructors with some sort of background in law and has an understanding of the laws in Missouri and other states you travel. Develop an after the shooting plan now and train more than the 8 hours required by law. For those of you that have taken classes with us, you understand under the Revised Missouri Statues (RSMo), you have rights that individuals in most states can only dream of such as: owning NFA (National Firearm Act) items, such as suppressors, automatics and short barrel rifles or shotguns, open carry, carrying in your vehicle without a permit, magazines with no restriction on capacity, the use of expanding ammunition (hollow points), no restrictions on the use of electrical weapons (tasers and stun guns) or chemical sprays (maces and pepper spray.). It’s no joke when I say we are freer than Texas which is considered by most to be the most Pro Second Amendment. Another part of our classes involves the practical application of Missouri Laws to a specific situation in which deadly force maybe used; the proverbial check list we make in class and then apply while using our firearms training simulator which allows us to shoot the bad guy(s) or pepper spray them for instant justice (see our website for a demo video). The check list, simply watered down - Is there an immediate danger to your health or life (IDHL), or as the state statues put it, threat of serious bodily injury or death? Is that person committing a forcible felony or doing something with a weapon?

ecutor literally have forever to look at your case and decided if they want to prosecute since murder has no statute of limitations. You need to have a plan for after the shooting. Step one: LAWYER UP IMMEDIATELY and anytime the police ask you a question tell them you will NOT answer ANY questions without your attorney present. Your attorney shouldn’t be the guy that did your divorce, fixed your speeding ticket, or helped you plan out your estate. You need someone who specializes in laws pertaining to self-defense. Step two: We always recommend going to the hospital whether you think you’re hurt or not. The reason being adrenaline masks pain, bruises take time to form, and your attorney isn’t sitting around waiting for you to call. After all, we don’t schedule shootings. Sitting in the waiting room of the Emergency Department (ED) until the staff is ready to evaluate you only benefits you for several reasons: adrenaline has subsided, bruises have formed, and your attorney is close to catching up with you. Realize your attorney is going to be your most trusted resource during this ordeal, but you didn’t schedule this self-defense shooting. As such your attorney could be in court, a meeting, maybe even taking a vacation. Going to the ED gives your attorney or their partner time to catch up with you. Training never ends. It’s your responsibility to go above and beyond the 8 hours of training mandated by the laws in Missouri. You need to be up-to-date on the latest laws and trends, possess certain shooting skills like offhand shooting, shooting at night, room clearing, engaging multiple attackers and many many other things that just can’t be squeezed into an 8 hour course with mandated requirements from the State of Missouri. We proudly offer remedial CCW training at a staggering 50% discount to bring you, the law-abiding permit holder, up to RECOMMENTDATIONS speed. We also FOR FUTURE TOPICS? offer several adGOT QUESTIONS ? vance classes EMAIL US AT that cover pracQuestions@SouthernArmory.com tical skills that will make you a better shooter.

Once you shoot someone, the police and pros-

By: Aaron Tarlow

www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 23

At Andersen Group, Inc.~ we make the purchase of Workers’ Compensation Insurance ~ SIMPLE AND WORRY FREE ~ for the following types of business and many more

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Dennis Bauer Insurance Agency 1500 Wall Street St. Charles, MO 63303 636-947-3000

Halfway Haus 7900 Michigan St. Louis, MO 63111 314-256-0101

Acme Beer Box 1350 Triad Center Dr St. Peters, MO 63376 636.244.5297

Ted’s Motorcycle World 4103 Humbert Rd Alton, IL 62002 618-462-3030

Fro’s Place 5827 S. Broadway St. Louis, MO 63111 314-481-3663

STL SUNTAN 17304 Chesterfield Airport Rd Chesterfield MO 63005 636.519.8267(TANS)

Handlebars 147 West St. Louis St Pacific, MO 63069 636-257-4700

The Basement 5025 Lemay Ferry Oakville, MO 63129 314-487-3980

Body Brite 138 Concord Plaza Stt. Louis, MO 63138 314-270-9222

St Louis Powerspots 956 S. Highway Dr Fenton, MO 636.529.0250

Wente’s Food Shack & Saloon 18000 Chesterfield Airport Rd Chesterfield, MO 63005 636-530-9994

Ferguson Roofing 5814 Garfield Ave St. Louis, MO 63140 314.521.6917

Realty Concepts Chesterfield, MO 636-489-8407

STL GIRLY GIRL www.stlgirlygirl.com

Graf Insurance Group #6 Fee Fee Rd Maryland Heights, MO 63043 314-291-1600

Tenbrook Station Lounge 2946 Fannie Dr Arnold, MO 63010 636-296-1225

Geico Local Office 1582 Country Club Plaza DR St. Charles, MO 63303 636-946-9500

Jammer Joint Motorcycles 1840 A West Pearce Wentzville, MO 63385 636-856-1464

Your Business Heree Your Business Here Your Business Here Your Business Here Your Business Here Your Business Here

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ur o Y k r a s M r a d n e l a C Halfway Haus

St. Patty’s Day Celebration March 14, 2015 4th Anniversary Party March 21, 2015 2nd Annual Golf Tournament April 24, 2015 Cinco De Mayo May 3, 2015 Memorial Day Party May 24, 2015

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Crusin’Calendar St. Patty’s Day March 17, 2015


Midwest Motorcycle Expo April 17 & 18, 2015 AMVETS MUDBUG RUN April 25, 2015 Big St. Charles

Free Hotdogs EVERY SATURDAY Tire & Brakes Seminar March 7, 2015

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Bike Specifications: 2011 street glide Neck / Triple Trees - HHI Handlebars Paul Yaffe Front Spoiler H-D Foot controls/Levers Arlene Ness Footboard/Pegs Arlene Ness Tank - Paul Yaffe Fenders / Bags - Arizona Fiber Glass Front Wheel 26’’ - SMT 360 Degree Front Brake Taillights - Custom by Just Hawgs Exhaust (Stack pipe off an 18 Wheeler Semi. cut and powered coated)- Custom by Just Hawgs Head Light - Kuryakyn Primary Belt - Primo Air Ride (front and rear) - American Suspention Ported 110 heads 640 Gear Drive Cams S&S Screamin Eagle Throttle Body Paint - Sean from Just Hawgs Powder Coat - HP Owner - Sean www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 30

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lasky February 13, 2015

www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 31

TITLING A REBUILD OR R Winter will be over soon and that from all new parts, and new multistage manufactured tricked out piece of steel you’ve vehicles. The title will be branded “Prior Salvage” or been getting ready for cruising “Reconstructed Motor Vehicle”. will be finished and ready to get legally titled. MOTOR CHANGED VEHICLE - A vehicle manufactured prior to August 1957, which receives a new, Sure you can go to the Missouri DMV office and see rebuilt, or used engine, and which used the number how to title your ride, but there are some things you stamped on the original engine as the vehicle identificaaren’t informed of up front when it comes to getting tion number. The title will be branded “Motor Change a title for a rebuild, specially created, modification, or Vehicle”. restoration. The process in Missouri is a lot different than for one in its original manufacture’s condition SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED MOTOR VEHICLE compared to when reconstructed with new compo- A motor vehicle which has not been originally connents. structed under a distinctive name, make, model, or First let’s understand what qualifies under this catego- type by a manufacturer of motor vehicles. The term ry for different procedures: “Specially Constructed Motor Vehicle” includes glider • Rebuilt Motor Vehicle kit vehicles. The Missouri certificate of title issued will • Reconstructed Motor Vehicle be stamped “Specially Constructed Motor Vehicle”. • Motor Change Vehicle • Specially Constructed Motor Vehicle REPLICA MOTOR VEHICLE - Effective January • Replica Motor Vehicle 1, 2005, the Department will issue a certificate of title • Non-USA-Std. Motor Vehicle with a “Replica” brand code to a motor vehicle that These types mean that something was created or added has been constructed or reconstructed to resemble a on to change the appearance, style, or type of body; vehicle that is at least 25 years old. If the model year and/or operation of the vehicle. Anything of these spe- and make of the vehicle has not changed after the recifics that isn’t originally provided or is an option from construction, the title will not be branded as “Replica.” its manufacture is considered modified as custom. Just doing basic or standard repairs with brand new parts NON-USA-STD. MOTOR VEHICLE - A motor vehicle isn’t what is meant by this. not originally manufactured in compliance with United These are the exact definitions per the state of Missouri States standards. The title will be branded “Non-USto determine how your motor vehicle will be classified AStd. Motor Vehicle. and titled. The list of “Major Component Parts” and “EssenREBUILD MOTOR VEHICLE - A motor vehicle tial Component Parts” is under Mo Revised Statute which has been repaired or restored to its original ap- 301.010, and is important to know exactly how what is pearance and design by means of repaired sheet metal being referred to as what so you’re not getting caught or by replacement of new or used major parts such as up in some BS during your filing process. It is never the bumper, hood, fender, grille, trunk lid, and doors to be assumed anyone knows an elaborate definition of the same vehicle make, model, or description. The of these outside of the law. So I’m giving them to you title will be issued for a rebuilt motor vehicle which here. Better to be safe than sorry. conforms to this definition. The title will be branded MAJOR COMPONENT PARTS OF A MOTOR VE“Prior Salvage”. HICLE: RECONSTRUCTED MOTOR VEHICLE - A vehicle that is altered from its original construction by the addition or substitution of two or more new or used major component parts, excluding motor vehicles made

Page 32 www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

1.COWL- Sheet metal formed by severing the vehicle across the floor in the vicinity of the front seat, severing the windshield posts (not including removing the parts forward of the firewall).

RESTORATION IN MISSOURI 2.REAR CLIP - The complete rear sheet metal assembly formed by severing the vehicle across the floor and either through the windshield post or through the rear window post.

Written By Tami Aguilera

driveline, fenders, gas tank, front fork assembly, motor, transmission or suspension parts.

You must have a notarized bill of sale and copy of the front and back of corresponding title for each part replaced. A copy of the title is not needed for a motor or 3.FRAME - The steel basic structure which runs the transmission that is replaced on a vehicle or motorcycle entire length of the vehicle onto which the suspension since those are considered as “Essential Component parts are bolted to the lower side and the body is bolted Parts”. to the top side. There is something that you will have to do if there 4.BODY - The shell, either of a unibody or frame-type is no current record in the DMV system for the VIN; passenger vehicle, which consists of a one-piece, inteeven if the vehicle is clear as a bell and the cowl tags grated sheet metal construction extending from the are in place. You need to get a Salvage Certificate of firewall back. The body includes a cowl but not a front- Title assigned to you. end assembly. It may or may not include an interior, doors, and deck lid. To do this you need a bill of sale indicating the purchase price of the vehicle, an application for Missouri 5.CAB- The passenger compartment of a common Title and License (DOR Form -108) completed and truck. It is a one-piece sheet metal construction which signed, and finally you need to have an inspection may or may not include glass, instrumentation, steerperformed by the Highway Patrol; (DOR Form -551) ing column, and seat. Vehicle Examination Certificate. 6.FRONT CLIP - All parts of the front end assembly plus complete cowl, and may include instrumentation and steering column. Requires cutting of floor and windshield post.

The 551 Inspection cannot be done until the vehicle is actually running and drivable. You will not be granted title of ownership if it doesn’t pass. Word of warning -you need to be prepared to have a file of documentation from where you got the shell to what store you bought 7.FRONT END ASSEMBLY - An entire unit consisting a part from, down to the last bolt, if it didn’t come of that portion of the body from the firewall forward made with it. Worst case scenario if you have complica(i.e., hood, both fenders, inner skirt or fenders, radiations proving any piece of documentation is creditable, tor or core support, grille.) you would have to go through the hassle to file for a Declaratory Judgment with the county court you reside MAJOR COMPONENT PARTS OF A MOTORCYto plead your proof of ownership to a Judge. CLE: If the inspection reveals that a replacement VIN plate 1.FRAME- The basic skeletal structure onto which the is required, you must submit an application for a new major and essential component parts are secured for one with form DOR-5062 that is to be completed, the construction and completion of the vehicle. signed, notarized and certified by an authorized law enforcement officer. It’s only $7.50 for the replacement plate, and a $2.50 processing fee. ESSENTIAL COMPONENT PARTS: MOTOR VEHICLE - May include (but are not limited Also if the title is not a “conforming” title that meets to) bumper, doors, fender, grille, hood, trunk lid, motor federal odometer disclosure requirements, you have to or transmission. attach a statement to the salvage title for a vehicle less than 10 years old. MOTORCYCLE - May include (but are not limited to)

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Around Town W

A Special thanks to our friend Nick Gaines and his wife Dina for the great pictures of Mardi Gras. Page 34 www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

With Full Throttle

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Wild Bill’s 10th Annual Wild Game Cook-Off at ted’s motorcycle world

The great folks at Ted’s Motorcycle World were happy to see a dealership full of people who left winter hibernation to attend and help with a fantastic event. The parking lot was packed with cars and motorcycles. Ted’s large, friendly staff was on point and took great care of the increased dealership business. The 105 people who rode to the event each received a ticket from Wild Bill for 10 free samples from 11 wild game contestants. Many more decided not to brave the weather and caged it. There was more than enough food to feed a large crowd. However, by end of day, contestants were scraping the bottoms of their crock-pots.

Large samples of a wide variety of wild game dishes were provided consisting of frog legs, deer, crawfish, turtle, and rabbit. I sampled each one (loosened the belt a notch) and all of them were fantastic! The free cups of coffee, courtesy ofTed’s, hit the spot also aftera cool ride to the event. Many awards were earned to include: the top three “People’s Choice”, top three “Best Tasting”, and top three “Best Display”. Each winner was awarded a plaque and prize money. The 1st place winners were awarded $200, 2nd place $100, and 3rd place $50. Tim Phillips (Rocker), President of Bluff City Motorcycle Club, received the 1st place “People’s Choice Award” for the second year in a row with his “Rocker Shredded Venison”. This is only his 3rd year to enter the contest. The wild game connoisseurs, staff, and contestants united and engaged in hours of light hearted, mid-winter conversation about general interest and swapped biker stories (factual events). I told the one about my drunken friend, a midget stripper and a swimming pool at Old Shawneetown Street Rally a couple of years ago. I also learned that this year’s Illinois State Harley Owners Group (HOG) Rally will be held in Alton on August 12-15. The Alton HOG Chapter will host this very large event. They are sponsored by Ted’s Motorcycle World. For more information go to altonhog.com or ilstatehogrally.com. Ted’s Motorcycle World hosted another fantastic event and all those in attendance had a great time! To find out more about events at Ted’s Motorcycle World, keep an eye on Full Throttle Magazine. Hope to see ya’ there next time.

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By Mike Czerniewski

“speakers” So you’ve decided that you want a louder stereo system, now what? There are many options available, but how do you decide what to do. Let’s start with speakers. Harley installs 5.25” speakers in its fairings. How about going to better quality speakers or even a bigger set? You can now purchase adapter rings that allow you to increase the speaker size to a 6.5” round speaker. This allows more power and better sound. This is all dependent upon the brand of speakers. Using a quality speaker like Focal, Hertz, Memphis Audio, or other bigger name brands will give you that loud, crisp sound. After you choose what speakers to buy, you’ll need to look at the head unit. There are many good options available when looking at replacing a head unit. Make sure you look at a marine grade unit; this will save you major headaches if it accidentally gets wet. There are systems, just like in your vehicle, that make adding an aftermarket stereo a simple plug and play option. When installing these kits, you still keep your handlebar controls active. Many of today’s head units are Bluetooth capable which allows you to connect your phone or IPod without utilizing wires. You will even be able to switch through songs with your current stock handlebar controls allowing you to put your music device in your pocket or saddlebag.

Again using the bigger name brands will give you better quality. This can even allow you to add rear speakers into your saddlebags or speaker pods on your tour pack. These systems can be a simple plug and play, but you want to make sure that you run the power to these amps straight from the battery. This will give you uninterrupted power to the unit. Did you say you wanted to add more speakers? There are numerous companies that make saddlebag lids that allow you to mount different size speakers into. Some can be flush mount, and some mount on top. Most of these will fit directly onto your current saddlebags. These can be installed with a quick connect plug to allow for removal of the bags when needed. What about a bike with no fairing? There are systems that can be added to these bikes as well. If you have a bike with hard saddlebags, you can install a set of these saddlebag lids and run your phone or IPod directly to the amp. These same speakers can be installed in the Roadking Classic bags with the use of a bezel. If you’re looking for front speakers, they make small speakers that can be mounted to the handlebars or even engine guards. These can be utilized the same as the rear with a small amp and directly plugging your phone or IPod into the amp.

There are many choices in brands and quality. Just remember that these speakers and head So we’ve upgraded the head unit and speak- units can be subjected to the weather, so utilize ers, but it’s still not enough? What about installmarine grade equipment. Don’t be fooled into ing an amp? Amps have come a long way for the some of these small package deals. The quality is motorcycle industry. These are now made small not as good as putting a system together. Just do enough to install inside the fairing. They still have your homework before you make a purchase. lots of power, just made a little more compact.

www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 39


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CRACK UP’S BUSINESS TRIP TURNED AWKWARD When Mr. Jones and his lovely assistant were traveling on business, they checked into a hotel that was overbooked and were told they’d have to share a room for one night. After the initial awkwardness, they tucked into separate beds. “Mr. Jones,” the assistant called out in the dark, “I’m chilly. Would you mind getting me a blanket?” “I have a better idea,” Mr. Jones replied. “Why don’t we pretend we’re married, just for tonight?” “I’d like that,” said the assistant. “Good,” said Mr. Jones. “Then get your own blanket.” THE PERFECT HUSBAND Several men were in the locker room of the gym when a cell phone on a bench rang and a man put it on speaker and began to talk. Everyone else in the room stopped to listen. MAN: “Hello!” WOMAN: “Hi Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?” MAN: “Yes.” WOMAN: “I’m at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $2,000; is it OK if I buy it?” MAN: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.” WOMAN: “I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.” MAN: “How much?” WOMAN: “$90,000.” MAN: “OK, but for that price I want it with all the options.” WOMAN: “Great! Oh, and one more thing. I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $980,000 for it.

MAN: “Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They’ll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it’s what you really want.” WOMAN: “OK. I’ll see you later! I love you so much!” MAN: “Bye, I love you, too.” The man hung up. The other men in the locker room were staring at him with astonishment; mouths wide open. He turned and asked. “Anyone know knows whose phone this is?” NEVER PISS OFF A COP Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day my wife and I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and said, “Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?” He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi turd. He glared at me and started Writing another ticket for having worn tires. So my wife called him a ****-head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him,

the more tickets he wrote. Personally, we didn’t care. We came into town by bus. www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 41

“The Need Welcome back Full Throttle readers and riders! The New Year seems to be off to a great start with very little snow hitting the ground so far and the bitter temps seems to have held off...for now. As you have seen me write in past issues about the winters down season being a great time to freshen up the bike; many people take this as knocking the dust off per say and simply changing the external styling and changing some fluids. As for some of us, myself included, we crave something more; something prime evil, a craving that no drug can satisfy, a thing that can’t be explained with words; that prize? Speed!

of us look for that open slot in the fast lane! There are so many ways to wake up your Harley-Davidson and make it fast! Easiest is to start with a set of pipes, air cleaner and some sort of fuel deliver system jetting or a fuel management system or as many folks refer to a “ full stage one” which is an improper term but who likes a verbiage Nazi? Then there are stages two, three, four, pro chargers, turbo chargers, NOS, flux capacitors, and warp drives. OK, so you can’t really use the last two but wouldn’t it be cool? Sure it was a joke but with all the different companies and options out there it can feel like just that, a complete joke! Everyone knows someone who knows something about everything. It can be hard to tell the truth from the gimmicks.

In this age of high That’s where Harley speed internet, instant cofsteps up and gives us an fee, Jimmy Johns freaky fast amazing yet simple opdelivery, speed dating and tion. The newly debuted accelerated college courses, 120 inch ST motor from it seems that everything is Harley! Straight out of at full bore, needle pinned the Screaming Eagle and fully wrapped out! Some catalog, right out of the days we wanna slow down crate and directly into but when I’m behind the your bike! Well, directly bars of my bike the word into your 10 and later, “slow” just does not cross non twin cooled, twin the mind. I know not every120ST MOTOR cam Touring motor, as one that picks up this issue is a Harley-Davidson owner or rider. So some Harley has limited its fitment at this time. The scuff and laugh, but isn’t the fact of know- big kicker here is that this is Harley-Davidson’s ing that you have taken what you have to that first shot at a “street legal” 120 inch motor. Even edge of feasible and insanity enough? Not ev- better this motor carries a ONE year warraneryone wants to twist the wick and lay down ty! Now as I said this motor is reserved for sperubber; some want to take it slow and cruise... cific late touring models but it shows Harley’s and that’s what the right lane is for. The rest interest in delivering the power and speed that www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 42 Page 42 www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com

d For Speed ”

Article By Marshall Tucker

all our touring customers as well as our other tor is waiting for you! Yeah, I know it doesn’t Harley families are asking for! This 10.5:1 high come with any real warranty and it just guzcompression monster runs $5695.00, which at a zles fuel, but let’s be honest. One does not go glance seems like a chunk of change but this price cruising for a piece of tail in a Prius, right? also includes the massive 58mm high flow throttle Not looking for that body and all the Screammuch? Check out the ing Eagle 120ST badging new stage 3 kit from you could ask for! So, Screaming Eagle! This what’s the big difference is truly the best “suck, between the 120ST and bang and blow,” for the 120R motors? For starters buck! This is available the 120R for a StreetGlide for 10 and later Dyna, runs the same price BUT Softail, and Touring you don’t get the manifold lines with a 103” motor. and that’s a $450 value. There are two kits to The biggest difference inchoose from. The stage 3 ternally is the cam choice. which includes a SE race The 120R comes equipped tuner ($1179.95 MSRP) STAGE 3 KIT with the mighty 266E cam with a gigantic .658 and one without ($969.95 MSRP) as for the rest lift! Harley’s new 120ST comes with a tried and of the kit comes a set of high compression pistrue 259E cam that boasts a .579 lift. This 259E tons (10.5:1), new rings, top end breathers, high cam is the same used in the very popular stage lift valve springs, perfect fit push rods and a difour kits offered from the Screaming Eagle cata- aphragm clutch spring! Bottom line is that you log. As far as the base numbers for Horse power can bump your motor for right about two large!! and torque? 120R can boast up to 120’s to 130’s ($2000). The motor will still need a tune but so on HP and torque depending on the pipe and far this seems to be the best deal I have seen A/C choices. The 120ST drums up about 105 to for more “go fast” from the Motor Company! 120 between HP and torque These numbers are conservative as the only numbers that are really If you want to get a little more power available at this time apply to stock and Scream- there are so many ways to do it! From a siming Eagle products applied to the bike and not ple exhaust change, throwing a “bump stick” aftermarket options like a much needed 2-1 open at it, or just plain yank the whole motor out exhaust and a proper 58mm air cleaner with a and install a brand spanking new fire breathgood CFM rate. (CFM =cubic feet per minute) er monster! Whatever is clever? It’s your ride! Tear up the road the way you want too! “But Marshall I don’t ride a 10 and lat- Thanks for stopping by and y’all enjoy the ride! er touring model?” Well if you are riding a Softail or Dyna model the good ole 120R mowww.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page 43


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SPEED RAC enough to have the Shaker Scoop), competition suspension, chrome pop-up gas cap, chrome exhaust tips, chin spoiler, rear deck spoiler, rear window louvers, and even POLYGLAS tires.

MACH 1, the name alone almost says it all -- Street Screeching Performance!!! The Mustang we all know and love is quite a car and the only one that I can remember of all the Muscle Cars that has not had a stop in production since it was introduced in 1964. Even the Corvette took a break to move its plant from Missouri. Although I must say 1974-1978 Ford came out with the Mustang II in which I really can’t call those a Mustang, but some of you may.

So now that you know a little about the Mach 1 in general, let’s learn a little about this fine example that is owned by Robbie, Lisa & Josh Walker from Greenville, Illinois.

The Mach 1 was brought to life in 1969 along with the other models: GT, Boss 302, Boss 429, Shelby GT350, and the Shelby GT500. The Mach 1 gave the boot to the GT the very 1st year. The GT sold 5,396 units - versus the 72,458 sales for the Mach 1. The Mach 1 was only available with the Sports- before roof body style which is known to most of us as a Fastback. So no coupe or convertible was ever made, if you see one check the VIN; it’s not real. This car came out with some performance enhancing items like the Matte Black hood, hood pins, hood scoop (in which some were lucky

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Robbie bought this one in Missouri back in 1985. It was blue at the time and it needed a LOT of work. He let it just sit around for about 25 years was time to start the restoration. The 1st thing Robbie did was the new floor pans and sand blasted the whole car before taking it to a local shop, Creative Image. It was there that the body work and paint work were done, but the bad news is that the company closed. You hear so many stories like this one when the work stopped, yet it still needed a lot of work to be finished. When it came time to do the engine

Car Mania

Story By Roger Ferris Show Car Specialist

CER - MACH 5 there was no question as to who was going to handle that part. The motor went straight to Lumpy at M o t o r s p o r t s Performance also in Greenville,Illinois. It is a 351cu.in. Cleveland bored 30 over with 9:5 compression, roller cam, custom heads, Mallory ignition, 7 quart Canton oil pan, 750 Quick Fuel carb and Hooker headers. For the power to get to the tires it has a C6 with a 3000 stall convertor and a 9” rear end with 3:70 gears with posi-traction. I met Robbie a few years back through a mutual friend; we’ll just call him McDave to keep it simple. Since Robbie details all of McDave’s show cars, and builds race cars bodies, a lot of the work on his Mach 1 was not to his liking. As a matter of fact, he let his car set for quite a few years again because he didn’t want to drive it the way it turned out. He called me at my shop “Showcar Specialist” one day and asked if I could help him out.

don’t like saying bad things about other shops, but since the shop that did the work on the car is closed I guess it is OK to say I’m glad Robbie never drove it. He could have gotten hurt really easy. After making the car safe and for the pieces to fit better, it was time to address the paint. I hand sanded the complete car and I also HAND BUFFED the entire car too. In most cases I won’t buff anyone else’s paint work but I wanted to save Robbie the expense of another complete paint job. I think it turned out great. I also custom fit the Magna Flo stainless exhaust system to give Robbie his Mach 1 that he is now very proud to own, drive, and to show as often as he can. Speaking of shows, I hope he has a trophy room for all of the big trophies he is bringing home. Robbie would also like to thank the guys at Z-1 Automotive for their help.

Naturally I said bring it over, and Make sure you come back next month after some time Robbie was convinced to have me to see the finished car in all of its glory. re-do, improve and over all just finish the car. I

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Full Throttle Saftey Asylum

By TJ Miles


Identify Hazards The first part of reducing the number of motorcycle related accidents and fatalities is to identify the hazards. Why is it so hard for motorcyclists to identify the hazards of riding these days? Because there are a lot of organizations and factions in the motorcycling industry muddying up the water. They each spread rumors (smoke and mirrors) in an attempt to advance their own agenda or place the blame of motorcycle related accidents on something or someone else.

Statistics? Mark Twain said, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics”. The only way to find hazards which are killing our motorcyclists is to hear it straight from the “horse’s mouth”. Therefore, I contacted the St Louis County and St Clair County Medical Examiner’s Offices. Their numbers verified that Riding without a helmet or a DOT certified helmet, speeding and under the influence of alcohol are the leading causative factors for motorcycle related fatalities in the St Louis Metro area. Another contributing factor was unlicensed riders. So, why is the “SEE Motorcycles” campaign (more smoke and mirrors) so popular among motorcyclists when other vehicles are not the problem? We all hear about it (like the shot that was heard around the world) when a car is to blame for an accident. However, a crash, narrow escape, or death caused by the motorcyclists goes unmentioned. I find it ironic when motorcyclists organize a poker run benefit for a deceased rider’s family with a route that takes them from bar to bar, when the original cause of death was riding under the influence of alcohol. It is this author’s opinion that the “SEE Motorcycles” campaign is popular among motorcyclists because it lays the blame on someone else. SEE MOTORCYCLES? The campaign slogan is wrong. It should say, “See motorcycle riders drink and speed without wearing a DOT approved helmet while unlicensed”. Assess Hazards / Determine Risks Most motorcyclists start-off wearing helmets and staying away from alcohol when riding. They intend on enrolling in Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) course and eventually applying for their motorcycle endorsement once they feel comfortable on the bike. The rider begins to hear rumors of helmet ineffective-

ness repeatedly from fellow riders and motorcyclists rights organizations. They watch other riders drink alcohol and ride without DOT approved helmets. The new riders start drinking one or two alcoholic beverages during rides. After a while, they are drinking as much as the other riders and riding without a helmet or nothing more than a turtle shell on his/her head. The pace of motorcycle rides becomes faster as the day goes by to hurry to the next bar. Motorcycle riders are rarely pulled over by police so what is the hurry with a motorcycle license endorsement. As time goes by it becomes less of an issue until one day when they find themselves pulling up to a checkpoint. As much as this high-risk behavior seems normal to motorcyclists, the risk associated with it remains. Riding without a DOT approved helmet, under the influence of alcohol, at a fast pace, without a MSF course or motorcycle license endorsement is high risk and riddled with red flags. Develop and Implement Controls / Make Risk Decisions The best control for the risks identified is to take a MSF course or state rider’s test and purchase a motorcycle license endorsement. Purchase and wear a DOT approved helmet 100% of the time and abstain from drinking alcohol until the ride is over. It is easy to miss-out on fantastic scenery if we are in a hurry to get to the next place that serves alcoholic beverages. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Re-Evaluate Control Measures It is very easy to fall victim to pressure from other riders. As a rider, we sometimes feel the “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” syndrome. If a rider finds that he/she strayed from their control measures, re-evaluate and re-implement the original risk mitigation decisions and stay with it. Leading by example is never easy. Perhaps others will see risk management as a better way and it will become the new Rome. It is hard to determine risk control measures when the hazards of riding are cloaked in a veil of smoke and mirrors by those who would have us believe the BS they feed us. We discussed a few of the major risks associated with riding. However, risk management is not limited to the risks discussed in this article. Do not be fooled by what others are saying. Use common sense and research from reliable sources to make informed risk management decisions and enjoy years of healthy riding.

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