January 2018 Fukuoka Now

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#229 • FREE

一月 - 福岡導覽


Best City OF THE


1월 후쿠오카 가이드

Happy New Year! Thanks for 20 years of Fukuoka Now!

RAMEN RUNWAY Your ramen journey begins and ends at Fukuoka Airport!

Enjoy not only famous local ramen but also noodles from leading shops from Osaka, Tokyo and even Hokkaido. With ten shops to choose between, you’re sure to find something you’ll love! And after your meal, stop by the tea shop for some Japanese sweets or a refreshing green tea beverage. Your ramen journey begins and ends here!

「拉麵跑道」是由 1 家福岡知名店, 6 家首次進駐九州的店,2 家限期 販售的拉麵店,1 家甜點店共 10 家商店集合的飲食街。不僅只有在 九州當地才能吃到的拉麵之外,更 有日本各地的人氣拉麵可以任您盡 情享用!

후 쿠오 카 의 유명 라 멘 전문 점부 터 큐슈에는 처음으로 진출하는 6개 점포, 기간한정 라 멘 2개 점포 , 디저트 1개 점포를 포함한 총 10개 점포로 구성된 라멘 활주로. 큐슈에서는 이곳에서만 맛볼 수 있는 라멘 등 일본 각지의 인기 라멘을 직접 만나보시길!

Ramen Nagi Hakata Ikkosya FUKUOKA

Yatai Ramen Gyokuryu FUKUOKA


Tsujita TOKYO

Mankai OSAKA

Teshikaga Ramen



Ramen Unari FUKUOKA

Wantanmen no Mangetsu YAMAGATA

Saryo Itoen TOKYO

3F Domestic Terminal, Fukuoka Airport · Shop Hours: 10:00~21:45 (L.O.: 21:00)


Discover more! fukuoka-now.com APUTEC CAFE + FLEGO(アプテカ カフェ) 福岡県福津市渡 153 番地 153 Watari, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 0940-39-3659 Lunch: 11:30~14:00, cafe: 14:30~17:30 Closed: Irregular Margherita pizza lunch (w/ appetizer, salad & coffee) ¥1,500, homemade ravioli lunch (w/ appetizer, salad & coffee) ¥1,600, soup lunch ¥1,300, vegetable plate lunch ¥2,200


Since 2011, Italian-born Silvio and Fukuokan Ai have been growing Italian vegetables in Fukutsu that they sell to restaurants all over Japan. But now they’ve opened their very own farm-to-table restaurant. Naturally, the dishes use homegrown vegetables. Enjoy Neapolitan-style pastas and stone oven-baked pizzas (Silvio’s from Naples.) Don’t miss the vegetable plate featuring both Italian veggies and local ingredients. You can also buy vegetables, Italian snacks, and deli items to take home. Well worth the 55-minute drive from Tenjin, but call ahead for a reservation!



最受矚目的美食學專家 - 究極・Farm to table 餐廳於福津誕生了。在義大利長大的西爾維 奧與在福岡長大的小愛,這對情侶種植的義大利蔬菜,早已被日本各家義式餐廳搶購。現在 可以 Farmers Restaurant 裡輕鬆享用囉!提供現烤比薩、自製義大利麵,最自豪的是用自 家栽種義大利蔬菜製作的疏菜拼盤。店內也提供蔬菜販售 ;明年起開放晚上預約,從天神到 福津的車程約 55 分。

후쿠츠시의 팜 투 테이블 이탈리안 레스토랑. 이탈리아 채소를 재배해 일본 각지의 이탈리안 레 스 토랑 에 납 품 해 온 이 탈 리 아 출 신 과 후 쿠오카 출 신의 커플이 꾸려나가 는 직영 파머스 레스토랑이다. 자가 재배한 채소 중심의 메뉴와 직접 가마에서 구워내는 피자, 홈메이드 파스타 등 나폴리 스타일의 요리 제공한다. 채소, 이탈리아 전통 과자, 반찬거리 등도 판매 중. 2018년부터는 저녁 예약 영업도 개시할 예정. 텐진에서 차로 약 55분이 걸리지만 찾아가 볼 만한 가치가 있는 레스토랑. 방문 시에는 사전 예약을 추천한다.

Enjoy delicious Kyushu Wagyu Beef inside a renovated private home. Just steps from the famous Kushida Shrine. 請在古老的民居餐廳享用九州產的和牛肉!

Kyushu Wagyu Beef Sirloin Steak ¥3,780


Our specialty! Stewed Hamburger Steak ¥1,000

French Kitchen Jujuan 6-29 Reisen-machi, Hakata-ku • Open: 11:00~21:00 (L.O.) • Closed: Tue.

Tel.: 092-273-0399 http://juju-une.com


www.fukuoka-now.com | 3

New Year Sale at Brenda Law Towards Subway Airport Line IMS

Towards Subway Nanakuma Line

Brenda Law


East 7, 111 Solaria Stage

Mitsukoshi (Tenjin Bus Center)

Exclusive selection of Italian, French and made-in-Japan fashions. 福袋 Reasonable prices and Lucky Bags tax free for tourists! ¥10,800! SALE STARTS ON JAN. 2 Tenjin Chikagai East 7 Shop no. 111 (underground shopping mall)

Open: 10:00~20:00 Tel.: 092-726-6000 www.brendalaw.com

8 to 10 items 면세



Clearance Sale

1.1 Mon. 9:30AM Start

Sale on men's designer clothes on 2F China UnionPay accepted

Tax refund counter on M3F



Ask the information center clerk for details.

◎ ◎

Available to overseas visitors only. Please present your passport.

Pick up a 5% shopping discount ticket in our store

※May not be valid on some items ※Cannot be used with discounted items


Hankyu Department Store 1-1 Hakataeki-chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-0012 Tel. 092-461-1381

Sun.–Thu. all floors: 10AM–8PM Fri. and Sat. Basement to 4F: 10AM–9PM 5F to 8F: 10AM–8PM *some exceptions

• Learn Japanese the easy way! • Classes in English for easy understanding • Beginner-friendly! Advanced courses, too • No admission fee. Free learning materials! • Only ¥500/per lesson! (pay per class) • Study for JLPT N1~N5 with us

1F Parumu Nishijin III, 29-33 Sohara, Sawara-ku FREE DIAL: 0120-600-091 Details: Email Daniel at risingsun@gmail.com 4 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018


Discover more! fukuoka-now.com

博多担々麺 とり田 福岡パルコ店 B-2 福岡市中央区天神 2-11-1 福岡パルコ本館 B1F B1F Fukuoka Parco Main Bldg., 2-11-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku 092-235-7227 11:00~23:00 (L.O. 22:30) Closed: When Fukuoka Parco is closed *Closed 1/1; may be closed irregularly at other times Hakata tantanmen ¥890, sesame chicken soba ¥890, fried chicken (2 pc.) ¥300, red hot chili chicken wing ¥190, white rice ¥150, chicken rice ball ¥180, Hakata-style raw egg on rice ¥480


Toriden, the famous mizutaki (chicken hot pot) purveyor, has forayed into the tantanmen business after the rave reviews generated by the tantanmen lunch at its Yakuin shop. Using mizutaki stock as the base, the rich soup contains four kinds of chili peppers, original chili oil, and sesame paste. The aroma of sesame and the bite of the chilis combined with the underlying essence of chicken are a delight to the senses, especially the taste buds! Enjoyed as a whole, the dish is very well-balanced, with firm noodles, sweet chicken miso, a marinated soft-boiled egg, crunchy scallions, leeks and bean sprouts. The citrusy ponzu, yuzu-gosho (citrus pepper) and other condiments are all homemade, and the two-piece karaage (fried chicken) dish—one thigh and one breast—is also quite popular. (You can add it as set, too.) If you find yourself out and about near Hakata Station, you can stop by their shop inside Kitte Hakata.

하카타 탄탄멘 토리덴 후쿠오카 파르코점

유명 미즈타키 전문점 토리덴 야쿠인점이 이달의 런치메뉴로 제공해왔던 탄탄멘이 화제가 되며 전문 점 오픈으 로까지 이어지게 되었다. 그 결과 탄생하게 된 하카타 탄탄멘 토리덴. 큐슈산 닭을 통째로 사용한 미즈타키 육수에 4 博多擔擔麵 TORIDEN 福岡 PARCO 店 為了回應雞肉火鍋店「TORIDEN」所賣擔擔麵的超高人氣,博多擔 종 류 의 고추 를 블 렌드해 擔麵專賣店 TORIDEN 開張啦!最有名的當然就是博多擔擔麵了。使 만든 오리지널 고추기름, 用九州地雞燉煮的雞湯為湯底,再加上四種辣椒製成的辣油和濃厚 진한 참깨소 스를 더해 완성된 스 프를 먹어보면 첫술 에는 참깨의 的胡麻醬完成的湯頭,第一口先是感受到胡麻的香氣和恰到好處的 고소함과 톡 쏘는 매운맛이 느껴지지만 계속해서 먹다 보면 점점 닭의 辣,接著雞肉高湯的美味在口中慢慢擴散開來,加上彈牙的多加水 감칠맛을 느낄 수 있다. 여기에 쫀득한 면발과 간이 배인 반숙란, 아삭한 麵、甜雞肉味噌、半熟玉子、爽脆白蔥、韭菜和豆芽菜交織成完美 파, 부추, 숙주 등이 잘 어우러져 있다. 다리살과 가 슴살 두 부위가 的味覺饗宴!選用腿、胸兩個部位製成的唐揚炸雞也相當受到好評, 한 세트인 카라 아게도 인기. 폰즈, 유자후추 등 작은 조미료, 양념 選擇橘子醋、柚子胡椒等一種調味料來感受店家對於自家製的美味 하나 에서도 가게의 정성을 느낄 수 있다. 파르코점 외에는 KIT TE 하카타점이 있다. 堅持吧。除了福岡 PARCO 店外,KITTE 博多店也有販售。

New York style premium quality steakhouse. The best steaks this side of the Pacific. HAPPY HOUR TWICE DAILY: 15:00~18:00 and 20:00~22:30


WOLFGANG’S STEAKHOUSE FUKUOKA Grand Hyatt 1F, 1-2-82 Sumiyoshi, Hakata-ku Tel.: 092-292-1651 Open: 11:30~23:30 (L.O.: Food: 22:30 / Drinks: 23:00) Closed: Never

wolfgangssteakhouse.jp www.fukuoka-now.com | 5


•Travellers welcome! •Lamb Kebabs, Falafel & Hummus, etc. •Craft beers & Cocktails •Happy Hour 5~8pm •Live Sports

요! 어서오 세

International Party Every Thu.

1-11-22 Daimyo, Chuo-ku Open.: 5pm~2am • Tel: 092-707-3152

スパイシーな シーフードを 手づかみで! GOLDEN CRAB 2-16-11 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Tel: 092-753-7210 Open: 18:00 ~ 23:30 Closed: irregular



Happy Hour Mon.~Fri. 17:00~19:00 Sat., Sun. & Hol.: 11:30∼19:00

Guinness Draft Kilkenny Draft

Pint ¥900 Half ¥580



Kirin Beer

¥600 ¥420

*All prices excl. tax more specials inside...

Show this for

50% off your 2nd drink! *2nd drink only, not 3rd!

(Hotel Éclair) Tel: 092-283-6446

Open daily 11:30~15:00 (L.O.: 14:30), 17:00~24:00 (L.O.: 23:30) 1-1 Susaki-machi, Hakata-ku (directly opposite Hotel Okura)


6 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018


B-4 Open: Tue.~Sun. 18:00~04:00 Closed on Mon. Sana Galliano 1F, 3-13-11 Yakuin, Chuo-ku Tel: 092-526-2751



Discover more! fukuoka-now.com

1/3 (Wed.) TAMA SESERI

For 500 years, two teams of loincloth-clad men have braved the winter cold to scramble for possession of an 8 kg wooden ball in this unique New Year’s ritual. Victory for the Beach Team is said to ensure a plentiful catch for the coming year, while victory for the Land Team brings a bountiful harvest. 玉取祭


有 500 年以上歷史並且廣受歡迎, 用來預測博多運勢的新年慶典 「奪 球節」 。分成海灘和陸地兩組,競奪直徑 28CM 重 8KG 的木球,傳 說摸到球的人可以消災解厄並被賜予好運 ;而最後奪得寶球如果是 海灘隊就會有豐富漁獲,是陸地隊奪得則會農作豐收。

• 1/3 (Wed.) • 13:00~14:30 • Free • Hakozakigu Shrine (Tamatori Ebisu Jinja Shrine → inside Hakozakigu Shrine) • 1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku • 092-641-7431


500년 이상에 걸쳐 전해져 내려오는 전통 축제로 장정들이 두 팀으로 나뉘어 만지면 악운을 피하고 행운을 불러올 수 있다는 지름 28cm, 무게 8kg의 목제 공 쟁탈전을 벌이며 한 해의 흉길을 점친다. 최종 승자가 해변팀일 경우 풍어, 육지팀일 경우 풍작이라고.


The firefighters of Fukuoka usher in 2017 with a family-friendly event. They perform traditional acrobatic stunts on a bamboo ladder, rescue demonstrations and more. At 12:45 there will be fire engine riding experiences and rescue classes for children. Enter the raffle for the chance to ride the fire engine ladder! 2018年福岡市消防出初式


• 1/6 (Sat.) • 10:00~16:00 • Free • Marine Messe Fukuoka • 7-1 Okihama-machi, Hakata-ku • 092-725-6564

新春慣例的首次消防演習。消防員和團員以整齊劃一的隊伍行進, 並在竹梯上展示雜耍等傳統技藝。另外還有頗具魄力的向博多灣一 同噴水、消防音樂隊的演奏以及救難訓練等演出。從 12:45 分開始 進行抽選搭乘消防車、小小救難隊等可以一同共襄盛舉的活動。

2018년 후쿠오카시 신년 소방출정식

연례행사인 신년 소방출정식. 일사불란한 행진과 전통기술인 사다리 타기, 소방음악대의 연주, 구급대의 구조훈련 등이 펼쳐진다. 12시 45 분부터는 소방차량 승차체험과 어린이 구급대 체험, 사다리차 시승( 추첨제) 등의 참가형 이벤트도 다채롭게 준비되어 있다.

“ENTERTAIN YOUR BRAIN” 來福岡體驗最好玩的逃脫遊戲

후쿠오카에서 탈출 게임을 즐겨보자 出口への道を開くのは

脱出ゲーム アナタ次第!

10:00 ~ 22:00 2-8-19 3F Daifuku (大福) Bldg., Daimyo, Fukuoka B-2 050-1412-6334 www.escapegamesfukuoka.com

CLUES, LOGIC, TEAMWORK, PUZZLES! YOU WILL NEED THEM ALL TO ESCAPE IN 60 MINUTES! Language independent. English / Japanese skills not required.






bliss-clinic.com/en Bilingual Doctor & Staff Tue. & Fri.: 12:00~20:00 Wed., Thu. & Sat.: 10:00~18:00 Sun.: 10:00~13:00 Closed: Mon. 3F Tengood Bldg., 1-9-20 Kiyokawa, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Hakata Sta.: 7 min. by taxi


DR. TOYOKAZU TAJIRI M.D., Ph.D Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon and Specialist in Facial Fillers and Botox

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AKIRA MATSUURA, DDS ENDODONTICS Providing root canal treatment since 2016

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1-9-45 Daimyo, Chuo-ku ☎ 092-751-7685 � Weekdays: 10:00 21:00 New York • Los Angeles • Fukuoka • Okinawa

2014~2016 Endodontics (postgraduate studies), University of Southern California


2016~present Akira Matsuura, DDS Endodontics

Brazilian (VIO) 20% off first visit ¥7,344➞¥5,875! ❦ Trusted by celebrities, models, and athletes. ❦ High quality original wax. Skin-friendly & almost pain-free! Moalani Wax Fukuoka 2F, 2-3-3 Daimyo, Chuo-ku Tel.: 092-791-7759 Open: 10:00~20:00 A-2

2006~2014 Matsuura Dental Clinic

(Last session: 19:30) Closed: Mon.


8 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

Hours: Mon. to Fri. 10:00~17:00 1-14-34 Hakataeki-higashi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 3 min. walk from Hakata Sta. Chikushi Exit F-2 We do not accept Japanese National Health Insurance. Cash or credit card payments accepted (Visa & Mastercard only)



Discover more! fukuoka-now.com


This 1,600-year-old tsuina (ceremony to exorcise evil spirits) is one of Japan’s three main fire festivals. After being guarded for seven days, the “devil fire” is transferred to six enormous, 13 m torches, which are then carried around the grounds by men in loincloths. It’s good luck if the ash falls on you! 大善寺玉垂宮的鬼夜


• 1/7 (Sun.) • 13:00~23:30 *The fire will be lit around 21:00~ • Free • Daizenji Tamataregu Shrine • 1463-1 Miyamoto, Daizenji-machi, Kurume, Fukuoka • 0942-27-1887

鬼夜火祭是有 1600 多年的歷史,被指定為日本無形文化財,三大火 祭慶典之一。每支直徑寬 1 公尺、總長 13 公尺的六支巨大營火柱直 上天際的火燄,加上約 400 人圍在其周圍繞行的場景可說是非常壯 觀。據說掉到參觀者身上的大松明營火餘灰可以為信眾防病袪災。

다이젠지 타마타레구 오니요

약 1600년에 달하는 전통을 자랑하며 일본의 중요무형민속문화재인 동시에 일본 3대 불 축제 중 하나인 오니요. 지름 1m, 총 길이 약 13m 짜리 횃불 6개가 점화되며 장관을 이룬다. 이 횃불의 불똥을 맞으면 운이 트이고 무병장수한다는 속설도.

1/8 (Mon., hol.) ~ 1/11 (Thu.) TOKA EBISU FESTIVAL

A grand festival dedicated to Ebisu, the god of prosperous fishing and business. Browse 300 stalls with festival foods and other goods (including lucky charms), or enter the fukubiki - a lottery where everyone is guaranteed a prize! Geisha walk in formal black kimono at the kachi-mairi parade at 15:00 on Jan. 9. 十日惠比須 正月大祭

十日恵比須 正月大祭

• 1/8 (Mon., hol.) ~ 1/11 (Thu.) • 10:00~ • Free • Toka Ebisu Jinja Shrine • 7-1 Higashikoen, Hakata-ku • 092-651-1563

以供奉商賣繁盛的神聞名 - 十日惠比須神社的新春慣例大祭。歡迎 參加慶祝新年的吉祥儀式「開運御座」 ,與試試今年運勢的抽籤「抽 福」;1/9 值得來看博多藝妓們穿著正式黑色和服參拜。現場約有 300 個攤位,販賣招財貓、不倒翁等與商業有關的幸運物。

토오카에비스 신년 축제

상업 번창의 신으로 유명한 신사의 대축제. 한 해의 운이 트이기를 기원하는 의식, 한 해의 운세를 점치는 ‘후쿠비키’ 등이 열리며 행운의 아이템을 갖고자 하는 사람들로부터 인기가 높은 축제이다. 하카타의 예기들이 신사를 참배하는 카치마이리(9일) 등도 볼거리.

www.fukuoka-now.com | 9

events 1/17 (Wed.) ~ 1/22 (Mon.) THE 36th HAKATA UMAKAMON ICHI FOOD FESTIVAL

Bringing together a tempting selection of Fukuoka’s tastiest specialties, about 60 companies display and sell a huge range of items, from fruit to liquor. Try sweets made using Hakata Amaou strawberries, mentaiko products and more. Visit on opening day for lucky bags and geiko performances (11:00, 13:00). 第36回 食品祭博多UMAKAMON市

第36回 食品まつり博多うまかもん市

• 1/17 (Wed.) ~ 1/22 (Mon.) • 10:00~20:00 (last day: ~17:00) • Free • 7F Iwataya Main Bldg. • 2-5-35 Tenjin, Chuo-ku • 092-441-1119

約 60 間公司共同推出的福岡・博多代表性食品在岩田屋 7F 活動會 場集合囉!現場販售太宰府天滿宮的必買名產「梅餅」 ,以及使用博 多草莓製成的甜點、明太子等「新鮮、美味、安全」的當地產食品。 首日還有人氣限量福袋搶購以及博多券番的祝賀舞演出等活動。

제36회 식품 축제 하카타 우마카몽이치

후쿠오카・하카타를 대표하는 식품을 생산하는 약 60개사가 출점하는 전시판매 이벤트. 하카타 특산 딸기 아마오우를 사용한 디저트 등의 과자와 명란젓, 다자이후 텐만구의 명물 우메가에모치 등. 첫날에는 럭키백 한정 판매와 축하무대(11시, 13시)도 있을 예정.


Cirque de la Symphonie comes to Japan for the first time! Watch elite members including former Cirque du Soleil performers and Olympic athletes push their bodies to the limit with stunts synchronized with music by the Kiev Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine. Don’t miss this fusion of acrobatics and music. 交響馬戲團

在歌劇廳裡感受馬戲團的魅力吧!世界巡迴演出超過 100 場的人氣 馬戲團,第一次登陸日本公演。由烏克蘭國立愛樂交響樂團負責演 奏樂曲,太陽劇團出身的表演者及前奧運選手所組成的菁英團隊, 將在台上展現挑戰人體極限的全新舞台演出。


• 1/24 (Wed.) • 18:00 (doors open: 17:30) • A Seat: ¥8,000, B Seat: ¥6,000 • Fukuoka Symphony Hall, 1F ACROS Fukuoka • 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka • 092-406-1771 (Ticket reservation: 10:00~18:00)

서크 드 라 심포니

콘서트홀에서 만나는 서커스의 마법! 전 세계에서 연간 약 100회 열리는 인기 공연의 일본 첫 상륙. 키예프 국립 필하모닉 교향악단의 연주에 맞춰 태양의 서커스 출연자, 전 올림픽 선수 등으로 구성된 퍼포먼스 집단이 아름다운 무대를 선보이는 새로운 엔터테인먼트.



新春特別企劃展 黑田家族的刀劍和盔甲展

신년�특별�기획전 구로다가의�도검�및�갑옷�전시회

2018.1/7 (Sun.) 2/12 (Mon., hol.)

Marvel at this collection of some forty items including samurai armor and swords from the Sengoku Period and the armor of Kuroda, Fukuoka's most legendary samurai.

10 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

Discover more! fukuoka-now.com

Show Fukuoka Now for fr ee entrance!

1/27 (Sat.) ~ 1/29 (Mon.) 67th KAGU SHOW JAPAN

It’s the biggest furniture event in western Japan with high quality and new products from more than 70 companies from around Japan. Buy on the spot at wholesale, bargain prices! Planks of Yakushima cedar and Persian carpets on offer too. Have a design in mind? Consult with the pros and have it made-to-order. 第67屆家具SHOW JAPAN


• 1/27 (Sat.) ~ 1/29 (Mon.) • 10:00~20:00 (last day: ~17:00) • ¥500 • Fukuoka Kokusai Center • 2-2 Chikkohonmachi, Hakata-ku • 092-285-1479

西日本最大的家具特賣會。近 5,000 平方公尺巨大展場中,來自全 國約 70 間家具製造商提供的高品質家具現場展示販售。採用屋久杉 一片板完成的家具、以及伊朗地毯等逸品皆有活動特賣價。現場也 能直接和達人討論後由廠商立即提供報價,客製理想中的家具。

제67회 가구 쇼 재팬

서일본 최대급 가구 판매 이벤트. 약 5,000㎡의 공간에서 전국의 가구 제조업체 약 70개사의 협찬으로 모인 고품질 가구가 전시 및 판매된다. 가구부터 페르시아 양탄자 등을 이벤트 한정가격에 구매 가능. 주문 가구 견적도 그 자리에서 바로 받아볼 수 있다.

1/27 (Sat.) ~ 3/4 (Sun.) SUGINOYA SAKAGURA BIRAKI

Sample and shop for freshly brewed sake, craft beer, original liqueurs and more at the annual sake barrel opening festival at this 140-year-old brewery. Enjoy grilled oysters and other foods including their sake lees bagels from their onsite bakery. Free shuttle buses to and from Kyudai-Gakkentoshi Sta. 杉能舍 酒窖開倉

杉能舎 mojikumi 酒蔵開き

• 1/27 (Sat.) ~ 3/4 (Sun.) (every Sat. & Sun.) • 10:00~17:00 • Free • Suginoya • 1442 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka • 092-806-1186

現場提供新酒免費試喝!創業 140 餘年的名酒窖「杉能舍」一年一 度的開倉盛會,有最受歡迎的原創利口酒和地產啤酒。會場內還有 使用酒粕製作貝果的烘焙坊以及牡蠣小屋等飲食攤販。活動當天在 九大學研究都市站北口,提供一小時一班的接駁巴士免費搭乘。

스기노야 사카구라비라키

창업 약 140년의 역사 를 자랑하는 양조장 스기노야의 이벤트. 갓 짜낸 사케 무료 시음 및 오리지널 리큐어, 지방 특산 맥주 등은 지역 주민들에게도 인기이다. 이벤트 당일에는 큐다이갓켄토시역 북쪽 출구에서 약 1시간마다 1대 무료 셔틀버스가 운행된다.


FUKUOKA CITY MUSEUM Special Exhibition Room B 3-1-1 Momochihama, Sawara-ku Tel.: 092-845-5011 Open: 9:30~17:30 (last entry 17:00)

Discount for overseas visitors & foreign residents! (present your passport or ID)

Closed: Mon. (except for 1/8 and 2/12), 12/28~1/4, 1/9 Adult: ¥500, HS & College: ¥400, under JHS: Free www.fukuoka-now.com | 11

teamLab: 福冈城迹 光之祭典

teamLab: 후쿠오카�성터�라이트�페스티벌

Inside Maizuru Park, Fukuoka Castle 1 2/1/ 2017

(Fr i.)

~ 1/ 28/ 2018

(Sun .)

18:00~22:00 (last entry 21:30) • Adult: ¥1,000, JHS & HS: ¥600, 4 y.o. ~ 12 y.o.: ¥300 Witness the stone walls of the Fukuoka Castle Ruins come to life this winter, transformed into digital spaces of art by art collective teamLab using the latest technology! Animals created from colorful flowers will be reflected on the 20,000 square meter long walls. Touch them and see what happens! Approach the egg-shaped objects set up amongst the trees near the castle ruins - they’ll change color and omit sound. Be mesmerized by the graceful strokes of Japanese calligraphy on the walls, too. Don’t miss this beautiful and creative event at one of Fukuoka’s most historic landmarks.

bar (食)ましか 福岡市中央区警固 1-6-4 1-6-4 Kego, Chuo-ku B-3 070-5344-4455 17:00~24:00 Closed: Irregular Spicy nuts ¥300, potato salad ¥300, lightly smoked Mochibuta pork pâté ¥800, fried meat cutlet ¥200, Tajarin pasta with truffles ¥1,800, wine/glass ¥500~, soft drinks ¥500


Mashica, a popular izakayastyle wine bar from Osaka, has chosen Fukuoka for its second shop, and is located just off of Shoninbashi-dori. The sommelier owner, Masakazu Imao, curates a selection of around 100 varieties of natural wine, and some of the dishes are made from his mother's recipes. Meanwhile, an Italian chef prepares authentic handmade pasta and pâté. To order, write what you want on one of the slips on the counter and clip it to the clothespin marked hatchu (order). When your food and drink arrive, move the slips to the sumi (completed) pin. Fun spot!


充滿居酒屋風格的酒吧「Mashica」 ,就隱身在福岡上人橋通路的小巷弄裡。100 多支以自 然派紅酒為主的酒櫃以及被吧檯包圍的開放廚房等印象,正是大阪人氣餐飲店 2 號分店的 樣子。除了提供高 C/P 值的美味餐點外,其點餐方式也非常特別。 在吧檯的「點菜區」裡 夾上自己填好的菜單,結帳後就會移到「結清區」裡等待製作。點上幾份店長推薦的自然派 紅酒和義大利主廚的美味料理,和福岡人一起並肩享受福岡之夜吧!


이자 카 야 풍 와 인 바 마시카 는 오사 카 에서 인기인 레스토랑의 2호점에 해당한다. 비오 와인을 중심으로 약 10 0종류를 구비 중인 와인셀러와 키친을 둘러싼 카운터로 구성된 아 담 한 가게 로 맛 있 는 요 리 를 합 리 적 인 가격에 제공하기 위해 소수 인원의 직원만을 두고 있다고. 이 때문에 독특한 주문방법을 도입했다. 전표에 직접 메뉴를 기입한 후 ‘발주’ 라고 적힌 빨래집게에 꽂아 주문하며, 주문한 메뉴가 모두 나오면 ‘완료’라고 적힌 빨래집게로 전표를 옮겨 다는 식. 지역주민들과 함께 나란히 앉아 후쿠오카의 밤을 즐겨보시길.

Opened in 1970 as Kyushu’s first French restaurant, Maison de Yoshida has led French cuisine in Fukuoka for nearly half a century.

Fine French Cuisine & Riverside Views 法國美食和河畔美景


14 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

Maison de Yoshida

3-3-5 Haruyoshi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka Tel.: 092-711-7170 1F Restaurant 18:00~23:00 (L.O.: 22:00) 2F Wine Bistro (Cave25) 20:00~01:00 (L.O.: 24:00) Closed: Sun.


cafe 赤坂茶房 福岡市中央区赤坂 1-13-2 MJR 赤坂タワー 1F 1F MJR Akasaka Tower, A-2 1-13-2 Akasaka, Chuo-ku 092-406-3133 11:00~23:00 (L.O. 22:00) Closed: Never Box-style soba ¥680, soba with basil sauce ¥900, zenzai with roasted mochi ¥450, red-bean paste wrapped in castella ¥350, coffee ¥500, matcha royale ¥700


On Dec. 1, a chic Japanese cafe opened on the first floor of a new condo tower next to Akasaka Station on Meiji-dori Ave. Step into the cozy modern interior to enjoy hand drip coffee roasted to your liking and brewed with mineral water from Mt. Unzen. Try the simple soba made from 100% Hokkaido buckwheat with a sweet Kyushu-style dipping sauce or the original soba with a basil-infused dipping sauce and Western-style breakfast (eggs, bacon & salad) on the side. Like sweets? Then you’ll love the red bean paste wrapped in Nagasaki castella and the red bean soup with mochi.

아카사카 사보

지하 철 아 카사 카 역 바로 위에 들 어선 타워 맨션 1층에 12월 1일 오픈한 일본 풍 카페 . 자 연에서 온 소 재로 만 들 어진 심플 재패니즈 모던 인테리어는 아 늑한 느낌을 주며 카운터에서는 원하는 배전도를 말하면 나가사 키 운 젠다 케계의 천연수로 한 잔씩 赤坂茶房 정성껏 핸드드립 커피를 내려준다. 일식 셰프가 從天神前往舞鶴公園,赤坂地鐵站正上方的大樓,一間風格簡樸的高質感和風咖啡廳,12 요리하는 전통 소바, 바질 소스를 넣은 양념에 月 1 日在 1F 開幕。使用長崎・雲仙山系的天然水沖泡單品咖啡,客人可依喜好享受各種深、中、 찍어 먹는 오리지널 츠케소바 등이 추천 메뉴. 淺的烘培風味;這裡的料理是使用北海道産的蕎麥及有特殊甘味的九州醬油調製的蕎麥醬油, 이외에도 팥소를 카스텔라로 말아낸 카스마키 與原創蕎麥醬。點心有長崎傳統雞蛋糕,和加入烤年糕的紅豆湯;另外還有福岡與漸受好評 등의 디저트부터 사 케, 일본 산 와 인 등 을 맛보며 여유로운 카페 타임을 즐길 수 있다. 的日本酒供小酌,歡迎優雅地來享受下午茶!

www.fukuoka-now.com | 15

Special Bus Tour for

Readers! (just 15 seats - book soon!)


Chikugo is an area blessed with not only beautiful nature and scenery, but many tasty treats! On this tour we’ll enjoy local wines in Tanushimaru Town and strawberries in Ukiha City, one of the country’s leading producers of fruit. Then we’ll visit two Instagram-worthy shrines, one with a long row of red torii gates and another filled with frog figurines!

Strawberry Picking at Yamandon

Ukiha Inari Shrine



After climbing 180 steps and passing through 91 red torii gates, we’ll arrive at this picturesque shrine with a fantastic view of the surrounding area.

This farm grows ten varieties of strawberries using fresh spring water from the surrounding area. We’ll enjoy picking and eating as many of those juicy berries as we can for 30 minutes!

Shop for sweets (Reve de Bebe) Locals love the handmade sweets of this Frenchstyle patisserie. We’ll stop to not only see the cute store but to shop for sweets, especially for their bite-sized chou à la crème (¥120).

7 6 Nyoirinji Temple (Frog temple)

With over 5,000 frog figurines and stone statues dotting the temple grounds, frog lovers and photographers looking for quirky contents will love it. Frog-themed charms and amulets are on sale and make great souvenirs!

BOOK NOW! ONLY 15 SEATS! 16 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

Jan. 20 (Sat.) Depart from Tenjin: 8:30 Return to Tenjin: 17:30

English speaking guide!

Yoshii District

An area steeped in history, the town of Chikugo-Yoshii once prospered as a stop-over town for travellers during the Edo period. Amidst the whitewall townscape we’ll visit Kura, a former sake brewery that is now a tourist information center to learn about locally made products including traditional soy sauce, Japanese confectionery, antiques, and more.


Imamura Catholic Church

Next, our guide will explain the fascinating history of this church and its connection to the kakure kirishitan (hidden Christians) of the 1600s. The beauty of the Romanesque church’s altar and stained glass windows await.


Kyoho Winery (Restaurant Heurige) After touring the wine cellars of this impressive estate and vineyard, we’ll enjoy a tasty omelette-rice lunch. Then we’ll enjoy some wine tasting and souvenir shopping.


Depart by charter bus from Tenjin: 8:30, return to Tenjin: 17:30 Participation fee: ¥3,600/person, including lunch and entry to all venues. Participants must be over 20 y.o. and agree to fill out a survey. 主催:筑後田園都市推進評議会

www.fukuoka-now.com/chikugo-tour2 www.fukuoka-now.com | 17

Show this and get a free bowl of oyster soup for everyone in your group!

剛捕撈上來的糸島品牌牡蠣「MIRUKU牡蠣」,新鮮美味,口感細膩嫩滑,敬請以燒 方式享用! 갓 잡아 신선한 이토시마의 명품 굴 미루쿠가키. 맛있는 굴구이를 즐겨보세요.

Freshly harvested mirukugaki (rich and creamy) oysters from Itoshima. Delicious seafood and side dishes too!

Oyster Hut

English menu!

Kakigoya Toyohisamaru Tel.: 090-1975-2915 778 Shima-kishi, Itoshima

Overseas visitors welcome!

Open: 10:00~17:00 (last in 16:00) Season: Oct. 14 ~ end of Mar. Access: 15 min. drive from JR Chikuzen-maebaru Sta., 20 min. bus from JR Chikuzen-maebaru Sta.

18 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018



t first glance, kasuri looks simple. It’s a cotton fabric that comes in various shades of blue with recurring patterns in white. Next to the bright colors of a silk kimono, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this textile is, frankly, plain. You’d be mistaken. Behind kasuri’s modest appearance is a remarkable process that begins with raw cotton and indigo leaves, and ends with a handful of craftsmen and women applying skills honed over centuries. While some workshops have opted to modernize production through mechanization, traditional kasuri production is still practiced at a number of workshops in Kurume, Fukuoka Pref. With 23 manufacturers, Kurume is one of the largest remaining centers of kasuri in Japan.


쿠루메 카스리 소개

久留米絣是一種看似簡單,僅用濃淡表現的 藍色綿織物。雖然質樸卻需要很高的技術, 是久留米地區經過 200 年淬煉的技術。 翻過紡織品的背面就可以了解製作久留米絣 的難度。一般的紡織品,是在紡織完成後才 進行染色,但是絣則是相反的在還是線的階 段就設計了花紋之後才染色接著紡織。請想 像一下藍底上有白色圓點模樣的絣的樣子。 在準備材料的階段時僅準備一根縱向的棉 線,然後先在此線染上正確規則相間隔的藍 白部分。然後再由這根棉線和橫向的棉線結 合,在藍底上漸漸編出白色圓點的圖樣。擁 有這麼複雜技術的人,在久留米地區僅剩下 數十人左右。完成久留米絣約需分成 23 道 左右的工法,在這裡大略整合之後說明。

언뜻 단순해 보이는 남색 목면 직물 쿠루메 카 스 리 . 하지만 뒷면 을 살 펴 보면 쿠 루 메 카스리의 특징을 알 수 있습니다. 바로 무늬가 들 어간 천인데도 앞뒷면이 구별되어 있지 않다 는 것입니다. 일반적으 로는 천을 만든 뒤 염색 및 인쇄 작업을 거치지만 카스리의 경우 실 단계에서 무늬나 문양이 들어갈 것을

생각해 염색하고 천을 짭니다. 감색 바탕에 흰색 물방울무늬의 카스리에서 날실 하나를 뽑아 보면, 감색과 흰색이 규칙적인 간격으로 염색된 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 날실에 맞춰 씨실을 정확히 짜 맞추어 냄으로써 감색 바탕 위의 흰색 물방울무늬를 만들어 갑니다. 매우

복잡하고 품이 드는 이 기술을 계승 중인 사람은 현재 몇십 명밖에 남지 않았습니다. 쿠루메 카스리의 제작 공정은 약 23가지로 나누어져 있으나 여기에서는 간략하게 소개하겠습니다.

www.fukuoka-now.com | 19


Patterns are planned on paper first. The dark areas indicate which parts of the thread will be covered.

CREATING KURUME KASURI STEP 1 ▸ THE PATTERN Used for everyday wear, Kurume kasuri features bold, geometric patterns. The designs may be simple, but creating them is not: kasuri’s designs aren’t printed on after the fabric is made, but before. The patterns are first copied onto what looks like a long strip of graph paper, where each square represents a fraction of the finished fabric. The layout is used to calculate which parts of the thread should be dyed, and which parts left white. STEP 2 ▸ TYING Kurume kasuri is made from white cotton which, before dyeing, is knotted into bundles. The parts that are to remain white are covered, while parts that are to be dyed are left exposed. This process is completed by a specialist tyer, who passes the bundles on to the dyer. STEP 3 ▸ DYEING True kasuri gets its color from indigo – a dye made from the leaves of the indigo plant. The leaves are dried and fermented into a paste, and then brewed into a liquid and left to ferment a second time. Master dyers make several vats of dye with different concentrations of indigo, which they use for six to eight months at a time. 20 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

The thread is tied with knotted hemp. Covered sections will remain white.

步驟1 :圖案 用來供應大眾日常穿著的久留米絣,其簡 單的花紋圖案是特點。根據傳統的圖案和 作者的個性為原則,在縱向和橫向綿線的 分配上 ( 哪些部份要染色,哪些部份要將 白色拿掉等等 ) 設計之後做成「繪圖紙」; 接著將線染色清洗數次,一邊考慮線的收 縮問題,一邊將重新繪製圖案再做成「下 繪」。

步驟2 :整線 做為重要無形文化財的久留米絣必要條件有 :⑴使用粗芋做成的麻繩。⑵使用純正天然 藍來染色。⑶需使用手工紡織機完成。 「整線」 是絣完成最後模様之前的原點,是會影響成 品的重要步驟。以棉製成的線的自然色就是 久留米絣圖樣中白色的部份。在染色前會用 粗芋麻繩將想變成圖樣部分(想留下來的白 色部分)固定包覆住避免染色。

1단계: 무늬 서민들의 일상복이었던 쿠루메 카스리의 특징은 단순한 무늬입니다. 전통적인 무늬와 제작자의 개성이 드러나는 도안을 토대로 날실과 씨실의 어느 곳을 염색할지를 계산한 에가미(絵紙)를 만든 후, 염색과 헹굼 등의 과정을 거치게 될 실이 수축할 것까지 계산하여 도안을 수정한 시타에( 下絵)를 작성합니다.

2단계: 묶기 중요무형문화재로서의 쿠루메 카스리 인정 조건 다음과 같습니다. ⑴아라소우(粗芋)로 실을 묶을 것 ⑵순정 천연 쪽으로 염색할 것 ⑶수작업용 직기로 짜낼 것. 실을 묶는 작업은 카스리 무늬의 원점으로 완성될 직물에 영향을 미치는 중요한 공정입니다. 천의 자연스러운 색이 쿠루메 카스리의 무늬가 될 흰색 부분입니다. 염색 전, 무늬가 될 부분을 아라소우로 단단히 묶어 색이 물들지 않게 합니다.

feature 3단계: 염색 예로부 터 염료 로 사 용 된 쪽 잎을 건조 후 발 효시킨 일본 토쿠시마 산 스쿠모를 사용합니다. 이것을 염색 장인이 땅속에 묻은 독에 넣어 2~3주 동안 양조시킵니다. 시간이 갈수록 서서히 색이 바래가기 때문에 이용 가 능한 기간은 6 ~8 개월 정도입니다. 염색 작업은 고된 육체노동으로, 실 뭉치를 액체에 담가 짠 뒤 실 한줄 한줄이 공기와 접촉할 수 있도록 바닥 에 강 하게 내려칩니다. 원하 는 색이 나 올 때까지 약 4 0회 정도 이 작업을 반복합 니 다. 이 때 드는 노동 력 과 비 용 을 절감 하기 위해 화학 염료와 기계를 도입한 제조자도 있습니다. 덕분에 선명한 색상의 카스리도 등장하게 되었습니다.

Dyeing is an intense process that involves dipping a bundle of thread into the dye, wringing it out and then beating it against the floor to expose the thread to oxygen to fasten the color. The process is repeated as many as 40 times to achieve the darkest blue-black. The thread is then dried, creating one of Kurume’s most memorable sights: bundles of blue and white thread hanging in the sun, slung over bamboo poles or stretched across the fields to their full length – nearly a kilometer.

4단계: 천 짜기 염색은 전통적으로 남성의 일이었고 천을 짜내는 섬세한 작업은 여성의 일이었습니다. 무늬, 문양에 맞춰 전통 직기를 사용해 폭 약 36cm, 길이 약 12m의 옷감을 짜냅니다. 수작업이기에 숙련된 기술자라 하더라도 무늬대로 완벽히 실을 맞추어 짜내는 것은 불가능합니다. 염색 및 천을

Kasuri drying in the Kurume sun.

짜는 과정에서 발생하는 이러한 불완전함이 카스리의 특징이자 쿠루메 카스리의 가장 큰 매력입니다.

Dye is made from the leaves of the indigofera plant.

STEP 4 ▸ WEAVING The work of the weavers is mind-blowingly intricate: the bundles are separated into hundreds of individual threads, and then aligned and wrapped around wooden shuttles that the weaver uses to weave the weft (across) threads with the warp (down) threads. Years are spent learning each craft but, however skillful, no weaver can match each thread perfectly. Tiny variations create a distinctive feature: slightly blurred edges to the patterns. A flaw, perhaps – but also one of Kurume kasuri’s charms.

Traditional kasuri production uses hand looms to weave the threads together.

步驟3 :染色 依造古法將植物「藍」的葉子乾燥、發酵後 做為染料使用。染坊師傅會將「藍」埋入土 中經過 2~3 週的釀造期。釀造完成後的「藍」 因為會隨著時間而褪色,所以「藍」的利用 期限只有 6~8 個月。染色的作業是需要大量 的身體勞動,將一束繩束沾上染液後,為了 讓其充分接觸空氣必須不斷敲擊地面。而在 達到想要的濃淡色澤之前,約須經過 40 次 左右這樣的重覆作業。 現代為了減少勞動力和製作成本,改用化學 染料和機械的製造者也漸漸多了起來 ;因而 也出現了許多顏色鮮艷的絣在市場上。

步驟4 :編織 若是傳統上染色是男性的工作,那麼編織等 細膩的工作就必屬於女性了。按照繪圖紙上 的圖案,排列出所需要的繩線數,然後將線 分開後捲起 ;久留米絣的編織手法是使用傳 統的紡織機,編出寬約 36 公分,長約 12 米 的織物出來。因為是手工的關係,不管技術 再怎麼好,也不可能拼湊出百分之百完美的 圖案。在染色和紡織過程中出現的小瑕疵, 最後就成了絣的特徵並且成為久留米絣最大 的魅力所在。

READ THE FULL REPORT: fukuoka-now.com/kasuri

www.fukuoka-now.com | 21


KURUME KASURI EVENTS 2018 Though Kurume kasuri is rooted in tradition, it is used to make beautiful, everyday clothing. If we’ve piqued your interest, then read on to learn where you can see kasuri first hand. 2018 is a special year. It’s the 150th memorial year of Ms. Den Inoue (1788-1869), the pioneer of Kurume kasuri. At thirteen years of age she noticed a white spot on a discolored part of her clothes and came up with the idea for a woven fabric which became known as Kurume kasuri. On her 150th memorial year there will be many special events including these.

21st Kurume Kasuri Ai (Indigo) • Ai (Love) • Deai (Meet) Festival 久留米かすり 藍・愛・で逢いフェスティバル

A festival for kasuri lovers with stalls selling the latest in kasuri style. Workshops will display new and classic Kurume kasuri items in the Kurume kasuri fashion show. The largest Kurume kasuri event in Japan. There will be a Den Inoue display too. ● 3/17 (Sat.), 3/18 (Sun.) ● 10:00~17:00 ● Free entrance ● Jibasan Kurume ● 5-8-5 Higashi-Aikawa, Kurume, Fukuoka ● 0942-44-3701 (Kurume Kasuri Association)

Den Inoue 150th Memorial Service

Kurume Gasshukoku Festival

Open to the public. A statue in honor of Ms. Den’s achievements can be seen here where she is buried. ● 4/26 (Thu.) ● Tokuunji Temple ● 66 Tera-machi, Kurume, Fukuoka

Exhibits of Ms. Den’s prized items and tools from that era. Also some hand-woven fabrics that are designated intangible folk cultural properties, examples of natural indigo dyeing, and more. ● 4/29 (Sun., hol.), 10:00~15:00 ● Kurume City Plaza 2F ● 8-1 Mutsumon-machi, Kurume, Fukuoka

井上伝女 150回法要


Kasuri Workshop Visits in Chikugo

Hirokawa Kasuri Matsuri

Two weekends where Kurume kasuri studios are opened to the public. Stroll through the studios, watch the craftsmen and explore kasuri tradition. Held every Jun. and Nov. ● 6/2 (Sat.), 6/3 (Sun.) and 11/10 (Sat.), 11/11 (Sun.) ● Headquarters: 730 Kumano, Chikugo, Fukuoka ● 0942-53-4229 (Chikugo City Tourism Association)

Two days where you can buy Kurume kasuri items at discounted prices and visit workshops on free buses. See and enjoy the Hirokawa area! ● 9/15 (Sat.), 9/16 (Sun.) ● Hirokawa Industry Exhibition Hall ● 1164-6 Hiyoshi, Hirokawa-machi, Yame-gun, Fukuoka ● 0943-32-5555 (Hirokawa Tourism Association)


22 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018



Special Bus Tour

KURUME KASURI DISCOVERY TOUR 2018 Join us for a special tour behind the scenes at Kurume kasuri artisan workshops. We’ll see traditional natural dyeing, hand weaving, and make our own natural indigo dye bandana! After a gourmet lunch we’ll tour a sake brewery too! Book now - seats are limited!

Feb. 3 (Sat.) ¥3,500 Depart by charter bus from Tenjin: 8:30 Return to Tenjin: 18:00 ENGLISH SPEAKING GUIDE!

Workshop tour and dyeing experience - Ikeda Kasuri Kobo Here we will watch natural indigo dyeing process and hand weaving processes. Then everyone designs and dyes their own bandana. It’s yours to keep!

Lunch at Ekubo

Next we’ll enjoy a gorgeous and colorful feast of seasonal local delicacies at a nearby restaurant.

Sake brewery tour - Hana no Tsuyu

The Hana-no-Tsuyu, founded in 1745, boasts the longest history of all brewers in the area. We’ll tour their wooden warehouse (largest in northern Kyushu) and sample their sake too!

Open house tour

Finally tour participants can freely visit three workshops located in the same neighborhood. Natural indigo dyeing, weaving and the finished products of the artisans can be seen and purchased too!

BOOK NOW! ONLY 20 SEATS! www.fukuoka-now.com/kasuri-tour2018

● Feb. 3 (Sat.), 2018 ● Depart by charter bus from Tenjin: 8:30, return to Tenjin: 18:00 ● Participation fee: ¥3,500/person, including lunch and entry to all venues. Participants must be over 20 y.o. and agree to fill out a survey. 企画:久留米絣協同組合


C •Fukuoka Pref. Museum of Art

Hamanomachi Hospital


Nagahama Fish Market

SB Hotel

KBC Cinema


Kyodai Remittance

•Ankoku-ji Temple

Hotel Mystays Hotel Etwas

Daicho-ji Temple •

•Airef •Udon West

Escape Game

•NTT Docomo

Chuo Post Office StarbucksMina Tenjin Ippudo Futata

Ship’s Garden

Monterey La Soeur

Fukuhaku-deai Bridge


ACROS Fukuoka


n SUB Tenji Fukuoka Bldg.


•Mist Vietnam Consulate 11 Nakasu Hak Taiyo Exce




•Former Prefec Guest House

Kakigoya Parco •Best Denki 9 Cocokara Fine Toriden Nishi-n Vivre Junkudo Tenjin Daimyo Shintencho Shi City Chuo Park Tenjin Tenjin Core Catholic Shopping Arcade Toyoko Inn Hall IMS Solaria Stage Mandarake Church Institut Français (Incube) Nishitetsu KFC Brenda Law RI Grand Hotel Akasaka Sabo du Japon-Kyushu MEIJI-DO 6 Iwataya Vioro 6 Kinko’s •Australian PoliceSaiseikai Annex Hospital •Chuo Ward te Consulate ou te R I u a k Office Startup Cafe Ro The B tside H Court Hotel Solaria Nishitetsu Ichiran KIRAMEKI-DOR Akasa El Gala 7 Inside i Bus Center Ou Plaza(Highway Starbucks Iwataya 8 Bus Stn.) am Arty Inn I

Nissei Hotel Fukuoka

Hotel Ascent

Nishitetsu Inn Fukuoka

North Tenjin

Kyushu Tourist Information Center

Hakata Riverain

IP City Hotel


Drum Logos•

Dukes Hotel








Anmitsu Hime

Hotel Eclair Hotel Okura



Nagahama Park Police • • Drum Be-1•

Nakashima Park Fukuoka Garden Benten-bashiNakasu Palace NakashimaBridge machi •Tsukushi Kaikan ka


Ark Hotel Royal Aeon •Ensho-ji Shoppers Temple Fukuoka

Daikoku-bashi Bridge



Fuk Asia Mu

The Hakata Harp

Suzaki Park

Tenjin Monolith •KBC

Towers Tenjin Bldg. 5F

To Bayside Place Hakata To Fukuoka Kokusai Center





Valie Hotel Tenjin

















T KOKU • School

South Garden•


Takakura Hotel

Bon Repas

Pizzeria Da Gaetano



Everyone wants to start the year off right! In western Japan, it’s custom to visit three shrines within the first three days of the year. Locals usually visit one in their neighborhood, but some like to visit the famous ones like these three. Why not make a pilgrimage of your own!

•Toppan Anyo-in Temple

b na





•Choen-ji Temple

Sakura Jyuji Hospital

a at


339 Hair & Make

Bivi• Nishitetsu Inn Tenjin


To Golden Crab To Adachi •Kosho-ji Temple

Imaizumi Park • Seifuku-ji •Toki Rikyu Hotel Tenjin Place Temple Hosen-ji Temple


• Police


Kebab Bar Ampoules Mos Burger • RI -DO AKI KEY


Eggs ’n Things



Nishitetsu n-m Freshness Tenjin Fukuoka Sta. Zara• nji Burger Resola Kego Park Te Abercrombie • Tenjin Starbucks •Fukuoka Mitsukoshi & Fitch Daimyo Jokyu Shoyu Elborracho • High Court Bic •Chikae Kego Plaza Hotel Ippudo Camera Jinja Plaza Hotel Premier Daimyo Sunny Supermarket Shrine H&M Frank’s The Sun Empire Toyoko Inn Bic Camera Loft Guru Chop Shop Richmond Guru Apple Quantic Hotel Store Tiempo •FT Skala Don Quijote Sony Store

Moalani Wax

Sada Hospital



Fukuok Toei H



Dazaifu Tenmangu Shr • 12/31 (Sun.): 6:30 all day • 4-7-1 Saifu, Dazaifu • 5 min. walk from Nishitetsu Dazaifu Station






•Sunny Supermarket


텐진 하카타 지역 지도

Shofuku-ji Temple•





kuoka an Art useum




Hakataza Theater

To Bayside Place Hakata



Na ka su

Fukuoka City International Center


Gate's ter Donut






Ro 15 ut e








Haruyoshi-bashi Bridge

Maison de Yoshida Hotel Il Palazzo 5th Hotel East

5th Hotel West

Canal City Theater


Ro u


Royal Park Hotel



Croom Hakata

Kyodai Remittance

Hakata Bus Terminal

Salvatore Cuomo Hakata To Akira Green Matsuura, Hotel DDS

Dukes Hotel Hakata


NNC Bank 3

Hakata-guchi JR Hakata

Pancake House

Book Off•

2 2

Hotel Century Art


Hakataeki Higashi

Taito F Station

JRJP Hakata

Hard Rock Cafe


Hakata Clio Court Sunlife Hotel 2.3

Kitte Hankyu Hakata

ANA Crowne •Torin-ji Temple Plaza Fukuoka Sumiyoshi Jinja •Mini-Stop Shrine Hotel Hokke RI Club I-DO SH O Y MI Royal Host SU




T-Joy Hakata Original Amu Plaza

•Meiji Park

Sutton Hotel Hakata City

Ming /Amu Est / Deitos

JR Hakata City



Myoen-ji Temple

•Haruyoshi Park


Comfort Hotel Hakata


Sumiyoshi-bashi Bridge

Hotel Toyoko Inn

Yodobashi Camera CHIKUSHI-DORI

Hotel Leo Palace Hakata


• Rokkenya Park


Asahi Bldg

Seiryu Park Canal City Hakata

Senokawa-bashi Bridge



Washington Canal City Hotel Hakata East

United Cinemas TVQ• 3 Canal City 13


Hotel Nikko Fukuoka

•Hakata Ward Office



Grand Hyatt

MyStays Inn

SB Hotel





•Pomplaza Ou Ro tsid ute e


President Hotel •NTT Data




•Dekimachi Park

Toyoko Inn





Hotel Sky Court




Hakata Sennen-no Mon


Hakata Machiya Folk Museum



Joten-ji Temple

Tocho-ji Temple

Kushida Jinja Shrine


Money Exchange


Ro u

Hakata Traditional Craft Center





Reisen Park


kata el Hotel



-ka wa ba ta


Info Desk Car Rental




Post Office Gas Station

The B Hakata

Hotel Sunline Fukuoka Hakataeki-mae Ninjin Park

With The Style


Sumiyoshi Park Hyakushunkan Hotel New Otani

i or -d

Yanagi-bashi Bridge

Sun Selco

Sunny Supermarket•

ka Hotel

APA Hotel

Bliss Clinic

Benikea Calton Hotel



To Minoshima Market Street

Miyajidake Jinja Shrine

Hakozakigu Shrine

• 12/31 (Sun.): all day • 7-1 Miyaji-motomachi, Fukutsu • 5 min. by taxi, 25 min. walk from JR Fukuma Station

• 1/1 (Mon.): Sangensai Festival (all day), 1/3 (Wed.): Tama Seseri (13:00~14:30) • 1-22-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku • 3 min. from Hakozaki-Miyamae Subway Station


January 2018 #229



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New Year, new you! I plan to...

www.fukuoka-now.com Providing Kyushu’s international community and overseas visitors with news, information, opinions, and laughs since 1998. Information by foreigners for foreigners. FUKUOKA NOW 是針對在九州活躍的外國人 提供新聞訊息,參考意見和趣聞 ;從 1998 年起由外籍人士人對外籍人士以多種語言發 行的一本雜誌。

FUKUOKA NOW LTD. 5F Towers Tenjin Bldg., 3-7-3 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 有限会社フクオカ・ナウ 福岡市中央区天神3-7-3 タワーズ天神5F

Publisher サーズ・ニック Nick Szasz ...take better photos!

フクオカ・ナウは、福岡・九州で活動するイン ターナショナルな人々や、海外から訪れる人に 向けて、ニュースや時事、楽しく過ごすための 情報を 1998 年より多言語で発信している、外 国人による外国人のためのメディアです。

Manager サーズ 恵美子 Emiko Szasz ...make a shared garden!

후쿠오카 나우는 후쿠오카˙큐슈에서 활동하는 여러 나라 사람들과 외국인 관광객을 위해 1998년부터 뉴스, 시사 및 각종 유용한 정보를 다국어로 제공하는 외국인에 의한 외국인을 위한 미디어입니다.

Editor & Assistant to Publisher ラディグノン・アイリーン Irene Ladignon ...exercise!

CONTACT US 広告掲載に関するお問い合わせ Tel: 092-762-2505 Fax: 092-762-2509 Email: sales@fukuoka-now.com www.fukuoka-now.com

Director 中田凌子 Ryoko Nakata ...dye my hair pink!

© 2018 Fukuoka Now Ltd. Permission required prior to any form of reuse.

Director 福田佳恵 Kae Fukuda …play 5 rounds of golf!

Austrian & German Breads, Cakes and Coffee Shop Meister-made authentic European

Published by Fukuoka Now Tel: 092-762-2505 Now Map is the best map of Fukuoka. Pick it up at information counters and hotels across the city.


• Pretzels • Rye Breads • Cakes, pastries, etc.

2-1-5 Nagaoka, Minami-ku, Fukuoka Open every day 07:00 ~ 20:00 Tel: 092-551-7077 Adolf Sailer Konditor & Backermeister www.sailer.jp

Editorial Design: Drawing a Crowd (drawingacrowd.co) Cover Photo: Fukuoka City Contributors: Joel Dechant, Bohyun Jeong (Korean), Claire Yang (Chinese)

EVERY WED. AT 12:20 ON 76.1 FM

Nick joins Darrell on “Tenjin United”

Discover much more about Fukuoka & Kyushu online. fukuoka-now.com

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Rooftop Oyster Barbecue in Tenjin • Try Fukuoka’s famous & fresh oysters!

ISOGAI MENCHANKO NO KAKIGOYA 位於天神中央•在大廈頂 樓享受 福岡特色•牡蠣小屋!

텐진의 중심, 빌딩 옥상에서 즐기는 후쿠오카 명물 카키고야!

Fukuoka Bldg., 1-11-17 Tenjin, Chuo-ku Tel.: 080-3948-9777 (12:00~22:00) Open: 11:00~16:00, 17:00~22:00 (until Mar. 31) Closed: Dec. 31 & Jan. 1 26 | Fukuoka Now | #229 | January 2018

Open afternoons & evenings! English menu!

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Visit this huge amusement center with the latest machines!

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new year’s sale!

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1-1-10 Kego, Chuo-ku. Open: 10:00~20:00 • Closed: Irregular Tel.: 092-791-1245 • www.adachicoffee.com


www.fukuoka-now.com | 27

GREAT DEALS FROM FUKUOKA’S MOST POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORES! 代表福岡・天神的人氣百貨超優惠的購物情報 후쿠오카・텐진을�대표하는�인기�백화점의 실속있는�쇼핑�정보

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