Front Porch Fredericksburg Magazine

Page 1


closeups 9




18 history’s stories:mary washington monument what’s in a mansion? Brompton 19

slice of history...soldiers waiting in river camps

Linda Osorio fxbg house of yoga

20 Senior Care:let it go

Cameli & stoddard dynamic duos in the kitchen

22 emancipated patients: 2nd amendment sanctuaries

caroline morris kimman’s co

24 art in the ‘burg




Porch talk 3

burn’s night...local scots celebrate


on the in fredericksburg Messages


In the Garden: Seed swap time


everything greens: 25 years young!


downtown buzz: thriving


i have a friend: 20th anniversary


season’s bounty: ’spice up


Cooking with kyle: hazzelback Spirits: winter cocktails


vino...sparkling & white wines


Calendar of events\\

it’s all energy.: kidney meridan

biz good biz by doing good

mystery house RappArts Soup’s oN




Companions: NEW PUPPY


astrology & you poetryman RETROSPECTION


fredericksburg sketches MIKE JONES NEW FIRE FXBG CHIEF


...And more! 5 11



empty bowl marks 21 years winter restaurant week: Jan.17-26 CREATIVE COLLAGES: MARTINEZ, CRADDOCK & ROSC0E EXHIBIT Cover: “Cold Feet” by Penny A Parrish

Follow Us on Instagram@hyperion_espresso 2

january 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

Robbie Burn’s Night Local Scots celebrate By Wayne Amann

For the last quarter century the Scottish Society of Fredericksburg has been honoring Scotland’s iconic poet and lyricist Robert Burns. Beloved the world over, “Rabbie” as he was known by his contemporaries, spoke directly to the hearts of working class Scots, celebrating their lives with warmth, insight, humor and the occasional satire. This annual tradition continues when his life and works will be showcased by the SSF’s 25th “Robbie Burns Night”. “The Scottish Society of Fredericksburg celebrates all things Scottish,” said SSF Chief Mary Henderson.

“Scots and their far flung kin have been remembering and honoring this perennially popular ‘poet of the people’ for more than 200 years around the world. We in Fredericksburg link ourselves with all of them in our traditional observance.” Born on Jan. 25, 1759, in Alloway, Scotland, Burns is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is revered worldwide. Burns influenced several notable United States writers. Novelist John Steinbeck took his 1937 title Of Mice and Men from a line in Burns' To A Mouse: "

The author J.D. Salinger used protagonist Holden Caulfield's misinterpretation of Burns' poem "Comin' Through the Rye" in his 1951 novel The Catcher In the Rye. Singer songwriter Bob Dylan said his greatest creative inspiration was Burns' 1794 song "A Red, Red Rose" as the lyric that had the biggest effect on his life. The itinerary of a formal Burns Night follows a standard order. After guests are greeted by traditional Scottish music, the host delivers a welcoming speech and the Selkirk Grace. Followed by the evening’s highlight, bagpipers signaling the arrival of the Haggis a traditional Scottish dish of the minced heart, lungs and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal and seasonings boiled in the stomach of the animal. Tasting it is optional. The service is buffet style. The festivities conclude with everyone singing Burns’ song Auld Lang Syne. Dress is evening attire. Men wear kilts or jackets and ties while women and children wear something dressy. “If you have a family tartan or Celtic style jewelry, wear it,” Henderson

said. “If you don’t know your tartan, or don’t have one, get into the spirit by wearing something plaid.” “Our long time SSF members look forward to the rituals and are eager to meet new friends interested in Scottish culture,” Henderson said. “Newcomers are invited to experience Burns Night and to join our Society to learn more about Scottish life, including travel, history and genealogy. Brochures are available at the Burns Night check in desk.”

Wayne Amann is the SSF Publicity Chairman Photos courtesy of SSF Burn’s Night Sunday Jan. 26, 2020, FXBG Hospitality House & Conference Center in Central Park from 5 to 9 p.m. Contact Wayne Amann at SSF facebook

front porch fredericksburg

january 2020


Christina Ferber

ON THE PORCH Guest Porch Editorial

Contributing Writers & Artists Rita Allan Wayne Amann Sally Cooney Anderson Kathy Anderson Dianne Bachman Sarah Kay Bierle Laurie Black Collette Caprara Sonja Cantu Jeanne Ellis Sandra Erickson Christina Ferber Frank Fratoe Bill Freehling Jon Gerlach Ann Glave Anne Hicks Ralph “Tuffy”Hicks Karl Karch Lenora Kruk-Mullanaphy Susan Kenney David C. Kennedy Vanessa Moncure Pete Morelewicz Patrick Neustatter DeLaura Padovan Penny A Parrish Sarah Perrry Sara Poore M.L. Powers Paula Raudenbush Gerri Reid Rob Rudick Paul Scott Casey Alan Shaw Pat Smith Mandy Smith James Kyle Snyder Toni Sorrentino Beth Stenstrom Georgia Strentz Jim Toller Carolyn Van der Jagt Tina Will Norma Woodward

Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co. Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher. The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people. Messages from our readers are welcome. All submissions must be received by e-mail by the 19th of the month preceding publication. Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail. Front Porch Fredericksburg PO Box 9203 Fredericksburg, VA 22403 Ad Sales: E-Mail: Web Site: Facebook: @Front Porch Fredericksburg The opinions expressed in Front Porch Fredericksburg are those of the contributing writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Front Porch Fredericksburg or its advertisers. Copyright 2020 Olde Towne Publishing Co. All rights reserved.


January 2020

Pay Attention by christina ferber Mindfulness is the buzz word these days and for good reason. Research shows that it can improve overall health and well-being, decrease stress and anxiety levels, and help our focus and overall attention level. In essence, it can improve all areas of our lives, but it doesn’t just mean sitting on a cushion and meditating for hours at a time. We have multiple opportunities throughout our day to be mindful of what we are doing and what goes on around us. Practicing being mindful can show up in a variety of ways. In my school, we practice Mindful Moments each morning and teach tools that can help students and teachers destress throughout the day. These include focusing on breathing and the senses like mindful seeing, having a mindful body, and mindful listening, but the most important thing that I believe mindfulness brings to us is in the noticing of what is going on around us. We have unfortunately become a multi-tasking society that doesn’t pay attention too long to one thing. I am guilty of that as well- my phone is always nearby to keep me busy during a lull in the action of a TV show or when I am waiting in line longer that I would like. Many times, throughout my day, I am looking down at it instead of noticing what is happening around me. I am betting I am not alone. In a bookstore the other day, I thought about how many stories are in the books that I passed. We walk by these stories everyday when we pass each other on the street or when we stroll by a storefront. When we aren’t being mindful of what is around us, we miss the deeper nuances and that could mean missing the deeper story that might be of some significance to us and might even change

messages Hi! I'm the owner of this month's Mystery House (December 2019 Mystery House,), and wanted to thank you again for the honor - and most especially for the lovely, poignant, and perfect verse you'd written about it Anyone fortunate enough to own one of the unique and lovely homes that grace this town is I think a custodian of an irreplaceable. When the time comes (many years from now, I hope) that the next custodian takes this

Front porch fredericksburg

our lives. Luckily, Fredericksburg has its own mindful publication in The Front Porch. For twenty-three years, our small town has had the privilege of reading a magazine focused on the stories that surround us. They are everywhere. From the shops in d o w n t o w n Fredericksburg to the volunteer groups and non-profits that serve our community and make it a great place to live. From the special people who strive everyday to make our lives better to the artists, musicians, chefs, and creatives who add beauty to every aspect of our day. I don’t know about you, but I feel privileged to live in such a special place with such amazing stories around every corner. I am thankful for Rob and Virginia Grogan for creating a space where these stories can be told. But the trick is to pay attention to those stories even if they aren’t featured in a magazine or newspaper. We seem to have become a society that texts instead of talks, and that doesn’t take as much time as we should to really get to know one another. It is my firm belief that everyone is here for a reason and wants to make the world a better place. We might sometimes disagree on the best way to do that, but we all have a story to tell. Sometimes we are the storytellers, and sometimes we need to be the listeners. That means we need to pay attention.

one over from me, they'll be sure to find a copy of this month's edition included with the paperwork. Every best wish for the New Year! Thanks and regards, bga Very happy that my "Fall Leaves" painting was pictured on the cover of the Front Porch November Issue! Thank you so much Virginia Nancy Williams Love this magazine. Soooo much in this issue & enjoyed it all (Oct 2019) Phyllis Whitley

As we enter the year 2020, I have read a lot about it being the year of clarity and seeing things with 20/20 vision. I urge you to make it your goal this year to pay a little more attention and be more mindful of all that surrounds your day so that you have more clarity. Small steps count and my small step will be to spend less time with my phone and more time with my head up while being mindful of the moment. I am hoping that small act will help me see things with more clarity this year and pay more attention to all of the amazing things and people that this area has to offer. I will also be picking up a copy of the monthly Front Porch magazine in order to read more stories about the people and places that make Fredericksburg unique. I hope you will join me and read this first 2020 issue of the year “cover to cover.”

Christina Ferber is a teacher, a business owner, a mom , a writrer & a long time Front Porch contributor

Hi Virginia: I have just obtained and read December's issue of Front Porch Magazine. Thank you so much for printing the article on CVBT and FAM and their mutual John Myer connection.. I also enjoyed reading all of the other articles. Front Porch is truly a local gem and we readers eagerly anticipate every issue. You a true friend of the museum and CVBT. We wish you a prosperous New Year. Paul Scott

Empty Bowl 21 years supporting Empowerhouse By Kathy Anderson



FASHION ACCESSORIES 723 Caroline St 899.8077 Daily 10-5:30; Sunday 12-5

Community support of Empowerhouse makes our help grow in the community. Area Potters and the Empty Bowl Fundraiser event continue to be a major part of that effort “You all must be so proud of all of the accomplishments of Empowerhouse. I am! As a person in a unique situation to see the need [domestic violence) for your agency’s services, I can only say thank you a million times over. So many other jurisdictions have no resources and our area is blessed with your ever growing, ever expanding, multi-faceted organization. It is also clear that you all are continuing to grow and expand, and think outside the box.” – Community member’s note to Empowerhouse These words of praise and the good works that they reference would not be possible if it were not for the people and gifts behind the Empty Bowl Fundraising event to support Empowerhouse since 1999. We count many blessings this time of year and among them are the stars and gems that

make the Empty Bowl Fundraising event so special to Empowerhouse, to our community, and to the survivors of domestic violence and children supported by the resulting donations and funding. When the potters and board members of then Rappahannock Council on Domestic Violence (RCDV) now Empowerhouse conceived of this Fredericksburg area event, they knew it was a recipe for success but they primarily wanted to help in a way that made sense to them. They wanted to use the vessels they and their friends made every day, the art and business that supported them, and give back to their community. Trista Chapman, Phil Chapman, and Dan Finnegan, area potters, wanted to organize the Empty Bowl fundraising event much

cause, we have so many people to thank for continuing to lead this event, and also many new supporters for making bowls, sponsoring, and buying tickets. We have been very blessed to be in our 16th year with chief volunteer, Kathy Harrigan. Kathy and Carol Kramer brought many organizational talents and improvements, and an entire new team to support the many volunteers who have helped at all 20 events over the two decades. New people continue to join as potters, ticket holders, sponsors, volunteers, cooks, and talented musicians. This year, we wish to send a shout out to the ever faithful and supportive Elks Lodge 875 as additional appreciation for giving the community your beautiful and exceptional facility where all the magic happens and where so

like an event that Trista had been a part of in Richmond before she settled here. With the contribution of their handcrafted pottery bowls to hold soup, and with the support of early volunteers, then board members of Empowerhouse, musicians, community restaurants, and other friends, they sold tickets for attendance at the first Empty Bowl soup dinner event benefitting Empowerhouse in 1999. It was a sell out at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Attendees chose their bowls from a beautiful donated collection piled high, went through the soup line of delicious steaming pots, and ate together at long tables, family style and enjoyed the music of generous and talented musicians who showed up to ensure every sense would get a treat. They took the lovely pottery home to start their collection. Now coming into our 21st year of breaking bread in community for a great

many of us find community while we raise money for a mission that supports our community’s most vulnerable women, men, and children as they seek safety and freedom from intimate partner violence. Thank you for helping Empowerhouse support our community. Kathy Anderson is the Executive Director of Empowerhouse- Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence Photos courtesy of Empowerhouse Empty Bowl January 26, 5PM-7 7:30 PM Tickets usually sell out prior to the event: Online: LibertyTown Arts Workshop Sophia Street Studios Empowerhouse Public Outreach Office

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


In the Garden trade Ya! By Tina Will items. Bring something you don’t need and take something you do need. Bring labeled seed packets of things you’ve grown in 2019, and plan to pick up something you want to grow in 2020. Please do not bring hybrid seeds or noxious or invasive plant seeds. Consult the online list for invasives at National Seed Swap Day, Saturday, January 25, 2020, is just a few weeks away, and is celebrated around the country to help retain the biodiversity of garden grown foods and flowers, and to encourage people to grow their own food. Locally, the VCE Extension Master Gardeners (MGACRA) will host their 4th Annual Seed Swap at the Rowser Building, 1739 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Stafford, VA, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Whether you have seeds to trade or not, come and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow gardeners. There will be a seed table, three lectures, and activities for children.

There will be materials for children to create a Fairy Garden, and stories read aloud. Mariya Hudick from Tri County City Soil and Water Conservation District will be there with water and soil interactive materials for parents and children.


January 2020

MG Arlene Wilkinson chose some zinnia seeds which grew into beautiful 4’ to 5’ tall flowers that graced the gardens at St. Mary Church of the Immaculate Conception in Fredericksburg. She said: “We marveled at all the butterflies that feasted on the beautiful flowers as well as the goldfinches that enjoyed their seeds.” Next Spring, she hopes to incorporate lessons in growing marigolds with St. Mary’s preschoolers, and give them a chance to add to the church gardens also. In our own backyard/wooded area we have new native plants establishing themselves from seedlings not usually offered for sale at local nurseries. We enjoy adding the unusual to our collection.

Bring the Next Generation of Gardeners.

There will also be a gardening items trade table where participants can bring garden related items in good usable condition: gardening tools, magazines, seed catalogues, and decorative garden

On the advice of a friend (who is also a chef) that ‘real cooks use Italian Parsley’, MG Linda Kline picked up a packet, sowed them, and continues to harvest great parsley which she and her family and friends enjoy.

Speakers and Schedule Seed Swap Success from January 2019.

Front porch fredericksburg

10:30 Ticks. Master Gardener Karen Brace loves both plants and wildlife and has been a wildlife rehabilitator since 2008. She will talk about some of the other species of ticks found in Virginia and the ways they can harm us. 12:00 Pollinators of Virginia.

Brent Hunsinger, is Special Projects Coordinator with Friends of Rappahannock. He has owned and operated Brent’s Native Plantings since 2011, and is a Virginia certified horticulturalist. In this lecture he will talk about the many pollinators found in Virginia, their importance, and ways to draw them to your yard. 1:30 Decoding Seed Packet and Seed Starting Terminology. Seed packet terms and instructions can be confusing! Master Gardener Tracy Blevins will discuss frequently encountered seed terminology. Tracy’s seed starting interests are numerous, and include peppers, peanuts, cotton, and rice. Come hear about her successful growing experiences. Sow new seeds, encourage pollinators, feed your family, and enjoy the view. See you at the Swap Bring Friends! National Seed Swap Day January 25, 10a-3 3p Rowser Bldg, 1739 Jeff Davis Information about the Master Gardener Association can be found on our website, or by calling the local Virginia Cooperative Extension office at 540-658-8000. Tina Will has volunteered with MGACRA for 15 years and lives near Ferry Farm in Stafford County. Photos by Susan Kenney

Everything Greens 25 years young! By Sarah Perry our videos through our Facebook page: Downtown Greens, Inc.) Fork It Over Festival in May, our annual outdoor music and fun festival will be bigger than ever! 25th Anniversary Down Home Ball in October will be a gala event to remember with live music, sponsorships, local foods and brews. Happy New Year, Fredericksburg! Ring the bells for Downtown Greens’ 25th Anniversary Year! A giant “Thank you” goes out to everyone who has made Downtown Greens what it is today! January kicks off our year-long anniversary celebration—2020 will be filled with exciting opportunities to enjoy Fredericksburg’s “favorite backyard,” located at 206 Charles Street at the southern entrance to beautiful downtown. Some celebration highlights include: Special 52-week Anniversary livestream videos Facebook every Thursday of 2020 at 2:30pm. Each week we will highlight a different aspect of the garden, so tune in to discover —or rediscover — some of the coolest people, places, and things in the garden. Don’t miss our first broadcast with (yours truly) Sarah Perry, Executive Director, “Downtown Greens 101” on Thursday, January 2. (If you are reading this after the broadcast date, you can access all of

We are about to embark on a complete revamping of our kitchen classroom to better serve our Youth Farm Program (YFP)! The new kitchen/gathering space will be twice as big and much more functional. Not only will our young farmers use the space to cook their family dinners and meet during inclement weather, the versatile space (designed by the wonderful team at Spaces Design Studio) will also be available for workshops, club meetings and other gatherings. Thanks to a generous grant from The Youth In Philanthropy Fund of the Community Foundation, the major appliances and furnishings have been supplied. We are still looking to fund the actual construction as well as purchase additional kitchen items. You can find our wishlist at . We’re excited for the 4th year of YFP, and 7th year of YGC which run April-October. Children 0-8 with a caregiver get to sow and grow weekly in Youth Garden Club, while 3rd-5th grade Youth Farm Program participants learn farm-to-table skills as they harvest and

Dogs About Town

prepare delicious, healthful meals from garden produce. Our Preschool Garden Sprouts program now serves over 200 students every week for the entire school year, so our kiddos have time to see the precious plants grow from the seeds they sow and watch them mature to produce seeds— witness to the full circle of life!

So, that’s where we are headed for our 2020 Anniversary Year! We are interested in your stories and want to hear from you! Please, give us a shout via email or on

Facebook to post your photos and stories, and volunteer to be featured in a livestream video to share your favorite garden story! We thank each one of you for the generosity you’ve shown us through your donations of time, creativity, enthusiasm, and financial support that have brought us through two and a half communitybuilding decades! Downtown Greens is committed to long-tterm success as we nurture our programs and look ahead to the next 25 years. Thank you for celebrating with us! Sarah Perry is the Executive Director of Downtown Greens

Yaeger & Mom Downtown front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Downtown Buzz new decade....downtown continues to evolve By Anne Glave high levels of confidence" (US Chamber of Commerce). We've recognized this confidence as a "movement" - one that is sending customers to Main Street with a renewed spirit of community, family, and supporting local, small business.

While we end one decade, we look to another with hopeful anticipation. We have all put in the work and will enjoy the fruits of our labor in 2020! Main Street is witnessing a rising tide in Downtown Fredericksburg. Businesses across our district our expanding and or multiplying! Our Downtown and district businesses are being recognized both in the state and with national awards. We've seen new collaborations, e-commerce platforms and even podcast popping up around our district displaying our owner's talents and leadership in their industry. While bigger business is bracing for an economic downturn and political disruption in 2020, Small Businesses across the country are reporting "record

A rising tide often brings change. As our Main Street mottos states - Forever Revolutionary our Downtown is forever changing and evolving. The start of this new decade is no different. There are numerous construction projects in and around Downtown, the Chatham Bridge will close in May, and there will be an addition of regional chains to our Downtown. Main Street is embracing these changes with optimism. Consider that these types of projects, on this scale, only occur in areas with thriving economies where city planners and developers see opportunities. We agree! Downtown Fredericksburg is the place to be! Main Street continues to sit at the table to advocate for our district businesses. We are actively working with city staff and leadership on the following strategic projects: Streetsense District 7 Planning which includes our Face the River clean-up efforts and a larger strategy to bring a new energy and focus on the river.

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January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

Downtown Event Strategy where we are establishing Downtown as an event venue with operational strategies and regulations for use that benefit our merchants and visitors. Chatham Bridge Communication Strategy and a plan for promotions and messaging that will keep downtown alive during this major construction project. Parking Task Force and planning strategy to promote parking availability and assess current parking needs in the district. With our new corporate donor program and the success of our fundraising event, A Downtown Affair, we reached our goal to hire an additional part time Main Street staff member. We are currently crafting the job description and will release the announcement early next year. This additional team member will help to improve our communication to all our audiences and serve as an additional support to our district businesses.

Consider taking advantage of our Zero Interest Loan Program funded by a grant from VA Main Street and a match from the City's Economic Development Authority. With a maximum loan of $5,000 payable over 3 years, the funding can be used for interior improvements, faรงade work and new or expanding Omni channels. This winter is the perfect time to start your projects. Application are located on line at under Business Owner resources. Or email for guidelines and application. Applications are viewed monthly. Thank you for being a part of the Main Street movement and for making Fredericksburg Downtown special.

Ann Glave is the Executive Director of the FXBG Main Street organization She can be reached at

Linda Osorio Fxbg house of yoga By Anne Hicks The Fly Fitness Studio is moving but the location will remain a vibrant hot yoga venue. If community choice prevails it will be The FXBG House of Yoga Linda Osorio, owner of Stafford House of Yoga (SHOY) and Bear River Massage will open in January . She shared her insights and experiences about her journey in the following question and answer session.

200 William St Downtown Fredericksburg 540-373-4421

How did this opportunity to open in the Fly Fitness location happen? “I’ve been to Fly before and liked the look. It reminded me very much of Stafford House of Yoga. These past two years I’ve been looking for space from Woodbridge to Fredericksburg because of the base of students driving from each place. Fly Fitness is expanding near Wegmans in Central Park and the owner Catesby White did a great job to be able to grow. She and I have corresponded, and she’s been very kind and encouraging. I hope to have those relationships with other downtown businesses soon. Truthfully, it’s scary to

have a new business even if you’ve done it before! When the Fly space opened, I was in the process of working on an LOI for a space, but a national tenant came in and kicked us out of the negotiating. A week later my agent that told me about this opportunity. I looked at the space and did a muscle energy test. You close your eyes, breath and clear your mind, and ask your question. If you sway forward the answer is yes, if you sway back its no. It’s like a you’re a human pendulum. I was almost falling forward that’s how strong it was! After meeting the landlord, and showing it to my managers, I prayed and meditated for about 2 weeks Trusting the process trusting myself. “ What kinds of classes and other activities will take place? “All classes will be hot yoga. Power Yoga, Flow, Yin and Yoga Nidra. Class times will be formed organically based on the community’s needs. We’ll tweak it and going with the flow! We have local guest teachers to invite such as Tom Capshew and Mark Torgeson, but we also have some great national teachers also such as John & Chris Yax and Bryan Kest. “ What has been the best in 2019 and what do you look forward to in the New Year? “Seeing my seven-year-old son, with Autism make gains in communication, my 19-year daughter grow to be such a powerful young woman and my 25-year-old son now a business partner at Bear River. My kids are my ‘Why’ and seeing them learn and grow while I learn and grow fills my heart! To see family, friends and community live better, makes it all worth it. I just want to be the best version of me and see the people I care for do the same.

I hope what we bring will complement the other wonderful studios and teachers in the area. We all have the same goal…. living our best life and sharing what helped us shift. My favorite quote: The best way to predict your future is to create it. - Abraham Lincoln” Anne Hicks is a contributing writer to the Front Porch Magazine. She is employed at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Historic Renwick Courthouse 815 Princess Anne Street, Downtown Fredericksburg front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


“I Have A Friend” 20th anniversary By Laurie Black

Senior Visitors Anniversary Quilt Happy New Year to Front Porch Fredericksburg readers and Happy 20th Anniversary to the Senior Visitors Program! In 1998, Mental Health Association of Fredericksburg (now Mental Health America of Fredericksburg) conducted a community needs assessment after seeing a sharp increase in the number of seniors calling their HelpLine. A Geriatric Task Force was created to explore the needs of seniors and local seniors were also surveyed to find out What do Fredericksburg area seniors need? The response was clear. Seniors want more socialization opportunities and better connection with their community. Many seniors reported that they felt isolated and lonely. From this feedback and through a grant awarded by Mary Washington Hospital Foundation, the Senior Visitors Program was born. In March of 2000, the Senior Visitors Program began recruiting, screening, training and matching volunteers with older adults. Trained volunteers provide free home-based, weekly visits. Seniors are referred to the program through home health and human service agencies, physicians, churches, friends, neighbors and self-referral. Over the past 20 years, the Senior Visitors Program has trained almost 600 volunteers and has served over 750 clients. Currently, there are 114 volunteers, several of whom have been with the program since it began. Twenty of those 114 volunteers have over 500 hours of service. Seven of those 20 volunteers have over 1,000 hours of service. Those many hours of service come one visit, one hour at a time. Those hours represent many hugs, smiles, stories shared, games played, and hearts touched. Our volunteers and seniors can best explain why the Senior Visitors Program is making such a positive difference in the community. Here are some of their words.


January 2020

Volunteers: "I found myself thinking over and over what a wonderful program Senior Visitors is. Not only was I able to be there for (my senior) and their family, but they were there for me after my mother-inlaw's death, too. I feel that I have just extended my family! The relationship we have gained is

forever." "I told my client, "I'm supposed to visit you to lift your spirits, but you taught me something and helped me. Thank you."" "I never thought I could feel so good, but volunteering helps me so much! I am grateful to be alive! This organization means a lot to me." "What a wonderful service program for positive mental health. Thanks to you, I now have something else other than music to enjoy and provide for people." Clients: "My volunteer is so friendly and he cares about me. He talks to me about being in the Korean War and I love to play checkers with him." "I'm happier now than I was before. I know my volunteer loves my husband and me. I love just being together - car rides, ice cream, meals out, etc." "My volunteer is a lovely woman. She is kind and helpful and I enjoy talking with her. She lifts my spirits and makes me laugh. I'm very fortunate that she came into my life." A special thanks to Front Porch Fredericksburg for allowing us the opportunity to share our "Local Good News." If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-2704 or visit our website at to download volunteer or senior applications. The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. Laurie Black is the Administrative Assistant for the Senior Visitors Program

Front porch fredericksburg

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Winter Restaurant Week January 17 - 26 JAN. 17-26

The semi-annual Restaurant Week event (the other one is in the summer) showcases the many talents of downtown's eclectic mix of award-winning restaurateurs. The list of participants was still being finalized as of this writing, but it's expected to include most downtown restaurants. About 30 restaurants typically participate. Some of the restaurants participate in lunch, some dinner and some both. Others offer special cocktails, beers, wines, coffee drinks, pastries, ice cream and more. "Dining is such an integral part of the downtown Fredericksburg experience," said Fredericksburg Visitor Center Manager Danelle Rose, who coordinates the event. "For many, Winter Restaurant Week provides a wonderful

introduction to downtown's many topnotch restaurants." Participating restaurants are given the following options of specials to offer (they can offer more than one): ·$5.20: Signature cocktail, beer or drink ·$6.20: Coffee and pastry/quick bite ·$10.20: Breakfast (2 or 3 items option) ·$10.20: Lunch | 2 courses (e.g. appetizer and entree) ·$10.20: Lunch | 3 items (e.g. sandwich, side and soft drink) ·$10.20: Dinner | 2 courses (e.g. appetizer and entree) ·$20.20: Lunch | 3 courses (e.g. appetizer, entree and dessert) ·$20.20: Dinner | 3 courses (e.g. appetizer, entree and dessert) ·$30.20: Dinner | 3 courses (e.g. appetizer, entree and dessert)

·$40.20: Dinner | 3 courses with a drink option (e.g. appetizer, entree and dessert, glass of wine) Sample menus available on the "Fredericksburg, Virginia Economic Development and Tourism" Facebook page and at Frequent guests of Restaurant Week will have the opportunity to win $250 in downtown gift cards through the Department of Economic Development Passport" program. and Tourism's Passports are available at, the Fredericksburg Visitor Center (706 Caroline St.) and participating restaurants. Guests receive a stamp on their passports after dining at participating restaurants. After guests collect at least five stamps from at least five different participating restaurants, they can turn in their passports at the Fredericksburg Visitor Center to be entered into a

By bill freehling

drawing to win the $250 grand prize. Passports must be turned in by 5 p.m. Monday, January 27 to be eligible for the drawing. Restaurants are welcome to pick up extra passports anytime during the Visitor Center's operating hours - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. The restaurant with the most stamps will receive $100 in downtown gift cards. Winter Restaurant Week is shaping up to be another great event. "You'll be amazed at the variety and quality of menu items available during Winter Restaurant Week," Rose said. "Our dedicated chefs embrace this opportunity to showcase their talents to both new and returning customers. Our Restaurant Week events have become a twice-annual fixture for downtown, and we can't wait to see what our great chefs have in store this year. Come on down and experience it for yourself!" Bill Freehling is the City of FXBG's Director of Economic Development and Tourism and also a downtown resident who loves partaking in Restaurant Week - both Summer and Winter.

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Steve Cameli & Paul Stoddard dynamic duo in the kitchen

Fredericksburg’s Hometown Irish Pub & Restaurant Since 1961

By Mary Lynn Powers

Fredericksburg is the home to many treasures. You can find hidden shops and eateries throughout the city. One of these local spots is The Sunken Well Tavern, a neighborhood tavern that has a little something for everyone. They are going on 14 years in business, which is not a minor feat for small businesses these days. I had a chance to talk to Steven Cameli and Paul Stoddard the proprietors of the unassuming business. They talked about the menu and the varied events and charity benefits they have been involved with. Though located away from the central part of downtown at 720 Littlepage St, the restaurant is only a hop, skip from the Farmer’s Market and the University of Mary Waashington. Over the years, they have acquired an almost cult like following. People love their Wednesday


January 2020

night trivia contests. The 1st Tuesdays of the month is Grateful Dead night with The Brokedown Boys. Sunday is usually Bluegrass night, which makes for a busy usual” weekend as they offer a “not-tthe-u brunch both Saturday and Sunday. There is always a local artist featured making for interesting decor. They have a standing menu which hasn’t changed too much since their beginnings, but they are focusing more and more on the Farm to Table movement, partnering with Snead’s and Braehead Farms, and are always on the lookout for other local vendors. On Thursdays, they offer a $5.00 micro menu with tapa-like small plates. This menu is always different depending on what is in season at the moment. You might find Ramen or a Bulgogi (spicy Korean meat) Bowl or something totally new for the

Front porch fredericksburg

adventurous diner. Some of the more usual specials include 50 cent wings and 5 dollar burgers on Tuesdays. The regular menu has deli sandwiches made with meat roasted in house, and can be made with any cheese, condiments, meats that suit your fancy. As well, they offer a design your own burger, and word has it that these are some of the best burgers in town. They offer lunch all day, and have a great selection of salads, sandwiches, quesadillas, and starters. One specific charity they participate in is the Race to the Top for the SPCA, and there are pictures of the team on the wall for the last 13 events. They also do a Celebrity Bartender competition in April for the same charity. They can be found at a variety of different events. In the fall, they open The Well at Snead’s Farm, a stand at the annual harvest festival at Snead’s Farm. I had a sausage roll there that really hit the spot after pumpkin picking. These busy entrepreneurs have also expanded into catering for any type of event. They do weddings, office parties, Christmas celebrations, anything you want tasty, refined or simple fare for. In addition, Paul and his wife have started a separate enterprise called Ema’s Dough that specializes in bagels. Check their website and Facebook page for all the upcoming events, and stop in for a little 2020 cheer when you are out and about downtown!

Mary Lynn enjoys meeting and writing about interesting people in the 'burg. Sunken Well Tavern 720 Littlepage; facebook

Mon-Thurs, 11am-9pm Fri & Sat, 11am-10pm Sun, 11am - 9pm Bar open until 2am everyday

200 Hanover St. ~ 373-0738

Jan ua




Season’s Bounty

The Sunken Well Tavern

spice up your health vanessa moncure

Eat Well Drink Well Live Well 720 Littlepage 540-370-0911

The Soup & Taco, Etc. 813 Caroline St. Fredericksburg, VA

Serving Traditional Mexican, Tex-Mex Food and Something More!! Tuesday to Saturday 11am-9pm Sunday 11am-6pm

Phone: 540-899-0969

Open up your kitchen spice cabinet and you're opening up a world of aromatic and savory spices, magicking the blandest foods into toothsome as well as healthsome dishes. Wait a minute - yes, your dishes will be more flavorful and toothsome - but healthsome?! Surprisingly so, yes! Many spices can be considered part of a culinary medicine chest with properties as varied as helping to lower blood sugar, fight inflammation, protect heart health and ease pain - all while you're enjoying your favorite foods. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, have been studying the links between plant compounds in common herbs and their medicinal properties. They've found significant benefits in consuming common spices as a concentrated source of antioxidants - and have noted five readily available spices which can be incorporated into your diet, albeit in larger supplemental doses than for flavoring alone. An ongoing parallel study of plant essential oil benefits have even shown antibiotic activity against Lyme disease. Those five tasty spices with proven benefits:CINNAMON, TURMERIC, GINGER, GARLIC and CAYENNE PEPPER. Try CINNAMON to help lower blood sugar. Gathered from the bark of the cinnamon tree, its benefits range from lowering blood sugar levels to hearthealthy reduction of blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels when taken as a capsule supplement. Try cinnamon in a savory dish of 3, 4 or 5 Way CINCINNATI CHILI. Great for a winter meal, this recipe, native to Cincinnati, was voted by Smithsonian in 2013 as one of "20 Most Iconic Foods in America". In Dutch oven, brown together over medium heat two pounds of lean ground beef with one each finely chopped onion, celery rib, red and green bell pepper and a whole clove of minced garlic until browned. Add two teaspoons each cumin, pepper, paprika,sugar, garlic, cocoa powder, cinnamon,allspice, and salt, two

tablespoons each Worcestershire sauce, malt vinegar, chili powder and onehalf teaspoon each cloves and cayenne pepper. Stir well, add two cups tomato sauce and two-thirds cup tomato paste, along with two cups beef broth. Cover and simmer about 90 minutes, adding more broth if needed to thicken and breaking up meat to make a smoother consistency. Cincinnati chili is served as Three-Way, chili over spaghetti with cheese - Four-Way, 3-Way plus chopped onions or red kidney beans - Five-Way, chili, onions, beans and cheese over spaghetti or Chili Spaghetti alone. Sauce can be used on hot dogs, burritos, chilicheese fries or potatoes. Hot sauce on the side is optional. TURMERIC is a plant grown in Asia and other subtropical areas of the world - the dried and ground bright yellow root is a source of curcumin, known as a potent anti-inflammatory, "The Golden Spice", and was first described by Marco Polo in his travel memoirs c. 1300 of the "Silk Road". Probably best known as an ingredient in curry, in supplement form it is used to reduce pain, as an antiseptic, antiviral, and antiparasitic. Try this : ROASTED CAULIFLOWER SOUP. Chop one large or two small heads of cauliflower, stems included, into a large bowl. Add one large chopped onion, 2 whole grated cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon white pepper, and 2 T. ground turmeric. Toss with ? c. olive oil, stir and turn out onto parchment-lined baking

sheet. Roast at 425F until cauliflower is golden brown and slightly tender. Add vegetables to 6 cups chicken or vegetable broth in deep saucepan and simmer uncovered about 20 minutes or until tender and liquid is reduced . Using an immersion blender, puree until smooth. Stir in ½-¾ c. heavy cream and season with S&P to taste. Ladle into bowls and top with chopped parsley and buttered croutons. Chicken with 40 Cloves of GARLIC is a recipe adapted from an iconic James Beard Provencal recipe, and garlic a key ingredient in the popular and healthy Mediterranean diet. The slow braising tenderizes and sweetens the garlic. Garlic is known to protect your heart by keeping blood vessels flexible and reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. In a large Dutch oven over medium heat, brown 10 chicken legs seasoned with salt, pepper and ground nutmeg in 3T. olive oil until browned. Remove to a platter. Add 40 whole cloves of peeled garlic and saute, stirring constantly, until browned. Deglaze the pan with 4 T. dry vermouth. Stir in one cup chicken broth, four very thinly sliced stalks of celery and 4T. fresh tarragon. Bring to the boil, return chicken legs and any juices to the pan. Cover and oven braise at 325F for 1 ½ hours. Garnish with parsley and serve immediately. GINGER helps with nausea and CAYENNE contains capsaicin, the substance which makes peppers spicy, but which also provides pain relief. Eat your way to a healthy 2020!

Vanessa brings us some of her favorite recipes each month in this space

Shop Local Welcome to Downtown Fredericksburg’s Main Street District front porch fredericksburg

January 2020



Cooking With Kyle

cold weather

Hasselback potatoes

By Virginia ABC

by james kyle snyder

So there I was, hanging out with Mitzi, contemplating dinner. On this cold sleet-filled day, when I asked what I could make her for dinner, she simply answered, "something warm." It is really hard for me not to make her anything she wants - even if it is a vague request. I went straight to some knowgood-comfort foods: steak, potatoes, and Mitzi's steamed broccoli and red peppers. YUM! I did the steak as easily as I know how - a tasty marinade of 1 TBS each: soy, Worcestershire, yellow mustard, maple syrup and a pinch of ground herbs ~ into a Ziploc bag with the air removed ~ then I sous vided them at 138 degrees for 2 hours and finished them on a white-hot cast iron pan 30 seconds per side. Prep was about two minutes and they almost cooked themselves to a perfect just-pastmid-rare. A couple of great things about this method are: you do not have to be good on a grill and you can let the steaks remain in the bags a little longer or shorter, depending on the rest of the meal. Finishing only takes one minute total! The broccoli and red peppers got cleaned, seasoned, held until the potato was almost done, and then steamed together for about 8 minutes. Again, almost no time needed to prepare or plate.


January 2020

Now for the hardest part of the meal - the potato. One of her favorite comfort foods is a baked potato. Ya-see, she's from Idaho and has fond memories of the best, warm, satisfying potatoes the world has ever seen. I need to up my potato game to get into the running here. Thank goodness for the Hasselbacken Restaurant in Stockholm, Sweden ~ back in the 1700s. I guess back then you needed to be creative or the king had you beheaded. Sometimes the history of the food is as fun as eating the finished product. Any potato can be used. Multiple little reds can ring a festive plate. Goldens will look like a fan of potato chips. Russets, like these, can complete a hearty winter meal, skin on or skin off. I was making a fancy comfort meal for my studious bride, so these got peeled. The process is amazingly simple. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place the potato's flattest side on a cutting board and border the long sides with a chopstick or some other thin wooden item. These will act as stops so you do not cut the potato all the way through. Make multiple parallel 1/8 inch cuts along the long axis of the potato so it looks like a long stack of connected chips. Combine 1 Tbs melted butter with 1 TBS of olive oil and brush the mixture over the potatoes in a rimmed baking dish; sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes. The individual slices will begin to separate. Reapply the butter / oil mixture (and 1 TBS of panko if you want a really crispy top) and back into the oven. Bake to desired crispiness. If you want them faster, turn on the broiler and watch carefully! Again, total prep time was about five minutes. Plan ahead and you can have everything coming off at exactly the same time. Serve to the table with your favorite potato toppings, pour the wine, and listen to the praise for of a meal that was simple, easy, and delicious. Be well!

Kyle Snyder appeals to your palate and your other senses when it comes to good, simple, healthy eating

Front porch fredericksburg

Cold weather is time to appreciate deep, rich flavors. These are recipes from Virginia Distilleries make the most of the crisp, cool season.

Port on Port Virginia Distillery 1½ oz Port Cask Virginia Highland Whiskey ¼ oz Ruby Port style wine ½ oz simple syrup 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice Black walnut bitters Combine all ingredients except bitters in shaker.Add ice and shake well. Strain into coupe glass and top with 3 to 4 dashes of bitters.

Winter Bourbon Smash A.Smith Bowman 1½ oz Bowman Bros. Bourbon 2 tablespoons Jam or preserve of choice ½ oz Triple Sec 1 oz orange juice orange wedge Splash of club soda Add all ingredients to a shaker half filled with ice. Shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Strain into a chilled glass with ice. Top with splash of club soda. Garnish with orange wedge

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Jack Rose Laird & Company 2 oz Laird’s Applejack ¾ oz fresh lemon juice ½ oz pomegrante grenadine Lime wedges Fill cocktail shaker halfway with ice. Add all ingredients and shake well. Strain into soupe or martini glass. Garnish wih lime wedge

Find these any many more recipes from Virginia Distilleries in “Spirited Virginia”

Vino Monday – Friday at 6 am Saturday – Sunday at 7 am Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner $5.00 Weekly Lunch Specials


Sparkling & White Wines

by City Vino

620 Caroline St.

Olde Towne BUTCHER Corner of William & Charles Streets Downtown Fredericksburg 540.370.4105 Monday to Thursday, 10am to 7pm; Friday 10am to 8 pm Saturday 9am to 8pm, Sunday, 11am to 6pm Keith Lebor Proprietor

Become a Member

Old Town’s Greatest Tour 35 Monuments, Markers, & Attractions AND the Fredericksburg Battlefields Weddings Reunions Shuttles Parties Group Outings


While wine is gone after its contents have been enjoyed, the experience of sharing the bottle with friends and family lives on. The world is fast-paced these days, and being able to sit down and spend time with each other is one of the most precious gifts one can give. Here are some of our holiday choices to gift and to share with those you love. As the old saying goes, "all that glitters, is not gold" and we couldn't agree more. Sparkling wines glitter in your glass much to the enjoyment of everyone, and make any and every occasion a celebration. Our recommendations include Roland Champagnes, like the Champion Grand Cru Blanc de Blanc, which is 100 percent Chardonnay with fresh bread notes along with flavors of apples, pears, and baking spices. Another Champagne option is the Bauget Jouette Carte Blanche, which is 60 percent Chardonnay, 30 percent Pinot Meunier, and 10 percent Pinot Noir. This wine has a beautiful, fruity aromas of apples and grapefruit along with plums and hazelnuts. Its fruity nose reveals hints of fresh apples, grapefruit, plums, and hazelnuts, along with a richness and long finish. Our third Champagne option is Champagne Coutier Brut Grand Cru, which is a blend of 75 percent Pinot Noir and 25 percent Chardonnay. The Coutier has delicate bubbles and bright acidity, with light floral aromas paired with complementary flavors of apples, citrus, and brioche. A local favorite sparkling wine is Thibaut-JJanisson Xtra Brut, which is grown and made here in Virginia. This wine is made from 100 percent Chardonnay, in the exact same manner as Champagne with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Since the Thibaut-Janisson and the Roland Champion are both made from 100 percent Chardonnay, a gift box including both wines might make for an interesting compare-and-contract experience. For another compare-andcontrast gift, pair the Champagne Coutier with Argyle Winery Vintage Brut Grower Series, which is from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. This wine is made from 70 percent Pinot Noir, 20 percent Chardonnay, and 10 percent Pinot Meunier, which is close to the blend in the Coutier. For years, Viognier was the signature grape of Virginia for marketing purposes. If you have friends who are lovers of Virginia Viogniers, consider a gift of a Condrieu. Condrieu is in the Northern

Rhone valley in France, and is considered the home of Viognier. We have the Les Vins de Vienne Cuilleron Gaillard Villard Condrieu "La Chambee" available in the store, along with VA Viogniers from Bluestone Vineyards and Gabriele Rausse. Consider two bottles to have a comparison tasting of Viognier, from its home in Condrieu, to its adoptive home in Virginia. Other white wine options, include a Sancerre with the Alphones Mellot la Moussiere 2017 for your favorite Sauvignon Blanc drinker. Sancerre is considered some of the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world. We also have Sauvignon Blancs from Sancerre, Loire (outside of Sancerre), and Marlborough, New Zealand, available for gifting. We have a few options for unusual white grapes to share with your family and friends including a lovely dry Scheurbe with the Wirsching Iphofer Scheurebe Kabinett Trocken 2014. Scheurbe is a relative of the Riesling grape. The wine has great flavors of grapefruit, tangerine, apricot, and lychee. The Edi Simcic Slovenia Malvasia 2017is made from the Malvazua (Malvasia) grape. This wine is intensely fruity, with aromas of fresh and dried peaches and apricots, with a hint of salinity on the finish. City Vino is located at 810 Caroline St. You can find owner Rita Allan on-site to provide answers to all your wine questions

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


CALEND January 2020... A New Decade. May Let’s approach it with 20/20 Vision New Years Day, January 1

Martin & Taylor , @ Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne 6pm to 8pm. mix of Eagles, James Taylor, Beatles and many other favorite tunes from the 70's, 80s, & 90s. Hangover Brunch, Sedona Taphouse, 10:30a2:30p, 591 William St 1st Day Hike °Motts Reservoir, 9-12n, Stop by the Motts Run Nature Center for coffee & cocoa before hitting the trail for some trail trivia! Learn something new about nature and earn a prize for your findings. Sunken Well Trivia 7:45pm, 720 Littlepage, ~ Come, match wits against the finest minds in FXBG Open Mic at the Rec Center 8 pm rock out, sing, play guitar enjoy ice cold drinks and hang out! 8 11p 213 William St.

Thursday, January 2

Choosing the Best Diet in 2020. The FXBG Food Coop's volunteer team of Registered Dietitians will discuss the pros and cons of a variety of popular diets Bring your lunch and your New Year's resolution to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Noon-1 pm. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 25 Chalice Circle. Live Music at 7:30 Kenmore Inn. featuring amazing live performances with an eclectic range of musical styles - from soft jazz, blue grass and country, to pounding rock and roll.. Open Mic with Larry Hinkle Highmark Brewery!, 390 Kings HWY, Happy hour -4-6p

First Friday, January 3

"Celebrate 2020" All Member Show of creations in a spectrum of media, @Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St. Opening Reception, 6-9p Erik Brito Photogrphy, Members Gallery, FCCA 813 Sophia Street, Opening Recepti6-9p

Saturday, January 4

Keeping Stuff Out of the Landfill. donate or drop off things you no longer need instead of throwing them away. Bring your questions & your questionable items, as we sort through how to mindfully process our castoffs.; a plant-based potluck. 11:30 a-1 p. Unity of Fredericksburg, 3451 Jefferson Davis Hwy.

Sunken Well Trivia tonight starting at 7:45pm, 720 Littlepage, ~ Compete for Honor, Glory, and Prizes!! Open Mic at the Rec Center 8 pm rock out, sing, play guitar enjoy ice cold drinks and hang out! Join us between 8 and 11 213 William St.

Thursday, January 9

Live Music at 7:30 Kenmore Inn. featuring amazing live performances with an eclectic range of musical styles - from soft jazz, blue grass and country, to pounding rock and roll.. Open Mic with Larry Hinkle Highmark Brewery!, 390 Kings HWY, Happy hour -4-6p

Red Dragon Tour the Brewery, Bill Evans, walks you through the brewing process, the history of the building as well as what efforts it took us to get it the state that it's in today. 12:1; 2; 3pm

Friday, January 10

Sunday, January 5

Opening reception annual exhibit of works by members of Johnny Johnson's Water Media Workshop 5:30 to 7:30 at the FXBG CRRL, 1201 Caroline St, exhibit on display throughout February. 540 372-1144 Creative Collages, UUFF features artists Ginny Martinez, Kathy Paz Craddock, and Kay Roscoe. opening reception 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM Sunken Well Brunch 9a-2p Every Bloody Marys and Mimosas. Bluegrass night from 7-9pm. U!

Monday, January 6

Darbytown Art Studio: "Divided" Author Brian Cornell provides an accurate account of life on trail: Brian navigates difficulties, successes and everything between while attempting to walk from Mexico to Canada. 241 Charles St

Tuesday, January 7

Open Mic, Red Dragon Brewry, 6-8p provided 1419 Princess Anne St


Grateful Dead Night with a live performance by the Brokedown Boys Sunken Well Tavern

Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer

540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG January 2020

Martin & Taylor ,at Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne St 6pm to 8pm. mix of Eagles, James Taylor, Beatles and other of favorite tunes from the 70's, 80s, & 90s. every Wednesday evening

City Vino Wine Tasting Sample featured wines of the week. 12-4p The Shoppes @810

Art First Gallery All-Members Show "Resolutions" Out with the old, in with the new. That counts for ideas and approaches to life and painting, too,! Opening Reception 6-9p Exhibit thru Feb 2


Wednesday, January 8

Front porch fredericksburg

12th Night @Kenmore Plantation. 1201 Washington Ave. A dramatic theatre presentation, Performance times: 3:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 6:30

Saturday, January 11

"Soups On", RappArts will be serving up some hot soups and presenting the new and improved RappArts website for all comers to see and peruse. Don't miss out on this great event! CRRL FXBG Branch Theatre,2pm Health & Fitness Day. CRRL & FXBG Food Co-op are teaming together to offer a program designed to start your New Year right. 10 am - 1 pm. Howell Branch, 806 Lyons Blvd. City Vino Wine Tasting Sample featured wines of the week. 12-4p The Shoppes @810 Red Dragon Tour the Brewery, Bill Evans, will walk you through the brewing process, also discuss the history of the building, what efforts it took us to get it the state that it's in today. 12:1; 2; 3pm

Sunday, January 1

Open House Cele Apothecary Shop, 1020 FREE. 294th b’dayof Brig Hugh Mercer! Mercer Culloden d, later came t wounds suffered at th January, 1777. Refreshm

Sunken Well Brunch 9a-2 Mimosas. Bluegrass nigh good idea to reserve a t

Monday, January

Open Mic, Red Dragon provided 1419 Princess

Tuesday, January

Fredericksburg Photogra members. at 7:00 pm a

Wednesday, Janua

Martin & Taylor at Re Princess Anne St 6- to Taylor, Beatles & ther o the 70's, 80s, & 90s. eve

Sunken Well Trivia at 7 Come and match wits a Fredericksburg! C

Open Mic at the Rec Ce play guitar enjoy ice col 11 213 William St.

Thursday, January

Live Music 7:30 Kenmo with an eclectic range of

Open Mic with Larry H 390 Kings HWY, Happy h

Friday, January 17

Restaurant Week beg downtown's outstanding prices. Sam fredericksburgrestauran

Saturday, January

Find your Art Buyer wit 1a1-1p 813 Sophia St

DAR of events


ebration @Hugh Mercer 0 Caroline Street 12n-4p gadier General & physician fought at the Battle of to America. Mercer died of he Battle of Princeton in ments will be served.

2p Every Bloody Marys and ht from 7-9pm. Usually a able!


Brewry, 6-8p Anne St



aphy Club welcomes new t the Dorothy Hart Center

ary 15

ed Dragon Brewery 1419 8pm. mix of Eagles, James f your favorite tunes from ery Wednesday evening

7:45pm, 720 Littlepage, ~ against the finest minds in

enter 8 pm rock out, sing, d drinks and hang out! 8 -

Vision for the Food Co-op. The FXBG Food Co-op's Gen Manager/CEO, Chris Roland, will share his vision and plan for opening FXBG communityowned, locally-focused, sustainable grocery store in 2020. 2-3 pm & 3:30-4:30 pm. FAM, 907 Princess Anne St. City Vino Wine Tasting Sample featured wines of the week. 12-4p The Shoppes @810 Red Dragon Tour the Brewery, 12:1; 2; 3pm A Night on Broadway SHS Chorus audience will hear songs from best-known musicalsTickets:

Sunday, January 19

Empty Bowl , to support Empowerhouse 21st year of breaking bread in community for a great cause Elks Lodge 875, 5PM-7:30 PM.

Live Music at 7:30 Kenmore Inn. featuring amazing live performances with an eclectic range of musical styles - from soft jazz, blue grass and country, to pounding rock and roll..

Monday, January 27

Open Mic with Larry Hinkle Highmark Brewery!, 390 Kings HWY, Happy hour -4-6p

Open Mic at the Rec Center 8 pm rock out, sing, play guitar enjoy ice cold drinks and hang out! Join us between 8 and 11 213 William St.

Great Lives Series: Tiger Woods Bring the golf fans in your life to learn about golf's "GOAT!" open to the public free of charge 7:30 p.m. in Dodd Aud. Concludes w/Q&A & Book-signing

Monday, January 20

Saturday, January 25

Martin Luther King Day

Open Mic, Red Dragon Brewry, 6-8p provided 1419 Princess Anne St


Civil War Round Table of FXBG Ryan Longfellow's presentation - U.S. Grant and the Battle of the Wilderness. Round Table meets at UMW, Jepson Alumni Center, 6-9pm.

Tuesday, January 21


Wednesday, January 22

gins thru Jan 26.. Visit g restaurant at a special mple menus:

Martin & Taylor , at Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne St 6pm to 8pm. mix of Eagles, James Taylor, Beatles and other of your favorite tunes from the 70's, 80s, & 90s.

y 18

Sunken Well Trivia tonight starting at 7:45pm, 720 Littlepage, ~ Come and match wits against the finest minds in Fredericksburg! Compete for Honor, Glory, and Prizes!!

th Dawn Whitmore, FCCA,

Thursday, January 23

Friday, January 24

Hinkle Highmark Brewery!, hour -4-6p

ore Inn. live performances f musical styles -

Scottish Society of Fredericksburg celebrates Burns Night celebrating the life & works of Robert Burhs. FXBG Hospitality House, 5-9pm

Sunken Well Brunch 9a-2p Every Bloody Marys and Mimosas. Bluegrass night from 7-9pm. Usually a good idea to reserve a table!

Great Lives Series: Ronald Regan. kick off the 2020 season with a lecture by author Craig Shirley. series open to the public free & no admission tickets are required. 7:30 p.m. in Dodd Aud. George Washington Hall. lecture concludes with an audience Q&A session and a book-signing.

y 16

Open Mic at the Rec Center 8 pm rock out, sing, play guitar enjoy ice cold drinks and hang out! Join us between 8 and 11 213 William St.

Have a good is National Belly Laugh Day!

Athenian Danse Troupe Gyro Fest , Nativity of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church, 12326 Spotswood Furnance RD, gyros, Greek Fries, Baklava, OPA! 11a-3p. Dancers perform @ 12:30p Snowball Fight, Hurkamp Park, all ages are invited! Held snow or shine! Come dressed for the weather, bring drinking water. Children must be supervised by an accompanying adult. Teen and adults, bring your group of friends and we'll schedule you for an adults-only match too! 3-4:30p $ City Vino Wine Tasting Sample featured wines of the week. 12-4p The Shoppes @810 Red Dragon Tour the Brewery, Bill Evans, will walk you through the brewing process, also discuss the history of the building as well as what efforts it took us to get it the state that it's in today. 12:1; 2; 3pm Karen Jonas, Calve & Mink's Miracle, Colonial Tavern, 406 Lafayette Blvd, 8-11:30pm

Sunday, January 26

Sunken Well Brunch 9a-2p Every Bloody Marys and Mimosas. Bluegrass night from 7-9pm. Usually a good idea to reserve a table!

Open Mic, Red Dragon Brewry, 6-8p provided 1419 Princess Anne St


Wednesday, January 29

Martin & Taylor , at Red Dragon Brewery 1419 Princess Anne St 6pm to 8pm. mix of Eagles, James Taylor, Beatles and other favorite tunes from the 70's, 80s, & 90s. every Wednesday evening Sunken Well Trivia tonight starting at 7:45pm, 720 Littlepage, ~ Come and match wits against the finest minds in Fredericksburg! Compete for Honor, Glory, and Prizes!!

Thursday, January 30

Live Music at 7:30 Kenmore Inn. featuring amazing live performances with an eclectic range of musical styles - from soft jazz, blue grass and country, to pounding rock and roll.. Open Mic with Larry Hinkle Highmark Brewery!, 390 Kings HWY, Happy hour -4-6p

If you are reading this 270th issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we celebrate our 23rd year of continuous publication!

If you are an advertiser, list your events. Deadline for February2020 issue is January 20th. To submit events email subject Calendar

3578 Fans (& Growing) Want You to Join

Front Porch on

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


history’s stories

Mary Washington Monument

What’s in a Mansion? Brompton By jon gerlach

By Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks

The Mary Washington Monument is not only famous for being the monument to the mother of George Washington, as it is noted to be the only monument to be erected to a woman by women. The planning for the fifty-fivefoot-tall granite monument was began by the Daughters of the American Revolution in a pledge to complete the Mary Ball structure. Washington had died a century earlier on August 25, 1789 at the age of 81 as a result of breast cancer in her home in Fredericksburg which is a National Shrine today.

Mary Ball had sadness in her early years, having been fatherless at the age of three and orphaned when she was twelve. She was placed under she guardianship of George Eskridge, whom she would later name her first-born son George after. George Eskridge introduced Mary to Augustine Washington to whom she was married in 1731. They had a son they named George while living at Pope's Creek in Westmoreland County in 1732, before thy moved to Ferry Farm in Stafford County. George was the first of the six children. Augustine Washington died at Ferry Farm in 1743, when George was 11 years old. Mary Washington unlike many women of her time never remarried, remaining a widow until her death forty-six years later. She would relocate from Ferry Farm to Fredericksburg to spend the latter years of her life. Congress passed a resolution to erect a monument in her honor, however, it was not until 1833 that President Andrew Jackson laid the cornerstone at what Mary called the Prayer Rocks on the Kenmore Plantation. It was said to be her favorite place to meditate and pray while George was in the Revolution. It is often referred to as Meditation Rock in recent history. Progress was slow and the Civil War came along and the site was ignored and damaged. In 1889 The Washington Post published that the site would be sold at public auction. This story started immediate action within the Fredericksburg community. The Daughters American Revolution and the National Mary Washington Memorial Association became the main organizations to start raising the funds for the monument. The new cornerstone was laid on October 21, 1893 and the final dedication was Mary 10, 1894, by President Grover Cleveland, 105 years after her burial at the site. In 1913 in the edition of American Monthly Magazine it was written: "Thus the resolution of Miss Mary Desha's, adopted at the first meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution, has been faithfully fulfilled by the of America…all joined in placing the monument to Mary the mother of Washington, erected by her countrywomen." A beautiful historic place to visit on Washington Avenue just a short distance from Kenmore.

Dedicated to the Memory Of: Dennis Dodson, Bob Calloway, Wayne Mills, Anne Nere, & Ray Judy Tuffy is the Front Porch resident FXBG historian


January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

As you stroll along the Sunken Road, up above you sits the stately brick mansion known as Brompton. With its commanding view atop Marye's Heights, Brompton overlooks the junction of Sunken Road and Hanover Street, once two vital routes of horse and wagon travel to and from Fredericksburg. While it might date to the 1700s, Brompton as we know it today includes major additions done by owner John L. Marye in the first half of the 1800s. Researchers including Donald Pfanz and John Hennessy of the National Park Service have shed much new light on Brompton. When Confederate troops took over Marye's Heights as a defensive bastion just prior to the First Battle of Fredericksburg, Marye considered his options and prudently moved his family to safety at Forest Hill. What would the home look like upon their return? Would it still be standing? In truth, Brompton would suffer significant battle damage in the two battles of Fredericksburg. The front elevation was thoroughly pock-marked by bullets, as one solider recalled "as if a hail storm had scoured it." The grounds were scarred by trenches, and much work would be needed to return the place to its prewar beauty. But history was not yet finished with Brompton. The property would endure much more: its wartime days of darkness had just begun. Following the terrible carnage of the May, 1864 battles of Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House, Brompton saw great suffering as the buildings and grounds were used as a field hospital for wounded soldiers in various stages of recovery, and dying.

Photographs from this chapter in Brompton's history attained worldwide notice and are frequently re-published today. One is shown here: wounded Union soldiers resting under the shade of a great oak tree. That very tree is still with us today, known as "Brompton Oak", one of the few surviving "witness trees" on the Fredericksburg battlefield. Shortly after the war, the Marye family returned to Brompton, took stock of the damage, and began repairs. John L. Marye would pass away in 1868, leaving the property to his heirs. It was later sold to Captain Maurice B. Rowe. For many years, Brompton was a popular dairy farm, and today its "dairy tokens" are highly prized by coin collectors. University of Mary The Washington acquired Brompton in the 1940s. Today, Brompton serves as the home of the President of the University of Mary Washington. Not open to the public, excellent views of Brompton can be had from the Sunken Road. Be sure to take a moment to admire the scenery. This is a lovely setting for such a historic home. So … what's in a mansion? Here, a magnificent building that somehow survived the most harrowing of times.

An attorney and retired archaeologist, Jon Gerlach serves on the Architectural Review Board in Fredericksburg

Artwork by Jon Gerlach, period photos courtesy National Park Service and Library of Congress

A Slice of History WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?: Soldiers wait in camps along Rappahannock


Elisha H. Rhodes kept a journal during the Civil War, offering valuable insight to soldiers’ experiences. “We are now in Camp and trying to repair our damage. . . . We hope to do better next time we try to cross the river,” wrote Lieutenant Elisha H. Rhodes, a Union soldier in the 2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment. After the Battle of

Fredericksburg (December 11-13, 1862), mood. “The storm still soldiers in blue and gray settled into continues and we sit over winter camps along both sides of the our fires and wonder what Rappahannock River. Rhodes encamped will happen next,” Rhodes with his regiment near Falmouth and wrote one snowy day in spent most of the winter there. His journal February 1863. gives glimpses of the Civil War soldier’s life That winter of during that winter, including a military 1862-1863, Union and transformation experienced by both sides. Confederate camps spread Daily, the dullness weighed across 200 square miles in heavily on many men—as Rhodes noted: Stafford, Caroline, and “No news, and all is quiet. But for our Spotsylvania Counties, and drills we should be unhappy in our housed soldiers and laziness.” Picket duty, though, offered officers who regained or chilly hours and the opportunity to stare strengthened their or shout at the enemy across the river. commitment to their A sketch of the interior of a Union officer’s hut in a camp Some lucky soldiers escaped the wintry causes. Beneath the daily along the Rappahannock during the winter of 1862-1 1863. experience in camp for a few weeks, taking boredom, freezing days, furloughs to spend days in their and lonely picket duty, the two armies— though defeated—found a new strength hometowns. the Federal Army of the Potomac and the they were willing to test on other Confederate Army of Northern Virginia— battlefields. Rhodes sheltered from the cold in Sometimes seen as an interlude a hut built by the men of Company D. waited, drilled, reorganized, found These adequate, though rough religion, and readied for campaigns ahead. period, the winter the Civil War armies spent along the Rappahannock prepared accommodations featured “a them for another two years of combat. fireplace and table” on the This winter forged men whose bond to first floor. “Upstairs on a cause, comrades, and country was so shelf we have a bed and strong they were willing to continue ladder to reach it. The floor fighting and dying rather than deny it. For of the second story only Lieutenant Rhodes, this meant hoping “for covers a part of the room the best” and feeling “sure that in the and in fact is the bed. The end the Union will be restored.” walls are of hewn timber with spaces filled with mud. The roof is pieces of a Sarah Kay Bierle is the Assistant to the shelter tent. We . . . feel very Executive Director, CVBT She can be happy in our new home.” reached at (540)-374-0900 or Lieutenant Rhodes did not know the future, and Photos couresy of the he only knew what the Civil War artist Edwin Forbes sketched this hut near Library of Congress newspapers and camp Falmouth in spring 1863, showing the types of shelters rumors reported or what he soldiers had built the previous winter. Central Virginia Battlefields Trust saves directly observed. However, Civil War battleground to preserve the his winter mirrored that of many of the The following spring these forces would memory and meaning, sacrifices and stories of the men who fought at Battle of soldiers who stayed, overcoming the clash again at the Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, The Chancellorsville, a turning point of the war temptation to join the many deserters Wilderness, and Spotsylvania. disheartened by the December battle as massive casualties weakened the Learn more: losses. The weather reflected the army’s Confederate army, and the Union army—

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Senior Care Let it go Dog Walking Pet Sitting Companion Play Time & Mini Furies, Too!

By Karl Karch

(540-903-0437; On facebook as “City PetSitting”

Who of us hasn’t had a case of the coulda-shoulda-woulda in life? We’ve all done things in the past that we wish we hadn’t done. We’ve also wished we had done certain things that we never did. Let’s face it, we’re human, we make mistakes. However, how we handle them affects our health and wellbeing. Life’s too short to waste on regret, especially for us older adults. One aspect of aging gracefully is that people in general tend to become more positive as they age, unless they suffer from depression. Regret is related to reduced emotional wellbeing and depressive symptoms in aging. Research conducted at Concordia University in Montreal found people with severe life regrets had more cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, coughs, sneezing, fever, and headaches. They also experienced an increase in depressive symptoms such as difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Since we all have experienced regrets, why do some people become depressed as they age, and others do not? According to one German research study, happier older adults might be able to “let go” of regrets easier, helping them to lead happier lives as they age. We can’t change the past. The time, thought and energy you spend on your regrets will not and cannot change anything. The best we can do is to admit to our past mistakes, make amends, and hopefully learn from them so that we are not destined to repeat them. Emotionally healthy and resilient older adults can separate themselves from regrettable situations. That’s a good thing because there’s less lifetime remaining to undo regrets. So, they just “let it go”. An extreme example (true or not) of not letting go of regrets was where one person bought a lottery ticket daily and always played the same numbers. One


January 2020

day he forgot to buy a ticket and his number was drawn for a very large winning. He was so distraught that he took his own life. Here are a few tips on how to overcome regret. Ask yourself what lesson can be learned from this regret. The healthiest and happiest people notice mistakes in their lives and use them as signals to change. Forgive yourself and focus on what’s important. Instead of thinking about what you should have done, focus on what you will do. One way to let go is to write down five gratitudes per week. Research shows that after a tenweek period of this you will be happier. Don’t fixate on what could have been. If it still can be fixed, make things right. It’s never too late to apologize. If you find yourself returning to the same negative feelings repeatedly, stop beating yourself up, forgive yourself and let go of it. John and Charlotte Curtis (above) celebrated 80 years of married life December 15, 2019. John (106) and Charlotte (105) are the oldest living married couple according to Guinness World Record. They credit their longevity to being kind to each other. John said: “You have to give and take as life goes by, and be grateful for what you have, and try to make tomorrow a better day than today, and be sure you don’t go to bed at night with a chip on your shoulder.” Roberta and I celebrated our 49th anniversary this month. By taking John’s advice, I hope to make it another 31 years. Karl Karch is a Gerontologist and local franchise owner of Home Instead Senior Care, a licensed home care organization providing personal care, companionship and home helper services in the Fredericksburg and Culpeper region.

Front porch fredericksburg

It’s All Energy kidney meridan by christina ferber

Astrology for You Natal Charts Transits Consultations Diane Bachman 540.845.7622

Donate to a Cancer Organization

It’s always more fun in the Scenter of Town!

Essential Oils Liquid Herbs Reiki Reflexology Aromatherapy Custom Blending Aroma-Therapeutic Massage Harmonic Resonance Therapy Products ~ Services ~ Classes 907 Charles Street, Downtown

ble at Availa Amazo

They were discovered two thousand years ago and are essential to our well-being and health. What are they? The Meridians, and they will be the subject of my monthly columns this year as I hope to help you dive a little deeper into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). Meridians are energy pathways in the body and are almost like our energy "bloodstream" linking different areas together. There are fourteen of them, with twelve connected segments, and I am going to pick one of the twelve segments each month to explain in detail what it helps in our body and how to balance it for optimal health. We will start with what TCM calls the "Powerhouse" of the body: Kidney Meridian. Our Kidney Meridian, just like the Kidney organs themselves oversees filtration and detoxification of our body fluids, including the blood, lymph, and cerebral-spinal fluid. It helps to support many aspects of our body including the bones, teeth, adrenal glands, bladder, hormone health, and helps to regulate the growth and development of the reproductive system. Emotionally, when the Kidney Meridian is imbalanced, we can experience fearfulness and shame. On the other hand, a balanced Kidney Meridian helps us step forward with courage, determination, and confidence. The Kidney (K) Meridian starts at the bottom of our feet and goes up the body to our collarbone. Kidney Meridian runs up both sides of the body and by tracing it, you can help to balance it. Start by placing your hands under the ball of each foot at K1 (see diagram). Then bring your fingers up the inside of each foot, circling behind the inside of each ankle bone, and up the inside of the legs and the front of the body. Finally end at the K27 points at the indentations about an inch off the corners of your collarbone.

Another way to use this meridian tracing to help "flush" your Kidney Meridian is to trace the Kidney Meridian backwards one time and forward three times. This essentially pulls out any imbalanced energy and puts new energy back into it. Working with points along a Meridian is another way to help "juice" and balance it, and you can do this by pressing or buzzing any points along the Meridian line. The K1 (beginning point) and K27 (ending points) are good ones to work with. In fact, tapping on the K27 point is part of a Daily Energy Routine that if done regularly, can make a big difference in the health of your energy system. Another good point to work with is K3 as it can help balance the Kidney organ itself. The sensory organs that Kidney is associated with are the ears, and simply massaging and pulling out your ears helps to balance the Meridian. One way to calm the emotional aspect of Kidney is to hold the Neurovascular Points associated with Kidney Meridian. Hold one hand across your forehead, and the other on the back of your head directly behind your eyes. Breathe deeply and hold for as long as it feels good. For a video of some of these exercises, as well as other tools to help stay balanced this year, including the Daily Energy Routine, visit Best wishes for a wonderful year!

Christina Ferber is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Emancipated Patients second amendment sanctuaries By Patrick Neustatter, MD Bless those Caroline County people to be able to tote a lethal weapon. supervisors. They obviously have my Also, I'm not convinced that safety and liberty at heart. assault rifles are necessary for hunting. They have voted to make my But at least think there should be a home county of Caroline a "Second restriction on clip size. A Good Guy With a Gun and Other Myths Amendment Sanctuary" - along with Spotsylvania, King George, Orange and Despite the Dickey Amendment Spotsylvania, maybe Stafford and that forbids the CDC from using its jurisdictions in lots of other states around funding to "advocate or promote gun the country. control" that made the CDC so nervous Isn't it wonderful to have such they didn't do any kind of research on involved citizens that are concerned about guns, there are all sorts of statistics out our liberty and are defending the there about guns and gun safety - to the constitution - or at least the second point where you can pretty much find amendment? something to support any point of view it Will they show the same fervor seems. for other amendments, like 1st, the 4th A very widely held justification ,the 6th - for freedom of speech, press and among gun advocates, and the president, religion; requiring a fair trial; opposing for why it's OK for Americans to have unreasonable search and seizure? All as 120.5 guns per 100 head of population important to our (with 12.21 gun I don't think guns should be liberty in my book deaths per 100,000 banned but as a doctor it seems to compared maybe more? with me reasonable to have some You could Canada having 34.7 praise the far- regulations to try to minimize this guns per 100 but sighted supervisors only 2.0 deaths) is particular health hazard - in the for being so same way as we mandate/regulate the "good guy with a proactive to oppose gun" claim seat belts, crash helmets, alcohol, legislation that epitomized at a tobacco, driving and other threats hasn't actually Wittman town hall to our well-b being. happened yet. And I meeting by lots of guess we just don't people wearing large worry about the idea that the county "Guns Save Lives" buttons. sheriffs will just defy any gun laws passed That if you are armed you can by the state government. step in and save the day. But a survey by Though from what I read, those the Harvard School of Public Health sheriffs relish the idea. ( arms-research/gun-threats-and-selfA Dangerous Liberty defense-gun-use-2/) says otherwise. The trouble with guns is that "We find that the claim of many they're dangerous. millions of annual self-defense gun uses That's probably not a revelation - by American citizens is invalid." And "the but it means when you fly into a road National Crime Victimization Surveys rage, or are having a bad day and feel provide little evidence that self-defense suicidal, and you have a gun . . . No second gun use is uniquely beneficial in reducing chances. the likelihood of injury or property loss." I don't think guns should be As I've found before, writing to banned but as a doctor it seems to me advocate for gun regulation can make a reasonable to have some regulations to person unpopular - feelings run high, try to minimize this particular health though I'm not quite sure why guns are hazard - in the same way as we such an emotive issue - is this the mandate/regulate seat belts, crash perpetuation of the wild west mentality? helmets, alcohol, tobacco, driving and But now that those rabid other threats to our well-being. Democrats have "a trifecta" -control over I don't think expanding both houses in the General Assembly and background checks to close the the gun the governorship - it's likely Del. Ken Plum, show/unlicensed dealer loophole; closing D-Fairfax, will be having another go with the "Boyfriend loophole" (that allows his gun control bill. domestic abusers to have a gun even if But I'll be safe. I'm in a they have a criminal convictions or sanctuary. restraining orders if they're not married to the victim); requiring safe storage; red Patrick Neustatter is the Medical flag laws; and making straw Director of the Moss Free Clinic. author of "Managing Your Doctor, The Smart purchase/trafficking a stand-alone federal Patient's Guide to Getting Effective, crime are an unreasonable price to pay for Affordable Healthcare", at Amazon


January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

Biz Marketing doing good business by doing good By Mandy Smith based on $500,000 in annual sales. If your donation is 10% of "sales" you are looking at a $50,000 annual donation. We are fortunate to live in a world that encourages entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams. The shopping trend of society has shifted from the big box stores, to supporting small businesses. With the emergence of Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, a small business has the ability to not only drive traffic to their store, but to their website as well. One way for your small business to stand out is to adopt the mantra "you do good business by doing good". As a business owner you not only know where every penny goes, you are very aware of whether there are extra pennies or not. If you want your business to start donating to your favorite charity, then you need to put a plan in place. A plan allows you to stay consistent with your donating practices. Consistency is key, especially if you are going to advertise that you donate to a certain charity. You must follow

through; otherwise your customers will lose faith in your business. Here are some ideas on how you can start donating to your favorite charity. 1) Donate a percentage of your sales 2) Donate a percentage of your profits 3) Donate a dollar amount or a percentage from the sale of a specific product. When donating a percentage of your sales, you are donating BEFORE you less the cost of doing business. Let's say your annual sales were $500,000 and your business costs are $150,000; making your profits $350,000. Your donation would not be based on the $350,000 profits, because you are donating a "percentage of sales". Therefore you would be donating

When donating a percentage of your profits, you are donating after deducting your business costs. "Profit" is how much money the company made less business expenses. Using the same scenario as above, you would donate based on the $350,000 in profits. If your donation is 10% of "profits" you are looking at a $35,000 annual donation. Another great option, if you have a product driven business, would be to choose a specific item and donate a certain dollar amount or percentage from the sale of said item. Let's use a candle business giving to the SPCA as an example. They could make a Heart of Dogs candle and every time it is purchased a $1 is given to the SPCA. In this scenario you have to remember we are dealing with pure sales, so costs are not factored in. You would be donating a designated dollar amount or

percentage of the chosen item's sales. Donating can be tricky. It is very important to do your research and make sure you are using the correct terminology. When donating, it can be simpler to donate quarterly. This allows you to cut smaller checks throughout the year instead of one huge check at the end of the year. Remember, you are never too small to start donating. Even if your profits are $1,000 a year because you are just getting started, you can still consider donating 10%. That $100 donation may seem small but it is $100 more than the charity had before. If you adopt the mantra of "you do good business by doing good" you'll develop a lasting relationship with a local charity, which will in turn allow you to connect with the community.

Mandy Smith is the Promotions & Marketing Director for B101.5.

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Art in the Burg January Shows in the Galleries crafted jewelry, unique glass art, metal sculpture, images on porcelain, charcoal drawings, pastels, photography, porcelain paintings and paintings in oils, watercolors, acrylics, and mixed-media. Exhibit through February 2. ~Collette Caprara “Resolution” All Member Show Art First Gallery, 824 Caroline St Opening Reception, First Friday

“Lamp, Pete Zinck @ Brush Strokes Gallery Celebrate 2020 Brush Strokes Gallery All Member Show, Opening Recption Jan 3 824 Caroline St

Johnny Johnson’s Watermedia Workshop Exhibit CRRL FXBG Branch Opening Reception January 5, 5:307:30p Exhibit thru February

Johnny Johnson, an acclaimed artist, beloved teacher “Cape Charles Trumpet Flowers” and pillar of the arts community, Patricia Knock @Watermedia Exhbit CRRL has a deep heart of appreciation for this world and all people, the talent and community at an exhibit at the skill to express that through his art, and Fredericksburg Library. ~Collette Caprara the generosity to share that with others, through his instruction and gifts of his creations. Among his gifts to the Fredericksburg community is the water-media workshop that Johnny Johnson has hosted for decades at the Dorothy Hart Community Center. Throughout the years, more than 50 “regulars” have offered encouragement, guidance, and support for one another that echo Johnny’s hallmark generous and caring spirit. Each year, members of the workshop share “Country Memories”, their creations with the

Sue Bullock @Watermedia Exhbit CRRL

“Kinetic”, Barbara Taylor Hall

@Art First “Divided” Author Brian Cornell Darbytown Art Studio 241 Charles St.

"Resolutions" celebrates the new year. Out with the old, in with the new. That counts for ideas and approaches to life and painting, too, as members start 2020 with style (and a few new surprises)! Opening Reception 6-9p Exhibit thru Feb 2 ~Casey Shaw

“January Branches” Stacy Gaglio @ Brush Strokes Gallery As the launch of a New Year and new decade, Brush Strokes Gallery will feature an all-members show of creations in a spectrum of media, including hand-

Erik Brito Photogrphy Members Gallery, FCCA 813 Sophia Street Opening Reception First Frisday

“At City Dock”, Erik Brito @FCCA Members Gallery

Brian Cornell provides an accurate account of life on trail: what hikers ponder, eat, love, loathe, and the questions they tire of answering. Follow along on the journey as Brian navigates difficulties, successes and everything between while attempting to walk from Mexico to Canada. Opening Reception First Friday.

Artists: Penny A Parrish, Lynn Abbott, Beverley Coates “Virginia Seasonal Gretings”, Beverley Coates 24

January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

“Goolrick’s & Tree”, Penny A. Parrish

810 Caroline Street, Downtown, 540.371.4099

RappArts “Soups On” GATHERING FOR local arts

Name This House win downtown gift certificate

by carolyn Van Der Jagt They say, “Good thing come to those who wait”, “Slow and steady wins the race”, “The third time’s the charm…” Whichever saying you want to go with “By George I think we’ve got it” should be the theme for this year’s “Soup’s On!”. Many of you have been following RappArts’ journey with its website and you know that designing a website ( to house all the central Rappahannock River region’s arts and cultural assets as well as its Calendar of Events has been an ongoing and challenging task for quite a while. Finally, it is with great excitement that on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 2:00 pm in the Theater at the Fredericksburg Branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library at 1201 Caroline Street, RappArts will be serving up some hot soups and presenting the new and improved RappArts website for all comers to see and peruse. Don’t miss out on this great event! What is the RappArts website? It is a HUGE database of all arts and cultural assets and events in the central Rappahannock River Region. What are arts and cultural assets? Assets are the creative folks in the region working in the visual, performing, cultural and/or literary arts. Assets are all the regional arts and cultural groups and organizations including theater, dance, bands, choral societies, and orchestras. The RappArts website is also a comprehensive database that envisions listing all the arts and cultural events, classes, workshops, and other arts and cultural activities that are available to the regional communities. The first step for populating the RappArts website is to conduct an arts and cultural inventory to identity all the regions’ arts and cultural assets and resources. To achieve this task, we will be forming a Directory Committee. The

Directory Committee will consist of volunteers with knowledge of the various arts and cultural genres including visual arts, theater, dance, music, cultural and literary assets and resources. Once assets are identified, the Directory Committee will be tasked with developing a plan for listing all the region’s arts and cultural resources in the online RappArts Directory. Since the central Rappahannock region has an incredibly robust arts and cultural community, the major goal of RappArts is to establish the central Rappahannock River region as a premier arts destination on the east coast. To make this happen, we need your enthusiastic help and on-going support. To reach this goal, we first need to identify and list our arts and cultural assets and resources and events and to broadcast them far and wide in an online Arts Directory and Calendar of Events. RappArts needs the assistance of everyone in the community—not just the artists—in making the Directory and Calendar as comprehensive as possible. So, check your calendar and plan on meeting with RappArts and your fellow arts and cultural friends at the Fredericksburg library on Saturday, January 11 at 2 pm for some hot soup and lively conversation about the RappArts Directory of Arts and Culture, the online Calendar of Events, and updates on other RappArts programs. For more information, email us at

Carolyn Van Der Jagt is President of RappArts (The Arts & Cultural Council of the Rappahannock) and a local fiber artist.

Identify this mystery house and you could win a gift certificate from a downtown merchant. Here’s how: Email, Subject: Mystery House, Identify house address, Your name, address, email. The poem below is a hint of the location of the mystery house. Good Luck!

Last Month’s House: 909 Marye Street Winner of a gift certificate from Irish Eyes is Lisa Vittoria

My Family Place Who lives among your rafters now, where my family once dreamed and dwelled. John Griffen’s house it was, a man of great renown. Built n the style and brick of the1800’s of old, Your silvery cedar boards are beautiful still. Sitting on lower Caroline St.,so properly, an address off elegance. We look out on the river from your back door, and see where George Washington did roam, near his boyhood home.

front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


On Stage! Bring a little sunshine to a senior’s life! Too many seniors feel lonely and isolated.

night on broadway by Lenora Kruk-Mullanaphy

YOU can make a difference by volunteering to visit a senior in the Fredericksburg area.

The audience will hear songs from best-known musicals when Stafford High School’s chorus students take center stage for “A Night on Broadway” at the high school on Saturday, January 18, 2019. Wearing costumes and using props, the students will bring Broadway to the public. The evening will include the choice of dinner and show or show only.

Volunteer training is provided & no special skills are required.

“The annual A Night on Broadway’ gives Stafford High School choir students a chance to feature their musical talents by singing the songs of famous musicals,” said Stafford High School’s Choral Director Joe Eveler. “This is a traditional event at the school and an evening people of all ages always enjoy. It’s an opportunity to support the

The Senior Visitors Program is a FREE community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.

students and the music department’s many activities.”

A Night on Broadway SHS ChorusJanuary 18 Tickets:

Students will perform many favorite songs, including “You’re the Top” from “Anything Goes”; “You’ll be Back” from “Hamilton”; and “Tonight” from “West Side Story.” The dinner will include meat or cheese lasagna or spinach Alfredo, salad with homemade dressing, bread, and made-fromscratch dessert. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., and curtains open at 7 p.m. Tickets for the dinner and show are $20 for adults and $17 for children, students and senior citizens. Tickets for the show only are $10 for adults and $7 for children, students and senior citizens. Dinner and show tickets must be pre-purchased by emailing Show-only tickets are available at the door. Stafford High School is located at 63 Indians Lane in Falmouth, Va.

Lenora Kruk-Mullanaphy is a frequent contributor to Front Porch & an advid supporter of SHS theatre . She can be reached at photos courtesy of SHS 2019 Night on Broadway


January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

Supporting Local Musicans Since 1997

Visit or call 540-371-2704

Creative Collages assemblage of different forms By Patricia Smith

“Clouds on Jupitar” Ginny Martinez The January/February UUFF Art Exhibition at features Fredericksburg artists Ginny Martinez, Kathy Paz Craddock, and Kay Roscoe. They all create collages, compositions of materials and objects pasted over a surface. The opening reception is Sunday, January 5, from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. For Ginny Martinez, when images

from magazines and books are juxtaposed in an unintended way she is always surprised, sometimes with a shock of recognition. She likes to “think outside the box”, and the dance of images allows a limitless range of emotions to erupt. She uses magazines, books and other forms of print to create her work. Images are extracted with exacto knives, scissors, or by tearing. Feelings that erupt can seem universal as well as personal. Because one image is juxtaposed with another image, or with a color or texture, collage is a medium as close to the artist’s stream-of-consciousness as possible. Ginny once wanted to become an art therapist, and the collage process seems ideally suited to drawing out insights and emotions. Ginny can be found on Facebook at “these torn pages” and on Instagram @these_torn_pages. Themes emerge in-process, even when she works on a series, as she did in her recent exhibition “Depiction of

Kathy Paz Craddock

Addiction: Journey to Recovery in Collage”. She expressed the feelings of powerlessness and defeat of addiction as well as her path toward a “sane, joyful and truly beautiful way of life”. Ginny is a member of Darbytown Art Studio, as is Kathy Paz Craddock. The intimacy of this small group of artists seems to nurture courage. Kathy suffers from conditions that affect her imagery. She suffers from a variety of autoimmune diseases that “at times leaves my body partially paralyzed”. Her art journey is informed by “my daily struggle to cope and thrive while being sick”. Kathy studied at the Corcoran Gallery from 1999 through 2001, when it emphasized taking a strongly Feminist and political stance as an artist. Subsequent years as a wife and mother taught her to treat each person as a whole. She uses magazine images, particularly from 1930-1965, fabric, canvas, and mixed media in her collages. Kay Roscoe was a watercolor and pastel artist until she began creating collages about three years ago. The process of collage-making brings her much joy. She usually begins

with an artistic intention that is charged with feeling. Her works are abstract. She has studied with many Virginia artists. Her main venues for exhibiting her work are FCCA in Fredericksburg, and the James River Art League in Richmond. Please come to meet these artists at the opening reception at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg Gallery, 25 Chalice Circle. The reception is free and open to the public. As diverse as these artists are, they are all interested in the imagination which is developed in the collage process. For more information about gallery visits, please contact the office administrator at 540-310-4001.

“Black & White & Red All Over”, Kay Roscoe

Patricia is an area painter and member of the UUFF Visual Arts Committee.

Give a Child Something to Think About

Books, Games, Amusing Novelties M-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 1pm-4pm

810 Caroline Street (540) 371-5684 front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Companions happy new year or new puppy? by Gerri Reid dvm may need a diet with smaller bites as opposed to another puppy food which may be too big for them to eat. When it comes to treats, all treats are not made equally. Find one training treat and stick to it. Giving too many different treats can upset your pet’s digestive system. Consult with your Veterinarian about their recommendation for your puppy’s diet.

Happy New Year to One and All! 2020 sure rolled in swiftly. With the holiday season behind us, many of us are recovering from all the festivities, familygatherings and all that food! But for some, Santa may have brought your family a gift that has four paws, a cute wet nose and an adorable face…A NEW PUPPY! Everyone dreams of waking up to find a puppy under the tree but once that thrill is gone, it is time to get busy caring for your new bundle of joy! Here are some tips to help get you started with your new puppy. We will start with the basics needs for your puppy. Purchase supplies such as a dog bed, crate, feeding/water bowls, collar and leash, puppy food and some training treats. When it comes to a crate, buy a crate that will be comfortable fit your puppy. This means your pet should only be able to stand up and turn around comfortable. No need to buy a Chihuahua a huge crate! This will allow your pet to have more accidents due to its spacious accommodations. Remember, the crate is a place for your puppy to retreat and relax in while you are away from home. So, you can put blankets and even a dog bed in it. Dogs tend not to use the bathroom where they sleep and crate training is a great tool to use for while you are potty-training your pet. Puppy food is essential to your pet’s nutrition. Be sure to choose the right food. Large breed puppies shou ld be fed a diet targeted for Large Breed Puppy as they require different nutrients since they grow so fast! Other puppies such as Chihuahuas or Yorkshire Terriers


January 2020

Training is always a question I am asked when I see new puppy owners. Establishing a good treat that your puppy loves will help in the training process. Be sure the treat can be consumed quickly and it is not a treat they have to sit and chew. Start with getting your pet’s attention with the treat. Then, say your puppy’s name and tell he/she to “Come”. Only reward your puppy if the command is done. Repeat this process when teaching your pet how to “Sit” or “Lay Down”. I am not a fan of rewarding pets when they come in from outside after using bathroom. Many pets will go outside only to turn right around to come get the treat and then use the bathroom in the house. So, be mindful when treat training your pet. Limit treats as it is added calories to their regular diet. A good alternative to treats is using your pet’s puppy food as a reward. Puppies are Heaven sent! They are so playful and a fun addition to any family. Nothing better than a snuggle or hug from a puppy and an occasional “wet” kiss! But puppies can be a handful! From potty-training to crate training to basic obedience training, becoming a new puppy owner is a lot of work. Being consistent with training is the key to a well-trained and well-behaved dog. With your time and dedication, your new puppy will be graduating from Puppy 101 with Top Honors in no time!

Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. 540-623-3029; ; facebook eVetServices Photo of Kaja by Reid Mobile Services

Front porch fredericksburg

Astrology & You


New Year Predictions

By Frank Fratoe

By Dianne Bachman

Retrospection (For Jane)

Now, let us look at some key players for January 2020. Note that this month can be seen as a progression of energies as you read through the days, not isolated events.

Drizzle floats down nearby and has come back for days to resemble mists that hover during a winter warm-spell. It makes me recall the time our family was still whole on a Sunday evening of rain after everyone went to bed. Our two boys slept securely and grew within themselves conjuring what they would be if their dreams were granted. There was no loss to deter the caring a marriage kept as drops glazed each window when I held life in my arms. Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.

Here are my predictions for 2020, in three words: something will happen! Did you get that? Well, as an astrologer I do not have a crystal ball. I am not psychic (though my intuition can be uncanny at times). I do not make predictions. I see astrology as a holographic process, not a linear timeline where we can pick out point a or b and know an event or situation will occur. Astrology looks at trends and available energies in our world and it is complex and multi-llayered. So maybe we can think of it more like an energetic weather report and you decide what type of boots to wear when you venture out, what type of clothing to wear. When reading a natal chart, interpretations can help me home in on what questions to ask and which areas of development and life to look at. It is not my practice to sit in front of someone and explain to them who they are. Most people already know that, and, quite frankly, it can make a reading look like some kind of parlor trick. The key to all this astrology business is to use it in our daily lives to enhance our selfknowledge and to validate our experiences. If we are aware that there are upcoming hard angles to certain planets, we can prepare ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. In this way, we work with the energy consciously rather than being tossed about like a novice swimmer caught in a riptide.

January 3: Mars enters Sagittarius, a wonderful time to try something new, especially when we revisit any plans and allow them to guide us. January 10: Full Moon in Cancer Lunar Eclipse: A good time to focus on balance between our hearts and our heads. Ask: “Am I simply being good and obedient, or am I being good for something, a greater cause.” What are we truly working for and how does it reflect our deepest feelings? January 11: Uranus stations direct in Taurus: This can feel like stubborn energy, but it can also electrify the willful nature of Taurus, helping us to stand up strong for what we truly value January 12: Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn: These two planets have been dancing closely for a while now, and this energy has brought some real heaviness to many of us. Pluto can be driven to bring about change, to transform, and Saturn restricts, especially when Saturn is at home in Capricorn. This is about being careful with resources, including your emotional resources, and seeing what kind of lemonade we can make out of the lemons. As Robert Hand said, “Saturn can give form to Pluto as well as repress it….”. We make the choice. January 13: Venus enters Pisces: Forgiveness, appreciating one another,

even though our visions may differ. This feels like a breath of fresh air. January 16: Mercury enters Aquarius: The focus is on how we are thinking about the collective, working to communicate ideas that add to the greater good. January 24: Sun enters Aquarius: After the heavy energy and the struggles, we begin to emerge with a renewed focus on expressing independent thought. January 24: New Moon in Aquarius: The emphasis is on recognizing, awakening, to the value of independent thought as individuals within the collective. We can benefit from sharing ideas and visions if we check any tendency toward stubbornness and exerting our will. There is so much opportunity within the month of January to transform ourselves, our world, and to reach for a brighter vision, a better version of ourselves. Will we become mired in the old ways, resist change, become the log jam in an inevitable flow of new thought? Will we remain quiet when we have the opportunity to speak up, to share our wisdom and our vision? Will we remain entrenched in bitterness and hate, or will we look beyond our own egos to forgive, to work cooperatively for the greater good? The degree of our misery through big planetary movements like these can be equal to the degree in which we resist change. May we all see the gold in the grit in events as they unfold this month and into the New Year! Diane Bachman is a psychotherapist & astroger practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail Painting is one of 29 celestial charts from Andreas Cellarius' "Harmonia Macrocosmia", circa 1660 Painting “Hunters in the Snow”, Pieter Bruegel

Dog Walking Pet Sitting Companion Play Time & Mini Furies, Too! (540-903-0437; On facebook as “City PetSitting” front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


Fredericksburg Sketches

Michael Jones

A visual Celebration of our community

named new fxbg fire chief

By Casey Alan Shaw

By Sonja cantu

Michael Jones has been named as the next Fredericksburg Fire Chief by City Manager Tim Baroody, succeeding Eddie Allen, who will retire in March. Jones is the current Deputy Chief for the Fire Department. “Mike has a depth of experience and knowledge of fire and rescue service that makes him well-qualified for this promotion,” said Baroody. “He has a deep understanding of the Fredericksburg Fire Department’s culture and future needs. I am confident he can lead the department through transformational changes in the City in the years to come.” Jones has served as Deputy Fire Chief since 2012. He was hired by the City as a firefighter in 1983 and steadily rose through the ranks as a Lieutenant, Captain, and Battalion Chief. He holds an A.A.S. in Fire Science and has served as an officer and instructor for the Virginia Department of Fire Programs. “It will be an honor and privilege for me to lead the men and women of the Fredericksburg Fire Department. They do an outstanding job

Jan ua


each and every day of the year. We will work together to enhance our mission of providing outstanding response to our community and provide the highest level of service possible,” Jones commented on his promotion. D.C. Jones spearheaded a 2017 analysis of the fire station needs of the Department resulting in the Manitou Study, which also made recommendations on fire service staffing and integrating the Fredericksburg Rescue Squad into the City’s public safety services. Personnel management, procurement, and project management are among his current responsibilities. Jones is expected to assume his new responsibilities in March. He will replace Chief Eddie Allen, who has worked in the Fredericksburg Fire Department for 45 years, the last 16 as Fire Chief. Allen expressed his support of Jones’ promotion. “Mike has been an excellent officer and Deputy Chief throughout his career. He has demonstrated his ability and judgement to serve as Chief in this Department,” he said. “It has been my hope that Mike would be the next Chief who will help the Department grow and continue its traditions of excellence.” For more information on the Fredericksburg Fire Department, please visit or call 540-372-1059.

SKETCH #61: Guest Artist Paula Raudenbush; Princess Anne Street I’ve had the pleasure of sharing Paula’s sketches of Fredericksburg in this column previously. This sketch, besides being a popular downtown view, has a particularly nice touch that Paula has added. Often when she is working in her sketchbook, especially in other towns, she will stop by the local post office and get them to stamp the sketch with the location and the day’s date. You’ll notice the Fredericksburg stamp to the upper right. Paula spearheads a group of local artists who have been getting together frequently to sketch around town. You’ll be happy to know that the group’s been getting not only national attention, but has been putting Fredericksburg on the map with the group known internationally as Urban Sketchers .

Sonja Cantu, a local artist , is the Public Information Officer for the City of Fredericksburg She can be reached at 540-372-1010 ext. 304, or

If you’d like to find out more about the group and maybe even join in one of their excursions, you can look them up at … just search for Urban Sketchers Fredericksburg .Casey Alan Shaw is a local artist. He teaches art at James Madison University and Germanna Community College and exhibits his original artwork and limited-edition prints at Art First Gallery and at


-26 606 Caroline Street Old Town Fredericksburg 373-7847 Tuesday - Friday 10-5:30 Saturday 10-4

Where Fredericksburg Gets Engaged 30

January 2020

Front porch fredericksburg

DOWNTOWNERS Kimman’s Co. Caroline Morris by Georgia Strentz Richmond and Atlanta toiletries shows for 16 years, and says her daughters are are her best advisors ! Come in, relax, let Caroline and Michelle Randol (above left), her most wonderful co-hostess, take you on a delightful tour of the shop.

Gal about town/ My dog Bailey and I still waiting for some bike racks, or at least permission to chain to a tree, come on city, we are a biking town.

Ah Downtown! No Walmart in sight! The merchants are so friendly, & smart. Downtown is beautiful, with interesting,varied choices for gifts. Stay warm, park in front of the stores Eat,drink, and be merry, shop and find the most beautiful gifts!

Kimman’s is a “ not to miss’’ shop downtown, filling a niche that is obvious when you walk in. You will find toiletries. merchandise of exquisite quality, invitations for any occasion, made in house, often one day service. The quality is much better than on the internet, pick it out in person, quickly, park in front, often one day service! Caroline Morris has thousands of choices and prints them on site in her print shop.. Caroline’s shop, Kimman’s, was named after her grandfather, who was a leader in Spotsylvania county. He was a farmer, citizen activist and employee with the Sylvania Company, which was a

mainstay economically in Fredericksburg for many, many years. Her family has been active in the city as well, as her ancestor, John Griffin was our city postmaster in the 1800’s. (see mystery house poem/pict,this issue) It is not surprising that Caroline was named after Caroline street!! When you walk into Kimman’s, you notice immediately this is a store filled with unusual not seen before items, whose owner is very conscious of our environment. Three Birds, one sheet replaces 17 rolls of paper towels, Woolzie, a wool ball can substitute for dryer softening sheets, dry hundreds of loads. washable produce bags. Essential oils, the scents coming from the store make you relaxed even before you enter. Aromatherapy opportunities abound. Bath Bomb, Shower Burst, PJ’s in a bag, got two for my family, so handy, especially in flannel, now weather colder, silicon (Sili straws, never pollute again, as washable, Cooking salts, Yellow salt.

Kimman’s Co 820 Caroline St facebook: Kimmansco 540-3 310-4 4800

The sweetest girl in the world, Bailey, wishes you a Happy New Year. And So Do I ~Georgia

Caroline has been going to the

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540/371-9890 front porch fredericksburg

January 2020


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