News From Friends | Spring 2010

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Storytellers Abigail Thomas ’59

Young Storytellers: Photographs by FS Kindergarteners

The above photographs were taken by kindergarteners in the Kindergarten Photography Class elective. The class meets once a week and is taught by Stephanie Feinman ’03, pictured left. Over the course of the semester-long class, students use digital cameras to explore their environment through multiple perspectives. They learn to make decisions about what they want to convey in their photographs and how to talk about their work and the work of others.

News from Friends is published by the Development Office at Friends Seminary two times each year (spring and fall) for alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of the School. The fall issue will include the annual report. The mission of News From Friends is to feature the accomplishments of alumni, while capturing the School’s remarkable history, values, and culture. Each issue will have an underlying theme, such as (but not limited to) the sciences, the arts, athletics, history and literature, and service. Additionally, the magazine will give insight into recent events at Friends Seminary.

The Storytellers Issue NEWS FROM FRIENDS



Alumni Storytellers Jessica Wapner ’92 profiles fellow alumni Malcolm Browne ’48, Nancy Gibbs ’78, Roger Rosenblatt ’58, Andre Schiffrin ’53, and Abigail Thomas ’59.

26 Capital Campaign Update

The Lift Every Voice campaign enters its public phase.

Departments 5


Opening Shots Service Day, A Walk in the Woods, and a Visiting Scholar


Buzz on 16th Street Alumni Visits, the Fall Lecture Series, and Peace Week

Back in the Day By Kim Moser ’84


Notes on Silence By William “Willie” Perdomo ’85


Class Notes News from alumni, tributes to recently deceased alumni, and a list of lost alumni

Please forward address changes to:

John Galayda Editor

Friends Seminary Development Office 222 East 16th Street New York, NY 10003-3703

Red Herring Design Designers Photographs by John Galayda unless otherwise noted.

Robert “Bo” Lauder Principal DEVELOPMENT OFFICE

Selena Shadle Director of Development Valerie Delaine Database Manager Amanda Eisner Development and Special Events Manager Katherine Farrell Director of Alumni Relations John Galayda Director of Communications Jennifer Nichols Director of Annual Giving Patty Ziplow Major Gifts Officer

Spoken Word Mission SCHOOL MISSION riends Seminary educates students from kindergarten through twelfth grade, under the care of the New York Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Through instruction and example, students follow their curiosity and exercise their imaginations as they develop as scholars, artists and athletes. In a community that cultivates the intellect through keen observation, critical thinking and coherent expression, we strive to respond to one another, valuing the single voice as well as the effort to reach consensus. The disciplines of silence, study and service provide the matrix for growth: silence opens us to change; study helps us to know the world; service challenges us to put our values into practice. At Friends Seminary, education occurs within the context of the Quaker belief in the Inner Light – that of God in every person. “Guided by the ideals of integrity, peace, equality and simplicity, and by our commitment to diversity, we do more than prepare students for the world that is: we help them bring about the world that ought to be.”*


*This last sentence is adapted from Faith and Practice: The Book of Discipline of the New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (1974).

DIVERSITY MISSION he Society of Friends is founded in the belief that there is that of God in every person and that truth emerges as new voices are heard and incorporated in our understanding. We believe that the quality of the truths we know is enriched and deepened by welcoming people with diverse experiences of the world into our community. We want to foster a community that addresses the challenge of valuing difference and making every individual feel welcome, supported, and safe: a community in which each person is asked to make the rigorous commitment to recognize the Light within every other, to hear that piece of truth each person brings to the continuing dialogue which is the foundation of our community. We want our daily interactions to demonstrate that maintaining respect and pursuing the hard work of understanding difference creates strength as we work to define and move toward common goals. Our mission as an educational institution is to prepare our students to participate in an increasingly interdependent world and, by graduating an increasingly diverse group of students, to help build a more effective citizenry and representative leadership for the future. We seek to develop the skills and discipline necessary to communicate effectively and to learn from a rich variety of experiences and points of view. This work is central to valuing diversity, to the purpose of education and to the Quaker ideals of integrity, peace, equality and simplicity. In a world in which people continue to suffer profound inequalities of opportunity, we dedicate ourselves to stretching what we have and are capable of: to working to become a community more representative of the city in which we live and to improving our ability to support a diverse student body. The gap between our ideals and the possible creates struggle to which we commit ourselves with energy and joy.




COMMUNITY SERVICE MISSION ervice is integral to Friends Seminary’s educational mission, along with the disciplines of study and silence. Our Community Service Program strives to instill a sense of stewardship of the school community and respect for and responsibility to our urban neighborhood and beyond. By providing opportunities within the curriculum and in other relevant activities for students to witness and understand the needs of others, we hope to prepare them for a life that includes service. Our goal is to integrate knowledge and understanding with compassion and social responsibility. Only through reflection and understanding the need to put our values into practice will students be able to grasp the importance to ourselves of the gift of caring for each other, for all humanity, and for the natural world.


Opening Shots

Seventh-grader Isaiah Margulies, center, rakes leaves on Quaker Hill in Prospect Park (Brooklyn) during Service Day on April 13, 2010. During the day, Friends students split into groups and worked in food banks, soup kitchens, childcare facilities, and parks. NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010




Opening Shots Molly Knox ’11, a student in the Wilderness Program at Friends, climbs Breakneck Ridge in the Hudson Highlands State Park this past January as Experiential Education teacher Jack Phelan, left, looks on. This year, the Ex-Ed program celebrates its 30th anniversary as part of the curriculum at Friends. Photograph by Deanna Yurchuk





Opening Shots

Hugo Fausto Fetsco ’11, left, presents his architecture project to renowned architect Charles Renfro (in white with tie) of Diller Scofidio + Renfro during Renfro’s visit to the architecture class of teacher Jesse Pasca (behind Renfro) on January 19. His visit was part of an innovative Visiting Scholars Residency Program at Friends—the first residency of its type in the area. Renfro will continue to work with students throughout the school year in a combination of lectures, workshops, and field work at Diller Scofidio + Renfro project sites.



Buzz On 16th Street [Visited] 2009 NOVEMBER Documentary filmmaker and editor Isaac Solotaroff ’88 led a discussion in teacher Anna Swank’s Arabic language class. The discussion revolved around a current project Solotaroff is working on— a documentary film that follows the story of the creation of THE 99, the first Islamic super heroes with their own comic books, theme parks and animation series.




n October 23, 2009, Charles Renfro (above left) of Diller Scofidio + Renfro led a lecture in the Meetinghouse. The lecture was part of Friends’ Visiting Scholars Residency Program—the first residency of its type in the area. Led by Renfro, the architects have engaged with architect students at Friends throughout the school year in a combination workshops and field work at Diller Scofidio + Renfro project sites. On November 23, 2009, Maria Fahey, (above right) Chair of the English Department at Friends Seminary and a faculty member since 1988, presented a lecture, titled “On Teaching Metaphor and Shakespearean Drama,” to a standingroom-only audience in the Library. The two lectures were endowed through the Lift Every Voice campaign. | f




Dr. Peter Rona ’52


Renowned Marine Geologist Dr. Peter Rona ’52 visited Friends to share his knowledge of the ocean floor with 4th and 9th graders. Students learned about


he FS community celebrated its sixth annual Peace Week from February 8 through February 12. Each year, a theme is chosen to give broad guidance to those in the community interested in planning lessons, activities, or events. This year’s theme was titled, “Beyond the Numbers: The Economics of Peace.” The theme reflects the current recession and brings to light the economic impact that war and injustice can have on our world. On February 11, economist Jeffrey Sachs (at left), the featured Peace Week speaker, presented “Peace through Sustainable Development” in the Meetinghouse. Additionally, artist Derick Melander worked with the community to create “The Fabric of Peace” (at right), an 8´x 8´ clothing sculpture displayed in the lobby of the School. The piece was dismantled and clothes were sent to Haiti. | f FRIENDS SEMINARY

Buzz On 16th Street

Isaac Solotaroff ’88

Dr. Rona’s discoveries of the deep sea. Kim Moser ’84 met with Upper School students in their photojournalism class and showed the iconic images he captured as a student at Friends. (See page 50 in this issue to read Moser’s “Back in the Day” feature.) Alumni convened in East River Park to continue the tradition of the Alumni Soccer game held the Saturday after Thanksgiving each year.

the volunteer work he is involved with in the New York State prison system. This past fall, Chinlund, an Episcopal priest, a former prison warden, and a former chairman of the New York State Commission of Correction, published a book, Prison Transformations, which follows the inspiring and encouraging stories of the people who made prison a better place for themselves and for others. For almost

’80, Aara Kupris Menzi ’91, Amanda Southon Miller ’84, Leslie Chin ’05 and Jessica Wapner ’92 shared lessons from

their professional journeys during the annual Networking Day at Friends Seminary. The alumni also offered advice to students about breaking into their respective industries. Sandra Jelin Plouffe ’93 and her father, Dr. Abraham Jelin, a






Twenty-six alumni from a variety of class years participated in the God’s Love We Deliver Bag Decorating Workshop. On December 14, the bags were hung in the Meetinghouse, alongside those created by students, and days later, they were sent to the God’s Love organization. There, they were filled with food and delivered to men, women and children living with HIV/ AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease and other serious illnesses. Stephen Chinlund ’51 visited with a social studies class at Friends to discuss


Young alumni luncheon

Kim Moser ’84

five decades, Chinlund has worked with incarcerated men and women to help them find freedom within themselves, even if they are in prison. He has also helped them after their releases back into the community. To read more about his book, visit www. A group of young alumni returned to campus to discuss their college experiences with seniors at Friends. The recent graduates answered questions and described what students should expect as college freshmen. Alumni returned to campus for the Alumni Basketball game. During the reunion, Coach David Lieber, in his 20th season coaching the Varsity Boys Basketball Team, was honored.




Stephen Chinlund ’51

Sandra Jelin Plouffe ’93 and Dr. Abraham Jelin

pediatric gastroenterologist, visited a precalculus class at Friends to share their knowledge of health and healthcare as it relates to teenagers, specifically. Students posed questions to Jelin Plouffe and her father that would help them formulate their research project topics aimed at answering the question, “What makes a healthy Friends Seminary student?” | f Kyra Sedgwick ’83, left, and Olivia Thirlby ’05, right, talk with students during a performing arts panel on January 6.


Nick Bruel ’83, Anna Jane Grossman ’98, Dr. Manuel “Manny” Katz ’89, Dr. Peter Linden ’60, Amanda Peet ’90, Willie Perdomo ’85, Kyra Sedgwick ’83, Dr. Aimee Telsey ’73, Olivia Thirlby ’05, Susan Cohen Belardi ’72, Steven Helmolz NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010


Notes On Silence BY

William “Willie” Perdomo ’85

From seventh through twelfth grade, twenty minutes per meeting, two meetings per week, I sat with my classmates, in silence, at the Meetinghouse on Rutherford Place.


sking a pre-teen to sit in silence for twenty minutes is a tall order. I’ve never known a harder task. Under my totally fabricated East Harlem, mean street bravado, there was a gourd of silence, being refilled with new omissions on a daily basis. How badly did I need those few minutes of quiet in the morning before my first class? If you consider the sound palette of my East Harlem neighborhood, circa 1980s, I needed it desperately. While I grew up with the usual 12


cacophony of inner-city chaos that included a liberal scattering of f-bombs, b-shots, mother-flowers, the hard sounds of early hip-hop whose predominant metaphor was broken glass everywhere and the occasional gunshot, there was also the surreal juxtaposition of roosters in garages, Puerto Rican folksongs, abandoned dogs roaming through the streets after midnight, the imminent death cries blaring from the cages at the live poultry market, the early morning pigeon wake-up warble, and the ever reliable Metro-North making a statement,

Notes On Silence every day at the same 20 minute intervals. Then you also have to consider the soundtrack of my commute to school (125th Street to Union Square, pre-Giuliani quality of life crackdown) on trains that doubled as graffiti canvases, where graffiti artists looked for the newest “Zephyr” pieces, radio boom boxes held court with the tall and comical tales of Slick Rick and if, by chance, you happened to be in the last car there was a good possibility that the nebulous, almost crispy sensation that you felt in your brain upon exiting the Union Square station was the contact high you received from the massive pot joint that was being passed around. I lived in a neighborhood where silence was a survival skill. I remember talking about the famous Kitty Genovese case in Mr. Singer’s class and I remember thinking, silently, I live in a neighborhood where the bystander effect is the medium. There was no “if you see something say something,” it was more like, “I saw something, but I ain’t saying a damn thing” and this is where silence was key. A poet without a line is tantamount to diastolic breakdown. No song, no love. No love, no life. We live in a time of color-charted alerts and it makes me think of Adrienne Rich’s stance that “Lying is done with words but also with silence,” and as a riff on that I also think of Audre Lorde’s line “silence will not protect you.” You can’t stay quiet for too long before you burst into a drunken rant, a violent rail, a clichéd truth moment, a meltdown, a breakdown, a verbal lashing of a loved one, or the painfully honest journal entry and having experienced one if not all of these things, I came to understand the purpose of Silent Meeting. It’s just what I needed before my morning World Civilization class. Since then I’ve known a variety of silences. The silence of pain and mediation, embarrassment and shame, anger and ambivalence, the long ride back from a horrible vacation with a spouse, awkward phone conversation silence, the silence of prayer or sitting on good news and I realized that I wasn’t the only one coming to school having just had a teaspoon of Life Sucks in my morning cereal. The silence of wanting to say something and being scared to say it, the silence that follows a fight with a best friend, were things that Silent Meeting helped sort out; that allowed me to filter my way from Feeling to Thought to Action. Of course, it wasn’t always a Zen-like experience. Sometimes that silence was filled with

erotic fantasy, plain old boredom, or the chance to make up for the sleep I lost the night before. It’s not uncommon to hear a writer say that one writes as a means of combat against injustice, unbalanced social forces, and all the isms that afflict human beings. When I teach writing workshops I find the common thread to be the search for truth and it always seems to be inches away from the needle’s eye, so I tell my students that if they really want to write about truth, the next time they’re in a conversation and suddenly become silent as a result of some discomfort, that’s usually a good place to start. What’s funny about silence is our constant need to disrupt it. Sometimes as I work into the late night I find that I need to serve the static in my head a forceful counterpoint, so I turn on one of my favorite movies and let it play, let it provide white noise so I feel less alone; so that I’m always surrounded by dialogue and other approaches toward solutions. If you look at any writer’s journals, you’ll see their silences rinse. Where once you thought you were loved and respected by a person, come to find out, 50 years later, in a writer’s journal, that you were despised. (That explained that particular uncomfortable silence.) It makes me wonder about a writer’s wish to have his/her letters and notebooks burned. That’s the ultimate act of silence; that’s taking it to the grave for real. In his preface to the book version of his play, Doubt, the playwright John Patrick Shanley writes, “There is something silent under every person and under every play. There is something unsaid under any given society as well. I have an idea of what travelled in the vastness of the silence at Rutherford Place. It taught me that chaos was universal and that an extra twenty minutes goes a long way in helping you memorize a passage from Chaucer assigned by Mr. Byrne, or a quick review of linear equations, or some hope that things would get better if not in our immediate lives, then in the lives of people who suffer hardship on a daily basis (see Haiti, now). The first time I heard Simon & Garfunkel was at their live Central Park concert and as I lay my head on the lap of a pretty Nightingale Bamford co-ed named Jennifer, with long black ringlet curls, I could hear S & G sing “And the vision/That was planted in my brain/ Still remains/With the sound of silence.” It was at Silent Meeting, twice a week, that I was able to put a face to that sound. | f

Willie Perdomo is the author of Where a Nickel Costs a Dime and Smoking Lovely, which received a PEN America Beyond Margins Award. He has also been published in The New York Times Magazine, Bomb, Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood, OCHO, and African Voices. His children’s book, Visiting Langston, received a Coretta Scott King Honor and his follow-up, Clemente! will be published in May 2010. He has been a Pushcart Prize nominee, a Woolrich Fellow in Creative Writing at Columbia University and is a 2009 fellow in Poetry from the New York Foundation for the Arts. He is co-founder/publisher of Cypher Books. To read more about him and his work, visit



Back in the Day

The First Computers at Friends Seminary BY

Kim Moser ’84

It’s been over 30 years since I first set foot in the computer room at Friends, and even during my short tenure as a student many things changed.


t’s been over 30 years since I first set foot in the computer room at Friends, and even during my short tenure as a student many things changed. The first computer room, from the 1970s, was on the fourth floor, just west of the art room, facing 16th Street. That room was removed during the recent renovation and is now occupied by the new staircase. In the early 1980s, when Kelley House was annexed, the computer room moved there to another room facing 16th Street. Friends’ first “computer” was a Teletype terminal, which printed on a continuous roll of newsprint-like yellow paper. There was no screen; the printout was the display! The Teletype printed at 50 baud, or about 66 words per minute— slower than you can read. One of the games we played on the Teletype was Lunar Lander, in which you try to land your lunar module on the surface of the Moon without crashing or running out of fuel. You may even have played a graphical version of it, either in the arcade or on a gaming console, but I’ll bet you never played the original, text-only version without graphics. In 1977, the year I started at Friends, they also acquired two Commodore PET microcomputers. With their 9-inch black-and-white CRT screens, the PETs were light-years ahead of the Teletype. Despite their miniscule memory and

slow speeds, the PETs took only a second or two to start up. If the computer froze, all you had to do was power off and on and you’d be ready to start programming again a couple of seconds later. Take that Mac and Windows! Those years, during the late 1970s and early 1980s, were the “Golden Age of Computers” at Friends. A number of fellow intrepid students and I spent every free minute in the computer room. In 1981, the Computer Club, in true Quaker fashion, distributed a two-page set of rules governing how students should sign-up to claim time on the computers and how disputes should be arbitrated. I bet you didn’t know that custodian David Perez was around in those days, and he occasionally wrote programs with us on the PET. Ask him if he remembers the difference between the PEEK and POKE commands, and what they did. Those golden years came to a symbolic end in my senior year when one day I noticed the Teletype sitting outside on the curb along with the rest of the garbage. That jarring sight drove home the fact that while technology may change, life goes on. Or as I learned from Marge Gonzalez in French class, “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” | f Kim Moser is a freelance programmer. To see ephemera from his high school programming years at Friends, visit

From top: Kam Lam ‘84, Kim Moser ’84, Commodore PET - 1984




Profiles of Five Friends Seminary Alumni

Storytellers BY

Jessica Wapner ’92



Malcolm (AP/Worldwide Photos)

Browne’s photograph of Thích Qua’ng Ðúc’s self-immolation on June 11, 1963, inspired Buddhist activism and landed on President Kennedy’s desk—leading to the overthrow of the oppressive Diem regime and turning of public opinion against the Vietnam War.




or Malcolm Browne ’48, the most valuable part of storytelling remains the story itself, even after an intriguing life of telling so many world-changing stories. In the course of Browne’s thirty years as a journalist, he has been shot down three times from combat aircraft, bombarded by Scud missiles in Saudi Arabia, detained by Bulgarian soldiers, and expelled from half a dozen countries, including Chile and Romania. He has been placed on the a palace death list in Vietnam, and choked with tear gas in Afghanistan. Amidst his many adventures, Browne was keenly aware of the crucial place that stories from the frontlines have in the lives of its readers. Drafted at the tail end of the Korean War—eight years after his graduation from Friends Seminary, Browne was

death was so common at the time, it took a while for it to sink into my subconscious.” But communications surrounding the photograph spread quickly around the world, the picture saying far more than a thousand words. “It [became] an important force in the thinking of ordinary people all over the world,” Browne said. “So I came to appreciate my own photograph more than I did at first.” Eventually, Browne grew weary of war journalism. “The horror was there every day,” he said. “One never gets completely accustomed to [it].” Browne left the AP in 1965. He worked for ABC TV, worked freelance for several years, and did a fellowship at Columbia University with the council for foreign relations. In 1968, he joined The New York Times; in 1972, he became its correspondent for South America. And in 1977, he

assigned to write for a military newspaper, Pacific Stars and Stripes, thus launching his celebrated career as a war correspondent. Posted with a tank in the demilitarized zone, just 300 yards from the enemy, with whom the United States was conducting peace talks at the time, Browne quickly became “solidly implanted in the journalism of the time,” he said. A decade later, Browne was among the first correspondents to cover the war in Vietnam and was working for the Associated Press in Saigon when his insightful reporting on civil unrest in South Vietnam earned him a Pulitzer. On June 11, 1963, he snapped the photograph of Thích Qua’ng Ðúc, a Buddhist monk, who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection. Photographs taken by Browne of the self-immolation quickly spread across the wire services and were featured on the front pages of newspapers worldwide. The self-immolation was later regarded as a turning point in the Buddhist crisis and the critical point in the collapse of the Diem ˆ regime. At the time, he didn’t think the moment would have a great impact. “It was a political act, and political acts occurred all the time,” Browne said. “Because the fact of

became a science writer, and served as a senior editor for Discover, returning to the Times in 1985. Browne welcomed the smooth transition to science writing, preferring to focus on stories about life instead of death. He wrote about physics, astronomy, astrophysics, and other areas. Looking back, he can see the connection with his Friends education in his work as a science journalist. “The science teachers at Friends were such powerful personalities, and such brilliant men,” Browne said. “They had a lasting influence on me.” “Education at Friends was marvelously eclectic,” Browne added. Today, operating a keyboard is nearly impossible, which “has had a devastating effect on my career,” said Browne, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease a decade ago. Yet despite his inability to tell the latest science stories, he remains an avid follower, keeping up with academic journals and suggesting stories to his former colleagues at the Times. | f


To learn more about Browne, read his memoir, Muddy Boots and Red Socks: A War Reporter’s Life. NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010



hen Nancy Gibbs ’78 was in the first grade, she wrote a seven-page story about a trip her family took to Pittsburgh. Proudly, she brought it into class, staffed by two teachers, when she returned. After reading it, the senior teacher looked her in the eyes and said, “I think you start too many sentences with the word ‘then.’” But from across the room, the other teacher, Dorothy Flanagan, saw Gibbs slink away and called her over to ask if she could read her story, too. What happened next was one of the most thrilling moments of Gibbs’s young life. Mrs. Flanagan pulled out an enormous gold star sticker—“unlike anything I had ever seen,” Gibbs said— and put it at the top of page one. “I think this is just wonderful,” Mrs. Flanagan told her wide-eyed student. “And I want you to go write more stories.” That’s exactly what Gibbs did. She got cracking with her parents’ manual typewriter and in the third grade, formed a writing club. “It was always what I did,” Gibbs said. She still has that Pittsburgh tale and is still grateful for Mrs. Flanagan’s kindness at just the right moment. “Would I have become a writer anyway? Possibly,” Gibbs mused. “But the care that she showed was just incredible.” Gibbs attended Friends Seminary from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Shortly after college and graduate school, she began working for Time, for which she currently serves as essayist and editor-at-large, churning out some of the most widely read news stories every week. She also writes for the Time Web site, and, as if that weren’t enough, somehow manages to find the time to pen books on presidential history (and raise two daughters, currently in sixth and ninth grade). For Gibbs, the weekly rhythm of Time allows for storytelling that matches the beat of our lives. “There is a life cycle to a week that I think is still part of many people’s lives,” she said, noting the commonness



of weekly family dinners, weekly churchgoing, and even the ebb and flow of energy from Monday to Sunday. “So I like that as our unit of measure for telling a story. It’s the right amount of time for pausing, reflecting, taking stock, and pulling out of the constant day-to-day to say, ‘What do I need to know? What do I need to think about?’” She sees this approach as a stark contrast to the 24hour news cycle with which we’re all now living. The constant barrage leaves little room to find the story within the information. Cable news gives the moving picture, but there isn’t necessarily a logic to it, Gibbs explained. Important details are often relayed at the end of a story rather than at the beginning; the facts lack meaning. “The thing I love about writing for a weekly magazine [is that] it allows us time to collect all that raw data and find the narrative arc,” Gibbs said. “[To] find the characters, the morals, the messages, the miracles...” In 1986, Children of the Light, a history of Friends Seminary written by Gibbs, was published in conjunction with the School’s bicentennial. Through in-depth research coupled with interviews with such prominent figures as Earle Hunter, the 222-page book explores major issues and themes of the School and its storied past. Writing continues to challenge Gibbs today, just as it did when she was a student at Friends. She fondly remembers her English teachers Paul Supton and Phil Schwartz for the early lessons they taught her about what would one day become her profession. “They never left me with the illusion that writing was easy,” Gibbs said. “Having very good and demanding English teachers was valuable not only for what they taught me about [how to write] but also just that things worth doing are worth working at.” | f

Currently, Gibbs is uncovering the gems to be found in the history of friendships between presidents. The President’s Club, her in-progress book co-authored with Michael Duffy, explores the fascinating history of presidents calling upon their predecessors in times of need.



Roger Ro 20



lthough Roger Rosenblatt ’58 attended Friends from ages 6 to 17, it never became the home for him that it did for other “lifers,” he admits. He said he had a hard time connecting with the teachers, and for many years in the in the 1940s and 1950s, the School lacked the diversity and openness that has been one of its hallmarks. He recalls there being only one black student during the entire time he was there. But finally, in his junior year of high school, a teacher named John Ben-Shank joined the faculty—and changed Rosenblatt’s life. Ben-Shank brought a creativity and vibrancy to his teaching that Rosenblatt had never experienced. “He would give us slow-melting mints and tell us to write what it tastes like to teach us metaphor,” Rosenblatt said. “He changed my—and quite a few people’s—whole attitude toward learning.” Rosenblatt went on to become a leading voice of cultural criticism, penning essays for Time and the New Republic and originating the television essay style on shows like The McNeil/Lehrer Report, and later, the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Interestingly, the qualities that he saw to be lacking during his years at Friends became matters of utmost concern in his later work. The early awareness of the importance of diversity and racial equality never left him, and his expression of those values has, in turn, influenced society at large, most likely making the School a better place as well. Around 2000, Rosenblatt took a hiatus from journalism so he could focus on other forms of storytelling—writing

novels and Broadway plays. But most recently, his keyboard has been taken over by the need to write about personal events, in the wake of his daughter Amy’s sudden death in her mid-30s. “I wrote because I write,” Rosenblatt said of his need to put words to this experience. “I wrote the essay to try to get it out in the air so that it wouldn’t make me feel any worse than I did.” His essay, Making Toast, was published in the The New Yorker in 2008. After the essay was so well received, Rosenblatt’s editor asked if he wanted to write it as a book. Rosenblatt consulted with his wife, Virginia (Jones) Rosenblatt ’58, to see if this was something they truly wanted to do. Ginny readily agreed, saying she wanted to have the book for their family, so that they would know about Amy. Yet just weeks before the book was due out, Rosenblatt was overcome with depression. “[There was] all this chatter going around about a book on a subject that I wish I’d never had to write,” he said. But with the help of a grief counselor, Rosenblatt found a better way to think about it. “She said, think of it as something you and Amy are doing together,” Rosenblatt said. “Once she said that, it cleared all the fog away.” With that, his storytelling took on new value and meaning. The story of building his family anew can, Rosenblatt hopes, make something worthy out of a tragedy. | f Making Toast was released on February 16, 2010.





ndre Schiffrin ’53 remembers coming to the Meetinghouse on weekday evenings as a teenager to help pack relief supplies that would be sent to Europe. “They were still badly needed even though the war had ended five or six years before,” he said. When he was in the seventh grade, he started the country’s first UNICEF drive, which was held at Friends Seminary. That spirit of activism and volunteerism, even in the face of some objections by misguided school authorities, would serve Schiffrin well as he made his way in the world, most notably as the founder of The New Press, a not-for-profit publishing company. Schiffrin’s father had been publisher at Pantheon, but he died when Schiffrin was 15. “I never expected to go to work there,” he recalled, “though that was obviously a major influence in my life.” Despite his expectations, Schiffrin served as publisher at Pantheon for about 30 years. Then, in 1990, Schiffrin abruptly resigned. “It was a protest against the change in ownership,” Schiffrin explained. Like so many publishing houses, Pantheon was being taken over by one of the big publishing conglomerates, a move that was changing the entire nature of publishing— converting it into a business driven by profit more than any other factor. “The big houses just want surefire things and big names,” Schiffrin said. “It meant that the difficult, serious, and demanding books could no longer be published.” Schiffrin describes this change in publishing in his book, The Business of Books, and later in his memoir, A Political Education. 22


After leaving Pantheon, Schiffrin started The New Press, a not-for-profit publishing company that gives a voice to many writers whose important work might not otherwise be published. “We’ve published close to a thousand books, and I would say that 990 of them would not have been published by the big houses,” he said. As an example, Schiffrin cites the work of Studs Terkel, when he was still an unknown author. His books, such as Hard Times, have had an enormous impact on society. Schiffrin initially published Terkel’s work through Pantheon, but Terkel followed him to The New Press. “His book on race, which we published at The New Press, was extremely prescient at showing how racism is still part of the American scene,” Schiffrin said. Foreign authors have also been left in the dust by the corporatizing of the publishing business, and The New Press has helped ensure that their stories continue to reach American audiences. As an example, Schiffrin noted that The New Press continues to publish Marguerite Duras, whose most recent book is Wartime Writings. As a publisher, Schiffrin is safekeeping a place for a unique kind of storytelling, one that is remedial upon the pitfalls in our cultural history. “With Studs Terkel and other authors, we discovered that getting people to tell their own stories was a major corrective to some of the history of the Depression,” Schiffrin said. He notes how one of the themes of Hard Times is how people felt guilty for being out of work, not realizing it was completely out of their hands. It’s a perspective that certainly has relevance today, and ensuring that such stories come to light can only help keep away the dark. |f




Abigail Thomas




rowing up, Abigail Thomas’s family moved every couple of years, and with each new place came a new school. “I was so used to moving,” recalled Thomas ’59, “that the smell of an unfamiliar school was a familiar smell.” Although Thomas attended Friends—her eleventh school—for just her last two years of high school, the impact was as deep as if she’d been there all along. “I was in love with it and everybody there,” she said. She recalled the love of learning and a sense of no difference among the students. “I never thought, ‘are you rich or poor? Am I rich or poor?’ I never thought of anything except who we all just were.” Friends would also be her last experience with formal education. As a freshman at Bryn Mawr, Thomas was kicked out when she became pregnant. Although she’d always wanted to write, it would be years before Thomas would become the storyteller she is today. “I thought you had to have God touch you on the forehead or you had to have something important to say,” Thomas said. She didn’t start writing until she was in her late 40s. For her, the trigger was finally having a story that she really wanted to tell. “For the first time, the story was more important than my ego, and I was willing to get it wrong in order to get it right,” she said. “And that’s when I started writing for real.” The publication of that first story set Thomas off on a trajectory from which she’s never departed. But two short story collections and one novel later, her second husband, from whom she’d been divorced for many years, died. That was when Thomas turned, almost accidentally, to memoir writing. “Suddenly I started writing these little pieces. I didn’t know what they were,” she said. She soon realized that writing was becoming a way for her to understand her life—a way to figure out how she’d gotten from there to here. Memoir became a way for her to put the past to rest, to make peace with the mistakes she’d made during her child-raising years, to better understand the person she was in the process of becoming, and to explain to her four children why things had been as they were.

When this particular collection of writing was done, her editor didn’t like it—she wanted fiction, like Thomas’s previous work. But Thomas knew that a memoir was the only way she could stay true to herself. “My life hadn’t been a novel,” she said. Since then, storytelling has continued to grow in importance in her life. “Stories are all we have,” Thomas said. For her, memoirs are a way to tell those stories in a deeply meaningful way. “When you write a memoir, you need to go into the dark corners and shine a light and figure out what it is you thought you were doing and what it is you did, and take some responsibility for it ... and figure out who you are,” Thomas said. In the aftermath of a personal tragedy, the power of stories was never more apparent. In 2000, Thomas’s husband was hit by a car and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Her book about the years following the accident is called Three Dog Life and was written, as she explains it, “to make sense of something that made no sense... to make something that matters out of something that was just a tragedy.” Her husband died in 2007, a year after the memoir was published. Before its release in 2006, Three Dog Night had already captured the attention of some of the most well-known storytellers of today. Stephen King hailed the work as the best memoir he has ever read after he got his hands on a pre-press copy. “It’s sad, terrifying, and scorchingly honest,” King said in an interview prior to the release of the book. “It’s also a testament to the power of love, suggesting that even when love isn’t enough…somehow, it is. This book is a punch to the heart.” The book was also chosen by the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times as one of the best books of 2006. Today, Three Dog Night is sold in nine languages. Thomas continues to find value in her time at Friends, and sees a direct connection to her writing life. In particular, she acknowledges the rare skill that silent meetings fostered in her. “I learned how to be quiet,” she said. “You have to do that to write. You have to let the aquarium settle so you can see the fish.” For Thomas, it is in these moments of settlement that the story becomes clear. | f

Jessica Wapner, class of 1992, is a freelance editor and writer. Her work mainly focuses on health and medicine, with a little bit of children’s books on the side. Her website is and she can be reached at





Lift every voice

Julia Bates ’83, campaign co-chair, announces to the attendees at this year’s auction on March 11 that the Lift Every Voice Campaign has officially entered its public phase.

Lift Every Voice Campaign Enters Its Public Phase




n March 11, Campaign Co-chair Julia Bates ’83 (parent of Will and James Vail ’22) announced to the attendees at this year’s auction that the Lift Every Voice Campaign has officially entered its public phase. That same evening, over $140,000 was raised in support of the Friends Celebrating Families Scholarship Fund—a gesture of incredible philanthropy. Campaign organizers and volunteers hope this act of generosity will inspire each and every one within the Friends community to make a gift to the Lift Every Voice Campaign, so a full chorus of voices can be heard. Prior to the public phase of this campaign, over $17 million has been raised through gifts of all sizes, from $100 to $1 million. Friends Seminary and its students deeply appreciate the many donors who helped lay the groundwork in this daunting, yet crucial task of securing the well-being of the School. Inevitably, the School’s needs are great— far greater than $20 million—yet the achievement of that goal will help in no small measure. Gifts to the Campaign will help grow the School’s general endowment and endowments for faculty support and financial aid. Lift Every Voice dollars

Capital Campaign also supported the School’s ability to fund key renovations throughout campus. Highlights in campaign fundraising to date include: t More than $17.5 million has been raised

in total cash and pledges. t The Friends of Friends Alumni Endow-

ment Challenge was started by an alumnus to stimulate alumni annual giving and provide up to $100,000 toward unrestricted endowment.

t The Summer Scholarship for Integrity,

Peace, and Community was established by a Friends Seminary Quaker family to honor Pamela Wood (el-Okdah), upon her retirement after 30 years of service to the School. The Scholarship provides students with an opportunity to participate in a summer educational enrichment activity that promotes the Quaker values of integrity, peace, and community. t The John R. “Pablo” Jakobson ’81 Memorial

Scholarship Fund, established by John’s father, members of his family, and friends to honor and memorialize his short life, provides financial assistance to a student with demonstrated need who has an interest and talent in music or performing arts. t The Morris and Alma Schapiro Scholar-

Architect Charles Renfro, left, a visiting scholar at Friends this year, works with a senior, Philip Schmiege, on an architecture project.

t The School’s first $1 million gift was

made, which included the creation of the Visiting Scholars Program. This year, architect Charles Renfro is the first Visiting Scholar and is working with students within the recently reactivated architecture program.

ship Fund, an endowed scholarship, was established to provide financial aid for an Upper School student with interest and talent in the arts. t Christiana Ley Parker ’92 Humanitarian

Award was established as a nonsectarian fund endowed in loving memory of Christiana by her father and the Christiana Ley Parker Memorial Equestrian Fund, Inc. in fond recall of 13 years of happiness accompanying

Attendees fill the Rosenquist Gallery during an event last fall.



Capital Campaign Claster. Jill significantly contributed to the Elizabeth Claster ’79 Library Fund, which provides flowers, children’s books, and programs for the library. t The Fund for Teaching Arabic was

Campaign Clerk Stephen Paluszek, left, shakes hands with Principal Bo Lauder, right, during the 2009 Auction. During the auction, $200,000 was raised for The Friends is Family Fund.

Chris’ attendance at Friends. The fund provides a monetary award to that student or teacher who went their own ofttimes lonely way with goodness and grace. t On December 10, 2009, the Elizabeth

Claster ’79 Lower School Library was dedicated in memory of Elizabeth during an event led by Elizabeth’s mother, Jill


Lift every voice

established and covers the costs of the first two inaugural years of the introduction of an Arabic language program in the Upper School. It includes a generous match challenge from the Edward E. Ford Foundation.

The Mariana Wright Chapman Academic Center, which opened its doors to all students, grades 7 through 12, on September 22, 2008, extends the reach of our classrooms and deepens a student’s engagement with our curriculum. The Center offers additional opportunities to work one-on-one with a teacher in the Humanities, Math, and Science.

the members of Friends Seminary’s

t The Friends is Family Fund, which raised

$200,000 the night it was announced at Auction 2009, is a special fund for emergency tuition aid for current families who, because of the economic crisis, need assistance to remain at Friends. t The Administrative Fund for Teaching

Excellence was established in 2006 by

Campaign dollars raised to date have allowed the construction of many spaces that will not only support Friends educational mission in the coming decades, but will also reflect our Quaker values through the use of natural light, a gentle elegance, and the integration of many quiet, contemplative spaces throughout the campus. Specific improvements include the new Library; seven new classrooms; a wide, central staircase; new restroom facilities; a Gallery to showcase community work; and the addition of a handicap-accessible elevator. In addition, two townhouses have been renovated for classrooms, office space, and the Chapman Academic Center—an on-site tutoring resource for all seventh through twelfth grade students.



Capital Campaign Administrative Team to support, each year, a faculty member who best exhibits the art of teaching. t Running On Your Own Energy: The

Class of 2009 Fund for a Greener School is a three-part gift, which includes the creation of an endowment fund that will allow the School to implement a sustainability plan. The other two parts include: the hiring of a consultant to assess the School’s environmental impact and the creation of a bicycle-powered battery to power student cell phones and other devices. t The

Rosenquist Art Gallery was dedicated on October 14, 2009, to honor the generosity of artists Mimi Thompson and James Rosenquist, parents of Lily Rosenquist ’08. | f

Jill Claster, mother of Elizabeth Claster ’79, speaks during the Lower School Library dedication ceremony on December 10, 2009. The LS Library is dedicated in Elizabeth’s memory and will forever commemorate Elizabeth’s years at Friends Seminary. In a touching program, Jill was joined by Elizabeth’s classmates Kate Webb ’79 and Deborah Krohn ’79 who remembered Elizabeth’s bravery as a 12-year-old facing her illness. Thea Volpe Browne, a graduate student of Jill’s who became babysitter and friend to Elizabeth, also spoke. The program concluded with two moving arias sung by classmate Nathan Resika ’79. Principal Bo Lauder, left, shakes hands with artist James Rosenquist on Monday, October 19, 2009 during a ceremony in the Rosenquist Gallery. The ceremony, which honored the generosity of artists Mimi Thompson and James Rosenquist (parents of Lily Rosenquist ’08) was a homecoming of many artists whose children had attended or currently attend Friends, including Charles Simonds, Billy Copley, Sarah Morris, and Frank Stella.

Steering Committee Co-Chairs Julia Bates ’83 Public Phase Chair Edes Powell Gilbert ’49 Wendy Levine Michael McCarthy Stephen Paluszek, Clerk Steven Tuttleman Robert N. Lauder Principal Selena Shadle Director of Development Patty Ziplow Major Gifts Officer


Committee Dean Backer Edward C. Brittenham ’79 Michele A. Browne ’85 Michael Cohen Bart Freundlich ’88 Frederick Fruitman Joseph Healey William A. Koenigsberg Derek McLane Rodrigo Niño Marc J. Rachman ’82 Helen D. Reavis ’77 Everett Ware ’86


Mary Alexander Jerome Ansel Walter Brewster Jonathan L. Cohen Elaine Wingate Conway ’52 Richard Eldridge Elizabeth Enloe DavId J. Fishelson Michael J. Fox Deborah Freundlich Anne Gray Robert Hartman Helene L. Kaplan Joyce G. McCray G.G. Michelson Kenneth Preston Karen Lee Spaulding Ellen C. Stein Ann Sullivan FRIENDS SPRING 2 010 29

Spoken Word



Class Notes CS – Class Secretary CA – Class Agent (* denotes Annual Fund Co-Chair) RC – Reunion Chair


1930 Joan Howson Clarke (CS)

Barbara Kugel Herne (CS)


J. Richard Hunter (CS)

Richard Hanau (CA, CS)

1942 1936

Margaret Dorkey McCormick (CA)

No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office. With sadness, we report the death of Vittoria Salvatore Demarest. Please visit the Tribute section to read more.


Richard Scully (CS)

1943 Eugenie Grey Laidler (CS)

No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office.

1938 No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office.

1939 Barbara Valentine Hertz (CA)

Constance Stokes Germain writes that she is still active— volunteering, reading, playing the organ, and training her new puppy. She is also enjoying spending time with her two sons.

1944 Hope Franz Ligori (CA, CS)

1940 No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office.

The Class of 1947 in sixth grade.

Eric Sokolsky shares his bio with NFF . “Eric Sokolsky was born on February 12, 1927, the son of Rosalind and George Sokolsky. He began his schooling at Friends Seminary in 1931 at nursery school.



Class Notes His all-time favorite teacher was Carolyn Hawk, his second grade teacher. At Friends, he attended eight grades—a wonderful school. Eric served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, began as an enlisted man and rose to the rank of Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. He served on three Naval ships: a destroyer, a cruiser and the battleship Missouri. He attended Harvard University where he majored in history and government; graduated in 1948 and was a member of the Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770. After graduating from Harvard, he moved to Hollywood, CA. where he entered the field of public relations, which remained his work for a lifetime. He glamorized many motion picture celebrities including Rita Hayworth, Kim Novak and Burt Lancaster. Author of a book, Our Seven Greatest Presidents , he also wrote a political column which appeared in 17 newspapers from 1964-1987. Eric was married for 45 years to actress Anita Carrell who passed away in 2002. His greatest tragedy was the death of his beloved mother, Rosalind, in 1933 when he was six years old. His greatest joy is his beautiful daughter, Anita Rosalind, who is a well-known attorney in Los Angeles.”

1945 Marion Hausner Pauck (CS, RC)

Eric Sokolsky ’44 Paul Didisheim writes: “At 82, I play tennis five times a week and try to keep up with the medical literature. Ricky and I celebrated 57 years of married life last month. Three children and their spouses, and six grandchildren, are doing well.” Hilary Knight writes: “I have never stopped working and have recently entered this century with my own BLOG! on Vanity Fair magazine’s web site.” Last year, Hilary, the artist best known for creating the classic character Eloise with Kay Thompson, donated the papers documenting his extensive 50-plus year career as an illustrator and author to The New York Public Library. The collection includes wide-ranging materials relating to Eloise, but also documents most of the nearly 60 books Hilary has created as well as his work crafting Broadway posters, magazine illustrations, greeting cards, calendars, and advertisements. The collection not only includes sketches, research, dummies and final layouts, but contracts, correspondence, publicity materials, reviews and other items capturing



Eloise, famous character by Hilary Knight ’45

the entire process of creating his works. Library President Paul LeClerc announced the gift November 2, at its annual Library Lions dinner where Hilary was an honoree. Suzanne Henderson MacLachlan writes that she “was thrilled to learn of classmate Paul Coleman’s accomplishments (featured in the Spring 2009 issue of NFF ). I have lived in Wellesley, MA with my family and three grandchildren for the past 40 years. I consider myself a New Englander, yet a New Yorker at heart.” Marion Hausner Pauck writes: “I am working on a memoir and the remainder of my papers for the Princeton archives. I am also taking a second course in astronomy—an intriguing new subject for me. I am very active in my Lutheran church here at Stanford.” Visit the Tribute section to read Marion’s kind words, as well as those from Connie Bartlett Hieatt and Jill Underhill Ligenza, regarding classmate Anne Thomas Stevens, who passed away earlier this year. And, also with sadness, we report the death of James “Jerry” Warren. Please visit the Tribute section to read more.

1946 Stuart Robinson (CS)

Sylvia Farny Skewes-Cox (CS)

Lia Langford Collins writes that she recently left her job as a clinical social worker and is preparing to move to Amelia Island in north Florida. Stuart Robinson writes: “Linda and I spent a pleasant couple of hours enjoying lunch here in San Diego with Paul Coleman ’45, late last summer. Proving that not only trust/estate attorneys work far past normal retirement age, Paul continues to research and teach in his field of neurobiology, probing for answers to the Alzheimer’s disease.”

1947 Jean Taylor Kroeber (CS)

Jean Taylor Kroeber writes: “My husband, Karl, retired from Columbia University in June of 2009. He died of cancer on November 8, 2009.”

Class Notes 1948 Anne Codding Tonachel (CS)

With sadness, we report the death of Judith Fineman Donelan. Please visit the Tribute section to read more.

1949 Jean Allen McCardell (CS)

1950 Henri Caldwell (CS, RC)

Ann Katzenberg Hurwitz (RC)

1951 Hazel Fay Davis (CS)


Joan Parker Wofford (CA) 30 Crabapple Lane Northampton, MA 01060 Nora Palen Roberts writes: “I hope everyone is well and would love to hear from you next time. Please send notes my way!” Nancy Dry Sumner writes: “The young man, Andrew Richards, who’s been every bit a son in our family since the late ’80’s, is quite a tenor ‘of note’ in Europe. In fact, he’s the second most sought-after tenor in all of Europe. I accompanied for and with him in the late ’80’s and early ’90’s and through the years our family interaction has been monumental. He has sung to raves in major opera houses, the latest being Vienna Staatsoper (comparable to the Met here) and even more recently has been in Verona on a multi-talent opera showcase, right alongside Carreras and Domingo (the two living tenors of The Three Tenors). An opera based on Wuthering Heights has been written for him (he’s Heathcliff) and it will be premiered in 2010.”

1954 Constance Black Engle (CS)

Judith Owen Bates Lopez (CS)

1955 Jackson Bryer (CS, RC)

Gail Richards Tirana (CS, RC)

Compiled by Jackson Bryer and Gail Richards Tirana: George French lives in New Jersey and writes: “Hi guys. It only took 50 some odd years to get back to Friends, but then I never was that fast. I am putting together a Facebook page; it will contain updates.” Arthur “Pat” Goldschmidt writes: “I’m still writing, teaching (despite retirement), and

working in politics. I’m even taking voice lessons and was reminded of our Christmas pageant today as I tried to relearn “For unto us a Child in Born,” one of Mrs. Winterbottom’s perennials.” Peter Schrag writes: “All is well here on West 94th Street with me and my various offspring. My children-in-law, step-children, step-children-in-law, grandchildren and stepgrandchildren are O.K. as far as I know. We have recently committed to a trip to Spain with another couple from May 3-17, so I will miss your get together but will sip some extra sangria and think of you all that weekend. I still work three days a week, and my tennis on the other two days is not great, but pretty good. Love to all.” Ellen Friendly Simon writes: “I’m hoping to go to Yosemite with my two bachelor sons in May. We haven’t set a date as yet and if at all possible I will try to avoid May 15, but it somewhat depends on their schedule as well. Great to hear from you.” Gail Richards Tirana writes: “Same occupation—teaching religion, and same amusements, ’tho now including co-class secretary!” Jackson Bryer reports that he retired from college teaching four years ago; is still writing and doing

In November, alumni from the 1950s joined Peter Rona ’52 for a luncheon in the School’s cafeteria. Peter, a renowned Marine Geologist, talked with students about his work on the ocean floor. (Standing, from left to right): Martha Manheim Green ’52, Lawrence Saidenberg ’52, Peter Rona ’52, Peter Stack ’52, Gretchen Walther Dumler ’56, Arthur Lukach ’52. (Seated): Elaine Wingate Conway ’52, Peter Caldwell ’52, Sally Christenberry Roth ’53.

No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office. Deborah “Debby” White Andersen writes: “Last March, Arthur and I spent some wonderful days with Jeanne [Seebe Manser] and George (Jeanne’s husband) in Sarasota and Anna Maria Island, Florida. We plan to be back on Anna Maria again this March. It was a great month to leave the Cape.” Lawrence Saidenberg reports that he is currently the vice president at Oppenheimer and has six children and seven grandchildren.

1953 Nora Palen Roberts (CA, CS)



Class Notes 1958

research and working with three DC non-profit arts organizations; also teaching mini-courses to adults. Elizabeth Stearns writes: “Just finished a short one act, titled Boca, set in Boca.” Joe Sweeney writes: “I retired last summer so that now, when I wake up, I have nothing to do. But, still I find that I am only halfway through my to-do list at the end of the day. I occupy myself by writing grant applications for several non-profits and by pursuing my interests in art and graphics. My wife Monica, on the other hand, left her job as the medical director of a large health clinic and accepted the position of Assistant Commissioner of Health for NYC, in charge of HIV/ AIDS prevention and control. She works 24/6.5 and has produced significant, measurable results in reducing HIV/AIDS. And if that were not enough, she has just directed an art competition for the design of a new wrapper for the official NYC condom (the winning submission to be announced on Valentine’s Day) and has written a review of the movie, Precious, that was recently published in a leading medical journal in the U.K. Our major pastime, when Doctor Sweeney has a spare moment, continues to be visiting our five grandchildren—each more brilliant and attractive than the next.”

Nicholas Etcheverry (CS)

Thomas Munnell (CS)

1959 David Brewster writes: “Loved seeing everyone at the 50th reunion. Let’s plan another soon!”

1960 Elizabeth Peale Allen (RC)

Sally Taylor Brewster (RC)

Peter Linden (RC)

Peter Filene (CS)

Catherine Munnell-Smith (RC)


Jane Edelstein Rosenbloom (RC)

John Schwartz (CS) Jonathan Small (RC)

David Wartels (CS) Elizabeth Lyons Stone (CA*, CS) Wendy Weil (CS) Derek Van Hoorn (CS)




Jane Edelstein Rosenbloom writes: “I live in New York and Arizona with my husband, Arthur. Our daughter, Maggie, does nonprofit work in D.C. and our son

1962 Jean Seligmann (CS)

1963 David Lowry (CS)

Barbara Hertz Burr (CS)


Helen Davis Chaitman (CS)


Diana Fries Bourdrez writes: “We love it here [Corrales, NM] and welcome any FS friends to visit us in this beautiful part of the world.”

Jeffrey is in the air purification business in Phoenix, AZ. I taught in the NYC public school system for 10 years, founding the American Double Dutch League. Then, when I had my own children, I did lots of volunteer work. Now I travel as much as possible and play golf, tennis and bridge.

Barbara Hertz Burr writes: “I am partly retired as a child psychiatrist, but busy doing B+W fiber photography, making plans to teach in Mongolia (where we have been four times), and enjoying three grandchildren.”

Barbara Carey (CS)

Compiled by Barbara Carey: “My husband Tim and I spent a wonderful two weeks in Alaska,

Senior play cast members (from bottom to top) Andrea Loomis, Peter Linden, Liz Peale, and Sally Taylor pose for a yearbook photo in 1960.

Class Notes Vancouver, and Tacoma in September with my cousin Wendy and her husband. Part of it was a one-week cruise down the Inside Passage, with many land and sea excursions on foot or in small boats, seeing whales, sea lions, bald eagles, sea otters, and leaping salmon. Astonishing. Then we visited old friends and did sightseeing and ate terrific sushi for the remaining six days. Despite Alaska’s unfortunate choice of former governor, it’s a spectacular place. Quite a few of us have taken the Facebook plunge. A strange place, but a great way to catch up with pictures and musings. Liz Heilman, Alan Goldberg, Bruce Muchmore, John Foss, Jonathan Nareff, Peter Gabel, my wee bro Robbie (Robert) Carey ’74, and Kathie Strauss ’65 (I know, I know, not in our class, but…) bare all, or barely all, in that venue. Another is Jeff Shelby, recently returned to the East Coast, who has made me aware of many a new musician or music, much to my pleasure; and Elizabeth “Lizzie” Eames Roebling, whose missives from the Dominican Republic, especially during the recent disaster in Haiti, are eye-openers and reminders of the bigger world out there and what we might be doing to make it better.” Elizabeth writes: “I pause just briefly to inform all that I am in Santo Domingo working as a journalist, but that is only a cover for my passionate involvement in Haiti. Should anyone have a deeper interest, they can email me at” Jill Ross Stewart reports that she loves living near her grandchildren. She writes: “It is a joy to have them ‘pop’ in like today when their electricity went out and they needed somewhere to go for lunch! I remember many such times growing up in NYC doing the same with my grandmother.” Deep into ski season and traveling back and forth to Okemo Mountain in Ludlow, VT, she offers that if any classmates find the time and have the inclination, they are all most welcome to visit (whether they ski or not.) Susan Localio writes from Washington State: “We do love it here. Winter is mild and already daffodil bulbs are poking out shoots in sunny spots. We are heading up to BC to go x-country skiing for a week and then back here to start spring yard and garden work.” Valentine Hertz Kass continues to work at the National Science

Foundation, managing grants to film, television, and new media. If you see the NSF logo on TV, that’s most likely in her portfolio. She was also the lead Program Director for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching recognition week. She writes: “The award winners who came to D.C. in January were an inspiring group of educators. Their interaction with President Obama was heartwarming. It is a relief that we have an administration that supports STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education.” Her kids’ activities are certainly worth noting; Her son, Sam, works in the White House as the Food Initiative Coordinator and personal chef to the First Family, and her daughter, Lillian, is a dedicated special ed teacher at an inner city high school in Chicago. She enjoyed going to the Friends reunion in D.C., commenting, “Where did all the years go? I was one of the few ‘elders!’” She invites friends from Friends to call anytime you are in the D.C. area. Jonathan Nareff, approaching the one-year work-free mark, writes: “Grandkids are great, just don’t see them enough since they are in Minnesota.”

1965 Scott Garren (CS)

Harlan Hurwitz (RC)

Compiled by Scott Garren: Emily Bregman Rizzo writes: “I’m still enjoying retirement in the backwoods of north central Pennsylvania, but am increasingly concerned about the encroaching gas wells in the Marcellus Shale. I’m on the executive board of the Tioga County Democratic Party and I was recently elected a township auditor. Looking forward to spring and the return of our bluebirds in the 37 nest boxes I monitor with my husband John Kesich.” Sarah Chasis writes: “My family is well, kids are grown (Rachel Hiles ’04, and Jonathan Hiles ’06 who turned 21) and I am still working as an environmental lawyer at the Natural Resouces Defense Council.” (Note from the Secretary:

Sarah is way too modest about her work for the NRDC. We all owe her a debt of gratitude!) Mila Malden Doerner has two daughters, Alison, 36, who has two little girls (Mila and Stella) and Emily, 32, who has two little boys (Charlie and Thomas). Mila and husband Tom go back and forth between Berkeley (where Alison lives) and Santa Barbara (Emily’s home). Tom would love to retire, but he’s still a cardiologist and working hard. Pam McWilliams Nugent writes: “With my husband, Tom, we packed in city life in 2002 (we had lived in Park Slope, Brooklyn, for 30 years) and moved to Richmond, ME, a small Kennebec River town of 3,500 people. We swapped a tiny brownstone for a huge 1880 woodframed Victorian, right in the village (so much for downsizing). Both sons, Chris, 29, and Tim, 26, still live in New York, although they love to visit. When we first arrived, I continued working as a freelance textbook editor, but I eventually came to my senses and now just enjoy our new life full time.” Harlan Hurwitz has been drafted as a Reunion Chair (yeah!) and despite that he and Susan are fine. Carl Walden writes: “I still live in Cherry Valley, NY most of the time—way upstate (feels like the tundra this time of the year)— but still have the house on MacDougal Street with my sister Anne, part of which we rent out. I wear both landlord and custodian hats (having picked up some building skills along the way). I’m a freelance writer and have worked on a variety of book projects (listed at The most recent publication is a new edition of Atlas of the North American Indian (Facts On File, 2009). I’ve done some screenwriting over the years, like a Miami Vice episode back when, and I’m forever putting new irons in the fire in that area, too. I’m also a weekend musician and give guitar and drum lessons around these parts to a talented bunch of kids.” Peter Garretson writes: “Life has changed a fair bit this last year. I’ve signed on the dotted line to retire in four years and look forward to having more time for travel, reading and finishing off some research projects on Ethiopian and Sudanese history. I look forward even more to not having such a heavy teaching and administrative load at Florida State where I’ve been for the last some 30 years—very hard to believe it

has been that long. I especially look forward to not having the headaches of running the Middle East major here and the Middle East Center, during these tumultuous times. The budget cuts make life ever more difficult. The Republicans in this state detest education and act accordingly. We plan to spend our summers in Spain (it is remarkably humid in Tallahassee then) and our winters in Florida (the frigid winter weather of Rufina’s highland home seems to get worse each year). I may occasionally continue to teach in Florida State’s branch campus in Valencia.” Finally, from our prolific author, Laura Davison Tanner, she writes: “My book, Jamaican Folk Tales and Oral Histories , is still in print and now there is a DVD and CD by the same name, and a second CD, Maroon Storyteller, all available on Amazon. com. My book Baugh, Jamaica’s Master Potter is also available on I’m on the board of the American Friends of Jamaica— check out our gala on May 22, 2010 at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, FL to raise money for education, health and development in Jamaica. I’m also on the board of the King’s House Foundation which helps to maintain the historic residence of the Governor General of Jamaica in Kingston, and on the board of the Museums of History and Ethnography of the Institute of Jamaica. I still have a column, Letter From Laura , and write features and do interviews for The Gleaner and Sunday Gleaner newspapers.” Your humble secretary, Scott Garren, “retired six years ago from the computer biz and is now splitting the year between Shrewsbury, VT and his sailboat in the Caribbean (currently Trinidad). The four kids and five grandkids are doing well and love to visit Vermont, so life is easy. We have lots of room for company so let me know if you are coming through Vermont. If you did not get an email from me recently, then I don’t have your address and I would love to be in touch so please contact me at”


Anne Shapero Adler (CS)

Anne Shapero Adler writes: “If the Class of ’66 would like to read about its members in this space,



Class Notes please send news to me at or call me at 203-869-5929.”

1967 Pierre Lehu (CS)

Pierre Lehu writes: “Leslie Horowitz Rahl is on a trip to India as I write this. And the Lehus and Dodges will be meeting up in France in May. Emmy Kaufman Saur Gallo wrote me with exciting news: ‘My screenplay, The Columbarium , is scheduled for production summer 2010, possibly starring William H. Macy and Diane Keaton. I’m now working on a television series, Venice Beach . I’ve also started a program teaching writing at the local homeless shelter.’ I ran into Phil Schwartz on the street as Joanne and I were looking for a restaurant and he recommended us to his favorite haunt, the Old Tavern. We enjoyed it. Thanks Phil! Since it can’t be that no one else has any news to report, I guess they’re all so busy that they haven’t had time to answer my call for news; but, just wait until my next report when they all check in!”

1968 Barbara Kates-Garnick (CA)

Penny Craven (CS)


Children of the Turimiquire Foundation, an organization William Bloomstein ’72 founded in Venezuela, make their way to school. From pre-school through high school, the Turimiquire Foundation helps provide the resources, teaching assistance, and infrastructure to strengthen Venezuela’s public school system—especially in remote rural areas where there are no roads and education has been least available. With sadness, we report the death of Dwight Pagano. Please visit the Tribute section to read more.

1971 Mindy Fischer (CA, CS)

Laurence Seegers (CS)

Michael Beckerman (CS) Laura Ward (CS)


Belinda Broido (CS, RC)

Clifford Fine (RC)



Compiled by Laura Ward: “This falls under the category of small world. John Kastan’s and my professional lives crossed paths recently. John is the Vice-President of Operations and Managed Care at St. Vincent’s Medical Center. One of his duties is to oversee the drug treatment program at St. Vincent’s. With the recent change in the

Rockefeller Drug Laws, courts are able to offer as an alternative to incarceration in the form of drug treatment. John met with me to see if the Manhattan Criminal Court System could use the services of his program. Needless to say, we were very impressed with what St. Vincent’s has to offer. It was wonderful to see John and to hear about all the work he is doing. Mindy Fischer has moved back to New York City and is living on the upper west side with her son Daniel. Daniel is attending the Heschel School and won a science fellowship in Israel. Talara Hoss has also returned to New York City. Larry Seegers is still making and selling beautiful jewelry in Katonah, NY. He recently moved to a new store in Katonah. On a personal note, Larry reported that “life is much improved—living in my little bungalow in town with gardens and my fiancée, Erika.” Congratulations, Larry. My sister Carolyn (Ward) ’74, and I visited Paul Reeder in January at his home in Pennsylvania. Paul looks GREAT. He is working out and keeping busy.”

1972 Jay Goldman (CA)

Emily Medine (CS)

Pamela Perkins (CS)

William “Willie” Witt Bloomstein reports that he has a business-tobusiness marketing communications company, Witt Creative (www., but he’s also very passionate about his human services work in northeastern Venezuela. He co-founded the Turimiquire Foundation in 1997, a small 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization that provides family planning, reproductive health, education, and sustainable development services to the rural poor. The State of Sucre is

Class Notes an extended hinterland speckled with low-income urban barrios (slums), all characterized by an utter dearth of health services. Unintended pregnancy is particularly high among rural women, and the teenage pregnancy rate is among the highest in South America. Says Willie, “We’re the only reproductive health and family planning NGO in the region, and one of a handful in the entire country. Our motto is simple: do everything we can with every dollar we receive. On a very small budget, we’ve provided reliable family planning services to more than 25,000 women and given nearly 2,000 workshops in reproductive health to more than 35,000 participants, primarily adolescents. We offer annual scholarships to rural youth seeking to finish high school, operate a rural community education center, and install solar energy and water systems in remote rural areas off the grid. All officers and board members are volunteers. On average, 95 cents of every dollar goes directly into our programs. The work is incredibly gratifying and it has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life—ranking right up there with those glory years at Friends!” Willie invites everyone to visit the Foundation at www. Nan Imbesi writes: “Still teaching exercise classes in Miami. Children Rane and Sage are in high school and taller than I am.” Emily Medine reports that she and her daughters (with a Sidwell Friends family) started a non-profit foundation: Bricks + Books = Foundation for Learning in Tanzania (www. Emily’s daughter, Jessica Schwartz, a recent graduate of George Washington University, is the Executive Director of the Foundation. Her other daughter, Samantha Schwartz, is on the Youth Board. The foundation raises funds for government school projects in and around Arusha. Emily and her daughters have gone to volunteer for the last three years. Their current project, called Imbaseni Impact, is looking for support for desperately needed classrooms. Pamela Perkins reports that she, Ronni Gordon, Nancy Rothschild, and Emily Medine, attended their “first baby’s wedding”—Tamar Shelov’s daughter’s wedding. Sarah Shelov Dillon met her husband, Walker, at a Friends School in Philadelphia.

1973 Barbara Michelson (CS)

Lisa Ernest Mierop (CS)

1974 Kenneth Grossman (CS)

Ivy Baer Sherman (CS)

1975 Francesca Bruno (CS, RC)

Wilderness in California. Nobody died. David is Director of IST-Data Services at U.C. Berkeley, and I am a Civil Court Judge in New York City. David also attended a surprise birthday party thrown for me by my wife, Chris, in May. Hebe Schafer ’78 was also in attendance. I got to surprise Timmy Baker on his 50th birthday this past fall at a party masterminded by his wife, Hsien. Chris Udell was also on hand to surprise Tim. It was great to catch up. Finally, David got his chance for another party commemorating the half-C at Hebe’s house in Montclair. Sarah Chinlund joined in the merriment and politely feigned interest while David and I went on at length about our camping trip.” With sadness, we report the death of Lissa Lowenstein Florman. Please visit the Tribute section to read more, along with an entry by classmate Julia Premm.

1978 Antonia Torres-Ramos (CS)

David Hirst (RC)

Cella Irvine (CS, RC)

1979 Darcy Flanders (CS)

Jeanne McAlister Griffiths (RC) Victoria Wightman Pierce (CS)

1976 No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office.

With sadness, we report the death of Alice “Felicity” Kittredge. Please visit the Tribute section to read more.

1980 Karen Gross Fittinghoff (CS, RC)

Michael Golden (CS, RC)

Sarah Edmunds Goodwin (CS, RC)

Compiled by Michael Golden: “Congratulations to Nina Wolff Feld! Nina’s project Chère Mamo: Letters From A Charmed Life has Apple’s attention in a big way. Initially a book project, it is now a multimedia project with a manuscript, and a web site, She has received recognition from archivists and historians at The Shoah Foundation at USC, a renowned museum in Washington DC, The YIVO Institute, The Shoah Museum in Paris, and now Apple has selected Chère Mamo as a project of note, and holds a copy in their corporate library. In February, Apple continued to push the project forward by inviting her to give a ‘Made on a Mac’ workshop about her project, at their new store near Lincoln Center. When her father hands Nina Feld a stack of letters shortly before dying, a family’s history and escape from Nazi

Peter Moulton ’77, David Greenbaum ’77, and friend on a trail in California.

1977 Suzanne Gluck (CS)

Ruth Pomerance (CS)

Peter Moulton writes: “David Greenbaum and I observed our 50th birthdays by taking a five-day backpacking trip with two other friends to the Granite Chief NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010


Class Notes occupied France during WWII is revealed through her young father’s letters home. This is a unique story of survival and optimism. When Walter Wolff returns to Europe as a “Ritchie Boy,” this American GI— himself once a persecuted German Jew—interrogates and prosecutes war criminals sending them to their fate just three years after arriving in the United States. Nina, who is fluent in four languages, has translated over 700 pages of letters from French to English and taken over 200 photographs and turned them into a graphic, often times humorous and compelling story of wartime escape and survival.” Karen Gross Fittinghoff writes from NYC: “Nothing new, just enjoying life—two girls, 9 and 13

or not. No shaving cream, Peter.” Sarah Edmunds Goodwin sends greetings from Charlotte! She writes: “As we approach the thirtieth anniversary of our high school graduation, I am getting ready for my daughter Katherine’s high school graduation in June and sending her off to college in September. I also have a 15-yearold son, Will, and a 13-year-old son, James. All other clichés aside, where did the time go? Looking through our yearbook, memories come flooding back—few of which I’d share with my kids. Seriously though, I have a hard time picturing my kids in the smoking alley! I’ve spent the last 17 years as a stay-athome mom. Thirteen of them have been in Charlotte where we moved

1981 No Class Representative. Contact the Alumni Office.

1982 Elizabeth Baer (CS)

Sarah Halley Finn (CS)

Jin Lee (CA)

Marc Rachman (CA*)

1983 Matthew Annenberg (CA)

Martha Ehrenfeld (CS)

Keith Smith (CS)

A photo of Steven Rosenthal ’84 shot in 1980 by classmate Kim Moser ’84. years old, great husband, working hard. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the spring at our reunion. Robin Tunnicliff Reid writes: “I’m still in Baltimore, writing and editing for everyone from National Geographic to friends who need essays for grad school polished up. Had a few nice trips last year to England and Sarasota (I like contrast). Had a delightful French dinner here with Peter Brandt this summer during an EPA conference he had in Bawlamer; he is as charming and funny as ever. O.K., he wasn’t so charming when he was squirting shaving cream on my tarp at Powell House decades ago, but I am trying to put it behind me. I spent Christmas with Jenny Raymond Farrell ’78 on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. We plan to be at the reunion, organized



when my husband Danny took a job at Bank of America. When I’m not driving or doing other such mom jobs, I am working on my golf game, doing Pilates, attending one of my four book clubs, volunteering in various philanthropic capacities or traveling. I’m also very lucky to still have (all of) my parents and an equally divorced/remarried set of in-laws which make holidays fun, if not chaotic for the finesse in planning. As we say in the South, I lead a very blessed life. I hope to see as many of you as possible at Reunion 2010 and if you’re not on our Facebook group already, please join Friends Seminary Class of 1980! I really enjoy keeping up with all my friends from Friends and am grateful to be reminded that those years at Friends still hold so much meaning. Cheers!”

Compiled by Martha Ehrenfeld: “This past year, I tagged along with a San Francisco friend who was looking at schools for her fiveyear-old. As a teacher, it was very interesting to visit other public school as well as some independent schools. It made me reflect back on my own experience at Friends. We toured the new location of San Francisco Friends, in the Mission in the renovated Levi Strauss clothing factory. It was just beautiful. As for those New Year’s resolutions, I am not going to take a butchering class, but will try to arrive to appointments ten minutes early! I am curious to hear from you and about your child’s educational experience and/or any special goals for 2010. Adam Ware was surprised that there was a Friends School in San Francisco (it is not that old, still expanding).” Julia Bates writes: “I am not sure I have

any deep thoughts or insights. What I can tell you is that Jamie ’22 and Will ’22 like Friends very much so far. Will is in class with Matthew Annenberg’s younger son, Nicholas, and both boys are pals with him. They rollerblade together as an after-school activity, too! It is pretty amazing to be dropping the boys off for school in the same classroom where I was in kindergarten. It is configured differently, of course, and the whole school is in better physical shape than when we were there. The Meetinghouse is still special, and a highlight of the school year for me so far was a Lower School holiday sing-a-long in that space. It was very festive and fun. Bo Lauder is a tremendous asset to the school, so I imagine our experience will just get better and better as Will and Jamie grow there. We feel at home with the families too, so, all in all, a great fit so far. We went to Montana for a fun cross country ski trip over the holidays. The boys seem to like it and really improved over the course of the week. For now, Peter and I can still ski faster, but that will likely change by the next time we all put on skis.” Michael Levine writes: “Just celebrated my son’s Bar Mitzvah. Next on the schedule is hopefully weddings, grandchildren, and I guess living in Florida over the winters. If you watch the World Series of Poker on ESPN, you might catch a glimpse of me rooting for my friend who ended up finishing in 6th place out of the 6,600 people playing. I set up a poker league in Chappaqua to sponsor someone to play in the World Series and share in the winnings, if any. We all went out to Vegas to support him and it was a ton of fun. Other than that, not that much new or exciting.” Paula Miranda McKeever writes: “After about four years since starting, my nine-year-old son and I earned our black belts in tae kwon do. What was special about it was we shared this journey together. It was a great experience. I’m one proud mama.” Susan Carmody writes: “I wish I had something new and entertaining to write but I don’t! I’ve just been staying home watching my baby grow, deciding my apartment is too small and that the part-time job market sucks.” Tim Barry writes: “I am very happily married to Mayu Yabe, who teaches art and wood-working at First Presbyterian Nursery School. Our super star seven-year-old, Kai

Class Notes Maximus, has become both a chess and soccer champion (from NYC to Tokyo!), and I am creating (designing and contracting for my company) three dream projects at the moment: 6w9, a gut renovation of an ultra-modern, minimalist townhouse; Ideal Food & Drink, a green locavore Belgian-influenced beer garden (both on lower Fifth Ave.); and finally, the GlassRock 0. house, a prototype (hopefully, the first of many) for an ultra-modern “passive house” being built this spring in Coldspring, NY. Life is good and extremely busy!” Charles Bender responds with just the facts, “My daughter, Isabelle, turned 6, son is 4.5.” No word on his son’s name, but I always love to celebrate half-birthdays! Susan Lowen Mainiatis’s birthday is my half-birthday, so I always remember to give her a call. I know she is busy, having gotten very involved in the parent organization at Sidwell Friends. I was in D.C. last spring and went with her to pick up her daughter. She pointed out where the secret service waits for Sasha; no sign of Bo. I was happy to run into a new book by Nick Bruel. His “Bad Kitty” series is a big hit with my nieces, we are all excited about Bad Kitty Gets a Bath . Nick writes: “On January 6th, I was part of a four-person-panel of writers at Friends who spoke with seniors about the glamorous lifestyle of making a living as a writer. I had a great time, and MAN-OH-MAN has that school changed since back in the day. On a personal note, my wife Carina and I have a magnificent two-year-old daughter named Isabel now.” As for more artists in the class, I was sorry to miss Glenna Allee’s art opening “Refractions,” in the trendy Nopa area of San Francisco. If you want to see some more beautiful art, check out Jennifer Geldard’s glass beads at www. Thanks for the updates everyone, still trying to squeeze some news out of all of you. I recently “friended” Colin Eversley in Baltimore, and Emily Issacs Samuels and Jennifer Berman in NYC. I would love to get the whole class there online. I know some of you are not into Facebook but it would be great to get everyone together. Our 30th (gulp) reunion is not that far away! All the best, Martha.”

Rebecca Moore ’84 with Ann Sullivan, a former Friends English teacher, college counselor, and development director. Today, Ann is head of School of the Holy Child in Rye, NY. The two recently met up at a school conference in NYC, where Ann was one of the presenters.

1984 Suzanne Gottlieb Calleja (CS)

Class of 1984 classmates Dan Blum, left, and Lucas Miller in the VIP lounge at Greenwich Treehouse in January.

Alexandra Levinsohn (CS)

Rebecca Moore (CS)

Rebecca Moore writes: “Lucas Miller and Jen Sale’s daughter, Alice Quisenberry, was born on December 17, 2009.”

1985 Linda Baer (CS, RC)

Philip Fisher (CA*)

Rendall Howell (RC)

Anne Kner (CS, RC)

Julie Raggio (RC)

Class of 1984 mini-reunion in January. From left: Lucas Miller, Rebecca Moore, Alex Levinsohn and Matt Samton.

1986 Schuyler Allen-Kalb (CS)

1987 Ellen Deutsch Diamond (CS)

Rachel Shapiro Axinn (CA)

Robin Weiswasser Markus (CS)

Nathaniel Caldwell (CS)

Leslie Werthamer Rottenberg (CS)

Lida Moore Musso (CA)

In October, Jessica “Tiffany” Queller gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Sophia Maeve.

Compiled by Robin Weiswasser Markus: Rosie McLaughlin writes: “After many years on the west coast and a few in Mexico, I’ve come back to my ancestral home. I’m about to start my second semester of a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling at SUNY New Paltz and I live in beautiful High Falls, New York.” Doug Budin



Class Notes 1989

Jennifer Frangos (CS)

Bess Abrahams (CS) Nicolo Marcellino (RC) Jordan Barowitz (CA) Todd Solomon (CA) Weston Konishi (CA)

Amy Leshanski (CA)

Jonathan Feder ’87 in Cape Town, South Africa in early December for the 2010 World Cup Draw. writes: “I wish I had more exciting things to report about me, but all is pretty much good and normal here in L.A. I got a new dog (black Lab named Hudson) and am auditioning. I had a recurring role last season as a history teacher (I channeled Charlie Blank) on a CW show. An old friend is a photographer who shoots a lot for Conde Nast Traveler and I have been really lucky to travel with him assisting on photo shoots. In the last two years, we have been to Stockholm, Prague, Madrid, Sydney and Sicily, so that’s been a fantastic way to see the world with a friend. I can report that Kate Hampton is engaged! She is currently on tour with Spring Awakening (as is her fiancé )and was in L.A. around Thanksgiving with the show and stayed with me. I am enjoying seeing everyone on Facebook! Please note my update email address:” Jonathan Feder writes: “Met up with Seth Price in Washington, D.C. in October. Went to Cape Town, Shelley Levin ’87 submitted a photo of trusty canine, Chance.

South Africa in early December for the 2010 World Cup Draw. It was nice to be in a warm place in winter time, if only for a few days. Going back to South Africa for seven weeks in late May for the actual competition. All else is pretty much the same.” Kim Starr writes: “I might see Tom (Seller), Jon, Damon (Mitchell), Sumi (Ports) and Rosie (McLaughlin) at the end of February, so I’m sure we will have something good to report. After a 21-year absence, Shelley Levin has moved back to NYC! She is living with her dog, Chance, in Stuyvesant Town, just a few blocks from our alma mater and down the street from Paul Testa! She is busy building a freelance writing career. “

1988 Cory Diamond (CA*)

Alexander Kriney (CS)

Jennifer Padgett Orser (CA)


Indira Wiegand (CS)


1991 Nicholas Testa (CS)

Diana Sherman Whittles (CA, CS)

Lateef Bost (CA, RC)

Nicole Davis (CS, RC)

Daphne Dufresne (CA)

Aara Kupris Menzi, Aaron and Valdis would like to announce the arrival of Liev Kupris Menzi. She writes: “He was born on Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 7:14 a.m., weighing 9 lbs. 9oz; 22 inches long. It was a long first night of Hanukkah, but what a joyous gift! He was welcomed, surrounded by family, and celebrated with champagne and birthday cake.”

Jeffrey Mandelbaum ’91 in his senior year book photo.

Wyeth McAdam (CS)


Joshua Wachs (CA)

Meredith Evans Raiford writes: “My baby boy arrived Sunday, November 15 at 11:20 p.m. His name is Evan Amir Raiford, and he weighed 7 lbs. 1.6 oz. and was 19.25 inches long. We are both fine and healthy and my husband, Matthew, helped us through it all.”

Class Notes Helen Rhim (CS)

Elizabeth Grace (RC)


Sarah Greenbaum (CS)

wedding party: Nick Bowers ’94 (older brother; best man), Sam Freedman, Josh Lappin, and Orestes Benitez.” Dana Hatfield and her husband, Rob, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail.


Jodyann Blagrove (CS) Melissa Miles (RC)

Sam Hofstetter (CS)

Liev Kupris Menzi the son of Aara Kupris Menzi ’91.


Stephanie Davis Hazelkorn (CS)

Bonnie Morris (CS) Lee Rothchild (CA, CS)

Alexandra Zissu (CS)

Compiled by Alexandra Zissu: “Anna Crafton Walker reports that Wyatt Oliver Crafton Walker was born in September 2009. Get on Facebook and “friend” Anna! Wyatt’s pictures are to die for. If you’re not already on Facebook, you’re missing out on more than Wyatt. Many of our graduating class are ‘friends’; and still others who didn’t graduate with us, but were with us over the years, have found each other. It’s a great way to have a virtual reunion, to keep tabs on people in the classes above us and below us, and to get news from Friends. Join us. As for me, my daughter is now 4 and as hilarious as ever. She’s in nursery school with several children of Friends alumni. Very sweet. My second book, The Conscious Kitchen: The New Way to Buy and Cook Food —to Protect the Earth, Improve Your Health, and Eat Deliciously comes out March 2. I’m currently fast at work on my third and fourth books, which will be out in 2011, one with Seventh Generation and the other with Fleisher’s Grassfed and Organic Meats. Life is full and busy. I recently saw Jessica “Jess” Wapner and hope to see more of her soon. I also saw Aundrea Fares yelling on the HBO show, Bored To Death , a few months back. Very fun sighting! Write me/ friend me/email me and let me know what you’re up to.”

1993 Sandra Jelin Plouffe (CS)

Compiled by Jodyann Blagrove: “After being hit by the recession, I recently landed a job working for the General Services Administration in Fort Worth, Texas. I have not bought any cowboy boots, but would like to say howdy to my fellow classmates. Here are some updates on 1994 grads. Sami Liebman is busy as a reporter at NY1 and is covering upcoming Fashion Week. Stephanie Davis Hazelkorn and her husband Todd Hazelkorn welcomed their first child, Eve, in May 2009. Sara Garlick is still living in Brooklyn Heights and loving work at Absolute Return for Kids. Annie Herrick’s second daughter, Genevieve, was born May 23 and she joins Margot who is 5. Annie is still living in Red Hook, Brooklyn and working as a social worker at the counseling center at St. Francis College. Danny Owen will be entering his third season as Production Manager for City Parks Foundation’s Central Park SummerStage. Sharonda Callender Ware is approaching her tenth wedding anniversary this August. Sharonda is also getting a Masters in Real Estate at Georgetown while working as a Realtor in DC, MD and VA. Please feel free to ask her any real estate questions you may have. They now have two boys and a girl ages 7, 4, and 2. Fellow Friends alum Alice Blumenthal ’94 designed her wedding gown. Another alum, Jodyann Blagrove, is her daughter’s godmother.”

1995 Benjamin Ensminger-Law (CS)


Melanie Sackheim (CA)

Sarah Cox (CA, CS)


Natalie Nymark (CS)

Adam Honig (CS)


Andrew Laird (CS)

Brian Davis (CS)

Dave Bowers ’97 and wife Mary on their wedding day.

Janelle Garrett (CS)

Jessie Chaffee reports that she is teaching at The Cathedral School of St. John the Divine as well as The City College of New York, where she is completing an MFA in Creative Writing. Dave Bowers writes: “My beautiful wife Mary and I were married June 20, 2009...I know...I has taken me a little while to post this message. I feel like I have just submitted late homework to Ms. Moustakis. The wedding ceremony was quite intimate, just our immediate families. The ceremony took place in our new home in the Flatiron section of Manhattan, just a few blocks from Friends. We went on honeymoon in Italy and then came back and threw two massive parties (one in downtown Manhattan; one in Columbia, South Carolina, where Mary is from) to celebrate with our friends and extended families. Friends alum attending the NYC NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010


Class Notes Russell Labiner (CS)

Jennifer Rothchild (RC)

Rebecca Sadek-Blumenfeld (RC)

Courtney Vargas (RC)

David Lloyd ’00, of Social Hero, is performing all over the northeast with bandmates Brandon Lotti ’00 and Griffin Lotti ’03. (Photo by Ed Marshall)


Lisa Hofstetter (CS)

David Gilbert (CS) Fred Isquith (CS)

Play Ball!



Compiled by Fred Isquith: “I just graduated in May 2009 from Syracuse University, where I received my JD from the College of Law, and my Masters in Public Administration from the Maxwell School. I am currently working for a boutique law firm in New York City, focusing primarily on antitrust and securities litigation.” Mauri Bailey is a member of New York’s finest (NYPD) where she has been working for the past four years. When not

protecting the people of New York City, she has found time to raise a wonderful baby boy Anakin, (born July 7, 2009), and is engaged to be married in the near future to Gavin Belarmino. Peter Bierhorst graduated from Harvard University with a degree in Math. After spending a few years exploring the United States and assisting in teaching the youth of America, Peter is back in the world of academia. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Tulane University. Robert “Rob” Farren completed his undergraduate degree in Music at Indiana University. He is currently in New York City, where he continues to share his passion for music by both composing and teaching. Robert is engaged to be married to Nikki Gold, sometime in the fall. After graduating from New York University, Morgan Kaschak held positions at Apple and NYU. Morgan is now entering his fourth year at Major League Baseball Advanced Media ( At, Morgan is the Manager of Paid Content where he markets subscription services and offers customer support for streaming

On November 28, alumni convened in East River Park to continue the tradition of the Alumni Soccer game held the Saturday after Thanksgiving each year. (Photo by Janet Winter)

Class Notes Major League Baseball games over the Internet. David Lloyd, who is the lead singer of Friends Seminary’s own rock band, Social Hero, is performing all over the northeast with bandmates Brandon Lotti and Griffin Lotti ’03. The band just finished their first album with the help of a Grammy award-winning engineering team. David looks forward to shooting a music video back where the band started, in the hallowed halls of Friends Seminary. Until then, videos and music from the band can be found at www. Matthew Metnetsky graduated from Syracuse University and moved to Connecticut where he is currently a Lead Software Engineer for Konica Minolta. Matthew is also excited to announce his marriage to Tara Trifon; the two were married on February 12, 2010. The Class of 2000 wishes them a happy and healthy life together. Rebecca Sadek-Blumenfeld writes: “I got married this past June and four of my bridesmaids also graduated from Friends in 2000: Madeline Howe, Courtney Vargas, Ariella Willoughby-Naiditch, and Erica

Newman. My brother, Zach Sadek ’98, was a groomsman.”

Australia for a life of surf, sun, and music.”



Ashley Herriman (CS)

Richard Barbieri (CS)

Daniel Willner (CS)

2004 Jennifer Conrad (CS)

Joanna Shapiro (CS)

Joanna Hunter (CS) Legacy Russell (CS)

Joanna “Joey” Shapiro writes: “One year away from their 10th reunion, the Class of 2001 continues to stay active in the Friends community with seven 01-ers coming out to the first annual Alumni Basketball Game on Dec. 18. Familiar faces from their days in Friends uniforms, Gabe Griggs, Peter Hagen, Tolliver Hart, Matt Seltzer and Shivan Secheran all returned to the Owl’s hardwood for the matchup, while Ashley Herriman and I came out to show our support. Andrew Ousley, unfortunately, was unable to attend as he recently relocated to Sydney,

Nicolaas van der Meer (CS) James Sumers (CS, CA)

2003 Hallie Davison (CS)

2005 Cole Blumstein (CS)

Eric Obenzinger (CA*) Phillip Brest (CS)

Alumni returned for the Alumni Basketball Game on December 18. During the event, Coach David Lieber was honored for his 20th season coaching the Varsity Boys Basketball Team.

Alumni basketball players pose for a photo with Coach Debbie Ferretti during the Alumni Basketball Game.

Coach David Lieber watches his players during the Alumni Basketball Game. NEWS FROM FRIENDS SPRING 2 010


Class Notes 2006

Leslie Chin (RC)

Aaron Bloch (CS)

2007 Rachel Colberg-Parseghian (CA, CS)

Nusrat Chowdhury (CS, RC) Zuzanna Drozdz (CS) Taylor Owens (CS)

Sarah Derbew (RC) Cory López (CS)

Jacqueline Seegers (CS)

Sam Rabinowitz (CS, RC) Cameron McCully (CS)

Brandon “Troy” Whittington, a junior at Williams College, lead the nation in field goal percentage (Div. III basketball), shooting an incredible 70.4% from the field.

Brandon “Troy” Whittington ’07 in action earlier this year.

2008 Hayden Hatch (CA)

Marc Mechanic (CA)

Jackson Sinder (CS)

Alexander Winter (CS)

2009 Claire Brennan (CS)

Lauren Chin (CS)

Allison Hartel (CS)

Joel Hochman (CA)



Cristian Lopez-Balboa (CA)

Compiled by Lauren Chin: Travis Bogosian directed Blue State Romance , which won the 48 hour Ivy Film Festival competition. He also worked on an untitled short film from December to February and is working at the Brown Development Office doing administrative management. Claire Brennan and Desiree Mitton continued their conflict resolution work in Bermuda in October 2009. Leaders and trainers for the Youth Peace-Builder’s Network (YPN), Claire and Desiree were sponsored by the Bermudian government and the YouthNet program to construct and carry out a weeklong peace-building initiative. High school students in Bermuda are currently victims of school bullying and gang violence, and concerns over racial and socioeconomic tensions have risen throughout the country. The YPN team presented at numerous private and public schools and recruited over twenty-five students to take part in a full-day peace-building/ conflict resolution training. The experience was profound, as issues of violence, prejudice, conflict and peace were tackled. It became an opportunity for youth to listen to, be heard by, and learn from youth. Claire and Desiree began their peacebuilding work whilst attending Friends Seminary. Both helped to create a joint peace club between Friends and the neighboring Washington Irving School; an experience that prepared them well for their work in Bermuda. Claire and Desiree will return to Bermuda in 2010. At Connecticut College, Claire spent her first semester managing the Mens Basketball Team, was the Public Relations officer of the Arabic Club, and was an active member of the Connecticut College Democrats club. Lauren Chin is a member of “Iced Brew,” Vassar’s Synchronized Ice Skating Team, a member of the French Culture Club, and spent a week of winter break with the Vassar Ski team in Sugarbush, VT. Jo-Sar Davis-Dacio writes: “Getting used to the Atlanta metro area was difficult, because no city is like New York City. Slowly but surely, I am getting used to the area, but I have also come to the realization that a car

Class Notes

Recent artwork by Sophia Fox-Dichter ’09.

is a must. That aside, academically, my first semester of college is going well. I applied and was accepted into the Minority Biomedical Research Support‚ the Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (MBRS RISE) Program, which will allow me to have some scientific/lab experience. I will be working under a professor at Georgia Tech who specializes in artificial limbs from an engineering angle, which is my major. Besides that I’m currently taking classes to become a certified scuba diver. I think these opportunities are only the tip of the iceberg, but I believe these are the highlights of my schedule. Thanks for reading.” Julia Dratel writes: “I am keeping busy at UChicago but having a lot of fun (contrary to popular belief that it is where “fun comes to die”). I’m still singing with the Jazz Combo and hosting my radio show, Souled and New, on WHPK (which everybody can listen to online by going to I also got into two University Theater productions this quarter, playing the nurse in Romeo and Juliet as well as the Corinthian messenger in Oedipus the King.” Jordan Feinstein reports that he is in the scuba club and is getting scuba certified. Sophia Fox-Dichter plans on spending the summer in St. Louis to take classes

in photography and fashion design. Allison Hartel was nominated for the Fall 2009 Elmer Markham Johnson and Rice Prizes in the John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell University for outstanding writing. Nick Kokkinis reports that he would prefer to remain an enigma. Lia McCaffery reports that she went to the Florida Keys to get her scuba certification over winter break.” William “Billy” Robinson writes: “I am looking forward to my next semester at Wheaton. I am following my interest in animation, as I will be taking an animation class and computer science. I also plan to be in the orchestra next semester and continue playing cello.” Samantha Tharler went to London and Paris, and is making clothes and enjoying learning to sew. She is a Fashion major at the University of Delaware. Emma Weinstein writes: “I’m a member of Skidmore’s JV Polo team, tried out crew this past fall, and am a member of the Random Arts and Crafts club where we make anything from decoupage plates to pillows to shot glasses to dreamcatchers.” Nicole “Nicki” Zenker played Colgate University club soccer and basketball, and played Bingo with the elderly.

The Class of 2009 pose for a photo in the Meetinghouse during their senior year in November 2008.

News From Friends spring 2 010


Class Notes Tribute Vittoria Salvatore Demarest ’36 of Cooperstown, died Friday, August 7, 2009 after a brief illness. She was 90. Vittoria attended Friends and then graduated from the Knox School in Cooperstown. She attended Skidmore College for two years and graduated from the Traphagen School of Design in New York City. For several years, she wrote a column on clothing design for small newspapers and magazines, including Parents, Enterprise, Yankee and Woman’s Day. After her marriage to the late William Demarest, she lived in Guilford, CT. In 1973, she returned to Cooperstown and served on the boards of Glimmerglass Opera, Otsego SPCA, Otsego County Conservation Association, Cooperstown Art Association and the Bassett Hospital Auxiliary. Her primary interest was the opera. Besides helping with countless benefit programs, she wrote personal “thank you” notes to every donor—as many as 100-plus a year. After she resigned from the opera Board, she was listed as an “honorary trustee.” Vittoria was the daughter of the well-known sculptor, Victor Salvatore, and the former Ellen Ryerson, whose father, Arthur Ryerson, died in the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Surviving are her son, David of San Anselmo, CA; a sister, Elena Raymond of Brooklyn; a brother, Victor Salvatore, Jr., and sister-in-law Martha McGowan of Cooperstown and Sarasota, FL.

Anne Thomas Stevens ’45 died January 7, 2010 in Essex, CT. Anne was born in Manhattan, and after graduating from Friends, she



attended Bryn Mawr College where she received her AB degree magna cum laude in 1949. She lived in Cambridge, MA for many years where she was an editor at Harvard’s East Asian Research Center. Anne married Frank Stevens in 1970. They moved to Deep River, CT in 1974; to Stonington, CT in 1983; and to Essex, CT in 2006. Anne spent 25 years making double-crostic puzzles with Frank for their own small mail-order business, first in Deep River and then in Stonington. In addition to a life-long interest in language, words, and books, she enjoyed swimming, needle-point and piano playing. She is survived by her husband and her son, Stephen W. Harby, as well as a step-daughter and stepson, and four grandchildren. Marion Hausner Pauck ’45 writes: “Anne Thomas Stevens was one of the most brilliant members of our class. She wore her learning lightly; her wit and sense of humor were good companions. She was a remarkable human being, intelligent and discerning, economical in thought and generous in deed. She was gifted, but never a show-off. We all regarded her highly, though few knew her well. Her life was well-lived and her directness and honesty highly valued. We loved her and we shall miss her greatly.” Jill Underhill Ligenza ’45 writes: “Anne Thomas Stevens, for whom schoolwork always took less time than it did for the rest of us, was also the class wit and could be exceedingly funny, as she remained for the rest of her life. She graduated from Bryn Mawr at the top of her class, moved to France and wrote a novel (never published) set in Paris. Always a private person, she made up double-crostics for her more literary friends while she and her husband divided their time among Stonington, CT, Maine, and Santa Barbara, CA. She remained close friends with several fellow students at Friends until the end of her life.” Connie Bartlett Hieatt ’45 writes: “When we were seniors at Friends, Anne and I had pretty sterling reputations: we were both good students; I was president of the class, and thought to do a good job of keeping meetings in order (according to comments made by classmates in my yearbook), and Anne was famous for her rapid composition of admirable sonnets. I recall her doing just that in what

must have been about 20 minutes of retirement from the rest of us at a class party. Those who knew her socially could not have helped observe her tendency to play the clown; I recall a party in my parents’ apartment where my father was astounded to find her crawling under the dining room table. I think she was smoking a cigarette in a long holder, and was trying to evade his notice. But classmates may not have known that our lifelong friendship began with the common composition of some far less admirable verse in elementary school. A typical example: Have you ever seen a circus / Or a squashed and muddy crocus / Or the faces that a drunk guy often makes / Or a frightened mollycoddle / Who drinks whisky by the bottle / And by that you know his stomach always aches. This misguided composition continued with unkind comments about the appearance of a certain classmate when playing baseball. Not that Anne and I were examples of athletic grace and prowess ourselves: in high school, we were happy to be exused from gym to do errands in a local hospital (“war work”) about twice a week. But our sernior year began with a meeting called by Mrs. Amrein who announced, “This year everyone takes gym, even Anne and Connie.” So for the rest of the year Anne and I played ping pong on the gym balcony, while our classmates played basketball or the like below. And we got pretty good at ping pong with all that practice. But we also continued our fun and games in other ways—principally by our activity in editing the school newspaper, The Radiator, its motto was “Heat but No Light.” Fortunately, Marion [Hausner Pauck] was also one of the staff, and I suspect she reigned us in when our sense of humor got out of hand. And Madame Carmen had a hand in censoring some of our other proposed contributions to the merriment of the community. I forgot whether it was the class play or perhaps class day verses when our suggestions did not meet with her approval. As old age approached, we decided to end our days, along with our husbands, Kent Hieatt and Frank Stevens, in Essex Meadows, a “Continuing Care” retirement community. There is a ping pong table in Essex Meadows, but I suspect we had pretty well lost our

skill by now and we never tried to use it. Nor had we written any scurrilous verse for a long time, although Anne’s husband, as editor of the newsletter, Meadowords, would have been delighted to print anything not positively scandalous. I don’t know that I can do anything in that line to oblige Frank now: the only ‘verse’ I’ve written in some time has been double dactyls, and Anne’s name is difficult to squeeze into dactyls.”

James “Jerry” Warren ’45 died January 13, 2009. He was 81. He attended middle school at Friends from 1938 to 1941 and then Westminster School for high school. After high school, he attended Princeton where he majored in Public and International Affairs, graduating with high honors. He was a Woodrow Wilson School summer fellow to Scandinavia in 1949. Jim served in the Army Air Force from 1946 to 1947. Jim’s work career started with the Marshall Plan in Greece. Upon returning to Washington, he left government service and took a position with Esso Standard Hellas, a subsidiary of what is now Exxon. Further career activities included oil-refining strategies in countries in the developing world. Throughout his life, Jim remained a fierce defender of U.S. accomplishments in postwar Greece. His survivors include Marge Lesser Benjamin, his wife of 19 years; five children from his first marriage to Gail Dinsmore Warren, Michael, Timothy, James, Kate, and Alexandra Martin; and his stepsons, Jon and Lee Benjamin. With sadness, Anne deMille Berson reports with that her mother, Judith Fineman Donelan ’48, died on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at The Memorial Hospital at Easton. She was 78. She was born on June 17,

Class Notes 2008, when he was very sick. I am amazed he lasted as long as he did. My favorite DMP memory at Friends was Mrs. Fisher-Northrop sailing down the hall during class change, demanding “Who is whistling??!!” Dwight responded, breezy and offthe-cuff, “I am. What do you have against happy people?”

1931 in Los Angeles, CA to the late Margaret George deMille Doughman and B.P. Fineman. She is survived by three children, David William Berson, Anne deMille Berson and James J. Donelan; and eight grandchildren: Sarah Berson, Matt Berson, Emily Berson, Julia Margaret deMille Jesu, Stephen Camberling Jesu, Parker Donelan, Thatcher Donelan and Channing Donelan. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Academy of Arts Museum, 206 South Street, Easton, MD 21601; Easton Choral Arts Society, PO Box 13, Easton, MD 21601; or the Talbot County Humane Society, 7894 Ocean Gateway, Easton, MD 21601. Of course, for anyone from Friends, donations may be made in honor of her name to Friends. She always spoke so fondly of Friends and I know she had many close friends in her class of 23. If anyone would like to contact her daughter, Anne deMille Berson, she can be reached at 410-763-6607. Her address is 112 Talbot Street, Easton, MD 21601.

Linda Patterson Diaz ’70 writes: “Dwight M. Pagano ’70, whom I knew since nursery school, died July 1, 2009, weeks shy of his 57th birthday. He had been ill for quite a while. I last saw him in January

Lissa Lowenstein Florman ’77 with her husband, Jon. Lissa Lowenstein Florman ’77 of Brookline passed away on Sunday, January 24, 2010. She was 50. Lissa, devoted wife of Dr. Jonathan Florman, loving mother of Hannah, Lucy and Sylvie, daughter of Dr. Jerome and Lois Lowenstein, sister of Dr. Benjamin Lowenstein and daughter-in-law of Samuel and Judith Florman had served as Executive Director of PALS Children’s Chorus of Brookline. She was a gifted teacher and a beautiful dancer, supporter and board member of Green Street Studios. Friends Seminary classmate Julia Prem ’77 writes: “Liss lit up any room she was in. She did it as a child, a teenager, and as an adult. She was a quirky beauty. Her neck was magnificent. It was a joy to be in her presence. If you hadn’t seen Lissa since high school, the girl you might remember having loved, admired, been jealous of, been friends with, been pissed at, had a crush on, flirted with, danced with, cut class with, hung out with, saw Alvin Alley with, shared great music with, or any combination thereof, would have been completely recognizable to you had you had the opportunity to know her at any time throughout her life. Lissa did life well. She always involved herself in cool things, most having to do with young people, the arts, or both. She was a great teacher. She attended dance class always. She married a man she loved, named Jon Florman, in 1986. They stayed in love. She thrived on being a mother and was artful at it. She lived her life fully. And then she

died, at home, in her bed, being held by her daughters Hannah, Lucy, and Sylvie, her husband, and her parents. It doesn’t get much better than that. I love you Liss.”

Alice “Felicity” Kittredge ’79, died unexpectedly, Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at her home. She was 48. Born in New York City, December 17, 1960, she was the daughter of Marjorie Heyneman and Thomas Mayer. She was educated in New York schools. Following high school Alice studied art for one year at Bennington College, before transferring to Skidmore College, and graduating at the top of her class. She later attended graduate school at the Maryland School of Art. While studying there, she was one of six students in consideration for a Yale Art Scholarship. For several years Alice was employed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Moving to Maine, Alice was an enthusiastic member of the local art community. She held an art studio at 407 Main Street in Rockland where she encouraged many women in their own art endeavors. Predeceased by her mother, Alice is survived by her father Thomas Mayer of New York, an uncle Robert Heyneman of Chapel Hill, NC, as well as many friends. Caroline “Lyn” Vlaskamp, who taught at Friends Seminary for thirteen years from 1987 to 2000, passed away peacefully in her sleep early January 6, 2010 at home in Alexandria, VA. She was 79. Lyn was a beloved teacher, mentor, friend, and mother. Lyn was involved in education for more than thirty years. Prior to coming to Friends Seminary she taught at Moorestown Friends School and Montclair Kimberley Academy, both in New

Jersey. After retiring, she “unretired” for a brief stint as a librarian in the New York City public school system. Lyn also was active in the National Council for the Social Studies for many years. Lyn graduated from Wittenberg in 1952 and received her Master of Arts in Religious Education from Hartford Seminary in 1957. In 1994, at the age of 63, she received her Doctorate of Education from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. Lyn’s passion for helping others extended beyond her professional life. Over the years, she was engaged in many community programs including adult literacy, GED, and most recently, English as a Second Language. In addition, she was an active member of the Religious Society of Friends in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area, Montclair and Brooklyn, where her main interests were issues related to social concerns and social justice. For more information, visit http://memorialwebsites.legacy. com/LynVlaskamp.

Friends Seminary art teacher Maureen Mullen passed away on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. Daphne Taylor and Phyllis Trout, two close friends and colleagues of Maureen write: “Maureen embodied the idea



Class Notes that beauty is necessary and that our task is to make the necessary beautiful. A passionate artist/ educator, she was well read and travelled. Her ability to imagine was not private. Her imagination gave her deep compassion to listen and understand others. She was forgiving and flexible with a keen sense of justice and ethics. Maureen spoke truth to power so it could be heard. Her classroom/studio was filled with a calm wonder and an engaging sense of possibility. She taught her students how to listen to their inner voice through the art making process. Maureen chose to teach Lower School because she understood that childhood is both finite and forever. As an artist she knew the wisdom of children that we can lose as adults. She inhabited the country of childhood and grew with her students. Maureen gave us all tools and language with which to approach life’s mysteries. We miss her deeply.”

Ralph C. Menapace III ’85 passed away on Monday, March 29, 2010,



four months before his 43rd birthday. Win Peniston ’85 writes: “Ralph and I became good friends as roommates at St. Georges, a boarding school in Newport, RI, and this friendship deepened when we both transferred to Friends in our junior years. News of his passing was a particular shock to me, but it brought back many fond memories of our time together at St. George’s and Friends. I would like to think that the seeds for what Ralph went on to accomplish, were planted during these formative years. Before Ralph passed away, he fought heroically through tremendous pain but ultimately his heart gave out. He died as he lived—with dignity and on his own terms. Although his life was cut short, he took advantage of his time with us and packed in a lifetime full of travel, education, culture and fine living. A graduate of the University of Rochester and of Suffolk University, Ralph is survived by his mother and stepfather, Nathalie and Marshall Cox, by his brother, Jamie Menapace, and by his sister, brother-in-law and Nephew, Nancy, Jamey and Benjamin Wilson. He lived and worked in Boston, MA., and was a newly elected member of the Board of Governors of the Union Club of Boston. The funeral service was held on Tuesday, April 6 at St. Thomas More R.C. Church on East 89th Street. A number of his classmates from Friends’ Seminary were in attendance.” Gabrielle “Gaby” Lampert ’09 died unexpectedly of unknown causes on Tuesday, March 16, 2010, in her Manhattan home. She is

survived by her father, Jonathan Lampert, and her paternal grandmother, E. Louise Lampert. Gaby was born February 12, 1991, in Manhattan, where she lived her entire life. Her mother died when Gaby was six years old and her father, a psychiatrist and family therapist, raised her. “We were a package deal,” he said. According to her father, Gaby “had a real knack for people” and was always surrounded by many friends. “She was like a social networking power center,” he said. “I nowhere near had the capacity at her age to have the depth of relationships with people [she had]. It in general comes much later in life, and she early on had that.” Many of these relationships were with friends she had known since kindergarten, fellow students at Friends Seminary. “Our home was like a combination of a youth hostel, a wayward youth home, drop-in clinic, and we always had tons and tons of kids here,” Dr. Lampert said. Gaby’s oldest friend was Val Smosna. Gaby “really was the most important person in my life,” said Smosna. “She

gave me a lot of confidence. I don’t even know how to describe it, but if I could pick anyone who really changed my life, it was her.” She described Gaby as smart, strong, generous, always mature in her peer group and, above all, supportive. “She was so strong, so happy. Even when she wasn’t happy, she was just really great about doing things for friends, unbelievably so,” she said. “She really taught me how to stand up for myself. She taught me not to accept unnecessary rules, conventions, whatever.” Gaby was buried in Beth David Cemetery in Elmont, Long Island, and her funeral “was packed,” Dr. Lampert said. From all over the United States and from abroad, Gaby’s many friends flew in to New York to attend her funeral. “They poured in, they wanted to look at every inch of her room, they wanted every detail of where she was,” he said. Her father anointed her with her favorite fragrance, and she was buried with notes and mementos from her friends and father and Tibetan Buddhist beads blessed by the Dalai Lama. “They loved her, so deeply as did I—there really are no words to describe the loss.” In a recent interview with The Kenyon Collegian newspaper, Dr. Lampert recalled watching Princess Diana’s funeral on television with six-year-old Gaby. He said that the final paragraph of Charles’s eulogy for Diana reminds him of Gaby. He read that paragraph, replacing Diana’s name with Gaby’s: “’the unique, the complex, the extraordinary, the irreplaceable life of Gaby, whose beauty both internal and external will never be extinguished from our lives.’ It’s really true,” he said. | f

M E E T N E W C O - C H A I R S T H AT J O I N E D T H I S Y E A R F O R A T W O - Y E A R T E R M

Eric Obenzinger ’03, Alumni Annual Fund Co-Chair “I volunteer for and donate to Friends because it shaped who I am in ways that other institutions haven’t; Friends is a unique place in New York, and I want to help it grow for the next generation.”

Friends Annual Fund Silence. Study. Service.

Elizabeth Lyons Stone ’60, Alumni Annual Fund Co-Chair “For many years now it has been a no-brainer to me to support the school which gave me so much. As an interested alumna, I have followed the development of the School, and continue to be impressed by its expansion of offerings both academic and in the area of service, and by the increasingly diverse population of its students.”

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