Article for the old town conference (draugiska zona 2 2009)

Page 7

6:05pm - 6:10pm Bridging the other side. Woman caring a spot light comes out of the toilet and walks to the riverbank. She asks passer-by (if there) to help here carry the light. The light has to bridge one side of the river with the other side. She puts on the light and directs it to the other side of the water – she sings a song.

Illustration 11 - Bridging the Other Side

7:05pm - 7:10pm Woman invites into the bar. Woman bar owner comes out and invites every one to come in for a free beer –shooting and waving her hand: Please just enjoy the local.

3. CONCLUDING REMARKS At the outset we remarked that this work may be puzzling because it chose to foreground narratives through the medium of performed actions.

It involved over 7

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