Proclamation(final)submission (2011)

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Arts and March `2, 2011

*** Programme information

We would like to invite you discuss: what roles the Arts Council can play in developing a new programme of cultural equality in Ireland? In December 2010 we submitted our response to the Council’s Strategic Overview and outlined our concerns about the absence of a plan for cultural inclusion. We think it is particularly timely for a open conversation about the public value of the arts as a contributor to greater solidarity and equality in families and communities in Ireland. Our consideration is based upon three facts: (1) Who pays for the Arts? In 2010, the Arts Council received €68 million of which just over €65 million came from the National Lottery. The Lotto revenue is gathered disproportionately from lower socio economic groups like unskilled workers, unemployed and low education qualifications. From the available data it is almost certain that the substantial public money spent on the arts is regressive meaning it is a transfer of resources from the less well off to the better well off. References: NESF 2007, pp. 63-64 // Arts Council, 1987, Section 1.3.1 (2) People with lower educational attainment, social class and income are many times less likely to attend a range of arts events. And if you are over 45 you are much more likely to attend no arts events at all. References: ESRI, 2008, pp. 8, 13, 58n. (3) At a local level, the awareness of Local Authority arts officers and local arts centres is heavily skewed towards those in more advantaged groups. Furthermore,

none of the mainstream arts organisations are required by any national policy to prioritise cultural inclusion. References: ESRI, 2008, p. 58 // NESF, 2007, p.108 Our agenda for the discussion will be based upon three priorities: (1) That we advocate for the introduction of a positive duty for the Arts Council to have due regard to equality and human rights in carrying out their functions and to implement positive action measures to make real equality in service provision. (2) That we plan with over 300 Family Resource Centres and Community Development Projects around the country to find new ways for communities to participate in their own expressive life and access their own practices. (3) That we develop a State of the Arts indicator set in which cultural rights and equality is named, measured and reported. I do hope we can organise a time of mutual convenience where we can meet together. Best wishes.

Ed Carroll

Ross Coughlan Who is Everyone?.jpg

*** Organiser: Blue Drum

Partners: European Anti Poverty Network Equality Rights Alliance Claiming Our Future

Information Partner:

Further information Gillian Keogan 01-8771446

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