Fast, Fresh, and Fun

Page 10

Cinnamon Oatmeal with Apples and Milk




-----------------------------------Oatmeal is an early favorite food of children, so it’s good to know about the different types, as their cooking times vary. Rolled oats, also known as old-fashioned or regular oats, are processed by steaming oat kernels and then rolling them into flakes. These cook faster than steel-cut oats, which are oats that have been hulled and cut rather than rolled. Quick oats and instant oats are processed the same way as rolled oats, but are rolled more thinly and cook the quickest. All of these types are whole grain, so the nutrition stays the same even though the texture changes. Let your children choose their own fresh or dried fruit toppings, such as chopped apple or banana, raisins, or dried cranberries.


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