2024 Convention Breakout Sessions

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BREAKOUT SESSION DESCRIPTIONS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Consumer Trends Talk: What's on the Horizon?

Sunday, Feb 18 | 8:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Super Session Track: Consumer trends

Erin Merrit will present a Drivers of Change presenta�on which will cover: • Macro and Consumer trends at play in the broader consumer landscape • Implica�ons of digital innova�ons and what it means for our industry • Observa�ons of trends at play today and thoughts starters on how to make the most of an evolving landscape Speaker: Erin Merrit, Director, Customer Insights at The Coca-Cola Company

Implement Good-Beter-Best Pricing to Generate Higher Profits Sunday, Feb 18 | 8:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Super Session Track: Pricing Workshop

You encounter Good-Beter-Best strategies in your everyday life. Which credit card, car wash, or cable subscrip�on op�on do you choose: Good, Beter, or Best? In this win-win strategy, customers choose the price that is right for them while companies benefit from higher profits and growth. “Best” profits from high-end customers who are willing to pay a premium, while “Good” generates growth by atrac�ng price-sensi�ve customers. Rafi’s speech highlights the profit upside and psychological benefits from using Good-Beter-Best. Your audience will leave this talk enthused and ready to implement Good-Beter-Best at their organiza�on. Speaker: Rafi Mohammed, Ph.D., Pricing Strategy Consultant and Author

How to Market to, Sell to and Serve People Not Like You Sunday, Feb 18 | 8:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Super Session Track: Marke�ng

If you could grow your business simply by marke�ng to your exis�ng clients and raking in more referrals, making money would be a cakewalk. But to generate new revenue, you have to win over the customers and prospects you’re not ge�ng, but could be. And typically, the customers you’re not ge�ng are ones who are “not like you”. You know how to sell. You know how to communicate effec�vely with your customers. But how do you form a connec�on with diverse markets that are completely different from one another? When working with diverse customers and prospects, you need to be able to break through barriers to connect in a meaningful way, build trust and tap into values. You need tac�cs that are cra�ed specifically for diverse groups of people and their cultural preferences. People spend money on what they value. Show diverse customers and prospects how you fit into what they value, and they’ll show you the money. Using consumer insights and real-world, relatable examples, “How to Market to, Sell to & Serve People Not Like You” shows you how to grow your business with simple, effec�ve, and proven tac�cs that don’t cost a dime or take weeks to get off the ground. Speaker: Kelly McDonald, Mul�cultural Marke�ng & Business Trends Expert, Speaker and Author

Naviga�ng the AI Revolu�on: Transforming Franchise Businesses for the Future Sunday, Feb 18 | 8:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Super Session Track: AI

Embracing the AI Revolu�on in Franchises: Strategies for Transforma�on and Growth" is a dynamic and interac�ve session designed to guide franchise businesses through the integra�on of ar�ficial intelligence (AI) into their opera�ons. This session will explore how AI can be leveraged to increase sales, enhance employee and customer engagement, and bring about transforma�ve changes in franchises. Par�cipants will delve into case studies of leading companies that have successfully used AI for business transforma�on, gaining insights into effec�ve AI-based strategies applicable to franchising. The session will also focus on an�cipa�ng and analyzing upcoming AI technological trends, discussing their poten�al impacts on the

franchise sector. Atendees will workshop and learn to cra� strategic approaches to harness AI, posi�oning their franchise businesses at the forefront of innova�on and compe��ve advantage in an increasingly AI-driven world. Speakers: Shawn DuBravac, PhD, Keynote Speaker and Author

Financial Summit: Understanding How Your Franchisees Get FundedThe Inside Baseball Edi�on Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Finance

Ever wonder what actually happens when you send your candidates and franchisees off to get funding? Our panel of experts will take away the mystery and give you a peek behind the curtain. Perspec�ves from a loan officer, former lender, current mul�-unit franchisee, and a franchise business intelligence expert will help you more fully understand the finance process from beginning to end. Knowing how to posi�on your brand with lenders and beter prepare franchisees and candidates to avoid pi�alls in the process will help to ensure capital con�nues to be predictable and available when you need it. Moderator: Samantha Holt, Commercial Rela�onship Manager, ApplePie Capital, Inc. Speakers: Eric Schechterman, CFE, VP - Franchise Finance, Unleashed Brands; Paul Santomauro, Director of Lending and Risk Products, Frandata; Randy Jones, Chief Revenue Officer, ApplePie Capital, Inc.; Wes Snyder, Mul�-Unit Owner/Operator, FASTSIGNS of Indianapolis, IN

Franchisee Summit: Ready for the next stage? Succession and PreTransac�on Planning Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchisee

Preparing for the next stage? This session focuses on the cri�cal aspects of business planning that revolve around preparing your company for succession planning. This session will explore the strategies, considera�ons, and best prac�ces necessary to achieve a successful outcome.

Moderator & Speaker: Mitch Cohen, Franchisee, Sola Salons of New York Speakers: Todd Recknagel, Chairman, Na�onal Envy Development, LLC; Aaron Chaitovsky, Partner, Citrin Cooperman; Indi Nandhra, Mul�-Unit Franchisee, Mathnasium Math Learning Center, GA; Al Rodriguez, Franchisee, Sport Clips of Western PA

Interna�onal Summit 1: Crises Best Prac�ces from Around the Globe Not Another COVID Seminar Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Interna�onal

Learn best prac�ces for planning, handling, and crea�ng opportuni�es during a crisis. Panelists will share case studies and advice on how to effec�vely build a crisis plan, cra� appropriate responses and coordinate with franchisees and the franchisor leadership team. Atendees will leave with several valuable insights on how to address the next crisis in your business. Moderator & Speaker: Mark Taylor, Global CEO, InXpress Speakers: Heidi Schauer, Vice President, Communica�ons, Public Affairs & Customer Care, The Wendy's Company; Joyce Mazero, Shareholder, Polsinelli; Lorne Fisher, CFE, CEO/Managing Partner, Fish Consul�ng; Glen Helton, Advisor, The Moseley Group

Labor Summit: Joint Employer

Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Specialty President Joe Biden has con�nued his pledge to be the “most pro-labor president” in U.S. history. The Na�onal Labor Rela�ons Board (NLRB) has once again proposed a new ‘joint employer’ rule, which stands to move the JE standard back, and even further than, the former rule under the Obama administra�on. This, coupled with a drama�c increase in ac�vity from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are various state legislatures have the franchise business model in the cross-hairs across mul�ple levels of government. All of this bookended by a con�nuing labor shortage across the country. In this hourlong program, you will learn everything you need to be current on the labor and employment policy landscape – and hear how IFA is figh�ng for your business.

Moderator & Speaker: Jeff Hanscom, VP, State & Local Government Rela�ons & Counsel, Interna�onal Franchise Associa�on Speaker: Darrell Johnson, CEO, FRANdata; Angelo Spinola, Shareholder, Polsinelli; Glee McAnanly, CEO, First Light Home Care; Julie Turner, Owner, Express Employment Franchisee

Changes and Developments in Technology in the Franchise Space Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Technology

This session is focused on providing an audience of like-minded technology, digital and transforma�on leaders the opportunity to discuss and explore the future of their tech stack. Moderator & Speaker: Eric Liddy, MBA, Director of Sales, O�mate Speakers: Dan Monaghan, CFE, Founder, Clear Summit; Somia Farid, President, Edible Brands; Rob Grimes, CEO & President, Interna�onal Food & Beverage Technology Assoca�on

Lessons from The Trenches: Success Legends - Paying It Forward, Giving Back, Inves�ng in the Future Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Leadership

Past IFA Chairs share their rich experiences and key learnings from their journeys to success. This session will delve into the importance of mentorship, community involvement, and sustainable business prac�ces within the franchising industry. Atendees will gain invaluable insights into how successful leaders navigated challenges, fostered growth, and contributed posi�vely to their franchises and communi�es. The session will feature industry icons who have not only achieved remarkable success but have also made significant contribu�ons by inves�ng in the next genera�on of entrepreneurs, engaging in philanthropic efforts, and championing ethical business prac�ces. Moderator & Speaker: Shane Evans, CFE, Co-Founder, Massage Heights Speakers: Michael Isakson, Owner, Empower Brands; Sid Feltenstein, Past Chairman, Interna�onal Franchise Associa�on; Doc Cohen, CFE, President & CEO, Doc & Associates

Developing Effec�ve Franchisee Recruitment Strategies to Atract The Right Candidates Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Emerging Franchisor & Franchise Development

Learn effec�ve strategies to atract aligned candidates, criteria for selec�on, and best interview prac�ces. Moderator & Speaker: Tom Wood, CEO and President, Floor Coverings Interna�onal Speaker: Albert Hermans, Vice President of Franchise Development, Floor Coverings Interna�onal; Cheryl Fletcher, Chief Development Officer, Tropical Smoothie Cafe; Paul Preston, President & Co-Founder, Aqua-Tots Swim Schools

Naviga�ng the Dynamic Franchise Landscape: Strategies for Unit Level Growth and Success Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Opera�ons

An in-depth explora�on of effec�ve strategies for enhancing the performance and growth of individual franchise units in a rapidly evolving environment. This session aims to address the unique challenges faced by franchisor and franchisee, focusing on areas such as local market adapta�on, efficient opera�onal prac�ces, suppor�ng franchisees through data-driven decisions, effec�ve implementa�on of local marke�ng, and controlling costs. The session features expert speakers, and real-world case studies, offering atendees ac�onable insights and tools for driving success at the unit level. Moderator & Speaker: Craig Wright, CEO, Aqua-Tots Swim Schools Speakers: Michael Meche, Chief Restaurant Officer, Caprio�'s Sandwich Shop and Wing Zone; Kendall Ware, COO, Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux; Marianne Murphy, CFE, Frac�onal Execu�ve, FranchisePULSE

Why Giving Back is Cri�cal to Franchise Success in Your Community Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Rela�ons Franchises o�en build great reputa�ons with their local communi�es because the people leading the company have a vested interest in seeing their neighborhoods grow. By suppor�ng local people and organiza�ons, companies can create winning campaigns that ul�mately lead to increased customers and sales. This conversa�on will focus on discovering strategies for franchise brands to implement win-win philanthropic ini�a�ves that are good for the community and also good for the company. Moderator: Alesia Viscon�, CFE, President & CEO, FranServ Speakers: Yolanda Stevenson, Founder & CEO, Taxi Mom Franchising LLC; Javier Solis, CFE, CoFounder, TORO Taxes; Leigh Smith, Director of Marke�ng, Brooklyn Robot Foundry; Adrienne Brealond, MBA, Sr. Director Corporate Human Resources/DEI, Church's Chicken

How to Develop and Maximize Your Loyalty Programs for Adop�on and Growth Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Marke�ng

This session will cover a range of key topics, including the latest trends in loyalty program development, effec�ve techniques for increasing customer enrollment and par�cipa�on, and methods for leveraging data analy�cs to understand customer behavior and preferences. Atendees will learn how to design loyalty programs that resonate with their target audience, drive repeat business, and foster long-term customer rela�onships. Moderator: Sherri Fishman, Chief Execu�ve Officer, Fishman Public Rela�ons Speakers: Kevin Keith, Chief Marke�ng Officer, Edible Brands; Mitch Baker, Vice President of Marke�ng, Robeks; Jeff Smith, COO, Peterbrooke Chocola�er

Franchise Development Lead Capture & Closure Techniques Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Development

Franchise Development Growth Strategies: Insights and Best Prac�ces from the Franchise Update STAR (Speaking to and Responding) Award Winners and other experts. Atend this session to hear the best prac�ces and latest ideas for candidate atrac�on and follow through. Moderator & Speaker: Robin Gagnon, CFE, CMO/Co-Founder, We Sell Restaurants Speakers: Aaron Harper, CEO & Owner, Rolling Suds; Dan Claps, CFE, Chief Execu�ve Officer & Co-Founder, Voda Cleaning & Restora�on; Jennifer Chaney, CFE, Vice President of Franchise Development, Right at Home, LLC.

Unlocking the Gateway to Success: A Comprehensive Session on Thriving as a Supplier in the Franchise Community Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Specialty

Join us to explore key strategies, industry insights, and best prac�ces that will elevate your presence and forge las�ng partnership within the dynamic franchise landscape. Learn how to navigate challenges, meet franchise expecta�ons, and posi�on your business for sustained growth. Moderator & Speaker: Abby Schmidt, Na�onal Partnership Development Manager, Paychex Speakers: Lindsay Simms, Director, Na�onal Programs, Home Franchise Concepts; Jan Reder, Business Coach, Wild Birds Unlimited; Alex Porter, CFE, CEO, Loca�on3

Leadership Think Tank & Forum Exchange Sunday, Feb 18 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Leadership

During this session atendees will deep dive into discussion(s) around real problem solving for their specific business challenge. We will have 20 round tables with ‘C’ Suite facilitators offering all atendees an opportunity to engage with leadership of other franchise systems. If the par�cipants don’t have a specific problem, they will pick one of the 4 areas below and share an example of a challenge they may be currently facing. 1. Franchisee Sa�sfac�on and Engagement

2. Franchise Development 3. Access to Capital 4. Team Member/Employee Recruitment and Engagement A�er table delibera�on, the session's Moderator will facilitate each table assigned spokesperson to share the issue(s) discussion and more importantly strategies in solving or eleva�ng their system. Moderator: Dus�n Hansen, CFE, InXpress Board Member This session will include Roundtable Facilitators

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Interna�onal Summit 2: Enabling and Managing for Success A�er Interna�onal Opening Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Interna�onal

Developing the post-award support and strategies to ensure a successful launch and ongoing opera�ons (you’ve awarded the country rights to the ideal candidate; now, how do you enable and evaluate success?) The panel will discuss, among other issues, the following topics: • Master franchisee training • Ensuring development schedules and obliga�ons are met • Assis�ng with sub franchising obliga�ons • Developing country specific consumer and franchise websites • Providing the right balance of opera�onal, marke�ng, IT and development support • Suppor�ng by providing right tools to measure progress • Are domes�c services appropriate and how do you “localize” them to meet country specific needs • How do you determine your organiza�on to support the Master franchisee (part of domes�c support, build an Interna�onal support team, etc.) Moderator & Speaker: Richard Davies, Vice President of Interna�onal Development, Summa Franchise Consul�ng

Speakers: Tony Padulo, CFE, Chief Development Officer, School of Rock; Andra Terrell, Senior Assistant General Counsel, Subway; Rafik Farouk, Head of Global Brand Development and Retail, P.F. Chang's

Emerging Franchisor Summit: Elements of Successful Franchising

Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Emerging Franchisor

Moderator & Speaker: Sarah Davies, General Counsel, Interna�onal Franchise Associa�on Speakers: David Barr, Managing Director, Franworth; Rick Morey, Partner, DLA Piper

GR Summit: SBA Lending 101 For Franchise Businesspeople Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Specialty

New to franchise finance? Hear directly from U.S. Small Business Administra�on expert and other finance experts in this program on the SBA and conven�onal loan landscape for your start-up or build-out needs. You’ll also learn the latest economic forecast modeling for the franchise community as you plan and budget for the future. Moderator & Speaker: Mike Layman, Senior Vice President Government Rela�ons and Public Affairs, Interna�onal Franchise Associa�on Speakers: Edith Wiseman, CFE, President, FRANdata; Delia Cas�llo, Economic Development Specialist, U.S. Small Business Administra�on; Reg Byrd, President Benetrends SBA Division, Benetrends Financial

Opera�ons Summit: Opera�onal Excellence is Delivered by Your FBCs. Are they set up for success? Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Opera�ons

Set your FBC up for success with well defined programs, KPIs tools, rewards& recogni�on programs designed to highlight the best of the best in your system.

Moderator & Speaker: David Bloom, Chief Development & Growth Officer, Caprio�'s and WingZone Speakers: Sean Manning, CFE, CEO/Founder, Payroll Vault; Courtney Allison, CFE, Chief Opera�ng Officer, Spavia ; Trevor Sacco, Brand President, Everbowl

The Good, Bad and the Ugly of Brokers Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Brokers

Our expert panelists will explore the nuances of using franchise brokers, exploring this industry's good, bad, and ugly aspects. Whether you're a poten�al franchisee seeking guidance, an emerging franchisor, or a seasoned franchise execu�ve interested in the behind-the-scenes of the franchise broker world, this discussion offers valuable perspec�ves and candid insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits, challenges, and poten�al pi�alls of u�lizing franchise brokers in your business journey. Moderator & Speaker: Tim Courtney, CFE, Vice President, Franchise Development, Puro Clean Speakers: Ralph Yarusso, CFE, President, A�cus Franchise Consul�ng- IFPG; Jania Bailey, CFE, Chief Execu�ve Officer, FranNet; Tom Monaghan, CFE, Global Chief Development Officer, Green Home Solu�ons

Masterclass: Strategies for Success from Top Franchise Visionaries Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Leadership

Meet the IFA Major Award winners and hear their journey. Moderator: Charlie Chase, President & CEO, FirstService Brands Speakers: Tamra Kennedy, Franchisee, Owner, Taco John’s; Paul Picket, CFE, Chief Development Officer- Execu�ve VP of Franchising, Wild Birds Unlimited, Inc.; Tony Valle CFE, Managing Partner, Clear Summit Group; Nick Friedman, President & Co-Founder, College Hunks Hauling Junk ; Catherine Monson, CFE, CEO & President, Propelled Brands; Omar Soliman, CEO, College Hunks Hauling Junk

Market Site Analysis & Site Selec�on Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Real Estate

Whether you’re looking to develop a standalone, inline, or end cap loca�on, this panel of experts will discuss and explore the latest analy�cal tools and techniques in site selec�on. Moderator & Speaker: Gerardo Flores, Chief Development Officer, Marco's Pizza Speakers: Chris Kelleher, CFE, Chief Development Officer, Celebree Schools; Melissa Tinsley, Director of Real Estate, Tropical Smoothie Cafe LLC; Mark Miller, Vice President - Real Estate, Planet Fitness

Simplified Marke�ng Strategies to Boost Local Execu�on

Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Marke�ng

In this insigh�ul session, we delve into the world of local marke�ng from the franchisee's perspec�ve. Recognizing that franchisees juggle mul�ple roles, with marke�ng being a crucial yet challenging aspect, we aim to simplify and streamline this process with easy-to-implement ac�ons. We’ll discuss ways franchisors can encourage local execu�on by leveraging tools, resources and vendor partnerships. Moderator: Jennifer Koen, Senior Director of Customer Success, SOCi Speakers: Britany Graff, Head of Marke�ng, Pain�ng with a Twist; Lindsay Simpson, Chief Marke�ng Officer, Athle�c Republic; Rob Elliot, Execu�ve President of Marke�ng, Hungry Howie's Pizza

What are Good Turnover Numbers and How do you Maintain a Healthy Pipeline? Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Development

How do you monitor for posi�ve turnover, when should you be concerned about the system shrinking?

Moderator & Speaker: James Stapleton, Vice President of Franchise Development, Caring Transi�ons Speakers: Kelly Crummer, Senior Director of Franchising, Firehouse Subs; Joe Malmuth, CFE, Chief Franchising Officer, Bateries Plus Bulbs; Keith Dziki, Execu�ve Director - Development, WirelessZone

Franchise Agreement Renewals and Updates: An Opportunity to Reset the Rela�onship Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Rela�ons

Renewal �me is an opportunity to upgrade the franchised business, sign a current franchise agreement, reset the franchise rela�onship or consider a franchisee exit strategy. We will iden�fy best prac�ces that overcome challenges and result in franchise renewals taking your system to the next level. Moderator & Speaker: Kerry Bundy, CFE, Legal and General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Great Clips Inc. Speakers: Tom Scalese, CFE, COO, East Coast Wings Corpora�on; Jeffrey Lewis, Assistant Vice President of Franchise Support, Propelled Brands; Heather McLeod, Chief Growth Officer, Authority Brands

Improving the Profitability of Labor Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchisee & Opera�on

In today's compe��ve market, op�mizing the profitability of your labor force is not just an op�on, it's a necessity. This session delves into the heart of workforce efficiency, offering prac�cal strategies to amplify produc�vity and profitability. Moderator & Speaker: Steve Shields, Owner, Express Employment Interna�onal Speakers: Harvey Homsey, CFE, Vice President - Franchise Systems, Express Professionals Interna�onal; Tom Baber; Charles Keyser, CFO, Keyser Enterprises 1, LP

Strategies for Scaling or Growing Your Business Monday, Feb 19 | 9:00am - 10:00am Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Finance

Do you want to grow your brand to the next level? There are many op�ons for growth from investment to joining forces? Pla�orm, debt, equity, or royalty transac�on which one is right for you. Each of these strategies comes with it’s own set of considera�ons. Moderator & Speaker: Tony Zaccario, President and CEO, Stretch Zon Speakers: Frank Fiume, CFE, Founder/CEO/Chairman, i9 Sports; Patrick Galleher, Managing Partner, Boxwood Partners; Tim Vogel, Founder and CEO, Scenthound; Alex Shtein, President, BarBURRITO Restaurants

Franchise Development Summit: Mul�-Unit Growth Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Development

Whether a single unit operator expanding to mul�ple; or mul�ple to many brands. How can you best prepare your Franchisee for success. In this summit, both franchisors and franchisees come together to discuss and explore the key challenges, opportuni�es, and best prac�ces in preparing franchisees for success in a mul�-unit environment. Moderator & Speaker: Therese Thilgen, Co-Founder and CEO, Franchise Update Media Speakers: Sean Kajcienski, Chief Execu�ve Officer, PCRK Group (Massage Envy); Jesse Keyser, Owner, Keyser Enterprises 1, LP; Jennifer Durham, Chief Development Officer, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa; Shannon Iverson, VP for Development, Taco John's Interna�onal, Inc.

Franchise Rela�ons Summit: What Leadership Lessons Can Franchise Execu�ves Learn From Ted Lasso? Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchise Rela�ons

We all know how important genuine, authen�c and collabora�ve franchise leadership is. Franchise leadership is an absolute difference maker in the success and sustainability of a

franchise system. Lessons/quotes from Ted Lasso are so relevant to franchise leadership. As we know from Ted Lasso, you don’t need to be an expert in soccer, but you do need to be an expert in leadership. Moderator & Speaker: Brian Schnell, Partner and Chair of Franchise Prac�ce, Faegre Drinker Speakers: Steve White, President & COO, PuroClean Inc.; Emma Dickison, CFE, CEO & President, Home Helpers Homecare; Tam Kennedy, Franchisee, Owner, Taco John’s

DE&I Summit: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – A step-by-step guide to making it work for you and your company Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: DE&I Marke�ng

Ge�ng Started on implemen�ng a DEI movement in my company. You may know that you want to start a DEI Ini�a�ve for your company, but don’t know how to start. Moderator & Speaker: Cassandra Hill, Execu�ve Director, Choice Hotels Speakers: Kathy George, CFE, President of Spherion Staffing and Recrui�ng,, Franchise Development and Growth, Spherion; Cordell Riley, Chief Opera�ng Officer, BIGGBY COFFEE, Roberto Litwak, Lead Franchise Business Consultant, Domino's

Marke�ng Summit: Op�mizing the Digital Experience Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Marke�ng

Whether selling to consumer or for FranDev, your digital approach is cri�cal to your overall brand's success. Marke�ng leaders discuss top strategies that they are deploying every day to move their brands forward. Moderator & Speaker: Danielle Yuthas, CFE, Director of Franchise Development Marke�ng, Empower Brands Speakers: Brandi Kloostra, Vice President of Digital Marke�ng, Franworth; Janae Ver Helst, Digital Marke�ng Director, The Lash Lounge

Macro and Micro Trends Globally That Are Impac�ng Business Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Interna�onal

Transglobal trends and events are impac�ng brands. What are the impacts on brands and how do you manage your brand? Moderator & Speaker: Bill Edwards, CEO and Global Advisor, Edwards Global Services Speakers: Grant Marcks, Partner, The Riverside Company; Farrah Rose, Interna�onal Franchise Director, The Franchising Centre; Craig Prusher, Execu�ve Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Church’s Chicken; Alan Greenfield, Franchise & Distribu�on Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Dare to Dream BIG: SMART Growth Recipe Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Industry Trends: Restaurants

Panelists unveil the secret recipe behind the SMART franchise growth success of their franchise brands. From innova�ve strategies to fostering a culture of success, this session will inspire you to dare to dream BIG and unlock the poten�al for explosive franchise growth in your business. Moderator & Speaker: Gregg Majewski, Founder & CEO, Craveworthy Brands Speakers: Geoff Henry, President of the Americas, Gong cha Global; Angela Johnson, Chief Innova�on Officer, Edible Brands; Dave Ragosa, VP of Franchising and Development, Ford's Garage

Building a Successful Veteran Recruitment Program with VetFran Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Specialty

Join brand leaders from across industries who excel in recrui�ng veterans into their franchise systems for a how-to session on developing a successful veteran franchisee recruitment program. Atendees will learn how to engage with and op�mize the VetFran program and

implement veteran discounts to atract the right prospec�ve veteran franchisees for your unique brand culture. Moderator: Sean Falk, CFE, President & COO, Careertopia Franchise Execu�ve Search Speakers: Lou Schager, CFE, Brand President, Neighborly, Tom Kasbohm, Director - Franchise System, Snap-on Tools; Pete Baldine, President, Moran Family of Brands

Effec�ve Marke�ng for Emerging Brands - The Brand, The Brand, The Brand

Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Emerging Franchisor & Franchise Development

A franchise begins with a great idea but can only soar with a great brand. Explore the elements that bring a brand to life, then audit your own. Do you have one? Moderator: Karen Booze, CFE, Director of Business Development, AnswerConnect Speakers: Taylor Hulyksmith, VP of Marke�ng, The Lash Lounge; Abby Fogel, CFE, VP, Marke�ng & Brand Rela�ons, Unleashed Brands; Brandon Ciaccio, CFE, Director of Opera�ons, Brothers that just do Guters

Hiring and Retaining Gen Z - Hourly Paid Employee Expecta�ons

Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Franchisee

Daily pay, tools and tricks for the franchisee. How can brands support hiring through valuesdemonstra�on. Moderator & Speaker: Alison Stevens, Senior Director, Paychex Speakers: Scot Greenberg, Franchise Expert, Business Performance Consultant, and Author; Anup Wassan, Small Business Owner, Mathnasium Math Learning Center, GA; Sam Reges, Franchisee, Sharpness Inc.

Nickel and Dimes Got You Down? Sustain Healthy Item 19 Finance Strategies in Today's New Normal

Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Finance Franchisor Re-engineering the supply chain and other areas of op�miza�on to Benefit the Franchisee to drive ULE. Disrupters, add on fees, increased labor and increased real estate costs got you down? Learn the Best Prac�ces for Franchisee and Franchisor Profitability & Success Moderator & Speaker: Mat Kunz, CFE, President, Mr. Rooter Plumbing Speakers: Emily Undajon, CFE, SVP of Strategic Opera�ons, Right at Home, LLC; Bill Valentas, Chief Financial Officer, Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers; Dan Chaon, Chief Execu�ve Officer, Sneakybird Franchising LLC

Maximize Your Supplier Membership: A Strategic Session for Op�mizing Your Benefits Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Specialty

Uncover the full poten�al of your IFA membership with our insigh�ul session designed to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to extract maximum value from your membership dues. Explore exclusive benefits, discover hidden resources, and learn strategic engagement tac�cs. Moderator & Speaker: Steve Beagleman, CFE, CEO/Founder, SMB Franchise Advisors Speakers: Kevin Dubois, CEO, Clean Brands; Dawn Kane, CEO & Co-Founder, Hot Dish Adver�sing; Rocco Fioren�no, CFE, Vice Chairman, CEO, Benetrends

Great Techspecta�ons: How to Deliver Technology & So�ware Solu�ons to Benefit Your Franchise System Monday, Feb 19 | 1:30pm - 2:30pm Session Type: Educa�on Concurrent Breakout Track: Opera�ons "We're a technology company!"

In a way, it's true. Every business depends on technology to succeed. But do you know what it takes to iden�fy, evaluate, develop, and deliver the solu�ons your franchise needs? Apps, POS, FRCs, CRMs, APIs, and all the other acronyms are flying in at us every day. What maters? How do we sort through this mess? How do we make sure the business is driving the technology, and not the other way around? In this session, we'll give some easy-to-apply guidance on: • Iden�fying valuable problems to solve • The business case and se�ng expecta�ons • Building vs. Buying • Priori�za�on • Going to market • Scaling up This presenta�on is not a deep technology dive. It is meant for business professionals who are technology novices. We promise not to lose you in jargon. Speakers: Jake Pechtel, Director of Product Management, BIGGBY COFFEE; Shayne Meringer, Chief Information Officer, Propelled Brands

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 The Art of Story Telling: Increase Influence, Cap�vate Customers, Develop Deeper Rela�onships

Tuesday, Feb 20 | 8:00am - 11:30am Session Type: Immersive Workshop Track: Workshop

Don Yaeger has been called “one of our genera�on’s best storytellers” by many of today’s great business and thought leaders. Learning that skill, though, didn’t happen by accident. An 11-�me New York Times Best-selling author, Don has spent a life�me studying the most effec�ve elements of a well-told story and from that experience now teaches audience members worldwide how to apply those elements to tell their own stories.

The instruc�on and guidance provided by this workshop will fine-tune your ability to share great stories. When you can use the power of storytelling to influence others, you unlock the ability to convert your thoughts, experiences, goals, sales pitches, or presenta�ons for greater impact and deeper connec�ons. In this class you learn these cri�cal skills: • Iden�fy the right story to tell the listener si�ng before you • Make your story resonate and evoke the reac�on you want • Connect your story in a way that prompts valuable response & ac�on • Discover the two cri�cal elements most storytellers neglect • Understand when to use credibility-building detail within your story • The process of cra�ing and telling your story so your audience can imagine themselves being there Those who can tell meaningful and impac�ul stories become success stories themselves. These �ps and techniques you will learn in today’s workshop can be applied immediately & effec�vely to help bring out the storyteller in you. Speaker: Don Yaegar, Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Execu�ve Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

Integra�ng Technology to Define Opera�onal Efficiencies Tuesday, Feb 20 | 8:00am - 11:00am Session Type: Immersive Workshop Track: Workshop

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The Four Disciplines of Execu�on: Achieving Wildy Important Goals Tuesday, Feb 20 | 8:00am - 11:30am

Session Type: Immersive Workshop Track: Workshop Set and Execute Your 2024 Strategic Goals! Are you struggling to push your strategy to the front line of the organiza�on where the real execu�on actually occurs? In 2024, the urgencies of dayto-day maintenance will be in direct conflict with the energy and clarity your team needs to move the needle on your organiza�on’s most pressing strategic goals. Join us to learn why some organiza�ons achieve their strategic goals and others fail. We will share strategy execu�on research with examples of actual client Breakthrough Results. Speaker: Chris McChesney, Leadership Keynote speaker and Best-Selling Author

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