Letters To My Younger Self

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by Carmen Mosquera Of all the things you need to know Stop. Breath. Listen to me. This pain, this agony, this emptiness. This isn’t your fault, you aren’t the problem. I know all you want is to feel loved, protected, guided. You need to know, you are so much stronger than the ones who should be strong for you. You need to know, one day you will be the mother you crave to have as your own. You need to know, your children will never feel the sting of abandonment, that betrayal. You need to know, despite the rough road ahead, it’s tough don’t get me wrong, you will still come out on top. You need to know, this won’t break you, your heart will always remain full of love. Love yourself the way you need to be loved, and know you will find true love with your children, your husband and friends. Stop. Breath. Listen to my words. Of all the things you need to know, you are enough!


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