FMIC 2nd Qtr. 2023

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CONTENTS 2nd Quarter 2023 Letter from President and CEO Bill Dine 4 People, Partnerships and Diversification are the keys to our Mutual Success. THE RISK ASSESSMENT - Fire Prevention 6 Chris Hudson, breaks down the fire hazards and prevention on a job site. AGENCY CORNER - Plan Ahead. 16 Eddie Campbell, Agent, FMIC Agency Plan ahead to avoid confusion when an auto claim occurs. SAW SHOP: Spring IS Here! 14 Greg Helton: It's almost like new life starting all over again. We need to remember a few things as we start this regeneration. 2 FMIC 2ND QUARTER 2023 Partnerships in Forestry 22 Report from North Carolina Forestry Association. Partnerships in Forestry 18 Report from Mississippi Forestry Association. Partnerships in Forestry 12 Report from Tennessee Forestry Association. Partnerships in Forestry 21 Report from Virginia Logging Association. LEGAL BRIEF - Legal Advice from Setliff Law 10 Telematics: Everybody knows everything. LOSS CONTROL - Customer Service Driven 23 See why Forestry Mutual leads the industry and why you should join the Mutual Team. HOT NEWS: 17 Forestry Mutual expands it's eligible classes of business. LOSS CONTROL & FMSCA Poster 20 OUR Plan To Share The Road. Tribute - James "Jim" Fleetwood Shotwell, Jr. 24 March 11, 1942 – January 29, 2023. FMIC SPOTLIGHT - Trucking 8 Paul Dyes, Interviews logging truck driver Robert Register on his continued success and tips on being safe while hauling on the highway.
24 FORESTRY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 801 Jones Franklin Road Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27606 (800) 849-7788 FMIC AGENCY P.O. Box 19467 Raleigh, NC 27619 (866) 755-0344 FORESTRY MUTUAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Michael Walters DIRECTORS Tommy Barnes Chip Capps Joel Cathey Randy Denman Candace Dinwiddie Joey Ferguson John Hatcher Mike Macedo Tedrick Ratcliff Bernard Rose Marshall Thompson Matt Thuman FMIC 2ND QUARTER 2023 3 14 SAW SHOP Heads UP! It's Springtime. JAMES "JIM" FLEETWOOD SHOTWELL, JR. March 11, 1942 – January 29, 2023 PAGE16 Plan Ahead To Avoid Confusion When An Auto Claim Occurs T R I B U T E




The insurance marketplace has seen significant disruption in the last few months as reinsurance costs were up significantly for the January 1st renewal season. These rate increases will translate into increased costs for all consumers in the value chain. Property insurance premiums will see some of the most dramatic increases in over a decade while commercial auto premiums will continue to rise. Workers' Compensation will see another year of premium reductions in many territories which means we have to work harder to grow our business by writing more new business and keeping our existing renewals. This is why product diversification is more important than ever, for a monoline workers' compensation writer since we must find ways to write more profitable new business.

In 2023, we will build on our success of 2022 as we focus our attention on People, Partnerships, and Diversification.


We will continue investing in our people to ensure they have the tools and resources needed to deliver a best-in-class customer experience. We implemented an improved online portal to help streamlinethe payment process for our customers. This new automated payment feature was developed to help reduce the number of cancellations and late payments, as the US Postal service has become very unreliable. We encourage all insureds to sign up for this online payment option as it will save you time and money and will prevent cancellation notices caused by lost or delayed mail.


We significantly improved our insurance and trade association partnerships in 2022. Internally, I have directed our marketing team to continue our involvement and presence with our trade partnerships and continue that leadership role we've cultivated for over fifty years. Externally, we engaged with our customers and suppliers in new and innovative ways, reviewed our stakeholder engagement opportunities, and strengthened industry relationships throughout the region. Numerous leading associations across the Southern US now endorse us with more to come.

We are also reaching out to our agent partners as we introduce our new expanded classes of business. This initiative is ongoing, and we are receiving some good feedback as our agents are realizing there are other classes of business we can help them write.


By clicking on the attached link, you will find a complete and enhanced listing of our eligible classes of business. We encourage you to take advantage of these new classes of business or call your underwriter for further discussion. The response to these new classes has been very positive, and we are looking forward to helping you grow your book of business with Forestry Mutual.

I want to thank you, our policyholders, and agents, for your support. We know you have options, and we genuinely appreciate it when you choose to place your workers' compensation business with Forestry Mutual.


Fire Prevention and Safety on the job.

Fires can occur in many different places in life. However, a fire must contain the following: oxygen, fuel, heat, and a chemical reaction to sustain. If we take away any of the four, the fire will dissipate.

Since oxygen is crucial for the fire, we do not want to open the engine compartments and allow the fire to breathe. Most manufacturers now utilize small holes outlined in red on the engine compartment doors. This allows an access point for the nozzle of the extinguisher to be inserted. We must partially open the door if your equipment does not have this option. Remember, we are not adequately equipped to “fight fires.”

Firefighters use water and foam when they fight fires. The water removes the heat, and the foam will smother the fuel source, removing its oxygen source and causing the fire to go out. In the field, we do not have a fire truck readily available. Each piece of equipment and every truck should be equipped with an ABC extinguisher. These extinguishers come in several different sizes. The most common will be a 2.5-pound or a 5-pound.

In comparison to the large equipment we operate, these extinguishers are very small. The ABC extinguishers contain a dry powder used to deprive the fire of its oxygen source. These extinguishers will work successfully if we can catch a fire at the very beginning stages. However, if the fire has gotten too intense, it will not extinguish the fire.



We are just attempting to stop the spread. At any point, if the fire becomes more than you can handle, 911 needs to be activated. Other types of extinguishers you might see are Cold Fire, Co2, and a water can. Cold Fire is designed for A and B fires, such as trash, wood, paper, liquids, and gases. Do not use this on electrical since it is water-based. CO2 is used for class B fires, flammable liquids/gases, and electrical and water cans are used for trash, wood, and paper fires.

Remember the P.A.S.S. method whenever you need to deploy a fire extinguisher.

PULL the pin.

AIM the hose.

SQUEEZE the handles

SWEEP left to right at the base of the fire.

Since we typically work in remote locations, we must remember a few things:

When we have a fire or injury, we should activate 911 immediately. Most fire departments in our area are volunteers, and it may take a little longer to get help to you. We can always disregard them if we get the situation under control.

Always make sure that you know where you are. Have a 911 address or GPS coordinate for your location. Be aware that sometimes a GPS location may not bring help in on the correct road. Many try to bring you in through the woods if you are a good distance off the road. If available, send someone to the end of the road to lead your help into the right area.

The last thing is how close is the fire to your deck. Are we able to get a truck to the fire? Do we need a dozer? Do we need an off-road capable fire truck? Make sure you have these answers ready for the 911 dispatcher. This will ensure that the fire departments arrive with the proper equipment.


Robert Register, also known as Squeaky by his CB Handle, is married to his wife, Evelyn Register, and has three kids and grandkids. Mr. Register has been driving trucks for the past forty-seven years, with a little over a year with Griffin Timber Co., Inc. out of Hoboken, Georgia.

It started at age 19 when he started riding with his cousin, Woodron Register, who owned a couple of trucks. Mr. Register rode with his cousin and a couple of other drivers and soon became an employee of his cousin’s company and started hauling produce from Florida to New York for a few years.

Mr. Register said that one of the reasons that he started driving trucks was that he was young and that his cousin had work for him to do, and that he wanted to see the country.

Mr. Register started hauling logs probably around 1990 because he was getting tired of the long hours he had to put in being an overthe-road driver, and he wanted to stay local. Mr. Register said that his first load of logs was his most memorable. He said that he was traveling down the road, and there was a lot of talk on the CB that someone was burning their brakes. He looked out his window and noticed that it was him, and his rear trailer tires had caught fire. Mr. Register was given the nickname “Squeaky” by one of the Loggers he worked for because every time he would call the Logger or another truck driver, his CB would squawk a lot.

So initially, his nickname was “Squawky,” and later became “Squeaky.”

Mr. Register said that trucking had changed quite a bit since he had been driving. He makes way more money than when he first started, and the mills that he goes to have seemed to speed up times in getting through.

Mr. Register likes having a Dash Camera in his truck and wishes that Dash Cameras would have come out a lot earlier because it would have saved him grief and heartache a couple of times.

When he is not driving, he likes to hunt and fish and gets out as often as possible. Mr. Jeremy Griffin, Owner of Griffin Timber Company, Inc., said that "Mr. Register is a really good employee and I am lucky that he is on his team." He also said that if he were able to find more drivers like Mr. Register, then his operation would be great.



Telematics: Everybody knows everything

As you pull into a free space, ready for some rest from the day’s long ride, millions of data points about your drive are being uploaded and saved. Your speed when you thought nobody was looking, captured. The sudden brake you applied when a vehicle cut you off out of nowhere, also captured. You cannot operate a truck without being fully immersed in telematics and data management (also known as fleet tracking), tools that are easily viewed as only making work more productive.

Using your onboard computer, you can review your speed, fuel use, G-forces at stops, and location. Carriers have been using telematics to track trip distances and time, idling, and driving habits in a way that has led to improving delivery and fuel efficiency. Additional information, such as vehicle faults and error codes allow trucks to be better maintained, preventing costly repair costs down the road. The most popular platforms employ open telematics, allowing drivers to integrate other types of hardware and software, including dispatch communications, cameras, electronic logging (ELDs), routing tools, and any other item the carrier may require to meet their needs. The benefits of telematics are obvious, and have shown real-world practicality in business development using the intelligence gained from every ride.


One of the most pervasive negatives of telematics is distracted driving. Some distractions are obvious, like using the entertainment features of a system or texting while driving. Some distractions are the driver feeling the need to be engaged with the system while driving, from route planning to dispatch communications, to weather alerts. Telematic instruments will likely record the actions of the driver and may document to the carrier’s detriment the driver using the device just prior to or during a collision. Several nuclear verdicts against the trucking industry have resulted because of a distracted driver, usually on a cell phone, causing serious injury as a result of inattention.

Employers should be careful that their policies and practices do not create a situation where the driver feels pressured to use these distracting electronics. Proactive steps must be taken to direct drivers to abstain from using the system while operating their trucks in motion. A driver’s training on how to operate the telematic tools should also include training on when not to operate them. The information gained by telematics has allowed responsible businesses to address safety issues before they result in accidents, from retraining drivers who show problems, to terminating drivers with serious safety risks. Such


steps save the public from danger and reduce the company’s exposure to catastrophic litigation. Counter-intuitively, therein lays part of the problem. Telematics provides the carrier information about a driver, regardless of whether the carrier reviews the information or acts on it. If a company employs an unsafe driver who is involved in an accident, and there is a record of that driver operating his or her truck erratically and dangerously, that information will be used by a plaintiff to show the employer created a dangerous situation by ignoring this obvious danger and should be held accountable.


Although telematics is an area that can have negative repercussions, the technology can also help drivers involved in an accident. A truck’s computer is objective, capturing information that is subject to mistake by a witness, even the driver himself. Dash cameras have captured reckless drivers causing accidents, even while they claim a truck crashed into them. Onboard computers have assisted in showing a truck was not speeding as witnesses had claimed. The objective recording by telematics has allowed carriers to cut-off some claims before they start, saving

significant legal expenses. For these reasons, carriers should ensure they have a retention policy in place, to preserve the information gathered in an accident that may be used by the legal defense team.

In summary, carriers need to be aware that telematic technology, while providing them great advantages, also puts them in a position of greater responsibility where, because of the information available to them, they will be held responsible for acting on that information. Employers must ensure they have a well-versed and clear operating policy, limiting what will be tolerated as acceptable driving, and making clear and effective penalties for violating these safeguards. Drivers need to be aware that someone is always watching, and employers need to know they must act on violations of a policy or else they subject the company to potentially catastrophic litigation.

If you have any questions regarding best practices for telematic data retention policies, employee guidelines, or operating policies in general, please contact Michael Jacquez ( 804-377-1262 or Steve Setliff ( 804-377-1261.


Recently, TFA Workforce Development Coordinator, Larry Pitts, discussed logging careers with 8th graders in Unicoi County. Close to 1,000 Unicoi County students participated in the career fair and visited the TFA Forestry Works booth. Sons of local Tennessee Master Loggers visited with Larry during the career day. All of us at TFA are sure glad the next generation of loggers will be ready and trained to work in the woods in a few years! The Tennessee Forestry Works wood industry training curriculum will be taught in every FFA class in the Volunteer State starting this fall for the 2023-24 school year.

TENNESSEE Tennessee Forestry Association


Master Loggers and their families recently met with Tennessee General Assembly Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton to discuss issues concerning logging in our state. Speaker Sexton is from Cumberland County, where many logging and industry families reside, work in the woods, and help out the local rural economies. Tennessee Master Loggers and other industry representatives are always well received at TFA’s “Tree Day at the Legislature.” Tennessee logging families are willing to speak up and be heard at the Capitol in Nashville. TFA is glad to represent our over 1,229 Master Loggers throughout all 95 counties of our state.

To ensure we have a future logging force and mill operators, TFA partners with the Forestry Works Workforce Development Program. As a partner in Forestry Works, TFA participates in numerous middle and high school career fairs.

Thanks to the help of Greg Helton and Justin Guyer, FMIC safety instructors, 12 new Tennessee Master Loggers were trained in safety procedures and tree felling during the most recent initial 5-day course. The course was held at the Tennessee Division of Forestry Natchez Trace State Forest Work Center in Wildersville. When asked what information was the most important during the class, these new Master Loggers all indicated that the safety training FMIC staff provided was “top of the list” and will be on their minds every morning when they head to the woods.

We all at the TFA appreciate the support and work that Forestry Mutual Insurance provides to our loggers and the entire wood industry in Tennessee. Thanks to our relationship and friendship with Forestry Mutual Insurance Company, our forest products industry is much better prepared for the future.




After a long, wet winter, Springtime seems to bring new life to the woods. The trees that dropped off their leaves a few months ago are budding and bringing new growth. It is almost like new life starting all over again. We need to remember a few things as we start this regeneration.


With a new canopy of shade above us, we have lost our bright and open view. Our visibility has been restricted by the new leaves. Where we once could better see the hazards above us, now they hide, awaiting movement that will allow them to fall. We must remember the first step of the Five-Part Felling plan, Look Up! Look for those overhead hazards that are lurking above. Scan the trees you are cutting, and then scan the surrounding trees. After you have looked up, look up again!

Look for dead limbs and tops. They may be barely holding on. Once the tree starts to move, the dead limb can fall out. Often, they are called “widow makers” because when they come out on top of the timber cutter, that is the result.

Look for other trees that may be leaning into the tree you are cutting. During the winter, those situations were a little easier to spot. But with the leaves out, it makes it harder to pick them out. Keep on the lookout for snags and dead trees in the surrounding area. Vibrations in the ground from equipment passing or other trees falling could shake them loose and allow them to fall unexpectedly.

If you are manually felling after the mechanized cutter has gone through, watch for limbs that may have

been broken while other trees pass by them. After felling a tree, allow a few minutes for the forest to settle before heading out to limb and top. Many claims happen when the timber cutter starts topping immediately after the tree hits the ground. Hanging limbs may not fall until a few minutes after everything settles.



As Spring rolls in, so does the higher temperature. Our bodies have gotten used to the lower temperature throughout the winter. As the days get warmer, our bodies must acclimate to the heat. Be sure to drink plenty of water as the heat rises. Drinking 5 to 7 ounces of water every 20 minutes is recommended when the temperature is 90 degrees or above, the humidity exceeds 40%, and work demand requires moderate to heavy work.

Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothes. Work in the shade as much as possible and take breaks to reduce fatigue. Remember, fatigue is a leading cause of accidents. If possible, plan the day with chainsaw operations taking place in the morning before the temperature rises.


With the change of seasons, we often see an increase in storms. Sometimes these storms can pop up quickly with no warning. Monitor the weather during these times. Use a weather app or service to provide up-to-date warnings of approaching storms. Have an emergency action plan in place in case your crew is caught out in the storm. Communicate with each other on where to go to find shelter and what is approaching.


After a storm has passed through, we are often left with a mess. Strong winds can leave trees broken, twisted, and sometimes uprooted. Storm damage is one of the most dangerous areas to work in due to many hidden hazards. Tension and compression are hard to see after a tree has been wind-blown and twisted. Take extra care to look situations over thoroughly before proceeding. If possible, let a machine work through the damage first to relieve unwanted pressure. We will address storm damage in more detail in another article.


Another area to consider with this oncoming of Spring is slip, trip, and fall hazards. Sap in the trees is running up to give the buds new life. With the running of the sap for some species, it means the bark is more apt to release and peel off if it is disturbed.

Loose bark can become a slip hazard when lying on the ground. The ground around the loader is one big area for these hazards. As trees are being handled, the bark can break loose and fall to the ground, leaving little

slip and slides all around the deck. Be sure to watch your step as you walk around the landing. Also, be aware of the ground in the woods. Especially after a rain, the old leaves can cause the forest floor to be slippery. Make sure you have a good footing before operating the chainsaw. Clear your escape route to remove any sticks or identify any holes that may be in your path.

Spring rain also brings Spring mud, as we all know. Be aware of mud on your boots, causing them to be slick when climbing in and out of equipment. Always use 3 points of contact and face the machine when mounting and dismounting.

These are just a few thoughts to remember as we go into Spring. Keep your head up and your eyes on the new canopies. Let’s keep working for the same goal, everyone going home at the end of the day.

If you would like additional training for your crew, contact your Field Representative to schedule training.


Plan Ahead To Avoid Confusion When An Auto Claim Occurs

No one wants to anticipate having an auto claim, but unfortunately, it happens. Your actions before an accident will have a big impact on how the claim may get resolved. It is stressful at the time of the accident and difficult to remember what you should do. Here are several steps to consider having in place beforehand.

Prepare a Post-Accident list for all your drivers to follow with the following items. Review these with the drivers in advance as part of your driver training.

1. Immediately call 911 with the location and any injuries involved.

2. Contact the owner giving the location and brief incident details.

3. When law enforcement arrives, be polite, remain calm and answer questions but don’t offer opinions about the cause or who might be responsible for the accident.

4. If the vehicle has telematics or dashcam and law enforcement asks to see it, the driver should respectfully ask to wait until the owner arrives to make that decision.

5. Take pictures of the scene and damage to any vehicles, but be respectful of any injuries that may have occurred.

6. Obtain the other driver’s name, phone number, and insurance information and note any passengers they may have had with them. Also, find out how to get an accident report from law enforcement.

7. If your damaged vehicle is undrivable, to possibly reduce cost, ask law enforcement if you can remove the unit with your own tow company, but you must have someone in mind beforehand. Towing can be expensive.

8. See if the tow company will deliver the vehicle to your shop/yard instead of their storage lot. This can save on storage fees.

9. If a loaded tractor-trailer is involved and the load was lost on the road, see if you can do the cleanup yourself, which will reduce clean-up fees.

10. Report all accidents, with details, to your insurance agent so that they may assist. Even if you are considering paying any costs yourself, they can help with this decision.

By taking these steps at the time of an accident, you can reduce frustration from a claim and get matters settled more effectively. Be proactive as opposed to reactive.

Agent, FMIC Insurance Company Photo Credit: FMIC Staff Photographer

AM BEST upgraded our insurance ranking in 2022 to the A- Excellent rating. Forestry Mutual now offers our outstanding insurance programs and phenomenal customer service to a new list of companies like never before. If you have any below-listed services or know of someone who does, keep Forestry Mutual in mind and get your quote today. Together we can make a difference.


- Log Hauling

- Non-Mechanized Logging

- Mechanized Logging

- Excavating

- Stump Removal Operations

- Grading (Forestry Roads)

- Right of Way Clearing

- Chipping Operations


- Sawmill Operations

- Permanent & Portable

- Planing Operations

- Pallet Manufacturing

- Mulch & Grinding Operations

- Barrel Manufacturing

- Log Home Manufacturing

- Plywood Manufacturing

- Veneer Mills

- Dry Kiln Operations

- Resaw Operations

- Box & Crate Manufacturing

- Truss Manufacturing

- Wood Flooring Manufacturing


- Cabinet Manufacturing

- Wood Furniture Manufacturing

- Furniture Stock Manufacturing

- Furniture Frame Shops

- Furniture Assembly Operations

- Wood Turning Operations

- Carpentry Shops

- Church Pew & Altar Manufacturing

- Moulding & Millwork

- Wooden Door Manufacturing

- Casket Manufacturing

- Wood Component Operations

To learn more about the added lines of insurance service Forestry Mutual can offer.


Call 866-755-0034 to have an agent reach out to you today!

Email us at to set up an appointment.



Mississippi Forestry Association


Spring is upon us, and we are looking forward to a busy and productive year at Mississippi Forestry Association. Much of the work we have planned directly relates to loggers and truck drivers. As I mentioned in my last article, MFA is now a ForestryWorks partner, which means we have a ForestryWorks website dedicated to outreach and job placement efforts in Mississippi. If your company is looking to hire employees, and specifically truck drivers, or if you are a driver or someone looking for a job, go to for a free job posting site.

We have also started our Professional Logging Manager Program classes for the year. John Auel hosted a class in Jackson on January 18, and he has more classes planned for the remainder of the year. The new PLM website is live, and the searchable sections should be up and running in the next few weeks. Thank you for bearing with us as we transitioned the logger database and website over to a new online platform. The new website address is

MFA is also working with the Mississippi Loggers Association and Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association on workforce development efforts across the state. By joining our efforts, we are presenting a collective voice and reaching more students and career coaches each month. As you know, we need loggers, truck drivers, mill workers, and a multitude of other industry-related employees to fill openings now and in the near future. Our efforts today are what will ensure our industry has the workers it needs tomorrow.

While I am speaking about educational opportunities, let me mention that the Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show will be held just outside of Starkville, Mississippi, on September 22-23. This show is the longest-running, live, in-woods equipment demo in the South, and you do not want to miss it! Come, and even bring your family for two days of education, networking, and fun! Registration and more information can be found at

Each of these opportunities highlights MFA’s commitment to loggers and truck drivers, and we appreciate that Forestry Mutual shares that same commitment. They play a valuable role in what we do at MFA, and we appreciate their contributions to the industry in our state.

Forestry Mutual has been SETTING THE STANDARD in providing Workers’ Compensation Insurance for over 50 years. You can count on these critical attributes when you let us care for your business and employees: We cover medical bills, lost wages, and return-to work assistance. We have proven injury management programs and a loss control team of experts that give hands-on training and safety advice to control your costs and provide the best possible outcome. The wood products industry has counted on Forestry Mutual to protect their businesses and employees so they can get back to work. Check why Forestry Mutual Sets The Standard in workers’ compensation insurance. Expertise in Forestry Workers’ Compensation! Proudly Endorsed by Regional Associations! Trust. Integrity. Honesty. P Get A Quote and learn more about Forestry Mutual and how you can become a broker agent. Scan the QR-Code Now! Call Toll Free @ (800) 849-7788 CAROLINA LOGGERS ASSOCIATION FMIC 2ND QUARTER 2023 19


Virginia Loggers Association


Virginia Senator Frank Ruff responded to the Virginia Loggers Association request to change the existing policy for uninsured motorists. Several VLA members experienced first-hand the serious consequences of their log truck drivers involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist who was responsible. These events result in the full responsibility for the medical and property expenses falling entirely on the business owner and their insurance company.

VLA board members met with Senator Ruff in 2021/2022 to discuss a variety of issues. We learned that Virginia was only one of two states with an uninsured motorist program. This program allows a vehicle owner to pay $500 and complete an uninsured motorist program form. After doing those two things, the driver can legally drive their vehicle without insurance. Senator Ruff rightfully believed this policy was unfair and everyone should pay their fair share.

Senate bill 951 was submitted to the 2023 Virginia legislature and passed with bipartisan support in both House of Delegates and Senate chambers. The bill is now at the Governor’s office, waiting for his decision. This bill repeals the option to register an uninsured motor vehicle upon payment of the uninsured motor vehicle fee of $500. The repeal has an effective date of July 1, 2024. The bill authorizes the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles

to continue registering uninsured vehicles from July 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024 but provides that all such registrations shall expire prior to July 1, 2024.

The Department of Budget & Planning found that a budget amendment would not be necessary. DPB found the legislation would eliminate the ability to register uninsured motor vehicles by paying the uninsured motor vehicle fee.

Fees from the registration of uninsured vehicles are deposited to the Uninsured Motorist Fund (Fund). The purpose of the Uninsured Motorist Fund is to reduce the cost of uninsured motorist insurance coverage. The State Corporation Commission distributes monies from the Fund among the insurers writing liability insurance on vehicles registered in Virginia. In addition to the uninsured motor vehicle fee, the Fund collects revenues from penalties and fees for noncompliance with Virginia’s financial responsibility laws. Of the $5.3 million transferred by the Department of Motor Vehicles to the Fund in FY 2022, approximately $650,000 was from the uninsured motor vehicle fee. DMV reported people complied with this program, but far more people chose not to register in the uninsured motor vehicle program and got caught.

Here are a few amazing statistics from the report covering July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.

- 604,356 vehicle owners were issued insurance verification and denied insurance notices, resulting in 219,636 orders of suspension.

- The average overall net order rate for DMV’s Insurance

- Verification Process was 36%.

The net order rate for each insurance verification process:

- Electronic Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Reporting 36%

- Law Enforcement Notification 73%

- Suspected Uninsured Crash Report & Citizen

- Information/Police Crash Reports 72%

- 4,473 motorists voluntarily paid the uninsured motor vehicle fee at the time of registration.

- 17,943 paid noncompliance fees in a one-time single payment after being issued orders of suspension.

VLA hopes the Governor will agree this policy needs to change now. Members, citizens, Forestry Mutual Insurance, and others will be great winners when Governor Youngkin signs SB 951 into law! In the future, VLA believes the next efforts will include increasing the minimum medical and property threshold levels now in the Code of Virginia.




The North Carolina Forestry Association (NCFA) is pleased to now be a state affiliate of the Forest Workforce Training Institute’s ForestryWorks program. ForestryWorks’ goal is to educate students, parents, and teachers about careers and job opportunities in the forest industry and provide interested individuals with resources to help them on their career path.

NCFA is bringing the Forest Worker Credential Program to North Carolina. This program prepares students for employment in forestry and was developed in collaboration with forest industry. Teachers are required to attend a professional development workshop to offer the program to students; and students are required to score 70% or higher on an exam to receive the credential. This program has achieved great success, teaching more than 7,500 students and training more than 230 educators since 2017.

In addition, NCFA’s education committee is collaborating with the North Carolina Future Farmers of America team to create a new high school forestry course for the North Carolina agricultural education program through North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction. The course will be developed in 2023, teacher training workshops will take place in the spring of 2024, and the course will be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year.

North Carolina Forestry Association


To provide the forestry community with high-quality insurance that emphasizes safety, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing while advocating for our forest resources’ sound use and management.



Truck Driver Safety Awareness Training

Classroom and/or on-site instruction

Company Safety Program & Written Procedures

New Employee Training Guide

Safety Policy & Rules

Forklift Safety Training

Lockout/Tagout Training

On-Site Safety Meetings

Supervisors Safety Training

Mock OSHA Inspections

Annual OSHA Required Training

Safety Policy and Rules

Lockout/Tagout Training

Logger Safety Workshops

Logging Equipment Familiarization

Storm Damage & Salvage Training

On-site Chainsaw Training

Overhead Hazards Training

Safety Alerts Weekly Text

FMIC Quarterly News Magazine

Safety Meeting Sheets (Quarterly)




Safety Meetings On-Site

Slip, Trips & Falls Training

Supervisor Safety Training

Fire Prevention (T.E.A.M.)

Forestry Mutual is more than an insurance company. We offer safety training and safety programs tailored to meet your specific needs. Our experienced loss control staff delivers your customized program in a hands-on personal approach to keep you and your employees safe and promote open discussion.




James "Jim" Fleetwood Shotwell, Jr.

March 11, 1942 - January 29, 2023

March 11, 1942 – January 29, 2023. James "Jim" Fleetwood Shotwell, Jr., of Murfreesboro, NC, passed away on January 29, 2023.

Jim was born to James Sr. and Anne Shotwell on March 11, 1942. He graduated from Bethel Hill High School and North Carolina State University, where he studied Forestry. He met the love of his life, Linda Moore Shotwell, in the summer of 1964, and they wed in 1967.

Upon graduation from NC State, Jim registered for the draft and joined the United States Army, where he proudly served as an 82nd Airborne Trooper. After serving in the Army, he accepted a position with Union Camp Paper Company in Franklin, Virginia, where he worked until he retired. Jim and Linda made their home in Murfreesboro and became integral to the community. Jim served with the Jaycees and St. Thomas Episcopal Church. By far, though, his favorite community involvement was serving as the public address announcer for the Hertford County Bears and Murfreesboro Raiders football teams for nearly forty years. Jim was a loving Dad, and Dado and a loyal friend. He loved the NC State Wolfpack and the NY Yankees. Jim raised generations of beautiful English Setters and quail-hunted with them at every chance. He was a fierce competitor on local softball and volleyball teams and an avid golfer. He was also the biggest fan of all of his grandchildren's endeavors.

Jim was a natural leader and supporter of the wood products industry. In November 1991, North Carolina Forestry Associations - Self Insurers Fund Board voted to add Jim. Jim remained a dedicated member until his retirement on May 7, 2008. Keith Biggs presented a plaque and a $500 Gift Card from Bass Pro-Shops to Jim Shotwell, who has served as a member of the Forestry Mutual Board of Directors for 16 years. He commented "finding a more respected and admired individual than Jim Shotwell would be hard." Jim was a "straight shooter in his questions and praise." Mr. Biggs thanked him for his many years of dedication to our organization. Mr. Shotwell stated, "Forestry Mutual had done a lot for the industry, and that's why he has served on our Board."

In addition to his parents, Jim is preceded in death by his wife, Linda, and his granddaughter, Jenna Leigh Sanders. Jim is survived by his daughters, Elizabeth Sanders of Wilmington and Beverly Rogers of Apex; his sons-in-law, Todd Sanders, and Pat Rogers; his grandchildren, Emily and Caroline Sanders; and Gentry and Patrick Rogers. He is also survived by his siblings, Nicky Shotwell, Don Shotwell, Marcia Slaughter, and Susan Buchanan, brother-in-law, Jim Slaughter, and his beloved nieces and nephews. Jim's life was celebrated on February 25 at St. Thomas Episcopal Church at 424 Church Street, Ahoskie, NC.

Jim's contribution to the growth and success of Forestry Mutual as a Board Member will be felt for generations to come. We wish the Shotwell family our deepest sympathies and thank them for sharing him with our family for many years.


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